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Monthly Average Prices of Cattle at Fort Worth, 1951-1952, With Some Consideration of Factors Involved in the 1952 Price DropBaker, Henry Grady 06 1900 (has links)
This report consists of a presentation of prices paid for the various classifications and grades of cattle sold in the Fort Worth Livestock Market during 1952; a comparison of 1951-1952 prices showing a sharp decline in the price of all grades and classifications which began in June of 1952; and an examination of some of the major factors contributing to the decline in cattle prices as reflected in the Livestock Market, Fort Worth, Texas. From a study of cattle prices that prevailed in the Fort Worth market during 1951 and 1952, and a consideration of some of the factors contributing thereto, the following conclusions are drawn: First, prices of all grades of cattle soared to unusually high levels during 1951, thereby accentuating the drop in price which occurred in the latter part of 1952. Second, the withholding of cattle from slaughter, during a cattle build-up process, rather than a scarcity of cattle in this country was primarily responsible for extremely high prices in 1951. Third, cattle production in this country has progressed in cycles of eight to ten years duration of each; the period under consideration was on the build-up side of the present cycle which began in 1949; and prices for 1951 and 1952 were definitely affected by cyclical influences.
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Sex determination and interspecies hybridization in zebrafish <i>Danio rerio</i> and pearl danio <i>D. albolineatus</i>Delomas, Thomas Allin 17 September 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Human and livestock faecal biomarkers at the prehistorical encampment site of Ullafelsen in the Fotsch Valley, Stubai Alps, Austria – potential and limitationsLerch, Marcel, Bromm, Tobias, Geitner, Clemens, Haas, Jean Nicolas, Schäfer, Dieter, Glaser, Bruno, Zech, Michael 30 May 2024 (has links)
The Ullafelsen at 1869 m above sea level (a.s.l.) in the Tyrolean Stubai Alps next to Innsbruck is an important (geo)archeological reference site for the Mesolithic period. Buried fireplaces on the Ullafelsen plateau were dated at 10.9 to 9.5 ka cal BP and demonstrate together with thousands of flint stone artifacts the presence of hunter-gatherers during the Early Holocene. Grazing livestock has been a predominant anthropozoological impact in the Fotsch Valley presumably since the Bronze Age (4.2–2.8 ka). In order to study the human and/or livestock faeces input on the Ullafelsen, we carried out steroid analyses on 2 modern ruminant faeces samples from cattle and sheep, 37 soil samples from seven archeological soil profiles, and 9 soil samples from five non-archeological soil profiles from the Fotsch Valley used as reference sites. The dominance of 5β-stigmastanol and deoxycholic acid in modern cattle and sheep faeces can be used as markers for the input of ruminant faeces in soils. The OAh horizons, which have accumulated and developed since the Mesolithic, revealed high contents of steroids (sterols, stanols, stanones and bile acids); the eluvial light layer (E (LL)) horizon coinciding with the Mesolithic living floor is characterized by medium contents of steroids. By contrast, the subsoil horizons Bh, Bs and BvCv contain low contents of faecal biomarkers, indicating that leaching of steroids into the podsolic subsoils is not an important factor. High content of 5β-stigmastanol and deoxycholic acid in all soil samples gives evidence for faeces input of ruminants. The steroid patterns and ratios indicate a negligible input of human faeces on the Ullafelsen. In conclusion, our results reflect a strong faeces input by livestock, rather than by humans as found for other Anthrosols such as Amazonian dark earths. Further studies need to focus on the question of the exact timing of faeces deposition.
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Évaluation et comparaison de pistolets-percuteurs à tige pénétrante de faible coût pour l’euthanasie des bovinsFrazer, Stephen 02 1900 (has links)
Les données sur l’évaluation des pistolets-percuteurs à tige pénétrante (PPTP) peu coûteux utilisés pour l’euthanasie des bovins à la ferme sont peu nombreuses. Cette étude compare la profondeur de pénétration (PP) entre trois PPTP : le Blitz Kerner (BK), le Jarvis BA-BOOM (JB) et le Matador SS3000 (MS). La PP de 7 tirs dans la gélatine balistique 20% et de 10 tirs dans des têtes cadavériques bovines (6 à 111 mois) par pistolet-percuteur a été mesurée avec un pied à coulisse électronique et par tomodensitométrie respectivement. Dans les deux expériences, la charge de la cartouche a été mesurée et comparée. Pour la première étude, la PP du JB dans la gélatine (6,7 ± 0,7 cm) était plus profonde que celle du MS (6,4 ± 0,1 cm ; p = 0,026) et celle du BK (3,3 ± 0,5 cm ; p < 0,001), et la PP du MS était plus profonde que celle du BK (p < 0,001 ; Kruskal-Wallis). Dans les têtes cadavériques, tous les tirs ont perforé le crâne et causé des lésions cérébrales. Le MS avaient une PP plus profonde (8,6 ± 0,6 cm) que le JB (7,8 ± 0,7 cm ; p = 0,016) et le BK (7,1 ± 0,5 cm ; p < 0,0001), et le JB pénétraient plus profondément que le BK (p = 0,048 ; ANOVA). Cette étude suggère que les PPTP avec une énergie cinétique rapportée plus élevée (JB et MS) perforent plus profondément et ont donc une PP plus élevée. Il indique également que les trois PPTP sont capables de perforer le crâne du bovin et de provoquer des dommages consistants avec une perte de conscience ; cependant, des études in vivo sont nécessaires pour le confirmer. / Studies evaluating low-cost penetrating captive-bolt devices (PCBs) used for cattle euthanasia on farm are lacking. This study compares penetration depth (PD) between three low-cost PCBs: the Blitz Kerner (BK), Jarvis BA-BOOM (JB), and Matador SS3000 (MS). PD of 7 shots in 20% ballistic gelatin and 10 in bovine cadaveric heads (6-111 months) per PCB was measured with an electronic caliper and by computed tomography respectively. In both experiments, cartridge load was measured and compared between models. In the first experiment, the JB’s PD in gelatin (6.7 ± 0.7 cm) was deeper than the MS’s (6.4 ± 0.1 cm; p = 0.026) and BK’s (3.3 ± 0.5 cm; p < 0.001), and the MS’s PD was deeper than the BK’s (p < 0.001; Kruskal-Wallis). In the cadaveric heads, all shots perforated the skull and caused brain lesions. The MS had a deeper PD (8.6 ± 0.6 cm) than the JB (7.8 ± 0.7 cm; p = 0.016) and BK (7.1 ± 0.5 cm; p < 0.0001), and the JB penetrated deeper than the BK (p = 0.048; ANOVA). This study indicates that PCBs with higher reported kinetic energy (JB and MS) appear to have higher penetrating power and therefore have a higher PD. It also indicates that all three PCBs are capable of perforating the bovine skull and causing brain damage consistent with unconsciousness; however, in vivo studies are required to confirm.
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Livestock theft : a criminological assessment and sample-specific profile of the perpetratorsDoorewaard, Cecili 01 1900 (has links)
This qualitative research and case study analysis resulted from the dearth of information on livestock theft and the livestock theft perpetrators. The purpose of this study was to explore, describe and explain the criminal behaviour associated with livestock theft from a criminological point of view by compiling a sample-specific profile of the perpetrators. Interviews were conducted with 35 offenders, 28 case dockets were analysed and additional interviews were conducted with the SAPS STU members and victims to determine the modus operandi, motives and causes of the crimes. Criminological theories were applied to explain the offending behaviour. The findings of this study revealed that the livestock theft perpetrators come from diverse backgrounds regarding age, qualification status and socio-economic class. Their crimes were of an organised nature and the motives and causes revealed that financial intent was the main driving factor of the behind the thefts. / Dinyakisiso tsa boleng le tshekatsheko ya dinyakisiso tsa tiragalo di feleleditse ka tlhokego ya tshedimoso ka ga bohodu bja leruo le basenyi ba bohodu bja leruo. Maikemisetso a dinyakisiso tse e bile go utolla, go hlatholla le go hlalosa maitshwaro a bosenyi a go amana le bohudu bja leruo go ya ka lehlakore la tsa bosenyi ka go ngwala phrofaele ya mabapi le sampole ya mahodu a leruo. Dipoledisano di swerwe le basenyi ba 35, ditokete tsa melato di ile tsa sekasekwa gomme dipoledisano tsa tlaleletso di ile tsa swarwa le maloko a Lekala la Maphodisa leo le somago ka Bohodu bja Leruo le batswasehlabelo ka nepo ya go tseba mokgwa wo o somiswago ka bohodung bja leruo, maikemisetso le tseo di bakago bosenyi. Diteori ka ga dithuto tsa bosenyi di ile tsa diriswa go hlalosa maitshwaro a tshenyo. Dikutollo tsa dinyakisiso di utollotse gore basenyi ba bohodu bja leruo ba tswa maemong ao a fapanego mabapi le mengwaga, maemo a tsa thuto le maemo a ekonomi ya setshaba. Bosenyi bja bona ke bjo bo rulagantswego gomme maikemisetso le dilo tseo di bakago bosenyi di utollotse gore maikemisetso a tsa ditshelete, bojato, go iphedisa, tlhokego ya mesomo, boipuseletso, kgatelelo ya sethaka, maemo a setshabeng le tshomisobosaedi ya diokobatsi e bile dilo tse kgolo tseo di bakago bohodu. / Uhlaziyo locwaningo lwe-qualitative kanye ne-case study luvezwe wumphumela wokusweleka kolwazi ngokuntshontshwa kwemfuyo kanye nalabo abantshontsha imfuyo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo ukuhlola, ukucacisa kanye nokuchaza ukuziphatha kobugebengu obuhambisana nokuntshontshwa kwemfuyo, ngokulandela izifundo zezobugebengu ngokwenza uhlaka olulula lohlobo lwalabo abenza lobu bugebengu. Kwenziwe izingxoxo zama-interview nabenzi bubugebengu abangu 35, kwahlaziywa namadokethi amacala kwabuye kwenziwa ama-interview namalunga ezamaphoyisa abhekene nokuntshontshwa kwemfuyo abe-Stock Theft Unit kanye nalabo abangamaxhoba okuntshontshelwa imfuyo, ukuthola indlela okusetshenzwa ngayo, isisusa kanye nembangela yobugebengu. Amathiyori ezifundo ngobugebengu asethenziswe ukuchaza indlela yokuziphatha kobugebengu. Okutholakele kucwaningo kuveze ukuthi izigebengu ezintshontsha imfuyo zivela emikhakheni ehlukene, maqondana neminyaka yobudala, izinga lemfundo kanye nesimo sezomnotho emphakathini. Ubugebengu yinhlobo yobugebengu obuhleliwe, kanti izisusa nezimbangela zikhombise inhloso yezezimali, ubugovu, ukuzama ukuziphilisa, ukusweleka kwemisebenzi, impindiselo, ingcindezelo ngontanga, isimo emphakathini kanye nokusetshenziswa kwezidakamizwa ngezinye zezinto ezingumfutho obangela lokhu kuntshontshwa kwemfuyo. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminology)
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Socio-economic factors that affect livestock numbers : a case study of smallholder cattle and sheep farmers in the Free State province of South AfricaOgunkoya, Folasade Temitope 05 1900 (has links)
The study was conducted across the four district municipalities in the Free State province of South Africa. The objective of the study was to determine socio-economic factors that affected livestock numbers among smallholder cattle and sheep farmers in the Free State province of South Africa. The research was qualitative and quantitative in nature. Proportionate random sampling method was used to collect data. The population comprised of smallholder cattle and sheep farmers that kept at least 30 livestock. Data between the 2008 and 2012 farming seasons were collected by administering well-structured questionnaires to 250 smallholder cattle and sheep farmers. Data collected were captured and analysed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 22 of 2013) to obtain frequency, cross-tabulation, descriptive statistics and ordinary least square (OLS) regression. Descriptive statistics results indicated that lack of camp systems, drought prevalence, increased feed costs, poor veterinary interventions, insufficient breeding stock, high cost of fuel and transportation, lack of equipment, diseases, stock theft and pilfering, and insufficient grazing land were the prevalent factors that affected cattle and sheep farming in the province.The OLS regression results indicated that the variables that significantly affected livestock numbers were district, household size, livestock numbers in 2008, planted pastures, grazing land condition, grazing land acquisition, service, advice / training, veterinary services, purchase of dosing products and sales per year. The results also indicated that the majority (96.8%) of the smallholder cattle and sheep farmers would like to increase their livestock numbers. It was therefore recommended that extension and veterinary services should be strengthened in the study area. In addition, it was recommended that smallholder livestock farmers should be encouraged to plant pastures to reduce pressure on the natural veld and make forage available throughout the year. Lastly, as a recommendation, government should provide subsidies with distribution policies that will ensure that all smallholder livestock farmers can benefit. / Agriculture and Animal Health / M. Sc. (Agriculture)
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Marketing information needs of smallholder livestock farmers in the Moretele area in the Bojanala Platinum District Municipality of the North West ProvinceNtshephe, Lulama 27 March 2013 (has links)
The smallholder livestock farmer in South Africa is in a difficult position, not only grappling with a changing global environment, but at the local front, without access to domestic markets. This is due to very limited knowledge of buyer requirements emanating from lack of marketing information. This limits adequate access to livestock markets by smallholder farmers in South Africa and more specifically in the Moretele area of the North West Province, resulting in limited growth and less disposable income. Some of the problems facing the smallholder livestock farmer are a lack of understanding of buyer requirements regarding livestock product characteristics, industry price determination processes, alternative marketing channels and how to promote livestock. Empowerment and equitable access to markets by these farmers can only be realised when knowledge is disseminated and training and capacity building is enhanced. It is especially an understanding of what the market requires, how price determination occurs and how marketing channels and promotional tools are used in the livestock industry that is lacking. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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The Seoul of cats and dogs : a trans-species ethnography of animal cruelty and animal welfare in contemporary KoreaDugnoille, Julien January 2015 (has links)
Based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in Seoul from July 2012 until July 2013, this dissertation offers a novel perspective on human-animal interactions and public discourses regarding livestock versus pet moral boundaries in contemporary Korea. I aim to explore how Koreans struggle to make sense of the tension between the emergence of animal welfare and the perpetuation of traditional health behaviours that involve animal processing. The focus will be on why participants in my study, whether activists or not, defended both animal ethics and cat and dog meat consumption, while including Korean animals in fluid and instrumental conceptions of Koreanness. I have analysed a variety of discourses produced by both Korean and non-Korean, academic and non-academic stakeholders, in order to reveal the on-going tension between these powerful ubiquitous ideas and the lived experience of Koreans today. Moreover, I examine how the aesthetics of cruelty and empathy is employed in order to singularize livestock into companion animals thereby transgressing cultural taboos regarding Western ethics of species separation. I also demonstrate that converging and conflicting economic, political, social and cultural agendas are responsible for making Korea’s public discourses about animal welfare very unsettled. My research thus contributes to key anthropological debates about the cross-cultural circulation and cross-fertilisation of moral values that impact the ethics of post-industrial human-animal interactions; and about the influence of policy dialogue, at both national and international levels, on applied animal ethics, cultural stigmatization and the reinforcement of national sentiment.
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Caractérisation des espaces et pratiques de conservation dans les systèmes de production familiale en Colombie : quelles contributions pour la conservation des paysages? / Characterization of spaces and conservation practices of family production systems in Colombia : which contributions to landscape conservation? / Caracterización de espacios y prácticas de conservación en sistemas de producción familiar rural en Colombia : contribuciones para la conservación de paisajes ?Corrales Roa, Elcy 28 September 2012 (has links)
La recherche vise à établir si les modes de gestion des ressources naturelles et sociales des producteurs familiaux, dont les exploitations sont majoritairement de petite taille, ont pu contribuer à la construction de systèmes de production et de paysages durables. Quelles stratégies ces paysans mettent-ils en œuvre pour garantir les conditions de production de leurs fermes, de reproduction de leurs familles, et de conservation des ressources naturelles ? Ensuite, peut-on découvrir dans ces stratégies des pistes pour la conception de systèmes durables ? Notre étude a été menée dans une zone tropicale des Andes du nord située en territoire colombien, sur les communes de Riosucio et Supia, département du Caldas. Lors de la crise du café (années 1990), les producteurs vont réagir de manières diverses. Une réaction particulièrement intéressante, que nous analysons en profondeur, est la proposition de l'Association des producteurs indigènes et paysans de Riosucio et Supia, ASPROINCA : recomposition des systèmes productifs, recherche de la durabilité par une diversification des stratégies fondées sur une approche agro-écologique et une gestion intégrée des systèmes productifs, et renforcement du capital social et humain. Au-delà des unités d'exploitation, la proposition est élargie à l'espace du micro-bassin et au paysage régional, ce qui implique la coexistence avec d'autres formes de production, la conclusion d'accords sur la gestion des ressources d'usage commun, en particulier l'eau, et la mise en œuvre de pratiques partagées pour leur conservation. / The research aims to establish how the modes of management of natural and social resources of family farmers whose holdings are generally small, have contributed to the construction of sustainable production systems and landscapes.Which are the strategies developed these producers to guarantee the production and reproduction conditions of their farms, their families, and conservation of natural resources? And, is it possible to discover in these strategies, elements for the design of sustainable systems? Our study was carried out in a tropical zone of the Northern Andes, located in Colombia in the municipalities of Riosucio, Supia, Department of Caldas. During the crisis of the late 1980s and early 1990s coffee producers reacted in various ways. A particularly interesting reaction, we looked at a depth is the proposal of the Association of indigenous and peasant producers of Riosucio, Supia ASPROINCA: re-arrangement of productive systems, pursuit of sustainability through diversification of strategies supported in an agro ecological approach , integrated management of production systems, and the strengthening of human and social capitals. Sustainability building of production systems and landscapes implies a multiplicity of relations between social and ecological processes at different temporal and spatial scales. Beyond farm units, Asproinca proposal expands to the watershed and regional landscape, this implies the coexistence with other forms of production, the search for agreements for the management of common pool resources, in particular water, and the implementation of conservation practices at those levels. / La investigación busca establecer si las formas de gestión de los recursos naturales y sociales de los pequeños productores familiares, han podido contribuir a la construcción de sistemas de producción y de paisajes sostenibles. ¿Qué estrategias son las que desarrollan estos productores para garantizar las condiciones de producción de sus fincas, la reproducción de sus familias y la conservación de los recursos naturales empleados? ¿Es posible descubrir en estas estrategias pistas para el diseño de sistemas sostenibles? Nuestro estudio se desarrolló en la zona tropical de los Andes del Norte situada en territorio Colombiano, en los municipios de Riosucio y Supía en el Departamento de Caldas. Durante la crisis de los mercados cafeteros (de los años 1990), los productores van a reaccionar de maneras diversas. Una reacción particularmente interesante, que analizamos a profundidad, es la propuesta de la Asociación de Productores Indígenas y Campesions de Riosucio y Supía (ASPROINCA): que involucra la recomposición de sistemas productivos, la búsqueda de la sostenibilidad a partir de la diversificación de estrategias apoyadas en un enfoque agroecológico y una gestión integrada de los sistemas productivos, así como del fortalecimiento del capital social y humano. Más allá de las unidades de producción familiares, la propuesta se amplía al espacio de la micro cuenca y al paisaje regional, lo cual implica la coexistencia con otras formas de producción, el establecimiento de acuerdos sobre la gestión de recursos de uso común, en particular del agua, y la puesta en marcha de prácticas de conservación para la conservación de esto recurso.
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Rangeland management practices among emerging livestock farmers in Gauteng province, South AfricaLetsoalo, Ngoako Lucas 01 1900 (has links)
In South Africa, communal and/or emerging farmers’ rangeland condition and grazing capacities deteriorate, because grazing capacity is usually over-estimated due to lack of knowledge on veld and livestock production system by the farmers. Woody plants has encroached in the arid and semi-arid savannas and grasslands biomes many parts of world, including in southern Africa. This causes challenges to farm owners due to its negative effects on the herbaceous plant material, which offers a substantial part of forage for livestock production. Although the consequences of deteriorating rangeland condition on livestock production is understood, there is limited research on the impact of land ownership on rangeland condition. Furthermore, knowledge on how farmers manages their livestock and rangelands.
The objectives were to document the knowledge of emerging livestock farmers on livestock-rangeland management practices, and to determine the effects of land ownership and practices on rangeland condition. Firstly, we hypothesize that, emerging livestock farmers unknowingly manages livestock in isolation from their rangelands, and secondly, rangeland in private owned lands are relatively in good conditions compared to communal and leased lands.
Fifty (50) emerging livestock farmers (i.e. ruminants) in different vegetation types and district municipalities of the Gauteng province were selected using a snowball procedure. To investigate the knowledge of emerging farmers on livestock - rangeland management practices, the farmers were asked questions about their 1) demographic information, 2) livestock management practices and 3) rangeland management practices. To test the differences in farmers’ demographic profiles, Chi-square statistics was employed. To determine the effects of land ownership on rangeland condition of the selected farms, rangeland condition among three land ownership types was compared using ANOVA, and the relations between veld condition score (%) and herbaceous biomass production (kg DM/ha) was tested using Pearson’s correlation analysis
The results revealed that, the emerging livestock farmer are dominated by males (68 %) compared to female (32%). Majority (66%) of the farmers are old aged (> 50 years) compared to middle aged (30% (31 – 50 years)) and young (< 30 years) farmers (4%). Farmers who did not receive any agricultural training were higher (74%) than farmers who had prior training (26%). Sixty-three percent of the farmers had knowledge and understanding of breeding and calving seasons of their livestock, with only 27% having no knowledge and understanding of breeding and calving seasons of their animals. Eighty-three percent of the farmers keep mixed livestock (cattle, sheep and goats) species and 17% only keep cattle. The mean cattle herd sizes were significantly lower 8.2 ± 7.16 compared to goats and sheep (15.5 ±11.2). Feed shortage was the major constrain to livestock production (46%) compared to diseases (26%), marketing (14%), stock theft (8%) and other (6%) constrains. Sixty-three percent of the farmers had knowledge and understanding of breeding and calving seasons of their livestock, with only 27% having no knowledge and understanding. Eighty-three percent of the farmers keep mixed livestock (cattle, sheep and goats) species and 17% only keep cattle. All of the farmers indicated that they did not conduct rangeland condition assessment (mainly due to lack of knowledge). All farmers did not have fodder conservation plan for their farms and highlighted that during dry season, forage is scarce for their animals. Majority (58%) of the farmers relay on government-drought relief programme compared to those who were supplementing (20%), selling their animals (14%) and those with no drought coping strategy (8%). v
Vegetation was assessed using nearest plant technique. In total, 28 grass species were identified during field survey, of which n=23, n=4 and n=2 were perennials, annuals and short-lived perennial, respectively. The most commonly observed and very palatable grass species, Digitaria eriantha had the highest frequency on private lands (n=92 and the lowest on communal lands (n=51). There were no significance difference in grass species richness and basal cover among land ownership types (P > 0.05). There were significant differences in veld condition score, large stock units, grazing capacity and herbaceous biomass production among land ownership types (P < 0.05). Private lands had a significantly higher veld condition score (69.63%) than leased (56.07%) and communal lands (52.55%). The herbaceous biomass production was positively correlated to the veld condition score (r = 0.159; P<0.005). The outcomes of this study show that emerging livestock farmers in Gauteng province have little understanding of rangeland-livestock management practices. The current results further indicated that poor grazing practices such as overgrazing might be common on leased and communal lands due to farmers’ lack of knowledge on rangeland management practices. This may lead to rangeland degradation thus negatively affecting livestock production and the livelihood of farmers who rely on farming as a source of income. / Agriculture, Animal Health and Human Ecology / M. Sc. (Agriculture)
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