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Evento adverso pós-vacinação e erro de imunização: da perspectiva epidemiológica à percepção dos profissionais da saúde / Adverse event following immunization and immunization error: from the epidemiological perspective to the perception of health professionalsLucia Helena Linheira Bisetto 06 March 2017 (has links)
Introdução: o aumento da cobertura vacinal reduziu a incidência das doenças imunopreveníveis, elevando os casos de Evento Adverso Pós-Vacinação e Erro de imunização. Objetivo: analisar os erros de imunização e a percepção de vacinadores sobre os fatores que contribuem para a sua ocorrência. Método: abordagem mista, desenvolvida em duas fases: primeira, quantitativa, descritiva, documental, retrospectiva, no período de 2003 a 2013. Utilizados dados secundários do Brasil e primários e secundários do Paraná Sistema de Informação de Eventos Adversos Pós-Vacinação e relatório de erros de imunização do Programa de Imunização. A segunda, qualitativa, exploratória, prospectiva, tendo como referencial a Teoria do Erro Humano, realizada com vacinadores da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba que notificaram erro de imunização em 2013. Classificação do erro de imunização: com evento adverso e sem evento adverso. Para o cálculo das taxas de incidência de erro e diagrama de dispersão, foi utilizado o software SPSS versão 23.0 ajustados pelo Modelo de Regressão Linear Simples. Na fase II, os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas e observação não participante, analisados segundo Bardin, utilizando o Web Qualitative Data Analysis WebQDA. Resultados: de 2003 a 2013, no Brasil e no Paraná, o abscesso subcutâneo quente foi o erro de imunização com evento adverso mais frequente. Os menores de um ano foram os mais atingidos pelos erros e a BCG teve taxa de incidência mais elevada. A incidência do erro de imunização com evento adverso aumentou ao longo do período, enquanto o sem evento adverso, elevou-se expressivamente em 2012. A análise da tendência no Paraná de 2003 a 2018, revelou crescimento anual, com elevação contínua da incidência, para ambos, mostrando ainda que a elevação dos percentuais e taxas ocorreu nas campanhas de vacinação, introdução de novas vacinas e mudanças no Calendário Nacional de Vacinação. Nas observações das 26 salas de vacinação, identificou-se: refrigerador não exclusivo, falhas na higienização das mãos (78%), não abordagem sobre possíveis contraindicações ou adiamento da vacinação. Foram entrevistados 115 vacinadores, 96% mulheres, 42% entre 30 a 39 anos, 54% com nível médio de escolaridade e 53% formados há cinco anos ou mais. Atuavam na sala de vacinação entre 3 a 11 anos, 71% realizavam atividades concomitantes em outros setores e 76% não tinham outro emprego. A entrevista revelou que 47% dos vacinadores tinham conhecimento de erro de imunização no seu trabalho, 8,7% estiveram envolvidos em erros e 1,7% referiram haver subnotificação. Dos discursos dos vacinadores emergiram três categorias analíticas: fatores humanos (57,3%), institucionais/organizacionais (34%) e ambientais (8,7%). Das categorias empíricas, destacou-se fatores psicológicos (43,2%) e das subcategorias: distração (21,4%) e estresse (20,9%). Conclusões: o erro de imunização é causado pela interação de múltiplos fatores. Mantendo-se os cenários, as incidências de erro de imunização, com ou sem evento adverso, tendem a continuar ascendentes até 2018. Campanhas, novas vacinas e mudanças no calendário de vacinação aumentam o risco de erro de imunização. Na visão dos vacinadores, a ocorrência de erro de imunização está relacionada, principalmente, a fatores psicológicos e gestão de pessoas. A maioria dos erros de imunização é potencialmente prevenível, desde que a sua ocorrência e causas sejam identificadas. / Introduction: the increase in vaccination coverage reduced the incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases, increasing the number of cases of Adverse Events Following Vaccination and Immunization Error. Objective: to analyze the immunization errors and the perception of vaccinators on the factors that contribute to their occurrence. Method: mixed approach, developed in two phases: the first being quantitative, descriptive, documentary, retrospective, in the period from 2003 to 2013. Secondary data from Brazil and primary data from Paraná were used Surveillance System of Adverse Events Following Vaccination and immunization error reports of the Immunization Program. The second, qualitative, exploratory, prospective phase had as reference the Theory of Human Error, performed with vaccinators of the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba who reported immunization errors in 2013. Classification of immunization error: with and without adverse event. For the calculation of the incidence rates of error and dispersion diagram, the SPSS software version 23.0 was used, adjusted through the Simple Linear Regression Model. In phase II, the data were collected through interviews and non-participant observation, analyzed according to Bardin, using the Web Qualitative Data Analysis WebQDA software. Results: from 2003 to 2013, in Brazil and Paraná, warm subcutaneous abscess was the most frequent immunization error with adverse event. Children under one year old were the most affected by the errors and BCG had higher incidence rate. The incidence of immunization error with adverse event increased over the period, while its incidence without adverse event increased significantly in 2012. The analysis of the trend in Paraná from 2003 to 2018 showed annual growth, with continuous increase in incidence, for both, also showing that the increase of the percentages and rates occurred during the vaccination campaigns, introduction of new vaccines and changes in the National Vaccination Calendar. During the observation of the 26 vaccination rooms, the following were identified: non-exclusive cooler, failures in the sanitation of hands (78%), no addressing of the possible contraindications or postponement of vaccination. 115 vaccinators were interviewed, 96% women, 42% between 30 and 39 years of age, 54% with average level of education and 53% graduated for five years or more. They had been working in the vaccination room for 3 to 11 years, 71% performed concomitant activities in other sectors and 76% did not have another job. The interview revealed that 47% of vaccinators were aware of immunization errors in their work, 8.7% were involved in errors and 1.7% declared there being underreporting. The speeches of the vaccinators resulted in three analytical categories: human (57.3%), institutional/organizational (34%) and environmental (8.7%) factors. Those which stood out, of the empirical categories, were the psychological factors (43.2%), and of the subcategories, distraction (21.4%) and stress (20.9%). Immunization error is caused by the interaction between multiple factors. Conclusions: if kept constant, the scenarios and incidence of immunization errors, with or without adverse event, tend to continue increasing up to 2018. Campaigns, new vaccines and changes in the vaccination calendar increase the risk of immunization error. For the vaccinators, the occurrence of immunization error is related mainly to psychological factors and people management. Most immunization errors are potentially preventable, provided their occurrence and causes are identified.
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A aplicação do código de defesa do consumidor às ações judiciais por alegado erro médico / The application of the Code of Consumers for alleged medical malpractice suits.Andréia Cristina Scapin 07 June 2010 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a responsabilidade do médico dentro do contexto doutrinário e jurisprudencial da atualidade e demonstrar, a partir da análise de ações judiciais por alegado erro médico, propostas perante o Poder Judiciário, que os direitos atribuídos ao consumidor pelo Código de Defesa do Consumidor, bem como as prerrogativas de facilitação do acesso ao judiciário atualmente são aplicados pelos profissionais do Direito ao exercício da atividade médica de forma generalizada, ou seja, tanto em relação às sociedades empresárias hospitais, clínicas e planos de saúde, quanto aos profissionais liberais, sem considerar que o §4º do artigo 14 do Código de Defesa do Consumidor, ao estabelecer como requisito para a responsabilidade do profissional liberal a comprovação de culpa (imprudência, negligência e imperícia), determina, a contrario sensu, a aplicação das normas do Código Civil, de forma que, também as prerrogativas de facilitação de acesso ao judiciário, exclusivas da legislação de consumo, não poderiam ser aplicadas ao exercício da atividade pelo profissional liberal. / This study aims at analyzing physicians responsibilities at both the doctrinal and jurisprudential levels to date. Thus, it also aims to show, from an analysis of alleged medical malpractice suits filed in the judiciary power, that the consumers rights guaranteed by the Code of Consumers Defense, as well as the privileges of access to the judiciary power, are currently applied by law professionals for the medical practice in a general way, meaning that both business corporations, hospitals, clinics and health insurance companies, as well as liberal professionals, not mentioning the fourth paragraph of clause 14 from the Code of Consumers Defense, which regulates liberal professionals responsibilities to establish guilt of imprudence, negligence or malpractice, it is, however, guided by the application of the rules from the Civil Code, in a sense that the privileges of access to the judiciary power could not be applied to the liberal Professionals medical practice, either.
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Alternative dispute resolution in medical malpractice in south AfricaNwedamutsu, Tsepo January 2020 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / South Africa has seen a spike in medical malpractice litigation, including the number and size
of claims instituted against healthcare practitioners. This has led to a backlog in medical
malpractice court cases throughout South Africa and a strain on both the public and private
healthcare sectors, affecting an already burdened healthcare system. The surge in medical
malpractice litigation is not a new phenomenon in developed countries. Most have curbed
this through alternative dispute resolution (ADR). This has been facilitated by effectively
introducing efficient legal frameworks that promote ADR. Unfortunately, this is not the case
in a developing country such as South Africa.
To date, much research and literature has attributed blame for the large-scale increase in
medical malpractice litigation to legal practitioners. This has been aided by comments made
by the former Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi (Dr Motsoaledi). In as much as this
may be the common perception, there appears, to the contrary, to be systematic problems
in the South African healthcare system. The legal profession is only a minor contributing factor
to the increase in medical malpractice litigation. The strained financial resources and shortage
of healthcare staff in public hospitals contributes to the increased risk of medical malpractice
cases. Furthermore, when considering the South African legal system, contingency fee
arrangements have, in certain circumstances, increased vexatious litigation and, as such, it is
on this basis that medical malpractice litigation has been on the increase in South African
courts. This study seeks to analyse the current state of the South African healthcare system,
and in light of the increasing number of medical practice claims and litigation, propose ADR
mechanisms that offer efficient, cost effective, and expeditious channels to resolving these
issues and to ensure that parties recognise the full benefits of ADR.
This study proposes legal reform in medical malpractice litigation in South Africa. This thesis
compares the experiences, legislative and policy frameworks in Australia and the United
States of America (USA), in order to learn lessons that could assist South Africa in framing
legislation and best practices for ADR. It contends that, in order to effectively develop and
implement ADR to address medical malpractice litigation, it requires the involvement of the
government, legislature, judiciary, legal profession and the public. It has identified court-
annexed mediation as the appropriate ADR mechanism in addressing medical malpractice
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Manipulation or abuse of power? An exploration of the sermon as a motivational speech / Manipulation oder Machtmissbrauch? Eine Untersuchung der Predigt als MotivationsredeReutimann, Stephen 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries in German and English / Die vorliegende Arbeit ist innerhalb der Praktischen Theologie den interdisziplinären Forschungsrichtungen „Christian Leadership" und Homiletik zuzuordnen, weil sie das Thema Verkündigung aus dem Aspekt der Leitung betrachtet. Es wird erklärt, dass die Predigt ein Akt der Kommunikation des Evangeliums und daher eine gute Botschaft in Form und Inhalt ist. Sie wird aber nicht selten als eine Motivationsrede genutzt, die inakzeptablen Druck auf die Hörer ausübt und ethische Fragen rund um Macht und Manipulation veranlasst. Um diese ethische Fragen zu berücksichtigen, werden fünf Predigten aus Freien Evangelischen Gemeinden in der Schweiz nach der „Heidelberger Methode“ der Predigtanalyse untersucht unter Beachtung der Wirkung von sprachlichen Stilmitteln. Die Analyse ergab, dass die Verkündiger ihre Hörer motivieren wollen – dies geschieht aber nicht immer auf eine dem Evangelium angemessene Art und Weise. Oft werden zu viele unterschiedliche Themen angesprochen und auch undurchführbare und überfordernde Aufträge an die Hörer vermittelt / The aspect of motivating through preaching is researched within the disciplines of Christian Leadership and Homiletics in Practical Theology. It is argued that the sermon is an act of communication, proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ in form and content, but it also can be used as a motivational speech, often transforming the gospel one-sidedly into a law and putting pressure on the listeners. This brings certain ethical questions, such as the use of power and possible manipulation of the hearer, into the equation. With a view to these ethical questions, five sermons from pastors in Free Evangelical Congregations in Switzerland are analysed by means of an adapted version of the “Heidelberger Model of Preaching Analysis”, looking at the use of rhetoric and linguistic styling in order to motivate the listeners. The analyses show that preachers do not always succeed in motivating the listeners in a way that is appropriate to the gospel and that listeners sometimes are overloaded with impracticable or overtaxing expectations. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Christian Leadership)
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Liability of teachers for school accidentsUnknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this study is to gather and to present information on the liability structure of our legal system in such a manner as to help the classroom teacher to understand more fully his legal responsibilities and thus relieve him of unwarranted fears regarding accidents and injuries resulting from classroom activities. It is hoped that this study will ultimately contribute to the security of those who read it and give encouragement to those who seek to enrich their classes by means of the experience type curriculum. / Typescript. / "A Paper." / "Submitted to the Graduate Council of Florida State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science." / "August, 1956." / Advisor: Edna E. Parker, Professor Directing Paper. / Includes bibliographical references.
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Visselblåsning - möjlighet eller bekymmer? : En undersökning hur skolledare upplever sin roll och vilket stöd som finns när en medarbetare visselblåser.Sandberg, Johan, Volkevics, Marie January 2021 (has links)
The possibility to report misconduct at your workplace is fundamental in the public sector. Studies about employees who blow the whistle have been made before but not from the perspective of the manager and how they handle it and what kind of support they have. The meaning of this study is from a manager perspective, in this case school leaders, is to see what kind of support they have and what role the school leader has, if they are representing the teachers or the political administration. Based on different theories concerning whistleblowing and different kinds of official types and organizational models, this study intends to answer where school leaders see themselves in the borderland between working based on the Education Act and based on the Local Government Act and the economic rule that prevail. The study also deals with the power perspective based on the school leader’s role in the own organization’s hierarchy, both as the highest in command at its school unit and as subordinate to an administration/board/owner. In this study, seven school leaders and one person who is very familiar with how the administration works with issues concerning misconduct are interviewed. Based on the answers from those interviews, it has been possible to draw some conclusions and see several common denominates among the respondents, including that school leaders rely more on their own profession when it comes to problem management than using the administration’s/head office’s collective expertise. / Möjligheten att rapportera missförhållanden på sin arbetsplats är en grundläggande del i den offentliga verksamheten. Visselblåsning gjorda av medarbetare har varit föremål för studier tidigare men chefens perspektiv av att kunna hantera dem och stödet de får när det sker finns inte dokumenterat i samma utsträckning. Syftet är att utifrån ett chefsperspektiv, i detta fall skolledare, undersöka det stöd som finns och vilken roll som skolledare främst företräder, lärarkåren eller huvudmannen. Utifrån olika teorier som rör visselblåsning och olika typer av tjänstepersonstyper samt organisationsmodeller ämnar denna undersökning svara på vad skolledare ser sig själva som i gränslandet mellan att arbeta utifrån skollagen och utifrån kommunallagen och de ekonomiska regler som råder där. Undersökningen behandlar även maktperspektivet utifrån skolledarens roll i den egna organisationens hierarki, både som högst ansvarig på sin skolenhet och som underställd en förvaltning/nämnd eller styrelse/ägare. I denna undersökning intervjuas sju skolledare och en person som är insatt i hur förvaltningen arbetar med frågor som rör missförhållanden. Utifrån intervjuerna har det gått att dra slutsatser och se flera gemensamma nämnare hos respondenterna, bland annat att skolledare förlitar sig mer på den egna professionen när det kommer till problemhantering än att använda sig av förvaltningens/huvudkontorets samlade expertis.
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Law, Psychiatry and psychology : a selection of constitutional, medico-legal and liability issuesSwanepoel, Magdaleen 30 June 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive process for identifying and addressing primarily constitutional, medico-legal and liability issues, and in addition ethical, social and scientific issues related to the psychiatric and psychology professions in South Africa. In fulfilling this purpose, a comprehensive search is conducted of relevant historical, ethical, philosophical and clinical aspects pertaining to psychiatry and psychology, as well as an evaluation of the current juridical framework regarding the legal liability of the psychiatrist and psychologist balanced against the constitutional rights of the mentally disordered patient in South Africa. Recommendations are made for the establishment of any new controls needed to mitigate and prevent the exposure of mentally disordered patients, further attempting to provide specific remedies to adapt the current juridical framework in South Africa. The examination is conducted within the framework of the South African and United Kingdom's legal systems. Focus is placed on aspects of medical law, human rights law (as envisaged in the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996), criminal law and the law of delict and, to a lesser extent, administrative law and the law of evidence. / Law / LL.D.
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Law, Psychiatry and psychology : a selection of constitutional, medico-legal and liability issuesSwanepoel, Magdaleen 30 June 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive process for identifying and addressing primarily constitutional, medico-legal and liability issues, and in addition ethical, social and scientific issues related to the psychiatric and psychology professions in South Africa. In fulfilling this purpose, a comprehensive search is conducted of relevant historical, ethical, philosophical and clinical aspects pertaining to psychiatry and psychology, as well as an evaluation of the current juridical framework regarding the legal liability of the psychiatrist and psychologist balanced against the constitutional rights of the mentally disordered patient in South Africa. Recommendations are made for the establishment of any new controls needed to mitigate and prevent the exposure of mentally disordered patients, further attempting to provide specific remedies to adapt the current juridical framework in South Africa. The examination is conducted within the framework of the South African and United Kingdom's legal systems. Focus is placed on aspects of medical law, human rights law (as envisaged in the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996), criminal law and the law of delict and, to a lesser extent, administrative law and the law of evidence. / Law / LL.D.
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Aspects of banker liability : disclosure and other duties of bankers towards customers and suretiesVan Rensburg, Hermanus Lourens Jansen 01 January 2002 (has links)
Suretyships given in favour of banks are being challenged in the courts on the basis of equitable doctrines of unconscionable conduct, undue influence, or statutory provisions dealing with unfair conduct or unfair contract terms.
This thesis is an enquiry into a bank's duties of disclosure or advice to an intending surety. Such an investigation also necessitates a study of the relationship between banker and customer, as the surety is quite often a customer of the bank as well, and, as a surety's obligation to the bank is an accessory obligation, the obligation is dependent on a valid principal obligation between the bank and the principal debtor - the customer.
The face of modern banking has, however, changed dramatically and most major banks have become multi-functional. As a result, the banker-customer relationship may often be seen as a fiduciary relationship. A major problem brought about my multi-functioning banks is that of conflicts of interest between the bank and its customer. Furthermore, the banker-customer relationship is providing much more scope for lender liability than in the past.
Various factors are currently having an impact on the law of contract, and this is expected to affect the legal policy makers in their assessments of whether a duty of disclosure of material facts exits or not.
A surety has long been a favoured debtor in the eyes of the law, and the courts have developed a plethora of technical principles on which a surety can be relieved of his obligation. The escape routes of the surety, especially if he is a consumer as well, on the new grounds of public policy, unconscionability, good faith or unreasonableness, are growing. The results of these trends is the expected demise of suretyship as an acceptable, cheap form of debt security in the banking sector. / Jurisprudence / LL.D.
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The role of structural factors underlying incidences of extreme opportunism in financial marketsBruce, Johannes Conradie 30 September 2007 (has links)
A sociological approach is used to analyze incidences of extreme opportunism in financial markets. Through an analysis of arguably the most widely publicized "rogue" trader events in recent history, a determination is made of the validity of explaining these events as aberrations, attributable to the actions of "rogues". The primary focus is the role of structural factors underlying these incidences of extreme opportunism in financial markets. A diverse range of documentary and other sources is used to avoid any form of bias as far as possible. It was found that structural factors act as countervailing forces to inhibit such behavior or as motivators and facilitators acting as catalysts for extreme opportunism. The balance between these factors largely determines the level of opportunistic behavior in a particular environment. Extreme opportunism is therefore not an aberration or "rogue" occurrence but a manageable phenomenon intrinsic to the social structural context within which it occurs.
By conceptualizing these factors as countervailing forces one is forced to view structural factors, like compensation structures and formal and informal restraints, relative to one another and no longer in isolation. This realization translates into the conclusion that restraints and oversight systems for example, should be designed relative to the relevant motivators and facilitators in its area of application. In an environment where traders of highly geared financial products are motivated with multimillion USD incentive packages, a low budget oversight system and inexperienced regulatory staff, is clearly not the appropriate tools to control and manage extreme opportunism. / Criminology / D.Phil. (Sociology)
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