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Issues in investment risk: a supply-side and demand-side analysis of the Australian managed fund industry.Hallahan, Terrence Anthony, terry.hallahan@rmit.edu.au January 2006 (has links)
The investment management industry has proven to be a fertile ground for theoretical and empirical research over the past forty years, particularly in relation to the nature and quantification of risk. However, the dominance of the U.S. industry has meant that much of the academic research has focused on the U.S. market. This thesis investigates aspects of investment risk using alternative data to that used in much of the prior published research. This thesis contains an extensive analysis of aspects of risk related to both the demand side and the supply side of the managed funds market in Australia. Among the demand side characteristics, attitudes towards risk and their impact on asset allocation decisions will be an important determinant of investors' financial well-being, particularly in retirement. Accordingly, the first part of the thesis examines the financial risk tolerance of investors, exploring the relationship between subjective financial risk tolerance and a range of demographic characteristics that are widely used as a basis for heuristically derived estimates of investors' attitudes towards financial risk. The second part of the thesis contains an analysis of the supply side of the industry, focusing on risk-shifting behavior by investment fund managers. Since the time when performance and risk-shifting behavior of fund managers was first put under the spotlight 40 years ago, it is possible to identify an evolving strand in the research where performance assessment is examined within the framework of the principal-agent literature. One focus that has emerged in this literature is the adaption of the tournament model to the analysis of investment manager behavior, wherein it is hypothesized that fund managers who were interim losers were likely to increase fund volatility in the latter part of the assessment period to a greater extent than interim winners. Against this background, the second part of the thesis examines risk-shifting behavior by Australian fund managers. Both the ability of fund managers to time the market and the applicability of the tournament model of funds management to a segment of the Australian
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The effects of constraints on the performance of actively managed funds in relation to their benchmark indicesEiselen, Linda Minette January 2018 (has links)
Actively-managed funds have recently come under fire as it has been determined that
they consistently underperform passive funds. Benchmarking, and the constraints
placed on actively-managed funds, are standard practices within the industry, but
research suggests that these constraints negatively affect fund performance.
This research paper explores the effectiveness of actively-managed funds in relation to
their benchmark indices, in terms of tracking errors and weighting constraints. This is
done by qualifying the effect of these constraints on the performance of hypothetically
constructed portfolios in relation to the FTSE / JSE Top 40 Index. The results are
presented graphically and show that tracking error limits did, as expected, limit the
possible upside returns of these funds. It was found however, that the tracking error
constraints had a much greater effect on limiting downside risk than they had on
limiting upside effects. Weighting limitations did not have a single universal effect on
the simulated portfolios’ performance but affect performance in conjunction with
tracking error limits.
It was concluded that for the hypothetically constructed portfolios for the period studied,
constraints did not affect the possible upside return to such a magnitude that the
constraints themselves could account for the underperformance of actively managed
funds and they had an overall positive effect on performance. / Mini Dissertation (MBA)--University of Pretoria, 2018. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / MBA / Unrestricted
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Passive Investing's Implications for Actively Managed FundsEverett, John M 01 January 2019 (has links)
In theory, as a greater share of capital is invested passively rather than actively managed, stock prices will be freer to diverge from fair value, resulting in marginally less efficient equity markets. The effect should be an amplification of managerial skill, which manifests itself in the tails of α distributions. I find evidence that mutual fund α distributions differ increasingly as a function of the share of assets invested in passive vehicles. However, I find no evidence that the “tailedness” of the distributions increases as a function of the share of assets invested passively. This may be a result of the limited sample size, or it may be that higher levels of passive share are required for this effect to materialize.
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Aktiv fondförvaltning inom Premiepensionssystemet / Active Fund Management within the PremiepensionssystemetRosengren, Hampus, Svensson, Johan January 2014 (has links)
Valet mellan aktiv respektive passiv fondförvaltning har sedan länge varit en omdiskuterad fråga inom privata fondsparandet. På senare tid har frågan kommit att återaktualiserat efter att de aktivt förvaltade storfonderna Allemansfond komplett och Kapitalinvest anklagats för vilseledande marknadsföring, då de inte har generat en högre avkastning än den generella marknaden. Inom den akademiska världen har erkända forskare och sedermera pristagare av Sveriges Riksbanks pris i ekonomisk vetenskap till Alfred Nobels minne, påvisat att aktivt förvaltade fonder inte kan generera en högre avkastning med hänsyn till förvaltningsavgifterna. Utifrån förvaltningsavgifterna påvisade betydelse har vi valt att studera effekten av de rabatterade förvaltningsavgifterna, inom Premiepensionssystemet. Studiens syfte är således att under tidsperioden, 1 januari 2004 till 31 december 2013, analysera om aktiv förvaltade fonder har genererat en högre riskjusterad avkastning än passivt förvaltade fonder, då hänsyn tagits till de rabatterade förvaltningsavgifterna. Studien baserades på dagliga marknadsnoteringar av 174 aktivt förvaltade premiepensionsfonder och årliga förvaltningsavgifter. Vidare använde vi oss av ett globalt aktiemarknadsindex, MSCI World, som utifrån definitionen av passivt förvaltade fonder var synonymt med studiens jämförelseindex. I enlighet med studiens syfte använde vi oss av det riskjusterade avkastningsmåttet Sharpekvot för att kunna besvara studiens frågeställning. Resultatet av studien påvisade att aktivt förvaltade fonder har genererat en högre avkastning än passivt förvaltade fonder då hänsyn tagits till förvaltningsavgifter. Då även fondernas risktagande togs i anspråk blev resultatet det motsatta och vi kan därigenom konstatera att aktivt förvaltade fonder har generat en lägre riskjusterad avkastning är passivt förvaltade fonder. Vidare har vi även kunnat konstatera att aktivt förvaltade fonder med låga förvaltningsavgifter har generat en högre såväl avkastning som riskjusterad avkastning än aktivt förvaltade fonder med höga förvaltningsavgifter. / The choice between active and passive fund management has long been a contentious issue within the private mutual fund investments. Lately, the issue has been widely discussed since the actively managed funds Allemansfond komplett and Kapitalinvest was accused of misleading marketing, since their performance has not overachieved the return of the general market. In the academic world, recognized scholars and later Laureate of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, has demonstrated that actively managed funds cannot generate a higher return with regard to management fees. Based on the importance of the management fees, we have chosen to study the effect of the discount management fees, within the Premiepensionssystemet. Therefore the study's objective is to analyse whether active managed funds have generated higher risk-adjusted returns than passively managed funds, reduced for the discounted management fees. The study will be limited to analyse the period between the 1st January 2004 to 31th December 20103 The study was based on daily market quotations of 174 actively managed Premiepensionsfonder and annual management fees. Furthermore, we used a global stock market index, MSCI World, by the definition of passively managed funds that was synonymous with the study's benchmark. In accordance with the study’s purpose, we used the risk-adjusted performance measure Sharpe ratio in order to answer the research question. The results of this study demonstrated that actively managed funds have generated higher returns than passively managed funds, reduced for the discounted management fees. When the funds' risk taking was committed, the result is the opposite, and we can thus conclude that actively managed funds have yield a lower risk-adjusted returns than passively managed funds. Furthermore, we also noted that actively managed funds with low management fees has generated higher returns as well as risk-adjusted returns than actively managed funds with high management fees.
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Fondförvaltning : Går det fortfarande inte att generera en större riskjusterad avkastning än marknadens?Ahl Bollesparr, Marcus, Andrea John, Michelle January 2019 (has links)
Många svenska hushåll fondsparar och 2018 uppgick fondsparandet i genomsnitt till 434 000 kronor per person. Nobelpristagaren Fama (1970) påvisade att det inte är möjligt att generera en högre riskjusterad avkastning än marknadens. Samtidigt finns det fortfarande mängder av aktivt förvaltade fonder som utlovar högre avkastning än marknaden. Därmed är det alltjämt otydligt för småsparare om passivt eller aktivt förvaltade fonder genererar störst avkastning. Till skillnad från liknande tidigare studier, har denna studie ett större urval av fonder. Syftet är att undersöka vilket fondalternativ som mest gynnar investerares avkastning på den svenska marknaden. Syftet uppfylls genom att prestationsmåtten Sharpekvot och Jensens Alfa, för utvärdering av fondernas avkastning, undersöks. Resultaten visade att det inte är möjligt att generera en högre riskjusterad avkastning över den valda tidsperioden. Generellt hade indexfonderna bland de högre riskjusterade avkastningarna, jämfört med de aktivt förvaltade fonderna. Vilket även tyder på att en högre fondavgift är omotiverad. / Many Swedish households are investors, in 2018 investments in funds reached an average of 434 000 Swedish Crowns per person. The Nobel laureate Fama showed that yielding a higher risk-adjusted return than the market is not possible. Simultaneously, a great amount of actively conducted funds that pledges a higher return than the market is still launched today. Which arises a disorientation among small savers if passive or active conducted funds generate higher returns. Unlike previous studies, the range of funds were increased in this study. The purpose is to examine the returns of the funds with the performance measures Sharpe-ratio and Jensen’s Alpha. The results indicate that it is not possible to outperform a higher risk-adjusted yield than the market for the chosen time period. Overall, the passive funds had higher risk-adjusted returns compared to the active funds, which indicates that a higher fee for the funds is unjustified.
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Are Mutual Fund Managers’ Compensation Reasonable In Relation To Their Contributions? : - A study regarding actively managed mutual fundsNilsson, Maximiliam, Hansson, Gusten January 2020 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate fund managers salaries in relation to their contributions. The study is conducted on the Swedish fund market under a period over five years, 2014-2018, and include 332 funds. The result observed shows a positive relation between salaries and risk-adjusted performance. The result proves that fund managers are able to outperform the market on average, which should not be possible to do systematically over time according to the efficient market hypothesis. It also turns out that salary has a positive relationship with assets under management. This indicates that fund managers are employed and compensated for more reasons than to generate a high return, namely to contribute to more significant inflows of cash to the fund company. Interpretations of fund managers’ salaries are primarily linked to agency theory and economics of superstars. The agency problem alter in the fund industry since the setting is two-folded. Agency problem could be mitigated by implementing a performance-based compensation structure, to aligning investors, management and fund managers’ ambitions. The result shows signs that a performance-based salary is present in the fund industry. A fund managers’ salary assumes to be based on his/her skillfulness, but could also be due to an individual’s stardom. To conclude, the thesis state that fund managers’ deserve their salary, which in relative terms are fairly high, since they procure additional benefits to the fund company.
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Aktivt och passivt förvaltade aktiefonder på den svenska finansmarknaden : En kvantitativ studie om förhållandet mellan förvaltningsstil och avkastningLjungh, Albin, Österman, Gustav January 2022 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har investeringsintresset ökat kraftigt, och i synnerhet intresset för att investera i fonder. Detta medför en problematik då valet att investera i aktivt eller passivt förvaltade fonder inte är självklart. Tidigare studier pekar åt olika håll när det kommer till detta dilemma. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilken förvaltningsstrategi som har gett mest avkastning i förhållande till den tagna risken och avgiften. Då marknaden under de senaste åren har varit volatil ger detta mer relevans till studiens syfte. Studiens valda tidsperiod sträcker sig mellan 2017-04-21 och 2022-04-21. För att vidare undersöka om det lönar sig att investera i aktivt förvaltade fonder med högre avgift, formuleras två hypoteser. Studien undersöker ett urval på totalt 110 aktivt och passivt förvaltade svenska aktiefonder som enbart är exponerade mot svenska bolag. Studiens resultat av de två förvaltningsstrategiernas genomsnittliga prestations- och riskmått skiljer sig inte avsevärt gentemot varandra. Studiens resultat pekar på att indexfonderna har presterat marginellt bättre än de aktivt förvaltade fonderna och i genomsnitt har dessa gett högst avkastning till lägst tagen risk. Studiens båda hypoteser förkastades då samtliga korrelationskoefficienter påvisade svaga icke-samband samt att de inte var signifikanta på en 5% signifikansnivå. Sammanfattningsvis medför en högre avgift nödvändigtvis inte en högre avkastning eller riskjusterad avkastning. / In the recent years, the interest in investing on the stock market has increased sharply, and in particular the interest to invest in funds. This entails a problem as the choice to invest in actively or passively managed funds is not self-evident. Previous studies point in different directions when it comes to this dilemma. The purpose of this study is to examine which management strategy has given the most return in relation to the risk and the fee. As the market in recent years has been volatile, this gives the purpose of why this study is relevant. This study's investigates the market from 2017-04-21 and 2022-04-21. To further investigate whether it is profitable to invest in actively managed funds with a higher fee compared to index funds, two hypotheses are formulated. The study investigates a sample of 110 actively and passive managed Swedish equity funds that are only exposed to Swedish companies. The conclusion of the performance and risk measures of the two management strategies do not differ significantly from each other. Marginally the result of this study indicates that the index funds have an average higher return at the lowest risk. Both hypotheses of this study were rejected when all correlation coefficients showed weak non-correlations and that they were not significant at a 5% significance level. In summary, a higher fee does not necessarily lead to a higher return or a higher risk-adjusted return.
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