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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visualization of information for increased efficiency : Visualizing an effect mapping report

Holmertz, Carl January 2017 (has links)
Effect mapping is a method often used by companies in order to try to tie together the business goals with the users and their needs. The results of the effect mapping is often presented in long reports, with an additional effect map attached to it. Unfortunately, few clients tend to read these reports that they later are supposed to base future decisions on. This thesis aims to examine the efficiency in readers' perception of information, specifically the information from effect mapping. It evaluates if the understanding and perception, as well as the participation, could be improved by developing a digital web based version of the information. The objective of this study is to determine if a visualized web version of the effect mapping is more efficient than the original paper report version. The purpose is to help consulting firms improve the communication with their clients, that the clients will take part of and consume the information provided by the effect mappings that are delivered in a more efficient way. The process started out with workshops that were a foundation for a prototype. The prototype was developed based on the theoretical framework of this thesis, and created from a specific example of a traditional effect mapping report. The prototype was tested and evaluated before compared to, and evaluated with, the original paper report version of the effect mapping. The findings are that a web based, visualized presentation of the effect mapping is more efficient than the original paper report version. Not only did the participants of the study find the correct information in a shorter amount of time, but the user experience was also enhanced. The findings in this study are useful for firms that want to present results of effect mapping to customers who do not tend to spend time reading the full reports, but would rather get a quicker overview. This study can be used as a point of departure for future research, by testing it on other reports or firms.

Persona modeling by crowdsourcing using the repertory grid technique

Stergiadis, Dimitris January 2017 (has links)
Within user modeling there are various methods for representing targeted users. Persona for example is a user archetype which is given a face and name, and is carefully described in terms of goals, needs, and tasks (Blomquist & Arvola, 2002). Personas are widely used, but have been criticized for often not being based on empirical data (McGinn & Kotamraju, 2008). In this thesis I explore the use of the Repertory grid technique (RGT) in a user modeling context, an approach deriving from George Kelly’s (1955) Personal construct theory, which elicits both idiographic (i.e. the subjective dimensions of one individual) and nomothetic (i.e. a populations behaviours and traits) empirical data from individuals by analysing both qualitative and quantitative data. Furthermore, the possibilities and difficulties that the RGT offers in the context of user modeling are investigated. An online survey is crowdsourced (n = 28) containing five vignettes which are based on structured interviews and are used to elicit the participant’s personal constructs. The results are presented in the form of bertin plots and a biplot along with the Importance (the order of a constructs elicitation), and Dominance (the relative elicitation percentage of a construct) measures. The results suggest that the technique employed could be used in a number of user modelling processes. The weaknesses of RGT when done remotely in a user modelling context are also discussed.

"Använder ni samma symboler, det gör ni inte va?" : Ikon, index och symbol: En analys av teckenbruk inom Försvarsmakten, Räddningstjänsten och Polisen.

Köhler, Fredrik January 2008 (has links)
Institutionen för datavetenskap (IDA) vid Linköpings universitet har tillsammans med försvarsmakten, polisväsendet och räddningsverket i Östergötland startat en projektstudie för att utröna huruvida augmented reality-teknik (AR) kan användas för att förbättra koordinationen mellan civila och militära organisationer, och på sikt även militära och civila organisationers gemensamma stabsarbete mellan nationer. Kunskap om hur militära och civila organisationer - som har ett tätt samarbete vid olika former av samhälleliga kriser - ser på sin organisationsspecifika teckenanvändning kan vara relevant vid införandet av ny teknik. Detta i synnerhet om det går att finna skillnader i de olika organisationernas syn på och användning av tecken. Denna studie har gjorts i anslutning till ovanstående projektstudie och fokuserar på hur företrädare från försvarsmakten, polisen och räddningstjänsten, utifrån en semiotisk inramning, ser på sin teckenanvändning. Syftet är att undersöka ifall betydande skillnader i teckenbruk finns hos dessa organisationer. För att nå en större inblick i hur företrädare för de tre organisationerna ställer sig till den egna teckenanvändningen har utdrag ur ljudinspelat material från två olika sessioner analyserats. För att kunna särskilja olika typer av tecken har studien till största delen utgått från blandformer av Peirces teckenbegrepp ikon, index och symbol. En taggningsmetod utifrån Peirces teckendefinition skapades för att plocka ut relevant utsagor från de olika organisationernas representanter. Utdrag som anses relevanta för studiens syfte presenteras och gås igenom i resultatavsnittet. Utifrån det analyserade materialet är det svårt att påträffa teckenspecifika skillnader som med säkerhet kan sägas vara kopplad till en enskild organisations teckenanvändning. Det som har påträffats är snarare en benägenhet att tala kring teckenanvändning på olika sätt hos förespråkare för de enskilda organisationerna. En diskussion kring dessa tendenser och deras koppling till syfte och frågeställning åtföljs sedan bland annat av förslag på framtida forskning.

Gaming with sustainability and the life below the waves : How to stimulate a peaceful co-existence with our plante's water and the life there-in through engaging experiences

Schnell, Felizia January 2017 (has links)
In 2015 the UN completed a list of environmental and social goals, one of these goals is the “life in the water” goal, or goal 14. It focuses on the factors endangering the diversity and the ecological balance in the water. However, the goals are formulated with a focus on changes to be done by countries or bigger organisations, not by individuals. This project focused on creating a design for a technical solution that teaches and motivates youths how to help take care of the planet. To do this a design process consisting of a pre-study, concept phase and a workshop were done. The pre-study consisted of interviews, a questionnaire and a pre-study of similar digital games. The interviews focused on how youths and what values and knowledge youths are taught today. These interviews informed a questionnaire that focused on how and what the students were taught about taking care of the oceans. The last part of the pre-study was a review of games with focus on the environment, which was later used to inspire the design process. The concept phase consisted of three iteration phases of concepts and the last phase created the concept tested in the following workshop. Each iteration ended with a discussion of concepts were one or two concepts chosen to focus on. The final concept was a type of exhibition of two digital minigames or simulations and one physical simulation. The three prototypes were linked, in a wizard of Oz type of style, where two of the prototypes, the physical and one of the digital prototype, influenced the environment in the last digital prototype. The collective prototype seemed to inspire engagement and interest from the participants and was mainly received as a good idea. The workshop was held with youths between 12-16 years old and resulted in feedback and a proposition to a redesign.

Kunskapsöverföring i designsamarbeten : Ett aktionsforskningsprojekt om kunskapsöverföringen mellan en UX-designbyrå och en startup som använder Lean UX

Linder, Johan January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie har undersökt hur kunskapsöverföringen i ett samarbete mellan en UX- designbyrå och en startup som använder Lean UX som ansats kan utformas utan att använda en omfattande dokumentation. För att göra detta har en kvalitativt fallstudie i formen av ett aktionsforskningsprojekt genomförts. Författaren till studien tog rollen som UX-designer hos en UX- och tjänstedesignbyrå där denne genomförde ett designuppdrag åt en startup inom social innovation under tio veckor. Inom denna kontext planerades och genomfördes en kunskapsöverföring som strukturerades kring löpande avstämningar där UX-designern och produktägaren tillsammans kunde diskutera och reflektera kring den design som tagits fram. Utöver dessa togs även visualiseringar av kunskaps fram i form av en interaktiv prototyp, fem stycken screencasts och viss textuell stöddokumentation fram. Utifrån detta har sju stycken lärdomar kunnat identifierats som reflekterar över kunskapsöverföringens och dess beståndsdelars kvalitet, vad som fungerade bra och vad som bättre skulle kunna stödja kunskapsöverföringen. Lärdomarna som har producerats i denna studie bör användas som ett inspiration och som ett diskussionsunderlag för hur kunskapsöverföringen kan gå till i denna typ av samarbete. / In this study the knowledge transfers between a UX design studio and a start up that utilizes Lean UX have been investigated to understand how it can be developed without the use of extensive documentation. To do this a case study have been performed as a action research project. The author took the role as a UX designer at a UX and Service design agency and performed a design project for a social innovation start up during 10 weeks. Within this context the knowledge transfers of design knowledge from the process where planned and executed. It was structured through ongoing reconciliations between the product owner and the UX designer in which they could discuss and reflect on the developed design. In addition to these visualizations of the knowledge where developed in the form a an interactive prototype, 5 screencasts and supporting textual documentation. Based on this 7 lessons learned could be identified that reflects on the knowledge transfer and the quality of its components, stating what worked well and what didn’t. The lessons learned that where identified through this study should be used as inspiration and to facilitate a discussion on how the knowledge transfer could be conducted within this kind of collaboration.

Genreanalys på internetbaserad kognitiv beteendeterapi-behandling.

Ihs Håkansson, Ellinor January 2017 (has links)
Det projekt som redogörs i denna rapport var en del av ett samarbete mellan Psykologpartners och Linköpings Universitet. Projektet innefattade att genomföra en genreanalys på fyra olika KBT-behandlingssidor. Dessa var olika typer av depressionsbehandlingar på hemsidorna KBTonline, 1177, Iterapi och Livanda. Syftet med projektet var att ta fram förslag för att underlätta framtida utveckling av designen på internetbaserade KBT-behandlingssidor. För att undersöka hemsidorna användes metoden genreanalys för interaktionsdesign där först och främst målen med analysen identifierades och definierades. Därefter undersöktes produktens form, innehåll och syfte för att sedan extrahera likheter och skillnader mellan hemsidorna utifrån dessa tre element. De sista stegen var att samla ihop data som extraherats av undersökningen och presentera det för att till sist dra slutsatser utifrån det. De resultat som extraherades av denna analys var hur hemsidorna såg ut samt hur de var strukturerade, hur alla övningar var uppbyggda samt vad de innehöll, vad för olika medietyper de använde och till sist hur väl mobilanpassade de var. Bland annat var de förslag som togs fram att ha någon slags funktion som hjälper användaren att veta var i behandlingen hen är, att variera ifyllningsmöjligheterna och att ändra vissa övningar för att anpassas till mobilens storlek.

When Colours Matter : A Case Study of Perceived Usability and Perceived Easiness of Adaptation among Air Traffic Controllers Being Presented to a New Colour Scheme in their ATM System

Nylin, Magnus January 2017 (has links)
Colours play an important role in our everyday life. Yet, it is something that we might not pay too much attention to, it is just there, even if we may have our favourite colours and likewise. However, sometimes the colours have a very specific meaning and is a medium of communication. One example of this is air traffic control systems as the one used in Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Ireland, and Croatia. However, despite using the same system, all but Denmark and Sweden use different colour schemes in the human computer interface of the radar screens. A decision was taken within the common organisation, COOPANS, to change this and harmonize the colour scheme, but how will that be received by the users, the air traffic controllers? This thesis aimed at investigating how usable the controllers in the different countries, except Croatia, found the new colour scheme and how easy they thought it would be to adapt to. The question was how this was affected by the fact they are using different colour schemes today? Data was collected with questionnaires during simulations in high fidelity simulator platforms at the air traffic control centres in Malmö, Copenhagen, Vienna, and Shannon. It was found that there were some differences between the sites which could not be explained by the controlled for factors, age, gender, and experience. Among the differences found, one was that the perceived usability differed between controllers in Malmö and Copenhagen respectively. Hence, since they are using the same colours today, the differences seem to be a result of expectations and opinions about the current colour schemes rather than exactly which colour scheme that are currently used. There was also a trend that the opinions from the first impression seemed to be reinforced within the group during the simulation. The major differences however were found to be on individual level.

Putting a spin on SPINN : Representations of syntactic structure in neural network sentence encoders for natural language inference

Jesper, Segeblad January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents and investigates a dependency-based recursive neural network model applied to the task of natural language inference. The dependency-based model is a direct extension of a previous constituency-based model used for natural language inference. The dependency-based model is tested on the Stanford Natural Language Inference corpus and is compared to the previously proposed constituency-based model as well as a recurrent Long-Short Term Memory network. The experiments show that the Long-Short Term Memory outperform both the dependency-based models as well as the constituency-based model. It is also shown that what is to be explicitly represented depends on the model dimensionality that one use. With 50-dimensional models, more explicit representations of the dependency structure provides higher accuracies, and the best dependency-based model performs on par with the LSTM. Higher model dimensionalities seem to favor less explicit representations of the dependency structure. We hypothesize that a smaller dimensionality requires a more explicit representation of the relevant linguistic features of the input, while the explicit representation becomes limiting when a higher model dimensionality is used.

Språklig anpassning till en artificiell dialogpartner / Adjustment of language in dialogue with an artificial interlocutor

Fornander, Linnea January 2017 (has links)
Trots att antalet medier via vilka vi människor kan kommunicera med varandra är högre än någonsin, är talad interaktion något unikt betydelsefullt för våra mänskliga samhällen och relationer och därför ett ständigt relevant forskningsområde. Denna studie undersökte kvantitativa skillnader i hur människor konverserar med en talbaserad chattbot jämfört med en mänsklig konversationspartner, då de utförde en uppgift utformad för att skapa jämförliga dialoger. Resultatet visade på att konversationerna med chattbotten var mindre effektiva och ledde till sämre prestation i uppgiften. Dessutom påvisades att deltagarna använde en kortare genomsnittlig turlängd i konversationer med chattbotten, samt signifikanta skillnader i ordvariation mellan de två betingelserna. Dessa skillnader kan bero på att människor anpassar sitt språk efter sina uppfattningar av chattbottens kommunikativa egenskaper, och innebär att möjligheten att generalisera egenskaper hos människors tal i konversationer med liknande artificiella dialogpartners till konversationer med människor kan vara begränsad.

Assessment and Improvement of Initial Learnability in Complex Systems : A Qualitative Study to Promote Intuitive Software Development

Andersson, Jonatan January 2016 (has links)
This Master’s Thesis aimed to assess and propose improvements for initial learnability in Sectra AB’s Picture Archiving Communication System (PACS) by integrating usability engineering and agile software development. Assessing initial learnability and re-designing complex systems is difficult as they have a high skill cap and take longer time to learn in comparison to simpler ones. Further, companies that use agile methodologies often focus on completing small items which might hide the overarching vision of a product that can lead to usability problems. While there are several methods for assessing usability, no research has specifically focused on assessing initial learnability in complex systems. This study however investigates how this may be achieved by combining current methodologies for measuring learnability with usability engineering and agile software development. Initial learnability issues and needs were assessed after evaluating Sectra PACS using 5 participants and analysed using impact mapping as well as conducting a focus group within the organisation that owns the product.

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