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Analýza kritických míst v silniční dopravě ve vybraném regionu - Rokycansko / Analysis of Critical Locations for Road Transportation in a Selected Region - Rokycany RegionČerný, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis analyzes the bottlenecks on the terrestrial communications in the area Rokycansko. The aim is to suggest organizational and engineering measures which lead to increase tradic safety in selected road sections of terrestrial communications.
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Patrimoine culturel immatériel et résilience : territorialités et lieux matriciels / Intangible cultural heritage and resiliency : territorialities and matrix placesLeborgne, Yann 30 September 2019 (has links)
Pratiques et représentations sociales transmises de génération en génération, les patrimoines culturels immatériels (PCI) sont aujourd’hui définis dans le cadre de dispositifs internationaux et nationaux (Unesco, 2003). Dans certaines situations, l’attachement au PCI révèle l’existence d’« espaces en souffrance ». En effet, phénomènes spatiaux aux manifestations inscrites dans des lieux, les PCI contribuent à la capacité des individus et des sociétés à assurer leur pérennité en sauvegardant leurs sentiments d’identité, de présence territoriale et de continuité à travers l’histoire. Réussies ou échouées, les patrimonialisations témoignent d’un dynamisme de ceux qui les opèrent. In fine, les PCI traduisent des territorialités liées à la résilience pour les hommes qui les créent, et y tiennent. L’étude de terrain de neuf sites en Normandie et Pays-de-la-Loire montre que les manifestations du « PCI » sont autant de dépassements de perturbations par des résiliences inscrites dans des échelles géographiques multiples : depuis les échelles micro, celles où l’on soigne le sujet et son lieu corporel organique, aux échelles méso et macro où ces résiliences tendent à raccommoder des tissus socio-territoriaux plus vastes. Ainsi, entre lieux, milieux englobants et territoires, le patrimoine culturel immatériel relève d’une territorialité matricielle. Il participe à la permanente re-création de la relation de l’Homme à la Terre. / Social practices and representations, passed from generation to generation, are today defined as “intangible cultural heritage” and figure in both national and international patrimonial provisions (Unesco 2003). In some cases, people’s attachment to “intangible cultural heritage” can reveal the existence of “areas of suffering”, whether personal or societal. As a spatial phenomenon, the expression of which is often related to a geographical location, “intangible cultural heritage” contributes to Man’s and society’s capacity to ensure its sustainability through the preservation of Man’s feelings of identity, territorial presence and continuity through Time. Successful or not, patrimonialisations are proof of the energy of those who perpetrate them. In fine, “intangible cultural heritage” conveys territorialities linked to the resiliency of those who create such heritage and hold on to it. A field study of 9 sites, in the Normandy and Pays de la Loire regions, shows that these expressions of “ICH” provide Man with a way to overcome disruptions through resiliency, detectable on various geographical scales: from the micro scale, where we look after the individual and his organic corporal location, to the meso and macro scales, where they tend to mend the wider socio-territorial fabric. Thus, between locations, communities and territories, “intangible cultural heritage” becomes part of a matrix territoriality. It is, therefore, part of the permanent re-creation between Mankind and Earth.
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On rough terrain: Islands and ViolenceNijboer, Nora January 2022 (has links)
Although island disputes have returned to the geopolitical theatre on a small scale, to date, virtually no previous research on territorial interstate island disputes and violent escalation exists. This paper argues that when an island is positioned in a strategic location, because of its unique attacking, defending, and trade capabilities this may induce a willingness towards- and eventual use of violence in the attempt to conquer or defend the territory. This paper attempts to answer: under what circumstances do island disputes escalate? by modelling the influence of strategic locations on violent island disputes. It draws observations from Altman (2020c) and a novel data frame (1920 – 2020) with additional cases and an alternative operationalization of strategic locations along important lines of communication. It finds that island disputes are more likely to occur without BRD than non-island disputes. Meanwhile, island disputes escalate violently more often than they do not. An island’s strategic location, notwithstanding a broad or narrow operationalization, does not have a statistically significant effect on a violent outcome of a dispute. Instead, the presence of military garrisons, ceteris paribus, resulted in the most statistically significant effect. Consequentially, the causal mechanisms were adapted to include military garrisons.
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"A nejhorší na tom je, že je to povinný..." Romové ve vzdělávacím systému České Republiky / "Worst thing about it is that it is a must..." Roma and the Education System in the Czech RepublicLevínská, Markéta January 2013 (has links)
TITLE: "The worst thing about it is that it is a must…" Roma and the Education System in the Czech Republic AUTHOR: Mgr. Markéta Levínská, Ph.D. DEPARTMENT: Psychology SUPERVISOR: doc. PhDr. Miloš Kučera, Ph.D. ABSTRACT: The dissertation thesis presents the results of ethnographic research conducted between 2005 and 2012. The theoretical part provides an analysis of the cognitive process and looks for causes of prejudiced thinking. The practical part presents a number of topical articles with the intention to present the issues relating to the education of Roma in the Czech Republic from different perspectives. The first article deals with the Czech legislation and with the position of the Czech government. The rest of the practical part is divided into two sections - the first section presents two sets of outputs from researches conducted in an urban Roma community. The first article titled Eliška analyses the identity of a representative of the local community; the other, titled Romanka, describes the transfer of a Roma girl from elementary school to practical school. The second section contains chapters presenting field research in excluded rural areas. The chapter A weekday in Alfa addresses the issues of emergence of socially excluded locations and relationship between the majority and the minority....
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Här kan jag vara mig själv och här finns det plats att utvecklas : En kvalitativ studie om geografiska platser och identitetsutvecklingJerome, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
Globalization in today's societies has resulted in many individuals around the world being able to identify themselves as world citizens. However, Sweden's different locations and regions are both what individuals take for granted as well as what most Swedes call home. Identity development is something that is constantly happening in humans as an active actor, but what it is that influences a certain type of development is not as obvious. Often there is a link between who you are as an individual and where this individual has grown up, which indicates a reciprocity between location and identity development. One requires the other. A geographic location can be a nation, region, city, or neighborhood. Geographical locations also contribute to a sense of identity, such as property, ownership and community that defines the individual or group's identity in the form of a sense of belonging. Identifying with a certain geographic location can produce a certain perception of the location that in turn may affect how individuals develop their own identity. The aim of the study was to investigate: "How geographical locations are understood in relation to identity creation and identity development in Luleå Municipality". From this point of view, four research questions are derived; “What is the connection between an individual's identity and its place of residence?” “What influences individuals' choice of residence? “What are the conditions and expectations for different geographical locations?” “How do respondents discuss culture, norms and values regarding different geographical locations?” The study has a qualitative approach where women between 20-30 years of age have been interviewed to find out their opinion about the study. The geographical location common to the respondents in this study is Luleå county, half of the respondents have grown up in Luleå while the rest have moved up from another geographical location to Luleå to study at the University of Technology in Luleå. The results based on current theoretical frameworks and empiricism show that the place where the interviewees have grown up is something that has contributed to their identity development. What all the interviewees described as important to their identity was that they feel that they have a sense of belonging with the place and the locals. As well as they feel that they can both be accepted as well as spurred to develop their identity. The interviewees who had experienced that their expectations and circumstances have not been considered at their geographical location have moved to other places, which shows how important the place is for identity. / Globaliseringen i dagens samhälle har resulterat i att många individer världen över kan identifiera sig som världsmedborgare. Dock är Sveriges olika platser och regioner något som individer tar förgivet likväl som att det är något som de flesta bosatta i Sverige kallar för hem. Identitetsskapande och identitetsutveckling är något som ständigt sker hos människan som en aktiv aktör, men vad det är som influerar en viss typ av utveckling är inte lika självklart. Ofta finns det en koppling mellan vem man är som individ och var denna individ har vuxit upp, vilket tyder på en ömsesidighet mellan plats och identitetsutveckling. Det ena kräver det andra. En geografisk plats kan vara en nation, region, stad eller stadsdel. Geografiska platser bidrar även till en känsla av identitet, som egendom, ägande och gemenskap som konkret definierar individen eller gruppens identitet i form av en känsla av tillhörighet. Att identifiera sig med en viss geografisk plats kan frambringa en viss uppfattning av platsen, som i sin tur kan komma att påverka hur individer utvecklar sin identitet. Studiens syfte är att undersöka: ”Hur geografiska platser förstås i relation med identitetsskapande och identitetsutveckling i Luleå kommun”. Från detta syfte härleds fyra forskningsfrågor: ”Hur ser kopplingen ut mellan en individs identitet och dess bostadsort?” ”Vad är det som influerar individer vid val av bostadsort?” ”Vad finns det för förutsättningar och förväntningar för olika geografiska platser?” ”Hur resonerar intervjupersonerna kring kultur, normer och värderingar avseende olika geografiska platser?” Studien har ett kvalitativt angreppssätt där kvinnor mellan 20–30 år har blivit intervjuade för att ta reda på deras uppfattning kring studiens ämne. Den geografiska plats som är gemensam för intervjupersonerna i denna studie är Luleå kommun. Hälften av intervjupersonerna har vuxit upp i Luleå medan resterande har flyttat till Luleå från en annan geografisk plats för att studera vid Luleå tekniska universitet. Resultatet visar på att platsen som intervjupersonerna har vuxit upp på är något som har bidragit till deras identitetsutveckling. Det som samtliga intervjupersoner beskrev var viktigt för deras identitet var att de upplever att de har en tillhörighet till staden och lokalbefolkningen på platsen samt att de känner att de både kan bli accepterade likväl som sporrade att utvecklas. De intervjupersoner som upplevt att deras förväntningar och förutsättningar inte har beaktats på en geografisk plats har sökt sig till andra platser som tillåter detta vilket visar på hur viktig platsen är för identiteten.
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Determining Priorities and Potential Locations for Recreation Facilities in Cache County, UtahThomas, Parry C. 01 May 1980 (has links)
This thesis establishes priorities for recreation expenditures in Cache County, Utah. This is achieved by comparing the supply and demand of facilities for the most popular activities in order to determine \Vhere there are deficiencies. Once these priorities have been determined, the problem of where the facilities to meet these priorities should be located is discussed. Recommendations are made as to what needs to be done to specifically locate these facilities.
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Interaction Between Winter Dominance and Territory Defense in Male Pronghorn Antelope, Antilocapra AmericanaGunnels, Charles William, IV 01 May 1999 (has links)
In a territorial population of pronghorn from Antelope Island, UT, interaction between male dominance and territory defense was examined. High-ranking males were more likely to defend territories. Closely ranked animals engaged in more dominance interactions than distantly ranked individuals, and middle-ranked animals were involved in disproportionately more interactions than either high- or low-ranking animals. Large males possessed large horns and prongs as well as small cheek patches. Results from a factor analysis suggested that large males defended territories with a high density of sage. However, in this study, we did not observe pronghorn feed on sage during the territorial season. Though male pronghorn practiced resource defense polygyny, large, dominant males did not defend territories with a high density of green vegetation or green forbs. Large males appeared to defend territories with low visibility. In 1996, intruders entered areas that contained females throughout the territorial season. During the next year, highly visible, small territories received the most intrusions. Together, these observations suggest defense of tactical locations. Defending a tactical location may help females avoid harassment and males hide the presence of females.
Different populations of pronghorn practice different mating systems. To understand this variation, we examined the behavior patterns/rates of individual territorial and bachelor males. The highest rates of activity and behavior patterns occurred in March/April and in September. Territorial males cheek rubbed at a higher rate than bachelors. Territorial males were more active and SPUD (sniff, paw, urinate, and defecate) marked at a higher rate than bachelor males in 1996. After the formation of a bachelor herd in 1997, bachelor males showed higher rates of male-male interactions than territorial males. Territorial males maintained the same activity and behavioral rates in the presence and absence of females. Dispersion pattern of scent marks was more clumped in the presence of females. These findings suggest cheek rubs function more as a space-claiming behavior while SPUD marking is more strongly associated with male-male interactions. Comparison to male behavior in nonterritorial populations indicates that the behavioral mechanisms are present in all populations to accommodate shifts in social systems.
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Price Slides Within Cattle Markets Over Time and SpaceDickamore, Justin Edward 01 May 2015 (has links)
The production of cattle in the United State is a very large business. Production begins at the cow-calf level, where a calf is born and raised to a specific weight. This weight is the weaning weight and averages between 300-600 pounds. The calf is then typically shipped to a feedlot, where it is fed a high corn ration which increases the weight of animal quickly and cost effectively to reach a sufficient slaughter weight. Cattle production takes place primarily in 5 different geographical locations which include the North Central, Southeast, Northern Plains, Southern Plains, and West regions. Due to the relationships between fed cattle prices, feeder cattle prices and feed costs, lighter weight feeder cattle typically sell for a higher price per pound than heavier weight feeder cattle. This decrease in price per pound for heavier feeders is often referred to as a feeder cattle price slide. This study is to determine how price slides have reacted over time and space due to the relative changes in fed and feeder cattle prices and the cost of feed.
Weekly data was obtained from the Livestock Marketing Information Center (LMIC) on the auction price for feeder cattle at different weights for both steers and heifers. Weekly data on the futures price of live cattle and corn were also obtained from the LMIC.
To determine if feeder cattle price slides had changed over time, regression analysis was used to evaluate the relationship between feeder cattle prices at varying weights with the price of fed cattle and the price of corn. Two different time periods were used for the same location: the first period was from 1992 to 1996 and the second period was from 2005 to 2015. Price slides were also examined across space. There were five different geographical locations analyzed: Oklahoma, Nebraska, Georgia, Kansas, and Montana. Each region was regressed individually and then compared. Prices slides were calculated as the difference in the regressed feeder cattle price at each weight. A combination of the time and space was used to evaluate changes in the same model.
Results from the regression models returned feeder cattle prices at varying weights for steers and heifers and price slides were calculated from those estimated prices. It was found that price slides are not constant over time and that price slides are geographically specific. In the third objective, it is shown that time and space are both factors in determining price slides for feeder cattle.
The implications of this study are to help cattle producers be more aware of market conditions specific to changes in feeding cost. It is also to make aware that price slides are not constant over time and space and therefore, must be reevaluated on a consistent basis.
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Diversifying Destinations: Examining Study Abroad in Non-traditional LocationsReister, Jill January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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An Application of Spatially Based Crash Analyses and Road Safety Investigations to Increase Older Driver SafetyPeabody, Deanna A 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Arguably the greatest issue facing the transportation profession is the ability to provide social equity with regards to both safety and mobility given the aging population. Given the overall dominance of the automobile within the transportation system, the ability to provide feasible alternatives is daunting. This fact, when coupled with the well-documented challenges of older drivers, underscores the need for improved safety features and system-wide safety approaches with a focus on the older driver. This paper describes an application of spatial crash analysis and road safety investigations that were employed in Massachusetts with a direct focus on the older driver. Specifically, the paper outlines an approach for identifying high crash locations for older drivers and presents the results of older driver focused road safety investigations for selected locations. The research approach targets both intersections and roadway segments identifying locations where older drivers are overrepresented in crashes. The road safety investigations resulted in recommended countermeasures aimed at mitigating the older driver crash problem at the identified locations. Although the resulting countermeasures, which were based upon established literature such as the Older Driver Design Handbook, included a full spectrum of recommendations, a specific emphasis was placed upon short-term and low cost measures that could be readily employed. Techniques to identify relationships between high crash location identification methods and the recommended countermeasures for the identified locations are considered. Ultimately the application of these techniques may provide transportation professionals with a means to associate specific older driver focused countermeasures with the results of particular methods of high crash location identification.
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