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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Techniques de modélisation et d’analyse pour l’amélioration de la robustesse des systèmes distribués / Modeling and analysis of techniques to increase robustness in distributed systems

Loti, Riccardo 26 May 2014 (has links)
Le point de départ pour les systèmes décentralisés a été l’échange des fichiers, en utilisant cet approche i) pour distribuer la bande passante entre tous les nœuds concernés et ii) pour augmenter la robustesse en éliminant autant que possible les points individuels de défaillance et de contrôle et iii) en partageant également les responsabilités entre les nœuds. Si les approches le plus décentralisés sont très efficaces en termes de résilience aux pannes, pour la même raison, les performances sont limités et difficiles à analyser quand on observe plusieurs réseaux interconnectés entre eux, configurations qui peuvent être analysés à travers des outils de simulation, souvent peu efficaces dans l’analyse de l’espace de possibilités. Dans cette thèse on a développé un modèle mathématique pour la modélisation de l’interconnexion des réseaux en permettant l’étude et l’exploration d’équilibres qui grâce à l’abstraction du modèle peuvent s’appliquer à l’interconnexion des réseaux de communications, réseaux de distribution de marchandise ou réseaux de distribution d’eau. La thèse se focalise aussi sur les réseaux décentralisés MANET, ou` la communication entre nœuds mobiles est purement ≪ ad-hoc ≫ (ex: deux voitures communiquant entre eux quand ils sont proches) en utilisant i) des ≪ rateless coding ≫ pour augmenter la robustesse et minimiser la perte ou la corruption de données causées par la non fiabilité du moyen de transmission et ii) des algorithmes de ≪ pollution détection ≫, par exemple de détection de nœuds malveillants ou de paquets corrompus, cette détection et prévention étant très difficile dans des environnements fortement distribués. / The original “selling point” for decentralized networks has been file exchange, using the decentralized approach to diffuse the bandwidth cost between all the participating nodes, augmenting the robustness by avoiding single point of failures and control by sharing the responsibility between all nodes. While the most decentralized approaches are very efficient in terms of resilience they are, by the same reason, more performance limited and harder to analyze. This analysis is usually the sole realm of simulation tools, a quite in- efficient way to analyze the possibility space. We thus developed and present here a mathematical model for network interconnection, enabling the study and exploration of equilibriums and, by virtue of the abstraction of the model, perfectly applicable to any interconnection of networks, be them communication networks, social networks or, for example, water distribution networks. We also focused on decentralized networks, called MANETs, where communication between mobile nodes is purely ad-hoc based (eg.: two cars passing each other and communicating while in range), exploit- ing rateless coding to increase their robustness by minimizing data loss due to transmission unreliability, and detecting malicious nodes sending corrupted packets, a hard to detect and prevent problem in a strongly distributed environments, using SIEVE, a custom developed algorithm.

Ecriture de l'exil et engagement politique dans le roman caribéen francophone : l'oeuvre romanesque d'Eduardo Manet et d'Emile Ollivier pour exemple / Writing of exile and political commitment in french caribbean novel : study of the novels of Eduardo Manet and Emile Ollivier

Dahmani, Sana 24 November 2012 (has links)
Les instances politiques ont de tout temps exilé leurs adversaires, obligeant les proscrits à rompre avec leurs racines et leur histoire. Et si la littérature de l’exil s’est attachée à peindre la souffrance psychique inhérente à l’expatriation, force est de constater qu’à cette fonction cathartique vient parfois s’ajouter une fonction dénonciatrice. En effet, les hommes de lettres exilés ont parfois fait du verbe une arme redoutable dirigée contre le despotisme politique régnant dans leur pays natal. Cette thèse de doctorat se propose justement d’étudier l’imbrication entre le littéraire et le politique dans les littératures caribéennes francophones de l’exil, et plus précisément dans les oeuvres romanesques respectives d’Eduardo Manet et d’Émile Ollivier. D’origine cubaine, Manet a dû fuir la dictature castriste. Ollivier a pour sa part dû quitter son île natale Haïti pour rompre avec la répression duvaliériste. Les oeuvres de ces deux hommes de lettres sont à l’image du conflit politique de Cuba et d’Haïti, et rendent compte du conflit intérieur qui habite les exilés. Comment se manifeste l’arrachement à la terre natale à travers l’oeuvre des exilés politiques ? Pour ces écrivains politiquement engagés, dire l’exil est-il plus une écriture de la nostalgie qu’une littérature des idées ? Quelles sont les limites de l’engagement politique lorsque l’exilé est coupé de sa patrie et de son lectorat originel des décennies durant ? L’adaptation à la terre d’accueil serait-elle un frein à l’engagement politique ? Ces interrogations et bien d’autres seront au centre d’une partie majeure de la réflexion sur la corrélation entre exil et engagement politique. Dans la première partie de ce travail, l’accent est mis sur les spécificités linguistiques, politiques et géographiques de Cuba et d’Haïti, pour souligner tant la richesse multiculturelle des îles natales des écrivains, que les conditions qui ont donné naissance à cette écriture spécifique chez Manet et Ollivier. Cette partie s’attache à montrer que les soubresauts de l’Histoire collective se trouvent intimement liés aux choix personnels de ces deux hommes de lettres. Dans la seconde partie de ce travail, l’étude des différentes stratégies de résistance déployées par les protagonistes et l’arsenal répressif mis en place par les dictatures a été au centre de la réflexion. Une analyse a été consacrée à un enjeu relatif à toutes les littératures caribéennes à savoir l’identité. Dans les oeuvres à l’étude, l’histoire personnelle des protagonistes se trouve toujours liée à l’histoire collective, et chaque parcours est le reflet d’un questionnement incessant sur les origines, les dérapages politiques et la douleur de l’exil. La troisième partie de la thèse est consacrée à la corrélation entre exil et engagement politique. À travers l’étude des paradigmes de l’exil et son remède le retour, des questions majeures ont été formulées : L’engagement n’est-il pas invalidé par l’éloignement de la terre natale et du lectorat originel ? Et dans quelle mesure l’histoire convulsive et éclatée des Caraïbes prend-elle forme aujourd’hui à travers la langue française ? Même si cette thèse est consacrée à l’analyse d’oeuvres littéraires, une étude socio-historique de Cuba et d’Haïti a été entreprise. Cette étude s’est attachée à mettre en exergue le long passé de militantisme commun à ces deux anciennes colonies qui ont triomphé de l’esclavage et de la colonisation. L’histoire est de ce fait une donnée centrale pour l’identité cubaine et haïtienne, mais cet aperçu historique a été mis en annexes vu son caractère plus socio-historique que littéraire. / The political authorities have always exiled their opponents, forcing the outlaws to break with their roots and their history. And if the literature of exile has sought to paint mental suffering inherent to the expatriate, it is clear that the cathartic function is sometimes added a whistleblower function. Indeed, men of letters have sometimes been exiled from the verb a formidable weapon against the political despotism reigning in their homeland. This dissertation intends to study precisely the overlap between the literary and the political in the Caribbean Francophone literature of exile, and specifically in the respective novels of Eduardo Manet and Émile Ollivier. Originally from Cuba, Manet had to flee the Castro dictatorship. Ollivier for his part had to leave his native Haiti to break with the repressive Duvalier. The works of these two men of letters are a reflection of the political conflict of Cuba and Haiti, and reflect the inner conflict that lives in exile. How is the breakout to the homeland through the work of political exiles? For these politically engaged writers, exile say he is writing more of a nostalgia literature of ideas? What are the limits of political engagement when the exile is cut off from his homeland and its original readership for decades? Adapting to the new home would it be an obstacle to political engagement? These questions and many others will be the focus of a major portion of the reflection on the relationship between exile and political commitment. In the first part of this work, the emphasis is on linguistic, political and geographical Cuba and Haiti, to highlight both the multicultural richness of the home islands of writers, that the conditions that gave rise to this entry specific Manet and Ollivier. This section attempts to show that the fluctuations of the collective history are intimately related to the personal choices of these two men of letters. In the second part of this work, the study of different resistance strategies deployed by the protagonists and the repressive arsenal established by dictatorships was the focus of reflection. One analyzed was devoted to an issue related to all Caribbean literatures namely the identity. In the works under consideration, the personal story of the protagonists is always linked to the collective history, and each course is a reflection of incessant questioning about the origins, the very political and the pain of exile. The third part of the thesis is devoted to the correlation between exile and political commitment. Through the study of paradigms of exile and the return remedy, major questions have been formulated: The commitment is it not invalidated by the distance from the homeland and the original audience? And to what extent the convulsive history of the Caribbean and exploded it takes shape today through the French language? Although this thesis is devoted to the analysis of literary, socio-historical study of Cuba and Haiti was undertaken. This study sought to highlight the long history of activism common to the two former colonies that have triumphed over slavery and colonization. The story is thus given a central identity for Cuban and Haitian, but this historical overview has been seen Annexes its more socio-historical than literary.

Seeing Laure: Race and Modernity from Manet's Olympia to Matisse, Bearden and Beyond

Murrell, Denise M. January 2014 (has links)
During the 1860s in Paris, Edouard Manet and his circle transformed the style and content of art to reflect an emerging modernity in the social, political and economic life of the city. Manet's Olympia (1863) was foundational to the new manner of painting that captured the changing realities of modern life in Paris. One readily observable development of the period was the emergence of a small but highly visible population of free blacks in the city, just fifteen years after the second and final French abolition of territorial slavery in 1848. The discourse around Olympia has centered almost exclusively on one of the two figures depicted: the eponymous prostitute whose portrayal constitutes a radical revision of conventional images of the courtesan. This dissertation will attempt to provide a sustained art-historical treatment of the second figure, the prostitute's black maid, posed by a model whose name, as recorded by Manet, was Laure. It will first seek to establish that the maid figure of Olympia, in the context of precedent and Manet's other images of Laure, can be seen as a focal point of interest, and as a representation of the complex racial dimension of modern life in post-abolition Paris. It will then examine the continuing resonance and influence of Manet's Laure across successive generations of artists from Manet's own time to the present moment. The dissertation thereby suggests a continuing iconographic lineage for Manet's Laure, as manifested in iteratively modernizing depictions of the black female figure from 1870 to the present. Artworks discussed include a clarifying homage to Manet by his acolyte Frédéric Bazille; the countertypical portrayal by early modernist Henri Matisse of two principal black models as personifications of cosmopolitan modernity; the presentation by collagist Romare Bearden of a black odalisque defined by cultural, rather than sexual, attributes metaphoric of the cultural hybridity of African American culture; and direct engagement with Manet's depiction of Laure by selected contemporary artists, including Maud Sulter and Mickalene Thomas, often with imagery, materials and processes also influenced by Matisse or Bearden. In each case, the fitfully evolving modernity of the black female figure will be seen to emerge from each artist's fidelity to his or her transformative creative vision regardless of the representational norms of the day. The question of what, if anything, is represented by Manet's idiosyncratic depiction of the prostitute's black maid has seldom been comprehensively addressed by the histories of modern art. The small body of published commentary about Manet's Laure, with a few notable exceptions, generally dismisses the figure as meaning, essentially, nothing -- except as an ancillary intensifier of the connotations of immorality attributed to the prostitute. Manet's earlier portrait of Laure, rich in significations relevant to her portrayal in Olympia, is even more rarely discussed, and typically seen as a study for Olympia, rather than as a stand-alone portrait as this analysis suggests. The image of Laure as Olympia's maid is frequently oversimplified as a racist stereotype, a perspective that belies the metonymic implications of a figure that is simultaneously centered and obscured. It is in the extensive body of response to Laure's Olympia pose by artists, more than by historians, that the full complexity and enduring influence of the figure's problematic nuance can be seen. This dissertation, like the artists, takes its cues from the formal qualities of Manet's images of Laure, in the context of precedent images and the fraught racial interface within Manet's social and artistic milieu, to suggest new and revisionary narratives. It suggests that Manet's Laure can be seen as an early depiction of an evolving cultural hybridity among black Parisians- visible in Laure's placement, affect and attire--that took shape during the early years of the newly built northern areas of Paris that are today home to some of the largest black populations in central Paris. Within this context, an iconographic legacy of ambivalent yet innovative modernity can be asserted for the Laure figure -extending from Delacroix to Matisse, Bearden and beyond. This lineage can be seen as parallel to the long-established pictorial lineage for Manet's figuring of the prostitute Olympia. What is at stake is an art-historical discourse posed as an intervention with the prevailing historical silence about the representation and legacy of Manet's Laure, and by derivation about the significance of the black female muse to the formation of modernism. This analysis suggests that the black female figure is foundational to the evolving aesthetics of modern art. It suggests that Olympia's standing as a progenitor of modern painting can only be enhanced by breaking through the marginalization of Laure's representational legacy. It asserts that it is only when the bi-figural significance of Manet's Olympia is recognized that the extent and influence of Manet's radical modernity can be most fully understood.

Uma proposta de protocolo token ring sem fio / A Proposal Wireless Token Ring Protocol

Borges, Adroaldo Lazouriano Moreira 23 January 2014 (has links)
O protocolo Token Ring sem o (WTRP) é um protocolo distribuído de controle de acesso ao meio que provê qualidade de serviço em termos de uso de largura de banda e latência limitada. WTRP consiste de nós (estações) que formam topologicamente um anel. Contudo, quando o número de nós em um anel aumenta a latência aumenta e o tempo de reuso de token por parte de um nó em anel também aumenta. Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma versão extendida de WTRP com foco em reduzir a latência, tempo de reuso de token e permitir encaminhamento de dados entre anéis sem aumentar signicativamente o consumo de energia. Para provar o conceito que propomos, implementamos e testamos a nossa versão de WTRP usando simulador de rede - NS. / Wireless Token Ring Protocol (WTRP) is a distributed Medium Access Control protocol that provides quality of service in terms of reserved bandwidth and limited latency]. It consists of nodes or stations structured in ring topology. However, when the number of nodes in a ring increases latency and time of a node reuse token increases. In this work, we present an extended version WTRP that focus on reducing latency, time of token reuse and data forwarding among the rings in a MANet , without suggestive increasing of energy consumption. We have implemented and tested our version of WTRP in network simulator - NS.

Using Terrain and Location Information to Improve Routing in Ad Hoc Networks

Rivera, Brian 03 April 2007 (has links)
In recent years, mobile computing has become an integral part of society. As the cost of laptops and wireless networking hardware has declined, society has become increasingly connected. High speed wireless internet access is increasingly becoming part of our daily lives. As a result of this dependence on instant access to information, there is a growing need to create wireless networks without having access to a fixed networking infrastructure. Instead of relying in fixed infrastructure, these mobile nodes can be joined to create an ad hoc network to facilitate information sharing. The ad hoc nature of these networks requires different protocols than traditional networks. This research is motivated by the observation that radio communications are greatly affected by the physical environment. In hilly or urban environments, the performance of a wireless network is much lower than in large open areas. However, MANET protocols typically consider the physical environment only when it causes a change in connectivity. We examine whether the network can estimate the physical environment and predict its impact on the network, rather than waiting to react to the physical environment. This research demonstrates the feasibility of using terrain and location information to improve routing in mobile ad hoc networks through the development of a distributed routing algorithm that uses location and digital terrain information to efficiently deliver packets in a mobile ad hoc network. Through a comprehensive set of simulations, we show that the new algorithm performs better than current MANET protocols in terms of standard metrics: delay, throughput, packet loss, and efficiency.

Uma proposta de protocolo token ring sem fio / A Proposal Wireless Token Ring Protocol

Adroaldo Lazouriano Moreira Borges 23 January 2014 (has links)
O protocolo Token Ring sem o (WTRP) é um protocolo distribuído de controle de acesso ao meio que provê qualidade de serviço em termos de uso de largura de banda e latência limitada. WTRP consiste de nós (estações) que formam topologicamente um anel. Contudo, quando o número de nós em um anel aumenta a latência aumenta e o tempo de reuso de token por parte de um nó em anel também aumenta. Neste trabalho, apresentamos uma versão extendida de WTRP com foco em reduzir a latência, tempo de reuso de token e permitir encaminhamento de dados entre anéis sem aumentar signicativamente o consumo de energia. Para provar o conceito que propomos, implementamos e testamos a nossa versão de WTRP usando simulador de rede - NS. / Wireless Token Ring Protocol (WTRP) is a distributed Medium Access Control protocol that provides quality of service in terms of reserved bandwidth and limited latency]. It consists of nodes or stations structured in ring topology. However, when the number of nodes in a ring increases latency and time of a node reuse token increases. In this work, we present an extended version WTRP that focus on reducing latency, time of token reuse and data forwarding among the rings in a MANet , without suggestive increasing of energy consumption. We have implemented and tested our version of WTRP in network simulator - NS.

P2P SIP over mobile ad hoc networks / [SIP P2P pour les réseaux mobiles ad hoc]

Wongsaardsakul, Thirapon 04 October 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une nouvelle architecture Peer-to-Peer pour l’établissement de sessions SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) sur les réseaux ad hoc. SIP est un protocole con¸cu à l’origine sur un modèle centralisé est n’est pas nativement adapté aux réseaux mobiles ad hoc (MANET) en raison de leurs caractéristiques inhérentes de mobilité. Nous avons ciblé nos études sur un mécanisme de lookup distribué Peer-to-Peer (P2P) tolérant aux fautes, même en cas de mobilité des noeuds du réseau. Cette thèse s’articule autour de quatre principales contributions: Nous introduisons le concept de Structured Mesh Overlay Network (SMON) : un overlay P2P sur MANET permettant d’effectuer des lookups de ressources rapides dans un environnement ad hoc. SMON utilise une architecture cross layer design basée sur une Distributed Hash Table (DHT) utilisant directement les informations de routage OLSR. Cette architecture cross layer permet d’optimiser les performances du réseau overlay lors d’un changement de topologie du réseau. La seconde contribution, SIPMON, est un overlay SIP sur réseau SMON. Sa particularité est d’utiliser un DHT pour distribuer les identifiants d’objet SIP dans le réseau overlay SMON. Les expérimentations menées prouvent que cette approche garantit une durée de découverte SIP constante et permet un établissement de session plus rapide entre deux usagers sur réseau ad hoc. SIPMON ne s’applique cependant qu’à un réseau MANET isolé. Notre troisième contribution SIPMON+ permet un interfonctionnement de plusieurs overlays SIPMON connectés à Internet. SIPMON+ unifie donc les overlays de réseau et permet de joindre un client SIP qu’il soit localisé sur un réseau ad hoc ou sur l’internet. De plus, SIPMON+ permet une continuité de service sans couture lors du passage entre un réseau MANET et un réseau d’infrastructure. Notre prototype a démontré que les performances de temps d’établissement d’appel SIPMON+ étaient meilleures que pour l’approche concurrente MANEMO (MANET for Network Mobility). Le scénario d’usage principal est la fourniture de services de communication multimédia d’urgence rapidement déployables en cas de catastrophe majeure. Nous avons développé un prototype SIPMON+ totalement fonctionnel de service de communication P2P multimédia. Ce prototype a été expérimenté en situation réelle de catastrophe. Notre prototype sans infrastructure a donné de biens meilleurs résultats que MANEMO en termes de temps de déploiement, de taux de perte de paquets et de temps d’établissement d’appel. / This work presents a novel Peer to Peer (P2P) framework for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) on Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET). SIP is a client-server model of computing which can introduce a single point of failure problem. P2P SIP addresses this problem by using a distributed implementation based on a P2P paradigm. However, both the traditional SIP and P2P SIP architectures are not suitable for MANETs because they are initially designed for infrastructured networks whose most nodes are static. We focus on distributed P2P resource lookup mechanisms for SIP which can tolerate failures resulting from the node mobility. Our target application is SIP-based multimedia communication in a rapidly deployable disaster emergency network. To achieve our goal, we provide four contributions as follows. The first contribution is a novel P2P lookup architecture based on a concept of P2P overlay network called a Structured Mesh Overlay Network (SMON). This overlay network enables P2P applications to perform fast resource lookups in the MANET environment. SMON utilizes a cross layer design based on the Distributed Hashing Table (DHT) and has direct access to OLSR routing information. Its cross layer design allows optimizing the overlay network performance during the change of network topology. The second contribution is a distributed SIP architecture on MANET providing SIP user location discovery in a P2P manner which tolerates single-point and multiple-point of failures. Our approach extends the traditional SIP user location discovery by utilizing DHT in SMON to distribute SIP object identifiers over SMON. It offers a constant time on SIP user discovery which results in a fast call setup time between two MANET users. From simulation and experiment results, we find that SIPMON provides the lowest call setup delay when compared to the existing broadcast-based approaches. The third contribution is an extended SIPMON supporting several participating MANETs connected to Internet. This extension (SIPMON+) provides seamless mobility support allowing a SIP user to roam from an ad hoc network to an infrastructured network such as Internet without interrupting an ongoing session. We propose a novel OLSR Overlay Network (OON), a single overlay network containing MANET nodes and some nodes on the Internet. These nodes can communicate using the same OLSR routing protocol. Therefore, SIPMON can be automatically extended without modifying SIPMON internal operations. Through our test-bed experiments, we prove that SIPMON+ has better performance in terms of call setup delay and handoff delay than MANET for Network Mobility (MANEMO). The fourth contribution is a proof-of-concept and a prototype of P2P multimedia communication based on SIPMON+ for post disaster recovery missions. We evaluate our prototype and MANEMO-based approaches through experimentation in real disaster situations (Vehicle to Infrastructure scenarios). We found that our prototype outperforms MANEMO-based approaches in terms of call setup delay, packet loss, and deployment time.

Topologie et dimensionnement d'un réseau ad hoc maritime couplé avec un réseau satellitaire / Topology and dimensioning of a maritime MANET coupled with a satellite network

Kessab, Achraf 03 February 2017 (has links)
Afin de garantir un MANET totalement connecté, nous proposons un outil analytique permettant d´estimer les rayons de couverture requis. Ensuite, nous étudions les communications multi-sauts et nous proposons plusieurs protocoles de routage pour améliorer les délais de communications. Puis, nous nous focalisons sur la contribution du réseau satellite en menant une étude comparative qualifiant les besoins en stations hybrides "HS" ainsi qu’une stratégie d´accès à ces passerelles satellite. Dans un deuxième temps, nous traitons l’ occurrence du dépassement des ressources radio et le dimensionnement de ces dernières de façon à optimiser la bande passante allouée au réseau. Nous dérivons un modèle analytique en utilisant des résultats issus de la géométrie aléatoire, permettant de prévoir la quantité de ressources radio requises par les noeuds actifs sous une certaine qualité de service "QoS" et plusieurs configurations d´antennes MIMO. Nous considérons tout d´abord un système d´accès centralisé où toutes les communications sont effectuées par l’ intermédiaire des noeuds chargés de la gestion des ressources radio. Ensuite, nous traitons le cas d´un système d´accès distribué sous le protocole d´accès Aloha où les nœuds sont autorisés à accéder à la bande passante partagée aléatoirement et uniformément. Les simulations et les résultats numériques permettent d´évaluer les performances en termes de bande passante requise, de capacité globale et de rayons de couverture. / In the first part of this thesis, we tackle the initialization of the network in this hierarchical context. We propose a statistical model enabling a network designer to perceive the requirements in terms of equipments, channel bandwidth, antenna configurations, antenna radiation pattern, achievable data rates for instance. In order to guarantee fully connected MANET, we introduce an analytical tool to estimate the required inter-staff-ships and inter-shipmasters coverage radii. Then we study the multi-hop end-to-end communications and we propose several routing protocols to enhance the delays. Afterwards, we focus on the contribution of the satellite backhaul with a comparative study qualifying the needs in Hybrid Stations “HSs” and a strategy to access to these gateways. In a second part, we emphasis on the radio resource outage occurrence and the dimensioning matter to optimize the allocated bandwidth to the network. We investigate stochastic geometry tools to provide an analytical model enabling to foresee the amount of required radio resources by the active nodes with a certain Quality of Service “QoS” and several Multiple Inputs Multiple Outputs “MIMO” antenna configurations in the maritime context. We consider first the centralized access scheme where all communications are performed via the shipmasters that are in charge of the radio resource management. Then we focus on the distributed access scheme with Aloha Medium Access Control “MAC” protocol where nodes are authorized to access to the shared bandwidth arbitrarily and unilaterally. Simulation and numerical results are provided to evaluate the performances in terms of required bandwidth, aggregate capacity.


MATHEUS FILIPE ALVES M DRUMOND 04 August 2022 (has links)
[pt] Se imagem, por sua anfibologia, pode ser tomada como uma proposição dada à contemplação tanto quanto uma operação da consciência, a pintura parece ser um locus privilegiado para observar a intensificação de seus desafios ao pensamento, assim como arena apoteótica de sua neutralização. Este trabalho se empenha em deslindar alguns aspectos do problema das imagens, visando contudo, aclarar a possibilidade de uma reflexão sobre a mímesis na pintura moderna. O trabalho do pintor Édouard Manet (1832-1883) é assim analisado como contra-exemplo da reiteração de uma premência imitativa nas artes visuais – sem que com isso deixe de se enfatizar as profundas conexões estabelecidas entre obra e mundo. Nossa especulação incidirá sobre a formulação do lugar das imagens no pensamento ocidental, a fim de aclarar se algumas proposições iniciais não se apresentam ainda como entraves na reflexão contemporânea. Por não ser de todo corriqueiro, o empreendimento teórico sobre a mímesis, juntado aí a ênfase das imagens como um modo de relação sui generis, permite refletir sobre a ênfase poiética na pintura de Manet, distanciando-a da sombra de ser ela uma mera crônica reiterativa. Esta investigação, portanto, pretende oferecer uma objeção ao mecanicismo imitativo de alguns dos discursos sobre artes visuais. / [en] If image, due to its amphibology, can be taken as a proposition given to contemplation as much as an operation of consciousness, the realm of painting seems to be a privileged locus to observe the intensification of its challenges to thought, as well as an apotheotic arena of its neutralization. This paper endeavors to unravel some aspects of image s surrounding issues, aiming, however, to clarify the possibility of a reflection on mimesis in modern painting. The work of painter Édouard Manet (1832-1883) is thus analyzed as a counter-example of the reiteration of an imitative urge in the visual arts – without neglecting to emphasize the deep connections established between the work and the world. Our speculation will focus on the formulation of images locus in Western thought, in order to clarify whether some initial propositions do not yet present themselves as obstacles in contemporary reflection. As it is not commonplace, the theoretical enterprise on mimesis, along with the emphasis on images as a unique mode of relationship, allows us to reflect on the poietic emphasis in Manet s painting, distancing it from the shadow of being a mere scandalous and repetitive chronicle. This investigation, therefore, intends to offer an objection to the imitative mechanism of some established discourses on visual arts.

Wireless Rotor Data Acquisition System

Kpodzo, Elias, DiLemmo, Marc, Wang, Wearn-Juhn 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2011 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-Seventh Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 24-27, 2011 / Bally's Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nevada / Flight test data acquisition systems have been widely deployed in helicopter certification programs for a few decades. A data acquisition system uses a series of strategically placed sensors to provide instantaneous status condition of the helicopter's components and structure. However, until recently, it has been difficult to collect flight test data from helicopter rotors in motion. Traditional rotor solutions have used slip rings to electrically connect fixed and rotating mechanical elements; but slip rings are inconvenient to use, prone to wear, and notoriously unreliable.

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