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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparing PLC, Software Containers and Edge Computing for future industrial use: a literature review

Basem, Mumthas January 2022 (has links)
Industrial automation is critical in today's industry. The majority of new scientific and technological advancements are either enabling technologies or industrial automation application areas. In the past, the two main forms of control systems were distributed control systems (DCS) and programmable logic controllers (PLCs). PLCs have been referred as the "brain" of production systems because they provide the capacity to meet interoperability, reconfigurability, and portability criteria. Today's industrial automation systems rely heavily on control software to ensure that the automation process runs smoothly and efficiently. Furthermore, requirements like flexibility, adaptability, and robustness add to the control software's complexity. As a result, new approaches to building control software are required. The International Electrotechnical Commission attempted to meet these new and impending demands with the new IEC 61499 family of standards for distributed automation systems. The IEC 61499 standard specifies a high-level system design language for distributed data and control. With the advancement of these technologies like edge/fog computing and IIoT, how the control software in future smart factory managed is discussed here. This study aims to do a systematic literature review on PLC, software containers, edge/fog computing and IIoT for future industrial use. The objective is to identify the correspondence between the functional block (IEC 61499) and the container technology such as Docker. The impact of edge computing and the internet of things in industrial automation is also analysed. Since the aim is to do a comparative study, a qualitative explorative study is done, with the purpose to gather rich insight about the field. The analysis of the study mainly focused on four major areas such as deployment, run time, performance and security of these technologies. The result shows that containerisation or container based solutions is the basis for future automation as it outperforms virtual machines in terms of deployment, run time, performance and security.

Insamling av drift- och produktionsdata från energiteknik vid Ihus anläggning på Vaksala-Eke

Andersson, Hjalmar, Zdansky Cottle, Leo, Claesson, Melker, Karlsson, Nils, Stenhammar, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
För att minska den globala uppvärmningen bär utbyggnaden av förnybar energiproduktion en stor vikt i dagens samhälle. Av den anledningen är det av stor betydelse som nya tekniker för energiproduktion testas. För att undersöka huruvida dessa tekniker är effektiva och lönsamma är det viktigt att deras produktionsdata publiceras och görs tillgänglig för allmänheten. Det är anledningen till att det här projektet beställts från Ihus via STUNS energi. Projektidén var att samla in högfrekvent uppmätt produktionsdata från en soltracker, ett vindkraftverk och ett batterilager. Dessutom skulle väderdata samlas från en väderstation och solinstrålningsmätare för att sedan offentliggöra datan via STUNS Energiportal. För genomförandet av projektet användes en enklare dator för att ta emot information från olika sensorer. För att kommunicera med enheterna användes olika standardiserade kommunikationsprotokoll. Enheterna konfigurerades och kopplades in i datorn. Den insamlade datan bearbetades med en programmerad kod. Programmet sände iväg datan till en molnlagringsplattform för att sedan publicera den. Uppkoppling mot soltrackerns växelriktare samt pyranometern lyckades. Den insamlade informationen från de två enheterna publicerades sedan på Energiportalen. Väderstationen producerade data men kommunikation med det ursprungligt tänkta protokollet lyckades inte att upprättas. Genom ett annat protokoll erhölls värden, men inte genom den implementerade koden. Dessutom uppstod problem med batterilagret och vindkraftverket. Ingen information lyckades hämtas från någon av dem. I projektets gång har det samlats in mätpunkter var femte sekund för respektive enhet. Utifrån det erhållna resultatet kan de konstateras att vid högfrekvent insamling av väder- och produktionsdata, blir viktig information tydligare för vardera energiproduktionsenhet. Denna information kan gå förlorad vid lågfrekvent datainsamling. Det beror på vädrets hastiga fluktuation. En lågfrekventare datainsamling ger således en sämre uppfattning av hur värdena egentligen ändras med tiden.

Lastfördelning och effektmätning med Arduino och PLC

Klintrot, Oskar, Forsström, Daniel January 2014 (has links)
Detta arbete var beställt av Sjöfartshögskolan i Kalmar. Skolan ville ha en enhet som kunde mäta aktiv-, reaktiv- och skenbar effekt, ström, spänning, frekvens och cosϕ på en generator och som kommunicerade vidare dessa värden till en PLC. Detta för att kunna lastfördela lasten mellan ett antal generatorer i kursen Tillämpad elteknik 15 hp där studenterna bygger en generatorinstallation med tre generatorer. Ett funktionsblock för lastfördelning skulle också programmeras. Prototypen som konstruerades baserades på en Arduino Ethernet och kommunikationen löstes med Modbus TCP/IP över Ethernet. Ett lastfördelningsprogram programmerades i form av ett funktionsblock som studenterna kunde importera till CoDeSys v2.3 och använda i sina installationer. Prototypen kunde läsa av värdena med ungefär samma noggrannhet som ett kommersiellt instrument som använder sig av samma mätteknik som prototypen. Uppdateringsfrekvensen var dock lägre än hos ett kommersiellt instrument. Kommunikationen med PLC:n fungerade utan problem. Då ingen undervisning hölls i arbetets slutskede kunde inte lastfördelningen testas på en fullskalig anläggning. Lastfördelningsprogrammet klarade dock av att hålla rätt frekvens på en ensam generator och fungerade som tänkt när programmet testades i en simulator. Prototypen gav fel mätvärden vid kapacitiv last. Vid jämförelse med en kommersiell tångamperemeter visade sig mätfelet bero på mätmetoden då båda gav liknande resultat. Som referens användes en professionell elkvalitetsanalysator. Alla uppdragsgivarens krav blev uppfyllda och arbetet kommer att kunna användas i undervisningen. / This thesis was ordered by Kalmar Maritime Academy. The request was for a device that could measure active, reactive and apparent power, as well as frequency, voltage, current and cosϕ on a generator. The measured values would be communicated to a PLC for use in a load sharing program between a number of generators in the course Tillämpad elteknik, 15 ECTS. In that course the students constructs a three-generator electric power grid. Included in the request was also to program a load sharing program. The prototype being constructed was based on the Arduino Ethernet, and the communication was enabled by means of the Modbus TCP/IP protocol over Ethernet. A load sharing program was created in the form of a function block which the student could import into the CoDeSys for use in the generator systems. The prototype could measure values with close to the same accuracy as a commercial available instrument that were using the same technique for measuring. The refresh rate was however lower than the commercial available instrument. Communication with the PLC worked without any issues. No full-scale testing could be done since no course was held during the final stages of the thesis, however the load sharing program could keep frequency on a single generator alone and worked in a simulated soft environment. Measuring errors occurred when measuring a capacitive load. When comparing to a commercial available clamp meter, the same errors occurred. As a reference a professional power and energy quality analyser was used. All the requests were fulfilled and the result of this thesis will be used in the educational programme at the Academy.

Metodologia para implementação de controle supervisório modular local em controladores lógicos programáveis / Methodology for implementation of supervisory control local modular in programmable logic control

Cruz, Diogo Luiz Lemes da 29 July 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T17:38:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Diogo Luiz Leme da Cruz.pdf: 2277911 bytes, checksum: 44818fa572a2ccc7f237939664149ec3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-07-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Currently, manufacturing automation has assumed an increasingly important role within the industry and the problems of automated control systems have become increasingly complex. Thus, the traditional use of empirical methods heavily base on the experience of the programmer can lead to inappropriate or ineffective solutions. In this case, the Supervisory Control Theory (SCT) of Ramadge and Wonham (1989) cam be a suitable tool because it ensures the achievement of optimal control logic (minimally restrictive and nonblocking) and also that meets the specifications of control. This paper presents a methodology for implementation of SCT in Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). The modeling of the plant and the specification of control is done by automata and languages, and in order to exploit the modular nature of the plant and the specifications we use the local modular approach (QUEIROZ and CURY, 2000) for the synthesis of supervisors. The use of a formal methodology for implementing control system also allows to standardize in the development, testing and structure of the PLC code and obtain a free of errors solution and crashes, discarding the empirical methods. The methods of implementation of the TCS in PLC existing literature have the feature to limit the evolution of the system, often dealing with one event per PLC scan cycle. Also presented is a series of problems that can occur in the implementation of supervisors in control elements such as PLCs (FABIAN and HELLGREN, 1998). However, not all of these problems have solutions and for some of them are presented some properties that the modeling of the system must ensure in order to avoid such problems. This method treats all the uncontrollable events produced by the plant in just one PLC scan cycle. The also promotes the control of the plant at the end of cycle. The development of this methodology takes into account the possible problems when using the theory into practice. Thus providing solutions to the problems. In this case the solutions, Choice , stands out. It promotes the random generation of controllable events. One it is give priority to a particular event over another, it can cause the system to lock or be inoperative (MALIK, 2002). To facilitate the implementation of supervisory control structure in PLC, was created a computational tool for the automatic generation of control logic, based on the proposed methodology that converts the list generated by the software Discrete Event System (DES) in LADDER code. The validation of the results obtained with the tool generation was done through simulations for different problems of supervisory control. / Na atualidade, a automação da manufatura tem assumido cada vez mais um papel importante dentro das indústrias e os problemas de controle de sistemas automatizados têm se tornado cada vez mais complexos. Assim, o tradicional uso de métodos empíricos fortemente baseados na experiência do programador pode levar a soluções inadequadas ou ineficientes. Neste sentido, a Teoria de Controle Supervisório (TCS) apresentada por Ramadge e Wonham (1989) se mostra uma ferramenta adequada uma vez que garante a obtenção de uma lógica de controle ótima (minimamente restritiva e não bloqueante) e que satisfaz às especificações de controle. Este trabalho apresenta uma metodologia para implementação da TCS em Controladores Lógicos Programáveis (CLPs). A modelagem da planta e das especificações de controle é feita por autômatos e linguagens e no intuito de explorar a modularidade da planta e das especificações utiliza-se a abordagem modular local (QUEIROZ e CURY, 2000) para a síntese dos supervisores. O uso de uma metodologia formal para a implantação em sistemas de controle possibilita ainda uma padronização no desenvolvimento, teste e estrutura de códigos nos CLPs e obter uma solução livre de erros e bloqueios, fugindo dos métodos empíricos. Os métodos de implementação da TCS em CLP encontrados na literatura apresentam a característica de limitar a evolução do sistema, muitas vezes tratando um único evento por ciclo de varredura do CLP. Também, é apresentada uma série de problemas que podem ocorrer na implementação de supervisores em elementos de controle como CLPs (FABIAN e HELLGREN, 1998). Entretanto, nem todos os problemas apresentados são solucionados e para alguns deles são apresentadas propriedades que o modelo do sistema deve satisfazer para que tais problemas não se manifestem. Já a metodologia desenvolvida neste trabalho permite tratar em um mesmo ciclo de varredura do CLP todos os eventos não controláveis gerados pela planta, e ainda promover o controle da mesma a partir dos eventos controláveis gerados ao final desse ciclo. O desenvolvimento desta metodologia leva em consideração os problemas que podem ocorrer quando se utiliza a teoria na prática, apresentando uma solução para alguns desses problemas. Destaca-se a solução do chamado problema da escolha, cuja priorização indevida de eventos pode levar ao bloqueio ou tornar parte do sistema inoperante (MALIK, 2002). Como solução para este problema propõe-se uma escolha aleatória dinâmica para a geração dos eventos controláveis, evitando assim os problemas mencionados. Para facilitar a implementação da estrutura de controle supervisório no CLP foi criado um software de geração automática de código, que baseado na metodologia proposta, converte a listagem gerada pelo software de Sistema a Eventos Discretos (SED) em linguagem LADDER. A validação dos resultados obtidos com a ferramenta de geração de código foi realizada por intermédio de simulações feitas para diferentes problemas de controle supervisório.

Controle preditivo robusto baseado em desigualdades matriciais lineares aplicado a um sistema de tanques acoplados

Lopes, Jos? Soares Batista 14 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseSBL_DISSERT.pdf: 1769944 bytes, checksum: 43863b3b32771c922314a0fa73be8bf8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-14 / This work deals with an on-line control strategy based on Robust Model Predictive Control (RMPC) technique applied in a real coupled tanks system. This process consists of two coupled tanks and a pump to feed the liquid to the system. The control objective (regulator problem) is to keep the tanks levels in the considered operation point even in the presence of disturbance. The RMPC is a technique that allows explicit incorporation of the plant uncertainty in the problem formulation. The goal is to design, at each time step, a state-feedback control law that minimizes a 'worst-case' infinite horizon objective function, subject to constraint in the control. The existence of a feedback control law satisfying the input constraints is reduced to a convex optimization over linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) problem. It is shown in this work that for the plant uncertainty described by the polytope, the feasible receding horizon state feedback control design is robustly stabilizing. The software implementation of the RMPC is made using Scilab, and its communication with Coupled Tanks Systems is done through the OLE for Process Control (OPC) industrial protocol / Este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver uma estrat?gia de controle on-line baseado no Controlador Preditivo Robusto (RMPC, acr?nimo do ingl?s Robust Model Predictive Control) aplicado a um sistema real de tanques acoplados. Este processo consiste em sistema de dois tanques conectados, cujo liquido ? enviado aos mesmos por uma bomba. O objetivo do controle (problema regulat?rio) ? deixar os n?veis dos tanques no ponto de opera??o considerado, mesmo na presen?a de perturba??es. A s?ntese da t?cnica RMPC consiste em incorporar de forma explicita as incertezas da planta na formula??o do problema. O objetivo do projeto, a cada per?odo de amostragem, ? encontrar uma realimenta??o de estados que minimiza o pior caso de uma fun??o objetivo com horizonte infinito, sujeita a restri??es no sinal de controle. O problema original, do tipo Min-max, ? reduzido em a problema de otimiza??o convexa expresso em desigualdades matriciais lineares (LMI, Linear Matriz Inequalities). Mostram-se, neste trabalho, a descri??o da incerteza da planta na forma polit?pica e as condi??es de factibilidade do problema de otimiza??o. A implementa??o do algoritmo RMPC foi feita utilizando o software Scilab e a sua comunica??o com o sistema de tanques acoplados foi feita atrav?s do protocolo OPC (do ingl?s OLE for Process Control)

Návrh řídicího systému experimentální sladovny / Design control system for experimental malt-house

Pochylý, Petr January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis deals with design of automation control system for operationally experimental malt-house. The first part deals with general description of all production stages of malting and brief description about the Research Institute of Brewering and Malting. It also generally characterizes the used hardware and software for automation control system. The second part of this thesis describes the types of programmable logic controllers and the selection of optimal variant for application of the operationally experimental malt-house. Master thesis in the third and fourth part contains a brief description about the methodology and the creation of control program and visualisation for automatic control system of the operationally experimental malt-house. The output of the master thesis is a complete control program and visualisation of the controlled application of the operating malt-house.

Model křižovatky s průmyslovou komunikací / Crossroad model with industrial communication

Záviš, Jan January 2021 (has links)
This diploma project summarizes a theoretical introduction regarding the issue of traffic light control. Further there is industrial communication discussed, where they are the Ethernet / IP protocol and the Modbus TCP protocol described more in detail. The following is the description of the Logix series programmable controllers. Then the diploma follows up with market research in order to find the most suitable development kit which is used as a trial prototype. Then it is concerned with a development kit with a communication module from AND-TECH company. Software was developed on them, more specifically a library for processor ports, memory and the Modbus TCP protocol. After verifying the functionality of the software, the hardware design was started. From the first site it is development kit and module and from the second site there are input and output circuits. There must be the assessment of the results found during the test operation. The end of the document describes incorrect steps that were repaired in hardware.

Využití softwarového PLC v tepelné technice budov / Use of the software PLC in thermal engineering of buildings

Hubený, František January 2012 (has links)
This presenting master’s thesis deals with a problem of digitaly controled room temperature using the software PLC. The result of this work was creating of an algorithm to control temperature on the requested leve ofl setpoint, minimizing operating costs of the building. The PLC softwares from different manufacturers were analyzed and compared with conventional PLC. The testing facility was disigned and used to control the temperature in the room and data visualization. Room temperature was regulated by PS controller or two point regulator.

Jednoúčelový stroj zajišťující lisování kanystrových nálevek / Dedicated machine for forming of jerrican spouts

Podolan, Luděk January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is detail description of theory, design process and final realization of single-purpose machine for pressing canister funnels. Theoretical section of this work covers manufacturing standards of the electrical cabinets, options for the single-purpose machine control with focus on the programmable logic controller e.g. PLC, PLC control program concept with definition of the main alarm states and description of two types of electrical cabinet. Practical part contains description of the electrical cabinet, its block diagram, photo documentation of the wiring (chapter 4.), chosen PLC type, its advantages and detail program description using Ladder diagram notation, communication with operator realized with touch LCD panel, programming environment for this LCD panel and program realization process. Finalized machine description and its photo documentation in manufacturing process is covered in the end. This diploma thesis is based and extends previously successfully defended semester project.

Řízení pohybů dvouramenného žonglovacího stroje / Double arm juggling machine movement cotrol

Janeček, Jan January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis is a part of the project Intelligent double arm juggling machine. The project is divided into two diploma thesis. This thesis deals with the motion control of juggling arms. Information about hardware and software resources used in this project is in the first part of thesis. There is explanation of the control loop, explanation of used communication protocols and implementation of program proceeding in the second part of thesis.

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