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Lastverteilungsberechnung an doppelschrägverzahnten PlanetengetriebenSchulze, Tobias, Riedel, Konrad 22 July 2016 (has links)
Die ersten Umlaufrädergetriebe wurden in Planetarien verwendet, um die Bewegung der Gestirne exakt aufzuzeigen. Bis in die zweite Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts wurden sie danach meist zur Lösung schwieriger Regelaufgaben verwendet. Erst durch größere Fortschritte in der Werkstoff- und Fertigungstechnik wurden Umlaufrädergetriebe als Drehmomentenwandler eingesetzt. Dadurch konnten die großen Vorteile der Umlaufrädergetriebe gegenüber Stirnradgetrieben in der Antriebstechnik genutzt werden. Umlaufrädergetriebe ermöglichen hohe Übersetzungen bei geringem Bauraum und Gewicht, da die Leistung über mehrere Zahnkontakte übertragen wird. Des Weiteren gibt es neben dem Zweiwellenbetrieb die Möglichkeit, im Dreiwellenbetrieb voneinander unabhängige Drehbewegungen zu überlagern. Dadurch sind beispielsweise Regelungsaufgaben bei Windenergieanlagen möglich. Dabei wird die Ungleichförmigkeit des Windes über einen zweiten drehzahlvariablen Antrieb ausgeglichen, damit am Abtrieb eine stets gleichmäßige Drehzahl am Generator anliegt. Weitere Vorteile sind die koaxiale Lage von Antrieb und Abtrieb und die symmetrische Bauform. MDESIGN LVR planet wurde entwickelt, um die Berechnung der Lastverteilung über der Zahnflanke und der Lastaufteilung auf die Planetenräder in Planetengetrieben zu übernehmen. Es ist möglich, diese Berechnung für geradverzahnte, einfachschräg- und doppeltschrägverzahnte Planetengetriebe im Zwei- und Dreiwellenbetrieb durchzuführen. Da doppelschrägverzahnte Planetengetriebe in Getrieben mit hohen Drehzahlen häufig in der Industrie verwendet werden, untersucht diese Forschungsarbeit die Theorie zur Umsetzung der Berechnung von Lastverteilungen unter dem Aspekt der Zeit – und Kosteneffizienz. Dabei sollen spezifische Probleme bei der Berechnung der Breitenlastverteilung über der Zahnflanke für doppelschrägverzahnte Planetengetriebe erfasst werden. Diese Probleme umfassen bei Doppelschrägverzahnung beispielsweise die hohen Torsionsverformungen, die Aufteilung der Last auf die Zahnhälften und die gegenseitige Beeinflussung der Verformung der Zahnhälften untereinander.
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Jämförelse av FE-modeller för lastspridning i tvärled : Parameterstudie för dimensionering av betongfarbana på parallella stållådbalkarHagelstedt, Mats January 2018 (has links)
A great deal of the design of bridges today is carried out using finite element models and analyses. These models are usually generalized versions of the actual bridge, as these kinds of models often is able to produce results similar to reality. In this thesis, a study regarding how the considerations of some of the details of a bridge affect the results using a FE analysis is performed. The analyses are focused on the change of transverse load distribution in the bridge slab. The thesis also addresses the use of a parametric design approach in FE modeling and analyses. The models are created using Python code with the possibility of choosing which properties that will be active or not before each analysis. The study is focused on the modeling of composite bridges with parallel box-girders. The bridge Kollektivtrafikbron, which is a new bridge currently in design as part of the Hisingsbridge project in Gothenburg, is used as a case study. The study has shown that a great deal of simplifications is reasonable to carry out in the modeling of a composite bridge, as long as the designer is aware of how these simplifications affect the results obtained. For the type of bridge investigated, the study has shown that the presence of transverse stiffening beams in the model as well as how the material properties of the edge beams are specified have a large impact on the transverse bending moment. The study has also shown that the use of shell or beam elements in the modeling of the main beams have a large impact on the shear force in the slab. Furthermore, the choice of element types and how constraints are specified have been shown to entail greater differences in the results than the detailing level of the model. These aspects should therefore be thoroughly considered in all modeling work. Additional aspects treated in the study is the impact of radius, the recess in the slab for the track as well as the size of the surface specified when applying traffic loads. The parametric design approach implemented in this study have provided the possibility of carrying out more analyses and investigating more details than what would have been possible if each model had been created manually. The greatest benefit of using a parametric design approach have been the possibility of carrying out analyzes automatically without monitoring or adjusting, which has made it possible to utilize the time provided for the study in a highly effective way. The design approach has been shown to be most effective when using simplified FE models, as these can be generated automatically fairly quickly. Therefore, it could be very beneficial to implement this kind of design approach in the early stages of design. / Idag utförs ofta dimensioneringen av broar med hjälp av finita elementmodeller och analyser. Dessa modeller utgörs i regel av generaliserade versioner av den verkliga bron då en kraftigt förenklad beräkningsmodell antas generera resultat som är väldigt nära verkligheten. I detta examensarbete undersöks hur vissa utvalda detaljer i brons utformning påverkar de resultat en finita elementanalys ger utifrån hur de beaktas vid modellering. Analyserna är inriktade på förändring av lastfördelning i tvärled hos brons farbana. Vidare undersöks möjligheten att använda ett parametriserat arbetssätt vid modellering och analys. Modellerna som analyseras formuleras i kod med möjlighet att välja vilka egenskaper som ska vara aktiva inför varje analys. Arbetet är koncentrerat på modellering av samverkansbroar med parallella lådbalkar som huvudbalkar. Som fallstudie används Kollektivtrafikbron. En ny plankrökt bro med denna utformning under pågående projektering inom projektet med den nya Hisingsbron i Göteborg. Arbetet har visat att det finns många förenklingar som är rimliga att genomföra vid modellering, så länge det finns en medvetenhet kring hur dessa påverkar resultaten. För den undersökta typen av bro har arbetet visat att förekomsten av tvärbalkar i modellen samt hur materialegenskaperna definieras för kantbalkar har stor inverkan på tvärledsmomentet. Utöver detta har arbetet visat att tvärkraften påverkas kraftigt utifrån om huvudbalkarna modelleras med skalelement respektive balkelement. Genomgående resultat är att modellering av huvudbalkarna med balkelement medför mycket högre max värden för tvärkraft. Vidare har arbetet visat att val av elementtyp och definiering av kopplingar kan ge större differenser än detaljrikedom och att dessa delar bör beaktas med stor noggrannhet vid all modellering. Ytterligare aspekter som behandlats är inverkan av radie, rälursparingar i farbanan samt definiering av lastytans storlek vid applicering av trafiklast. Det parametriserade arbetssättet som implementerats i detta arbete har gjort det möjligt att utföra fler analyser och undersöka fler faktorers inverkan än vad som hade varit möjligt om varje modell hade byggts upp manuellt. Den största vinsten med detta arbetssätt har varit att tiden som avsatts för arbetet kunnat utnyttjas mycket effektivt då analyser har kunnat utföras automatiskt utan krav på övervakning eller manuella korrigeringar. Mest effektivt har arbetssättet visats vara med modeller med lägre detaljrikedom då dessa förhållandevis snabbt kan genereras automatiserat. Detta kan framförallt vara väldigt effektivt att implementera i inledande projekteringsskeden.
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A Study of the Mechanical Design and Gear Tooth Root Strains in Flexible Pin, Multi-Stage, Planetary Wind Turbine Gear Trains Using Three Dimensional Finite Element/Contact Mechanics Models and ExperimentsPrueter, Phillip Edward 27 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluation of the In-Servic Performance of the Tom's Creek BridgeNeely, William Douglas 26 May 2000 (has links)
The Tom's Creek Bridge is a small-scale demonstration project involving the use of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite girders as the main load carrying members. The project is intended to serve two purposes. First, by calculating bridge design parameters such as the dynamic load allowance, transverse wheel load distribution and deflections under service loading, the Tom's Creek Bridge will aid in modifying current AASHTO bridge design standards for use with FRP composite materials. Second, by evaluating the FRP girders after being exposed to service conditions, the project will begin to answer questions about the long-term performance of these advanced composite material beams when used in bridge design.
This thesis details the In-Service analysis of the Tom's Creek Bridge. Five load tests, at six month intervals, were conducted on the bridge. Using mid-span strain and deflection data gathered from the FRP composite girders during these tests the above mentioned bridge design parameters have been determined. The Tom's Creek Bridge was determined to have a dynamic load allowance, IM, of 0.90, a transverse wheel load distribution factor, g, of 0.101 and a maximum deflection of L/488.
Two bridge girders were removed from the Tom's Creek Bridge after fifteen months of service loading. These FRP composite girders were tested at the Structures and Materials Research Laboratory at Virginia Tech for stiffness and ultimate strength and compared to pre-service values for the same beams. This analysis indicates that after fifteen months of service, the FRP composite girders have not lost a significant amount of either stiffness or ultimate strength. / Master of Science
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Live Load Testing and Analysis of the Southbound Span of U.S. Route 15 over Interstate-66Collins, William Norfleet 25 August 2010 (has links)
more funding must be allocated for their rehabilitation or replacement. The Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA) Long-Term Bridge Performance (LTBP) Program has been developed to help bridge stakeholders make the best decisions concerning the allocation of these funds. This is done through the use of high quality data obtained through numerous testing processes.
As part of the LTBP Pilot Program, researchers have performed live load tests on the U.S. Route 15 Southbound bridge over Interstate-66. The main performance and behavior characteristics focused on are service strain and deflection, wheel load distribution, dynamic load allowance, and rotational behavior of bridge bearings.
Data from this test will be used as a tool in developing and refining a plan for long-term bridge monitoring. This includes identifying the primarily loaded girders and their expected range of response under ambient traffic conditions. Information obtained from this test will also aid in the refinement of finite element models by offering insight into the performance of individual bridge components, as well as overall global behavior. Finally, the methods and results of this test have been documented to allow for comparison with future testing of this bridge, which will yield information concerning the changes in bridge behavior over time. / Master of Science
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Determination of AASHTO Bridge Design Parameters through Field Evaluation of the Rt. 601 Bridge: A Bridge Utilizing Strongwell 36 in. Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Double Web Beams as the Main Load Carrying MembersRestrepo, Edgar Salom 18 December 2002 (has links)
The Route 601 Bridge in Sugar Grove, Virginia spans 39 ft over Dickey Creek. The Bridge is the first to use the Strongwell 36 in. fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) double web beam (DWB) in its superstructure. Replacement of the old bridge began in June 2001, and construction of the new bridge was completed in October 2001. The bridge was field tested in October 2001 and June 2002.
This thesis details the field evaluation of the Rt. 601 Bridge. Using mid span deflection and strain data from the October 2001 and June 2002 field tests, the primary goal of this research was to determine the following AASHTO bridge design parameters: wheel load distribution factor g, dynamic load allowance IM, and maximum deflection. The wheel load distribution factor was determined to be S/5, a dynamic load allowance was determined to be 0.30, and the maximum deflection of the bridge was L/1500. Deflection results were lower than the AASHTO L/800 limit. This discrepancy is attributed to partial composite action of the deck-to-girder connections, bearing restraint at the supports, and contribution of guardrail stiffness.
Secondary goals of this research were to quantify the effect of diaphragm removal on girder distribution factor, determine torsion and axial effects of the FRP girders, compare responses to multiple lane symmetrical loading to superimposed single lane response, and compare the field test results to a finite element and a finite difference model. It was found that diaphragm removal had a small effect on the wheel load distribution factor. Torsional and axial effects were small. The bridge response to multilane loading coincided with superimposed single lane truck passes, and curb-stiffening effects in a finite difference model improved the accuracy of modeling the Rt. 601 Bridge behavior. / Master of Science
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To better manage deteriorating infrastructure, quantitative data about the performance of infrastructure assets is required. Rayleigh based distributed fibre optic strain sensing (FOS) is a technology that has the potential to offer this type of data and unlike traditional strain sensors it can measure the strain along the full length of the structure.
A series of experiments were undertaken to develop installation techniques and evaluate sensor accuracy for typical civil engineering materials: steel, concrete and reinforced concrete. The results of these experiments showed that the choice of sensing fibre and adhesive was dependent on the material being monitored. When the sensing fibre and adhesive are chosen correctly, the Rayleigh system can provide the same accuracy as a strain gauge for steel and concrete, and useful measurements can be obtained even in areas of concrete cracking.
The FOS technique was utilized to determine whether distributed strain measurements could be used to detect and quantify localized deterioration of the steel reinforcement (localized area reductions of 0-30%) at service loads. A series of specimens was tested, the sensing system was able to detect the presence of localized deterioration with embedded nylon and polyimide fibres, but the nylon fibre cannot quantify large strain gradients due to slip within the sensing fibre. The strain profiles gave insights to the failure mechanism occurring in the reinforced concrete specimens. The strain profiles for both test series indicated that the tension reinforcement was acting as a tension tie and the strain profiles suggested the presence of compressive struts indicative of an arching mechanism in the specimens.
The Black River bridge in Madoc, Ontario was instrumented with fibre optics sensors to determine whether the use of FOS is both practical and beneficial for reinforced concrete bridge assessment when compared to conventional instrumentation. The FOS showed reasonably good agreement with conventional sensors. The fibre optic strain results are used to calculate curvature, slope and displacement but careful consideration of the boundary conditions is required. The results from the fibre optic sensors can be used to show the bridge load distribution and give insights into the support conditions of the beams. / Thesis (Master, Civil Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2013-08-21 11:56:53.276
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Interaktion gemischter Bewehrungen bei der Verstärkung von Stahlbeton mit textilbewehrtem BetonWeiland, Silvio, Curbach, Manfred 03 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Textile Bewehrungen stellen eine hervorragende Alternative zu bisherigen Verstärkungsmethoden dar. Die Wirksamkeit von Textilbetonverstärkungen konnte bereits eindrucksvoll nachgewiesen werden. Um sowohl die vorhandene Bausubstanz, als auch die Verstärkung optimal auszulasten, ist es erforderlich, das Zusammenwirken beider Bewehrungsarten unter Berücksichtigung der unterschiedlichen Verbundeigenschaften zu beschreiben. In diesem Beitrag wird das gemeinsamen Tragverhalten von Betonstahl und textiler Bewehrung eingehend erläutert. Zur Veranschaulichung wird daher vor allem die Verbundtragwirkung und deren Einfluss auf gerissene Zugglieder genauer untersucht.
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Capacity assessment of arch bridges with backfill : Case of the old Årsta railway bridgeAndersson, Andreas January 2011 (has links)
The work presented in this thesis comprises the assessment of existing arch bridges with overlying backfill. The main objective is to estimate the load carrying capacity in ultimate limit state analysis. A case study of the old Årsta railway bridge is presented, serving as both the initiation and a direct application of the present research. The demand from the bridge owner is to extend the service life of the bridge by 50 years and increase the allowable axle load from 22.5 to 25 metric tonnes. The performed analyses show a great scatter in estimated load carrying capacity, depending on a large number of parameters. One of the factors of main impact is the backfill material, which may result a significant increase in load carrying capacity due to the interaction with the arch barrel. Based on theoretical analyses, extensive conditional assessments and the demand from the bridge owner, it was decided that the bridge needed to be strengthened. The author, in close collaboration with both the bridge owner and the persons performing the conditional assessment, performed the development of a suitable strengthening. The analyses showed a pronounced three-dimensional behaviour, calling for a design using non-linear finite element methods. Due to demands on full operability during strengthening, a scheme was developed to attenuate any decrease in load carrying capacity. The strengthening was accepted by the bridge owner and is currently under construction. It is planned to be finalised in 2012. The application of field measurements to determine the structural manner of action under serviceability loads are presented and have shown to be successful. Measured strain of the arch barrel due to passing train has been performed, both before, during and after strengthening. The results serve as input for model calibration and verification of the developed strengthening methods. The interaction of the backfill was not readily verified on the studied bridge and the strengthening was based on the assumption that both the backfill and the spandrel walls contributed as dead weight only. The finite element models are benchmarked using available experimental results in the literature, comprising masonry arch bridges with backfill loaded until failure. Good agreement is generally found if accounting for full interaction with the backfill. Similarly, accounting for the backfill as dead weight only, often results in a decrease in load carrying capacity by a factor 2 to 3. Still, several factors show a high impact on the estimated load carrying capacity, of which many are difficult to accurately assess. This suggests a conservative approach, although partial interaction of the backfill may still increase the load carrying capacity significantly. / Arbetet i föreliggande avhandling omfattar analyser av befintliga bågbroar med ovanliggande fyllning. Huvudsyftet är att uppskatta bärförmågan i brottgränstillstånd. En fallstudie av gamla Årstabron redovisas, vilken utgör både initieringen och en direkt tillämpning av föreliggande forskning. Kravet från broförvaltaren är att öka brons livslängd med 50 år, samtidigt som axellasten ska ökas från nuvarande 22.5 ton till 25 ton. Utförda analyser visar på stor spridning i uppskattad bärförmåga, beroende på ett stort antal parametrar. En av de främsta faktorerna är fyllningens egenskaper, vilken kan resultera i en markant ökning av bärförmågan p.g.a. samverkan med bågen. Baserat på teoretiska analyser, tillståndsbedömningar och krav från broförvaltaren beslutades att bron skulle förstärkas. En förstärkningsmetod har utvecklats i nära samarbete med broförvaltaren och personer som tidigare utfört tillståndsbedömningarna. Analyserna visar ett utpräglat tredimensionellt beteende, vilket har föranlett användandet av icke-linjära finita elementmetoder. Krav på full trafik under samtliga förstärkningsarbeten har resulterat i att dessa utförs enligt en föreskriven ordning, som ska reducera minskning i bärförmåga under samtliga etapper. Förstärkningsförslaget godkändes av Banverket och är för närvarande under byggnation. Enligt plan ska dessa slutföras under 2012. Fältmätningar har använts för att bestämma det statiska verkningssättet under brukslaster, vilket visas ge goda resultat. Resulterande töjningar från passerande tåg har uppmäts i bågen, både före, under och efter förstärkning. Resultaten har använts både för att kalibrera beräkningsmodeller och att verifiera utförda förstärkningar. Samverkan mellan båge och fyllning har inte kunnat verifierats för den aktuella bron och de utvecklade förstärkningarna baseras på en modell där både fyllning och sidomurar endast utgör yttre verkande last. De framtagna finita element modellerna har jämförts med experimentella resultat från litteraturen, omfattande tegelvalvsbroar med ovanliggande fyllning belastade till brott. Generellt erhålls god överensstämmelse om full samverkan mellan båge och fyllning antas. Om fyllningen istället endast betraktas som yttre last, minskar lastkapaciteten ofta med en faktor 2 till 3. Fortfarande uppvisar ett antal faktorer stor inverkan på bärförmågan, vilka ofta är svåra att med säkerhet bestämma. Ett konservativt betraktningssätt rekommenderas, även om delvis samverkan med fyllningen fortfarande kan öka bärförmågan avsevärt. / QC 20110426
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Interaktion von Betonstahl und textiler Bewehrung bei der Biegeverstärkung mit textilbewehrtem Beton / Flexural Strengthening of RC-Structures by Textile Reinforced Concrete - Interaction between steel and textile reinforcementWeiland, Silvio 10 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Textilbewehrter Beton zur Verstärkung von Stahlbetonbauteilen ist neben den klassischen und etablierten Verfahren eine äußerst interessante Alternative, die die Vorteile der leichten Kohlenstofffaserklebeverstärkungen mit denen von Spritzbeton mit Bewehrung verbindet. Aus den theoretischen und experimentellen Untersuchungen in dieser Arbeit können wichtige Erkenntnisse zum gemeinsamen Tragverhalten von Betonstahl und textiler Bewehrung sowie zu den Auswirkungen der verbundbedingten Unterschiede abgeleitet werden.
Mit den theoretischen Betrachtungen werden das gemeinsame Tragverhalten und der Einfluss des unterschiedlichen Verbundverhaltens auf die Zugkraftaufteilung gezeigt und qualifiziert. Die Behandlung der verbundbedingten Unterschiede bei gemischt mit Betonstahl und Textil bewehrten Zuggliedern ist analog dem Vorgehen bei gemischter Beton- und Spannstahlbewehrung bzw. Klebebewehrung mit Verbundbeiwerten darstellbar. Zur Ableitung entsprechender Kennwerte werden verschiedene Möglichkeiten diskutiert. Zudem wird eine vereinfachte Bemessung vorgeschlagen.
Insgesamt sind die Ergebnisse ein wesentlicher Schritt auf dem Weg zur baupraktischen Anwendung von Textilbetonverstärkungen und ermutigen bereits zum umsichtigen Einsatz unter Beachtung der Sicherheitsaspekte. Noch offene Fragen und notwendiger Klärungsbedarf sollten die Wissbegier anregen und vertiefende Forschungsvorhaben und weitere experimentelle Untersuchungen ermöglichen. / Textile reinforcement represents an excellent alternative to existing techniques for strengthening of concrete structures, combining the benefits of lightweight fiber reinforced polymer strengthening with those of shotcrete with reinforcement. The theoretical and experimental studies in this thesis provide essential insights into the common load bearing behaviour of reinforcing steel and textile reinforcements as well as on the impact of the different bond characteristics of both types of rein-forcement.
With the theoretical investigations, the combined load bearing behaviour and the influence of the different bond characteristics on distribution of the forces could be shown and qualified. The inter-action of both reinforcement types, taking into account the different bond characteristics, can be represented by bond coefficients analogous to the approach to mixed steel and pre-stressing-steel reinforcements. So as to derive the appropriate parameters, several options were discussed. Moreover, a simplified approach to design a TRC-strengthening-layer was proposed.
Overall, the results are an essential step towards the practical application of textile reinforced con-crete for the strengthening of concrete structures and should already be encouraging the prudent use while considering the necessary safety aspects. Remaining issues and necessary clarifications should stimulate curiosity and in-depth research projects and allow further experimental studies.
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