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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodologia semiempírica unificada para a estimativa da capacidade de carga de estacas. / Unified semiempirical methodology for estimating the load capacity of piles.

Kurt André Pereira Amann 27 August 2010 (has links)
A pesquisa parte do fato de que os métodos semiempíricos de estimativa da capacidade de carga de estacas não devem ser empregados indiscriminadamente em qualquer região do país sem as devidas adequações às características do solo local. Constata-se, com isso, que não existem metodologias específicas para proceder tais adequações e que o meio técnico acaba por realizar a mera classificação dos métodos em conservador ou contra a segurança, o que se constitui num certo paradigma. Assim, o presente trabalho propõe uma Metodologia Semiempírica Unificada (MSU), em três etapas. Na primeira delas, o projetista estima a capacidade de carga a partir da otimização das melhores práticas adotadas pelos diversos métodos semiempíricos utilizados no Brasil. Discutem-se ainda o embutimento da ponta e a criação de novos métodos semiempíricos. Na segunda etapa, realiza-se a verificação de desempenho com base nos critérios de ruptura aplicados à curva carga-recalque de provas de carga. Nessa etapa, as imprecisões do dito paradigma são apontadas e faz-se uma nova proposta de aplicação dos critérios de ruptura. Na terceira etapa, faz-se uma retroanálise para aferição da estimativa semiempírica unificada da primeira etapa. Propõe-se, assim, o uso da separação das parcelas de atrito e ponta por meio de métodos de transferência de carga, bem como pela proposta de ajustes polinomiais, no caso de ensaios instrumentados. A análise crítica desse processo gerou a proposta de uma nova abordagem matemática da transferência de carga. A correção dos valores adotados para os coeficientes semiempíricos de cada camada, individualmente, é feita pela proposta de aplicação do conceito de Hierarquia dos Solos (AMANN, 2000). Os resultados de correção dos métodos semiempíricos, contudo, são específicos para o solo de cada local em estudo. Assim, são utilizados, como exemplo, ensaios em diversas regiões do país, o que permite a verificação da aplicabilidade da metodologia proposta. / The research starts from the fact that the semiempirical methods for estimating the pile load capacity shouldn\'t be used indiscriminately in any country\'s region without making proper adjustments to the local soil characteristics. It is verified, from this, that there are no specific methodologies to make such adjustments and the geotechnical engineers find themselves forced to perform a simple classification of the methods in \"conservative\" or \"against the safety\", which constitutes a form of paradigm. In this context, this paper proposes a Unified Semiempirical Methodology (MSU) in three steps. In the first, the designer estimates the foundation load capacity from the optimization of best practices adopted by different semiempirical methods used in Brazil. A discussion is also made the toe embedment and the creation of new semiempirical methods. In the second step, the verification of the foundation performance is carried out, based on the failure criteria applied to the load-settlement curve of load tests. At this step, the inaccuracies from that paradigm are outlined and a new proposal is made for applying the failure criteria. In the third step, a backanalysis is accomplished to admeasure the unified semiempirical estimative from the first step. It is, thus, proposed to separate both shaft friction and toe resistance from the total load, by means of load transfer methods, and by the proposal of polynomial adjustments in the case of instrumented piles. With the critical analysis of this process, a new mathematical approach to load transfer is presented. The correction of the coefficients of the semiempirical methods is made by the application of the Soils\'s Hierarchy concept (AMANN, 2000). The results of semiempirical methods correction, however, are specific to the soils of each particular site. The applicability, of the proposed methodology, is illustrated using pile load tests from various parts of the country.


ITOH, Yoshito, CHEN, Xiao, 伊藤, 義人, 陳, 嘯 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.

A numerical study of the influence of grain shape on the mechanical behaviour of granular materials : application : load transfer above underground conduits / Etude numérique de l'influence de la forme des particules sur la comportement mécanique des matériaux granulaires : application aux transferts de charge autour des conduits enterrés

Szarf, Krzysztof 18 December 2012 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur l'influence de la forme des particules sur le comportementmécanique des matériaux granulaires, et les mécanismes de transfert de charge quis'y développent, notamment dans les cas des conduits enterrés. La géométrie desparticules (polygones de forme convexe ou assemblage de particules de forme concaveconstitués de plusieurs disques superposés et indissociables) a été caractérisée par uncoefficient de forme α. Cette étude est basée sur une approche numérique par élémentsdiscrets. Des simulations numériques de l'essai de compression biaxiale montrent queles caractéristiques macroscopiques ou géométriques de l'échantillon granulaire, telque l'angle de frottement macroscopique, la compacité, ou la nature des bandes decisaillement, dépendent fortement du coefficient de forme α et de la convexité ou nonconvexité des grains.Les mécanismes de transfert de charge au dessus d'un conduit souple ont été étudiésexpérimentalement (rouleaux bidimensionnels en condition de déformation plane) etnumériquement (MED). Les expérimentations réalisées montrent que la présence duconduit à peu d'in_uence sur le comportement macroscopique de l'assemblée granulairelors d'une sollicitation biaxiale. Les résultats du modèle numèrique convergentavec les rèsultats expérimentaux et mettent en évidence la présence des mécanismes detransfert de charge au dessus du conduit dont les intensités dépendent du coefficientde forme α. / This study was devoted to the in_uence of grain shape on the mechanical behaviourof granular materials and its e_ect on load transfer over underground pipes. Shapeof convex polygons and concave clumps of discs was generalised with a geometricalparameter α. In the study a Discrete Element Modeling (DEM) approach was used.Biaxial compression of granular assemblies revealed that mechanical and geometricalproperties like porosity, macroscopic friction or shear localisation depends both on αand on grain (non-)convexity.The intergranular load transfer over a _exible pipe was studied both experimentally(2D rods in a plain strain apparatus) and numerically (DEM). The experimentsshowed that the pipe has no signi_cant impact on the macroscopic behaviour of theassembly. The numerical model complied with the experiments and revealed that thearching e_ect in a sheared granular medium exists above the pipe and is magni_edwith the increase of α of the grains.

Análise experimental e analítica da fissuração de pavimentos de concreto continuamente armados em clima tropical. / Experimental and analytical analysis of continuously reinforced concrete pavements cracking in tropical weather.

Andréia Posser Cargnin 23 November 2016 (has links)
Os primeiros estudos sobre pavimentos de concreto continuamente armados (PCCA) foram desenvolvidos em zonas cujo clima característico é o temperado (EUA, Holanda e Bélgica), não se tendo estudos técnicos acerca do comportamento do pavimento em ambiente tropical. A premissa de funcionamento do PCCA está baseada na não execução de juntas de retração, obrigatórias em pavimentos de concreto simples (PCS), ou seja, as fissuras devido à retração do concreto ocorrem aleatoriamente, sendo controladas pela elevada taxa de armadura longitudinal disposta longitudinalmente ao longo de toda a extensão do pavimento. Como essa armadura não possui função estrutural, pois é colocada acima da linha neutra da placa, no banzo comprimido, sua função é manter as fissuras fortemente apertadas, garantindo suavidade ao rolamento e elevada transferência de carga (LTE), a qual ocorre pelo intertravamento dos agregados nas faces fissuradas, proporcionando assim um pavimento de alta durabilidade e que dispende baixíssimos custos com manutenção. No Brasil, a primeira experiência com PCCA teve início no ano de 2010, quando foram construídas quatro seções de 50 m de extensão cada, consideradas curtas em comparação aos 400 m de extensão de um PCCA rodoviário que podem ser alcançados ao final de um dia de trabalho. O monitoramento contínuo de tais seções mostrou haver uma diferença muito significativa de comportamento, comparado aos PCCA tradicionais, no que tange o tempo decorrido para estabelecimento do padrão de fissuração (a primeira fissura surgiu um ano após a construção), bem como espaçamento médio entre as fissuras, devido à curta extensão das placas e a inexistência de um sistema de ancoragem nas extremidades. Assim, para melhor compreender o comportamento de pavimentos de concreto com armadura contínua com padrões condizentes à realidade rodoviária em ambiente tropical, em janeiro de 2016, foi construído no campus da Universidade de São Paulo o primeiro PCCA de longa extensão do Brasil, com 200 m de comprimento. Foram empregados quatro diferentes tipos de concreto, variando o tipo de cimento e o tipo de agregado, bem como foram empregados aço galvanizado e aço comum. Para entender o comportamento do pavimento sob as condições climáticas brasileiras foram realizados três estudos: levantamento de fissuras (espaçamento e abertura), modelagem analítica do espaçamento entre fissuras através de modelos de previsão de retração em concreto e testes com FWD para avaliação da eficiência de transferência de carga (LTE) entre as fissuras. A análise do padrão de fissuração mostrou que o desenvolvimento das fissuras aconteceu conforme a literatura técnica, tendo início na primeira semana após a concretagem e atingindo aproximadamente 60% do número total de fissuras antes do primeiro mês. As seções centrais possuem o maior número de fissuras, pois estão ancoradas pelas seções de extremidade, onde o surgimento das fissuras é mais lento por conta da falta de ancoragem. As aberturas das fissuras mostraram-se maiores nas posições com aço galvanizado devido à menor aderência aço-concreto nesse caso, em comparação às posições com aço comum. O modelo de previsão de retração no concreto que melhor se aproximou do espaçamento médio desenvolvido em campo foi o modelo do Eurocode 2, com diferenças em torno de 30%, aproximadamente. As análises de LTE mostraram um desempenho muito satisfatório, apesar de a LTE nas regiões com aço galvanizado ter resultado menor do que a LTE nas regiões com aço comum. / The first studies on continuously reinforced concrete pavements (CRCP) were developed in areas in which the typical weather is temperate (United States, Netherlands and Belgium), with no technical studies carried out in tropical weather. CRCP structural premise is based on a slab without construction joints which are required in jointed plain concrete pavements (JPCP); i.e., CRCP cracks due to concrete shrinkage occur randomly being controlled by the high longitudinal reinforcement percentage, positioned longitudinally along the pavement length. As the longitudinal reinforcement has no structural role, because it is placed above the slab neutral axis, in the compression zone, its main function is to keep cracks strongly tight, ensuring a smooth ride and high load efficiency transfer (LTE) at cracks, which occurs through aggregates interlocking, thereby providing a highly durable pavement with low maintenance costs. The first experience with CRCP in Brazil started in 2010, when four experimental sections were constructed. Each section is 50 meters long, short when compared to the traditional CRCP that can extend for over 400 meters providing that concrete pouring does not stop. Continuous monitoring of these sections has shown that the short CRCP behaves differently from traditional CRCP, regarding the time taken for the cracking pattern full development (the first crack was visible on the surface one year after the construction), as well as average cracking space due to the slab\'s short extension and lack of anchorage. Therefore, in order to fully analyze the behavior of a traditional CRCP under tropical weather, in January 2016, the first long extension CRCP in Brazil was built, at the University of São Paulo campus, with 200 meters length. Four types of concrete were applied in the construction, varying cement and aggregate type. Galvanized and ordinary steel were used as well. To analyze the pavement behavior under Brazilian climatic conditions, three studies were carried out: cracks surveys (spacing and width), analytical modeling crack spacing through shrinkage prediction models and Falling Weight Deflectometer testing to evaluate the crack\'s load transfer efficiency (LTE). Cracking pattern analysis has shown cracks development consistent with technical literature. The first cracks appeared during the first week after concrete placement and, before the first month, about 60% of the total cracks number had developed. Central sections presented greatest number of cracks as they are anchored by the outer sections, where cracking occurs slower due to the lack of anchorage. Cracks width was higher in areas with galvanized steel due to the weaker steel-concrete bond, when compared to areas with common steel. The shrinkage prediction model for concrete that better approached the average field crack spacing was the Eurocode 2, with mean difference of 30%. LTE analysis has shown a quite satisfactory performance, even though LTE in areas with galvanized steel is lower than LTE in areas with common steel.

Vliv parametrů odpružení a tlumení na jízdní vlastnosti vozidla / The Effect of Springing and Damping Parameters on Vehicle Handling

Kopca, Filip January 2017 (has links)
The thesis describes function and characteristics of spring and damper, their particular way and margin of influence on vehicle behavior in selected riding maneuvers. The goal is to maintaining maximal grip, control, and achieve predictable vehicle handling.

Load transfer mechanisms and seismic stability of embankments subjected to basal subsidence / 基礎地盤沈下を受けた盛土の荷重伝達メカニズムおよび動的安定性 / # ja-Kana

Nguyen, Tan 25 September 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第21357号 / 工博第4516号 / 新制||工||1703(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 大津 宏康, 准教授 PIPATPONGSA Thirapong, 教授 三村 衛 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM

Mechanical-Empirical Performance of U.S. 50 Joint Sealant Test Pavement

Sander, Jason Andrew 08 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Lateral response of stiff column-supported shallow foundations

Rivera Rojas, Alfonso Jose 15 May 2019 (has links)
The mechanisms that control the lateral response of stiff column-supported shallow foundations, resulting from the application of horizontal load on shallow foundations supported by stiff columns, are uncertain. Stiff columns constructed in soft clayey soil have been used to support retaining walls and in such cases, the lateral thrust applied behind these geotechnical structures is a source of horizontal loading. For seismic events, stiff columns constructed in soft clayey soil have been used to support shallow foundations subjected to horizontal load coming from the upper structure of buildings. Due to its practical applications, it has become important to understand the consequences of subjecting a shallow foundation supported by stiff columns to horizontal load by identifying the factors that control the lateral response of such systems. A series of centrifuge tests were carried out to examine the lateral response of stiff column-supported shallow foundations. The experimental trends suggested that the thickness of the coarse-granular mattress placed above the soil-column composite, called the Load Transfer Platform (LTP), controlled the lateral capacity and the overall lateral response of these systems. A numerical study using the finite element method confirmed the experimental trends. A parametric analysis was conducted with the purpose of investigating the influence of different geometry-based and material-based variables in the lateral response of these systems. The results of the parametric analysis further confirmed the importance of the thickness of the LTP in controlling the lateral response. The parametric results also emphasized the contribution of other variables to this lateral response, and these variables included the undrained shear strength of the soft clayey soil around the stiff columns, the stiff column diameter, and the spacing of the stiff columns after they are constructed in the soft clayey soil. / Doctor of Philosophy / Ground improvement is the process of improving the properties of weak soils. In practice, there are several ways to accomplish the ground improvement of weak soils. One way is to use stiff columns. Stiff columns are solid cylinders that are constructed in the weak soil in order to produce a stiff and strong soil-column composite capable of better supporting the square-shaped foundations of structures. Under horizontal load, there is uncertainty on the factors that control the lateral behavior of the stiff columns when used for the support of the square-shaped foundations of structures. An experimental and numerical approach was used to determine these factors and to understand their influence in the lateral behavior of such systems. The findings showed that the controlling factors of this lateral behavior included the thickness of a sand layer placed above the stiff columns, the diameter of the stiff columns, the spacing of the stiff columns after they are constructed in the weak soil, and the strength of the soil around the stiff columns. These findings will aid in improving the design of stiff columns used for the support of square-shaped foundations of structures subjected to horizontal load.

Análise da transferência de carga em estacas cravadas em argila mole à partir de provas de carga dinâmica de energia crescente / Load transfer analysis in driven piles in soft clay from increasing energy dynamic loading tests

Balech, Jean 31 March 2000 (has links)
A utilização de métodos de análise apoiados na Teoria da Equação da Onda, a partir da instrumentação de medidas dinâmicas, como controle do comportamento de estacas, tem evoluído continuamente nos últimos anos. Após importantes considerações sobre a prova de carga dinâmica de energia crescente e o mecanismo de transferência de carga, procedem-se análises CAPWAP em um caso real de obra com o objetivo de analisar o comportamento do sistema estaca-solo perante a aplicação de níveis crescentes de energia. São apresentados nesta dissertação, os resultados do comportamento de vários sistemas isolados estaca-solo em maciço de argila mole, submetidos à prova de carga dinâmica de energia crescente. São feitas análises de: transferência de carga, atrito lateral local, quake da ponta, tensões dinâmicas e correlação entre prova de carga estática e dinâmica. / The use of analysis methods to control pile behavior employing the Stress-Wave Theory from results of dynamic pile driving measurements has evolved in recent years. After important considerations about the increasing energy dynamic loading test and the load transfer mechanism, CAPWAP analyses are proceed in a pilework with objective of analyzing the behavior of the pile-soil system before the application of growing levels of energy. Therefore, they are presented in this dissertation, the results of the behavior of several isolated pile-soil systems in soft clay formation, submitted to the dynamic loading test of growing energy. Among the analyses, load transfer diagrams, local friction, quake, dynamic tensions, and the correlation between static and dynamic loading test are presented.

Análise do comportamento de estacas metálicas cravadas na bacia de Taubaté através de provas de carga dinâmica de energia crescente / Analysis of the behavior of steel piles driven in Taubaté basin by dynamic loading test with increasing energy

Ávila, Igor Adolfo de 21 November 2001 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudou-se o comportamento de estacas metálicas, do tipo perfil soldado, cravadas na formação Tremembé, na Bacia de Taubaté, em São Paulo. A formação Tremembé é cosntituída por folhelhos pirobetuminosos, cujo mineral predomiante é a montmorilonita. Foram analisados os resultados de provas de carga dinâmica de energia crescente em 14 estacas, sendo que, em todas elas, sistema estaca-solo foi levado à ruptura. Por meio da análise de 101 golpes, examinou-se o comportamento estático, segundo o modelo CAPWAPC, e o comportamento dinâmico do sistema. O comportamento estático foi investigado com base na aplicabilidade das fórmulas dinâmicas para a previsão de resistência. O mecanismo de transferência de carga foi estudado mediante a identificação de formas típicas de curvas de resistência estática mobilizadas pelo fuste e pela ponta, para o caso analisado. O comportamento dinâmico foi investigado na análise da ruptura e pós ruptura do sistema, pela aplicação do Princípio de Hamilton ao impacto do martelo. Verificou-se que o mecanismo de transferência de carga do sistema estaca-solo foi fortemente influenciado pela variabilidade das camadas de solo atravessadas pelo elemento estrutural de fundação. A quebra da estrutura do folhelho pelo processo de cravação também interferiu na transferência de carga. Constatou-se a aplicabilidade do repique como instrumento de controle de cravação de estacas metálicas. / In this work the behavior of steel piles driven in Tremembé formation, in the Taubaté Basin, São Paulo was studied. The Tremembé formation is constituted by bituminous shale, which predominant mineral clayey component is the mo ntmorillonite. The dynamic loading tests results with increasing energy in 14 piles were analyzed, with all of the tests taken to system rupture. Through the analysis of 101 blows it was studied the static behavior, according to the CAPWAPC model, and the dynamic behavior of the system. The use of the dynamic and semi-empiric static formula for resistance prediction was evaluated. The load transfer mechanisms were studied by pattern form of mobilized static resistance curves by the shaft and toe. The application of Hamilton\'s principle to hammer impact allowed to analyze the failure and post failure of the pile-soil system. It was observed that the pile-soil load transfer mechanism was strongly influenced by the resistance variability of crossed soil layers by the structural element of foundation. The material break during the driving process also interfered in load transfer mechanism. The use of rebound as instrument of steel pile driving control shows reliable.

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