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En regissörs estetik : Ludvig Josephson och den tidiga teaterregin /Rosenberg, Tiina. January 1993 (has links)
Akademisk avhandling--Stockholm, 1993. / Résumé en anglais. Bibliogr. p. 192-206. Index.
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Kirjoitetut kuvat : Ludvig Wennervirran taidekäsitys /Levanto, Yrjänä. January 1991 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Väitöskirja--Taidehistorija--Helsinki--Taideollinen korkeakoulu, 1991. / Bibliogr. p. 359-363.
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Sverige och Runeberg 1830-1848,Brydolf, Ernst. January 1943 (has links)
Akademisk avhandling--Stockholm. / Extra t.p., with thesis note, inserted. "Litteraturförteckning": p. [493]-512.
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Holberg en HollandFerwerda, Saskia. January 1939 (has links)
"Dissertatie." / Bibliographie: p. [243]-260.
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Kontinentale impulser i en norsk musikerslekt før 1850 en studie i brever, musikalier og skrifter etter slekten Lindeman /Karevold, Idar. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Göteborg University, 1996. / Added t.p. with thesis statement laid in. Includes bibliographical references (p. 283-285).
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Lighting and setting designs for Holberg's Erasmus MontanusRussell, Rufus Talmadge, 1931- January 1959 (has links)
No description available.
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Lort-Sveriges död : Retoriska strategier i Ludvig Nordströms Lort-SverigeOlander, Elise January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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La muse géomètre. L'épopée dans l'Europe du XVIIIe siècle / A Geometric Muse. The Epic Genre in 18th-century Europe / Geometryczna Muza. Gatunek bohaterski w osiemnastowiecznej EuropieGarncarzyk, Dimitri 05 November 2018 (has links)
Le corpus épique du 18e siècle en France, en Angleterre, en Pologne et au Danemark révèle trois types de survivance de l’épopée : (1) une survivance théorique dans la poétique spéculative (dont le modèle relativement incontesté est au 18e siècle l’Art poétique de Boileau), (2) l’épopée héroïque (comme la Henriade de Voltaire), toujours critiquée pour ses imperfections ; et (3) l’épopée comique (sur le modèle du Lutrin de Boileau), au succès bien plus unanime tant au 18e siècle qu’au regard de la postérité : The Rape of the Lock d’Alexander Pope, Peder Paars de Ludvig Holberg, Myszeis d’Ignacy Krasicki. L’épopée ne pourrait-elle ainsi survivre qu’au prix de sa dégradation de l’héroïque au comique ? Le poème héroïque serait-il donc tant étouffé par ses règles qu’il ne puisse exister dans la modernité qu’au prix d’un burlesque libérateur qui en relâche l’emprise ? Si, depuis la fin du 17e siècle, les échecs du genre épique sont régulièrement attribués à sa surthéorisation, il semble pourtant que l’héroïcomique se révèle au 18e siècle la forme par excellence de la régularité poétique. Loin d’être étouffé par ses règles, le genre épique tel que le conçoivent des théoriciens et des poètes inspirés par le classicisme français comme Alexander Pope, Ludvig Holberg, Charles Batteux, Ignacy Krasicki ou F. X. Dmochowski est à la fois régulier et vivant. L’efficacité du genre épique, qui englobe alors l’héroïcomique, dépend de son inscription dans un cadre formel « classique » qui se fonde largement sur les relectures de la Poétique d’Aristote au 18e siècle. Le reconstituer, c’est définir une « lisibilité classique » – c’est-à-dire un horizon d’attente esthétique et normatif dans lequel les règles ne sont pas des slogans, mais définissent réellement des pratiques poétiques signifiantes. La thèse explore, dans ses cinq parties, les implications de cette idée au niveau de la réception des textes épiques modernes (I), de la composition de l’ouverture épique conçue comme patrice du poème (II), des représentations de l’inspiration et du rôle du poète épique (III), de la fiction poétique (la « fable », IV) et de la textualité épique (diction et tableaux épiques, V). Les épopées anglaises, danoises ou polonaises étudiées témoignent ainsi des métamorphoses que connaît au 18e siècle le classicisme, européanisé et vivant – quand les ambitions refondatrices de Voltaire s’inscrivent en faux par rapport à une doctrine normative dont le poète français perçoit, moins que certains de ses contemporains, la productivité. / Considering an epic corpus from 18th-century France, England, Poland and Denmark, the epic genre can be said to exist in the 18th century in several forms. (1) As the theoretical object of speculative poetics (the main model of which is Boileau's Art Poétique). (2) As heroic epics, such as Voltaire's Henriade, which may enjoy success but are whose shortcomings are systematically pointed out by critics. (3) As comic epics (heavily influenced by Boileau's Lutrin), which achieve much greater success than their heroic counterparts both in the 18th century and today: Pope's Rape of the Lock, Ludvig Holberg's Peder Paars, Ignacy Krasicki's Myszeis. Can the epic genre then only survive through comic degradation? Is heroic poetry so smothered by speculative rules of art that it can only survive when burlesque subversion relaxes them?Whereas theoretical over-thinking has been, since the late 17th century, the go-to explanation for the many failures of early modern epic poetry, it seems that heroicomic poetry is actually a paragon of poetic regularity in the 18th century. Far from being asphyxiated by its rules, the epic genre as theorized and practiced by men of letters admirative of French neoclassicism such as Alexander Pope, Ludvig Holberg, Charles Batteux, Ignacy Krasicki or F. X. Dmochowski is both regular and very much alive. An epic is even more efficient the better it fits within a neoclassical framework heavily based on 18th-century reinterpretations of Aristotle's Poetics. To formulate this framework amounts to understanding "classical readability", a set of aesthetic and normative expectations within which poetic rules are not empty slogans but describe actual meaningful poetic techniques.This dissertation examines the implications of this idea with respect to the reception of early modern texts in the 18th century (I), how the opening lines of epic poems are seen to program the bulk of the work (II), the representation of the inspiration and social role of the epic poet (III), epic fiction (the "fable", IV), and the composition of the epic text itself (V). The aforementioned English, Danish and Polish epics are testaments to the transformations of neoclassical poetics and poetry through 18th-century Europe, whereas Voltaire's ambitious attempt at a reform of the neoclassical normative doctrine shows that, in contrast to some of his contemporaries, he failed to perceive its poetic conductivity.
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Bedömningsgrunder för avsyning av textila material / Criterias for inspection of textile materialsMalinsky, Michelle, Melvinsson, Rebecca January 2013 (has links)
Dagligen bedömer människan sin omgivning utifrån sina fem sinnen. Då ett intryck ges från omgivningen sker en process, signaler skickas till hjärnan via nerver ifrån det sinne som stimulerats. På grund av den olika uppsättningen nervceller upplevs samma intryck skilt bland människor. I textilproduktion används visuell bedömning genom hela produktionsprocessen, från garn till färdig vara där tyget slutligen kontrolleras i sin helhet vid avsyningen. Avsyningsprocessen sker vid ett avsyningsbord där en operatör matar fram tyg på bordet. Frammatningen stoppas då fel upptäcks och de märks ut med hjälp av felkoder. Att avsyna och bedöma fel kan vara mycket svårt då uppfattningen om hur något ser ut är individuellt och således tolkas det som granskas olika. AB Ludvig Svensson har utformat uppdraget som går ut på att studera företagets bedömningsgrunder för tyg och utveckla dem för att kunna hantera svårbedömda fel. Företaget sorterar in svårbedömda fel i något de kallar en gråzon. Gråzon är oftast en benämning för ett svårdefinierat område.För att få en förståelse för var och hur fel uppstår i produktionen har observationer gjorts på företaget där hela textilprocessen studerats. Genom samtal med berörd personal och analyser av felvaror har bedömningsunderlag utvecklats. Bedömningsunderlaget går ut på att ge avsyningspersonalen så mycket information och kunskap som möjligt för en enklare bedömning. Studien har visat att gråzonen kan delas in i två delar, gråzon 1 och gråzon 2. Gråzon 1 behandlar tydliga fel där felkällan är okänd och gråzon 2 behandlar otydliga fel där den eventuella felkällan är känd. För att eliminera gråzon 1 ligger fokus på att ge avsyningspersonalen så mycket information om varan och dess processer som möjligt. Gråzon 2 kan minskas med hjälp av designbeskrivning om hur varan ska upplevas vid avsyningen. Beskrivningen placeras på ett textilt referensprov som avsynaren alltid använder vid syning av en vara.Daily man's surroundings are evaluated based on their five senses. When an impression is given from the surroundings a process starts, signals are sent to the brain via nerves from the stimulated sense. Due to the different set of neurons the same impression is experienced differently among people. In textile production visual evaluation is used throughout the entire production process, from yarn to finished product, in which the fabric finally is checked in its whole at the inspection. The inspection process occurs at an inspection table where an operator feeds the fabric on to the table. The feeding is stopped when defects are discovered which are marked by defect codes. To inspect and evaluate defects can be very difficult when the perception of how something looks is individual and therefore what is examined is interpreted differently.AB Ludvig Svensson has designed the mission that is to study the company's evaluation criteria’s for fabric and develop them to be able to deal with imponderable defects. The company sorts imponderable defects into what they call a gray zone. Gray zone is usually a term used to describe an elusive area.To gain an understanding of where and how defects occurs in the production observations have been made at the company where the whole textile process has been studied. Through conversations with concerned staff and analysis of products with defects, evaluation material has been developed. The evaluation material is meant to give the inspection staff as much information and knowledge as possible for an easier evaluation. The study has shown that the gray zone can be divided into two parts, gray zone 1 and gray zone 2. Gray zone 1 process clear defects where the defect source is unknown and gray zone 2 process unclear defects where the possible defect source is known. To eliminate gray zone 1, focus lays on providing the inspection staff with as much information about the product and its processes as possible. Gray zone 2 can be reduced with the help of a description from the designer of how the product should be experienced at the inspection. The description is placed on a fabric reference sample that the inspector always uses during the inspection process. / Program: Textilingenjörsutbildningen
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清末民初基督新教來華傳教士對中國佛教的詮釋: 李提摩太、蘇慧廉和艾香德個案研究. / Interpretation of Chinese Buddhism by the Protestant missionaries from late Ching dynasty to the Republic of China: the studies of Timothy Richard, William Edward Soothill and Karl Ludvig Reichelt / Studies of Timothy Richard, William Edward Soothill and Karl Ludvig Reichelt / 李提摩太蘇慧廉和艾香德個案研究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Qing mo min chu Jidu xin jiao lai Hua chuan jiao shi dui Zhongguo fo jiao de quan shi: Li Timotai, Su Huilian he Ai Xiangde ge an yan jiu. / Li Timotai Su Huilian he Ai Xiangde ge an yan jiuJanuary 2007 (has links)
李智浩. / Thesis (doctoral)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 230-248). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Li Zhihao.
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