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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Magnetic properties of Mn, Ni and Fe based metal-organic complexes

Parameswaran, Anupama 03 March 2011 (has links)
This dissertation presents the investigation of magnetic exchange and anisotropy in novel metal-organic complexes containing minimum number of magnetic ions. Such complexes can serve as a model system to understand the exciting magnetic phenomena in such class of materials and also can put forward as candidates for the so called molecular nanomagnets. A direct assessment of the effective magnetic moment and the effective interaction between the metal ions in the complex can be done using magnetization measurements. Here the magnetization studies are performed as a function of temperature and field using a SQUID magnetometer. Yet another powerful tool to characterize and determine the spin levels, the ESR spectroscopic methods, has also been exploited. The study of the dynamical properties of this class of materials was relevant to understand the relaxation mechanism in the low temperatures. For this a new ac susceptometer has been built in house which was another main objective of this dissertation work. The design, fabrication, calibration and automation done on this device is presented in this thesis. The device has been tested using the known molecular magnet Mn12 acetate, and the antiferromagnet Dy2PdSi3. The present work is mainly focused on the magnetic properties of Mn, Ni and Fe based organometallic complexes. The studied Mn dimer with different acceptor and donor ligands exhibit the fine tuning of the electron density at the core of molecular complex by variation in ligands. This in turn shows that the change in peripheral ligands can control the magnetism of the molecule. The influence of the change in Ni-S-Ni bond angle in the magnetic exchange interaction is studied in a Ni(2) dimer and a Ni(2) trimer complex. The Ni dimer complex shows a ferromagnetic interaction (J = -42K) whereas trimer shows an antiferromagnetic interaction (J = 140K). Another Ni based complex bridged via phosphorous has been studied which shows the existence of glassy nature at low temperature. Also a polymeric chain compound based on Fe is studied and presented. All these phosphorous or sulphur bridged complexes are novel materials and these are the first data on these complexes.

Herstellung und Charakterisierung von magnetisch heterogenen Schichten und Elementen

Martin, Norbert 25 October 2011 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden magnetisch heterogene, weichmagnetische Schichten hergestellt und in ihren magnetischen Eigenschaften gezielt modifiziert. Zu Beginn wurden in makroskopischen Bereichen Strukturen mit lateral in Streifen modulierter magnetischer Anisotropie im Mikrometermaßstab hergestellt, um den Einfluss der inneren Grenzflächen auf die magnetische Hysterese zu charakterisieren. Dazu wurden über Ionenimplantation in einer funktionalen Deckschicht lokal zusätzliche mechanische Spannungen generiert, ohne die intrinsischen Eigenschaften der magnetischen Schicht zu verändern. Mit der entwickelten Methode können rein über das gezielte Induzieren mechanischer Spannungen hybride magnetische Eigenschaften mit periodisch alternierenden, magnetisch leichten Achsen erzeugt werden. Im mesoskopischen Bereich beeinflussen zusätzlich die äußere Form und die Größe der magnetisch heterogenen Elemente die magnetischen Eigenschaften. In dieser Dissertation wurde für streifenstrukturierte Quadrate ein analytisches Modell entwickelt, um die Wechselwirkungen von Grenzflächen innerhalb der Elemente und der lateralen Elementgrenzen auf das Ummagnetisierungsverhalten zu simulieren. Das modellierte Ummagnetisierungsverhalten wurde mit experimentell gemessenen Daten unterlegt und bestätigt. Im Vergleich zwischen Modell und Experiment zeigte sich, dass die Größe der externen Felder, bei denen die Magnetisierung innerhalb der Elemente schaltet, voneinander abweicht. Dies ist bedingt durch die bevorzugte Nukleation magnetischer Domänen an den lateralen Begrenzungen der quadratischen Elemente. Ein Aspekt, der die Nukleation von Domänen wesentlich beeinflusst, ist die Form der lateralen Begrenzung. Durch gezielte Manipulation des Kantenwinkels wurde das Ummagnetisierungsverhalten weichmagnetischer Kreisscheiben gesteuert. Dabei nukleiert der für Kreisscheiben charakteristische Vortexzustand bevorzugt in Elementen mit abgeschrägten Kanten. Die Gesamtheit der Daten zeigt, dass die magnetischen Eigenschaften heterogener Strukturen nicht nur von den Eigenschaften der Ausgangsmaterialien abhängen, sondern entscheidend von den Größen und Formen der Strukturierungen und der Elemente bestimmt werden.

Field-responsive colloidal assemblies defined by magnetic anisotropy

Steinbach, Gabi, Schreiber, Michael, Nissen, Dennis, Albrecht, Manfred, Novak, Ekaterina, Sánchez, Pedro A., Kantorovich, Sofia S., Gemming, Sibylle, Erbe, Artur 27 April 2020 (has links)
Particle dispersions provide a promising tool for the engineering of functional materials that exploit self-assembly of complex structures. Dispersion made from magnetic colloidal particles is a great choice; they are biocompatible and remotely controllable among many other advantages. However, their dominating dipolar interaction typically limits structural complexity to linear arrangements. This paper shows how a magnetostatic equilibrium state with noncollinear arrangement of the magnetic moments, as reported for ferromagnetic Janus particles, enables the controlled self-organization of diverse structures in two dimensions via constant and low-frequency external magnetic fields. Branched clusters of staggered chains, compact clusters, linear chains, and dispersed single particles can be formed and interconverted reversibly in a controlled way. The structural diversity is a consequence of both the inhomogeneity and the spatial extension of the magnetization distribution inside the particles. We draw this conclusion from calculations based on a model of spheres with multiple shifted dipoles. The results demonstrate that fundamentally new possibilities for responsive magnetic materials can arise from interactions between particles with a spatially extended, anisotropic magnetization distribution.

Tailoring the properties of metamaterials for linear and nonlinear applications

Sydoruk, Oleksiy 13 June 2007 (has links)
The thesis is devoted to magnetic metamaterials operating in the frequency range of 10 MHz 1 GHz. Mechanisms of tailoring the properties of metamaterials are developed and a number of linear and nonlinear applications is proposed.In Chapter 1, the introduction to the field of metamaterials is given and the main goal of the thesis is defined as the search for possible applications of low-frequency metamaterials. The main motivation is the potential of magnetic metamaterials in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI).Chapter 2 briefly summarizes the near-field properties of magnetic metamaterials. Magnetic coupling between a pair of metamaterial elements is described and magnetoinductive (MI) waves propagating on the metamaterials arrays are introduced.In Chapter 3, the magnetic coupling between the elements is studied in more detail. Based on the analogy between MI waves and acoustic waves in solids, "diatomic" metamaterial arrays having two elements per unit cell are introduced. It is shown that by changing the resonant frequencies of the elements and the coupling between them it is possible to acquire additional freedom in tailoring the dispersion properties of MI waves compared to simple "monatomic" configurations.In Chapter 4, various linear applications of metamaterials are discussed. They are shift-dependent transmission, subwavelength imaging and focusing, and rotational resonance of MI waves. It is shown that the microscopic model based on taking the interaction between the elements into account allows for reliable explanation of the phenomena studied.In Chapter 5, a nonlinear application, parametric amplification of MI waves, is discussed. It is shown that parametric amplification can lead to the compensation of loss in metamaterials and to increase of the power extracted from an MRI detection system.Conclusions are drawn and possible directions for future work are determined in Chapter 6.

Effects of quenched disorder in frustrated magnets

Dey, Santanu 13 December 2021 (has links)
This PhD thesis focuses on the mutual interplay of frustration and quenched disorder in magnetic insulators. Frustrated quantum magnets are known to host a plethora of interesting many-body phenomena ranging from noncollinear N\'el ordering to spin liquid phases. In this thesis, the consequences of the breakdown of translation symmetry, a widely occurring phenomenon in real materials, are studied in several examples of frustrated spin systems. The thesis is split into two parts dedicated to different kinds of frustrated magnets and the effects of quenched random perturbations in them. In the first part, bond randomness in frustrated noncollinear ordering is considered. Noncollinear magnetic orders originating from the spontaneous breakdown of continuous spin rotation symmetries at zero temperature are found to be unstable in the presence of exchange randomness. It is shown that in this case, the frustrated N\'{e}el ordering is destroyed for any magnitude of random exchange disorder. The resulting disordered ground states, however, possess interesting distinctions depending on the precise nature of the broken spin rotation symmetry. For SU(2) Heisenberg spins, it is demonstrated that the weak disordered ground describes a classical spin glass at zero temperature with a finite correlation length. At higher disorder, enhanced quantum fluctuations are predicted to modify that ground state into a random-singlet-like form. On the other hand, for noncollinear XY spin systems with U(1) or SO(2) symmetry which have stable integer-valued vortex topological defects, it is instead found that the weak disorder and the strong disorder ground states are distinct even at the classical level. The former has a quasi-long range order spin arrangement, while the latter exhibits a truly short-range ordered state. These two phases are shown to be separated by a Kosterlitz-Thouless-like phase transition point where vortex unbinding takes place. The spontaneously broken chiral degeneracy of noncollinear N\'el ordering is witnessed to be robust up to the point of the vortex-driven phase transition. In the second part of the thesis, the focus is switched to the effects of quenched disorder on quantum spin liquids. These are quantum disordered phases of matter with long-range entanglement, topological order, and fractionalised excitations that often arise in frustrated spin systems. The U(1) Dirac spin liquid with its magnetic monopole excitations has been identified as a parent state for N\'{e}el, valence-bond solid, and algebraic spin liquid phases. In this thesis, the fate of this state is studied in the presence of quenched random perturbations. It is demonstrated that a wide class of random perturbations induce monopole-driven confinement of the fractionalised quasi-particles of the spin liquid, leading to the onset of a spin glass-like order. Finally, dilution effects in the $\rm Z_2$ spin liquid phase of the Kitaev model are discussed in the presence of generic symmetry allowed interactions. The spin-liquid state remains stable when the non-Kitaev perturbations and dilution are small. However, the low-energy properties of the ground state are altered. It is shown that the degeneracies from the Majorana zero modes, which are known to localise at defect sites of the Kitaev spin liquid, are generically lifted by the non-Kitaev perturbations. Consequently, a dilution-tuned impurity band with a finite density of states is found to emerge.

Two dimensional magnetic surface compounds: The c(2x2) Mn-induced superstructures on the fcc-(001) surfaces of Cu, Fe, Co and Ni

Schiller, Frederik 06 March 2002 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Dissertation werden die elektronischen Eigenschaften der c(2x2)MnCu/Cu(001) Oberfläche untersucht. Es wird eine Möglichkeit vorgestellt, unter Nutzung verschiedener Symmetrien der Brillouinzonen, Photoemissionsspektren voneinander zu trennen und damit die energetische Position des Mayoritätsspinbandes von Mangan in der c(2x2) Überstruktur zu bestimmen. Es konnte mittels Vergleich zu Rechnungen der Bandstruktur außerdem festgestellt werden, daß Teile des Minoritätsspinbandes besetzt werden. Die Fermioberfläche des c(2x2)MnCu/Cu(001) Systems wurde mittels Photoemission untersucht. Es konnte weiterhin gezeigt werden, daß Kupfer epitaktisch auf dieser Oberfläche aufwächst und weitere c(2x2)MnCu Sequenzen gewachsen werden können, wobei sich auch hier die Manganatome in einem magnetischen Grundzustand befinden. Es wird das Wachstum von Mangan auf Eisen, Kobalt und Nickel analysiert. Dafür werden dünne Eisen-, Kobalt- und Nickelschichten auf einem Kupfer-(001)-Einkristall präpariert und damit eine metastabile flächenzentrierte Oberfläche geschaffen, die wiederum als Substrat für das Mangan dient. Alle diese Zwischenschritte werden von Untersuchungen der elektronischen Eigenschaften mittels Photoemissionsmessungen begleitet, die dazu dienen, Aussagen über die Bandstruktur und die Fermi-Oberfläche zu erhalten. Diese experimentellen Daten werden anschließend mit theoretisch berechneten Daten verglichen und daraus Schlußfolgerungen für den Magnetismus in den einzelnen Systemen getroffen. / This thesis deals about the electronic properties of the c(2x2)MnCu/Cu(001) surface. Under use of different symmetries in the Brillouin zones, a possibility for the separation of photoemission spectra is presented and the energy position of the manganese spin majority band is determined. Furthermore, a comparison with theoretic studies found part of the spin minority band occupied. The Fermi surface of the c(2x2)MnCu/Cu(001) system was analysed. It could be shown, that copper grows epitaxially on top of this surface and a further growth of c(2x2)MnCu sequences is possible with the manganese atoms in a high spin ground state. Further, the growth of manganese on iron, cobalt, and nickel will be investigated. For this purpose thin iron, cobalt, and nickel films are prepared on a copper-(001) crystal and the resulting metastable face centred surface can be used as a substrate for the manganese. All these intermediate steps are accompanied by investigations of the electronic properties using photoemission, that give an insight in the band structure and the Fermi surface. The experimental data will be compared to theory and some conclusions about the magnetism of the systems can be drawn.

Experimental characterization of four-magnon scattering processes in ferromagnetic conduits

Hula, Tobias 07 August 2024 (has links)
Spin waves and their quanta, magnons, are the wave-like excitations of a magnetically ordered medium. The technological prospect of utilizing them as low-loss information carriers has driven various research efforts in the field of magnonics. Spin waves arise further interest due to their inherently strong nonlinear behavior which results from their interaction with the surrounding magnetic texture. Hence, magnons are subject to a variety of nonlinear effects and allow for extensive studies of such phenomena. In this work, the propagating spin-waves in micro structured Co25Fe75 conduits have been investigated by means of micro focused Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy. Due to the low intrinsic damping of this metallic compound, spin-wave decay lengths in the order of 20 μm can be observed which have not been reported elsewhere for other ferromagnet thin film materials. Furthermore, nonlinear four-magnon scattering processes can be observed when increasing the spin-wave amplitudes applying a sufficiently strong microwave excitation. This phenomenon introduces additional losses for propagating waves as it diverts energy into the parametric generation of secondary states. It is shown that the reduction of the spin-wave decay lengths reaches up to 50 %. In the second part, a novel approach for the utilization of four-magnon scattering is presented. It is shown that an additional driving signal at a secondary driving frequency can steer the nonlinear process in such a way, that a set of secondary parametric states with a well-defined frequency spacing is populated. This process is referred to as stimulated four-magnon scattering, as it enhances specific nonlinear scattering events. As a result, frequency combs with multiple equidistant modes are observed, which exhibit frequency spacings of 400 MHz up to 2 GHz. These complex spin-wave spectra can actively be tuned in various ways using external parameters such as the driving signals. These results advance the understanding of nonlinear spin waves in general and expands the range of possible technological applications of magnons.:List of Figures List of Tables List of Abbreviations and Acronyms List of Symbols 1 Introduction 2 Theoretical background 2.1 Interactions in microstructured thin film ferromagnets 2.1.1 Exchange interaction 2.1.2 Dipolar interaction and demagnetizing fields 2.2 Magnetization dynamics in ferromagnetic thin films 2.2.1 The Landau-Lifshitz and Gilbert equation 2.2.2 Spin waves 2.3 Nonlinear phenomena 2.3.1 Four-magnon scattering 3 Materials and Methods 3.1 Materials and sample fabrication 3.1.1 The low damping alloy Co25Fe75 3.1.2 Patterning: electron beam and optical lithography 3.1.3 Microwave antenna structures 3.2 Brillouin light scattering 3.2.1 Magnon-photon interaction 3.2.2 The Tandem Fabry Pérot interferometer 3.2.3 BLS microscopy (μBLS) 3.2.4 Phase-resolved BLS (PR-μBLS) 3.2.5 Temporal resolution (TR-μBLS) 3.3 Micromagnetic simulations in MuMax3 3.3.1 Mesh and material parameters 3.3.2 Simulation of magnetization dynamics 4 Results 4.1 Magnon transport in Co25Fe75 micro-conduits 4.1.1 Low external fields and magnetic groundstate 4.1.2 Magnon transport at low driving powers 4.1.3 Impact of nonlinear four-magnon scattering on magnon transport 4.2 Magnon frequency combs 4.2.1 Introduction on stimulated four-magnon scattering 4.2.2 Experimental realization 4.2.3 Amplitude-dependent observations 4.2.4 Tunability of spin-wave frequency combs 4.2.5 Variations of the excitation geometry 5 Summary and outlook Own publications Bibliography 109 Acknowledgement A Appendix A.1 Fabrication of Co25Fe75 microstructures A.2 Atomic Force Microscopy measurement on a 5 μm wide conduit A.3 BLS measurement of spin-wave decay lengths in a 5 μm wide conduit A.4 Calculations: Temporal profile of stimulated four-magnon scattering A.5 Power dependent frequency comb formation measured at positions II & III A.6 Averaged frequency comb mode numbers at reversed magnetic field polarity

Ferromagnet-Free Magnetoelectric Thin Film Elements

Kosub, Tobias 12 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The work presented in this thesis encompasses the design, development, realization and testing of novel magnetoelectric thin film elements that do not rely on ferromagnets, but are based entirely on magnetoelectric antiferromagnets such as Cr2O3. Thin film spintronic elements, and in particular magnetoelectric transducers, are crucial building blocks of high efficiency data processing schemes that could complement conventional electronic data processing in the future. Recent developments in magnetoelectrics have revealed, that exchange biased systems are ill-suited to electric field induced switching of magnetization due to the strong coupling of their ferromagnetic layer to magnetic fields. Therefore, ferromagnet-free magnetoelectric elements are proposed here in an effort to mitigate the practical problems associated with existing exchange biased magnetoelectric elements. This goal is achieved by establishing an all-electric read-out method for the antiferromagnetic order parameter of thin films, which allows to omit the ferromagnet from conventional exchange biased magnetoelectric elements. The resulting ferromagnet-free magnetoelectric elements show greatly reduced writing thresholds, enabled operation at room temperature and do not require a pulsed magnetic field, all of which is in contrast to state-of-the-art exchange biased magnetoelectric systems. The novel all-electric read-out method of the magnetic field-invariant magnetization of antiferromagnets, so-called spinning-current anomalous Hall magnetometry, can be widely employed in other areas of thin film magnetism. Its high precision and its sensitivity to previously invisible phenomena make it a promising tool for various aspects of thin solid films. Based on this technique, a deep understanding could be generated as to what physical mechanisms drive the antiferromagnetic ordering in thin films of magnetoelectric antiferromagnets. As spinning-current anomalous Hall magnetometry is an integral probe of the magnetic properties in thin films, it offers no intrinsic scale sensitivity. In order to harness its great precision for scale related information, a statistical framework was developed, which links macroscopic measurements with microscopic properties such as the antiferromagnetic domain size.

Elektronenspinresonanz an niederdimensionalen und frustrierten magnetischen Systemen

Zimmermann, Stephan 07 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In der eingereichten Dissertation wird eine Reihe von niederdimensionalen und frustrierten magnetischen Systemen mit Hilfe der Elektronenspinresonanz (ESR) untersucht, um deren magnetische Eigenschaften und Wechselwirkungen zu charakterisieren. Sowohl niederdimensionale als auch frustrierte Systeme können exotische magnetische Phänomene zeigen, da es in beiden Fällen trotz starker magnetischer Korrelationen zu einer Unterdrückung von konventioneller langreichweitiger magnetischer Ordnung kommen kann. Auf der anderen Seite sind zweidimensionale Systeme wie Graphen und die damit verwandten topologischen Isolatoren interessant für Anwendungen in der Spintronik oder in Quantencomputern. Über das Einbringen von magnetischer Ordnung soll dabei die Kontrolle über den Spin von Elektronen erlangt werden. Es werden quasieindimensionale Spinketten in Cu(py)2Br2 untersucht, die ein gutes Modellsysteme für den Vergleich mit exakten theoretischen Berechnungen darstellen. Durch eingehende ESR-Messungen ist es gelungen, ein Modell für die Ausrichtung der Anisotropieachse zu entwickeln, die senkrecht zur Kettenachse steht. Zusätzlich zum g-Tensor konnten durch Magnetisierungsmessungen das Austauschintegral und dessen Anisotropie bestimmt werden. Die Austauschwechselwirkung kann über die Substitution von Br- mit Cl-Ionen in Cu(py)2(Cl1-xBrx)2 gezielt variiert werden. Des Weiteren wird eine kombinierte Studie aus STM- und ESR-Untersuchungen an monolagigem Graphen mit induzierten Fehlstellen vorgestellt. Es wurden Defekte durch den Beschuss mit Ar-Ionen in Graphen kontrolliert hergestellt, deren lokale elektronische Eigenschaften sich mit STM- und STS-Messungen charakte-risieren lassen. Mit ESR-Messungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass die an den einzelnen Fehlstellen lokalisierten magnetischen Momente eine dominant antiferromagnetische Austauschwechselwirkung besitzen. Die Charakterisierung der magnetischen Wechselwirkungen zwischen lokalisierten Momenten stand auch für den mit Mn dotierten topologischen Isolator Bi2Te3 im Vordergrund, welcher einen ferromagnetischen Phasenübergang bei tiefen Temperaturen zeigt. Anhand des mit ESR beobachteten Korringa-Verhaltens wurde bewiesen, dass die lokalisierten Mn-Spins an leitende Bänder gekoppelt sind und die ferromagnetische Ordnung folglich per RKKY-Wechselwirkung vermittelt wird. Es wurden kurzreichweitige magnetische Korrelationen in einem ausgedehnten Temperaturbereich oberhalb der Ordnungstemperatur beobachtet, die Hinweise auf einen zweidimensionalen Charakter zeigen. Ausgedehnte Temperaturbereiche mit kurzreichweitigen Korrelationen werden ebenfalls in den untersuchten magnetisch frustrierten Materialien beobachtet. In einer kombinierten Studie aus HF-ESR, NMR und µSR wird die Spindynamik in CoAl2O4 charakterisiert, in dem moderate Unordnung zu einem Verschwimmen der Phasengrenze zwischen Neél-Ordnung und einer Spinflüssigkeit mit spiralförmigen Korrelationen führt. Außerdem werden zwei Vertreter aus der Klasse der Swedenborgite behandelt, in denen die Spinstruktur in YBaCo4O7 durch Substitution modifiziert wird. Ziel ist die Entkopplung der enthaltenen Kagome-Schichten, welche ein zweidimensionales frustriertes System darstellen. In den vorgestellten HF-ESR- und NMR-Messungen beobachtet man ein Spinglasverhalten für YBaCo3AlO7, das aus der Unordnung bei der Besetzung der Gitterplätze resultiert. In YBaCo3FeO7 ist die Unordnung geringer und mit ESR-Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, dass es zu einer effektiven Entkopplung der Fe-Spins zwischen den Kagome-Schichten kommt.

Magnetism and Superconductivity in Iron-based Superconductors as Probed by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

Hammerath, Franziska 04 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) has been a fundamental player in the studies of superconducting materials for many decades. This local probe technique allows for the study of the static electronic properties as well as the low energy excitations of the electrons in the normal and the superconducting state. On that account it has also been widely applied to Fe-based superconductors from the very beginning of their discovery in February 2008. This dissertation comprises some of these very first NMR results, reflecting the unconventional nature of superconductivity and its strong link to magnetism in the investigated compounds LaO(1-x)F(x)FeAs and LiFeAs.

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