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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vlakke en oorsake van bestuurder stres en : uitbranding in ʼn departement van die Suid-Afrikaanse staatsdiens

Swartz, Leon January 2014 (has links)
This dissertation attempts to understand the causes and levels of work stress and burnout in a department of the South African Public Service, by using three quantitative questionnaires, namely the ‘Work Experience Life Questionnaire’, ‘Maslach Burnout's Questionnaire’, and a ‘Biographical Questionnaire’. A qualitative questionnaire was administered to illicit in-depth responses in relation to the quantitative aspects of the study. The sample constituted of 341 senior officials whose positions ranged from Assistant Director to the Director-General. 231 quantitative questionnaires were completed, pointing to an acceptable response rate of 67.7%, which accounts for more than two thirds of the total study population. Qualitative questionnaires were emailed to 20 individuals, resulting in a returned response rate of 50%. A cross-sectional approach was adopted. The literature review was followed by an empirical investigation. The quantitativequalitative research approach, with a focus on Creswell's dominant-less-dominant model was used, where the quantitative phases were the dominant approach. A non-experimental approach was followed in the form of a cross-sectional study to examine the relationship between job stress and burnout in a specific time of study, by using the experience of Work and Life Circumstances Questionnaire (WLQ) and Maslach's Burnout (MBI-General Survey). In order to address the gaps with regards to the above-mentioned two questionnaires, a qualitative investigation was also conducted, where semi-structured questionnaires were sent to a number of officials. The qualitative survey was carried out to give an in-depth meaning to the quantitative data. It also extensively addressed the issues of organizational politics. / Hierdie verhandeling se hoof fokus is om die vlakke en oorsake van bestuurder stres en –uitbranding in ʼn departement van die Suid-Afrikaanse staatsdiens te ondersoek, deur gebruik te maak van 3 kwantitatiewe vraelyste (Ervaring van Werk en Lewens vraelys, Maslach se Uitbrandings vraelys, en ʼn biografiese vraelys), sowel as ʼn kwalitatiewe navorsings gedeelte. Vanuit ʼn populasie van 341 senior amptenare in poste vanaf assistentdirekteur tot Direkteur-generaal het 231 die vraelyste voltooi (67.7%). ʼn Kruis-seksionele benadering is toegepas. Hierdie studie voorsien ʼn in-diepte, en uitgebreide teoretiese perspektief en bespreking oor stres, werk stres, en werk uitbranding in die staatsdiens. In hoofstuk drie is ʼn in-diepte uiteensetting gegee oor die rol wat organisasie politiek in die werk organisasie speel. Meer spesifiek dui die literatuur oorsig aan dat daar ʼn sterk verhouding tussen organisasie politiek, werk stres en –uitbranding bestaan. ʼn Belangrike tekortkoming in hierdie oorsig is dat daar nie baie literatuur oor die onderwerp beskikbaar is nie en dat van die bronne ook baie verouderd is. Die literatuur studies, internasionaal en plaaslik, in hoofstuk vier, dui aan dat hoë vlakke van stres lei tot gesondheidsprobleme, wat dan ook kan lei tot hoë vlakke van personeelomset en –uitbranding in vroulike en manlike werknemers. Die literatuurstudie is opgevolg deur ʼn empiriese ondersoek. Die kwantitatiefkwalitatiewe navorsing benaderings, met ʼn fokus op Creswell se dominant-less-dominant model, waar die kwantitatiewe fases as oorheersende benadering gebruik is. ʼn Nieeksperimentele benadering is gevolg in die vorm van ʼn kruis-seksionele studie om die verhouding tussen werk stres en -uitbranding op een spesifieke tyd te bestudeer deur gebruik te maak van die ervaring van Werk- en Lewensomstandighede vraelys (WLV) en Maslach se Uitbrandings vraelys (MBI- Algemene Opname). Om die behoeftes van die twee vraelyste aan te spreek is ʼn kwalitatiewe ondersoek uitgevoer waar semi-gestruktureerde vraelyste aan ʼn aantal amptenare gestuur is. Die kwalitatiewe opname is uitgevoer om ʼn in-diepte betekenis aan die kwantitatiewe data te gee. Verder het dit ook die kwessies van organisasie politiek breedvoerig aangespreek. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2014. / gm2014 / Psychology / Unrestricted

The perceptions of social workers regarding the relationship between sexualized behaviour and self-nurturing amongst children in middle childhood

Greeff, Lizahne 07 December 2012 (has links)
There are very few extensive sample studies that target normative versus pathological sexual behavioural problems. Debate exists around the role of attachment when treating children who come from chaotic backgrounds. Children from these backgrounds may lack the stability and predictability that they need in order to develop the appropriate skills to regulate their affects, understand and maintain healthy and safe relationships, and develop a strong sense of self and good behavioural control mechanisms. Because of a lack of knowledge regarding sexualised behaviour, social workers working with children in middle childhood may find it difficult to distinguish between appropriate and less appropriate sexualised behaviour in children in their middle childhood. It may happen that appropriate sexualised behaviour in children is labelled as problematic, while the function of the behaviour may in fact be defined as an act of self-nurturing. The researcher has since asked the question about the link between sexualised behaviour and self-nurturing amongst children in children’s homes. The relationship between these two variables can have a significant effect on the way professionals view children who display sexualised behaviour in institutions where there is a lack of affection and significant attachment to adult figures. Children in middle childhood who display sexualised behaviour have specific needs that role players, specifically social workers, have to keep in mind in order for effective intervention to take place. If discrepancies exist in this area, it could impact negatively on the implementation of services rendered to these children. For the proposed study the collective case study design was the most appropriate design as the researcher collected and analyzed qualitative data by to doing semi-structured interviews. The semi-structured interviews were used to gain a detailed picture of participants’ beliefs or perceptions about, or accounts of the particular topic. Qualitative data was analyzed by means of planning for the recording of the data, managing and organizing the data, reading and writing memos, generating themes, categories and patterns in order to prove or contest a hypothesis. In order to ensure the success of the study, the researcher did a pilot study before the main investigation itself and ethical aspects were adhered to by the researcher throughout the study. Through the empirical study, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between sexualized behaviour and trauma that children experience. However, when sexualized behaviour as a nurturing mechanism becomes obsessive, compulsive and there is no balance, then only can it be viewed as a problem and should be addressed. It is important to remember that ‘sexual play’ should be seen as a normal part of childhood development. There was general consensus that sexualized behaviour could be regarded as a self-nurturing mechanism. Focus was put on the needs of children and how it related to inappropriate sexualized behaviours and self-nurturing as a need in itself. It was recommended that there should be improved service delivery to children, who manifest with sexualized behaviour, training for professionals and lastly continual research on the subject. AFRIKAANS : Daar is weinig grootskaalse ondersoeke gerig op die normatiewe teenoor die patologiese seksuele gedragsprobleme gedoen. Debatte bestaan rondom die rol van bindings wanneer kinders behandel word wat uit chaotiese agtergronde kom, By kinders vanuit hierdie agtergronde mag die stabiliteit en voorspelbaarheid ontbreek wat nodig is om die toepaslike vaardighede van hul gevoelens, die begrip om gesonde en veilige verhoudings te verstaan en die ontwikkeling van ’n sterk gevoel van eiewaarde en goeie gedragskontrolemeganismes te ontwikkel. As gevolg van die gebrek aan kennis rakende seksuele gedrag, kan maatskaplike werkers wat met kinders in hulle middel-kinderjare te doen het, dit moeilik vind om te onderskei tussen toepaslike en mindertoepaslike seksuele gedrag by hierdie kinders. Dit mag gebeur dat toepaslike seksuele gedrag by kinders as problematies bestempel word, terwyl die funksie van die gedrag egter gedefinieer kan word as ‘n daad van selfkoestering. Die verband tussen seksuele gedrag en selfkoestering by kinders in die kinderhuis word daarom deur die navorser bevraagteken. Die verhouding tussen hierdie twee veranderlikes kan ’n betekenisvolle uitwerking hê op die professionele uitkyk op kinders wat seksuele gedrag openbaar in inrigtings waar daar ’n gebrek is aan affektiewe en betekenisvolle gehegtheid teenoor ’n volwasse figuur. Kinders in hul middelkinderjare wat geseksualiseerde gedrag openbaar, het spesifieke behoeftes wat deur die maatskaplike werker in ag geneem moet word ten einde effektiewe ingryping te verseker. Indien daar teenstrydighede op hierdie gebied bestaan, kan dit ‘n negatiewe impak hê op die implementering van die diens wat aan hierdie kinders verleen word. Die kollektiewe gevallestudie was die mees toepaslike ontwerp vir die voorgestelde studie. Die navorser het kwalitatiewe data ingesamel en ontleed deur middel van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude. Die semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gebruik met die doel om ’n gedetailleerde prentjie van die deelnemers se menings oor, persepsies van en verklarings rakende die onderwerp te skets. Kwalitatiewe data is ontleed by wyse van die beplanning van die data-opname, bestuur en organisering van die data-opname, lees en skryf van memos, ontwikkeling van temas, en kategorieë en patrone om die hipotese te bewys of te betwis. Ten einde die sukses van die studie te verseker het die navorser ’n voorafstudie voor die hoofnavorsing gedoen. Die navorser het aan alle etiese vereistes gedurende die navorsing voldoen. Deur die empiriese studie wat gedoen is, kan daar tot die gevogtrekking gekom word dat daar ‘n betekenisvolle verband is tussen die geseksualiseerde gedrag en die trauma wat die kinders beleef het. As geseksualiseerde gedrag, as ’n meganisme tot selfaktualisering, obsessief, kompulsief en ongebalanseerd is, dan kan dit beskou word as ’n probleem en moet dan aangespreek word. Dit is egter ook belangrik dat ‘seksspeletjies’ gesien moet word as normal in kinders se ontwikkeling. Daar was algemene konsensus dat geseksualiseerde gedrag beskou kan word as ’n meganisme tot selfkoestering. Fokus word geplaas op die behoefte van die kind en hoe dit in verhouding staan tot die onvanpaste geseksualiseerde gedrag en selfkoestering as ‘n behoefte. Verbeterde dienslewering vir kinders in wie geseksualiseerde gedrag manifisteer, opleiding vir professionele werkers en laastens voortdurende navorsing rakende die onderwerp, word aanbeveel. Copyright / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Factors contributing to the criminal behaviour of persons with mental disorders

Mbakile, Allen Tebogo 12 April 2010 (has links)
The study emanates from the need to explore and gain insight into the factors that led to the criminal behaviour of persons with mental disorders who are admitted to Lobatse Mental Hospital following a criminal offence. Objectives of the study were to provide a broad theoretical background on criminality amongst persons with mental disorders; to explore factors that contribute to the criminal behaviour of persons with mental disorders; and lastly, to draw conclusions and recommendations regarding reduction of criminal behaviour amongst persons with mental disorders. The study utilised and answered a research question that read as follows: What are the contributing factors to the criminal behaviour of persons with mental disorders? The study was therefore centred on this question as it was undertaken to find answers to the research question. The study used qualitative research approach because the researcher heavily relied on subjective data provided by the small sample, which in turn has been used to generate some understanding of the factors contributing to the criminal behaviour of persons with mental disorders. Applied research was used because it addresses the problem of criminal behaviour of persons with mental disorders and draws conclusions and recommendations to the reduction of the criminal behaviour amongst persons with mental disorders. The study also followed a qualitative research approach, in particular a collective case study strategy. The population for this study comprised of all offenders with mental disorders at Lobatse Mental Hospital. The researcher relied on purposive sampling technique to select the participants. Twelve patients with a mental disorder admitted at Lobatse Mental Hospital were interviewed face-to-face by the researcher and a tape recorder was used to capture the data. In analyzing the data themes that were categorised in line with emerging patterns, particularly with reference to the research question, were identified. The conclusion from the literature review revealed that there is a causal relationship between mental disorders and criminal behaviour. It however revealed that persons with mental disorders with psychotic symptoms are at increased risk of criminal behaviour. Literature also showed that persons with mental disorders can commit crimes not necessarily due to their mental disorder but to other factors such as greed, lack of conscience and revenge. The factors contributing to the criminal behaviour of persons with mental disorders as revealed by the participants are as follows: mental disorder accompanied by psychotic symptoms; alcohol and substance abuse; male; single; lower educational achievement; unemployed; self defence; mixing traditional and modern medicine; treatment non-adherence; poor interpersonal relationships with significant others; delay in seeking appropriate treatment; lack of education on one mental condition; living alone without anyone to monitor the signs and symptoms of the mental condition; poor conflict resolution skills. Copyright / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Maatskaplike werk met dowes in Suid-Afrika

Pienaar, Izak Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Die teoretiese doelstellings van die ondersoek behels die verkenning van sommige maatskaplike behoeftes van Dowes, asook die aard van maatskaplikewerk-hulpverlening aan Dowes in Suid-Af rika. In die empiriese ondersoek word twee aspekte ondersoek, te wete: -Dowes se menings oor maatskaplike behoeftes van Dowes; -Maatskaplike werkers in Dowesorg se menings oor maatskaplike behoef tes van Dowes en die praktyk van maatskaplikewerkhulpverlening aan Dowes. / The theoretical goals of the study include the investigation of some of the social needs of deaf people, as well as the nature of social work services to the Deaf in South Africa. The empirical research focuses on the following two aspects: -Deaf people's opinions about their social needs; -Social workers in Deaf care's opinions about the social needs of deaf people and the practice of social work services to the Deaf. / Social Work / D. Diac. (Social Work)

Maatskaplike werk met dowes in Suid-Afrika

Pienaar, Izak Jacobus 12 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Die teoretiese doelstellings van die ondersoek behels die verkenning van sommige maatskaplike behoeftes van Dowes, asook die aard van maatskaplikewerk-hulpverlening aan Dowes in Suid-Af rika. In die empiriese ondersoek word twee aspekte ondersoek, te wete: -Dowes se menings oor maatskaplike behoeftes van Dowes; -Maatskaplike werkers in Dowesorg se menings oor maatskaplike behoef tes van Dowes en die praktyk van maatskaplikewerkhulpverlening aan Dowes. / The theoretical goals of the study include the investigation of some of the social needs of deaf people, as well as the nature of social work services to the Deaf in South Africa. The empirical research focuses on the following two aspects: -Deaf people's opinions about their social needs; -Social workers in Deaf care's opinions about the social needs of deaf people and the practice of social work services to the Deaf. / Social Work / D. Diac. (Social Work)

Uberwindung der Milieufixierung in Freien evangelischen Gemeinden in Deutschland: ein vergleich aktueller ekklesiologischer Entwurfe / Breaking through the fixation of the social milieu of free evangelical churches in Germany: a comparison of current ecclesiological models

Endlich, Markus January 2020 (has links)
Text in German with summaries in German, English and Afrikaans / Bibliography (pages 133-140) / Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Milieufixierung der Gemeinden des Bundes Freier evangelischer Gemeinden in Deutschland, ihren möglichen inneren und äußeren Ursachen und deren Überwindung durch aktuelle oikodomische Entwürfe. Dazu werden zunächst die Auswirkungen der Milieufixierung anhand der Mitgliederentwicklung und des eingeschränkten Konversionswachstums sowie des Stagnierens und Eingehens von Gemeinden nachgezeichnet. In einem zweiten Schritt werden mögliche Ursachen anhand der Geschichte und der spezifischen Ekklesiologie und Organisationsstruktur Freier evangelischer Gemeinden diskutiert und die sozialen Veränderungen innerhalb der bundesdeutschen Gesellschaft der letzten Jahrzehnte, insbesondere die Herausbildung von Milieus, aufgezeigt. Der Hauptteil der Arbeit besteht in der systematischen Analyse und dem Vergleich von fünf oikodomischen Modellen, die innerhalb des Bundes Freier evangelischer Gemeinden Anwendung finden. Verglichen wird hier insbesondere die milieuüberwindende Potenz dieser Entwürfe. Abschließend werden in Form von sechs Thesen mögliche hilfreiche Schlussfolgerungen für den praktischen Gemeindebau im Bund Freier evangelischer Gemeinden gezogen. / The study discusses the milieu fixation found in the Free Evangelical Churches in Germany, the potential internal and external causes of it and asks how milieu fixation might be overcome by current oikodomic strategies. The effects of milieu fixation are evaluated by looking at membership development, slow congregation growth owing to lower levels of conversion, and the reasons for stagnation and decline in congregations. Thereafter the history of specific ecclesiological and organisational structures of Free Evangelical congregations (FeG), as well as the social changes in German society in recent decades, are examined and analysed. A specific focus is placed on identifying possible causes leading to the formation of milieus. The main part of the study consists of a systematic analysis and comparison of five oikodomic models applied in the Federation FeG, together with a comparison of potential models for reversing milieu fixation. Finally, six propositions are laid out to draw a possible conclusion for practically building up the church in the Federation of Free Evangelical Churches. / Hierdie studie bespreek milieufiksasie wat in die Vrye Evangeliese Kerke in Duitsland aangetref word, die potensiële interne en eksterne oorsake daarvan, en hoe milieufiksasie deur huidige oikodomiese strategieë te bowe gekom kan word. Eerstens word die uitwerking van milieufiksasie geëvalueer deur na lidmaatskapontwikkeling, lae gemeentegroei as gevolg van bekering, en redes vir stagnasie en afname in gemeentes te kyk. Daarna word die geskiedenis van spesifieke ekklesiologiese en organisatoriese strukture van Vrye Evangeliese gemeentes (VeG) en die maatskaplike veranderinge in die Duitse samelewing in onlangse dekades bestudeer en ontleed. ’n Spesifieke fokus word geplaas op die identifisering van moontlike oorsake wat tot die vorming van milieus aanleiding kon gegee het. Die belangrikste deel van die studie bestaan uit ’n sistematiese ontleding en vergelyking van vyf oikodomiese modelle wat in die Federasie van VeG toegepas word, ’n vergelyking van potensiële modelle om milieufiksasie om te keer. Ten slotte word ses stellings ontleed om tot ’n moontlike gevolgtrekking vir praktiese kerkbou in die Federasie van Vrye Evangeliese Kerke te kom. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

The nature of rape incidents involving children ages 7-15 years in the Queenstown district / Sivuyile Nqaphi

Nqaphi, Sivuyile January 2013 (has links)
As an employee in the South African Police Service, Family Violence, Child Protection Unit the researcher has noticed that there is an increase in the number of rape incidents in children. This became evident from the intake statistics which indicate that there is an estimate of 15 children per month from the Queenstown district who reported incidents of alleged sexual abuse and/ or rape at the offices of the Family Violence Child Protection Unit during 2009. The number of intakes at the Family Violence, Child Protection Unit increased even more after an awareness campaign on sexual abuse and rape was launched in the Queenstown area. Out of these office statistics it is clear that the phenomenon of child sexual abuse and rape is a very serious problem in Queenstown. Unfortunately no research is available regarding the unique situation of victims in the specific geographical area that contributes to the high incident levels. The aim of the research was to explore the nature of rape incidents involving children in the Queenstown area in order to assist social worker in this area to better understand possible risk factors contributing to child sexual abuse, as well as how to address the phenomenon better by means of effective prevention programmes and forensic social work services. Purposive sampling was conducted among forensic social workers and children from the caseload of the researcher who had been raped in the Queenstown area. This research reveals that children in the Queenstown area do not have adequate knowledge on child sexual abuse and rape. The children in this area are vulnerable because of many circumstances and become, therefore, victims of rape. Looking at the nature of rape incidents in the Queenstown area, there is a definite need for social workers with specialized knowledge, skills and experience regarding forensic social work who can render services to children who were raped. / MSW (Forensic Practice), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

The nature of rape incidents involving children ages 7-15 years in the Queenstown district / Sivuyile Nqaphi

Nqaphi, Sivuyile January 2013 (has links)
As an employee in the South African Police Service, Family Violence, Child Protection Unit the researcher has noticed that there is an increase in the number of rape incidents in children. This became evident from the intake statistics which indicate that there is an estimate of 15 children per month from the Queenstown district who reported incidents of alleged sexual abuse and/ or rape at the offices of the Family Violence Child Protection Unit during 2009. The number of intakes at the Family Violence, Child Protection Unit increased even more after an awareness campaign on sexual abuse and rape was launched in the Queenstown area. Out of these office statistics it is clear that the phenomenon of child sexual abuse and rape is a very serious problem in Queenstown. Unfortunately no research is available regarding the unique situation of victims in the specific geographical area that contributes to the high incident levels. The aim of the research was to explore the nature of rape incidents involving children in the Queenstown area in order to assist social worker in this area to better understand possible risk factors contributing to child sexual abuse, as well as how to address the phenomenon better by means of effective prevention programmes and forensic social work services. Purposive sampling was conducted among forensic social workers and children from the caseload of the researcher who had been raped in the Queenstown area. This research reveals that children in the Queenstown area do not have adequate knowledge on child sexual abuse and rape. The children in this area are vulnerable because of many circumstances and become, therefore, victims of rape. Looking at the nature of rape incidents in the Queenstown area, there is a definite need for social workers with specialized knowledge, skills and experience regarding forensic social work who can render services to children who were raped. / MSW (Forensic Practice), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Developing a corporate personality measuring instrument based on an established CSR framework / Louis Johannes van Wyk

Van Wyk, Louis Johannes January 2011 (has links)
The increasing amount of power and potentially negative impacts that corporations exert within society has become a growing concern for many people. In response to this and due to the changing role of business in society, more and more members of social groups, who are affected by corporate activities, are claiming their rights to be better informed of and more involved in corporate decision-making. Consequently, the need for companies worldwide to be more accountable for the ways in which they conduct their business has grown at a tremendous rate. Especially during the last decade, companies have globally been placed under increasing pressure from different stakeholder groups to demonstrate and prove their commitments to the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In order to facilitate and guide these CSR-commitments, society has for many years already begun to implement various standards of behaviour/performance, which corporations need to achieve in order to be accepted as being part of the citizenry. However, despite an abundance of such standards in terms of CSR-related guidelines and codes, a clear need has been identified for the development of better measuring tools of CSR, in order to efficiently assess and monitor companies’ performance. The Bench Marks is one of the most comprehensive sets of social and environmental criteria and business performance indicators available. It offers an ethical standard on which to base decisions about global corporate social responsibility. Consequently, the need arose from the Bench Marks Foundation - in collaboration with the Bench Marks Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility at the North-West University – to develop the current Bench Marks CSR Framework into a practical measuring instrument. This need has successfully been fulfilled through this research by means of two methods, namely a literature review and an empirical study. During the literature study, the concepts CSR and Corporate Personality were contextualised - particularly with the investigation of related concepts; as well as critically examined - specifically in terms of their theoretical measurement properties. During the empirical research, quantitative research techniques have been utilised which involved: the application of certain ‘theoretically recognised phases’ of measuring instrument development; as well as a survey in the form of a ‘preliminary measuring instrument’ (in questionnaire format) that was administered on a random sample respondents (n = 350), including the statistical analysis of the results. 189 Questionnaires were completed, which gave a response rate of 54%. The statistical analysis mainly served as an effective guideline for determining the best CSR items (in terms of reliability and validity) to be included in the final version of the instrument. Apart from measuring CSR performance in line with the Bench Marks, the instrument that has been developed by this study, can also be used as a measuring mechanism for Corporate Personality. This is achieved by assessing company behaviour in terms of the theoretical dimensions of CSR (economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic) and Sustainable Development (economic, social and environmental). In doing so, this instrument provides companies with a unique way of identifying their status of being true Corporate Citizens. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Sociology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Developing a corporate personality measuring instrument based on an established CSR framework / Louis Johannes van Wyk

Van Wyk, Louis Johannes January 2011 (has links)
The increasing amount of power and potentially negative impacts that corporations exert within society has become a growing concern for many people. In response to this and due to the changing role of business in society, more and more members of social groups, who are affected by corporate activities, are claiming their rights to be better informed of and more involved in corporate decision-making. Consequently, the need for companies worldwide to be more accountable for the ways in which they conduct their business has grown at a tremendous rate. Especially during the last decade, companies have globally been placed under increasing pressure from different stakeholder groups to demonstrate and prove their commitments to the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In order to facilitate and guide these CSR-commitments, society has for many years already begun to implement various standards of behaviour/performance, which corporations need to achieve in order to be accepted as being part of the citizenry. However, despite an abundance of such standards in terms of CSR-related guidelines and codes, a clear need has been identified for the development of better measuring tools of CSR, in order to efficiently assess and monitor companies’ performance. The Bench Marks is one of the most comprehensive sets of social and environmental criteria and business performance indicators available. It offers an ethical standard on which to base decisions about global corporate social responsibility. Consequently, the need arose from the Bench Marks Foundation - in collaboration with the Bench Marks Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility at the North-West University – to develop the current Bench Marks CSR Framework into a practical measuring instrument. This need has successfully been fulfilled through this research by means of two methods, namely a literature review and an empirical study. During the literature study, the concepts CSR and Corporate Personality were contextualised - particularly with the investigation of related concepts; as well as critically examined - specifically in terms of their theoretical measurement properties. During the empirical research, quantitative research techniques have been utilised which involved: the application of certain ‘theoretically recognised phases’ of measuring instrument development; as well as a survey in the form of a ‘preliminary measuring instrument’ (in questionnaire format) that was administered on a random sample respondents (n = 350), including the statistical analysis of the results. 189 Questionnaires were completed, which gave a response rate of 54%. The statistical analysis mainly served as an effective guideline for determining the best CSR items (in terms of reliability and validity) to be included in the final version of the instrument. Apart from measuring CSR performance in line with the Bench Marks, the instrument that has been developed by this study, can also be used as a measuring mechanism for Corporate Personality. This is achieved by assessing company behaviour in terms of the theoretical dimensions of CSR (economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic) and Sustainable Development (economic, social and environmental). In doing so, this instrument provides companies with a unique way of identifying their status of being true Corporate Citizens. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Sociology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

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