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Excitation of High-m Poloidal ULF Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere during Geomagnetic Storms and Substorms: Importance of Radial Gradient of Proton Distributions in Drift-Bounce Resonance / 地磁気ストームとサブストーム中の内部磁気圏におけるhigh-m poloidal ULF波動の励起:ドリフトバウンス共鳴におけるプロトン粒子分布の動径方向勾配の重要性Yamamoto, Kazuhiro 23 March 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第22263号 / 理博第4577号 / 新制||理||1657(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科地球惑星科学専攻 / (主査)教授 田口 聡, 教授 秋友 和典, 准教授 藤 浩明 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Plasma density characteristics of magnetic holes near the Kronian magnetosphere boundary surfacesBause, Marlon Luis January 2020 (has links)
Localized structures of the magnetic field strength depression are often observed in the interplanetarymedium, and they are called ‘magnetic holes’ after the original work of Turner et al. 1977. A numberof observations of similar features have been reported, while the mechanisms of their origin have notfully understood yet. The scale size of their structures varies from several to a few thousand of the protongyro radii, and their characteristic orientations of the magnetic field also vary, and therefore differenttypes of the magnetic holes have been suggested. To date, the magnetic holes are classified into Mirrormode and magnetic decreases (Tsurutani et al. 2011). Despite a large number of papers that report theobservational characteristics of the magnetic holes, many identify the feature using only the magneticfield data. This is due to the scale size of the structure at a large speed of the solar wind medium, thespatial resolution of the plasma instruments is often insufficient while the magnetic field instrument canusually obtain the data in high enough time resolution.The Cassini spacecraft orbited Saturn for almost 17 years and obtained a large amount of data in/near theKronian magnetosphere, where the series of the magnetic depletions have been also observed (Smith et al.1980). The Langmuir Probe (LP) onboard Cassini measures the spacecraft potential and, in turn, measuresthe electron density in in-situ in the outer magnetosphere and solar wind region. This measurement hasbeen done using the LP sweep mode which samples the current-voltage curve of the probe every 10 minin the outer magnetosphere. The LP has also been operated in the continuous mode that measures theprobe current at a fixed bias potential every 16 s allowing to calculate the electron density in a smallerscale that is required for the studies magnetic holes. However, there is no general calibration so far inorder to conduct a statistical study in the outer magnetosphere region. The goal of this project is toinvestigate the possibility to use the LP data for the magnetic hole study, calibrate the LP continuousmode to derive the plasma density near the magnetospheric of Saturn, and investigate the scale size of theplasma density structure in the magnetic holes, i. e. plasma β, the field strength and density.The calibration of the continuous data was done by finding a relation between the current at 11 V, whichis a typical bias voltage of continuous mode, and the spacecraft potential obtained by the LP the sweepmode data. Is is expected that the current at 11V is linearly proportional to the floating potential andtherefore can be used to derive the electron density with the potential and density relationship presentedby Morooka et al. 2009. I found that the spacecraft attitude against the sun has a strong effect on therelation, and derived 11V current-floating potential relationship depending on the different spacecraftattitude.Using the LP continuous data calibration above, I investigated the electron density characteristics aroundthe magnetic hold structure, and confirmed that they are generally in anticorrelation relationship. I estim-ated also the plasma β assuming a constant temperature of 100 eV and investigated their characteristicsfor the different types of magnetic holes (linear and rotational holes) both in the magnetosheath and theholes in the solar wind for the year 2011. For the Cassini dataset during 2011, various different shapeand sizes of magnetic hole events have been found. Most (80%) of the MHs appeared within a groupedstructure, while the rest (20%) are found as isolated type holes in the magnetosheath. Among the isolatedMHs, about 30% had "Gaussian shape" and about 40% had a substructure. The scale size for the electrondensity for the isolated holes were on average 50 s in the solar wind, and 75 s (the rotational holes) and120 s (the linear holes) in the magnetosheath. Therefore, I confirmed that the LP can obtain enough datapoints to resolve the magnetic holes structure in the magnetosheath. The Cassini LP data resolution isalso capable to resolve some of the magnetic hole structure in the solar wind.In summary, I confirmed that the Cassini LP continuous data calibrated in this study is capable toinvestigate the different types of magnetic hole structures. Using this calibrated electron data statisticallyfor the large number of Cassini orbit would helpful to further identify the MHs structures in the solar wind and the magnetosheath that can be a key to understand the generation mechanisms of the magneticholes. / Lokaliserade strukturer med låg magnetfältstyrkan ses ofta i interplanetära mediet och de kallas ’mag-netiska hål’ (MH) (Turner et al. 1977). Trots et antal observationer av sådana strukturer har observeratsär deras generationsmekanism ännu förstådd. Storleken av strukturerna varierar från ett fåtal till någratusen protongyroradier och även deras kännetecknande inriktningar i magnetfältet varierar. På grund avdetta har olika typer av MH förslagits. Idag klassificerar man MH som ’mirror mode’ och magnetiskaminskningar (Tsurutani et al. 2011). Många studier har undersökt de magnetiska hålens egenskaper,men tyvärr oftast baserats endast på magnetfältsdata. Detta kan bero på strukturernas storlek vid en storsolvindshastighet, där plasmainstrumenten oftast inte har tillräckligt hög tidsupplösning för mätningar,medan magnetfältsinstrumenten kan oftast tillhandahålla data i hög tidsupplösning.Cassini-rymdfarkosten kretsade runt Saturnus i nästan 17 år och erhöll stora mängder data i och näraSaturnus magnetosfär. Langmuir-sonden (LP) ombord Cassini mäter rymdfarkostens potential ochdärmed mäter den elektrontätheten i rymden. Instrumentet fungerar som en slags väderstation för rym-dplasma och möjliggör mätningen av fundamentala plasmaparametrar såsom elektrontäthet, jontäthet,elektrontemperatur och jonmassa i en tät plasmaområdet av nära Saturnus. I den yttre magnetosfären därden plasmatätheten är låg, kan LP mäta rymdfarkosts potential och plasmatätheten. Mätningen, så kallade’sweep mode’ kan skaffades var 10:e minuter. LP:en mäter också i ’kontinuerlig mode’ som möjligenkan mäta plasmatätheten i mer frekventa men den behöver allmän kalibrering. I detta projekt undersökerjag möjligheten att använda LP kontinuerlig data för att studera MH, skapa kalibraring funktion för’kontinuerlig mode’ för att uppskatta plasmatätheten i Saturnus magnetosfär, och även att undersökastorleken och karaktär av plasmatäthetenstrukturen i MH.Jag undersökte först relationen mellan LP ström vid 11V och rymdfarkostens potential i sweep mode data.De härledda funktionerna användes vidare för att uppskatta densiteten med användning av relationenmellan rymdfarkostens potential och elektrontätheten (Morooka et al. 2009). Jag upptäckte också attden kontinuerlig mode funktionen är olika beroende på LP sensors läge i förhållande till solen ochrymdfarkosten. Hur Cassini är inriktad har en stor effekt på relationen och därför beskriva jag fyra olikarelationer för olika inriktningsregioner. Med den kontinuerlig mode funktionen jag härlett, undersöktejag struktur av magnetiska hålen som har listats av Tomas Karlsson på KTH. År 2011 innehåller MH medmycket olika former och storlekar. Den mest (80%) MH identifierades som grupp och resten (20%) varsom isolerade MH i magnetosheath. Av dessa isolerande hål har ca. 30% en Gauss-form och nästan 40%av MH verkar ha en understruktur. Genom att jämföra magfältdatan med elektrontätheten bekräftadejag den allmänna antikorrelationen mellan magnetfältstyrkan och elektrontätheten i MH-strukturerna.Dessutom hittar jag en ökning av elektron β som beräknas med en temperatur av 100 eV för linjära ochroterade MH i den magnetosheath samt MH i solvinden under 2011. Storleken av de isolerade magnetiskahålen är i genomsnitt 50 s i solvinden, 75 s (roterade magnetiska hål) och 120 s (linjära magnetiska hålen)i magnetosheath:en. Därför kan Cassini LP ha tillräcklig många datapoäng för att upplösa struktur avMH i magnetosheath. I solvinden kan LP upplösa en del av relativt stora MH.Sammanfattningsvis kan LP:s kontinuerlig kalibreringen från detta projekt användas för att analyserade olika strukturerna och storlekar av MH. Med denna kalibrerade plasmatäthet data är det möjligt attidentifiera olika MH karaktär i statistiskt för det stora antalet Cassini data. Det skulle vara en stor hjälpför att förstå genereringsmekanismerna av de magnetiska hålen.
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Study on Variation of Radiation Belt Electron Fluxes Through Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions / 非線形波動粒子相互作用による放射線帯電子フラックスの変動に関する研究Kubota, Yuko 26 March 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第21070号 / 工博第4434号 / 新制||工||1689(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科電気工学専攻 / (主査)教授 大村 善治, 教授 松尾 哲司, 准教授 小嶋 浩嗣 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Using Jupiter’s Moon Io as a Plasma ProbeHedenström, Erik, Petrén, Anton January 2022 (has links)
The structure of the plasma in Jupiter’s vast magnetosphereis complicated and not fully understood. One way to study the plasma is to look at auroral emissions from the moonIo as it moves through different regions of the plasma torus that surrounds Jupiter. In this paper, the correlation between aurorabrightness on Io and the plasma density at the position of the moon is investigated. If a correlation exists, auroral emissonson Io could be used as a diagnostic for the current state ofJupiter’s plasma environment. For this purpose, a model of the Io plasma torus is developed, combining ideas from different existing models. The model is compared with observations of aurorae on Io made by the Hubble Space Telescope. Io’s position at the time of the observations is obtained with SPICE, a software developed by NASA. A moderate correlation is found when using the whole data set of observations. However, a strong correlation is found for observations on the dusk side of Jupiter. Strong correlations are also found when studying individual years and epochs. / Strukturen på plasman i Jupiters vidsträckta magnetosfär är komplicerad och inte fullständigt känd. Ett sätt att studera plasman är att undersöka ljuset från polarsken på månen Io då den passerar genom olika regioner av det torusformade plasmamolnet som omsluter Jupiter. I denna artikel undersöks korrelationen mellan polarskenets ljusstyrka och plasmans densitiet kring månens position. Om ett sådant samband finns skulle ljusstyrkan hos månens polarsken kunna användas som diagnostik för plasmans aktuella tillstånd. För detta ändamål utvecklas en modell av plasmatorusen genom att kombinera ide´er från flera tidigare modeller. Modellen jämförs sedan med observationer av polarskenet på Io genomförda med rymdteleskopet Hubble. Månens position vid de olika tidpunkterna bestäms med hjälp av SPICE, en mjukvara utvecklad av NASA. En måttligt stark korrelation uppnås när hela datamängden används. När däremot endast data från Jupiters gryningssida används uppnås en korrelation. Det hittas även starka samband när enskilda år studeras. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2022, KTH, Stockholm
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Simulation numérique de la magnétosphère des pulsars : étude détaillée de processus radiatifs / Numerical simulation of pulsar magnetospheres : detailed study of radiative processesVoisin, Guillaume 23 October 2017 (has links)
Les pulsars sont des étoiles à neutron hautement magnétisées en rotation rapide produisant un rayonnement pulsé. Cette thèse est dédiée à leur magnétosphère, c'est à dire la zone proche de l'étoile à neutron, remplie d'un plasma entraîné par la rotation rapide de celle-ci. Il a été montré dès 1969 que la magnétosphère doit avoir des zones très peu denses arborant des champs électriques intenses capables d'accélérer le plasma raréfié de ces régions à des énergies très élevée le long du champ magnétique. La courbure des lignes de champ, couplé avec la rotation d'une particule autour du champ, cause un rayonnement dit de « synchro-courbure ». L'énergie est rayonnée essentiellement en photons gamma (g). Ces photons peuvent ensuite être convertis par interaction quantique photon γ-champ magnétique ou γ-γ en une paire électron-positron e+e- dont chaque composante rayonne à son tour, résultant en une cascade qui alimente la magnétosphère en plasma. Cette thèse traite particulièrement de deux phénomènes clefs de ces cascades : le rayonnement de synchro-courbure et la création de paires par interaction γγ.La théorie quantique du rayonnement de synchro-courbure est développée pour la première fois à partir des principes de base de l'électrodynamique quantique. Les paramètres compatibles avec les approximations du calcul correspondent à une large gamme de conditions physiques typiques des magnétosphères de pulsars. Les transitions quantiques sont considérées dans l'approximation continue lorsqu'elles impliquent un saut de l'impulsion de la particule dans la direction parallèle au champ, et discrète dans la direction perpendiculaire. Il en résulte un spectre tendant asymptotiquement vers les descriptions classiques des rayonnement de courbure et de synchro-courbure mais présentant des déviations très importantes lorsque les transitions discrètes dominent le rayonnement.L’interaction γγ→e+e- a été étudiée dans le cas où un gamma réagit sur un fond de photons de basse énergie. Ce mécanisme est considéré comme potentiellement important lorsque le champ magnétique n'est pas assez fort pour produire des paires par le mécanisme γ-champ magnétique. Tout indique que le fond est anisotrope, c'est pourquoi nous avons développé un formalisme permettant de prendre en compte arbitrairement les anisotropies et de produire les spectres des particules produites. Appliqué à un modèle simple d'étoile rayonnant thermiquement en X, il en résulte une dépendance forte du taux de réaction sur la direction du photon gamma.Cette thèse comprend également un modèle de chronométrage du pulsar milliseconde dans un système triple J0337+1715. Ce pulsar orbite avec deux étoiles naines blanches dont les interactions mutuelles ne sont pas négligeables. Une intégration numérique, à l'ordre newtonien et post-newtonien, a été développée pour déterminer les orbites. Un modèle complet incluant le calcul des retards du système du pulsars au télescope a été réalisé. Le modèle s'ajuste aux données de chronométrage provenant du radiotélescope de Nançay avec des résidus d'écart-type inférieur à 2 µs. Un tel système permet en principe le test du principe d'équivalence fort gravitationnel par une technique similaire à celle employée lors des expériences de laser-lune, mais avec une précision sans précédent en régime de champ fort. Ce test requiert une évaluation rigoureuse des incertitudes sur chaque paramètre, échantillonnées grâce à un code MCMC. La validation du code et l'évaluation des incertitudes sont en cours. / Pulsars are highly magnetized fast rotating neutron stars producing a pulsed radiation. This thesis is dedicated to their magnetosphere, namely the zone surrounding the star and filled with a plasma dragged by the rotation of the star. It was shown as soon as 1969 that the magnetosphere must have vacuum gaps, where intense electric fields develop that are capable of accelerating the rarefied plasma to very high energies along the magnetic field. The curvature of the field lines, together with the rotation around the magnetic field, results in the so-called « synchrocurvature » radiation. The energy is mostly radiated in gamma photons (γ). These photons may then be converted by the quantum processes γ photon-magnetic field or γ-γ in an electron-positron pair e+e-, each component of which then radiates at its turn which results in a cascade that provides plasma to the magnetosphere. This thesis particularly deals with two key phenomena of these cascades : synchrocurvature radiation and γγ pairs.The quantum theory of synchrocurvature radiation is developed for the first time from the first principles of quantum electrodynamics. The range of parameters compatible with the approximations of the derivation covers a wide range of physical conditions typical of pulsar magnetospheres. Quantum transitions are considered in the continuous limit when they imply a jump of the particle impulsion parallel to the magnetic field, and discrete when the jump is in the perpendicular direction. It results in a spectrum that asymptotically tends to the classical descriptions of curvature and synchrocurvature radiations but that presents very important deviations when the discrete transitions dominate the radiation.The γγ→e+e- process was studied in the case of the reaction of a gamma photon on a soft photon background. This mechanism is considered as potentially important when the magnetic field is nopt strong enough for the γ-magnetic field process to efficiently produce pairs. The soft background is most likely anisotropic, and that is why we developed a formalism allowing to arbitrarily take into account anisotropies, as well as produce the spectra of the outgoing particles so as to be able to feed the subsequent cascade consistently. Applied to a simple model of a star radiating thermal X rays, it results in a strong dependence of the reaction rate on the direction of the gamma photon.This thesis also includes a timing model of the millisecond pulsar in a triple system J0337+1715. This pulsar orbits with two white-dwarf stars, and their mutual interactions are not negligible. It follows that a numerical integration of the orbits was developed at Newtonian and first post-Newtonian orders. A complete model including the computation of delays from the star to the telescope was realized. This model is able to fit the timing data from the Nançay (France) radiotelecope with a standard deviation of less than 2µs. In principle, such a system allows to test the strong equivalence principle by a technique similar to that employed in Lunar-laser-ranging experiments, but with an unprecedented accuracy in the strong-field regime. This test demands a careful estimate of the uncertainties on each parameter, which we sample using a MCMC code. The validation of the code and the evaluation of the uncertainties are ongoing.
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Prise en compte du temps local dans la modélisation des ceintures de radiation terrestres / Magnetic Local Time dependency of the modeling of the Earth radiation beltsHerrera, Damien 09 October 2017 (has links)
Depuis le début de l’ère spatiale avec le lancement du satellite Spoutnik 1 en 1957, les ceintures de radiationterrestres n’ont cessé de faire l’objet d’études du fait de leur dangerosité pour les satellites mais aussi pour l’êtrehumain. En effet, lors d’une forte activité solaire, l’injection de particules dans cet environnement radiatif peut induiredes flux jusqu’à 1000 fois plus élevés que par temps calme. Par conséquent, il est important d’en comprendrela physique ainsi que la dynamique au cours de ce que l’on appelle un orage géomagnétique. Dans ce but, le Département Physique Instrumentation Environnement et Espace (DPhIEE) de l’ONERA développe depuis maintenantplus de 20 ans la famille de modèles Salammbô reproduisant de façon robuste et en trois dimensions la dynamiquedes particules piégées dans ces ceintures. Néanmoins, bien que précis au-delà d’environ 100 keV, la physique et leshypothèses prises en compte dans ce modèle restent insuffisantes en deçà. En effet, aux basses énergies, les ceintures de radiation ne peuvent plus être considérées comme homogènes autour de la Terre. L’objectif de cette thèse a donc été de prendre en compte une quatrième dimension, le temps magnétique local (MLT), afin de mieux reproduire l’évolution des structures fines lors d’un orage géomagnétique. La première partie s’est portée sur l’optimisation du schéma numérique. L’ajout d’une quatrième dimension induit, via l’apparition d’un terme d’advection, une forte diffusion numérique qu’il convient de limiter, tout en tenant compte du temps de calcul. L’équation statistique implémentée a alors été discrétisée selon un schéma de type Beam-Warming du second ordre couplé à un limiteur Superbee, garantissant une propagation satisfaisante de la distribution initiale. Une fois les problèmes numériquesmaitrisés, les différents mécanismes physiques pilotant la dynamique des particules piégées ont été implémentésdans le code, avec une attention toute particulière sur la dépendance en MLT de l’interaction onde-particule. Laprise en compte des champs électriques magnétosphériques fut également nécessaire. En effet, ils constituent l’undes moteurs principaux du mouvement des particules de basses énergies. Le modèle Salammbô 4D a ensuite étévalidé par comparaison avec le modèle 3D déjà existant sur une simulation de l’orage magnétique de Mars 2015.Les résultats ont montré une bonne restitution de la dynamique des ceintures de radiation, avec en plus l’accès à laphase principale de l’orage. Cet évènement a ensuite été modélisé à plus basse énergie pour constater la dynamiqueasymétrique des électrons piégés avec le rôle prépondérant du champ électrique de convection. La comparaison avecles données du satellite THEMIS a montré une bonne modélisation des différents processus physiques, notammentcelui de « dropout » par traversée de la magnétopause. Enfin, la mise en place d’une condition limite dynamiquemodulée par les paramètres du vent solaire et dépendante du MLT ouvre de nombreuses perspectives. / Since the beginning of the Space Era with the launch of Spoutnik 1 spacecraft in 1957, the radiation belts havebeen studied by scientists due to their hazardousness on both spacecrafts and humans. Indeed, particles are injectedduring strong solar activity and can induce fluxes thousand times higher than quiet time ones. Thus, it’s veryimportant to understand the nature of physics-based processes and the consecutive dynamic during a geomagneticstorm. For this purpose, the Department Physics Instrumentation Environment and spacE (DPhIEE) at ONERA hasbeen developing the Salammbô models family for more than 20 years which robustly reproduce in three dimensionsthe dynamics of trapped particles in the radiation belts. Nevertheless, although they are reliable at high energy, thephysics-based processes and the hypothesis taken into account are inadequate at lower energies, below a few hundredsof keV. Indeed, the radiation belts can no longer be considered as homogeneous around the Earth. The aim of thisPhD research work was to take into account a fourth coordinate, the Magnetic Local Time (MLT), in order to betterreproduce the thinnest structures occurring during a geomagnetic storm. The first part of this work focused on theoptimization of the numerical scheme. By the emergence of an advective term, the inclusion of a fourth coordinateinduces a strong numerical diffusion that has to be controlled and limited without deteriorating the computingefficiency. So, the implemented statistical equation was discretized using a Beam-Warming scheme coupled with theSuperbee limiter, which guarantee us an adequate propagation of the initial distribution. Once numerical issues havebeen resolved and controlled, all the different mechanisms driving the dynamics of the trapped particles have beenimplemented into the code, taking into account their MLT dependency, especially for the wave-particle interaction.Taking into account the magnetospheric electric fields was also necessary. Indeed, they correspond to one of themain drivers of the low energy particles motion. Then, the Salammbô 4D model has been validated by a comparisonwith the 3D one on a simulation of the March 2015 geomagnetic storm. The results showed a good restitutionof the dynamics of the radiation belts, refining the storm main phase resolution. Thereafter, this event has beensimulated at lower energy to analyze the asymmetry of the dynamics of trapped electrons highlighting the primerole of the convection electric field. The comparison with data from THEMIS spacecraft showed a good modelingof the different physics-based processes, in particular regarding dropouts as controlled by magnetopause shadowingeffect. Finally, the implementation of a solar wind driven outer boundary condition opens up new prospects.
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Etude de l'équilibre et de la circulation des populations d'électrons dans la magnétosphère de Saturne à l'aide des données multi-instrumentales de la sonde Cassini-Huygens.Schippers, Patricia 03 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse est une étude originale de l'équilibre et de la circulation des populations d'électrons dans la magnétosphère de Saturne à l'aide des données multi-instrumentales de la sonde Cassini-Huygens. A partir de spectres inter-étalonnés des instruments particules de basse énergie (de 0.6 eV à 26 keV) et de haute énergie (de 12keV à 1 MeV), j'ai identifié les populations électroniques présentes dans la magnétosphère de Saturne : une population thermique (quelques eV), une population suprathermique (100-1000 eV), une population d'électrons énergétiques (MeV), et une population de photoélectrons issus de la photo-ionisation du tore de gaz neutre, observée pour la première fois dans la magnétosphère interne (< 5 Rayons saturniens). A partir des profils radiaux des moments fluides des populations électroniques dominantes, j'ai identifié la présence de 3 grandes régions magnétosphériques caractérisées par des régimes plasma différents, séparées par deux frontières localisées à 9 et à 15 Rayons saturniens. L'analyse statistique des profils de moments a révélé une dynamique importante de la couche de plasma et une asymétrie de la distribution des électrons thermiques et suprathermiques en longitude. L'analyse de l'évolution des moments fluides à l'intérieur de chacune des régions magnétosphériques et entre ces régions m'a permis d'identifier d'une part les régions de source, de perte et de transport des populations électroniques, et d'autre part les processus physiques dominants dans ces régions. Sur base de cette analyse, un schéma de circulation des populations d'électrons dans la magnétosphère de Saturne est enfin proposé.
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Waves in space plasmas : Lower hybrid cavities and simple-pole distribution functionsTjulin, Anders January 2003 (has links)
<p>Waves are a fundamental feature in many parts of physics, since they transport energy without transporting matter. This is the case also in space physics. Waves are responsible for energy transport both between different parts of space and between different particles in the space plasma. They are also useful for diagnostics of the space plasma itself. The present thesis considers two different parts of the large subject of space plasma waves: Lower hybrid cavities (LHCs) and simple-pole particle distribution functions.</p><p>The LHCs are localised density depletions that have been observed by several spacecraft. They have increased wave activity in the lower hybrid frequency range, and was previously found on altitudes up to 1750 km. New observations by the Viking and Cluster satellites show that they are common magnetospheric features, at least up to an altitude of 35,000 km. Theoretical results, assuming a cylindrically symmetric density depletion, show that even though the density depletion may decrease slowly with increasing radial distance, and thus be essentially infinite in extent, there is a maximum distance within which a trapped mode, with given wave number <i>k</i><i>z</i> parallel to the geomagnetic field, may propagate. Furthermore, there is a local relation between the plasma density gradient and the lowest possible frequency that the trapped waves can have, for any monotonic density and given <i>k</i><i>z</i>. The combined theoretical and observational results indicate that the length of the cavities is larger than the width by a factor of at least 200.</p><p>Simple-pole particle distribution functions are introduced because they can model high velocity tails of the particle distribution in a way that is not possible to do with Maxwellian distribution functions. These distributions also simplify the calculations. This gives new possibilities for the physical understanding, as well as the numerical calculations, of the dispersion relations of real space plasmas. The dispersion relations of plasmas described by simple-pole distributions are examined, both for unmagnetised and for magnetised plasmas. These examples show how particle populations with the same density and mean particle energy, but with somewhat different distribution functions, have different wave propagation properties that should be observable by existing spacecraft.</p>
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Waves in space plasmas : Lower hybrid cavities and simple-pole distribution functionsTjulin, Anders January 2003 (has links)
Waves are a fundamental feature in many parts of physics, since they transport energy without transporting matter. This is the case also in space physics. Waves are responsible for energy transport both between different parts of space and between different particles in the space plasma. They are also useful for diagnostics of the space plasma itself. The present thesis considers two different parts of the large subject of space plasma waves: Lower hybrid cavities (LHCs) and simple-pole particle distribution functions. The LHCs are localised density depletions that have been observed by several spacecraft. They have increased wave activity in the lower hybrid frequency range, and was previously found on altitudes up to 1750 km. New observations by the Viking and Cluster satellites show that they are common magnetospheric features, at least up to an altitude of 35,000 km. Theoretical results, assuming a cylindrically symmetric density depletion, show that even though the density depletion may decrease slowly with increasing radial distance, and thus be essentially infinite in extent, there is a maximum distance within which a trapped mode, with given wave number kz parallel to the geomagnetic field, may propagate. Furthermore, there is a local relation between the plasma density gradient and the lowest possible frequency that the trapped waves can have, for any monotonic density and given kz. The combined theoretical and observational results indicate that the length of the cavities is larger than the width by a factor of at least 200. Simple-pole particle distribution functions are introduced because they can model high velocity tails of the particle distribution in a way that is not possible to do with Maxwellian distribution functions. These distributions also simplify the calculations. This gives new possibilities for the physical understanding, as well as the numerical calculations, of the dispersion relations of real space plasmas. The dispersion relations of plasmas described by simple-pole distributions are examined, both for unmagnetised and for magnetised plasmas. These examples show how particle populations with the same density and mean particle energy, but with somewhat different distribution functions, have different wave propagation properties that should be observable by existing spacecraft.
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Space Weather Event Modeling of Plasma Injection Into the Inner Magnetosphere with the Rice Convection ModelJanuary 2011 (has links)
The inner magnetosphere modeling is an important component of the magnetosphere simulation frameworks with significant implications for space weather and a. principle methodology to understand the magnetospheric response to changes in the solar wind. The thesis shows our efforts in constructing and validating the contemporary Rice Convection Model (RCM) code and its interface as a next-generation code to predict electric fields, field-aligned currents, and energetic particle fluxes in the inner magnetosphere and subauroral ionosphere during geomagnetic disturbed times. The RCM was used to simulate the geomagnetic storms with fixed boundary conditions of time-dependent Tsyganenko-Mukai boundary conditions. This work shows the results of two extremely- strong storm events with significant interchange motion. The ring current injection predicted by the RCM is shown to be overestimated, consistent with the previous results of overestimating particle fluxes by the RCM. This effect is magnified here since the southward component of interplanetary magnetic field is very strong reaching about 50 nT. Time-dependent Borovsky's boundary condition is implemented and used to alleviate the huge pressure and get better tendency of ring current energy calculated by the Dessler-Parker-Sckopke relation. This work also describes a new module of generalized Knight's relation to compute the parallel potential drops from the calculated field-aligned currents through Vasyliunas equation. It gives different ionospheric conductance and plasma drift signatures particularly around the midnight. The inclusion of parallel electric fields will replace the treatments of energy flux in the substorm simulations since that the Hardy normalization cannot perform the desired function during the substorm expansion phase and the energy flux floor gives arbitrary enhanced the precipitating energy flux and ionospheric conductances at high latitude especially for the westward clectrojet around the midnight. Since the original Knight's relation gives too large field-aligned potential drop, the modified Knight's relation is applied and implemented successfully into the RCM. Therefore, the RCM is capable of real time event simulation including strong geomagnetic storms and magnetospheric substorms, although full validation of model predictions with typical observations remains to be done.
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