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[pt] A presente dissertação recorre à literatura sobre escolas
eficazes e sobre espaços escolares para referenciar a
pesquisa em três escolas públicas municipais da cidade do
Rio de Janeiro que tiveram desempenho diferenciado em
Leitura nos dois primeiros resultados longitudinais do Geres
(Estudo Longitudinal da Geração Escolar 2005). A literatura
revela que a materialidade da escola é fator relevante
na constituição de determinadas práticas escolares capazes
de constranger ou de estimular a disseminação social de
certos conhecimentos e competências. Mais
especificamente, por meio do estudo dos usos e funções de
espaços e de objetos escolares como, por exemplo, salas de
leitura, murais das escolas e das salas de aula e cantinhos
de leitura, a presente pesquisa procura aumentar o
entendimento do conjunto de fazeres pedagógicos ativados no
interior das escolas investigadas e que guardam relação mais
direta com o desenvolvimento de habilidades básicas de
leitura e escrita. Com esta finalidade, foram realizadas
incursões às escolas ao longo do ano de 2007, em três
momentos estratégicos do calendário escolar (início, meado e
final do ano letivo) com o objetivo de registrar
fotograficamente os espaços privilegiados de suporte e
promoção da leitura. Com base nas análises implementadas a
partir desse registro, foi possível identificar aspectos
relevantes das instituições pesquisadas pautados na
natureza, disposição, usos e funções de espaços e objetos
relacionados à promoção da leitura, contribuindo para o
entendimento da eficácia escolar sob o ponto de vista dos
discursos visuais da escola como fatores promotores de
aprendizagem. / [en] The present dissertation recurs to the literature about
effective schools and school spaces in order to reference a
research in three municipal public schools in the city of
Rio de Janeiro which have had a remarkable performance in
Reading at the two first longitudinal results from Geres
(Estudo Longitudinal da Geração Escolar 2005). The
literature reveals that the materiality of school is a
relevant factor in the constitution of determinate school
practices and is able to constrain or stimulate the social
dissemination of certain knowledge and competences.
More specifically, through the study of the uses and
functions of school spaces and objects as, for instance, a
room in school for activities of reading and writing,
the school`s and classroom`s bulletin boards and an area in
classroom with a small library, the present research
attempts to enlarge the understanding of the
whole pedagogical duties activated in the interior of the
investigated schools that keep a more straight relation to
the development of basic reading and writing
abilities. Aiming that, incursions to the schools were
carried out throughout the year of 2007, in three strategic
periods of the school calendar (beginning, middle
and end of term) with the objective of photographing the
privileged spaces designated to the support and the
promotion of reading. Based on the analysis implemented from
this register, it was possible to identify relevant aspects
of the researched institutions, ruled by its nature,
dispositions, uses and functions of spaces and objects
related to the promotion of reading, contributing to the
understanding of school effectiveness from the point of view
of the school visual discourses as learning promoting factors.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The knowledge of the role of physical and biological processes on animal community distribution is influenced
by the spatial scale adopted in ecological studies. Due the scarcity of studies of distributional patterns of benthic
macroinvertebrates in multiple scales in tropical and subtropical regions, this paper analyzes the structure of
benthic macroinvertebrate communities in different spatial scales (among small watersheds and different river
orders of each watershed) and the influence of certain environmental variables on these communities. The
sampling was performed with Surber sampler in the small watersheds of the Vacacaí-Mirim River (August,
2008), and the Ibicuí-Mirim and Tororaipí rivers (August 2009). In each watershed were selected four sampling
sites following the longitudinal gradient (stretches of 1st, 2nd, 3th and 4th orders. The environmental factors
analyzed were: water temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, substrate granulometry and
presence of aquatic and riparian vegetation. A total of 10.985 individuals, 42 families and 129 taxa were collected
and, in general, the dominant taxa were Simuliidae (14%), Naididae (13%), Cricotopus sp. 1 (13%), Cricotopus
sp. 2 (8%) (Chironomidae), Paragripopteryx (5%) (Gripopterygidae) and Americabaetis (5%) (Baetidae)
representing 58% of the total specimens collected. There were no differences in macroinvertebrate richness
among watersheds, however, the community structure showed differences among the three watersheds. The
stretches of 3th and 4th orders showed higher richness than the stretches of 1st and 2nd orders. Additionally, there
was recorded difference among communities structure of different orders stretches (56%). In general the
environmental variables that influenced the distribution of the communities were granulometry, dissolved
oxygen, electrical conductivity and aquatic vegetation. The macroinvertebrates characteristic of 1st and 2nd order
stretches of the Vacacaí-Mirim River and of 1st order of the Tororaipí River watersheds where influenced mainly
by bigger granulometry and dissolved oxygen, while the macroinvertebrates associated to the 3th and 4th order
stretches were influenced by the higher electrical conductivity. The small watersheds of the Ibicuí-Mirim (except
the 2nd order stretch) and Tororaipí rivers (except the 1st and 4th order stretches) did not show difference
concerning the river orders, and were associated to the smaller electrical conductivity and absence of aquatic
vegetation. The 4th order stretches of the Tororaipí River was segregated of the other stretches due to its smaller
granulometry. The granulometry did not influence the small watershed of the Ibicuí-Mirim and Tororaipí rivers
(except the 4th order stretches) due to the presence of fine substrate, while the Vacacaí-Mirim River watershed
showed coarse substrate. This difference is probably determined by the fact that the Vacacaí-Mirim River
represents a tributary of a different and bigger hydrographic watershed, the Jacuí River Basin, while the others
small watersheds represents tributaries of the Ibicuí River Basin. Possibly, the Jacuí River Basin have higher
electrical conductvity, since this factor was high in all the sampled stretches, being encreased by the proximity to
urban areas with domestic sewage and agricultural activities near the river banks. In the small watersheds of the
Ibicuí-Mirim and Tororaipí rivers, the difference between the community structures is possibly related to
environmental features, such as finer substrate in both rivers and well developed riparian vegetation in the
Tororaipí River. / As percepções dos processos físicos e biológicos dependem da escala em que as observações são feitas. Devido à
escassez de estudos sobre os padrões de distribuição de macroinvertebrados bentônicos em múltiplas escalas em
regiões tropicais e subtropicais, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a estruturação das comunidades de
macroinvertebrados bentônicos em diferentes escalas espaciais (entre microbacias e entre trechos de diferentes
ordens de cada riacho) e identificar a influência de variáveis ambientais sobre a estruturação dessas comunidades.
A amostragem foi realizada com amostrador tipo Surber, nas microbacias dos rios Vacacaí-Mirim (agosto de
2008), Ibicuí-Mirim e Tororaipí (agosto de 2009). Em cada microbacia foram selecionados quatro pontos de
coleta segundo gradiente longitudinal (trechos de 1ª, 2ª, 3ª e 4ª ordens). Em cada ponto de coleta foram
amostradas as variáveis ambientais: temperatura da água, pH, condutividade elétrica, oxigênio dissolvido,
granulometria do substrato e presença de vegetação aquática e ripária. Um total de 10.985 indivíduos, 42 famílias
e 129 táxons foram coletados, sendo que os táxons dominantes foram Simuliidae (14%), Naididae (13%),
Cricotopus sp. 1 (13%), Cricotopus sp. 2 (8%) (Chironomidae) e Paragripopteryx (5%) (Gripopterygidae) e
Americabaetis (5%) (Baetidae), perfazendo 58% da abundância total. Não houve diferença na riqueza entre as
microbacias, entretanto ocorreu diferença na estrutura das comunidades das três microbacias. As microbacias dos
rios Tororaipí e Ibicuí-Mirim apresentaram menor diferença entre si, que em relação à microbacia do Rio
Vacacaí-Mirim. Os trechos de 3ª e 4ª ordens apresentaram maior riqueza que os trechos de 1ª e 2ª ordens.
Adicionalmente, ocorreu diferença na estrutura das comunidades entre os trechos amostrados (56%), sendo que
apenas os trechos de 2ª e 3ª ordens não apresentaram diferença significativa entre si. De modo geral, as variáveis
ambientais que influenciaram a distribuição da comunidade foram a granulometria, a concentração de oxigênio
dissolvido, a condutividade elétrica e a vegetação aquática. Os macroinvertebrados típicos dos trechos de 1ª e 2ª
ordens da microbacia do Rio Vacacaí-Mirim e de 1ª ordem do Rio Tororaipí foram influenciados principalmente
pela maior granulometria e concentração de oxigênio dissolvido, enquanto os associados aos trechos de 3ª e 4ª
ordens foram influenciados pela maior condutividade elétrica. As microbacias dos rios Ibicuí-Mirim (exceto o
trecho de 2ª ordem) e Tororaipí (exceto os trechos de 1ª e 4ª ordens) não apresentaram diferença quanto às
ordens, sendo associadas à menor condutividade elétrica e à ausência de vegetação aquática. A granulometria não
influenciou a diferenciação das microbacias dos rios Ibicuí-Mirim e Tororaipí (exceto o trecho de 4ª ordem), pois
ambos possuem substrato mais fino, enquanto a microbacia do Rio Vacacaí-Mirim apresenta substrato pedregoso.
Isto provavelmente se deve ao fato do Rio Vacacaí-Mirim pertencer a uma bacia hidrográfica diferente (Bacia do
Rio Jacuí) das demais microbacias (Bacia do Rio Ibicuí). Possivelmente a maior condutividade elétrica seja típica
da primeira Bacia, visto que esta foi maior em todos os trechos amostrados, sendo aumentada ainda pela
proximidade da área urbana, com despejo de efluentes domésticos, assim como pela presença de agricultura
próxima às margens. Nas microbacias dos rios Ibicuí-Mirim e Tororaipí a diferenciação da estrutura da
comunidade encontrada deve ocorrer devido às características ambientais, como presença de substrato mais fino em ambos os rios e maior quantidade de vegetação ripária no Rio Tororaipí
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Time Trends and Predictors of Initiation for Cigarette and Waterpipe Smoking Among Jordanian School Children: Irbid, 2008-2011McKelvey, Karma L, PhD 23 June 2014 (has links)
Smoking prevalence among adolescents in the Middle East remains high while rates of smoking have been declining among adolescents elsewhere. The aims of this research were to (1) describe patterns of cigarette and waterpipe (WP) smoking, (2) identify determinants of WP smoking initiation, and (3) identify determinants of cigarette smoking initiation in a cohort of Jordanian school children.
Among this cohort of school children in Irbid, Jordan, (age ≈ 12.6 at baseline) the first aim (N=1,781) described time trends in smoking behavior, age at initiation, and changes in frequency of smoking from 2008-2011 (grades 7 – 10). The second aim (N=1,243) identified determinants of WP initiation among WP-naïve students; and the third aim (N=1,454) identified determinants of cigarette smoking initiation among cigarette naïve participants. Determinants of initiation were assessed with generalized mixed models. All analyses were stratified by gender.
Baseline prevalence of current smoking (cigarettes or WP) for boys and girls was 22.9% and 8.7% respectively. Prevalence of ever- and current- any smoking, cigarette smoking, WP smoking, and dual cigarette/WP smoking was higher in boys than girls each year (p
These studies reveal intensive smoking patterns at early ages among Jordanian youth in Irbid, characterized by a predominance of WP smoking. WP may be a vehicle for tobacco dependence and subsequent cigarette uptake. The sizeable incidence of WP and cigarette initiation among students of both sexes points to a need for culturally relevant smoking prevention interventions. Gender-specific factors, refusal skills, and smoking cessation of both WP and cigarettes for youth and their parents/teachers would be important components of such initiatives.
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Consumo alimentar de alunos da educação básica de Guariba, São Paulo: um estudo longitudinal / Dietary intake of students of basic education of Guariba, São Paulo: a longitudinal studyMaria Julia de Miguel Amistá 20 April 2018 (has links)
Nos últimos anos o padrão de consumo alimentar no Brasil sofreu diversas modificações por conta dos processos de transição nutricional, marcado intensamente pelo alto consumo de alimentos com elevado teor calórico, ricos em gorduras, açúcares simples, sódio e ao baixo consumo de frutas, hortaliças e alimentos in natura. Este trabalho de caráter longitudinal teve por principal objetivo avaliar a mudança do estado nutricional dos alunos da rede pública de educação básica de ensino de Guariba (estado de São Paulo), no triênio 2013-2016, estimando as variáveis associadas às mudanças do estado nutricional, e analisar a ingestão de energia, macronutrientes, vitaminas, minerais, fibra alimentar e sua relação com o estado nutricional. Para a avaliação nutricional dos alunos foram analisados os indicadores antropométricos (escore Z do Índice de Massa Corporal). As informações referentes ao consumo de alimentos, qualitativa e quantitativa, foram obtidas por meio da adoção de 2 (dois) Recordatórios 24h (nas duas fases - F1 e F2), e as prevalências de inadequação de consumo de micronutrientes foram calculadas utilizando as recomendações nutricionais indicadas para cada estrato etário. Merece destaque a prevalência de excesso de peso dos alunos (49,58%) principalmente no que tange a proporção de obesos (15,60%), e as mudanças significativas no aumento o IMC com o transcorrer do tempo. Quanto ao consumo de macronutrientes, carboidratos, proteínas e gorduras saturadas apresentam-se acima dos valores preconizados de recomendações dietéticas. Quanto aos micronutrientes, os achados assemelham-se aos dados nacionais quanto à inadequação de cálcio, magnésio, sódio e potássio. Foi possível captar associação entre a inatividade física, medido pelo \"tempo de tela\", com o aumento do IMC na segunda fase da pesquisa. O número de alunos inativos tende a um quadro favorável ao incremento das taxas de sobrepeso e obesidade na população estudada, uma vez que um elevado percentual dos alunos classificados como obesos são sedentários (96,43%, na Fase 2). Políticas de saúde públicas municipais direcionadas a orientação dos adolescentes matriculados nas escolas de educação básica de ensino urgem em ser implantadas, com o intuito de que esta população não apresente altos índices de doenças crônicas relacionadas à baixa qualidade da dieta, sedentarismo e excesso de peso na idade adulta. / In recent years the pattern of food consumption in Brazil has suffered several modifications on porpoise of nutritional transition, marked by the intensively high consumption of high-calorie, high in fats, simple sugars, sodium and low consumption of fruits, vegetables and unprocessed foods. This work of longitudinal character has main objective to evaluate the change of nutritional status of students in the public education of basic education Guariba (State of São Paulo), in the 2013-2016 three years, estimating the variables associated to changes of state nutritional, and analyze the energy intake, macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and your relationship with nutritional status. For the nutritional evaluation of the students analyzed the anthropometric indicators (Z score of body mass index). Information relating to the consumption of food, qualitative and quantitative, were obtained through the adoption of 2 (two) 24 hour recall (in two phases-F1 and F2), and the prevalence of inadequacy of consumption of micronutrients were calculated using the recommendations indicated for each age stratum nutritional. The prevalence of overweight students (49.58%) especially regarding the proportion of obese (15.60%), and significant changes in increasing the body mass index (BMI) with the elapse of time. As for the consumption of macronutrients carbohydrates, proteins and fats are saturated above the recommended values of dietary recommendations. As for micronutrients, the findings are similar to national data regarding the inadequacy of calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. It was possible to capture association between physical inactivity, measured by \"screen time\", with the increase in BMI in the second phase of the research. The number of inactive students tends to favor the increasing rates of overweight and obesity in the population studied, since a high percentage of students classified as obese are sedentary (96.43%, in Stage 2). Municipal public health policies directed to guidance of adolescents enrolled in schools teaching basic education urge to be deployed, with the intention that this population with high rates of chronic diseases related to poor quality of diet, physical inactivity and overweight in adulthood.
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Multiple Testing Correction with Repeated Correlated Outcomes: Applications to EpigeneticsLeap, Katie 27 October 2017 (has links)
Epigenetic changes (specifically DNA methylation) have been associated with adverse health outcomes; however, unlike genetic markers that are fixed over the lifetime of an individual, methylation can change. Given that there are a large number of methylation sites, measuring them repeatedly introduces multiple testing problems beyond those that exist in a static genetic context. Using simulations of epigenetic data, we considered different methods of controlling the false discovery rate. We considered several underlying associations between an exposure and methylation over time.
We found that testing each site with a linear mixed effects model and then controlling the false discovery rate (FDR) had the highest positive predictive value (PPV), a low number of false positives, and was able to differentiate between differential methylation that was present at only one time point vs. a persistent relationship. In contrast, methods that controlled FDR at a single time point and ad hoc methods tended to have lower PPV, more false positives, and/or were unable to differentiate these conditions.
Validation in data obtained from Project Viva found a difference between fitting longitudinal models only to sites significant at one time point and fitting all sites longitudinally.
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A Comparison of Techniques for Handling Missing Data in Longitudinal StudiesBogdan, Alexander R 07 November 2016 (has links)
Missing data are a common problem in virtually all epidemiological research, especially when conducting longitudinal studies. In these settings, clinicians may collect biological samples to analyze changes in biomarkers, which often do not conform to parametric distributions and may be censored due to limits of detection. Using complete data from the BioCycle Study (2005-2007), which followed 259 premenopausal women over two menstrual cycles, we compared four techniques for handling missing biomarker data with non-Normal distributions. We imposed increasing degrees of missing data on two non-Normally distributed biomarkers under conditions of missing completely at random, missing at random, and missing not at random. Generalized estimating equations were used to obtain estimates from complete case analysis, multiple imputation using joint modeling, multiple imputation using chained equations, and multiple imputation using chained equations and predictive mean matching on Day 2, Day 13 and Day 14 of a standardized 28-day menstrual cycle. Estimates were compared against those obtained from analysis of the completely observed biomarker data. All techniques performed comparably when applied to a Normally distributed biomarker. Multiple imputation using joint modeling and multiple imputation using chained equations produced similar estimates across all types and degrees of missingness for each biomarker. Multiple imputation using chained equations and predictive mean matching consistently deviated from both the complete data estimates and the other missing data techniques when applied to a biomarker with a bimodal distribution. When addressing missing biomarker data in longitudinal studies, special attention should be given to the underlying distribution of the missing variable. As biomarkers become increasingly Normal, the amount of missing data tolerable while still obtaining accurate estimates may also increase when data are missing at random. Future studies are necessary to assess these techniques under more elaborate missingness mechanisms and to explore interactions between biomarkers for improved imputation models.
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Childhood Precursors of Adult Social Capital IndicesMattei, Gina Marie 19 November 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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A comparison of two definitions of success for community collegesWilliams, Jean Myers 10 October 2005 (has links)
This study examined community college students’ educational goals at the time of first enrollment in college and the status of attainment of those goals two and four years later. A comparison of the traditional definition of success for community college students - on time graduation or transfer to a four-year institution - and a definition reflecting Southern Association for Colleges and Schools criteria for institutional effectiveness was conducted to determine what effect changing success criteria would have numbers of students who are considered successful. Between 1985 and 1989, 11,553 student attending community colleges in southwestern Virginia were tracked to determine the degree to which they attained entry level educational goals. Students who enrolled for the purpose of attaining a credential were more likely to graduate and to exceed their educational goals than their non-degree-seeking counterparts. Non-degree-seekers were more likely to attain their educational goals exactly and then discontinue their community college enrollment. Differences among demographic groups are discussed and suggestions for policymakers are given. / Ph. D.
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The relations of parenting style and academic competence to early adolescents' life satisfaction: a longitudinal study in Hong Kong. / Parenting styleJanuary 2001 (has links)
Leung Yin-Wa. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 47-59). / Abstract and questionnaires in English and Chinese. / ABSTRACT-English --- p.i / ABSTRACT - Chinese --- p.ii / ACKNOWLEDGEMENT --- p.iii / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.iv / INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / METHOD --- p.17 / RESULTS --- p.23 / DISCUSSION --- p.32 / REFERENCES --- p.47 / APPENDIX A TO APPENDIX F --- p.60 / FOOTNOTES --- p.66 / TABLE 1 TO TABLE8 --- p.67 / FIGURE CAPTIONS --- p.75 / FIGURE1 / FIGURE2 / FIGURE3
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Estimating the longitudinal concordance correlation through fixed effects and variance components of polynomial mixed-effects regression model / Estimando a correlação de concordância longitudinal por meio de efeitos fixos e componentes de variâncias do modelo de regressão polinomial de efeitos mistosOliveira, Thiago de Paula 20 April 2018 (has links)
In the post-harvest area, a common approach to quantify the average color of fruits peel over time is the sampling of small number of points generally on its equatorial region using a colorimeter. However, when we use a colorimeter to classify an uneven-colored fruit misclassification may occur because points in the peel region may not be representative of average color of fruit. The main problem when we use this method is to determine the number of points to be sampled as well as the location of these points on the fruit\'s surface. An alternative method to evaluate measure of color is digital image analysis because it covers whole of the object surface, by using a sample of pixels taken from the image. As the colorimeter approach is faster and easier than image analysis, it may not be suitable for assessing the overall mean color of the papaya\'s peel and its performance will depend on the number of measured points and choice of sampled region. In this sense, the comparison between these approach is still necessary because we need to know if a sample on the equatorial region can reproduce a sample over the whole region, and if the colorimeter can compete with a scanner or digital camera in measuring the mean hue of papaya peel over time. Thus, we proposed a longitudinal concordance correlation (LCC) based on polynomial mixed-effects regression model to evaluate the extent of agreement among methods. The results show that ideally image analysis of whole fruit\'s region should be used to compute the mean hue and that the topography and curved surface of papaya fruit did not affect the mean hue obtained by the scanner. Since there are still no packages available to estimate the LCC in the free software environment R, we are developing a package called lcc, which provides functions for estimating the longitudinal concordance correlation (LCC) among methods based on variance components and fixed effects of polynomial mixed-effects model. Additionally, we implemented arguments in this function to estimating the longitudinal Pearson correlation (LPC), as precision measure, and longitudinal bias corrector factor (LA), as accuracy measure. Moreover, these components can be estimated using different structures for variance- covariance matrices of random effects and variance functions to model heteroscedasticity among within-group errors using or not the time as variance covariate. / No setor de pós-colheita é muito comum a utilização de colorímetros para avaliar a cor média da casca de frutos ao longo do tempo. No entanto, muitas vezes as técnicas de amostragem utilizando esse equipamento podem levar a medidas tendenciosas da média amostral. Alternativamente, a utilização de imagens digitais pode levar a um menor viés, uma vez que toda a região da casca do fruto é amostrada de forma sistemática. No entanto, ainda é necessária a comparação de ambas abordagens, pois o colorímetro tem vantagens em relação a facilidade de utilização e menor tempo para realizar a amostragem em cada fruto quando comparado a um scanner de mesa. Assim, no caso de variáveis respostas medidas em uma escala contínua, a reprodutibilidade das medidas tomadas por ambos equipamentos pode ser avaliada por meio do coeficiente de correlação de concordância. Dessa forma, para avaliar o perfil da concordância entre métodos, nós propomos uma correlação de concordância longitudinal (LCC), baseada em um modelo de regressão polinomial com efeitos mistos. Os resultados sugeriram que as técnicas por meio de imagens digitais devem ser utilizadas para a quantificação da tonalidade média de frutos. Adicionalmente, a partir do perfil de concordância estimado notamos que existe um período em que ambos os equipamentos podem ser utilizados. A performance do coeficiente de concordância longitudinal foi avaliada por meio de um estudo de simulação, o qual sugeriu que nossa metodologia é robusta a dados desbalanceados (\"dropout\") e que a probabilidade de convergência é aceitavel para uma amostra de 20 frutos e ideal para amostras a partir de 100 frutos. Uma vez que ainda não existem pacotes disponibilizados no ambiente computacional R para a estimação da correlação de concordância longitudinal, nós estamos desenvolvendo um pacote intitulado lcc, o qual será submetido ao \"Comprehensive R Archive Network\" (CRAN). Nesse pacote nós implementamos procedimentos para estimação da correlação de concordância longitudinal, da correlação de Person longitudinal e de uma medida de acurácia longitudinal. Além disso, nosso pacote foi desenvolvido para dados balanceados e desbalanceados, permitindo modelar a heteroscedasticidade entre erros dentro do grupo usando ou não o tempo como covariável, e, também, permitindo a inclusão de covariáveis no preditor linear para controlar variações sistemáticas na variável resposta.
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