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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Jag var tvungen att göra någonting"

Mäkelä, Fanny January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study is to deepen the understanding of how a grass root initiative evolves to become a Non-Governmental Organization based on the example of Refugees Welcome to Malmö and to explore how and why people become volunteers, how the volunteers describe their motivation and experiences of becoming and to be a volunteer in this context, and finally how they think and reflect upon their engagement four months later. Based on semi-structured interviews with ten volunteers who helped asylum seeking refugees in the fall of 2015 in Malmö, this study shows that the main reason for how and why they became volunteers was a combination of an inner motivation and will to help and the possibility to easily get engaged in voluntary action with others. The theoretical framework in the study is Christoph Spurk’s identification and characterization of the seven functions of civil society, and the analysis of the empirical material includes a dialog with relevant findings in previous research. By using a narrative design and a thematic analysis the empirical material has been analyzed, organized and presented. The results speak of a perceived humanitarian purpose even though the volunteers’ engagement could be interpreted as political, in the context of a polarized political climate with racism and political violence against refugees. Refugees Welcome to Malmö fulfilled civil society functions such as service delivery, building community, socialization and intermediation and facilitation between citizens and state. The study shows that volunteering and aiding asylum seeking refugees have been a positive personal and emotional experience, and that the civil society action resulted in new social networks between individuals, organizations and official actors. However, alongside cooperation over religious and political boundaries social processes of conflict and prestige existed in the background.

Additions on historical buildings: The Malmö City- and Garage Library

Mohamad, Zahra, Krabbe, Christfel January 2024 (has links)
This study takes an in-depth look at the architectural journey of the Malmö City Library, paying particular attention to how traditional and modern architectural styles have merged together. We'll closely examine the contributions of architects like John Smedberg and Henning Larsen, who have played pivotal roles in shaping the library's visual identity. Throughout our exploration, we'll unpack key architectural concepts such as architectural rhythm, design contrast, and the principles of parasitic and prosthetic architecture. These concepts will serve as our guideposts as we navigate the complexities of integrating old and new architectural elements seamlessly. By analyzing real-world examples from the Malmö City Library, we'll gain valuable insights into the strategies employed by architects to achieve this harmony. At the core of our investigation lies a quest to understand the transformative power of thoughtful design. The Malmö City Library stands as a testament to this power, offering a tangible example of how architectural innovation can create spaces that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. By examining the historical context and contemporary practices surrounding the library's evolution, we'll uncover the profound impact that architecture can have on our lived experiences. One of the key takeaways from our study is the importance of architectural adaptation. Through careful analysis, we'll uncover the challenges faced by architects as they sought to blend tradition with innovation. By studying the successes and failures of projects like the Malmö City Library, we'll gain a deeper understanding of the strategies that underpin successful architectural transformations. Ultimately, our research aims to contribute to a greater understanding of the role of architecture in shaping our built environment. By shining a spotlight on the architectural evolution of the Malmö City Library, we hope to inspire future generations of architects to approach their work with creativity, sensitivity, and a deep appreciation for the transformative potential of design. With this essay we will also be crafting a project proposal based on our comprehensive study and research into the topic of additions on existing buildings. Our focus will be on expanding the library Garaget, employing our expertise in the field and aligning with the specific needs of the library. Through this endeavor, we aim not only to enhance the Garaget library but also to promote its significance within the community in the area.

Malmö stads förtätningsstrategier : En jämförelse mellan ett miljonprogramsområde och ett nyare område i Malmö / Malmö city densification strategies : A comparison between a Million Program area and a newly-built area in Malmö

Bondeson, Måns, Nilsson, Alicia January 2024 (has links)
Bristen på bostäder som tillgodoser Malmö stads förväntade befolkningsantal i kombination med ett ökat fokus på miljön och klimatet har resulterat i ett skifte i hur det planeras och utvecklas i våra städer. Förtätning har kommit att bli ett ideal samt en trend inom stadsutveckling och planering som anses tillgodose en ökad urbanisering i kombination med att möjliggöra för en mer hållbar stadsutveckling. I Malmö stads översiktsplan används förtätning som en av strategierna för att nå målet om en tät, grön och blandad stad.  Bellevuegården och södra Hyllie är två områden i Malmö som är framväxta under olika stadsplaneideal. Bellevuegården från miljonprogramseran med modernistisk planering som ideal respektive Hyllie som planerats och utvecklats i nutid när förtätning råder som ideal och trend. Genom dokumentstudier och intervjuer söker denna uppsats svar på hur Malmö stads förtätningsstrategier förekommer i två olika områden som är framväxta under olika ideal som ovan nämnda. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka om förtätning är ett hållbart tillvägagångssätt och om det anses vara vägen att gå för vidare utveckling. Resultatet av studien visar att beroende på vilka ideal områden är framväxta under så skiljer sig strategierna för att förtäta i området. Olika perspektiv behöver vägas mot varandra för att utfallet ska bli så bra som möjligt. I redan befintliga och äldre områden som Bellevuegården är det stort fokus på att förhålla sig till den befintliga byggnationen och därmed behöva ta innergårdar och dylikt i anspråk för att kunna anpassa detta till dagens trender och problem. Syftet med förtätning i redan befintliga områden bör därmed vara att området ska kompletteras med funktioner och bostäder som anses saknas idag. Detta gör att aktörerna ställs inför utmaningar gällande bland annat att de boende i området inte ska påverkas negativt i form av högre levnadskostnader eller risken att området gentrifieras på grund av att området nu får bättre standard. I nyare områden som södra Hyllie är grunden likt en blank canvas och det byggs därmed med täta kvarter med plats för höga andelar invånare på mindre yta. Marken som tas i anspråk här är istället högkvalitativ jordbruksmark och något som anses behöva kompenseras med att utveckla klimatsmarta och klimatvänliga områden. / The lack of housing that meets Malmö city’s expected population, in combination with an increased focus on the environment and climate, has resulted in a shift in how our cities are planned and developed. Densification has become an ideal and a trend in urban development and planning which is considered to accommodate increased urbanization in combination with enabling sustainable urban development. In Malmö city's general plan, densification is used as one of the strategies to achieve the goal of a dense, green and mixed city. Bellevuegården and southern Hyllie are two areas in Malmö that have emerged under different urban planning ideals. Bellevuegården from the million program era with modernist planning as ideal and Hyllie as planned and developed in the present with densification prevails as ideal and trend. Through document studies and interviews, this study seeks to understand how Malmö city’s densification strategies occur in the two different areas with different prerequisites, meaning that they have emerged under different ideals as previously mentioned. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate whether it is considered the way to go or not.  The results of the study show that depending on under which ideal areas have emerged, the strategies for densification in the area differ. Different perspectives need to be weighed against each other in order for the outcome to be as good as possible. In already established and older areas such as Bellevuegården, there is a great emphasis on relating to the existing architecture, thus having to utilize courtyards and the like in order to be able to adapt to today’s trends and challenges. This means that the actors are faced with challenges regarding partly the residents of the area in order not to affect them negatively in the form of higher living costs or the risk of the area being gentrified, but also because the aim is for the area to be supplemented with functions and housing that are considered lacking today. In newer areas such as southern Hyllie, the foundation is like a blank canvas and it is therefore built with dense blocks with room for high proportions of residents on a smaller surface area. The land that is used here is instead high-quality agricultural land and something that is considered to need to be compensated for by developing climate-smart and climate-friendly areas.

Den äldrevänliga staden : En studie om Malmö stad och äldreperspektivet i fysisk planering / The age-friendly city : A study of Malmo municipality and elderlyperspective in spatial planning

Brorsson, Jacquelin, Mandegård, Isabelle January 2023 (has links)
Det pågår en demografisk förändring i Malmö stad. Inom 10 år beräknas antalet äldre i kommunen att öka med cirka 10 000 personer. Med anledning av detta syftar denna jämförande fallstudie att undersöka hur kommunen förhåller sig till den äldre befolkningsgruppen i den fysiska planeringen genom antagandet av ett äldreperspektiv. Uppsatsen ska undersöka och redogöra för vilka behov äldre personer har i stadens fysiska utformning, hur kommunens äldreperspektiv ser ut i dagens fysiska planering samt hur kommunen kan bli mer äldrevänlig. Här används teorier kring åldrandet, WHO:s äldrevänliga stad och hälsofrämjande planering för att analysera strategiska planeringsdokument och kommunens förhållningssätt till äldres behov i stadens fysiska utformning. Studien är byggd på empiriskt material insamlat genom en jämförande fallstudie mellan Sveriges tre största kommuner till befolkningsantal; Stockholm stad, Göteborg stad och Malmö stad. De behov som äldre har i staden präglas av tillgänglighet, säkra övergångsställen, trygghet, promenadstråk, grönområden, tillgängliga bostäder, sittplatser, tillgång till service och sociala mötesplatser. Man vill som äldre också ha ett större inflytande över den fysiska miljön. Äldreperspektivet bör härstamma direkt från äldre genom dialog, intervjuer, enkätstudier och statistik. Det innebär att äldreperspektivet kan ta sig i uttryck olika beroende på plats och är lokalt förankrat. Därav går det att se att Malmö stad har ett äldreperspektiv i fysisk planering vad gäller boende, då man i samband med boendeaspekterna vänt sig direkt till äldre i staden. Detta har man däremot inte gjort vad gäller utomhusmiljöer och byggnader, transport eller sociala mötesplatser vilket gör att Malmö stads äldreperspektiv har brister. Malmö stad kan bli mer äldrevänlig genom att bli medlemmar i WHO:s äldrevänliga stad, något som Malmö stad åtog sig att göra 2019. Processen har dock förhalats på grund av en politisk oenighet. Ett medlemskap i WHO:s äldrevänliga stad innebär att Malmö stad behöver föra aktiva dialoger med äldre vad gäller den fysiska miljön. Det innebär också att äldrefrågor lyfts på förvaltningsövergripande nivå som kräver en tvärsektoriell samverkan för att belysa äldrefrågor även i rumsliga miljöer. Ett medlemskap i WHO:s äldrevänliga stad innebär att Malmö stads äldreperspektiv stärks och anpassas efter stadens egna förutsättningar. Nyckelord: Äldreperspektiv, seniorperspektiv, äldrevänlig stad, fysisk planering, Malmöstad, tillgänglighet / There is an ongoing demographic change in the municipality of Malmö. Within 10 years, the number of elderly people in the municipality is estimated to increase by around 10 000 people. Due to this, this comparative case study aims to investigate how the municipality relates to the elderly population in spatial planning through the adoption of an elderly perspective. The essay will examine and explain the needs of elderly people in spatial planning, how the municipality´s elderly perspective looks in spatial planning and how the municipality can become more age-friendly. Theories of ageing, WHO:s framework for creating age-friendly cities and health-promoting planning are used to analyse strategic planning documents and the municipality’s approach to the needs of the elderly in the elderly in the spatial planning. The study is based on empirical material collected through a comparative case study between Sweden ́s three largest municipalities in terms of population; Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö. The needs of elderly people in spatial planning are characterised by accessibility, safe road crossings, security, accessible walkingpaths, green areas, accessible housing, places to sit, access to services and places for social connection, as well as a wish for greater influence over the physical environment. The elderly perspective should originate directly from the elderly through dialogue, interviews, survey studies and statistics. Wherefore the elderly perspective can express itself differently depending on location, and is locally anchored. Malmö has an elderly perspective in spatial planning with regard to housing, as Malmö has turned directly to the elderly in the city with the housing aspects. However, this has not been done with regard to outdoor environmentsand buildings, transport or social meeting places, which results in a deficient elderlyperspective. Malmö can become more age-friendly by becoming a member of WHO:s network for Age-friendly Cities, something that the municipality committed to do in 2019. However, the process has been delayed due to a political disagreement. Membership in the network means that the municipality needs to conduct active dialogues with the elderly regarding the physical environment. It also means that elderly issues are raised at an administration-wide level, which requires a cross-sector collaboration to shed light on elderly issues in the spatial environment as well. The membership means that the elderly perspective is strengthened and adapted to Malmö municipalities own conditions. Keywords: Elderly perspective, senior perspective, age-friendly cities and communities,physical planning, Malmö city, accessibility

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