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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The investigation of different levels of vitamin A and its effects on animal performance, carcass traits, and the conversion rate of external fat color in cull-cows.

Parkinson, Jake T. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Relations spatiales entre les ressources biophysiques et les dynamiques d’occupation du sol du front pionnier en Amazonie orientale / Spatial relationships between biophysical resources and pioneer front dynamics in the Eastern Amazon

Osis, Reinis 18 November 2019 (has links)
L’Amazonie est soumise depuis plusieurs décennies à un changement rapide d’occupation du sol du fait de la déforestation, l’installation de systèmes de production agricole, notamment l’élevage bovin et plus récemment le soja. L’un des défis majeurs est de mieux comprendre la dynamique spatiale de ces processus et ses déterminants. Avec la réduction de la déforestation et l’évolution agraire sur les fronts pionniers, les ressources et contraintes naturelles semblent gagner en importance dans les choix opérés par les agriculteurs. L'objectif de la présente recherche est d'évaluer le rôle des facteurs biophysiques dans la dynamique de l’occupation du sol depuis 2000 et d’anticiper sur des futurs possibles dans un territoire amazonien d’ancien front pionnier, aujourd’hui consolidé, la municipalité de Paragominas. Nous avons mis en œuvre un modèle spatialement explicite, afin d’identifier la distribution spatiale des processus de changement en relation avec différents facteurs. Des entretiens réalisés avec des producteurs explicitent les logiques sous-jacentes. Les résultats montrent qu'il y a différentes logiques d'usage des ressources biophysiques, qui varient selon les types de production, la taille des exploitations, la distance aux routes et villages, et la distribution spatiale des ressources biophysiques dans l'exploitation. Elles évoluent au fil du temps, en fonction des productions et des avancées technologiques, et sont organisées dans l'espace. La mise en évidence de ces relations spatiales constitue une avancée significative pour représenter l'évolution de l’ usage des sols et constituer un appui dans la définition de politiques de développement territorial. / The Amazon has been subject to a rapid change in land use due to deforestation for several decades and more recently to the expansion of annual crops like soybeans. One of the major challenges is to understand better the spatial dynamics of these processes and its determinants. With the reduction of deforestation and the consolidation of pioneer fronts, natural resources and constraints seem to be gaining in importance in farmers' choices. The objective of this research was to assess the role of biophysical factors in land use dynamics since 2000 and to anticipate possible futures in a consolidated Amazonian pioneer frontier, the municipality of Paragominas. We implemented a spatially explicit model to identify the spatial distribution of change processes in relation to different factors. Interviews with farmers explain the underlying strategy. The results show different strategies for the use of biophysical resources according to the types of production, the size of the farms, the distance to roads and villages and the spatial distribution of biophysical resources in the farm. The strategies evolve over time, in relation to production and technological advances, and are organized in space. A better understanding of the importance of biophysical resources on the evolution of pioneer fronts through this type of method could provide support for land-use policies.

Comparative evaluation of different extenders of bull semen stored under different conditions

Raseona, Andrea Motswetla 16 July 2015 (has links)
MSCAGR / Department of Animal Science / Preservation of semen is an important process to ensure that semen quality is sufficient for use in assisted reproductive technologies. This study evaluated the effectiveness of three different extenders to preserve bull semen stored under different conditions, as an alternative to frozen-thawed semen straws used for artificial insemination. Semen samples were collected from two Nguni bulls using an electro-ejaculator and transported to the laboratory at 37 °C for evaluation. Pooled semen was first aliquoted into three extenders namely Triladyl, Ham’s F10 and M199 at a dilution ratio of 1:4 (semen:extender), and then stored at controlled room temperature 24 °C. Secondly pooled semen was aliquoted into four groups of Ham’s F10 extender and diluted at a ratio of 1:4, then stored at 24 °C, 17 °C, 12 °C and 5 °C respectively. Sperm motility rates were analysed after 0, 24, 48 and 72 hours. Morphology, viability and sperm DNA fragmentation were analysed after 72 hours. The study was replicated four times and data was analysed by ANOVA. Triladyl had higher sperm viability rate and total motility rate for 72 hours (P<0.01). However, Ham’s F10 had higher progressive motility rate as compared to the other extenders. There was no significant difference (P<0.01), in the viability rate between Ham’s F10 and M199. No significant difference was also observed in total sperm abnormalities (absent tails, coiled tails and bent tails), except for reacted acrosomes (P>0.05), between the two Nguni bulls. Lower temperatures than 24 °C influenced sperm motility and viability in Ham’s F10. There was no significant difference in sperm DNA fragmentation rates (P<0.01), between all the four storage temperatures which indicated that temperature did not have an influence on sperm DNA fragmentation. In conclusion, bull semen can be preserved in Triladyl or Ham’s F10 and M199 culture media stored at 24 °C and stay alive for 72 hours. Triladyl proved to be the best suitable extender showing higher sperm viability and total motility rates as compared to Ham’s F10 and M199. Lower temperatures than 24 °C noticeably decreased sperm motility and viability in Ham’s F10 culture medium.

Effects of ovulation-inducing drugs on pregnancy rates of cattle in rural areas after synchronized oestrus and artificial insemination

Nethengwe, Luvhengo Dakalo 12 February 2016 (has links)
Institute for Rural Development / MRDV

Ecology and diet of the caracal (Caracal caracal) on lethal and non-lethal control farms in the Karoo

Jooste, Erin Cecilia January 2020 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / Human-wildlife conflict is an ongoing issue worldwide. Within South Africa, human-carnivore conflict (HCC) as a result of carnivore depredation on small-livestock causes large-scale losses, and promotes the use of predator management tools by farmers. Despite being one of the major offenders involved in HCC, caracals, and their ecology in particular, are understudied. This is mainly due to high levels of persecution, coupled with their elusive nature. Within the Karoo region of South Africa, pastoralists make use of large-scale lethal predator controls in an attempt to remove the offenders, or non-lethal predator controls to protect livestock and deter predators. However, the effects of these various predator control techniques on caracal ecology have not been widely tested. Therefore, the aims of this thesis were, firstly, to assess caracal diet on lethal and non-lethal treatment farms in the Karoo; secondly, to investigate the drivers of caracal habitat selection on a non-lethal farm in the Karoo; and finally, to evaluate caracal activity patterns on the non-lethal farm. To do this, I made use of two non-invasive techniques (i.e. scat analysis and camera trapping). Caracals appeared to favour natural prey across all sites, with livestock remains only found in scats collected at the lethal treatment farm. Caracals had the broadest dietary breadth on the non-lethal treatment site, and the narrowest on the lethal treatment site. The main components of caracal diet included small mammals, lagomorphs, rock hyraxes (Procavia capensis), wild ungulates and arthropods. Caracal habitat selection was explained by resource dispersion and environmental features Interestingly, the presence of livestock was not a major consideration in caracal habitat selection. Caracals were mainly nocturnal but became increasingly crepuscular during winter. In addition, caracal activity overlapped significantly with black-backed jackals (Canis mesomelas), lagomorphs and common duikers (Sylvicapra grimmia). Caracals showed plasticity in their activity patterns based on seasonal temperature fluctuations, and partially human avoidance. This study contributes to understanding how caracal ecology differs on differently managed livestock farms. Throughout this study, the importance of both a natural prey base, as well as natural lands to caracal survival have been revealed. These findings can contribute to caracal conservation in HCC areas.

A statistical approach to understand Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever prevalence in Pakistan

Karim, Abdul January 2020 (has links)
Geographically, Pakistan is in the western part of south Asia at about 24-37 °N latitudes and62-75 °E longitudes. Livestock and agriculture are two major sectors in Pakistan and play animportant role in the country economy.The tick infestation in livestock is not only devastating for animals and their products but alsobecome the cause of transmission of pathogens into humans. Crimean Congo fever (CCHF) isa viral tick-borne fatal disease. The dissemination of ticks and amplification of Crimean Congofever (CCHF) pathogen throughout the tick-animals-tick cycle, increases risk of transmissionto humans many times. In Pakistan, cases are reported in all areas, particularly those areaswhich lie on the border to CCHF endemic countries. There is a high prevalence of CCHF inboth Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa regions. Baluchistan is bordering with Afghanistanand Iran and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa with Afghanistan. Linear regression analysis revealed apositive significant association of high level of CCHF cases in livestock, with camels, goatsand sheep. The literacy rate is negatively significantly corelated with the numbers of cases.Statistical analysis of border effect revealed a high positive significant correlation of CCHFprevalence in areas near to borders. Both Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) haslow literacy rate than other regions of Pakistan. Islamabad (capital city) has a higher literacyrate than all other regions but there is still a high CCHF prevalence. This is not only becauseof high population density but people from other regions, particularly from Baluchistan andKPK come here for animals selling or to seeking medical facilities in the large city hospitals.The study gives a proof that illiteracy and borders are the major respondent factors in theCCHF incidences and prevalence in an area. There is a need to raise awareness about ticksand tick-borne disease in the public and establishment of monitoring system across the bordersto prevent the spread of CCHF virus.

Produtividade de forragem do milho em função de atributos físicos de um latossolo vermelho distrófico sob plantio direto /

Lima, Ronaldo Cintra. January 2007 (has links)
Resumo: A cultura do milho apresenta sistema radicular com alto potencial de desenvolvimento. Assim sendo, os atributos físicos do solo são de extrema importância à sua produtividade, uma vez que em condições adversas podem dificultar a penetração das raízes, e conseqüentemente limitar o adequado aproveitamento dos nutrientes e da água disponível. No ano de 2005, na Fazenda Bonança (Agropecuária Dahma), município de Pereira Barreto (SP), Brasil (20o40'12'' latitude S; 51o01'50'' longitude W), foi instalado o presente ensaio em uma área irrigada por pivô central e manejada no sistema de integração agricultura-pecuária, com plantio direto de milho sobre brachiária. Os atributos analisados foram: produtividade de forragem do milho (MSF), macroporosidade (MA), microporosidade (MI), porosidade total (PT), densidade (DS), resistência à penetração (RP) e umidade gravimétrica (UG) de um Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico (Acrustox Háplico), nas profundidades 1 (0-0,10 m), 2 (0,10- 0,20 m) e 3 (0,20-0,30 m). O objetivo foi estudar a variabilidade e as correlações lineares e espaciais entre os atributos da planta e do solo, visando selecionar um indicador da qualidade física do solo de boa representatividade para a produtividade da forragem. Foi instalada a malha geoestatística para a coleta dos dados do solo e da planta, contendo 125 pontos amostrais, numa área de 2500 m2 e declive homogêneo de 0,025 m/m. No geral, os atributos estudados, além de não terem revelado distribuição aleatória, apresentaram variabilidade entre baixa e muito alta. Seguiram padrões espaciais claramente definidos, com alcances da dependência espacial entre 6,6 e 31,1 metros. Assim, o maior alcance que poderá assegurar extrema semelhança em magnitude para qualquer atributo estudado, e que poderá alimentar os pacotes computacionais direcionados à ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Corn crops have great potential of root development. Therefore, the physical soil features are of great importance to the crops yields, as the unfavorable conditions may hinder root penetration and, thus, limit the nutrient and available water uptake. This experiment was established in 2005, on Bonança Farm (Dahma Agrarian), in Pereira Barreto (SP), Brasil (20°40'12'' latitude S; 51°01'50'' longitude W), in an area which was irrigated with centerpivot and managed according to the crop-livestock integration system, with corn under the notillage on Brachiaria. The analyzed characteristics were: corn forage yield (CFY), macroporosity (MA), microporosity (MI), total porosity (TP), density (SD), penetration resistance (PR) and gravimetric moisture (GM) of a Typic Hapludox in the depths of 1 (0- 0.10 m), 2 (0.10-0.20 m) and 3 (0.20-0.30 m). The objective was to study the variability and the linear and spatial correlations between the plant and the soil features, aiming at selecting an indicator for the physical quality of the soil which represents forage yield. A geostatistical mesh was installed for data collecting regarding the soil and the plant, with 125 sampling stations, in an area of 2500 m2 and homogeneous slope of 0.025 m/m. On the whole, the evaluated features, besides not showing random distribution, showed variability between low and very high. Spatial patterns which were clearly defined with the ranges of spatial dependence between 6.6 and 31.1 m have been followed. Therefore, the greatest range which can assure extreme magnitude similarity for any of the studied features, and which will be able to feed the software designed for precision farming, must be of 31.1 m. Despite the fact that the simple linear correlation between CFY and MI2 was low, it was extremely significant. However, from the spatial point of view, there has been high inverse correlation...(Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: Luiz Malcolm Mano de Mello / Coorientador: Morel de Passos e Carvalho / Banca: Marcelo Andreotti / Banca: Rubens Siqueira / Mestre

Impact of Metabolic Stress, Microbiome, and Lymph Node Colonization on <i>Salmonella</i> Shedding in Dairy Cattle

Munoz Vargas, Lohendy M. 11 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture : Opportunities and Challenges

Casten Carlberg, Carl Johan, Jerhamre, Elsa January 2021 (has links)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly used in different parts of society for providing decision support in various activities. The agricultural sector is anticipated to benefit from an increased usage of AI and smart devices, a concept called smart farming technologies. Since the agricultural sector faces several simultaneous challenges, such as shrinking marginals, complicated pan-European regulations, and demands to mitigate the environmental footprint, there are great expectations that smart farming will benefit both individual farmers and industry stakeholders. However, most previous research focuses only on a small set of characteristics for implementing and optimising specific smart farming technologies, without considering all possible aspects and effects. This thesis investigates both technical and non-technical opportunities and hurdles when implementing AI in Swedish agricultural businesses. Three sectors in agriculture are scrutinized: arable farming, milk production and beef production. As a foundation for the thesis, a literature review revises former research on smart farming. Thereafter, an interview study with 27 respondents both explores the susceptibility and maturity of smart farming technologies and provides examples of technical requirements of three chosen applications of AI in agriculture. Findings of the study include a diverse set of aspects that both enable and obstruct the transition. Main identified opportunities are the importance smart farming has on the strategic agendas of several industry stakeholders, the general trend towards software technology as a service through shared machinery, the vast amount of existing data, and the large interest from farmers towards new technology. Contrasting, the thesis identifies main hurdles as technical and legislative challenges to data ownership, potential cybersecurity threats, the need for a well-articulated business case, and the sometimes lacking technical knowledge within the sector. The thesis concludes that the macro trend points towards a smart farming transition but that the speed of the transformation will depend on the resolutions for the identified obstacles.

A pecuária sob a ótica do desenvolvimento sustentável e da vedação constitucional da crueldade : um estudo dos casos da exportação de animais vivos e Operação Carne Fraca /

Paccagnella, Amanda Formisano January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Elisabete Maniglia / Resumo: A pecuária representa uma das indústrias mais ambientalmente degradantes que existem. No entanto, possuidora de forte poder político enraizado na herança agrária brasileira, a atividade resiste a mudanças e busca constante expansão, com apoio do Poder Público, que não procura implementar políticas públicas mitigadoras de danos. Neste ínterim, o movimento pela consideração dos animais como sujeitos de direitos apenas cresce, e as denúncias de crueldade para com os animais se multiplicam. Em face de denúncias preocupantes por parte de agências internacionais quanto à crise ambiental, o presente trabalho busca investigar se a pecuária efetivamente atinge os objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável, respeitando a vedação constitucional da crueldade para com animais. Para ilustrar o debate, foram realizados dois estudos de caso: o primeiro referente à exportação de animais vivos por via marítima e o segundo relativo à Operação Carne Fraca, que expôs uma organização criminosa em torno da adulteração de alimentos e fraudes no processo de segurança sanitária. Para tal, este trabalho se valeu dos métodos de abordagem indutivo e dedutivo, e elegeu como principal método de procedimento o histórico-evolutivo, acompanhando a evolução da moral e da legislação quanto ao meio ambiente, à agropecuária e aos animais. Foram realizadas pesquisas bibliográficas e documentais, com base em material nacional e internacional, e na legislação brasileira correlata. Quanto aos estudos de caso, foram ana... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Livestock represents one of the most environmentally degrading industries in the world. However, with its political power deriving from Brazil’s agrarian heritage, the industry resists change and seeks constant expansion, with support from Government, which doesn’t seek to implement mitigating public policies. Meanwhile, the movement for the consideration of animals as rights holders grows, and reports of animal cruelty in the sector only increase. In light of worrisome data released by international agencies, this dissertation seeks to investigate wether the livestock industry really contibutes to sustainable development, respecting the prohibition of animal cruelty. In order to illustrate the debate, two case studies were done: the first one regarding live export ships and the second one in relation to Operation “Carne Fraca”, which exposed a criminal organization around the adulteration of foods and fraud in the process of health security. In order to achieve those goals, this paper has utilized inductive and deductive methods, and elected as main procedural method the historic-evolutionary analysis, following moral and legislative evolution in regards to the environment and animals. Bibliographic and documentary research took place, based on national and international material, and brazilian legislation. As for the case studies, inquiries and lawsuits were analyzies, in order to illustrate the theoretical debate. It was concluded that livestock has mainly negative effects... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

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