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Product-Oriented Environmental Management: : A System for Product Environmental Performance Communicationde Lima Ottoni, Frederico January 2010 (has links)
This project is an action research study which presents the development of a system for product environmental performance internal communication for the Atlas Copco Tools AB scenario. The study is based on the study of available literature upon product-oriented environmental management systems and the European Integrated Product Policy scheme. Through the analysis of the literature and the scenario in study, a concept for integrated product environmental performance communication from the product development process to the marketing was elaborated. This concept presents an integrated product environmental information process through performance assessment, documentation, evaluation and final external communication. The concept implementation, then focus the development of the internal communication system as a basis for product-oriented environmental considerations integration into the company’s processes and business strategy. The final system recommended included product environmental performance assessment, through specifically identified assessment tools, and documentation, through the creation of an easy accessible product-oriented information database. Finally, the system also suggests an Ecodesign cycle for product continuous improvement focused on environmental performance.
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Product orientation of environmental work - barriers & incentivesZackrisson, Mats January 2009 (has links)
Abstract The research behind this licentiate is spread out over a decade of intensive development of environmental work in industry. A 1998 survey of Swedish companies with newly installed environmental management systems (EMS) concluded that such systems need more product-orientation. Data collected by companies as part of the process of creating their EMS between 1996-2001 offered further evidence that it is environmentally justified to seek improvements in the materials selection, use and disposal phases of products, i.e., to make the environmental improvement work more product-orientated. In a EU-funded project carried out between 2004-2006 it was demonstrated that developing an environmental product declaration could be a cost-effective product-oriented environmental action even for smaller companies. This licentiate thesis relates to methods for companies to orientate their environmental work on their products. In particular, it examines experience and provides insights on the possibilities for companies, including small ones, to use life cycle assessment in product development in order to design products with an environmental performance well above legal compliance. It is difficult to give general recommendations to companies about their environmental work because each company has its own unique business idea, customers, work culture, stakeholders etc. Nevertheless, the main findings of the licentiate thesis can be summed up in the following recommendations for, say, a small company in Europe without much previous experience of environmental work: § Focus your environmental work on your products because you will accomplish more environmentally and the chance of profiting economically will motivate your personnel; § Consider doing a life cycle assessment, LCA, on a strategically chosen product in order to learn more about your products and how to improve their environmental performance; § Do not expect to find a general market demand for green products; start a dialogue with your best customers in order to create the demand; § Engage an LCA specialist to do the LCA and work together with your personnel to interpret the results and generate improvement ideas; § If your customers demand that you install an environmental management system, ask them if they would not prefer to receive an environmental product declaration on the particular product they are interested in, and a chance to discuss how its environmental performance can be improved.
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Content Management Systems and MD5: Investigating Alternative Methods of Version Identification for Open Source ProjectsTrusz, Jakob January 2017 (has links)
WordPress is a very widely used content management system that enables users to easier create websites. The popularity of WordPress has made it a prime target for attacks by hackers since a potential vulnerability would affect many targets. Vulnerabilities that can be utilised in an attack are referred to as exploits. Most exploits are only viable for a subset of all the version of the software that they target. The knowledge of which version of a content managements system a website is running is often not explicit or easy to determine. Attackers can potentially exploit a vulnerable website faster if the version is known, since this allows them to search for existing vulnerabilities and exploits, instead of trying to identify a new vulnerability. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate existing and alternate methods for detecting the version of WordPress on websites that are powered by it. The scope is limited to an analysis of existing tools and the suggested methods for version identification are limited to identification using unique values that are calculated from the contents of files. The suggested methods for version identification and the generation of the required data is implemented using Python 3, the programming language. We investigate the feasibility of version obfuscation, how discernible a version of WordPress is, and how to compare versions of WordPress. The thesis has proven the feasibility of version identification with a new perspective that delivers more accurate results than previous methods. Version obfuscation has also been proven to be very feasible without affecting the usability of the WordPress website. Furthermore, a method for discerning between two specific versions of WordPress is presented. All the results are in theory applicable to other software projects that are hosted and developed in the same way. This new area of research has much for security professionals and has room for future improvement.
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Critical Incidents in Sustaining a Behavior Management Level System With Special Education Students in a Self-Contained SchoolJohnson, Stephanie 12 April 2022 (has links)
Level systems provide systematic support for teachers and students who need additional behavior support. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the perspectives of faculty members from a self-contained school, for special education students with severe behavior needs, which has sustained the use of a school-wide, behavior management level system for nearly 30 years. A total of 11 faculty members were interviewed using the critical incident technique, a qualitative methodology used as an exploratory tool in early stages of research. Interviews detailed the observable behaviors and specific events, critical incidents, that helped or hindered the sustainability of their school's level system. Faculty identified eight helping categories, six hindering categories, and six "wish list" categories, items participants wished had happened or could happen in the future. Helping categories included building rapport and teaming; collecting, recording and using data; communicating and collaborating; schoolwide consistency; relationships and student feedback; student engagement and buy-in; faculty buy-in and adaptability. Hindering categories included scoring and accountability inconsistencies; philosophical differences; insufficient staff training and experience; multifaceted system requiring nuanced decision making; staff mental health concerns; and community factors and external pressures. The findings of this study illustrate the importance of varied communication portals to support sustainability.
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Corporate Recycling Behavior Through the Lens of Situational Factors : Case study at Tarkett AB in RonnebyRemle, Christian, Bertilsson, Carl-Philip January 2018 (has links)
Introduction: The unsustainable recycling patterns of various companies in Sweden lead to a waste of possible resources. These resources can create value through re-production in circular processes. The issue that this study address is the recycling behavior among workplaces. There is a gap in the research of understanding influences to recycling behaviors among industrial companies, which is the target in this study. Theory & Purpose: This thesis employs behavioral theories on recycling activity through a framework developed by the authors with the aim of determining factors that affect the present recycling behavior within industries. Therefore, the purpose will be to investigate recycling behavior of companies within the flooring industry in Sweden. Furthermore, its purpose is to broaden the knowledge about recycling among companies and what situational factors that affect recycling behavior. Methodology: For data gathering, the thesis followed a quantitative method through conducting an online survey. The survey was sent out to 190 companies, and this resulted in 55 respondents which is a response rate of 28.9%. The survey data were collected to evaluate the prediction of behavior by the use of statistical regression analyses in STATA. Ordinal and binary data were the primary data types collected and used. Analysis & Results: A Probit regression model tested the survey data followed by calculations of the marginal effects. Marginal effect is used to conclude how much each situational factor provoked the probability of RECYCLING BEHAVIOR when the other factors are unchanged. The analysis made the support that RECYCLING BEHAVIOR is significantly related to the factors INFRASTRUCTURE, CONVENIENCE and ORGANIZATION COMMITMENT. Furthermore, there is an existence of latent factors affecting recycling behavior. This existence is because the statistical model partly explains the connection. Alternative factors should be investigated in further research since there are limited studies done on the topic. Conclusions: Considered benefits are for; the flooring industry as well as other industries and society at large. The understanding of enablers for influencing RECYCLING BEHAVIOR is one of the benefits of this study. Changes in arrangement and mobility of recycling stations, together with an increase of social norms and recycling policies, suggests being practical goals. Moreover, communicating these standpoints are important for companies to gain value. Nonetheless, protecting the environmental boundaries by decreasing the use of raw material in a growing global production market. Understanding how situational factors affect RECYCLING BEHAVIOR will help actors move towards more sustainable and circular acts. Regarding recycling among industries, this study can be used to understand how to gain more value in existing circular economy systems as well as waste management systems. Both economic value and ecological value can be determined, from putting waste material into new products instead of incinerating it. Future Research: Directions for future research include qualitative case studies, experimental testing, and models including internal factors, attitude, habits and subjective norms. Extending this thesis with other approaches will benefit to find further correlations and predictions regarding recycling behavior among companies. Further research should also include economic aspects of the material gained through recycling behavior.
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Student awareness, perceptions and values in relation to their university dataVelander, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
Learning Analytics (LA) tools analyse data from Learning Management Systems (LMS) and are being increasingly adopted by Higher Education Institutions (HEI). Analysed LMS data can offer helpful insights into student academic performance and allow predictions based on various metrics to be made, it can also help provide personalised feedback and learning experiences/trajectories for students. Adoption of these systems, however, may be potentially hampered by factors such as lack of user trust, ethical issues regarding data collection, unintended negative consequences of its use and a lack of insight into data accuracy and statistical methods applied by the LA systems. To facilitate the adoption and implementation of LA and also to inform data collection policymaking at HEI it is important that values such as trust between the entity collecting data and the student whose data is being collected be maintained. Stakeholders’ views and values are important factors to be taken into consideration when developing these systems. The study was performed at two Swedish HEI, Stockholm University (SU) and Linnaeus University (Kalmar), and although both institutions utilise LMS and collect student data, at the time of writing, neither have defined strategies for using LA. The study consisted of an initial questionnaire to explore student awareness of data collection and usage and how comfortable students are with data collection and what values they consider important. This questionnaire was distributed to students attending courses at the aforementioned universities. A plugin developed for Moodle was then published to several summer courses at Linnaeus University (LNU) and subsequently followed up by a second questionnaire. The plugin presented students with an analytics dashboard where they could explore graphical representations of data being collected about them by the Moodle LMS. The second questionnaire attempted to gauge student perceptions after they reflected on the data collected by the HEI. This gives a more detailed understanding of the contexts in which data collection and usage are considered acceptable by students. It also offers insight into how students expect to be informed about data collection at their HEI. Further, it reveals how awareness seems to influence acceptance, values and identification of possible uses of LA together with associated ethical concerns. The results from the surveys indicate that awareness significantly impacts the value of privacy, in terms of who has access to and control of the data. Awareness also impacts how worried students are about data collection, an increased awareness of how the data can be used increases how worried students are concerning data collection and the use of this data. Furthermore, this awareness impacts students’ levels of engagement with institutions’ privacy policy documents. The results also reveal that acceptance of data collection and use is highly contextual and depends greatly on who the data is shared with and in what context.
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Vilken påverkan har kvalitetskulturen vid införandet av ISO? / What impact does quality culture have on the implementation of ISO?Ekman, David January 2020 (has links)
Bröderna Axelssons är ett plåtslageri beläget i Karlskoga. Detta examensarbete har syftat till att undersöka kvalitetskulturen vid två olika ISO-införanden på företaget. Företaget har även fått hjälp med att skriva nya rutiner och instruktioner till processen Beredning/Produktion/Leverans. För att undersöka kvalitetskulturen har metoder använts från Cronemyr P, Bäckström I och Rönnbäck Å (2016). Vid undersökning av kvalitetskulturen har intervjuer genomförts med VD, administratör, produktionstekniker och en enkät om beteenden på företaget. Svaren används sedan till analys för att se vilka värderingar som hindrar/stödjer kvalitetskulturen. Resultatet visade att den dåvarande kvalitetskulturen på företaget till stor del var hindrande, medan dagens kvalitetskultur är av blandad karaktär, alltså både stödjande och hindrande. Vid skapandet av de nya rutinerna och instruktionerna inspirerades strukturen och innehållet av material från Bergman B och Klefsjö B (2012). De färdiga rutinerna och instruktioner lämnades vid arbetets slut över till företaget som ska användas till deras nya ledningssystem som är ISO 9001:2015 integrerat med ISO 14001:2015. Resultatet visade att rutiner och instruktioner från det gamla ledningssystemet var felaktigt skrivna för de gjordes av en utomstående part. Dagens rutiner och instruktioner är gjorda tillsammans med dem som arbetar i processen. Utöver det följer allt material i det nya ledningssystemet samma dokumentationsstruktur, vilket de ej gjorde i det gamla ledningssystemet. För ett fortsatt arbete rekommenderas att vidare undersöka kvalitetskulturen samt ge de ISO-ansvariga på företaget dedikerad arbetstid för att få möjlighet att skriva klart det nya ledningssystemet. Utöver det minimera de värderingar som hindrar kvalitetskulturen. / Bröderna Axelssons is a sheet metal part producing company located in Karlskoga. This thesis aim has been to investigate the quality culture at the company at two different ISO implementation occasions. The company has also received guided help to write new routines and instructions for their process Preparation/Production/Delivery. To investigate the quality culture, methods from Cronemyr P, Bäckström I and Rönnbäck Å (2016) have been used. In the investigation of the quality culture, interviews were conducted with the CEO, administrator, manufacturing engineer and a survey was conducted regarding the existing behaviours in the company. The responses from the interviews and survey were then used to analyse which values obstruct or support the quality culture. The results show that the former quality culture was for the most part obstructive, while the current quality culture is of mixed nature, i.e. both supportive and obstructive. The creation of the new routines and instructions, structure and content were inspired by materials from Bergman B and Klefsjö B (2012). The completed routines and instructions were handed over to the company to be used in their new management system containing ISO 9001:2015 integrated with ISO 14001:2015. The result showed that routines and instructions from the old management system were written incorrectly because they were created by a third party. The new routines and instructions are made together with those who work in the process. In addition, all material in the new management system follows the same documentation structure, which they did not do in the old management system. For continued work it is recommended to further investigate the quality culture and give the responsible for ISO implementation at the company dedicated time to complete the new management system. In addition, the company should minimize the values that obstruct the quality culture.
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Two in one: explaining the management of the Okavango Delta World Heritage Site, BotswanaMatswiri, Gertrude Mamotse January 2017 (has links)
Because of their outstanding universal significance, World Heritage sites are worthy of special protection by the international and local communities. They obtain this status after being listed under the UNESCO 1972 Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. In previously colonised regions such as Africa, the conservation and management of World Heritage is based on international laws and modern management systems introduced after conquest. However, the process protects mostly the universal values on which the inscription of the site was based. This often marginalises local values and local management systems which are important to local communities. It also alienates local communities from their heritage which they have protected for many years. This research explores the relationship between modern and traditional management systems in the Okavango Delta Natural World Heritage site. It will focus on understanding the local values of the site, the current management system and traditional practices of the local communities. The expected outcome is to develop a syncretic management system influenced by the traditional and the modern. It is hoped that such a system will not privilege one type of value over others.
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Sharing Knowledge: Designing to facilitate the exchange of knowledge among employees in an organisationWikner, Herman January 2018 (has links)
To effectively manage and facilitate the knowledge sharing process in organisations is crucial, as it contributes with economic and competitive organisational value. This thesis investigates the knowledge sharing process in an organisation, and how a design solution could be developed to facilitate this process. The investigation of the organisation showed that, a barrier for the employees to exchange knowledge, is that they are not fully aware of each others knowledge gaps. Consequently, due to low awareness of each others knowledge gaps, the employees are having difficulties to know if their knowledge could be valuable to share. This illuminated an area to focus upon, and an opportunity for a design solution to be developed. The design solution evolved along with insights obtained from usability testing, to achieve a result which correlates with the needs of the employees. The final design solution is a tool, which enables the employees to gather information of their knowledge gaps, thus enhance the awareness of what knowledge to share. The tool, and the process of its creation, provides an answer of how a design solution could be developed to facilitate the exchange of knowledge among employees in an organisation.
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Nursing Faculty Perspectives on Support in Technology, Learning Management Systems, and Self-efficacyBurling, Diane 01 January 2018 (has links)
Past literature has shown that nursing programs reported educators were at the novice or beginner level regarding use of technology and that there was a critical need for faculty development. There was a lack of current information on the perspectives of nurse faculty utilizing learning management systems. Learning management systems are being used within nursing education, faculty should be proficient implementing the technology, if not, students and faculty suffer. The purpose of this study was to understand how nursing faculty perceive the use and support for integrated online Learning Management System (LMS) technology, along with levels of self-efficacy, at the institution in which they work. The Bandura self-efficacy conceptual framework was used to explore nursing faculty perspectives on the use of LMS technology. A case study approach was used for this study to aid in identifying the perspective of nursing educators who have utilized LMS technology. Participants included 8 nursing faculty from 3 Southeastern Pennsylvania nursing program. Data sources consisted of online survey questions and telephone interviews. Survey data results were analyzed by means of central tendency. Transcriptions of interviews were analyzed using NVivo software for coding and identification of themes and patterns. The results revealed that nursing faculty did not seem to like their LMS platform; however, the majority of the faculty did consider the LMSs useful in providing materials to students and for posting grades, although faculty stated a desire for additional training and regular workshops on using LMSs. This research can contribute to positive social change by assisting stakeholders in best implementation of LMSs in student instructional practices.
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