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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Be active or stay unattractive : Be active or stay unattractive

Naess, Erik January 2017 (has links)
Enterprises utilize information and communication technology, including websites, to market themselves and expand their businesses. However, employing this technology is not always a guarantee of success, especially for small enterprises. This is often due to limited resources and to the extent of having web skills present within the enterprise. Deciding who will design the website for a small enterprise is therefore of importance since a well designed website is a requirement to attract interest in visitors. The design of a website is also a main factor for the first impression to a visitor, a website that is visually appealing tends to give a greater confidence at first glance. This thesis is based on the interest of small enterprises considerations about what website design development characteristics and objective characteristics is generating more positive first impressions. To find this out, interviews together with subjective and objective measures of visual aesthetics were conducted to immerse in the aesthetics of small enterprise websites. The methods implemented gave variables to test in a correlation analysis. This correlation analysis showed that two web development characteristics had strong correlations with users' perception of visual aesthetics. None of the objective aesthetic attributes based on previous theories gave any strong correlations. These characteristics were therefore supplemented with other objective characteristics, which gave two strong correlations. / Företag använder sig informations- och kommunikationsteknik, inklusive hemsidor, för att marknadsföra sig själva och för att växa som företag. Användandet av denna teknik är dock inte alltid en garanti för framgång, särskilt inte för småföretag. Detta beror ofta på begränsade resurser och i den utsträckning att det finns kompetens inom webbprogrammering i företaget. Beslutet att bestämma vem som ska design hemsidan för ett litet företag är därför av stor betydelse, eftersom en väl designad hemsida är ett krav för att locka intresse för besökare på hemsidan. En hemsidas design är också en viktig faktor för det första intrycket hos en besökare av en hemsida. Hemsidor som är visuellt tilltalande tenderar att ge större förtroende vid första anblicken. Denna masteruppsats bygger på intresset hos småföretags överväganden om vilka webutvecklingsegenskaper och objektiva estetiska egenskaper i en webbdesign som genererar mer positiva första intryck. För att ta reda på detta, genomfördes intervjuer samt subjektiva och objektiva mätningar av visuell estetik för att fördjupa sig i estetiken hos småföretags hemsidor. De genomförda metoderna gav variabler att testa i en korrelationsanalys. Denna korrelationsanalys visade att två utvecklingsegenskaper hade starka korrelationer med användares perception av visuell estetik. Ingen av de objektiva estetiska egenskaperna baserade på tidigare teorier gav starka korrelationer. Därför kompletterades dessa med andra objektiva egenskaper där två av dem gav starka korrelationer.

Acid Sulfate Soils and Metal Accumulation in Sediments in Rosån Catchment, Northern Sweden / Sura Sulfatjordar och Ackumulation av Metaller i Sediment Från Rosåns Avrinningsområde, Norra Sverige

Lindström, Carola January 2017 (has links)
Global environmental concerns arise when marine deposits with fine-grained iron sulfide-rich sediments (FeS and FeS2), now situated above sea level, oxidize from anthropogenic lowering of the groundwater table. The oxidation of iron sulfides decreases the soil pH and the acidic environment of these Acid Sulfate Soils (AS) soils increase weathering and mobilization of metals into adjacent watercourses, lakes and estuaries. Low pH and enhanced concentrations of metals are known to influence water quality negatively, causing fish kills and reduced aquatic diversity. Sulfide rich sediments were deposited in the Baltic Sea after the last glaciation and are now abundantly found along the coasts of for example the Bothnian Bay as a result of isostatic rebound. Recent studies from Finland have stated associations between leached (AS) soils and increased concentrations of metals in estuary sediments, thus the effects are likely to be similar in Sweden. With financial support from the Interreg Nord project “Ecological restoration in coastal river basins in the Bothnian Bay” in cooperation with the Geological Survey of Sweden (SGU), sediments from three lakes and two estuarine sites in the Rosån catchment in Norrbotten county, northern Sweden, were sampled and analyzed with fpXRF, ICP-MS and LOI methods. Elemental concentrations and organic contents were compared to establish accumulation trends over time and relationships between metal concentrations in recently deposited sediments and potential influence from previously sampled (AS) soils. Correlations in time, to anthropogenic activity, such as ditching were also considered. A primary allover trend with increasing concentrations of Aluminum (Al), Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Cobalt (Co), Cupper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Nickel (Ni), Lead (Pb), Rare Earth Elements (REE) and Zinc (Zn), was noticed in a majority of the lake and estuary sediment samples. With some site variation, also two discrete peaks at different depth, were found in the upper 20 to 30 cm of the sampled sediments. Significant correlations to organic matter were also found for a considerable amount of the elements. Soil samples from (AS) soils in areas related to Rosån show pH values as low as 2.62 and oxidation depths down to 170 cm. Substantial elemental depletion in the oxidized zone suggest increased weathering, leaching and mobilization of Al, Cd, Co, Mn, Ni, REE, Zn and to some extent As, Cu, Fe and Pb from the soil, as a consequence of the acidic environment. A relationship between (AS) soils and increased metal concentrations is therefore likely. The sedimentation rate of roughly 0.2 cm/year was calculated from the separation age of the lakes and the sediment depth to an interpreted transition from more marine environment to lake settings. Consequently the distinct peaks of increased metal concentrations are thus suggested to be related to anthropogenic activities as for example improved drainage methods after the Second World War, but proper dating of the sediments is needed to establish any certain correlations. / På senare tid har man uppmärksammat de miljöproblem som uppstår när finkorniga sediment, innehållande järnsulfider, oxiderar på grund av mänsklig påverkan, t ex. dikning, eller annan typ av aktivitet som sänker grundvattennivån. När järnsulfiderna oxiderar bildas svavelsyra som gör att pH- värdet i marken blir väldigt lågt. Den sura miljön i dessa så kallade sura sulfatjordar, gör i sin tur att mineraler i marken vittrar fortare med påföljden att både surt vatten och ökade mängder metaller, sprids till närliggande vattendrag, sjöar och hav. Lågt pH och höga halter av metaller i vatten påverkar även vattenkvalitén negativt och har rapporterats orsaka fiskdöd och minskad akvatisk mångfald. Sura sulfatjordar är globalt förekommande och återfinns bland annat längs Bottenvikens kuster. De har kunnat bildas genom att sulfidhaltiga sediment, som avsattes i Östersjön efter den senaste istiden, nu befinner sig ovan havsnivån på grund av landhöjningen. I Finland har man i flera studier sett ett samband mellan sura sulfatjordar och ökade metallhalter i nyligen avsatta kustsediment och man kan anta att liknande förhållande gäller även i Sverige. Med finansiellt stöd från EU-projektet “Kustmynnande Vattendrag i Bottenviken-Metodutveckling och Ekologisk Restaurering” (Interreg Nord) genom Sveriges geologiska undersökning (SGU) och i samarbete med Länsstyrelsen i Norrbotten, har bottensediment från tre sjöar och två fjärdar i Rosåns avrinningsområde i Norrbotten provtagits och analyserats. För att fastställa hur koncentrationerna har förändrats över tiden har metallhalterna i de nyligen avsatta sedimenten jämförts med koncentrationerna i äldre sediment. Även jordprofiler från sura sulfatjordar i området har studerats för att kunna utvärdera ett ev. samband mellan urlakade ämnen i jordarna och ökade halter i sedimenten. Granskning av hur långt metallerna transporteras i systemet har gjorts, liksom försök att hitta kopplingar i tiden till mänsklig påverkan som t.ex. dikning. I de översta sedimenten kan man, förutom en generellt ökande trend av aluminium (Al), arsenik (As), kadmium (Cd), kobolt (Co), koppar (Cu), järn (Fe), mangan (Mn), nickel, (Ni) bly (Pb), sällsynta jordartsmetaller (REE) och zink (Zn), också se tydliga toppar med ökade halter av dessa ämnen på minst två specifika djup. De sura sulfatjordarna, som uppmätte pH-värden ner till 2,62, visade tecken på urlakning av Al, Cd, Co, Ni, Mn, REE, Zn och till viss del också As, Cu, Fe och Pb, varpå en trolig relation mellan sura sulfatjordar och ökade metallhalter i nyligen avsatta sediment kan fastställas. En uppskattning av ackumulationshastigheten, som gjordes utifrån när de provtagna sjöarna skiljdes från havet, och sedimentdjupet som visar övergången från hav till sjö, visar att de observerade topparna av ökade metallkoncentrationer i sedimenten skulle kunna vara förknippade med dikning i början av 1900-talet och efter andra världskriget. För en säker bestämning av sambandet till specifika händelser behövs dock en riktig datering.

Student Perspectives on School Surveillance : an Explorative Study Using a Mobile Application Prototype

Persson, Anton, Eleyan, Ahmed January 2019 (has links)
Schools should be safe places for young people to learn through freely expressing and sharing ideas. This requires respecting student privacy, as they otherwise feel distrusted and uncomfortable. At the same time, surveillance is becoming an increasingly important part of facilitating a safe school environment. This has created an interesting dynamic where increasingly pervasive surveillance solutions seeking safety and other benefits are threatening student privacy. Therefore, researchers stand before the urgent challenge of figuring out what is a desirable direction for this technology. This qualitative study focuses on students’ perspectives on surveillance and privacy. Data was collected through interviews, card sorting, and the use of a prototype together with scenarios. The results of the study expand upon current research and reveal that actively involving students in design and research processes is important to ensure sustainable solutions. Students desire more value in terms of control, assistance, safety and information. At the same time, many concerns about discomfort, distrust and abuse are present. A set of guidelines on important considerations for future surveillance research and design are presented which focus on collaboration, responsibilityand creativity. Key issues causing inefficient communication between studentsand researchers are discussed, and the need for providing further education on the topic is motivated.

SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THIS INTERVIEW I HAVE MANAGED FOUR EMAILS : A qualitative study of email management for information workers

Forsman, Kristoffer, Horned, Arvid January 2019 (has links)
As a result of the rapid development of technology and the implementation of it in work environments, productivity and profit can increase for an organization. Email has led to much shorter ways of communication but there are also less positive aspects of technology. Technostress, information overload and email overload are all three effects of this new ubiquitous digital era. We ask how individual information workers manage and reply to incoming email, to extend our knowledge regarding the effects of email overload on information workers, and to identify their coping strategies in their work life context. This knowledge can be used by practitioners, designers and researchers to develop email as a service further. By conducting nine qualitative interviews with information workers employed in three different organization, we found that balance in email management is important to utilize the full potential of the service, and it would be useful for individuals, as well as organizations, to establish clear rules regarding email use both within work hours, as well as on leisure time.

HIGH SCORE : A qualitative study on how gaming can further awareness in office environments

Bergqvist, Joakim, Breuer, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
Gamification as an educational tool has been explored extensively in traditional academic contexts such as universities and schools. There is however a lack of research on the usage of games for educational purposes in organizations, and even less research has evaluated games’ potential in creating organizational awareness. To understand if companies could benefit from gamification, this study looked at how employees’ professional backgrounds, social interaction and context during a game experience can influence employees’ awareness of the organization. In order to do that, a digital game that portrayed the supply chain process of an industrial company and focused on specific key aspects was built and tested with 17 employees in a large international organization. The results show that digital games can further both awareness of the organization by letting employees play and experience key aspects of the delivery process. The most noticeable increase in awareness were with the participants whose work is not directly involved in the supply chain.

We Want to Be in the Room Where it Happens : Challenges for Women's Representation in the Zambian Parliament

Solomon, Deborah January 2019 (has links)
This essay explores the cultural and socio-economic barriers for women’s political representation in Zambian politics as well as the importance of women’s representation for their human security. Due to a Western focus on earlier research, a developing country was chosen in order to investigate any differing perspectives that would emerge. The guiding research problem was why Zambia despite being relatively stable and peaceful still ranked lower in gender equality indexes when compared to their more unstable neighbours.A theoretical model outlined by Nadezhda Shvedova was used to formulate interview questions. The main material used for the study was semi-structured interviews conducted with members of the National Assembly in Lusaka Zambia as part of a Minor Field Study. The results allowed for an expansion of Shvedova’s model with one more category. The main conclusion reached is that all barriers outlined in Shvedova’s model were present in Zambia but that there is a slow but constant progress in eliminating these barriers mainly through political will and representation of women in politics. Suggested continuations of the study are to do a comparative study with a country in the region as well as conducting non-elite interviews and surveys outside the capital city Lusaka.

SSR= ökad säkerhet? : Fallstudie Kosovo

Rubinsson, Emma January 2008 (has links)
The security sector of a state is supposed to deliver a secure environment for its citizens. Security Sector Reform (SSR) are reforms aiming to develop the security sector of a state in order to guarantee human security. In Kosovo SSR is in operation to create a more secure society with greater civil control. The aim of this essay is to examine how Kosovos’ security sector is organized year 2007 and how its development should progress in order to facilitate security and civilian control of the security sector, with focus on three central actors: the Kosovo Police Service (KPS), the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC) and the security service. The theoretical framework used, with a descriptive purpose, pinpoints Human security, Post- conflict reconstruction, Intrastate Security Dilemma, SSR and Implementation theory for networks as important elements for the study and understanding of SSR. The main findings are that a holistic approach is needed when addressing SSR and that all further SSR in Kosovo are dependent of the future status of Kosovo and a good economic development. Currently, one of the main problems facing the security sector in Kosovo is the lack of civil oversight. Key words: Security Sector Reform (SSR), human security, Kosovo, Kosovo Police Service (KPS), Kosovo Protection Corps (KPS), security service. Nyckelord: Säkerhetssektorreformer (SSR), mänsklig säkerhet, Kosovo, Kosovo Police Service (KPS), Kosovo Protection Corps (KPS), säkerhetstjänst.

VEMS SÄKERHET? VILKA RÄTTIGHETER? : Om diskursförändringen i svensk migrationspolitisk riksdagsdebatt 1975-2002

Olmsäter, Therese January 2007 (has links)
<p>Human rights and solidarity, as well as moral and legal responsibilities to protect people in need of refuge, seem to be principles of secondary importance within international migratory policies today. Instead, the predominant view seems to focus more and more on the protection of territorial borders, the welfare state and national identity. This international change in discourse can also be seen in the political trends of individual states. There are reasons to believe that this is a development that is also perceptible in the political rhetoric that is used in parliamentary debates, which constitute the main focus of this thesis. The aim of this study has therefore been to increase the understanding of this change in migratory policies by analyzing Swedish parliamentary debates between 1975 and 2002, using a theoretical framework focused on two different perspectives on security: First, the Copenhagen School and securitization of migration, and second, human security and human rights. The method consists of an interpretative and reflective method, together with a critical discourse analysis approach. The main results of the thesis show a possibility to distinguish four sets of discourses with close ties to the contemporary societal context during this period of almost three decades. However, the main arguments for such a change in discourse are first, that although the migration policies have developed in a more restrictive way since the 1980’s, the arguments and rhetoric in parliamentary debates have not changed much even though the tendencies are harder tones simultaneously with such restrictions. Second, in spite of this similarity, there have been people in parliament who have raised their voices and protested during this period when, in their view, the politics has moved outside of the ordinary framework. Finally, this thesis argues that it is possible to place the two debating sides in what could be named the security/rights- nexus, depending on each side’s point of departure according to the security framework of this thesis.</p>

SSR= ökad säkerhet? : Fallstudie Kosovo

Rubinsson, Emma January 2008 (has links)
<p>The security sector of a state is supposed to deliver a secure environment for its citizens. Security Sector Reform (SSR) are reforms aiming to develop the security sector of a state in order to guarantee human security. In Kosovo SSR is in operation to create a more secure society with greater civil control.</p><p>The aim of this essay is to examine how Kosovos’ security sector is organized year 2007 and how its development should progress in order to facilitate security and civilian control of the security sector, with focus on three central actors: the Kosovo Police Service (KPS), the Kosovo Protection Corps (KPC) and the security service. The theoretical framework used, with a descriptive purpose, pinpoints Human security, Post- conflict reconstruction, Intrastate Security Dilemma, SSR and Implementation theory for networks as important elements for the study and understanding of SSR.</p><p>The main findings are that a holistic approach is needed when addressing SSR and that all further SSR in Kosovo are dependent of the future status of Kosovo and a good economic development. Currently, one of the main problems facing the security sector in Kosovo is the lack of civil oversight.</p><p>Key words: Security Sector Reform (SSR), human security, Kosovo, Kosovo Police Service (KPS), Kosovo Protection Corps (KPS), security service.</p><p>Nyckelord: Säkerhetssektorreformer (SSR), mänsklig säkerhet, Kosovo, Kosovo Police Service (KPS), Kosovo Protection Corps (KPS), säkerhetstjänst.</p>

The Impact of Climate Change and Man on the Spatial Distribution of Wildfire Events : A GIS and Ranking System Approach

Hurst, Stephanie January 2015 (has links)
Wildfire is a destructive and devastating phenomenon experienced all around the world, which is predicted to increase in frequency and geographical range as climate change continues throughout the 21st century and beyond. This paper used a GIS approach to analyse the expected change in wildfire geographical range by 2050 using a Global Climate Model of the worst case scenario. After new wildfire-prone regions were identified, an analysis of these regions was undertaken regarding human-risk to ignition, currently the largest cause of wildfire outbreaks. This was performed using a ranking system of variables known to increase the human-risk, namely rural exodus, density of agricultural machinery, prevalence of tobacco smoking, and camping tourism popularity. The results were in consensus with the scientific community regarding the effect of climate change on the geographical range of wildfire outbreaks, and identified Europe as a key area of future concern. Within Europe, Austria was seen as having the highest risk to human-ignition. This could be of utmost importance to European, especially Austrian, management agencies as they look to restrict the future impact of climate change on their communities. This paper serves as an example of how spatiotemporal patterns of extreme weather events and climate change can be projected using GIS. / Skogsbrand är ett destruktivt och förödande fenomen över hela världen och förutspås att öka i frekvens och geografisk utbredning med förändrade klimatförutsättningar under det tjugoförsta århundradet och framöver. Den här studien har använt GIS som metod för att analysera den förväntade förändringen av skogsbränders geografiska utbredning år 2050, baserat på värsta scenariot framtaget i en global klimatmodellering. Efter att nya skogsbrandsbenägna regioner identifierats, gjordes en analys av regionerna avseende mänskliga faktorer som ökar risken för antändning, för närvarande den största orsaken till skogbrandssutbrott. Riskanalyserna utfördes med ett rankingsystem av variabler som är kända för att öka risken, nämligen avfolkning av landsbygden, densitet av jordbruksmaskiner, förekomsten av tobaksrökning, och campingturismens popularitet. Studiens resultat stämmer överens med vetenskapliga studier avseende klimatförändringens effekter på geografisk utbredning av skogbrandssutbrott. I studien identifierades Europa som ett nyckelområde för framtida risker. Inom Europa hade Österrike den högsta risken för mänsklig antändning. Resultatet kan vara av yttersta vikt för europeiska, särskilt österrikare, förvaltningsorgan som försöker att begränsa den framtida inverkan av klimatförändringar på deras samhällen. Den här studien är ett exempel på hur rumsliga fördelningsmönster av extrema väderförhållanden och klimatförändringar kan projiceras genom att använda GIS.

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