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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Religionsfrihet i en nordisk kontext : Hur bör en nordisk stat förhålla sig till religionsfrihet?

Kackur, Kim January 2015 (has links)
Uppsatsen utgår ifrån att religionsfrihet är en mänsklig rättighet som håller på att få allt mer internationell uppmärksamhet på grund av dess roll i ett demokratiskt samhälle. Genom att ingående beskriva de faktorer som påverkar religionsfrihet och se in på hur religionsfrihet förstås och behandlas ur en statlig synvinkel kan en rimlig förståelse skapas av religionsfrihet för Norden. Syftet med uppsatsen är att öka kunskapen om religionsfrihet för att en nordisk stat bättre ska kunna ta sig an morgondagens utmaningar i form av framförallt ett mera mångkulturellt samhälle. Den nordiska kontexten, en sekulär statsmodell samt en godtagbar religionsfrihetsmodell för framtiden är alla centrala delar i vilka religionsfrihet behandlas. Uppsatsen visar bl.a. på att religion bör ha en naturlig plats i den offentliga sfären samt behovet av att diskutera och fastslå civilsamhällets och religiösa församlingars roll i framtidens Norden beträffande frågor som berör t.ex. religion och migration. Religionsfrihet och dess roll i ett samhälle är väl i linje med det nordiska välfärdssamhällets kärnvärden. Det visar på en stor potential i att implementera religionsfrihet även i utrikespolitiken. I ett nordiskt perspektiv erbjuder religionsfrihet goda möjligheter till samarbete för att stärka Norden som en attraktiv och ledande demokratisk region för framtiden.

The interactive museum lab : Design of a mobile room that includes people with disabilities in a culture house setting

Ramírez Martínez, Natalia January 2016 (has links)
This study has been carried out from two points of view: how museums have changed to adapt to new technologies and the inclusion of people with different disabilities as a target group when developing a new product. This study is done through a series of qualitative interviews made to museum staff and personnel related to the target group, belonging to working directly any of the groups in which the disabilities are divided. Through the study and the application of their answers and contributions as well as the data collected in previous studies, the development of an interactive-multimedia Lab was accomplished, which is installed in the museum Kulturfabriken in Skövde. In order to execute a product development process properly, an adequate methodology was developed, which combines working methods, focused directly on the elaboration of the product from the most practical point of view and analysis methods, which helped analyze the process in an appropriate way through the different interviews and meetings held with the focus groups, to make a customized product with the needs of the museum, but also to combine the needs of the groups with disabilities and special features such as: surround sound system and immersive space, in order to create a suitable multimedia space.

Förskollärares digitala kompetens : en kvalitativ studie angående några förskollärares upplevelser av sin digitala kompetens och arbete med IKT / Preschool teachers’ digital skills : a qualitative study regarding some preschool teachers’ experiences of their digital skills and work with ICT

Strand, Gustav, Mattsson, Olof January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur några förskollärare upplever digital kompetens, hos sig själv samt i verksamheten, deras upplevelser av hur digital kompetens kan påverka deras arbete med IKT och deras upplevelser av att arbeta med IKT. Forskningsfrågorna lyder: Hur upplever några förskollärare sin digitala kompetens? Hur upplever några förskollärare att deras digitala kompetens påverkar hur de arbetar i förskolans verksamhet? Hur upplever några förskollärare arbete med IKT? Studien har en kvalitativ forskningsansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Det har medverkat sex förskollärare från sex olika verksamheter i studien. Bearbetning av det insamlade materialet skedde genom en fenomenologisk analys samt en tematisk analys. Analysen presenteras i fyra kategorier: förskollärares upplevelser av digital kompetens, ett kvalitativt arbete med IKT, stöd och möjligheter för kompetensutveckling samt styrdokumentens roll och förväntningar. Resultatet visade på en skillnad mellan förskollärares definition av digital kompetens och hur skolverket definierar digital kompetens. Det framkom även en stor variation i hur säkra förskollärare upplever sig vara i sitt arbete med IKT. Resultatet visar även att det finns en skillnad mellan tillgången till digitala verktyg i verksamheter samt tillgång till kompetensutveckling. Slutsatsen är att arbete med IKT i förskolans verksamhet har en koppling till hur förskollärare ser på sin egna digitala kompetens, deras attityd och intresse till arbete med IKT samt de digitala möjligheter som verksamheten har att erbjuda.

Turning the Tides : A case study about integrating UX practices within a UX-immature organization

van der Werf, Marinus, Rundqvist, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
In an era where the customer has the power, creating not only usable but also satisfiable systems and applications is of importance. However, research shows that software development practices do not always allow user experience design to take place and gives little guidance regarding how to conduct and integrate UX work. Despite UX’ increased popularity, gained recognition and prior research efforts, organizations and companies still encounter challenges when trying to embrace this change to offer customers more than just a system that ‘works’. Much recognition has gone to the UX field of late, however organizations that lack knowledge, strategies or personnel can often feel powerless. Therefore, we set out to explore what an in-house IT-department without UX practitioners perceived as challenges when integrating UX work and practices. We conducted interviews with developers and project managers within an IT-department to get their opinions. In our study, we identified factors that seem to play a part when integrating UX – such as communication, UX maturity, prioritization and attitudes. Based on these findings, we visualized these factors in what we call a maturity map.

Gränsen mellan människa och maskin sett ur ett kristet perspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om prästers syn på den mänskliga naturen i relation till cybernetiska organismer / Priests' View on the Human Nature in Relation to Cyborgs

Romanov, Artur January 2018 (has links)
Följande studie ämnar studera hur en grupp präster inom Svenska Kyrkan ser på den mänskliga naturen i relation till cybernetiska organismer. Syftet med studien var att ta reda på deras uppfattningar av gränsen mellan människa och maskin. Detta ansågs vara viktigt eftersom deras syn på människans natur kan ge en djupare inblick i den pågående debatten om mänsklig förbättring mellan forskare och religiösa företrädare. Teorier som har använts i studien är transhumanism, biokonservatism, posthumanism samt Donna Haraways cyborgteori. För datainsamling har det genomförts fyra semi-strukturerade intervjuer med präster från olika församlingar inom Svenska Kyrkan. Totalt har det identifierats fyra olika kategorier som har angetts utgöra den mänskliga naturen: ”Innehav av en komplex inre värld”; ”Koppling till någonting större än den fysiska/materiella verkligheten”; ”Förfogande av en fri vilja inom en begränsad ram” samt ”Härkomst från ’det naturliga’”. Resultatet har visat att dessa kategorier har en rad olika relationer till cyborgkonceptet och mänsklig förbättring.

A BETTER WAY TO LIVE WITH A CHRONIC CONDITION : Envisioning transition kit for women living with endometriosis

Pruchnicka, Joanna January 2018 (has links)
This project explores the question of how to support women living with endometriosis in the transition into live with a chronic condition while maintaining the best possible quality of life. Design process was planned out and exercises in four steps - preparations and background research (outlining well-being perspective, desk research, research online via social media), design research (multiple surveys, interviews, reflections online, co-creation sessions, probing, interviews following probing with co-creation sessions, ideation sessions, analysis), explorations (creation of directions, analysis, initial concepts creation, feedback, synthesis, design proposal, feedback and evaluation sessions, design improvements) and final design proposal. Activities were aiming to repeatedly open up the scope of the project and then through the analysis of each phase narrow it down again following diamond shape. One important aspect of the process was to engage women living with endometriosis as well as their loved ones throughout the whole process and design together instead of designing for them. Of course, experts were consulted as well to make sure project is following standards of medical care, but the primary focus on the users was important since the product was shaped rather as a lifestyle change facilitator as well as data collection tool rather than a strictly medical solution. The outcome of the project is a flexible system VEA serving as a transition kit for women diagnosed with endometriosis, but also early detection screening tool and awareness platform for those who haven’t been diagnosed yet. Even though this might seem complicated I’ll try to explain why only this kind of a multifaceted approach can fully support women in their journey toward their best possible quality of life. VEA allows users to access Habit Nooks supporting them in introducing changes while guided by experts and supported by the community. Physical tracker allowing to track symptoms together with the Data Dashboard allow users to explore data patterns and make informed decisions. The system gives also an opportunity to get in touch with experts via calls or structured long-term programs. Beside the design proposal project was closed with a series of reflection touching on the bias in a medical field and how it might affect healthcare design, as well as designer’s experience of working on a project with a personal relevance.

The future of podcasting : Envisioning an audio stories community for listeners and creators, where they connect through similar interests and share inspiring content.

Kuklo, Piotr January 2018 (has links)
This project explores the future of podcasting as a digital audio media format for stories. As podcasts continue to grow in popularity the medium becomes more and more influential amongst all age groups. Unfortunately, existing solutions do not give enough attention to all possible aspects of the medium. Podcasts carry an untapped potential as they are often treated similarly to music files. This project consists of a platform, Cast3, with two separate products directed to listeners and creators of audio stories. The platform gives users a possibility to connect with similar minded people around specific topics through clubs. Inspiration and Method To understand the needs of listeners and creators of the stories, I immersed myself with the storytelling world and conducted a thorough research with conversations with both users groups, opportunities evaluations and concepts testing. The insights gathered during the research brought the conclusion that both listeners and creators tend to want more involvement and have stronger community gathered around audio stories. That is why the project’s goal is to form an audio story community for listeners and creators, where they connect through similar interests and share inspiring content. Result The final outcome of the project consists of a platform Cast3 that has 2 separate products directed to listeners and creators of audio stories. The platform gives users a possibility to connect with similar minded people around specific topics through clubs. The clubs are the spaces where listeners can exchange information, discover new content through a word of mouth and bond with the creators through live shows. The creators’ needs are supported through specialised tools that help to record stories and help to learn more about the listeners. The users of the platform can interact with audio stories through a redefined media format called freecasting. The new format improves a listening experience and respond to presently existing needs of listeners as well as creators.

Immersive Tour at Umeå’s Prison Hotel

Chien, Yi-Ting January 2018 (has links)
The overall purpose of this project is to develop an immersive storytelling experience that connects with both physical and social environment. To be specific, it focuses on the old prison in Umeå which was closed in 1981 and nowadays serves as a hotel. There are abundant historical materials related to the old prison preserved, and how might we transform such textual, historical information into relatively interactive experience. By collaborating with Hotell Gamla Fängelset ( Umeå’s Prison Hotel ), the result turns out to be an application in combination with augmented reality (AR), to build a guided tour that brings history to life at Umeå’s Prison Hotel. The tour not only demonstrates the plight of the prisoners, but also showcases the reform to humanized treatment over time, at the end linking back to the cozy hotel where the guests are staying. After users experience the tour application, it stimulates people’s imagination of the prisoners’ story and raises their awareness towards the cultural heritage that has always been forgotten.

Visualization of Vehicle Usage Based on Position Data for Root-Cause Analysis : A Case Study in Scania CV AB

Sagala, Ramadhan Kurniawan January 2018 (has links)
Root cause analysis (RCA) is a process in Scania carried out to understand the root cause of vehicle breakdowns. It is commonly done by studying vehicle warranty claims and failure reports, identifying patterns that are correlated to the breakdowns, and then analyzing the root cause based on those findings. Vehicle usage is believed to be one of the factors that may contribute towards the breakdowns, but the data on vehicle usage is not commonly utilized in RCA. This thesis investigates a way to help RCA process by introducing a dataset of vehicle usage based on position data gathered in project FUMA (Fleet telematics big data analytics for vehicle Usage Modeling and Analysis). A user-centered design process of a visualization tool which presents FUMA data for people working in RCA process was carried out. Interviews were conducted to gain insights about the RCA process and generate design ideas. PACT framework was used to organize the ideas, and Use Cases were developed to project a conceptual scenario. A low fidelity prototype was developed as design artifact for the visualization, and a formative test was done to validate the design and gather feedback for future prototyping iterations. In each design phase, more insights about how visualization of vehicle usage should be used in RCA were obtained. Based on this study, the prototype design showed a promising start in visualizing vehicle usage for RCA purpose. Improvement on data presentation, however, still needs to be addressed to reach the level of practicality required in RCA. / Root cause analysis (RCA) är en process på Scania som används för att förstå rotorsaken till fordons behov av reparation.Oftast studeras fordonets försäkringsrapporter och felrapporter, för att identifiera och analysera mönster som motsvarar de olika behoven för reparation. Fordonsanvändningen tros vara en av de faktorer som bidrar till reparationsbehoven, men data angående detta används sällan i RCA. Denna rapport undersöker hur RCA-processen kan dra nytta av positionsdata som samlats in i projekt FUMA (Fleet telematics big data analytics for vehicle Usage Modeling and Analysis). En användarcentrerad designmetodik har använts för att ta fram ett visualiseringsverktyg som presenterar FUMA-data för personer som deltar i RCA-processen. Intervjuer har genomförts för att samla insikter om RCA-processen och för att generera designidéer. PACT-ramverket användes sedan för att organisera idéerna, och användningssituationer togs fram för att skapa ett konceptuellt scenario. En low-fidelity prototyp togs fraför personer som deltar i RCA-processenm som en designartefakt för visualiseringen och ett utvecklande test genomfördes för att validera designen och samla in feedback för framtida iterationer av prototyping. Under varje design-fas, samlades mer insikter om hur visualiseringen av fordonsanvändning skulle kunna användas för RCA in. Baserat på detta, visade design-prototypen en lovande start för visualisering av fordonsanvändning i RCA. Förbättringar på hur data presenteras måste dock genomföras, så att rätt genomförbarhet för RCA uppnås.

Dynamisk vindpåverkan : En fallstudie av flerbostadsbyggnader med korslimmad trästomme med hänsyn till dynamisk vindpåverkan

Bäckman, Victor January 2018 (has links)
Because of the shortage of housing that effects Sweden and the increasing demands for sustainable building new solutions for construction needs to be developed. One solution to this problem is a loadbearing structure made out of crosslaminated timber. This type of material has a high prefabrication factor wich will shorten construction times and it’s environmental freindly. However there is one drawback with this type of loadbearing structure and that is that it’s sensitive to dynamic windforces. Until 1994 it was forbidden by law to build higher than two storeys with a loadbearing timber structure. Therefore the development in this area has fallen behind the development of steel and concrete structures. Because of the many advantages that this type of structure provides the area needs to be explored, developed and the knowledge must be spread to increase the use of crosslaminated timber structures. The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine what parameters that effect a buildings dynamic characteristics and how tall it is possible to build with the chosen dimension of the loadbearing structure.

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