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A System Perspective on Business ModelsJucun Liu (8702721) 17 April 2020 (has links)
The business model concept was first introduced in the early 1990s alongside the boom of the Internet. Although the Internet bubble has burst, the popularity of the business model concept continues to increase. It is being used more and more often by not just people in business management, but also the general population, as people, for example, talk about a successful start-up. Although it has become part of the vernacular today, the business model concept itself is lacking in theoretical roots. Thus, a gap exists regarding the business model concept. Its usefulness in practice has been proven in numerous business cases, yet academia remains divided on the definition and appropriate means to use the concept. A thorough literature review reveals that the concept of a business model has been framed in various ways, ranging from the strategic logic of a company to the activities a company performs. This misalignment creates barriers for the advancement of this body of knowledge in both research and practice. Researchers have thus called for a clearer and more operational definition of the concept.<br> With this goal in mind, this qualitative study sought to advance business model understanding by proposing a business model conceptualization that: <br> 1) Is robust in its theoretical roots and informs the critical characteristics of a business model, <br> 2) Highlights potential means to resolve the debate over the definition of a business model through examination of its broad range of conceptualizations and uses, and,<br> 3) Guides business model design through a robust exploration of design options for users interested in business model development. <br> To achieve this goal, a three-stream study was conducted.<br> The first stream focused on creating a business model construct that is rooted in advanced system theory and on proposing a related business model framework. This objective was achieved through a combination of scholarship of integration and thematic analysis. A resilient complex adaptive system (RCAS) perspective was taken to proactively construct a business model conceptualization. To fully understand an RCAS, a literature review was carried out on the notion of systems. Theories from general system theory (GST) to an RCAS were examined to form a full understanding of these foundational concepts. The resulting construct was employed as the underlying structure of a business model framework. To create a set of functions that a business model should include, an extensive literature review was conducted on 150 business model research articles. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze words and phrases used by authors to describe the critical components of a business model, and then aggregate these views into a set of mutually supportive functions that represent the essence of a business model. Eight functions, termed “elemental functions”, centered on value were defined. These elemental functions are able to capture all components identified in the studied literature and collectively display required RCAS characteristics. This RCAS business model framework lays the foundation for a unified landscape of business model conceptualization and acts as a potential universal language in this body of knowledge. The developed framework also serves as the basis for the subsequent lines of work detailed below, and grounds both further research and application.<br> The second stream is based on the RCAS framework and draws on its ability to facilitate abstraction. The work stream focuses on outlining a knowledge space for business models utilizing three variables that are closely tied to abstraction in the business model context, namely: elemental functions, purposes, and levels of abstraction. These variables were identified as critical factors influencing business model variation from both a literature perspective and observations. A thematic analysis was conducted on the same 150 articles as in the first stream to extract the potential states of these variables. Eleven purposes and five levels of abstraction were identified; and these two variables act as the axes of the knowledge space. Elemental functions were incorporated in the knowledge space to illustrate the frequency with which each elemental function is used for specific purposes and specific levels of abstraction. This knowledge space, herein termed the business model knowledge map, can be used to position existing work and identify future opportunities for research. The 150 articles were positioned in this space to outline a grander picture of the business model concept. It highlights that previous authors in the business model area have worked on abstractions of the same concept. This stream is another step towards a universal landscape of business model conceptualization that could help unify previously diverse views of business models.<br> The last work stream contributes to the design of business models – one of the key purposes for which business model constructs are employed as highlighted in the knowledge map described above. Specifically, this work stream puts forward a system-inspired business model design method. Building directly on the RCAS framework, this stream employs combinatorial design thinking from engineering and design to create a design method. One of the most critical aspects of this design method is its emphasis on creating a complete, to the extent possible, set of design options for each elemental function that composes a business model. To achieve this, an extensive review of over 200 company annual reports was conducted to generate design options for each elemental function. This design method focuses on raising awareness of one’s design options thereby enhancing the potential for business model innovation.<br> Collectively, this study advances the business model body of knowledge in both research and practice. The study is unique in its proactive employment of the RCAS construct to define a business model, its focus on abstraction to form a theoretically robust and potentially universal landscape for knowledge and research on business models, and its proposition of a structured approach to complete business model design. It is hoped that the developments outlined herein help pave a path to a more unified view of business model concepts that can foster connections between the work of researchers who employ business model constructs and further advance the state of knowledge in this arena.<br><br>
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Proposition et développement d'un programme de recherche sur l'efficacité des registres communicationnels de lutte contre le changement climatique : le cas de la consommation sobre en carbone / Proposal and development of a research program on the effectiveness of communication registers in the fight against climate change : the case of low carbon consumptionAkil, Hussein 24 May 2017 (has links)
Cette recherche s’intéresse à l’efficacité des registres communicationnels actuels dans une perspective de mobilisation des consommateurs dans la sobriété carbone. Afin d’examiner l’efficacité de ces registres, quatre études ont été menées, i.e. une « méthode-Q » et trois expérimentations. Les deux premières études visent à explorer le rôle des représentations visuelles (i.e. images) et linguistiques (i.e. contenus sémantiques) utilisées pour désigner le changement climatique dans la transmission des préoccupations, des perceptions et des intentions envers la décarbonisation. La troisième étude cherche à expliquer l’effet de l’exploitation de la saillance de mortalité dans ces registres (i.e., anxiogènes vs. informatives) sur les choix de consommation pro-environnementaux (vs. pro-matérialistes). La dernière étude cherche à confirmer qu’une saillance de mortalité, quel que soit son origine (e.g. le changement climatique ou les attaques terroristes) est générateur en majorité des choix de consommation pro-matérialistes (vs. pro-environnementaux). En s’appuyant sur les résultats des ces études, nous mettons en lumière, tout d’abord, la nécessité de modifier ces registres afin de réduire leurs effets négatifs et/ou contreproductifs. Ensuite, la nécessité d’adopter une stratégie de segmentation de la communication selon la vision culturelle du monde dominante des individus pour les engager dans une lutte effective contre le changement climatique. / This research focuses on the effectiveness of climate change communications in order to engage the consumer behaviour in carbon sobriety. To examine this effectiveness, four studies were carried out, i.e., a “Q-method” research and three experiments. The first two studies aim to explore the role of visual representation of climate change and semantic expressions, used to describe this phenomenon in conveying perceptions and attitudes towards decarbonisation. The third study aims to explain the impact of the type of communication (anxiety induced vs. informative) on consumption choices (pro-materialistic vs. pro-environmental). The last study seeks to confirm that mortality salience, whatever its origin is (e.g., climate change or terrorist attacks), generates mostly pro-materialistic consumption choices (vs. pro-environmental). Based on the results of these studies, we highlight, firstly, the necessity to modify these registers in order to reduce their negative and/or counterproductive effects. Secondly, the necessity to adopt a segmentation strategy of communication according to the cultural worldviews of individuals to engage them in an effective fight against the climate changes.
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Jazykový management učitelů českého jazyka na středních školách a jejich podíl na utváření podoby spisovné češtiny / Language Management of Secondary Education Teachers of Czech and Their Contribution to Forming the Standard CzechOlivová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis analysis in social practise the Language Management Theory - it deals with pedagogical activity of Czech language teachers at secondary schools, based on corrections of writen language tests. The goal of this paper was to find out whether the norm of czech standard language which is contained in codices correspond with the norm that is presented by teachers. This thesis uses modern metdological approaches from the sociolinguistic sphere, especially the method of so called 'Follow-Up Interview'. It also uses the concept of the Social Power Field by Ulrich Ammon and the Language Management Theory by J. V. Neustupný as general methodological basis. As the source of information served authentic tests which has been filled by fifty students of a secondary school a and then corrected by eight czech language teachers. Other sources were Follow-Up Interviews with the teachers and questionnaires. On the basis of these sources the Language Management Theory was researched and also the idea of the teachers about the norm of standard language. This idea was compared to the opinions of other three instances of the Social Power Field. In cases there was something unclear the information were completed from the Follow-Up Interviews. The research has proved that in the most cases the norm presented by teachers...
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Pozice menšinových a regionálních jazyků v kontextu evropské jazykové politiky / The position of minority and regional languages in the context of European language policyFátorová, Eliška January 2016 (has links)
Eliška Fátorová The position of minority and regional languages in the context of European language policy Abstract The thesis deals with the language policy of the European Union and examines what position minority and regional languages occupy in this policy. Chapter on language planning introduces two models of protection of these languages and a major part of the research framework deals with a Language Management Theory. The aim of the thesis is to show whether the language policy of the European Union trace elements of this theory. The first part discusses in general about Europe and languages, about the language policy of the EU, the development of which is divided into three periods. This chapter aims to answer the question whether and how the EU language policy direction has shifted during the last twenty years. To answer this question thesis uses mainly research of Michal Krzyzanowski and Ruth Wodak. Based on their analysis of EU documents concerning European language policy a shift towards a focus on EU competitiveness and employment of the population, to which the knowledge of foreign languages contributes, can be traced.. Another part focuses on minority and regional languages. There is introduced the European Charter for Regional and Minority Languages, which is a document of the Council of...
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Communication Privacy Management: Exploring Health Communication in FamiliesDeborah Eyram Anornu (15334792) 22 April 2023 (has links)
<p>Health communication is a growing field of research under interpersonal and family communication. Gaining enough health information is primarily the duty of healthcare providers. However, our immediate source of health information is family members; but most people decide to privatize and keep their health information from other relatives. The criterion for withholding health information, what contributes to the information shared, and how communication patterns affect health communication were all examined to understand the reasons behind this action.</p>
<p>This qualitative study used the narrations on health communication from various families to form themes. In addition, responses were mostly from non-Western cultures, which helps to expand the applicability of the theory used.</p>
<p>Some of the results were consistent with the criteria within the theory. However, other criteria were found that expand the theory in relation to health information. The new criteria found were when disclosing the information, age matter, I don’t understand the condition myself so how can my family, the number of people in the family matters. Also, reasons such as anticipated reactions from family members, and the severity of the condition came up when exploring what impacts how much health information family members share with one another. Finally, the frequency of communication and the initiator of conservations were found to influence health communication in families.</p>
<p>To conclude, healthy communication in the family may impact individual communication on health. </p>
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PATHWAYS TO ENTERPRISE RESILIENCEAnanya B Sheth (9576107) 28 July 2021 (has links)
<p>Resilience is studied as a systemic property in several disciplines such as engineering, psychology, systems biology, and ecological sciences. Yet, the system view on resilience is not pervasive in management science. This dissertation is on Enterprise Resilience, which is an emerging topic within the fields of organization and management science. Corporate enterprises are viewed as type 1 complex adaptive systems (CAS) operating within an external business environment. Thus, perturbations occurring in the environment affect enterprises, whose resilience then depends on their adaptive response to them. Therefore, the focus is on system perturbances and on investigating drivers of the enterprises’ adaptive response. As a result, enterprise resilience is more granularly defined as an enterprise’s ability to continually remain valuable to stakeholders by simultaneously managing short-term shocks and long-term stressors. This re-definition brings forth an actionable pathway to enterprise resilience- the pursuit of improved management of the enterprise’s risk and growth management functions.</p><p>Two challenging issues plaguing the risk and growth functions are the lack of a comprehensive understanding of risks (especially of unknowns) and their inter-connections, and a weak link between risk management and the enterprise’s growth strategy intended to continually and increasingly generate value. This work addresses both issues via the development of an enterprise-agnostic comprehensive risk typology, and by building a conceptual link between risk and growth strategy through the business model construct and its use in the study of repeatable patterns of innovation. Therefore, this work develops one pathway toward enterprise resilience i.e., via improved risk management and systematic growth management. Furthermore, it advances knowledge by bridging the theoretical conceptualization of an enterprise as a CAS1 into actionable methods for practice in the form of risk management tools and systematic innovation frameworks that aid the enterprise’s adaptive response.</p><p>The interdisciplinary dissertation develops hypotheses and employs appropriate qualitative and quantitative methods to test them. Overall, a theory building process is undertaken using the constructionist school of thought and using methods based in inductive logic such as the scholarship of integration, thematic analysis, and case studies. Additionally, to achieve wide and comprehensive coverage, data-driven quantitative methods using advanced computing such as data mining, machine learning, and natural language processing are employed.</p>
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Communication Privacy Management Among Emerging Adult Children of Mothers with DepressionWalker, Kevin 29 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Теоретические основы управления проектами и сравнительный анализ методик оценки качества инвестиционно-строительного проекта : магистерская диссертация / Theoretical foundations of project management and comparative analysis of methods for assessing the quality of an investment and construction projectВинокуров, Д. С., Vinokurov, D. S. January 2023 (has links)
Во введении обоснована актуальность темы ВКР, определены объект и предмет исследования, сформулирована цель работы, поставлены задачи, которые необходимо решить для достижения цели исследования, обозначена степень разработанности темы, показана научная новизна результатов проведенного исследования. В первой главе на основе анализа теоретических основ управления проектами показано, что знание их необходимо для корректной оценки качества инвестиционно-строительного проекта (ИСП). Во второй главе на основе анализа показателей качества решений проектно-конструкторской документации, показано, что для оценки качества ИСП целесообразно рассматривать: проектные решения, проектно-конструкторскую деятельность и исполнение проектной документации. В третьей главе описаны методики оценки качества инвестиционно-строительного проекта, проведен сравнительный анализ методик на основе их применения на примере конкретного объекта капитального строительства (физкультурно-спортивный комплекс). В заключении приведены результаты, полученные в ходе исследования, и основные выводы по ВКР. / In the introduction the relevance of the final qualifying work is substantiated, the object and subject of research are defined, the purpose of the work is formulated, tasks are set, the scientific novelty of research is shown. In the first chapter it is shown based on the analysis of the theoretical foundations of project management that knowledge of them is necessary for a correct assessment of the quality of an investment construction project. In the second chapter it is shown based on the analysis of the quality indicators of design documentation solutions that it is advisable to consider: design solutions, design activities and execution of design documentation to assess the quality of an investment construction project. The third chapter describes the methods of assessing the quality of an investment and construction project, a comparative analysis of the methods based on their application on the example of a specific object of capital construction (a sports complex). In conclusion, the results obtained during the study and the main conclusions on the work are presented.
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Home Parenteral Nutrition and the Individual and Family Self-Management TheoryNapoleon, Betty J. 03 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Media Preference and Risk Assessment: Mortality Salience and Mediating Effects of WorldviewRichey, Gregory Boyd 31 March 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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