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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthesis and mechanical properties of iron-filled carbon nanotubes

Weißker, Uhland 16 October 2013 (has links)
Carbon forms the basis of a variety of compounds. The allotropic forms of carbon include graphene, fullerenes, graphite, carbon nanotubes and diamond. All these structures possess unique physical and chemical properties. This work focusses on the usage of carbon nanotubes (CNT), especially iron-filled CNT. An industrial application of CNT requires the understanding of the growth mechanism and the control of the synthesis process parameters. Regarding iron-filled CNT the shell formation as well as the filling process has to be understood in order to control the CNT morphology and distribution and dimension of the iron filling. The thesis involves two topics - synthesis of CNT and characterization of their mechanical properties. Chapter 2 of the present work deals with the synthesis of iron-filled CNT. In this thesis all experiments and the discussion about the growth process were conducted with respect to the demands of magnetic force microscopy probes. The experimental work was focused on the temperature profile of the furnace, the aluminum layer of the substrate, the precursor mass flow and their impact on the morphology of in-situ iron-filled CNT. By selecting appropriate process parameters for the temperature, sample position, gas flow and by controlling the precursor mass flow, CNT with a continuous filling of several microns in length were created. Existing growth models have been analyzed and controversially discussed in order to explain the formation of typical morphologies of in-situ filled CNT. In this work a modified growth model for the formation of in-situ filled CNT has been suggested. The combined-growth-mode model is capable to explain the experimental results. Experiments which were conducted with respect to the assumptions of this model, especially the role of the precursor mass flow, resulted in the formation of long and continuous iron nanowires encapsulated inside multi-walled CNT. The modified growth model and the synthesis results showed, that besides the complexity of the parameter interaction, a control of the morphology of in-situ iron-filled CNT is possible. In chapter 3 the measurements of mechanical properties of in-situ iron-filled CNT are presented. Two different experimental methods and setups were established, whereby one enabled a static bending measurement inside a TEM and another a dynamical excitation of flexural vibration of CNT inside SEM. For the first time mechanical properties and in particular the effective elastic modulus Eb of in-situ iron-filled CNT were determined based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam model (EBM). This continuum mechanic model can be applied to describe the mechanical properties of CNT and especially MWCNT in consideration of the restriction that CNT represent a macro molecular structure built of nested rolled-up graphene layers. For evaluation and determination of the elastic modulus the envelope of the resonant vibrating state was evaluated by fitting the EBM to the experimental data. The experiments also showed, that at the nanoscale the properties of sample attachment have to be taken into account. Thus, instead of a rigid boundary condition a torsion spring like behavior possessing a finite stiffness was used to model an one side clamped CNT. The extended data evaluation considering the elastic boundary conditions resulted in an average elastic modulus of Eb = 0.41 ± 0.11 TPa. The low standard deviation gives evidence for the homogeneity of the grown material. To some extend a correlation between the formation process, the morphology and the mechanical properties has been discussed. The obtained results prove the usability of this material as free standing tips for raster scanning microscopy and especially magnetic force microscopy. The developed methods provide the basis for further investigations of the CNT and the understanding of mechanical behavior in greater detail.

On the electronic phase diagram of Ba1-xKx(Fe1-yCoy)2As2 and EuFe2(As1-xPx)2 superconductors: A local probe study using Mössbauer spectroscopy and Muon Spin Relaxation

Goltz, Til 28 October 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, I study the electronic and structural phase diagrams of the superconducting 122 iron pnictides systems Ba1-xKx(Fe1-yCoy)2As2 and EuFe2(As1-xPx)2 by means of the local probe techniques 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy (MS) and muon spin relaxation (muSR). For both isovalent substitution strategies - Co/K for Fe/Ba and P for As, respectively - the antiferromagnetic Fe ordering and orthorhombic distortion of the parent compounds BaFe2As2 and EuFe2As2 are subsequently suppressed with increasing chemical substitution and superconductivity arises, once long-range and coherent Fe magnetic order is sufficiently but not entirely suppressed. For Ba1-xKx(Fe1-yCoy)2As2 in the charge compensated state (x/2=y), a remarkably similar suppression of both, the orthorhombic distortion and Fe magnetic ordering, as a function of increasing substitution is observed and a linear relationship between the structural and the magnetic order parameter is found. Superconductivity is evidenced at intermediate substitution with a maximum Tsc of 15 K coexisting with static magnetic order on a microscopic length scale. The appearance of superconductivity within the antiferromagnetic state can by explained by the introduction of disorder due to nonmagnetic impurities to a system with a constant charge carrier density. Within this model, the experimental findings are compatible with the predicted s± pairing symmetry. For EuFe2(As1-xPx)2, the results from 57Fe MS and ZF-muSR reveal an intriguing interplay of the local Eu 2+ magnetic moments and the itinerant magnetic Fe moments due to the competing structures of the iron and europium magnetic subsystems. For the investigated single crystals with x=0.19 and 0.28, 57Fe MS evidences the interplay of Fe and Eu magnetism by the observation of a transferred hyperfine field below Tafm at which the Eu subsystem orders into a canted A-type AFM magnetic structure. Furthermore, an additional temperature dependent out-of-plane tilting of the static Fe hyperfine field is observed below the onset of static Eu ordering. ZF-muSR shows a strong increase of the local field at the muon site below Tafm=20 K and a crossover from isotropic to anisotropic Eu spin-dynamics between 30 and 10 K. The temperature dependence of the spin dynamics, as derived from the muSR dynamic relaxation rates, are related to a critical slowing down of Eu-spin fluctuations which extends to even much higher temperatures (~100 K). They also effect the experimental linewidth observed in the 57Fe MS experiments. The strong influence of the Eu magnetic order onto the primary observables in both methods prevents conclusive interpretation of the experimental data with respect to a putative interplay of Fe magnetism and superconductivity.

The Effect of In-Chain Impurities on 1D Antiferromagnets: An NMR Study on Doped Cuprate Spin Chains

Utz, Yannic 16 January 2017 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to the study of in-chain impurities in spin 1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains (S=1/2 aHC's)---a model which accompanies the research on magnetism since the early days of quantum theory and which is one of the few integrable spin systems. With respect to impurities it is special insofar as an impurity perturbs the system strongly due to its topology: there is no way around the defect. To what extend the one-dimensional picture stays a good basis for the description of real materials even if the chains are disturbed by in-chain impurities is an interesting question which is addressed in this work. For this purpose, Cu Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) measurements on the cuprate spin chain compounds SrCuO2 and Sr2CuO3 intentionally doped with nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn) and palladium (Pd) are presented. These materials are well known to be among the best realizations of the S=1/2 aHC model and their large exchange coupling constants allow the investigation of the low-energy dynamics within experimentally easily feasible temperatures. NMR provides the unique ability to study the static and dynamic magnetic properties of the spin chains locally which is important since randomly placed impurities break the translational invariance. Because copper is the magnetically active ion in those materials and the copper nuclear spin is most directly coupled to its electron spin, the NMR measurements have been performed on the copper site. The measurements show in all cases that there are changes in the results of these measurements as compared to the pure compounds which indicate the opening of gaps in the excitation spectra of the spin chains and the emergence of oscillations of the local susceptibility close to the impurities. These experimental observations are compared to theoretical predictions to clarify if and to what extend the already proposed model for these doped systems---the finite spin chain---is suitable to predict the behavior of real materials. Thereby, each impurity shows peculiarities. While Zn and Pd are know to be spin 0 impurities, it is not clear if Ni carries spin 1. To shed some light on this issue is another scope of this work. For Zn impurities, there are indications that they avoid to occupy copper sites, other than in the layered cuprate compounds. Also this matter is considered.

Tunable magnetic vortex dynamics

Ramasubramanian, Lakshmi 31 March 2022 (has links)
Magnetic vortices are fundamental topologically protected magnetic structures which have evolved into a large and intense field of research and hold promise for future technological applications. The fundamental frequency of the magnetic vortex in a disk is directly proportional to the magnitude of the local saturation magnetization and individual sample design resulting in a single vortex precession frequency. Commercial applications like RF oscillators in wireless transmitters and receivers, however, require tuning of the output frequency by external parameters, such as applied fields or spin-polarized currents. It is shown here that the limited tunability of a magnetic vortex in a permalloy disk can be lifted when submitted to local chromium ion implantation by introducing areas in the disk with different saturation magnetization. A static magnetic field is applied to displace the vortex core between these two regions to enable detection of different frequencies corresponding to the respective regions. This realization of multiple resonance frequencies in one and the same magnetic disk is shown experimentally via electrical detection exploiting anisotropic magnetoresistance effects and the results are supported by micromagnetic simulations. In the experiments presented here, the gyrotropic mode is excited at resonance with spin-polarized alternating currents. Systematic investigations (in terms of excitation amplitude, external static field amplitude, angle between static field and current) on the disks without chromium ion implantation clearly indicate that the vortex core is driven by a combination of Oersted field and spin-torque. These measurements also help to identify the linear and non-linear regions of vortex dynamics electrically on single disks. The results shown in this work pave the way for enabling highly tuneable wireless transmitters and receivers based on magnetic vortex structures.

Magnetization Reversal in Film-Nanostructure Architectures : Magnetization Reversal in Film-Nanostructure Architectures

Schulze, Carsten 24 April 2014 (has links)
The concept of percolated perpendicular media (PPM) for magnetic data storage is expected to surpass the areal storage density of 1 Tbit in -², which is regarded as the fundamental limit of conventional granular CoCrPt:oxide based recording media. PPM consist of a continuous ferromagnetic thin film with densely distributed defects acting as pinning sites for magnetic domain walls. In this study, practical realizations of PPM were fabricated by the deposition of [Co/Pt]8 multilayers with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy onto nanoperforated templates with various perforation diameters and periods. The structural defects given by the templates serve as pinning sites for the magnetic domain walls within the [Co/Pt]8 multilayers. Magnetometry at both the integral and the local level was employed to investigate the influence of the template on the magnetization reversal and the domain wall pinning. It was found, that magnetic domains can be pinned at the ultimate limit, between three adjacent pinning sites. The coercivity and the depinning field, which both are a measure for the strength of the magnetic domain wall pinning, were found to increase with increasing perforation diameter. The size of magnetic domains within the magnetic film appeared not to depend solely on the diameter of the nanoperforations or on the period of the template, but on the ration between diameter and period. By means of micromagnetic simulations it was found, that the presence of ferromagnetic material within the pinning site given supports the pinning of magnetic domain walls, compared to a pinning site that is solely given by a hole in the magnetic thin film. Investigation of the evolution of the magnetization in magnetic fields smaller than the coercive field revealed, that the energy barrier against thermally induced magnetization reversal is sufficiently large to provide long-term (> 10 years) stability of an arbitrary magnetization state. This could also be qualitatively supported by micromagnetic simulations. Static read/write tests with conventional hard disk recording heads revealed the possibility of imprinting bit patterns into the PPM under study. The minimum bit pitch that could be read back thereby depended on the period of the nanoperforated template.

Magnetic superexchange interactions: trinuclear bis(oxamidato) versus bis(oxamato) type complexes

Abdulmalic, Mohammad A., Aliabadi, Azar, Petr, Andreas, Krupskaya, Yulia, Kataev, Vladislav, Büchner, Bernd, Zaripov, Ruslan, Vavilova, Evgeniya, Voronkova, Violeta, Salikov, Kev, Hahn, Torsten, Kortus, Jens, Meva, Francois Eya'ane, Schaarschmidt, Dieter, Rüffer, Tobias 09 June 2015 (has links)
The diethyl ester of o-phenylenebis(oxamic acid) (opbaH2Et2) was treated with an excess of RNH2 in MeOH to cause the exclusive formation of the respective o-phenylenebis(N(R)-oxamides) (opboH4R2, R = Me 1, Et 2, nPr 3) in good yields. Treatment of 1–3 with half an equivalent of [Cu2(AcO)4(H2O)2] or one equivalent of [Ni(AcO)2(H2O)4] followed by the addition of four equivalents of [nBu4N]OH resulted in the formation of mononuclear bis(oxamidato) type complexes [nBu4N]2[M(opboR2)] (M = Ni, R = Me 4, Et 5, nPr 6; M = Cu, R = Me 7, Et 8, nPr 9). By addition of two equivalents of [Cu(pmdta)(NO3)2] to MeCN solutions of 7–9, novel trinuclear complexes [Cu3(opboR2)(L)2](NO3)2 (L = pmdta, R = Me 10, Et 11, nPr 12) could be obtained. Compounds 4–12 have been characterized by elemental analysis and NMR/IR spectroscopy. Furthermore, the solid state structures of 4–10 and 12 have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. By controlled cocrystallization, diamagnetically diluted 8 and 9 (1%) in the host lattice of 5 and 6 (99%) (8@5 and 9@6), respectively, in the form of single crystals have been made available, allowing single crystal ESR studies to extract all components of the g-factor and the tensors of onsite CuA and transferred NA hyperfine (HF) interaction. From these studies, the spin density distribution of the [Cu(opboEt2)]2− and [Cu(opbonPr2)]2− complex fragments of 8 and 9, respectively, could be determined. Additionally, as a single crystal ENDOR measurement of 8@5 revealed the individual HF tensors of the N donor atoms to be unequal, individual estimates of the spin densities on each N donor atom were made. The magnetic properties of 10–12 were studied by susceptibility measurements versus temperature to give J values varying from −96 cm−1 (10) over −104 cm−1 (11) to −132 cm−1 (12). These three trinuclear CuII-containing bis(oxamidato) type complexes exhibit J values which are comparable to and slightly larger in magnitude than those of related bis(oxamato) type complexes. In a summarizing discussion involving experimentally obtained ESR results (spin density distribution) of 8 and 9, the geometries of the terminal [Cu(pmdta)]2+ fragments of 12 determined by crystallographic studies, together with accompanying quantum chemical calculations, an approach is derived to explain these phenomena and to conclude if the spin density distribution of mononuclear bis(oxamato)/bis(oxamidato) type complexes could be a measure of the J couplings of corresponding trinuclear complexes. / Dieser Beitrag ist aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.

Zwillingspolymerisation in Gegenwart von Übergangsmetallen

Schliebe, Christian 07 September 2015 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Inkorporation von Metall-/ Metalloxidnanopartikeln in organisch-anorganischen Hybridmaterialien, dargestellt durch Zwillingspolymerisation. Dabei wurden verschiedene Lösungsansätze bearbeitet. Zum einen wurden Metalcarboxylate oder Metallocene verwendet, zum anderen konnten durch Variation der anorganischen Komponente des Zwillingsmonomeres entsprechende Nanopartikel erzeugt werden. Um die Nanopartikel stabilisierenden Eigenschaften, der aus Zwillingspolymeren zugänglichen porösen Kohlenstoffmatrix zu erhöhen sollten mittels Zwillingspolymerisation N-Donoren eingeführt werden Neben der Inkorporation von Nanopartikeln wurden auch Silber und Goldnanopartikel in einer porösen Kohlenstoffmatrix verkapselt. Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass der Verwendete Templatdurchmesser einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die späteren Hohlkugeln hat. Es konnte ebenso mit Hilfe von einfachen Benchmarkreaktionen die Zugänglichkeit und katalytische Aktivität der eingekapselten Nanopartikel nachgewiesen werden. Es wird gezeigt, dass durch Verwendung von Triphenylphosphan-stabilisierten Silber(I)-carboxylaten eine Funktionalisierung von Zwillingspolymeren möglich ist. Außerdem sind aus dem so modifizierten Hybridmaterialien nach Karbonisierung sowie dem Herauslösen der anorganischen SiO2-Komponete entsprechende mikroporöse, silberhaltige Kohlenstoffmaterialien zugänglich, während durch oxidativen Abbau der organischen Polymermatrix mesoporöse mit Ag-Nanopartikeln infiltrierte SiO2-Materialien dargestellt werden können. Es werden spezifische Oberflächen von 1034 m2/g (Kohlenstoff) und 666 m2/g (SiO2) erhalten. Das Wachstum der Silbernanopartikel konnte mittels Temperatur abhängiger Röntgenpulverdiffraktometrie beobachtet werden, und es wurde gezeigt, dass ein Wachstum erst während des Karbonisationsprozesses einsetzt. Mittels der HAADF-STEM-Technik wurden die gebildeten Nanopartikel im porösen Kohlenstoff bzw. SiO2 nachgewiesen, dabei liegen die Nanopartikel-durchmesser unterhalb von 5nm. Darüber hinaus konnte eine Vielzahl von neuen Zwillingsmonomeren dargestellt und charakterisiert werden. Darunter finden sich Zirkonium- und Hafnium-haltige Verbindungen, die analog der bekannten Si-Zwillingsmonomere ein ähnliches Polymerisationsverhalten zeigen und aus den resultierenden Hybridmaterialien poröse Oxide mit spezifischen Oberflächen unter 100 m2/g erhalten wurden. Eine Ausnahme bildet hierbei die SBS-Analoge Hafniumverbindung zur Phasenseparation während der Zwillingspolymerisation neigt, ebenso konnte für diese Verbindung kein vollständiger Umsatz erzielt werden. Durch Copolymerisation dieser neuen Zr- und Hf-haltigen Monomeren mit 2,2‘-Spirobi[4H-1,2,2-benzodioxasilin] wurden ZrO2- und HfO2-reiche SiO2-Mischoxide dargestellt. Dabei wurde das thermische Verhalten dieser Mischoxide mittels DSC weiter untersucht und es zeigte sich das ab 1000°C die ZrO2 sowie HfO2-Phasen beginnen zu Kristallisieren. Die so gebildeten hochkristallinen Nanopartikel konnten mittels TEM beobachtet werden. Ein weiteres erhitzen auf über 1200 °C führte dann noch zur Kristallisation der SiO2-Matrix. Ein weiteres Beispiel zur Synthese von oxidische Nanopartikeln mittels Zwillingspolymerisation wurde am ersten Metallocenhaltigen Zwillingsmonomer gezeigt. Dieses war aus der Reaktion von SiCl4 und Ferrocenylmethanol zugänglich. Neben der standardmäßigen Charakterisierung wurde auch die elektrochemischen Eigenschaften hin untersucht und dabei zeigte anders als es zu erwarten war eine Redox-Separation zwischen den einzelnen Ferrocengruppen. Weiterführende spektroelektrochemischen Experimente zeigten, dass diese Aufspaltung durch elektrostatische Abstoßung hervorgerufen wird. Das Zwillingspolymerisationsverhalten wurde zunächst mittels DSC untersucht und dabei konnte bei 210 °C eine exotherme Reaktion beobachtet werden, die mittels TG-MS als Kondensationsreaktion identifiziert wurde. Aufgrund dieser Ergebnisse konnte das Ferrocen-haltige Zwillingsmonomer thermisch polymerisiert werden. HAADF-STEM Abbildungen zeigten den typischen Aufbau eines Zwillingspolymeres, jedoch ist die Anzahl der zu beobachtenden Siliziumdioxidnanocluster geringer als bei bekannten Si-basierten Monomeren. Durch Copolymerisation mit 2,2‘-Spirobi[4H-1,2,2-benzodioxasilin] konnte dieser Nachteil ausgeglichen werden und nach karbonisierung und herauslösen der SiO2-Komponente bzw. Oxidation wird poröser Kohlenstoff (858 m2/g) bzw. Siliziumdioxid (555 m2/g) erhalten. Die Natur der eingebettet Eisenhaltigen Nanopartikel konnte mithilfe von Mössbauerspektroskopie untersucht werden. Dabei wurde im Kohlenstoffmaterial eine Mischung aus Fe2O3 und Fe3C gefunden während im SiO2 aufgrund der oxidierenden Bedingungen, während der Darstellung, von Fe2O3-Nanopartikeln ausgegangen wird. Die durchgeführten Mössbauerexperimente lieferten auch Indizien dafür, dass die gebildeten Nanopartikel sehr klein sind, dies wurde auch mittels HAADF-STEM bestätigt, jedoch kann kein genauer Zahlenwert fehlerfrei angegeben werden. Die geringe Größe spiegelt sich auch im magnetischen Verhalten der porösen Materialien wieder so verhält sich das SiO2 Material superparamagnetisch während der Kohlenstoff paramagnetisch ist. Abschließend konnten Pyrrol-basierte Siliziumalkoxide durch die Reaktion von SiCl4 und den entsprechenden Alkoholen dargestellt werden. Das Zwillingspolymerisation verhalten wurde mittels DSC charakterisiert. Dabei konnten wie schon zuvor beschrieben exotherme Reaktionen detektiert werden und diese liegen deutlich unter den Initiierungstemperaturen der bekannten Zwillingsmonomere (140 °C für N-Methylpyrrol und 93 °C für Pyrrol). Mittels TG-MS konnten auch hier Kondensationsreaktionen identifiziert werden. Daraufhin wurde die Hybridmaterialien aus den thermisch induzierten Polymerisationsversuchen beider Verbindungen untersucht. Es zeigte sich, dass das N-Methyl substituiertes Monomer sich nur in schlechten Ausbeuten polymerisieren lässt während das Pyrrolderivat ausgezeichnete Ausbeuten liefert. Auch die spezifischen Oberflächen sind mit bis zu 633 m2/g beträchtlich höher als mit vergleichbaren und bekannten Zwillingsmonomeren erzielt werden können. Auch zeigen sich beim einfachen Pyrrolbasierten Monomer Unterschiede zwischen thermischer und säure initiierter Zwillingspolymerisation. Während im ersten Fall hauptsächlich das 2-5-Substituierte Polymer erhalten wird kommt es bei säure Initiierung auch zur Bildung einer N-Alkyliertenspezies. Aus den Dargestellten Hybridmaterialien konnten poröse Kohlenstoffe mit Stickstoffgehalten zwischen 5.0-9.1 % erhalten werden. Auch hier zeigte sich das die Kohlenstoffe abgeleitet von dem N-methylierten Pyrrol einen höheren Stickstoffgehalt aufweisen als die aus der unmethylierte Spezies.

Electronic Structure and Magnetic Properties of a High-Spin MnIII Complex: [Mn(mesacac)3] (mesacac = 1,3-Bis(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)-propane-1,3-dionato)

Strassner, Nina M., Stipurin, Sergej, Koželj, Primož, Grin, Yuri, Strassner, Thomas 01 March 2024 (has links)
Metal acetylacetonates of the general formula [M(acac)3] (MIII=Cr, Mn, Fe, Co) are among the best investigated coordination compounds. Many of these first-row transition metal complexes are known to have unique electronic properties. Independently, photophysical research with different β-diketonate ligands pointed towards the possibility of a special effect of the 2,4,6-trimethylphenyl substituted acetylacetonate (mesacac) on the electron distribution between ligand and metal (MLCT). We therefore synthesized and fully characterized the previously unknown octahedral title complex. Its solid-state structure shows a Jahn-Teller elongation with two Mn−O bonds of 2.12/2.15 Å and four Mn−O bonds of 1.93 Å. Thermogravimetric data show a thermal stability up to 270 °C. High-resolution mass spectroscopy helped to identify the decomposition pathways. The electronic state and spin configuration of manganese were characterized with a focus on its magnetic properties by measurement of the magnetic susceptibility and triple-zeta density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The high-spin state of manganese was confirmed by the determination of an effective magnetic moment of 4.85 μB for the manganese center.

A Tailor-Made Approach for Thin Films and Monolayer Assemblies of bis(oxamato) and bis(oxamidato) Transition Metal Complexes

Abdulmalic , Mohammad A. 18 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The present work is dealing with the synthesis and characterization of mono- to trinuclear Cu(II)- and Ni(II)-containing bis(oxamato) and bis(oxamidato) complexes, respectively. It will be derived to which extent the spin density distribution of mononuclear complexes, determined by electron paramagnetic resonance studies experimentally and calculated by quantum mechanical calculations, can be regarded as a measure of the magnitude of magnetic superexchange interactions of corresponding trinuclear complexes. The usability of tailor-made trinuclear complexes for their deposition in form of thin film by spin-coating is described as well as the magneto-optical characterization of these thin films. It is shown, that the tailor-made functionalization of mono- to trinuclear bis(oxamidato) complexes with long alkyl chains is suited to allow these complexes to assembly in monolayers on, e.g., HOPG(0001) (highly-oriented pyrolytic graphite), whereas the functionalization of the alkyl chains with S atoms allows the generation of self-assembled monolayers on metallic gold. Furthermore it is shown, that the functionalization of mono- and trinuclear Cu(II)-containing bis(oxamato) complexes with ferrocenediyle fragments allows to modify the magnetic properties by making use of the oxidation process Fe(II)/Fe(III). / Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Darstellung und Charakterisierung ein- bis dreikerniger Cu(II)- bzw. Ni(II)-haltiger bis(oxamato) oder bis(oxamidato) Komplexe. Es wird abgeleitet, inwiefern die aus Elektronenenspinresonanz- Untersuchungen experimentell und die quantenmechanisch berechneten Spindichteverteilungen einkerniger Komplexe ein Maß für die Größe der magnetischen Superaustauschwechselwirkungen korrespondierender dreikerniger Komplexe darstellt. Die Eignung maßgeschneiderter dreikerniger Komplexe zu ihrer Überführung in dünne Filme im nm-Bereich mittels Rotationsbeschichtung auf Si/SiO2-Substraten wird beschrieben sowie die magneto-optische Charakterisierung dieser dünnen Filme. Es wird gezeigt, dass durch gezielte Funktionalisierung mit langkettigen Alkylresten ein- bis dreikernige Cu(II)-haltige bis(oxamidato) Komplexe geeignet sind, auf Substraten wie HOPG(0001) (hochorientiertes pyrolytisches Graphit) zu Monolagen zu assemblieren während die zielgerichtete Funktionalisierung der Alkylketten mit S-Atomen es ermöglicht selbst-assemblierte Monolagen auf metallischem Gold zu generieren. Zusätzlich wird beschrieben, dass durch die Funktionalisierung von ein- und dreikernigen Cu(II)-haltigen bis(oxamato) mit Ferrocendiylresten die magentischen Eigenschaften durch den Oxidationsprozess Fe(II)/Fe(III) gezielt modifiziert werden können.

A Tailor-Made Approach for Thin Films and Monolayer Assemblies of bis(oxamato) and bis(oxamidato) Transition Metal Complexes: A Tailor-Made Approach for Thin Films and Monolayer Assembliesof bis(oxamato) and bis(oxamidato) Transition Metal Complexes

Abdulmalic, Mohammad A. 03 July 2013 (has links)
The present work is dealing with the synthesis and characterization of mono- to trinuclear Cu(II)- and Ni(II)-containing bis(oxamato) and bis(oxamidato) complexes, respectively. It will be derived to which extent the spin density distribution of mononuclear complexes, determined by electron paramagnetic resonance studies experimentally and calculated by quantum mechanical calculations, can be regarded as a measure of the magnitude of magnetic superexchange interactions of corresponding trinuclear complexes. The usability of tailor-made trinuclear complexes for their deposition in form of thin film by spin-coating is described as well as the magneto-optical characterization of these thin films. It is shown, that the tailor-made functionalization of mono- to trinuclear bis(oxamidato) complexes with long alkyl chains is suited to allow these complexes to assembly in monolayers on, e.g., HOPG(0001) (highly-oriented pyrolytic graphite), whereas the functionalization of the alkyl chains with S atoms allows the generation of self-assembled monolayers on metallic gold. Furthermore it is shown, that the functionalization of mono- and trinuclear Cu(II)-containing bis(oxamato) complexes with ferrocenediyle fragments allows to modify the magnetic properties by making use of the oxidation process Fe(II)/Fe(III). / Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Darstellung und Charakterisierung ein- bis dreikerniger Cu(II)- bzw. Ni(II)-haltiger bis(oxamato) oder bis(oxamidato) Komplexe. Es wird abgeleitet, inwiefern die aus Elektronenenspinresonanz- Untersuchungen experimentell und die quantenmechanisch berechneten Spindichteverteilungen einkerniger Komplexe ein Maß für die Größe der magnetischen Superaustauschwechselwirkungen korrespondierender dreikerniger Komplexe darstellt. Die Eignung maßgeschneiderter dreikerniger Komplexe zu ihrer Überführung in dünne Filme im nm-Bereich mittels Rotationsbeschichtung auf Si/SiO2-Substraten wird beschrieben sowie die magneto-optische Charakterisierung dieser dünnen Filme. Es wird gezeigt, dass durch gezielte Funktionalisierung mit langkettigen Alkylresten ein- bis dreikernige Cu(II)-haltige bis(oxamidato) Komplexe geeignet sind, auf Substraten wie HOPG(0001) (hochorientiertes pyrolytisches Graphit) zu Monolagen zu assemblieren während die zielgerichtete Funktionalisierung der Alkylketten mit S-Atomen es ermöglicht selbst-assemblierte Monolagen auf metallischem Gold zu generieren. Zusätzlich wird beschrieben, dass durch die Funktionalisierung von ein- und dreikernigen Cu(II)-haltigen bis(oxamato) mit Ferrocendiylresten die magentischen Eigenschaften durch den Oxidationsprozess Fe(II)/Fe(III) gezielt modifiziert werden können.

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