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Nanoparticules multifonctionnelles de vanadate dopées aux terres rares : Marqueurs luminescents, détecteurs d'oxydant et agent de contraste pour l'imagerie à résonance magnétiqueSchoeffel, Markus 22 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les techniques d'imagerie multimodale peuvent apporter une grande richesse d'information. Cette thèse est consacrée au développement et à la caractérisation de nanoparticules qui peuvent être utilisées en tant que marqueurs luminescents, pour la détection d'oxydants et comme agents de contraste pour l'imagerie à résonance magnétique. Ces travaux sont basés sur des études précédentes concernant des nanoparticules de composition Y0,6Eu0,4VO4, qui présentent une forte luminescence stable sans clignotement. La détection optique d'oxydants résolue temporellement et spatialement se base sur la photoréduction réversible d'Eu3+ vers Eu2+ et la réoxydation d'Eu2+ vers Eu3+ induite par exemple par H2O2. Cette oxydation est détectable suite à une modification des propriétés de luminescence. L'incorporation de Gd3+ paramagnétique permet l'accélération de la relaxation de l'aimantation des protons. Nous avons synthétisé des nanoparticules de 10 nm et 40 nm de diamètre de composition GdVO4 et Gd0,6Eu0,4VO4, ainsi que des systèmes cœur-coquille contenant un cœur de Y0,6Eu0,4VO4 et une coquille de GdVO4 avec un diamètre total de 40 nm. L'analyse microstructurale par rayons X combinée avec la diffusion dynamique de la lumière et la microscopie électronique à balayage nous a permis de proposer un modèle liant la forme des nanoparticules à celle des cristallites les composant. La titration complexométrique a indiqué que le taux de relargage de terres rares est négligeable, ce qui rend envisageable l'utilisation de nanoparticules de ce type pour des applications in vivo. Nous avons démontré que les nanoparticules conservent, même après substitution de Y3+ par Gd3+, la capacité de détecter H2O2 par une modification de leur luminescence. Des mesures de l'aimantation des nanoparticules Gd0,6Eu0,4VO4 en fonction du champ et de la température ont confirmé leur comportement paramagnétique conforme à une loi de Curie-Weiss dans une gamme de température allant de 290 K à 5 K. Nous avons trouvé que la relaxivité par rapport aux protons induite par les nanoparticules GdVO4 et Gd0,6Eu0,4VO4 d'un diamètre de 10 nm est plus importante que pour le composé commercial chélaté Dotarem®. Des mesures de dispersion de relaxation magnétique nucléaire ont indiqué une relaxivité plus élevée pour les nanoparticules composées de Gd0,6Eu0,4VO4 par rapport à celles de GdVO4. Les données actuelles indiquent que les nanoparticules de vanadate de terres rares contenant simultanément Gd et Eu sont des candidats prometteurs pour une application in vivo en tant que sonde multifonctionelle. Ce système pourrait également être utile comme cible pour la thérapie par capture de neutrons utilisant les ions de gadolinium ou pour la tomographie par émission de positrons.
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Synthèse et étude de ligands diaryléthènes photochromes de type Salen : Compréhension de l'interaction métal-photochrome pour la commutation optiqueGuérin, Juliette 15 October 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Le travail de recherche s'intéresse au contrôle, par la lumière, des propriétés de la matière. Dans ce vaste domaine, notre équipe s'est focalisée sur les molécules organiques photochromes de type diaryléthène. Nous avons cherché à étudier des interactions de type métal-photochrome et aspirons ainsi à moduler les propriétés optiques, redox ou l'affinité des ligands pour un métal ou un ion. Un premier ligand biphotochrome de type terthiazole a été synthétisé, comportant une sphère de coordination de type Salen (N2O2) proche du cœur photochrome. Le ligand peut effectuer une réaction de photocyclisation ou un transfert de proton à l'état excité (ESIPT). Ces propriétés ont été étudiées par spectroscopie UV-Visible stationnaire et transitoire nanoseconde et femtoseconde. Ce ligand a été valorisé par la complexation et des calculs quantiques de type DFT ont permis d'apporter des éléments de réponse quant au quenching du photochromisme pour certains complexes. Une deuxième famille de photochrome-Salen a été synthétisée en éloignant la sphère de coordination du cœur photochrome. Une étude de l'influence de différents substituants sur les propriétés a été menée. Finalement, le travail se conclue par l'étude d'un système photochrome dont le potentiel redox est modulé par la réaction photochimique. Cette modulation du potentiel a permis de contrôler, par la lumière, un transfert d'électron entre le diaryléthène et un complexe métallique approprié.
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Numerical modelling of environmental dose rate and its application to trapped-charge datingNathan, Roger P. January 2010 (has links)
Accurate estimation of environmental dose rate is essential for high-resolution trapped-charge dating. Beta and gamma emissions from simulated sediments containing radioactive uranium, thorium and potassium are modelled in contexts that are spatially heterogeneous. Dose rate was modelled using Monte Carlo radiation transport codes MCNP and PENELOPE. A number of key issues that affect dose rate evaluation are examined and updated corrections are calculated. Granular structures used for geometrical input into the models were simulated using randomly packed ellipsoids. The pair correlation function and chord length distributions were derived. The effects of water content on dose rate were modelled and compared with cavity theory. Apart from activity dilution, the variation of grain size or water content was shown to be significant for gamma radiations due to the transition from charged particle equilibrium. The standard correction for beta dose rate due to grain size was found to be satisfactory although sensitivity to grain shape and material should be taken into account. Dose rate modeling was applied to three dating studies of early human fossils: Skhul V, Israel skull; Hofmeyr, South Africa skull and the Forbes’ Quarry, Gibraltar skull. The spatial modelling was implemented using computerised tomographic (CT) images and dose rate found to be modified significantly by the presence of the skull in the sediment. Time evolution of the dose rate was examined for the latter two skulls and dates of 36±3ka (Hofmeyr) and 55-95ka (Forbes’ Quarry) were calculated.
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Réseaux étendus construits par autoassemblage de ligands flexibles dithiolatés et de centres métalliques du groupe 11, argent(I) et or(I)Awaleh, Mohamed Osman January 2006 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Design, synthesis and characterization of neurotransmitter responsive probes for magnetic resonance and optical imaging / Conception, synthèse et caractérisation de sondes IRM et optiques sensibles aux neurotransmetteursOukhatar, Fatima 21 December 2012 (has links)
Malgré le rôle primordial des neurotransmetteurs (NTs) dans le système nerveux central, leur détection non-invasive in vivo reste un défi majeur. L’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM), grâce à son excellente résolution spatiale et temporelle, est parmi les techniques de diagnostic les plus performantes. Elle est au centre des développements récents en imagerie moléculaire. En particulier, l’utilisation des agents d’imagerie intelligents qui sont capables de visualiser le statut physico-chimique des tissus commence à avoir une place importante en neuroscience.Cette étude a pour objectif de concevoir, synthétiser et caractériser in vitro des sondes intelligentes à base de cations lanthanide pour la détection in vivo des NTs. La conception de nos sondes est basée sur des interactions doubles avec des neurotransmetteurs zwitterioniques: d’une part entre le complexes de Ln3+ positivement chargé et le carboxylate du NT et d’autre part entre un ether couronne lié au complexe et la fonction amine du NT. Plusieurs des sondes synthétisées présentent des relaxivités élevées et ont une réponse relaxometrique remarquable aux NTs, bien que leur sélectivité vis-à-vis de l’ion bicarbonate ne soit pas suffisante. Afin de développer des sondes pour une approche bimodale IRM /optique, nous avons également intégré dans les complexes une benzophenone qui joue le rôle de chromophore pour sensibiliser la luminescence des ions Ln3+ émettant dans le proche infra-rouge. Le complexe d’Yb3+ correspondant a des propriétés de luminescence très intéressantes avec une forte réponse aux NTs. / In spite of the key role of neurotransmitters (NTs) in signal transduction, their non-invasive in vivo monitoring remains an important challenge. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has recently been demonstrated as a promising technique to non-invasively visualize physiological events with excellent temporal and spatial resolution. In particular, smart MRI contrast agents that are able to report on the physico-chemical status of the tissues, start to have a strong impact in neuroscience. The objective of this work was the design, synthesis and in vitro characterization of a series of lanthanide-based probes responsive to NTs with the aim to track in vivo concentration changes of NTs using MR or optical imaging. The design of our imaging probes relies on a dual binding approach of zwitterionic NTs to the Ln3+ complexes, involving interactions (i) between a positively charged Ln3+ chelate and the carboxylate function of the NTs and (ii) between an azacrown ether appended on the chelate and the amine group of the neurotransmitters. Some of the novel contrast agents were found to exhibit high relaxivities and a remarkable relaxivity response towards NTs, though little selectivity against bicarbonate. In order to apply a bimodal MRI/optical imaging approach, we have also incorporated a benzophenone moiety into the chelate to sensitize the near-infrared emitting Ln3+ ions. The Yb3+ analogue proved to be highly sensitive to NTs.
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Optical spectroscopy of bound excitonic states in single walled carbon nanotubes / É tude spectroscopique des états excitoniques liés dans les nanotubes de carbones monoparoisMorim Santos, Silvia 16 May 2012 (has links)
Dans ce manuscrit nous décrivons des études originales sur les propriétés photophysiques des nanotubes de carbone monoparois réalisées à l'échelle de la molécule unique. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur deux problématiques : l'effet du remplissage des nanotubes par de l'eau sur leurs propriétés de photoluminescence (PL) et la création de complexes multi-excitoniques en régime de forte excitation laser. Dans ce but nous avons utilisé une combinaison de microscopie, de spectroscopie et de mesures de déclin de PL. Nos résultats montrent pour des nanotubes de différents diamètres un décalage vers le rouge des énergies d'émission pour les nanotubes remplis d'eau. De plus, des déclins de PL biexponentiels sont obtenus pour des nanotubes individuels (6,4) vides et remplis d'eau. Les temps de déclin caractéristiques de ces deux espèces de nanotubes sont distincts, avec une réduction de la composante courte pour les nanotubes remplis. Ces résultats sont expliqués par une augmentation de la constante diélectrique dans les nanotubes remplis d'eau. Notre résultat le plus conséquent a été l'observation de la génération de trions dans des nanotubes non dopés en utilisant des moyen tout optiques. L'émission du trion apparaît dans les spectres de PL comme une bande latérale décalée vers le rouge. Basé sur nos observations expérimentales, nous proposons le modèle de génération du trion suivant lequel dans un régime multiexcitonique les interactions d'annihilation exciton-exciton créent des porteurs de charge qui sont piégés dans les fluctuations de potentiel électrostatique induites par les inhomogénéités de l'environnement. L'absorption subséquente d'un photon amène à la formation d'un trion localisé sur les charges piégées. / In this dissertation we report on original experimental investigations of the photophysical properties of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) at the single molecule level. We focused on two problems: the effect of water-filling nanotubes on their photoluminescence (PL) properties and generation of multi-excitonic complexes in regimes of strong laser excitation. To do so we used a combination of microscopy, PL spectroscopy and PL time decay measurements. Our results show, for different nanotube diameters, a red-shift of the PL emission energy for water-filled nanotubes. Furthermore, biexponential PL time decay behaviors are obtained for individual water-filled and empty (6,4) SWCNTs. The characteristic decay times for both species of nanotubes are distinct, with a reduction of the short component in water-filled SWCNTs. These results are explained by an increase of the dielectric constant for water-filled nanotubes. Our most consequential experimental result was the observation of all optical trion generation in undoped nanotubes. Trion emission appears in the PL spectrum as a red-shifted sideband. Based on our experimental observations, we propose a trion generation model according to which, at a multiexcitonic regime, exciton-exciton annihilation interactions create charge carriers that are transiently trapped at electrostatic potential fluctuations induced by the inhomogeneities of the environment. Subsequent photon absorption leads to trion formation localized at the trapped carriers.
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Contribuição da dinâmica morfoestrutural e morfoescultural na estruturação da bacia do Ribeirão Entupido, complexo alcalino do Passa Quatro - SP /Arruda, Emerson Martins. January 2008 (has links)
Resumo: A pesquisa analisa os eventos deposicionais, esculturadores do relevo, na bacia do Ribeirão Entupido, Complexo Alcalino do Passa Quatro, Estado de São Paulo, a partir do estudo dos depósitos recentes da área. Além da análise geomorfológica na referida unidade espacial, a pesquisa buscou estabelecer a idade absoluta de deposição de algumas unidades sedimentares estruturadoras do relevo e os mecanismos envolvidos na sua gênese. Neste contexto, utilizou-se datações por Luminescência Opticamente Estimulada (LOE) e Termoluminescência (TL). Os depósitos sedimentares foram estudados a partir da abordagem morfoestratigráfica. O cruzamento de dados morfoesculturais e morfoestruturais e de datação absoluta permitiu estabelecer quais mecanismos, atuantes ao longo do último milhão de anos, comandaram a morfogênese na bacia em foco. A determinação da morfogênese permitiu definir a susceptibilidade do relevo às mudanças ambientais, inclusive às intervenções antrópicas. Os depósitos sedimentares apresentaram idades vinculadas ao Pleistoceno Superior (61.500 anos) e Holoceno (650 anos) representando, portanto, eventos diferenciados no desenvolvimento e localização deste ambientes. A complexidade da paisagem na bacia do Ribeirão Entupido envolve justamente esta interdigitação de materiais de idades diversas que compõem o mesmo ambiente de deposição, interferindo conjuntamente a tectônica e as condições climáticas, a priori, na espacialização dos depósitos e nas características dos sedimentos. / Abstract: This research of doctor's grade analyze the depositional and sculptural events, at stream Entupido basin, Passa Quatro Alkalin Complex, Estate of São Paulo, from the study of recent deposits.Beyond the geomorphologycal analysis at referred spacial unit, this research tried to establish the absolute age of some sedimentary units that structure the relief and the mechanism involved in its genesis. The dating method of Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) Thermoluminescence (TL) was used in that context.The sedimentary deposits were studied by morphostratigraphic approach. The crossing of mophosculptural and moprostructural data and absoluting dating allow establish wich mechanism, acting through the last million years, commanded the morphogenesis process at the basin.The determination of morfogenesis allowed define the susceptilidy of relief to ambiental changes, including antropic intervention. The sedimentary deposits show ages linked at Up Pleistocene (61.500 years) and Holocene (650 years), showing, therefore, differenced events in development and localization of this environment.The landscape complexity in stream Entupido basin, involves precisely this interdigitation of materials and different ages that compose the same depositional environment, interfering jointly tectonic and climatic conditions, in prior, at specialization of deposits and sedimentary characteristics. / Orientador: Iandara Alves Mendes / Coorientador: Francisco Sérgio Bernardes Ladeira / Banca: Archimedes Perez Filho / Banca: Salvador Carpi Júnior / Banca: Cenira Maria Lupinacci da Cunha / Banca: Regina Célia de Oliveira / Possui 5 mapas anexos / Doutor
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Luminescência persistente em sulfeto de estrôncio: nova síntese e novos mecanismos / Strontium sulfide persistent luminescence: new synthesis and new mechanismSantos, Danilo Ormeni Almeida dos 05 July 2018 (has links)
O método cerâmico é a rota de síntese mais utilizada na produção de materiais luminescentes no estado sólido dopados com íons terras raras. Porém, as altas temperaturas necessárias para a formação dos compostos somada ao longo tempo de síntese levantam questões sobre a viabilidade energética desse método. Nos dias atuais, há grande interesse em buscar alternativas mais sustentáveis que gastem menos energia, e produtos com performances cada vez melhores. Nesse cenário, foi proposta a síntese dos materiais com luminescência persistente em forno de micro-ondas doméstico, por se tratar de um equipamento relativamente barato, que gasta muito menos energia que um forno tubular convencional, e tem um tempo de síntese muito menor. Os materiais SrS:Eu2+,TR3+ (TR = Ce, Nd, Sm, Dy, Er e Yb) foram produzidos pelo método de síntese no estado sólido assistida por micro-ondas, e para validação e comparação do método, os materiais SrS:TR (TR = Eu2+, Ce3+, Sm3+ e Yb2+/3+) foram preparados por ambos os métodos cerâmico e assistido por micro-ondas. Estudos de estrutura e morfologia dos materiais preparados foram realizados com medidas de DRX em pó e XANES na borda-LIII dos íons terras raras e na borda-K do enxofre. As propriedades luminescentes dos materiais foram investigadas com medidas de termoluminescência, luminância, espectroscopia UVVisível, espectroscopia UV-Vácuo e XEOL. Todos os materiais dopados com Eu2+ têm uma banda larga de emissão centrada em 620 nm atribuída à transição 4f65d1→4f7 com forte efeito nefelauxético. Além do Eu2+, foram observadas transições 5d→4f para o Ce3+ e o Yb2+. Estudos de luminescência persistente mostraram que a co-dopagem do SrS:Eu2+ com íons TR3+ aumentaram a duração do tempo de emissão de luz dos materiais após cessada a fonte de irradiação em mais de 400 %. Além disso, não se observou diferença na duração do fenômeno para os diferentes íons co-dopantes, mostrando que o mecanismo de luminescência persistes nesse material é governado pelo armadilhamento de elétrons em defeitos pontuais na matriz. Um novo fenômeno foi observado com a intensa luminescência persistente gerada após irradiação com raios X. Por fim, foram realizados testes de aplicação dos materiais com luminescência persistente em iluminação no estado sólido para geração de luz branca, mostrando que eles podem ser utilizados em LEDs persistentes. / Hitherto, the ceramic method is the most employed synthesis route on the production of solid-state luminescent materials doped with rare-earth ions. However, the high temperatures required for the compounds formation added up to the long synthesis time give rise to questions about the energetic viability of this method. Nowadays there is a great interest in finding more sustainable alternatives which demands less energy and provides products with better performances. Is this scenario, the synthesis of the persistent luminescence materials in a domestic microwave oven was proposed, because it is a relatively cheap equipment that spends much less energy than a conventional tubular furnace and has a shorter synthesis time. Thus, the materials SrS:Eu2+,TR3+ (TR = Ce, Nd, Sm, Dy, Er e Yb) were prepared via the microwaveassisted solid-state synthesis, and, for validation and comparison between methods, the materials SrS:TR (TR = Eu2+, Ce3+, Sm3+ and Yb2+/3+) were prepared via both the ceramic and microwave-assisted methods. Studies of structure and morphology of the prepared materials were undertaken with XRD and XANES at LIII-edge of rare-earth ions and K-edge of sulfur measurements. The luminescent properties of the materials were explored with thermoluminescence, luminance, UV-Vis spectroscopy, VUV spectroscopy and XEOL measurements. All the Eu2+-doped materials have a large emission band centered at 620 nm assigned to the 4f65d1→4f7 transition with strong nephelauxetic effect. Besides Eu2+, 5d→4f transitions were observed for Ce3+ and Yb2+ as well. Persistent luminescence studies showed that co-doping SrS:Eu2+ with TR3+ have improved the light emission timespan in over 400 % after removing the irradiation source. Moreover, no difference was detected on the emission timespan for the different co-dopant ions, showing that the persistent luminescence mechanism for this material is governed by electron trapping on the matrix point defects. A new phenomenon with high-intensity persistent luminescence was observed in these materials after irradiation with X-ray. At last, tests of application of the persistent luminescent materials with solid-state white-lighting were made, showing that they can be used in persistent LEDs.
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Cronologia e sedimentologia dos depósitos eólicos quaternários da Costa Leste maranhenseGuedes, Carlos Conforti Ferreira 30 October 2012 (has links)
Idades por luminescência opticamente estimulada foram obtidas nos depósitos eólicos do litoral leste maranhense. As datações permitiram reconhecer ao menos quatro gerações de dunas eólicas, incluindo a atual. As duas gerações mais antigas (G1/G0: idades LOE de 258,9±24,6 a 88,0±8,6 ka A.P.) não são distinguíveis por critérios de campo, somente por dados geocronológicos. A geração eólica 2 corresponde a feições eólicas estabilizadas pela vegetação que ocorrem a até 135 km da linha de costa atual. As idades LOE-SAR de estabilização obtidas para essas feições eólicas compreendem um intervalo estreito de tempo (19 a 14 ka A.P.) no Pleistoceno superior. Essa fase estabilização do sistema eólico é correlacionada com o evento climático HS-1. Durante esse período no leste maranhense, sob maior influência da Zona de Convergência Intertropical pelo seu deslocamento para sul, ocorreu diminuição da intensidade dos ventos alísios e aumento da precipitação. Essas variações climáticas diminuíram a capacidade de transporte eólico e levou o sistema à estabilização. A análise de proveniência sedimentar com base em minerais pesado identificou como principal fonte sedimentar do litoral leste maranhense a plataforma continental localizada a leste da foz do rio Parnaíba, alimentada via deriva litorânea longitudinal para oeste. O rio Parnaíba aparentemente tem contribuição minoritária como fonte sedimentar, tanto para o sistema atual como para as gerações eólicas pretéritas. A dinâmica sedimentar do sistema eólico atual, evidenciada por minerais pesados, granulometria e parâmetros morfoplanimétricos, aponta para intenso retrabalhamento por rios que o limitam parcialmente ao interior e por drenagens intermitentes, de caráter entrelaçado, que o atravessam. O estudo do método de datação LOE e as características LOE dos sedimentos de diferentes localidades do Brasil permitiu identificar a boa aplicabilidade do método vista a alta sensibilidade LOE do quartzo e bom desempenho nos testes aplicados. A sensibilidade LOE do quartzo foi identificada como a principal característica determinante da qualidade da datação LOE. A proposição da razão de sensibilidade Quartzo-\"Al IND.2\'\'O IND.3\':C (\'delta\'\'POTs\' Q) permitiu tanto a padronização do cálculo da sensibilidade LOE como a comparação de medidas interlaboratoriais. A observação de grandes variações nos valores de sensibilidade LOE de quartzo para sedimentos de diferentes localidades são resultado tanto das rochas fonte como dos ciclos de sedimentação e retrabalhamento. A identificação de diferentes proveniências sedimentares com base no uso da sensibilidade LOE foi aplicada, com sucesso, na análise de variações climáticas baseada em mudanças de proveniência sedimentar na Ilha Comprida -SP. / Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) ages were obtained in eolian deposits from the east coast of Maranhão, Brazil. OSL dating allowed the identification of at least four generations of eolian dunes, including the active dunefields. The two oldest generations (G1/G0: OSL ages 258.9±24.6 to 88.0±8.6 ky B.P.) are not distinguishable by field criteria, only geochronological data. Generation 2 corresponds to eolian features stabilized by vegetation that occurs up to 135 km from the current coast line. OSL-SAR ages of stabilization of these features are between 19 and 14 ky B.P., a narrow time interval during Pleistocene. This event is related to the climatic event HS-1. During this period the intensity of trade winds decreased and precipitation increased in the area due to a greater influence of the Intertropical Covergence Zone, which was shifting south. These climatic variations reduced the capacity of eolian transportation and the led system to to stabilization. Provenance analyzes by heavy minerals identified the continental shelf located east of the Parnaiba river mouth as sedimentary source for the east coast of Maranhão, which is fed by longitudinal litoral drift to west. Parnaiba river apparently has a minor contribution as sedimentary source for recent and past eolian generations. Sedimentary dynamic of the recent eolian system, as indicated by heavy minerals analyzes, grain size analyzes and morphoplanimetric parameters, is characterized by strong reworking by rivers, braided intermittent drainages, that cross the dunefield. All analyzed Brazilian sediments presented relatively high OSL sensitivity and good behavior regarding their luminescence characteristics relevant for radiation dose estimation. The OSL sensitivity of quartz was identified as the main characteristic interfering the OSL dating quality. We propose to standardize the definition of quartz OSL sensitivity using the Quartz-to-\'Al IND.2\'\'O IND.3\':C sensitivity ratio (\'delta\'\'POT.s\'Q). The standardization is a prerequisite to compare data obtained under different measurement conditions and to investigate and develop geological applications of quartz OSL sensitivity. We observed that the major factor controlling the OSL sensitivity is the sedimentary history of the sediment. Longer sedimentary transport provided by huge drainage systems and long-distance littoral drift increases the OSL sensitivity. The use of OSL sensitivity as provenance proxy was successfully applied at Ilha Comprida-SP to analyze climate variations.
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Luminescência persistente no visível e infravermelho em oxissulfetos de terras raras preparados por síntese no estado sólido assistida por micro-ondas / Red and infrared persistent luminescence in rare earth oxysulfides prepared by a microwave-assisted solid-state synthesisMachado, Ian Pompermayer 14 April 2016 (has links)
A maioria dos materiais que apresentam o fenômeno da luminescência persistente possuem o íon Eu2+ como ativador, exibindo emissões sintonizáveis entre o azul e o verde. Entretanto, materiais com luminescência persistente na região do vermelho e infravermelho próximo (Near Infrared - NIR) são ainda pouco reportados na literatura. Portanto, foram preparados neste trabalho os materiais TR2O2S.Ln3+ e TR2O2S.Ln3+,Mg2+,Ti3+/IV (TR3+: La, Gd e Y; Ln3+: Eu e Yb) pelo método de síntese no estado sólido assistido por micro-ondas. Os materiais foram caracterizados pelas técnicas de Difração de raios X (DRX), Microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), Espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho (IV), Espectroscopia de absorção de raios X próximo a borda com radiação síncrotron (XANES), Termoluminescência (TL) e Espectroscopia de excitação na região do UV-UV vácuo com radiação síncrotron. Quando excitados na banda de absorção da matriz (band gap) ou por exemplo, nas bandas de transferência de carga LMCT O2-(2p) → Eu3+(4f6) e S2-(3p) → Eu3+(4f6), os materiais TR2O2S:Eu3+ e TR2O2S:Eu3+,Mg2+,Ti3+/IV apresentam um grande número de bandas de emissão finas atribuídas às transições 5D2,1,0 → 7FJ do íon Eu3+. Os dados espectroscópicos sugerem um alto grau de covalência e uma baixa energia de fônons para as matrizes TR2O2S. Além do mais, os materiais TR2O2S:Yb3+ e TR2O2S:Yb3+,Mg2+,Ti3+/IV apresentam bandas de emissão finas na faixa 900-1050 nm (NIR) atribuídas à transição 2F5/2 → 2F7/2 do íon Yb3+. Os mecanismos de luminescência persistente foram propostos para os materiais TR2O2S:Ln3+ e TR2O2S:Ln3+,Mg2+,Ti3+/IV (TR3+: La, Gd e Y; Ln3+: Eu, Yb) e podem ser via armadilhamento de buracos ou via armadilhamento de elétrons. O mecanismo via armadilhamento de buracos é relativo à excitação dos íons Eu3+ e Yb3+ e explica a existência do fenômeno da luminescência persistente nos materiais sem co-dopantes (TR2O2S:Eu3+ e TR2O2S:Yb3+). De outra forma, o mecanismo via armadilhamento de elétrons ocorre nos materiais TR2O2S:Eu3+,Mg2+,Ti3+/IV e TR2O2S:Yb3+,Mg2+,Ti3+/IV para a emissão oriunda do íon Ti3+. Nos materiais TR2O2S:Eu3+,Mg2+,Ti3+/IV observa-se o processo de transferência de energia Ti3+ → Eu3+, o que leva a uma luminescência persistente mais eficiente do íon Eu3+. Por outro lado, devido à grande diferença de energia entre os íons Ti3+ e Yb3+, o processo de transferência de energia Ti3+ → Yb3+ não acontece para os materiais TR2O2S:Yb3+,Mg2+,Ti3+/IV. Portanto, a luminescência persistente ocorre via mecanismo de armadilhamento de buracos simultaneamente ao de armadilhamento de elétrons, obtendo uma luminescência persistente com contribuição no visível oriunda do íon Ti3+ e no NIR do íon Yb3+. Os materiais apresentam um grande potencial em aplicações e inovação tecnológica na área de fotônica como sondas biológicas luminescentes e sensibilizadores de células solares. / Most of persistent luminescent materials have the Eu2+ ion as an activator, displaying tunable emission color from blue to green region. However, there is a few examples of red and near infrared (NIR) persistent luminescent materials reported in literature. In this work, the TR2O2S:Ln3+ and TR2O2S:Ln3+,Mg2+,Ti3+/IV (TR3+: La, Gd and Y; Ln3+: Eu and Yb) luminescent materials were prepared by microwave-assisted solid state synthesis. The materials were characterized with X-ray diffraction, Scanning electron microscopy, Infrared absorption spectroscopy, synchrotron radiation X-ray absorption spectroscopy near edge (XANES), Thermoluminescence (TL) and synchrotron radiation UV-VUV spectroscopy. When excited at the host absorption band (band gap) or at the ligand-to-metal-charge-transfer bands (LMCT), O2-(2p) → Eu3+(4f6) and S2-(3p)→ Eu3+(4f6), the materials TR2O2S:Eu3+ and TR2O2S:Eu3+,Mg2+,Ti3+/IV display a large number of narrow emission bands assigned to Eu3+ 5D2,1,0→7FJ transitions. Spectroscopic data indicate a high degree of covalency and low phonon energy of TR2O2S hosts. The TR2O2S:Yb3+ and TR2O2S:Yb3+,Mg2+,Ti3+/IV materials show emission bands in the range from 900 to 1050 nm (NIR) assigned to the 2F5/2→2F7/2 transitions of Yb3+ ion. The persistent luminescence mechanisms were proposed for TR2O2S:Ln3+ and TR2O2S:Ln3+,Mg2+,Ti3+/IV (TR3+: La, Gd and Y; Ln3+: Eu and Yb) materials, there are two possible ways, hole-trapping or electron-trapping mechanisms. The hole-trapping mechanism is related to the excitation of Eu3+ and Yb3+ ions and explains the persistent luminescence phenomenon in non-co-doped materials (TR2O2S:Eu3+ and TR2O2S:Yb3+). The electron-trapping mechanism governs the persistent luminescence of Ti3+ ion in TR2O2S:Eu3+,Mg2+,Ti3+/IV and TR2O2S:Yb3+,Mg2+,Ti3+/IV materials. The Ti3+ → Eu3+ energy transfer was observed in TR2O2S:Eu3+,Mg3+,Ti3+/IV materials and leads to an improvement of Eu3+ persistent luminescence. On the other hand, due to the large energy levels gap between Ti3+ and Yb3+ ions, there is no Ti3+→Yb3+ energy transfer in TR2O2S:Yb3+,Mg2+,Ti3+/IV materials. Therefore, the persistent luminescence in these materials occurs with hole-trapping and electron-trapping mechanisms simultaneously, obtaining a visible-NIR persistent luminescence composed by Ti3+ and Yb3+ emissions, respectively. The materials exhibit great potential in biological and technological innovation in photonic areas such as luminescent probes and solar cell sensitizers
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