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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dispositifs électro-optiques à base de titanate de baryum épitaxié sur silicium pour la photonique intégrée / Electro-optic photonic devices based on epitaxial barium titanate thin films on silicon

Abel, Stefan 21 February 2014 (has links)
En premier lieu, des couches minces épitaxiales ont été obtenues sur des substrats de silicium grâce à l’utilisation de l’épitaxie par jets moléculaire et de couches tampons de titanate de strontium SrTiO3. Une technique de croissance par co-déposition a été développée de manière à obtenir un rapport Ba:Ti proche de la stoechiométrie, et ce afin d’éviter la formation de défauts cristallins dans la couche de BaTiO3. Le matériau déposé cristallise dans une structure de symétrie quadratique, ce qui est unpré-requis pour l’obtention de propriétés électro-optiques. De plus, selon les conditions de croissance, l’axe c de la maille élémentaire quadratique a pu être ajusté de manière à être aligné parallèlement ou perpendiculairement à la surface du substrat. L’utilisation d’une mince couche tampon de nucléation a également permis de croitre des films mincesBaTiO3 épitaxiées par pulvérisation, technique largement répandue en milieu industriel.Un coefficient de Pockels élevé a par la suite été obtenu sur de tellescouches épitaxiées. La valeur mesurée de 148pmV est clairement supérieure aux valeurs admises dans la littérature pour d’autres matériaux nonlinéairestels que le niobate de lithium, pour lequel un coefficient de31pmV est rapporté. La méthode de caractérisation électro-optique développée à cette occasion révèle également le caractère ferroélectrique des couches de BaTiO3, observé pour la première fois dans de tels matériaux épitaxiés sur silicium.Finalement, ces couches minces électro-optiquement actives ont été intégrées dans des dispositifs photoniques sur silicium. Dans cette optique,une structure de guide d’onde à fente a été utilisée en insérant 50nm deBaTiO3 entre deux couches de silicium. Dans ce type de structure, le confine mentoptique est 5 fois supérieur à celui obtenu pour des guides d’onde en silicium avec une gaine à base de BaTiO3. Des guides d’ondes rectilignesont tout d’abord été fabriqués, pour lesquels des pertes optiques del’ordre de 50−100 dB/cm ont été mesurées. Par la suite, des composants passifs fonctionnels ont été fabriqués, tels que des interféromètres typeMach-Zehnder, des résonateurs circulaires et des coupleurs. Finalement,la fonctionnalité de composants actifs a été démontrée pour la première fois, en se basant notamment sur des résonateurs ayant un facteur de qualité Q d’environ 5000, et pour lequel la résonance varie en fonction du champ électrique transverse. L’origine physique de cette variation n’a cependant pas pu être expliquée sur la seule base de l’effet Pockels. Cette thèse démontre que l’utilisation de nouveaux matériaux électro optiquement actifs au coeur de dispositifs photoniques sur silicium créede nouvelles opportunités pour la conception et l’ingénierie de circuitsphotoniques. L’intégration d’oxydes tels que barium titanate permet d’envisager de nouveaux concepts de dispositifs pour ajuster, moduler ou commuter la lumière au sein de circuits photoniques denses. De nouveaux défis et perspectives s’ouvrent également aux scientifiques pour modifier artificiellement les propriétés électro-optiques de ces matériaux, que ce soit par contrainte, dopage ou par l’ingénierie de multicouches. De telles avancées pourront sans aucun doute fortement améliorer les performances des dispositifs. / A novel concept of utilizing electro-optical active oxides in silicon photonic devices is developed and realized in the frame of this thesis. The integration of such oxides extends the silicon photonics platform by non-linear materials, which can be used for ultra-fast switching or low-power tuning applications. Barium titanate is used as active material as it shows one of the strongest Pockels coefficients among all oxides. Three major goals are achieved throughout this work: First, thin films of BaTiO3 are epitaxially grown on silicon substrates via molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) using thin SrTiO3 buffer layers. A shuttered co-deposition growth technique is developed in order to minimize the formation of defects in the BaTiO3 films by achieving a 1:1 stoichiometry between barium and titanium. The layers show a tetragonal symmetry and are therefore well-suited for electro-optical applications. The orientation of the long c -axis of the BaTiO3 crystal can be tuned to point perpendicular or parallel to the film surface, depending on the growth conditions. In addition, thin MBE-grown seed layers are combined with rf-sputter deposition. With this hybrid growth approach, rather thick ( > 100 nm), epitaxial BaTiO3 layers on silicon substrates are obtained with a commercially available, wide spread deposition technique. As a second goal, a strong Pockels coefficient of reff = 148 pm/V is determined in the epitaxial BaTiO3 films. This first experimental result on the electro-optical activity of BaTiO3 layers on silicon shows a clear enhancement compared to alternative non-linear materials such as lithium niobate with reff = 31 pm/V. By means of the electro-optical characterization method, also the presence of ferroelectricity in the films is demonstrated. Third, the electro-optical active BaTiO3 layers are embedded into silicon photonic devices. For this purpose, a horizontal slot-waveguide structure with a ~50 nm-thick BaTiO3 film sandwiched between two silicon layers is designed. With this design, the optical confinement in the active BaTiO3 layer is enhanced by a factor of 5 compared to Si-waveguide structures with a standard cross section and BaTiO3 as cladding. Straight BaTiO3 slot-waveguides with propagation losses of 50 − 100 dB/cm as well as functional passive devices such as Mach-Zehnder-interferometers, couplers, and ring resonators are experimentally realized. Additionally, first active ring resonators with Q-factors of Q~5000 are fabricated. The physical origin of the observed resonance shift as a function of the applied bias voltage, however, can not be conclusively clarified in the present work. The combination of high-quality, functional BaTiO3 layers with silicon photonic devices as demonstrated in this thesis offers new opportunities by extending the design palette for engineering photonic circuits with the class of electro-opticalactive materials. The integration of oxides such as BaTiO3 enables novel device concepts for tuning, switching, and modulating light in extremely dense photonic circuits. The integration also opens exciting challenges for material scientists to tailor the electro-optical properties of those oxides by strain engineering or fabrication of superlattice structures, which could ultimately lead to another boost of their electro-optical properties.

Uma perspectiva sociocultural para a introdução de conceitos de física quântica no ensino médio : análise das interações discursivas em uma unidade didática centrada no uso do interferômetro virtual de Mach-Zehnder

Telichevesky, Lucas January 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho relata a produção, implementação e avaliação de um curso sobre física quântica destinado a alunos do Ensino Médio. A unidade didática foi inspirada nas propostas de Ostermann et al. (2009) e Pessoa Jr. (1997, 2003). Ela introduz a física quântica considerando a óptica ondulatória como um contexto para introduzir algumas analogias conceituais básicas para conceitos fundamentais da física quântica. O conceito central desta abordagem é a dualidade onda-partícula e o Interferômetro Virtual de Mach-Zehnder (IVMZ) é utilizado como sua ferramenta didática principal ou, em termos vygotskyanos, ferramenta de mediação. A proposta foi aplicada no formato de uma oficina extracurricular em uma escola privada de Porto Alegre no Brasil. Um dos professores de Física da escola se engajou e colaborou com este projeto. As aulas ocorreram entre os meses de Outubro e Novembro de 2013, em encontros semanais de uma hora. A perspectiva sociocultural de Vygotsky foi utilizada para embasar as aulas do curso. A translinguística de Bakhtin e os conceitos vygotskyanos foram utilizados para a análise das falas dos estudantes durante as atividades do curso. Nesta perspectiva analítica buscamos compreender como os estudantes elaboram estratégias discursivas para entender o conceito de dualidade onda-partícula, analisando a importância das interações com parceiros mais capazes (como professores), textos, simulações e outras ferramentas didáticas. Os resultados indicam que os estudantes desenvolveram algum domínio das ferramentas mediacionais necessárias para compreender a dualidade onda-partícula em um nível satisfatório. O Interferômetro Virtual de Mach-Zehnder, os roteiros exploratórios e os professores mostraram-se importantes para tornar mais efetivas as experiências de aprendizagem dos estudantes. / This dissertation reports the development, implementation and evaluation of a quantum physics course directed to high school students. The course was conceived inspired in proposals of Ostermann et al. (2009) and Pessoa Jr. (1997, 2003). It introduces quantum physics considering wave optics as a context to introduce some basic conceptual analogies to quantum fundamental concepts. The core concept of this approach is the wave-particle duality and the Virtual Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (VMZI) is used as its main didactical tool or, in vygotskyan terms, a mediational tool. The course was applied as an extracurricular workshop in a private school from Porto Alegre, Brazil. One of the school´s Physics teacher collaborated and engaged in this project. The classes took place between October and November 2013, in a set of one-hour weekly meetings. Vygotsky´s sociocultural perspective is adopted to ground the practices of the course. Both Bakhtin´s translinguistics and Vygotsky’s concepts were used to perform the analysis of students’ utterances along didactical activities at the classes. In this analytical framework, we try to understand how students elaborate discursive strategies to understand the concept of wave-particle duality, analyzing the importance of interaction with more experienced peers (like teachers), texts, simulation and other teaching tools. The results indicate that the students developed some mastery of mediational means needed to understand the wave-particle duality at a satisfactory level. The Virtual Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, the exploratory guides and the teachers were important to enhance the students’ learning experiences.

Óptica física com o interferômetro virtual de Mach-Zehnder

Hoffmann, Simone Kirst January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho descreve a utilização de um software livre educacional do interferômetro de Mach-Zehnder (IMZ), em português, como instrumento motivador, ilustrativo, de fácil manuseio e compreensão, para ajudar no ensino e aprendizagem de Física. Salientamos que este software educacional foi desenvolvido através de um projeto coordenado pelas professoras Fernanda Ostermann e Flávia Rezende, do Instituto de Física da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) e da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) e foi utilizado como principal instrumento para introduzir conceitos fundamentais de física quântica em uma disciplina do curso Mestrado Profissional de Ensino de Física. No entanto, podemos dizer que esta foi a primeira vez que o IMZ foi aplicado a uma turma de professores não ligados profissionalmente à UFRGS. Em acréscimo ao software, foram elaborados e remodelados como produtos educacionais, textos de apoio e guias experimentais que poderão ser usados tanto por professores, como por alunos do Ensino Médio. Fenômenos ondulatórios foi o assunto explorado e um de seus subtemas, a interferência da luz, foi bastante enfatizada. Colocamos à disposição dos professores um material didático de fácil interpretação, podendo, também, ser utilizado com alunos do Ensino Médio. O desenvolvimento desse material tem caráter estratégico para que sirva de base a futuras transposições de temas da física quântica, em particular, o fenômeno da dualidade onda-partícula, para este nível de ensino. Este material de apoio e o software compreendem um curso de quarenta horas, para um grupo de seis professores da rede estadual, mais especificamente para os professores que lecionam Física, nas escolas que representam a 6ª Coordenadoria Regional de Educação (6ª CRE), com o apoio da mesma. O curso aconteceu em 2006, na Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio “Ernesto Alves de Oliveira”, em Santa Cruz do Sul, RS. Embasado na Teoria de Aprendizagem Significativa de Ausubel, o material servirá, também, como base ou conhecimento prévio para futuras investidas em outros temas relacionados à física quântica. O conteúdo da teoria ondulatória da luz, trabalhado sobre o aparato do interferômetro virtual de Mach-Zehnder proporcionou a interação entre o conhecimento novo (física quântica e dualidade ondapartícula, desenvolvida sobre o interferômetro virtual de Mach-Zehnder no regime quântico) e o prévio (teoria ondulatória da luz desenvolvida sobre o interferômetro virtual de Mach- Zehnder clássico), possibilitando uma aprendizagem significativa e dando sentido às novas informações. No decorrer do curso, ao analisarmos o comportamento e as atitudes dos professores, pudemos perceber que este assunto não é trabalhado no Ensino Médio, e que eles apresentam dificuldades em relação aos conceitos fundamentais da teoria. Entretanto, parte do grupo mostrou interesse em obter novos conhecimentos, pois em todos os encontros havia questionamentos relacionando novos conceitos com os pré-existentes. Enfim, o software gerou visível entusiasmo com as novas possibilidades de aulas “práticas”, com a aprendizagem dos novos conceitos e também a proposta de se avaliar com a utilização de mapas conceituais, estratégia desenvolvida por Novak. / In this work it is shown how the utilization of a free educational software can be useful as a motivating and illustrative tool to help the teaching and understanding of fundamental concepts on quantum mechanics. Besides being available also in Portuguese, the virtual Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) is easy to handle. The software has been developed under a project coordinated by Professor Ostermann (UFRGS) and Professor Rezende (UFRJ) and has been used as a main tool to introduce students from Mestrado Profissional em Ensino de Física to fundamental concepts on quantum physics. Here, it is reported the first time the software was used in an environment that is not university. Concepts of quantum physics were discussed in a 40 hours course given to a group of six secondary level school teachers in 2006. They were teachers working under the 6ª Coordenadoria Regional de Educação (6ª CRE). The course took place in Santa Cruz do Sul (RS) at Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio “Ernesto Alves de Oliveira”. In order to help the students with the software itself and physical concepts that could help the understanding of the simulations results, supporting materials like helping texts and experimental guides were prepared based on Ausubel framework. We were also concerned about an educational product that could also be helpful to secondary level school students. The texts are available in an easy language and straightforward physics. Although the number of students were relatively small, the group was representative in the sense it reproduces the reality of public secondary schools in Brazil. Physics is not, in general, taught by people that are graduated in Licenciatura em Física and the ones that are, are in general, not very well prepared. It was clear that no one in the group had enough confidence “to touch” subjects related to quantum physics in classes having the excuse this is a very difficult topic to overcome. Using optical physics as basis and the virtual MZI, we could see some enthusiasm when the students realize it is possible, for example, to discuss some concepts related to wave-particle duality without unreachable mathematics.

Complementaridade onda-partícula e emaranhamento quântico na formação de professores de física segundo a perspectiva sociocultural

Netto, Jader da Silva January 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi realizada em um Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia e dedicou-se ao estudo de alguns conceitos de Física Quântica na formação de professores de Física, sob a perspectiva do referencial sociocultural, tendo o foco dirigido à complementaridade de segundo tipo, uma das teses da interpretação de Copenhagen, e ao emaranhamento quântico. O marco teóricometodológico adotado foi a teoria da mediação de Vygotsky e a filosofia translinguística de Bakhtin. Foram realizados três estudos qualitativos com o objetivo de investigar quais são os significados socialmente construídos sobre conceitos de Física Quântica por professores de Física em formação, sendo um estudo piloto e duas intervenções didáticas junto a uma disciplina de Física Moderna e Contemporânea em nível de graduação. As atividades de ensino foram conduzidas a partir de exposições teóricas e simulação computacional com o Interferômetro Virtual de Mach-Zehnder, orientada por roteiros exploratórios. A partir do estudo dos fenômenos da interferência e emaranhamento quânticos nesse dispositivo semiótico, buscou-se compreender em que medida as ações mediadas pelo uso do software como recurso didático atuaram no sentido de promover entre os professores uma construção conceitual colaborativa sobre esses conceitos da Física Quântica. A análise do discurso, fundamentada em conceitos bakhtinianos, possibilitou uma melhor compreensão sobre o processo de construção de conceitos culturalmente válidos acerca da interferência quântica, da complementaridade e do emaranhamento. No contexto explorado, verificamos que se estabeleceu o dilema da manutenção de visões antagônicas, o que pode ser evidenciado a partir dos modelos explicativos elaborados pelos estudantes. Para aqueles que atribuíram um caráter corpuscular aos fótons, os fenômenos intermediários permanecem como um conflito ainda não resolvido, enquanto para os demais a complementaridade onda-partícula passou a compor um nova classe de conceitos. A noção de não-localidade, necessária para compreender o emaranhamento quântico, não foi reconhecida pelos estudantes, evidenciando a forte presença de noções clássicas nos modelos explicativos utilizados na tentativa de obter uma explicação plausível para o fenômeno. / The research presented in this thesis was developed in a Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology is directed to research about an approach of the some foundations of Quantum Physics in pre-service teachers’ training, based on the sociocultural perspective and this work focuses on the second kind of complementarity, one of the thesis of the Copenhagen interpretation, and the quantum entanglement. The theoretical and methodological framework adopted in this research is the Vygotsky’s theory of mediation and Bakhtin’s translinguistics philosophy. Three qualitative researches were performed in order to investigate which are the socially constructed meanings on QP foundations in the context of pre-service teachers’ training: one in an introductory course with physics teachers and two along a didactic intervention during a pre-service teachers’ training course on Modern and Contemporary Physics. The teaching activities were conducted mediated by theoretical lectures and computer simulation using the Virtual Mach- Zehnder Interferometer, conducted by the exploratory guide. From the study of interference phenomena and quantum entanglement in this semiotic tool, one tries to understand how the pupils actions are mediated by the software in the sense of promoting a collaborative conceptual construction among teachers about these foundations of QP. Discourse analysis grounded on Bakhtin’s concepts allowed us to evaluate the potentialities of the software and a better understanding of the process of conceptual construction that are culturally valid about quantum interference, complementarity and entanglement. In this context we perceive that was created the dilemma of maintaining competing visions, which can be evidenced from the explanatory models designed by the students. For the students that admitted a corpuscular character to photons so that intermediate phenomena remain as a unresolved cognitive conflict, while for others the wave - particle complementarity has became a new class of concepts. The non-locality notion, pre-requisite to understand the quantum entanglement, wasn’t learned by the students, demonstrating the strong presence of classical notions in explanatory models used to obtain a plausible explanation for the phenomenon.

Uma perspectiva sociocultural para a introdução de conceitos de física quântica no ensino médio : análise das interações discursivas em uma unidade didática centrada no uso do interferômetro virtual de Mach-Zehnder

Telichevesky, Lucas January 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho relata a produção, implementação e avaliação de um curso sobre física quântica destinado a alunos do Ensino Médio. A unidade didática foi inspirada nas propostas de Ostermann et al. (2009) e Pessoa Jr. (1997, 2003). Ela introduz a física quântica considerando a óptica ondulatória como um contexto para introduzir algumas analogias conceituais básicas para conceitos fundamentais da física quântica. O conceito central desta abordagem é a dualidade onda-partícula e o Interferômetro Virtual de Mach-Zehnder (IVMZ) é utilizado como sua ferramenta didática principal ou, em termos vygotskyanos, ferramenta de mediação. A proposta foi aplicada no formato de uma oficina extracurricular em uma escola privada de Porto Alegre no Brasil. Um dos professores de Física da escola se engajou e colaborou com este projeto. As aulas ocorreram entre os meses de Outubro e Novembro de 2013, em encontros semanais de uma hora. A perspectiva sociocultural de Vygotsky foi utilizada para embasar as aulas do curso. A translinguística de Bakhtin e os conceitos vygotskyanos foram utilizados para a análise das falas dos estudantes durante as atividades do curso. Nesta perspectiva analítica buscamos compreender como os estudantes elaboram estratégias discursivas para entender o conceito de dualidade onda-partícula, analisando a importância das interações com parceiros mais capazes (como professores), textos, simulações e outras ferramentas didáticas. Os resultados indicam que os estudantes desenvolveram algum domínio das ferramentas mediacionais necessárias para compreender a dualidade onda-partícula em um nível satisfatório. O Interferômetro Virtual de Mach-Zehnder, os roteiros exploratórios e os professores mostraram-se importantes para tornar mais efetivas as experiências de aprendizagem dos estudantes. / This dissertation reports the development, implementation and evaluation of a quantum physics course directed to high school students. The course was conceived inspired in proposals of Ostermann et al. (2009) and Pessoa Jr. (1997, 2003). It introduces quantum physics considering wave optics as a context to introduce some basic conceptual analogies to quantum fundamental concepts. The core concept of this approach is the wave-particle duality and the Virtual Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (VMZI) is used as its main didactical tool or, in vygotskyan terms, a mediational tool. The course was applied as an extracurricular workshop in a private school from Porto Alegre, Brazil. One of the school´s Physics teacher collaborated and engaged in this project. The classes took place between October and November 2013, in a set of one-hour weekly meetings. Vygotsky´s sociocultural perspective is adopted to ground the practices of the course. Both Bakhtin´s translinguistics and Vygotsky’s concepts were used to perform the analysis of students’ utterances along didactical activities at the classes. In this analytical framework, we try to understand how students elaborate discursive strategies to understand the concept of wave-particle duality, analyzing the importance of interaction with more experienced peers (like teachers), texts, simulation and other teaching tools. The results indicate that the students developed some mastery of mediational means needed to understand the wave-particle duality at a satisfactory level. The Virtual Mach-Zehnder Interferometer, the exploratory guides and the teachers were important to enhance the students’ learning experiences.

Simulação computacional de escoamentos reativos com baixo número Mach aplicando técnicas de refinamento adaptativo de malhas / Computational simulation of low Mach number reacting flows applying adaptive mesh refinement techniques.

Priscila Cardoso Calegari 12 June 2012 (has links)
O foco principal do presente trabalho é estender uma metodologia numérica embasada no uso de uma técnica de refinamento adaptativo de malha (AMR - Adaptive Mesh Refinement) e no uso de esquemas temporais multipasso implícitos-explícitos (IMEX) a aplicações envolvendo escoamentos reativos com baixo número de Mach. Originalmente desenvolvida para escoamentos incompressíveis, a formulação euleriana daquela metodologia emprega as equações de Navier-Stokes como modelo matemático para descrever a dinâmica do escoamento e o Método da Projeção, baseado no divergente nulo da velocidade do escoamento, para tratar o acoplamento pressão-velocidade presente na formulação com variáveis primitivas. Tal formulação euleriana original é estendida para acomodar novas equações agregadas ao modelo matemático da fase contínua: conservação de massa, fração de mistura (para representar as concentrações de combustível e oxidante), e energia. Além disso, uma equação termodinâmica de estado é integrada ao modelo matemático estendido e é empregada juntamente com a equação de conservação de massa para produzir uma nova restrição (não nula desta vez) ao divergente do campo de velocidade. Assume-se que o escoamento ocorre a baixo número de Mach (hipótese principal). O Método de Diferença Finita é empregado na discretização espacial das variáveis eulerianas de estado, empregando-se uma malha AMR. As vantagens e dificuldades desta extensão são cuidadosamente investigadas e reportadas. Pela importância, do ponto de vista de aplicações práticas, alguns estudos numéricos preliminares envolvendo escoamentos incompressíveis turbulentos com sprays são realizados (as gotículas compõem a fase dispersa). Num primeiro momento, apenas sprays com gotículas inertes são considerados. Embora ainda apenas iniciais, tais estudos já se mostram importantes pois identificam com clareza, em primeira instância, algumas das dificuldades inerentes a serem enfrentadas ao se tratar dentro desta nova metodologia um conjunto relativamente grande de gotículas lagrangianas. No caso de escoamentos incompressíveis turbulentos com sprays, a integração temporal se dá com métodos IMEX para a fase contínua e com o Método de Euler Modificado para a fase dispersa. A turbulência, em todos os casos que a envolvem, é tratada pelo modelo de Simulação das Grandes Escalas (LES - Large Eddy Simulation). As simulações computacionais se dão em um domínio tridimensional, um parelelepípedo, e empregam uma extensão (resultante do presente trabalho) do código AMR3D, um programa de computador sequencial implementado em Fortran90, oriundo de uma colaboração de longa data entre o IME-USP e o MFLab/FEMEC-UFU (Laboratório de Dinâmica de Fluidos da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia). O processamento foi efetuado no LabMAP (Laboratório da Matemática Aplicada do IME-USP). / It is the main goal of the present work to extend a numerical methodology based on both the use of an adaptive mesh refinement technique (AMR) and the use of a multistep, implicit-explicit time-step strategy (IMEX) to applications involving low Mach number reactive flows. Originally developed for incompressible flows, the Eulerian formulation of that methodology employs the Navier-Stokes equations to model the flow dynamics and the Projection Method, based on the vanishing divergence of the velocity field, to tackle the pressure-velocity coupling present when using primitive variables. That Eulerian formulation is extended by adding a new set of equations to the original mathematical model, describing the various properties of the continuous phase: mass conservation, mixture fraction (to represent concentrations of fuel and oxidizer) and energy. Also, a thermodynamic equation of state is included into the extended mathematical model which is employed, along with the equation for the conservation of mass, to derive a new restriction (this time, different from zero) to the divergence of the velocity field. It is assumed that one is dealing with a low Mach number flow (the main hipothesis). The discretization in space employs the Finite Difference Method for the Eulerian variables on a AMR mesh. Advantages and difficulties of such an extension of the previous methodology are carefully investigated and reported. For its importance in the real-world applications, few preliminary numerical studies involving incompressible turbulent flows with sprays are performed (the droplets form what it is called the dispersed phase). Only sprays formed by inert droplets are considered. Even though initial yet, such studies are most important because they clearly identify, first hand, certain difficulties in handling relatively large sets of Lagrangian droplets in the context of this new AMR methodology. In the context of turbulent incompressible flows with sprays, the overall time-step scheme is given by IMEX methods for the continuous phase and by the Improved Euler Method for the dispersed phase. In all the cases in which it is considered, turbulence is modeled by the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) model. The computational simulations are held in a tridimensional domain given by a paralellepiped and all of them employ the extention (resulting of the present work) of the AMR3D code, a sequencial computer program implemented in Fortran90, whose origin is the collaborative work between IMEUSP and MFLab/FEMEC-UFU (Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Federal University of Uberlândia). Computations were performed at LabMAP (Applied Mathematics Laboratory at IME-USP).

Lab-on-chip opto-électronique sur Niobate de Lithium / Optoelectronic Lab-on-chip on lithium niobate

Benmouhoub, Chafia 25 September 2014 (has links)
Les travaux de cette thèse s’inscrivent dans un projet de développement d’un Lab-On-Chip destiné à la biodétection. Les plateformes conçues sont basées sur des circuits optiques intégrés sur niobate de lithium. La particularité de ces circuits est qu’ils intègrent le phénomène d’interférence à la fonction de guidage des ondes lumineuses.La fonction d’interférométrie est assurée grâce à une cavité Fabry-Pérot intégrée à un guide d’onde rectiligne et à une structure Mach-Zehnder. Lorsque la surface des supports de ces circuits est bio-fonctionnalisée, ces microsystèmes deviennent sensibles à des molécules cibles. Cette sensibilité se traduit par une variation de l’indice effectifde l’onde en propagation par couplage évanescent modifiant ainsi les conditions de résonance du résonateur Fabry-Pérot. Le vrai challenge de ce travail réside essentiellement dans la bio-fonctionnalisation du niobate de lithium.A notre connaissance, ce matériau favori en optique guidée grâce à ses propriétés physiques exceptionnelles n’a été que rarement sujet à des modifications chimiques de surface. L’implantation réussie de groupements fonctionnels amines à la surface de ce matériau a permis de générer un lien covalent entre ce support et les groupements fonctionnels des molécules sondes. En raison de la grande affinité entre l’avidine et la biotine, ce couple a servi de modèle pour la mise au point de ces bio-capteurs. Un suivi en temps réel des interactions à la surface était rendu possible par une expérimentation sur l’un des bio-capteurs. / The work of this thesis is part of a project of a Lab-On-Chip development intended for biosensing. The de-signed platforms are based on integrated optical circuits on lithium niobate. The peculiarity of these circuits isthat they incorporate the phenomenon of interference with the function of guiding light waves. The interferometricfunction is provided by a Fabry-Perot cavity embedded in a straight waveguide and a Mach-Zehnder structure.When the surface of these circuits substrates is biofunctionalized, these microsystems become sensitive to targetmolecules. This sensitivity results in a variation of the effective index of the propagation wave by evanescent cou-pling and modifying the resonance conditions of the Fabry-Perot resonator. The real challenge of this work liesin the biofunctionalization of lithium niobate. To our knowledge, this guided optics favorite material thanks toits exceptional physical properties has been hitherto rarely subject to chemical surface modifications. Successfulimplementation of amino functions on the surface of this material has generating a covalent bond between thissubstrate and the functional groups of the probe molecules. Due to the high affinity between avidin and biotin, thiscouple served as a model for the development of biosensors. A real-time monitoring of surface interactions wasmade possible by experimentation on one of biosensors.

Conception d’un modulateur électro-optique Mach Zehnder 100 Gbits/s NRZ sur silicium / Design of a 100 Gbs NRZ electro-optic Mach Zehnder modulator on silicon

Prades, Jérémie 10 November 2016 (has links)
Le développement permanent des applications informatiques telles que le stockage de masse, le calcul intensif et les communications large bande, encourage l’émergence de nouvelles technologies de communication. D’une part, les communications à travers des interconnexions métalliques approchent de leurs limites intrinsèques en termes d’énergie, surface et coût par bit. D’autre part, la photonique hybride conventionnelle, basée sur des assemblages 2D/3D de composants photoniques en technologies III-V, ne peut pas être complètement intégrée. Le développement de nouvelle architecture photonique sur silicium est une bonne alternative afin de proposer des systèmes intégrés de communication haut débit. La conception d’un modulateur électro-optique à très haut débit sur silicium fait l’objet de cette thèse. Dans un premier temps, un état de l’art des différents systèmes optiques est dressé, afin d’identifier les principaux verrous technologiques limitant leurs performances. Suite à l’analyse des différents types de modulateur optique implémentés sur silicium, une proposition d’architecture a été faite pour un modulateur Mach Zehnder 100 Gbits/s. Ce premier circuit a été développé avec la technologie PIC25G du fondeur STMicroelectronics. Le driver de ce modulateur a, quant à lui, été conçu avec la technologie 55 nm SiGe BiCMOS de ce même fondeur. Le démonstrateur proposé dans ces travaux offre un débit de 100 Gbits/s avec une modulation NRZ sur une unique voie optique. Pour cette configuration, ce prototype offre un débit binaire au-delà de l’état de l’art (pour une unique voie de transmission optique) avec une énergie par bit de 80 pJ/bit. / The sustained development of software applications including mass storage, intensive computing and broadband communication, motivates the emergence of novel communication technologies. On one hand, communications through metallic interconnections approach their inherent limitations in term of energy, area and cost per bit. On the other hand, conventional hybrid photonics, based on discrete 2D/3D photonic assemblies of III-V photonic devices, cannot be integrated. The rising silicon photonic technology, thanks to its high level of integration, overcomes the shortcomings of the two previous approaches and promises a low cost solution allowing close proximity integration of photonics with electronics.The design of a very high data rate electro-optic modulator on silicon is reported in this thesis manuscript. In a first section, the state of the art of optic systems is presented with a focus on the main technological challenges limiting performances. Then, a silicon based topology is introduced to achieve a 100 Gbs Mach Zehnder modulator. It was implemented with the STMicroelectronics PIC25G technology. The driver of this modulator was designed with the 55 nm SiGe BiCMOS technology of the same founder. The demonstrator introduced in this work offer a 100 Gbs data rate with an NRZ modulation on a single optical channel. For this configuration, this prototype provides a data rate beyond the state of the art (for a single optical transmission path) with an energy per bit of 80 pJ/bit.

Simulation numérique de l'ablation liquide / Numerical simulation of liquid ablation

Latige, Manuel 04 September 2013 (has links)
Lors de la phase de rentrée atmosphérique d'une sonde spatiale, la paroi du corps est le siège de phénomènes physico-chimiques complexes. Nous nous intéressons dans cette thèse au cas où le matériau solide de l'objet de vol comporte plusieurs constituants s'ablatant de façon différentielle. En particulier, l'un de ces constituants subit un changement de phase donnant lieu à l'apparition d'une phase liquide. Nous sommes en présence de trois phases : solide, liquide et gaz. Les travaux effectués dans cette thèse correspondent au développement de méthodes numériques en 2D capables de modéliser les différentes interfaces en présence ainsi que l'évolution des fluides ou des matériaux séparés par celle-ci. L'enjeu principal de la thèse est de proposer des méthodes et des algorithmes de couplage pour l'écoulement diphasique, la thermique multimatériaux et les changements de phase (fusion et sublimation) / During atmospheric reentry phase of a spacecraft, its body surface is the seat of complex physico-chemical phenomena. We focus in this thesis on the case where the wall of the flying object has several components ablating differentially. In particular, one of those components undergoes a phase change giving the rise to the introduction of a liquid phase. We have three phases in the domain: solid, liquid and gas phases.The work done in this thesis corresponds to the development of 2D numerical methods which can modelize the different interfaces. The main issue of this thesis is to propose methods and algorithms for coupling the two-phase flow, multi-material heat problems and phase changes (melting and sublimation).

Vorticité et mélange dans les écoulements de Rayleigh-Taylor turbulents, en approximation anélastique et de Boussinesq / Vorticity and mixing in Rayleigh-Taylor turbulent flows, in anelastic and Boussinesq approximation

Schneider, Nicolas 25 November 2015 (has links)
L'instabilité de Rayleigh-Taylor (IRT) est notamment rencontrée lors des expériences de Fusion par Confinement Inertiel, et son développement est un obstacle à la réussite de ces expériences. L'objet de cette thèse est d'étudier la croissance de l'IRT pour différents régimes de compressibilité, au moyen de simulations numériques directes réalisées à l'aide d'un code pseudo-spectral multidomaine de type Chebyshev-Fourier-Fourier.La méthode du développement asymptotique permet d'établir des modèles à bas nombre de Mach pour lesquels la contribution acoustique est éliminée. L'implantation dans le code de simulation du modèle anélastique, qui met en jeu des fluides stratifiés et capture les effets thermiques, est améliorée. Le modèle de Boussinesq est ajouté au code. La précision de la méthode numérique est étudiée pour différents découpages en sous-domaines. Plusieurs éléments de validation sont présentés, dont la comparaison avec une expérience.La première simulation présentée, réalisée avec le modèle de Boussinesq, s'intéresse à la croissance auto-semblable de l'IRT. Les lois d'échelle de la vorticité et de la dissipation sont dégagées. La structure de la turbulence et du mélange entre les deux fluides est discutée. Certaines propriétés de la turbulence homogène et isotrope sont retrouvées, mais on note la persistance d'anisotropie aux petites échelles. Les premières simulations 3D de l'IRT avec le modèle anélastique sont présentées. L'influence des effets de compressibilité sur les premières phases de la croissance est étudiée. En outre, une couche de mélange anélastique en faible stratification est analysée et présente des effets de compressibilité non négligeables. / The Rayleigh-Taylor instability (RTI) is especially observed in inertial confinement fusion experiments, and its development prevents the success of these experiments. The purpose of this work is to study the growth of the RTI for different compressibility regimes by using a multidomain pseudospectral Chebyshev-Fourier-Fourier simulation code. The asymptotic expansion method allows to establish several low Mach number models which do not contains acoustics. The implantation of the anelastic model, which deals with stratified fluids and captures thermal effects, has been improved. Moreover, the Boussinesq model is added to the simulation code. The accuracy of the entire numerical method is studied, as a function of the subdomain separation, and several validation elements are shown, including a comparison with an experimental study. The first simulation to be analyzed is achieved with the Boussinesq model. We focus on the self-similarity of the RTI growth. The temporal scalings of vorticity and dissipation are displayed, and the structures of turbulence and mixing are discussed. Some properties of isotropic and homogeneous turbulence are observed, however some anisotropy remains at small scales. The first three-dimensional anelastic simulations are presented. The influence of compressibility effects on the first stages of the growth is studied. Finally, a developed anelastic mixing layer involving weakly stratified fluids is described and was found to display non-negligible compressibility effects.

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