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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estrutura e produção de serapilheira de floresta de mangue na região estuarina-lagunar do baixo São Francisco sergipano / STRUCTURE AND LITTERFALL OF MANGROVE FOREST IN THE LAGOON-ESTUARINE REGION OF THE LOWER SAO FRANCISCO SERGIPE.

Menezes, Luciano Carlos Sobral de 28 May 2010 (has links)
The watershed of São Francisco River has suffered drastic degradation processes, with emphasis on the environmental damages created in the lower São Francisco. The river estuary has very extended mangrove areas threatened by human actions such as shrimp farming and the removal of timber to be used in construction. The characteristics of mangrove areas at the mouth of the river have not been enough studied mostly from changes occurred in the last two decades. The structural behavior of mangrove forests is a response to environmental conditions and greater structural development is related to subsidies of rainfall and tidal near the equatorial zones, under the influence of the intense convective activity of the intertropical convergence zone. This zone, in general, includes latitudes between 10 ° and 15 ° from the Equator. The structure of the forest is defined based on various parameters, such as species composition, diameter at breast height (1.30 m substrate), height, basal area, density, spatial distribution and distribution by class of diameter, and spatial patterns of species distribution. Significant amount of nutrients can return to the soil through the decomposition of leaves, stems, fruits, flowers and animal remains and fecal material, components that defines litterfall or litter, and is a parameter frequently used to evaluate the ecosystems productivity. The objective of this work was to evaluate the structural behavior of the mangrove litter production and estuarine river San Francisco. / A Bacia Hidrográfica do São Francisco vem sofrendo processos de degradação, merecendo destaque o passivo ambiental criado no seu baixo curso. Uma extensa área de manguezal da região estuarina do São Francisco destaca-se por apresentar áreas constantemente ameaçadas por ações antrópicas como a carcinicultura assim como a retirada de madeira para utilização na construção de habitações. A especificidade das características das áreas desse manguezal ainda não foi suficientemente estudada, principalmente a partir das alterações ocorridas no baixo curso do rio nas duas últimas décadas. O comportamento estrutural dos bosques de mangue é uma resposta às condições ambientais existentes, e estes ecossistemas atingem maior desenvolvimento estrutural onde são grandes os subsídios das chuvas e das marés próximas às zonas equatoriais, que estão sob influência da intensa atividade convectiva da zona intertropical de convergência. Essa zona, de forma geral, compreende latitudes com limite máximo entre 10° e 15° a partir do Equador. A estrutura do bosque é definida em função de diversos parâmetros, cabendo destaque para composição de espécies, o diâmetro à altura do peito (1,30 m do substrato), altura, área basal, densidade, distribuição espacial e distribuição por classe diamétrica, e padrões de distribuição espacial das espécies componentes da floresta. Significativa quantidade de nutrientes pode retornar ao solo por meio da decomposição das folhas, caules, frutos, flores, bem como restos de animais e material fecal, componentes que formam a serapilheira ou litter, sendo este um parâmetro freqüentemente usado para avaliação da produtividade de ecossistemas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento estrutural do manguezal e a produção de serapilheira na região estuarina do rio São Francisco.

Evolutionary ecology and discovery of new bioactive compounds from Lumnitzera mangroves across the Indonesian Archipelago

Manurung, Jeprianto 02 August 2023 (has links)
Mangrove ecosystems are found in tropical coastal areas and play vital roles in shoreline protection, habitat support, and medicinal value. These ecosystems are under threat from human activities and climate change. This thesis explored the biodiversity and evolutionary ecology of mangroves in the Indonesian Archipelago, home to the world’s richest composition of mangrove species. Indonesia's geography, including over 17,500 islands and the intersection of Laurasian and Gondwanan flora, makes it an ideal location for studying mangrove evolution. Sea level changes and the presence of land and oceanic barriers have shaped the distribution and evolution of mangroves, with the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) playing an essential role in genetic exchange. The study analyzed 14 populations of Lumnitzera littorea and 21 populations of L. racemosa, utilizing DNA sequencing to assess genetic diversity, structure, and dispersal in relation to geographical distance and sea surface currents. Both species showed low genetic variation, and significant effects of distance and sea current connectivity were observed. Sulawesi acted as a barrier in genetic differentiation, while other barriers were discovered affecting population structure. Divergent evolutionary trajectories were noted between L. littorea and L. racemosa. The study also investigated the relationship between phylogeny and the chemophenetic patterns of their natural products, given their anti-microbial, antioxidant, and other properties. Techniques such as chromatographic separation and high-resolution ESI-MS were used to link molecular phylogeny with phytochemical characterizations. Root samples were collected for chemical analysis, revealing an unusual diversity in sulfated constituents, with some compounds found for the first time in mangroves. Specific geographical areas showed antibacterial potential, and a previously unknown compound, Lumnitzeralactone, was identified. The conclusion highlights this study as the first to reveal molecular evidence of intraspecific phylogroups in Lumnitzera mangroves, with distinctions defined by geographical lines such as Wallace's line. Additionally, the study found promising sources for anti-bacterial agents and potential therapeutic benefits to human health. The observed genetic differentiation emphasizes the need for conservation strategies at the population level, and the potential for new medicines underscores the importance of mangrove conservation in their natural habitats across Indonesia.:Preface 4 Summary 5 Zusammenfassung 10 1. Introduction 15 1.1. Characteristics, significance, and threat of mangroves 15 1.1.1. Characteristics of mangroves 15 1.1.2. Significance of Indonesian mangroves 16 1.1.3. Threats to mangroves 18 1.2. Evolutionary processes and diversity of mangroves 19 1.2.1. Evolution of mangroves 19 1.2.2. Sea surface currents in Indonesia shape genetic structure 20 1.2.3. The relevance of Wallace’s line to mangrove evolution 22 1.2.4. Isolation by geographical distance 24 1.2.5. Genetic diversity and population structure 25 1.3. Diversity of bioactive compounds of mangrove genus Lumnitzera 27 1.3.1. Sulfur-containing metabolites 27 1.3.2. Phylogenetics 28 1.3.3. Anti-infective potential 29 1.4. Study species 30 1.5. Aim of the thesis 33 2. Material and Methods 37 2.1. Sampling and sample design 37 2.2. Laboratory procedures and genetic analysis 38 2.2.1. DNA isolation 38 2.2.2. ddRADseq sequencing, and bioinformatics 38 2.2.3. Genetic diversity, population structure and differentiation 40 2.2.4. Identifying barriers and areas of connectivity 41 2.2.5. Isolation by distance and sea surface current connectivity 42 2.2.6. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), and phylogenetic analyses 43 2.3. Laboratory procedures and phytochemical analysis 44 2.3.1. Root sample extraction 44 2.3.2. TLC, Low-resolution ESI-MS spectra, HPLC, and NMR 45 2.3.3. UHPLC-ESI-QqTOF-MS and MS/MS 46 2.3.4. RP-UHPLC-ESI-LIT-Orbitrap-MS 47 2.3.5. Extraction and isolation of compounds 47 2.3.6. Anti-infective bioassays 51 3. Results 52 3.1. Genetic diversity and population structure 52 3.1.1. Genetic diversity 52 3.1.2. Population structure and genetic differentiation 54 3.1.3. Effective migration 58 3.1.4. Isolation by distance and sea surface current connectivity 59 3.2. Unusual-sulfated constituent and anti-infective properties 61 3.2.1. Phytochemical screening 61 3.2.2. Phylogenetic tree of Lumnitzera 69 3.2.3. Evaluation of anti-infective properties 70 4. Discussion 74 4.1. Population genomics of Lumnitzera mangroves in Indonesia 74 4.1.1. The genetic diversity paradox in mangroves 74 4.1.2. Phylogroups and the Sunda-Wallacea biogeographical pattern 76 4.1.3. Limited mixture among phylogroups and populations by sea surface currents 78 4.1.4. Restricted gene flow by geographical distance 80 4.1.5. Evolutionary ecology of Lumnitzera inferred by genetics and chemodiversity 81 4.2. Bioactive compounds and anti-infective potential of Lumnitzera 82 4.2.1. Diversity of bioactive compounds 82 4.2.2. Sulfated and nonsulfated ellagic acid supported by phylogenetic pattern 83 4.2.3. Anti-infective properties and their restriction to particular locations 86 5. Conclusion and future perspective 89 6. References 94 7. Appendix 111 Curriculum vitae 119 Declaration of independent work 122 Acknowledgments 123 Author contributions statement 125 / Viele Mangrovenarten haben neben Holz- und Nichtholzprodukten auch einen medizinischen Wert und werden traditionell genutzt. Doch durch menschliche Aktivitäten und den Anstieg des Meeresspiegels durch den Klimawandel verschwinden sie rasch. Diese Arbeit erforscht die biologische Vielfalt der Mangroven im indonesischen Archipel, insbesondere die Arten Lumnitzera littorea und Lumnitzera racemosa. Der indonesische Archipel hat die weltweit reichste Mangrovenzusammensetzung und dient als Übergangsregion für verschiedene Pflanzenlinien. Der Meeresspiegelanstieg und dessen mögliche Auswirkungen auf Mangroven wurden genau untersucht. Mangroven besitzen schwimmfähige Fortpflanzungsorgane, und die Meeresströmungen des Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) könnten den genetischen Austausch zwischen verschiedenen Populationen ermöglichen. In der Studie wurden 14 Populationen von L. littorea und 21 von L. racemosa genotypisiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine geringe genetische Variation auf Populationsebene und eine signifikante genetische Differenzierung, beeinflusst von Entfernung und Meeresströmung. Es wurden auch divergierende Entwicklungsverläufe und zwei Phylogruppen bei beiden Arten beobachtet. Die Studie untersuchte auch die phylogenetischen Beziehungen und die Chemophenetik der beiden Arten. Mangrovenböden weisen einen hohen Sulfatgehalt auf, und medizinisch wirksame Verbindungen werden oft von Mikroorganismen wie endophytischen Pilzen produziert. Schwefelverbindungen in Mangroven wurden bisher vernachlässigt. Durch Kombination von phylogenetischen Daten mit chemischen Analysen wurde die Entwicklung der Mangrovenarten und die Vielfalt der Wurzelmetaboliten untersucht. Es wurden chromatographische und tandemmassenspektrometrische Techniken eingesetzt, um eine molekulare Phylogenie mit phytochemischen Charakterisierungen zu verbinden. Die Untersuchung ergab eine ungewöhnliche Vielfalt an sulfatierten Bestandteilen und antibakterielles Potenzial. Zusammenfassend liefert die Studie molekulare Beweise für intraspezifische Phylogruppen in Lumnitzera-Mangroven, definiert durch die biogeografische Trennung von Sunda und Wallacea. Beide Arten stellen eine vielversprechende Quelle für antibakterielle Wirkstoffe dar, einschließlich sulfatierter Ellagsäurederivate. Die populationsgenomischen Ergebnisse liefern Informationen über die Erhaltungsstrategie von Lumnitzera-Arten, und die metabolomischen Ergebnisse berichten über potenzielle neue Arzneimittel, was die Bedeutung der Erhaltung von Mangroven in ihren natürlichen Lebensräumen im gesamten indonesischen Archipel unterstreicht.:Preface 4 Summary 5 Zusammenfassung 10 1. Introduction 15 1.1. Characteristics, significance, and threat of mangroves 15 1.1.1. Characteristics of mangroves 15 1.1.2. Significance of Indonesian mangroves 16 1.1.3. Threats to mangroves 18 1.2. Evolutionary processes and diversity of mangroves 19 1.2.1. Evolution of mangroves 19 1.2.2. Sea surface currents in Indonesia shape genetic structure 20 1.2.3. The relevance of Wallace’s line to mangrove evolution 22 1.2.4. Isolation by geographical distance 24 1.2.5. Genetic diversity and population structure 25 1.3. Diversity of bioactive compounds of mangrove genus Lumnitzera 27 1.3.1. Sulfur-containing metabolites 27 1.3.2. Phylogenetics 28 1.3.3. Anti-infective potential 29 1.4. Study species 30 1.5. Aim of the thesis 33 2. Material and Methods 37 2.1. Sampling and sample design 37 2.2. Laboratory procedures and genetic analysis 38 2.2.1. DNA isolation 38 2.2.2. ddRADseq sequencing, and bioinformatics 38 2.2.3. Genetic diversity, population structure and differentiation 40 2.2.4. Identifying barriers and areas of connectivity 41 2.2.5. Isolation by distance and sea surface current connectivity 42 2.2.6. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), and phylogenetic analyses 43 2.3. Laboratory procedures and phytochemical analysis 44 2.3.1. Root sample extraction 44 2.3.2. TLC, Low-resolution ESI-MS spectra, HPLC, and NMR 45 2.3.3. UHPLC-ESI-QqTOF-MS and MS/MS 46 2.3.4. RP-UHPLC-ESI-LIT-Orbitrap-MS 47 2.3.5. Extraction and isolation of compounds 47 2.3.6. Anti-infective bioassays 51 3. Results 52 3.1. Genetic diversity and population structure 52 3.1.1. Genetic diversity 52 3.1.2. Population structure and genetic differentiation 54 3.1.3. Effective migration 58 3.1.4. Isolation by distance and sea surface current connectivity 59 3.2. Unusual-sulfated constituent and anti-infective properties 61 3.2.1. Phytochemical screening 61 3.2.2. Phylogenetic tree of Lumnitzera 69 3.2.3. Evaluation of anti-infective properties 70 4. Discussion 74 4.1. Population genomics of Lumnitzera mangroves in Indonesia 74 4.1.1. The genetic diversity paradox in mangroves 74 4.1.2. Phylogroups and the Sunda-Wallacea biogeographical pattern 76 4.1.3. Limited mixture among phylogroups and populations by sea surface currents 78 4.1.4. Restricted gene flow by geographical distance 80 4.1.5. Evolutionary ecology of Lumnitzera inferred by genetics and chemodiversity 81 4.2. Bioactive compounds and anti-infective potential of Lumnitzera 82 4.2.1. Diversity of bioactive compounds 82 4.2.2. Sulfated and nonsulfated ellagic acid supported by phylogenetic pattern 83 4.2.3. Anti-infective properties and their restriction to particular locations 86 5. Conclusion and future perspective 89 6. References 94 7. Appendix 111 Curriculum vitae 119 Declaration of independent work 122 Acknowledgments 123 Author contributions statement 125

Are peri-urban mangrove forests viable ?effects of sewage pollution and wood exploitation on the structure and development of the mangroves of Mombasa, Kenya

Mohamed, Mohamed 12 December 2008 (has links)
Acknowledging the increasingly prominent urban character of ecosystems globally, mangroves being no exception, and possible impediments to the viability of these ecosystems (i.e. the inherent capacity or ability to grow, develop or recover after disturbances), we adapt a system‟s approach to establish the viability of the peri-urban mangrove of Tudor creek in Mombasa, Kenya. Three important aspects of the peri-urban mangroves are assessed. These include (i) structural aspects (vegetation structure and regeneration), (ii) functional aspects (productivity) and (iii) human aspects (socioeconomics). Chapter 1 and 2 introduce the study, outlining the objectives and the study area. The chapters lay down an overview of the mangrove trees physiological adaptations and the ecological attributes that make the mangrove ecosystems unique and highly adaptable to a harsh and dynamic intertidal environment. The chapters further outline the extent and status of mangroves in Kenya, their socioeconomic importance, and the legislation that governs their management and conservation.<p>Chapters 3 and 6 describe the structural attributes and regeneration status of the peri-urban mangroves of Tudor creek. Based on species importance values the dominant mangrove species were Rhizophora mucronata Lam. (Rhizophoraceae) and Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. (Acanthaceae)&61607; Lumnitzera racemosa Willd. (Combretaceae), reported in an earlier floristic survey, was not encountered. Tree density varied between 1,264 trees ha–1 and 1,301 trees ha–1, which are within the range of values reported for similar forests globally. However, the size-class structure showed the numerical dominance of small trees over larger trees. The spatial distribution pattern of adults and juveniles varied greatly between sites had a close to uniform pattern (Morisita‟s Index Iδ << 1) for adult trees, but a tendency for clustered distribution (Iδ >> 1) for juveniles. This pattern of distribution is not expected for a healthy forest. The distribution of regenerating seedlings was mainly impacted by canopy gap sizes. These chapters shows that unmanaged but exploited peri-urban mangroves are structurally degraded, having enlarged canopy gaps, characterised by spatial and temporal heterogeneity in edaphic conditions that influences regeneration. This enlarged gaps and edaphic heterogeneity imposes longer periods for canopy closure by lowering regeneration and promoting mortality of seedlings. Larger gaps (> 60m²) had lower regeneration levels and intermediate gaps (20-50m²) had adequate regeneration. The occurrence of R. mucronata seedlings and saplings in the understorey under all cover types and inundation confers advantages to this species under the current disturbance regime. Disturbances include sewage pollution, unregulated harvesting and siltation. The current status of the forest is reminiscent of a recovery phase, a multiphase species succession stage, after a major disturbance event, accompanied by recurrent anthropogenic pressure. This study shows that species composition and thus recovery of a mangrove forest after disturbance depends in part on the balance between subsequent large-scale natural and recurrent small-scale human disturbances.<p>Chapter 4 assesses the human dependence on the peri-urban mangrove. Through questionnaires and field surveys, the study demonstrates the challenges of questionnaire surveys targeting respondents involved in exploitation of sensitive resources. This potentially limits if not inhibit information flow. Firewood is the ubiquitous form of mangrove wood utilisation, exploited at both subsistence and commercial scales. Forest assessments indicate the lack of preferred or specific harvesting sites, with R. mucronata being the most harvested, probably due to its distribution range and ease of access. Sewage pollution was viewed with mixed feelings. Many appreciate the nutrient enrichment of the sewage rather than the filtration capacity of mangroves, resulting in the usage of sewage for irrigating small plots of subsistence farms. The study shows that resource exploitation is intense in an urban setting due to an economic drive and an increasing demand. In the rural setting on the other hand, utilisation included both subsistence and commercial charcoal production. This has promoted more efficient, destructive and unsustainable exploitation levels. Associated benefits of these activities grossly under-value the ecosystem goods and services in addition to degrading the ecosystem. Our observations, consistent with other studies, shows that management of mangroves for wood extraction in urban areas may not be a viable and/or sustainable option, as it conflicts with the essential „filtration‟ and „habitat provisioning‟ functions and services of mangrove ecosystems. These functions and services are increasingly important in a “diminishing” urban environment. This arises out of the lack of adequate alternatives and conflicting interests in growing urban areas. It is recommended that „adaptive‟ and „participatory management’ based on multiple uses and users, with specific legislative, education and institutional interventions. Integrating local ecological knowledge, may further expedite the formulation of sustainable management plans for peri-urban mangroves. Chapter 5 presents insights on the productivity of an under-valued, over-exploited and sewage polluted peri-urban mangrove through litter fall studies on three common mangrove species, R. mucronata, A. marina and S. alba. The study covers a period of two years. The mean annual litter fall was estimated at 12 ± 3 t ha-1yr-1 for the whole stand, which is within the range of values reported for similar forests occupying the same latitudinal range. Litter fall, in both content and quantity was highly seasonal, with high rates occurring in the dry North Easterly Monsoon (NEM) season, January-April (ca. 5 ± 1 g DW m-2 day-1) and lower rates in the cool and wet South Easterly Monsoon (SEM) season, June-October (ca. 3 ± 0.5 g DW m-2 day-1). R. mucronata recorded the highest annual rate of 15 ± 3 t ha-1yr-1. No significant differences in litter fall rates were observed between A. marina and S. alba, (11 ± 3 and 10 ± 5 t ha-1yr-1 respectively). Sewage exposure levels did not appear to influence litter production rates despite higher nutrient levels in completely exposed sites. δ15N varied with species; A. marina (6.48 ± 0.03‰) and S. alba (6.76 ± 0.24‰) having higher composition than R. mucronata (3.88 ± 0.64‰). The leaf C:N ratio strongly correlated with elevated leaf δ15N signature. Higher C:N ratio for R. mucronata corresponding with lower leaf δ15N (3.88 ± 0.64‰) signature, and lower C:N ratio for A. marina and S. alba (6.48 ± 0.03‰ and 6.76 ± 0.24‰ respectively) corresponding with higher δ15N signature. This reflects species specific response to raw sewage exposure. This implies the forest has a more open N cycle, favouring δ15N accumulation within the system. This study shows that sewage exposure does not necessarily translate into elevated productivity in mangroves, but may alter litter nitrate content depending on species, possibly altering the decay of litter and nutrient cycling.<p>Chapter 7 presents a synthesis linking the findings to possible implications on the general status of the mangrove ecosystem. The major disturbances observed for the peri-urban mangroves of Tudor creek include (i) domestic sewage pollution, (ii) recurrent unregulated harvesting; and (iii) recurrent annual siltation during the rainy season. Our observations indicate that<p>(i) Raw domestic sewage pollution may not be harmful to the mangrove vegetation, but may affect edaphic conditions through nutrients enrichment. Sewage pollution effects, though not qualitatively proven in our study, enhance growth of mangrove trees. This is due to increase in amounts of nutrients available for biomass formation, observed as leaf nitrates resorption efficiencies. However, the raw domestic sewage is reported to alter the general healthy decomposing aerobic-anaerobic mangrove system to a complete anaerobic system. This tends to lower efficiencies in nutrient cycling, and cause accumulation of nutrients in the sediments. Observations within the same site and other East African mangroves (under the PUMPSEA project) indicate negative effects of sewage on the sediment cyanobacterial diversity, with an increase in microalgal abundance. Furthermore, within Mikindani (a sewage impacted site in Tudor creek), high rates of sediment ΣCO2 production indicate a system under stress due to the presence of easily degradable organic matter. (ii) Un-regulated harvesting creates and enlarges canopy gaps, lowering availability of seed bearing trees, altering species composition and stem size distribution due to its selective nature, and lowers regeneration under the enlarged canopy gaps. This strongly lowers recovery rates after major disturbances. (iii) Siltation stands out as a major cause of degradation. Siltation is extrinsic in nature, a result of poor land use practices. This probably makes it a major issue of concern due to its impact on regeneration. A major siltation event, associated with the 1997-1998 ENSO, is widely identified as a cause of enlarged canopy gaps. Little recovery has occurred 10 years after the event due to recurrent anthropogenic pressure. The combined effects of these factors have important implications on growth, productivity and recovery of the mangrove ecosystem. The effects include shifts or changes in mangrove tree species distribution. This has lowered the system functional diversity and response diversity, and therefore ecosystem resilience - viability of the ecosystem. It is recommended that integrated adaptive management, based on sound knowledge of the system is the recommended approach. The participation of stakeholders (government institutions, the private sector and local communities) is crucial for managing peri-urban mangroves for sustainability. Not intervening may only result in a worst case scenario. Especially with the current global financial crisis, more locals will turn to „cheap‟ mangrove firewood.<p><p><p>En vue de l‟augmentation de l‟urbanisation dans les multiples écosystèmes du monde, les mangroves n'étant pas une exception, on observe des obstacles à la viabilité de ces écosystèmes, c.-à-d. leur capacité inhérente de se développer, de s‟étendre ou de récupérer après des perturbations sous des conditions urbaines. Nous avons adapté une approche systémique pour établir la viabilité des mangroves périurbaines de la baie de Tudor à Mombasa, Kenya. Trois aspects importants des mangroves périurbaines sont évalués. Cela inclus (i) les aspects structurels (structure de la végétation et la régénération), (ii) aspects fonctionnels (productivité) et (iii) aspects humains (socio-économiques). Les Chapitres 1 et 2 introduisent l'étude, en exposant brièvement les objectifs et le domaine d'étude. Les chapitres présentent un panorama des adaptations physiologiques des palétuviers et des attributs écologiques qui rendent l‟écosystème de la mangrove unique et hautement adaptable à un environnement intertidal rigoureux et dynamique. Les chapitres suivants exposent l‟étendue et le statut des mangroves au Kenya, leur importance socio-économique et la législation qui cadre leur gestion et conservation.<p>Les chapitres 3 et 6 décrivent les caractéristiques structurelles et les étapes de la régénération des palétuviers périurbains de la baie de Tudor. Par ordre d'importance des espèces, les palétuviers les plus souvent rencontrés étaient Rhizophora mucronata (Rhizophoraceae) et Avicennia marina (Forssk.) Vierh. (Acanthaceae)&61607; Lumnitzera racemosa Willd. (Combretaceae) n'a pas été rencontrée lors d‟un voyage floristique précédent. La densité d'arbre varie entre 1.264 arbres ha-1 et 1.301 arbres ha-1, ce qui correspond aux moyennes rapportées pour des forêts comparables dans le monde. Cependant, la structure des classes de taille montre une dominance numérique des palétuviers moins développés par rapport aux plus développés. Le pattern de distribution spatiale des adultes et des juvéniles varie considérablement entre les sites et montre presque un modèle uniforme (l'index de Morisita; Iδ << 1) pour les individus adultes. En revanche, pour les juvéniles on retrouve une tendance de distribution groupée (Iδ >> 1). Ce modèle de distribution n'était pas attendu pour une forêt non altérée. La distribution de la régénération des pousses est principalement dictée par la taille des gaps. Ce chapitre montre que les mangroves périurbaines, exploitées et non aménagées, sont structurellement dégradées, ayant des larges gaps caractérisés par une hétérogénéité des conditions édaphiques qui influencent la régénération. Quant aux gaps les plus larges, on retrouve un taux de régénération plus faible. Les gaps élargis et l‟hétérogénéité édaphique imposent de plus longues périodes de fermeture des canopées, en diminuant la régénération et promouvant la mortalité des pousses. Les gaps plus grands (> 60m2) ont des niveaux de régénération plus bas et les gaps intermédiaires (20-50m2) ont une régénération adéquate. L‟occurrence de pousses et de juvéniles de R. mucronata dominent le niveau inférieur de tous les types de couvertures végétales et d‟inondation. Cela confère un avantage à cette espèce sous le régime de perturbation actuel. Les perturbations incluent les eaux usées non traitées, les récoltes non-réglementées et l‟envasement. L'état actuel de la forêt est une phase de récupération, un stade de succession d‟espèces en multiples phases, suite à un événement majeur de perturbation, accompagné d‟une pression anthropogénique récurrente. Cette étude démontre que la composition d‟espèces et donc de la récupération de la forêt de mangrove après une perturbation dépend en partie de l'équilibre entre les perturbations naturelles à grande échelle et humaines à moindre échelle.<p>Le chapitre 4 évalue la dépendance humaine à l'égard de la mangrove périurbaine. Par des questionnaires et des travaux de terrains, on a constaté que l‟utilisation des questionnaires est délicate. En effet, ceux-ci ciblent des personnes impliquées dans l'exploitation des ressources sensibles. Ceci limite potentiellement sinon empêche le flux de l'information. Le bois de feu est la forme d‟utilisation la plus répandue du bois de mangrove, utilisé dans le cadre de la subsistance et du commerce. Les résultats indiquent qu‟il n‟y a pas de sites de récolte préférés. R. mucronata est l‟espèce la plus récoltée, probablement en raison de sa distribution et facilité d‟accès. La pollution par les eaux usées a appréciation mixte. Certains l‟apprécient pour l‟irrigation de leurs cultures de subsistance, malgré la capacité de filtration des mangroves. L‟étude montre que l‟exploitation des ressources est intense, dans un cadre urbain, dû à une conduite économique et une demande croissante. Par contre, dans le cadre rural, l‟utilisation inclus la production de charbon de subsistance ainsi que commercial. La limitation des moyens de vie dans le cadre rural, couplés à la pauvreté et le besoin d‟énergie domestique bon marché, créent une dépendance des ressources de<p>mangroves. Ceci a favorisé des niveaux d‟exploitation plus importants, destructeurs et non viables. Les gains associés à ces activités qui dégradent l‟écosystème, sont beaucoup moins importants que les biens et les services offerts par la mangrove. Nos observations, en accord avec d‟autres études, montrent que la gestion de l‟extraction du bois des mangroves dans des zones urbaines n‟est pas une option viable et/ou durable, puisqu‟il entre en conflit avec les fonctions et services essentiels de „filtration‟ et „d’approvisionnement pour l’habitation‟ de la mangrove. Ce phénomène résulte du manque d‟alternatives adéquates et des conflits d‟intérêts des zones urbaines en expansion. Il est recommandé de mettre en place une gestion „adaptative‟ et „participative‟ fondée sur les utilisations et utilisateurs multiples, ainsi qu‟une législation, une éducation et des interventions institutionnelles spécifiques, intégrant les connaissances écologiques locales, afin de faciliter des plans de gestion durable pour les mangroves périurbaines.<p>Le chapitre 5 présente un aperçu de la productivité de la mangrove périurbaine sous-évaluée, surexploitée et polluée par des eaux usées à travers des études de la litière de trois espèces communes de palétuvier, R. mucronata, A. marina et S. alba. L‟étude couvre une période de deux ans. La chute moyenne annuelle de litière a été estimée à 12 ± 3 t ha-1an-1 pour la totalité du secteur, ce qui correspond aux valeurs de forêts comparables occupant des latitudes similaires. La composition et la quantité de la litière changent fortement avec les saisons. Les taux élevés (ca. 5 ± 1 g DW m2 j-1) s‟observent au cours de la saison sèche (Janvier-Avril), sous le North Easterly Monsoon (NEM).Tandis que les taux inférieurs (ca. 3 ± 0,50 g DW m2 j-1) s‟observent au cours de la saison humide (Juin-Octobre), sous le South Easterly Monsoon (SEM). Il y a des variations significatives entre les espèces. R. mucronata a enregistré le taux annuel le plus élevé 15 ± 3 t ha-1an-1. Par contre, il n‟y a pas de différences significatives entre A. marina et S. alba, (11 ± 3 et 10 ± 5 t ha-1an-1, respectivement). Le niveau de pollution par les eaux usées ne semble pas influencer les taux de production de litière en dépit de la concentration plus élevées des nutriments dans les zones complètement exposées. Le δ15N a varié entre les espèces, A. marina (6,48 ± 0,03‰) et S. alba (6,76 ± 0,24‰) ayant une composition plus élevée que R. mucronata (3,88 ± 0,64‰). Cela implique que la forêt a un cycle de l‟N plus ouvert, favorisant l'accumulation dans le système. Cette étude démontre que l'exposition aux eaux usées ne se traduit pas nécessairement en une productivité élevée des palétuviers, mais peut changer le contenu de nitrogène total des feuilles, probablement en changeant la décomposition de la litière et le cycle des nutriments. Le chapitre 7 présente une synthèse liant les résultats aux implications possibles sur le statut général de l'écosystème des mangroves. Les perturbations principales observées pour les mangroves périurbaines de la baie de Tudor incluent (i) la pollution par les eaux usées domestiques, (ii) la récolte récurrente irrégulière et (iii) l‟envasement annuel pendant la saison des pluies. Nos observations indiquent que: (i) la pollution par les eaux usées non traitées n‟est pas nocive pour les palétuviers, mais peut affecter les conditions édaphiques par l'enrichissement en éléments nutritifs. Les effets de la pollution des eaux usées, quoique non prouvés qualitativement dans notre étude, augmentent la croissance des palétuviers. Ce par une augmentation des quantités de nutriments disponibles pour la formation de biomasse, observée lors de l‟étude de l‟efficacité de résorption des nitrates par les feuilles. Cependant, on rapporte que les eaux usées domestiques non traitées changent le système de décomposition aérobique-anaérobique naturel des mangroves vers un système uniquement anaérobique. Ce qui diminue l‟efficacité du cycle nutritif et engendre l'accumulation des nutriments dans les sédiments. Les observations sur le même site et sur d‟autres mangroves de l‟Afrique de l‟Est (sous le projet PUMPSEA), indiquent des effets négatifs des eaux usées sur la diversité des cyanobactéries du sédiment et une augmentation de l'abondance des micro-algues. En outre, à Mikindani (site affecté par des eaux usées dans la baie de Tudor), les taux élevés de production de ΣCO2 dans le sédiment indiquent un système sous pression (ou sous stress), suite à la présence de la matière organique facilement dégradable. (ii) L‟exploitation non réglementée va créer et agrandir des gaps. En fonction de la nature sélective de l‟exploitation, il y aura une diminution de la disponibilité des arbres produisant des propagules, un changement de la composition des espèces et de la distribution des tailles des arbres. De plus, elle réduit la régénération sous les larges gaps. Cela diminue fortement les taux de rétablissement après d‟importantes perturbations.<p>(iii) L'envasement est la cause majeure de la dégradation. L'envasement est extrinsèque par nature, parce qu‟il découle de mauvaises pratiques d‟exploitation de la terre. Ce phénomène est probablement le point de concertation majeur, dû à son impact sur la régénération. Un événement d'envasement majeur, lié à l‟ENSO de 1997-1998, est identifié comme étant une cause d‟agrandissement des gaps. Peu de récupération s'est produite lors des dix années qui suivirent l'événement, suite à la pression anthropogène récurrente. Les effets combinés de ces facteurs ont des implications importantes sur la croissance, la productivité et la récupération de l'écosystème des mangroves. Les effets incluent des variations ou des changements de la distribution des espèces de palétuviers. Ceci a diminué la diversité fonctionnelle et la diversité des réponses du système et a donc diminué la résilience de l‟écosystème - la viabilité de l'écosystème. Il est recommandé qu‟une gestion adaptative intégrée, fondée sur la connaissance orale du système, soit la meilleure approche. La participation des décideurs (institutions gouvernementales, secteur privé et communautés locales) est cruciale pour la gestion des mangroves périurbaines. Dans l‟absence d‟intervention, seul le pire scénario peut être envisagé. En particulier avec la crise financière globale actuelle, la population locale se tournera encore plus vers le bois de feu „bon marché‟ de la mangrove. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Impact des sédiments cohésifs sur l'écosystème

Gratiot, Nicolas 18 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Mon activité de recherche concerne la dynamique des sédiments cohésifs, appliquée aux écosystèmes côtiers et continentaux. Du fait de son impact sur le transit des polluants et la dégradation des sols, cette activité figure au coeur des missions de l'Institut de Recherche pour le Développement auquel j'appartiens. La dégradation de la quantité et de la qualité des sols constitue un enjeu de Société, notamment en terme de sécurité alimentaire. Les principaux résultats de recherche obtenus concernent : 1. les processus physiques de dépôt des sédiments cohésifs dans les systèmes aquatiques naturels (laboratoire et estuaire de la Gironde) 2. la vulnérabilité de l'écosystème côtier aux modifications géomorphologiques (Guyane) 3. la dégradation des écosystèmes continentaux semi-arides par érosion des sols (France et Mexique) 1. Le premier thème de recherche a essentiellement été abordé sous un angle expérimental et analytique en étroite collaboration avec M. Mory, H. Michallet (Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels, Grenoble) et A.Manning (Marine Institute of the University of Plymouth, UK) dans le cadre du projet européen COSINUS. Les avancées principales attraient à la floculation des sédiments fins et la dynamique des fluides stratifiés particulaires en milieux naturels (rivière, lac, estuaire, côte). Le flux massique de dépôt des sédiments croît fortement avec la concentration en matière solide C dans la gamme [0-1] g.l-1. La diminution de la distance inter-floc (d/Df ~O(10)) entraîne une augmentation du nombre de chocs et favorise la floculation. Pour des concentrations plus élevées (1-5 g.l-1), nous avons pu montrer expérimentalement que l'augmentation drastique du nombre de collisions ne modifiait pas le caractère constructif (floculation) des collisions et cela, même dans des conditions de turbulence significatives (Gratiot and Manning, 2004 ; 2007a ; 2007b). Pour des concentrations dans la gamme C=[5-100] g.l-1, le comportement des sédiments cohésifs nécessite une approche multidisciplinaire alliant la physique des flocs, la mécanique des fluides et la rhéologie. Du fait des difficultés d'instrumentation inhérentes aux crèmes de vase (très forte concentration, mesures très près du fond), nos contributions les plus significatives sur le dépôt des sédiments cohésifs ont été obtenues en laboratoire (Gratiot et al., 2005) puis ont été appliquées sur l'estuaire de la Gironde dans le cadre d'une collaboration avec l'UMR Environnements et Paléoenvironnements OCéaniques (EPOC, Bordeaux) et le Laboratoire des Ecoulements Géophysiques et Industriels (LEGI, Grenoble) (Sottolichio et al., submitted). Nous avons pu montrer que l'évolution du flux de chute des sédiments ws C ) varie de plusieurs ordres selon la nature des sédiments (cohésifs ou non cohésifs), le régime de l'écoulement (laminaire ou turbulent) et la concentration. 2. A plus grande échelle, nous nous sommes intéressés à la dynamique de l'écosystème côtier du plateau des Guyanes (Amérique du Sud). Ce travail s'est fait en interaction avec différents acteurs de la recherche (acteurs du Programme National d'Environnement Côtier : chantier Guyane), de l'Observation de la Terre depuis l'espace (CNES-CSG) et de la protection de la Nature (WWF, association Kwata). Le développement de méthodes de suivi de l'écosystème et le couplage des approches de laboratoire et de terrain ont conduit à des avancées quant à la migration des bancs de vase (Baghdadi et al., 2004 ; Gardel and Gratiot, 2005, 2006 ; Gratiot et al., 2007 ; Anthony et al., 2008 ;Gratiot et al., 2008), la colonisation de la frange côtière par la mangrove (Fiot and Gratiot 2006 ; Proisy et al. 2009) ou encore la vulnérabilité de l'écosystème à la dynamique côtière (Lefebvre et al. 2004 ; Gratiot et al., 2006 ; Kelle et al., 2007, 2009). Le résultat le plus original précise le rôle du cycle nodal de marée (à 18.6 ans) sur la vulnérabilité côtière, avec des extrapolations possibles à l'échelle planétaire (Gratiot et al., 2008). 3. Depuis mon intégration au sein de l'équipe RIVER du Laboratoire des Transferts en Hydrologie et Environnement (jan. 2005), j'aborde la dynamique sédimentaire en milieu continental semi-aride. Deux sites pilotes (BV de la Bléone, France ; BV de Cointzio, Mexique) ont été retenus et sont soutenus au plan national (projet ANR STREAMS, 2007-2009) et international (projet Européen DESIRE, convention IRD-Univ. National. Auton. de Mexico, 2007-2011). Le suivi en continu du réservoir de Cointzio a révélé un fonctionnement hydro-sédimentaire particulièrement contraignant, tant pour l'écosystème que pour les gestionnaires. Situé dans un environnement de pluie tropicale de montagne, les caractéristiques morphométriques du réservoir (profond et de faible volume) amplifient les variabilités locales. L'écosystème lacustre s'adapte donc à des conditions environnementales très contrastées au cours de l'année (Susperregui et al., 2009 ; Némery et al., 2009). L'évolution pluri-décennale du cycle de l'eau sur le bassin versant de Cointzio a, quant à elle, révélé une augmentation significative de la contribution des eaux de ruissellement vis-à-vis des eaux de nappes (Gratiot et al., 2010). Cette évolution est une conséquence directe et préoccupante des changements anthropiques engagés depuis les années 1970. Les travaux en cours visent à caractériser les temps de résidence des sédiments, les flux sédimentaires et biogéochimiques associés, en couplant approches hydro-sédimentaire et de traçage (par éléments majeurs, par spectrométrie et par datation isotopique) (Duvert et al., 2009 ; Evrard et al., in prep.). Par la suite, l'inter comparaison des bassins versants de la Bléone (France) et de Cointzio (Mexique) devrait permettre des avancées significatives quant à l'optimisation des protocoles d'échantillonnage (Borga et al., 2008 ; Némery et al., 2010) et la définition des invariants qui gouvernent la dynamique sédimentaire des bassins versants de meso-échelle.

The Distribution of Coral, Reefs and Coastal Habitats in North Central Cuba

Brady, Aisling 24 February 2009 (has links)
Coral communities have begun to form under small inlet-style bridges along the causeway connecting Cayo Coco to Cayo Guillermo. To understand how these bridge-reefs formed and characterize their attributes relative to surrounding communities, a combination of ecological observations and 13C isotopes were analyzed from the bridges and surrounding reefs, mangrove channels and seagrass patches. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis, Detrended Correspondence Analysis and Canonical Correspondence Analysis were carried out to group which physical attributes contributed to the coral communities in the bridge-reefs and also which habitats they were most similar to, with respect to coral and benthic composition. Bridge reef coral assemblages resembled shallow patch reefs and mangrove channels, while benthic coverage was similar to mangrove channels. Organic matter was from combined seagrass and mangrove sources, with mangrove dominating in some regions more than others. This work demonstrates that habitats within the seascape are inter-related through varying mechanisms and development is multi-dimensional.

The Distribution of Coral, Reefs and Coastal Habitats in North Central Cuba

Brady, Aisling 24 February 2009 (has links)
Coral communities have begun to form under small inlet-style bridges along the causeway connecting Cayo Coco to Cayo Guillermo. To understand how these bridge-reefs formed and characterize their attributes relative to surrounding communities, a combination of ecological observations and 13C isotopes were analyzed from the bridges and surrounding reefs, mangrove channels and seagrass patches. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis, Detrended Correspondence Analysis and Canonical Correspondence Analysis were carried out to group which physical attributes contributed to the coral communities in the bridge-reefs and also which habitats they were most similar to, with respect to coral and benthic composition. Bridge reef coral assemblages resembled shallow patch reefs and mangrove channels, while benthic coverage was similar to mangrove channels. Organic matter was from combined seagrass and mangrove sources, with mangrove dominating in some regions more than others. This work demonstrates that habitats within the seascape are inter-related through varying mechanisms and development is multi-dimensional.

Uso de águas hipersalinas na produção de mudas de mangue Laguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertn / Hypersaline water use in mangrove seedlings production

Costa, Lucas Ramos da 10 February 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-16T13:31:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LucasRC_DISSERT.pdf: 1620003 bytes, checksum: f8a0e53f62c9087a7ab3812b2ac94c88 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Never has humanity needed much water to meet their basic needs as today, and water reuse a reality, however, still far from the ideal. Water quality is one of the factors that cause negative effect on growth and development and production of crops. In this context, the objective of this study is to enable the production of white mangrove seedlings (Laguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertn) using hypersaline waters aiming the reforestation of degraded mangrove areas. For this, there were two experiments; the first trial was conducted between February 13 and June 3, 2014, being installed in a greenhouse located in the land sector belongs to the Federal Rural University of semiarid (UFERSA). The experimental design was a randomized block design with six treatments (S1 = 0,5; S2 = 24; S3 = 53; S4 = 77; S5 = 101e S6 = 124 dS m-1), and four replications, with 24 installments with 15 plants in each plot, a total of 360 plants. Treatments were prepared by diluting hypersaline water coming from the salt crystallisation basin with the water supply network UFERSA in order to obtain electrical conductivity of irrigation water (CEa) to their treatment. The variables were growth, fitomassas, physiological indices, Dickson quality index (DCI) and soil chemical properties. The second experiment was carried out in the field Icapuí-CE municipality, between June 30 and September 9, 2014. In general, all parameters analyzed in experiment I tended to decrease with increasing salt level in the water irrigation. The use of hypersaline water with salinity S3 = 55 dS m-1, is a viable alternative in the production of mangrove seedlings, according to the conditions of this study. The most saline treatment (S6 = 124 dS m-1), promoted the death of most of the plants in the first 100 days after treatment application. The high sodium concentrations in the substrate used not influenced the growth and development of seedlings in the greenhouse period. In the field it was found that the plants irrigated with salinities S3 = 55 dS m-1 and S4 = 77 dS m-1 showed the best grown / Nunca a humanidade necessitou de tanta água para suprir suas necessidades básicas como na atualidade, sendo o reúso de água uma realidade, porém, ainda muito distante do ideal. A qualidade da água é um dos fatores que ocasionam efeito negativo no crescimento e desenvolvimento e produção das culturas. Nesse contexto, objetiva-se com este estudo viabilizar a produção de mudas de Mangue branco (Laguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertn) com uso de águas hipersalinas visando o reflorestamento de áreas de manguezais degradadas. Para isso, foram realizados dois Experimentos; o experimento I foi conduzido entre 13 de fevereiro e 3 de junho de 2014, sendo instalado em casa de vegetação localizada no setor de solos pertencente à Universidade Federal Rural do Semiárido (UFERSA). O delineamento experimental adotado foi em blocos casualizados, com seis tratamentos (S1 = 0,5; S2 =24; S3 =53; S4 =77; S5 =101e S6 =124 dS m-1),e quatro repetições, sendo 24 parcelas com 15 plantas em cada parcela, totalizando 360 plantas. Os tratamentos foram preparados a partir da diluição de água hipersalina oriunda das bacias de cristalização de sal, com água da rede de abastecimento da UFERSA, de forma a se obter a condutividade elétrica da água de irrigação (CEa) do respectivo tratamento. As variáveis avaliadas foram crescimento, fitomassas, índices fisiológicos, Índice de qualidade de Dickson (IQD) e atributos químicos do solo. O experimento II, foi instalado em campo no município de Icapuí-CE, , entre 30 de junho e 9 de setembro de 2014. De modo geral, todos os parâmetros analisados no experimento I tenderam a diminuir com o aumento do nível salino na água de irrigação. O uso de água hipersalina com salinidade de S3 = 55 dS m-1, é uma alternativa viável na produção de mudas de mangue, de acordo com as condições de realização desse estudo. O tratamento mais salino (S6 = 124 dS m-1), promoveu a morte de grande parte das plantas nos primeiros 100 dias após a aplicação dos tratamentos. As altas concentrações de sódio no substrato utilizado influenciaram o não crescimento e desenvolvimento das mudas no período de casa de vegetação. No campo verificou-se que as plantas irrigadas com as salinidades S3= 55 dS m-1e S4= 77 dS m-1 foram as que melhor cresceram

Diagnósticos dos aspectos do meio físico em áreas de manguezal, Parque Peaçabuçu - Praia Grande - SP. Sua relação com a ocupação por favelas.

Luz, Normélia Carvalho 22 August 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:00:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissNCL.pdf: 12754412 bytes, checksum: 4176a9f32e1c51a27b14bf48ceb66028 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-08-22 / The present study has as an overall goal the systematization of data on physical and biological mean aspects (vegetation, geology, hydrography, climate and topography) of the city of Praia Grande/SP, focusing on slum-occupied mangrove areas, generated through a soil usage guidelines assessment that shall work as a helpful tool in environmental planning of the above mentioned city. The historical process of the town s occupation to the local population s needs, the involved government spheres, the participation of non-governmental organizations, among other topics, will be approached with the final goal of contextualizing the physical aspects in question. As specific goals, the following will be elaborated: a flowchart of the influential factors of mangrove area slum populations, approaching the negative aspects of such a situation, as well as a potential usage guidelines assessment for uses that equalize the impacts of an area-planned environmental intervention. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral a sistematização dos dados sobre os aspectos dos meios físico e biológico (vegetação, geologia, hidrografia, clima, topografia e ocupação urbana) da cidade de Praia Grande/SP, com enfoque nas áreas de manguezal ocupadas por favelas, gerada através de subsídios para diretrizes de uso do solo que sirva como ferramenta de auxílio do planejamento ambiental do citado município. O processo histórico de ocupação da cidade, as necessidades da população local, as esferas de governo envolvidas, a participação de entidades não governamentais, entre outros, são abordados com a finalidade de contextualizar os aspectos físicos em questão. Como objetivos específicos foram estudados: fatores influentes da população de favela em áreas de manguezal, abordando os aspectos negativos de tal situação, bem como as diretrizes de usos potenciais que eqüalizem os impactos de uma intervenção ambiental planejada na área. A tomada de consciência ambiental por parte da população e a otimização da preservação do meio ambiente também foram buscadas. Finalmente são apontadas sugestões para cada núcleo. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: manguezal, preservação ambiental, favelas, resíduos sólidos, ocupação.

Etude des mangroves à partir de l’analyse des changements dans les images de canopée à très haute résolution spatiale pour une meilleure gestion des côtes indonésiennes / Monitoring mangrove change using very high spatial resolution satellite images for coastal zone management

Rahmania, Rinny 12 December 2016 (has links)
La situation des mangroves dans le monde reste préoccupante malgré la prise de conscience de leur rôle dans le maintien de la biodiversité côtière. Les pratiques non durables de l’aquaculture extensive sont toujours majoritairement mises en cause. Le besoin d’une meilleure gestion côtière se fait sentir depuis une vingtaine d’années. Il faut reconnaitre que les avancées restent insuffisantes, particulièrement en Indonésie. Ce travail de thèse a été réalisé dans le cadre du projet INDESO. Ses objectifs étaient de décrire les changements dans les mangroves en termes de superficie, de structuration ou de composition spécifique afin d’étudier, à fine échelle spatiale, la diversité des peuplements de palétuviers, leur capacité de régénération et les tendances d’évolution de l’écosystème. Pour cela, j’ai utilisé 28 images satellitaires de télédétection optique à très haute résolution spatiale (THRS) acquises dans la période de 2001 à 2015 sur deux sites d’étude, Bali, Indonésie. J’ai participé aux inventaires forestiers et à l’identification des espèces de palétuviers du stade plantule au stade adulte. J’ai procédé par analyse visuelle des images pour différencier les plantations de palétuviers des forêts naturelles. J’ai examiné les différences entre les signatures spectrales des différentes formations de palétuviers en fonction des configurations angulaires. J’ai réalisé sur chaque image une classification supervisée qui m’a permis de comptabiliser avec une précision de quelques mètres carrés la superficie occupée par les mangroves et d’évaluer la robustesse d’une cartographie à fine échelle de zonations de mangroves.Les résultats obtenus sur l’estuaire du Perancak dégradé par l’aquaculture montrent que la surface de mangrove augmente après 2001 mais que les pratiques de plantations dans cette région n’ont rien à voir avec la réhabilitation de mangroves. Des différences majeures entre plantations et forêts naturelles existent. Ces plantations sont des cultures à très forte densité de Rhizophora, alors que les faciès naturels sont dominés par Avicennia et Sonneratia. Nos résultats montrent que la capacité de régénération dans ces plantations reste très inférieure à celle observée dans les forêts naturelles et que, si régénération il y a, c’est avec des plantules des espèces natives. A partir de l’analyse des imges, nous avons identifié les 136 bassins qui ont fait l’objet de plantations et donné l’année du semis. Le suivi de l’évolution du nombre de pixels classés ‘mangrove’ à l’intérieur de chaque bassin planté montre une grande variabilité des taux d’expansion sur 14 ans, ceci suggérant des conditions environnementales spécifiques à chaque bassin et donc l’inconséquence des pratiques généralisées de plantations à Rhizophora. Enfin, les capacités de colonisation des espèces natives y compris à l’intérieur de certains bassins semblent avérées dans cet estuaire pourtant très fragmenté. Les résultats obtenus sur les mangroves protégées de la région de Nusa Lembongan montrent le potentiel des images multi-spectrales satellitaires THRS pour cartographier différentes zonations de mangroves. Ce potentiel de discrimination est observé assez stable au cours du temps entre 4 espèces. Toutefois, des configurations angulaires avec un soleil de face ou un angle de visée proche de la verticale pourraient générer de la confusion notamment sur les peuplements à canopée ouverte. Nous avons obtenu probablement les premières cartes de mangrove de Nusa Lembongan qui montrent la complexité des zonations forestières et soutiennent l’enjeu de leur protection.L’ensemble de mon travail plaide pour une meilleure interprétation physique de la variabilité des signatures spectrales et texturales de mangrove. Il fournit des recommandations comme la nécessité d’un moratoire sur les monocultures à Rhizophora et des méthodes simples, embryons de futurs observatoires locaux pour l’évaluation et le suivi des plans de gestion côtière mis en place. / The situation of world’s mangroves remains a matter of concern, despite the public awareness about their role in the sustainability of coastal biodiversity. Extensive and intensive aquaculture practies are mainly called into question. The need for a better integrated coastal zone management arises since a couple of decades. It must be recognized that progress is insufficient especially in Indonesia.The present PhD work has been carried out in the frame of the INDESO project. The objective was to describe mangrove changes in terms of area expansion, forest structure and species composition before studying, at fine scales, the diversity of mangrove stands, their regeneration capacity and the evolution trends of the whole ecosystem in a given region.In order to achieve this aim, i used 28 very high spatial resolution (VHSR) optical satellite images aquired between 2001 and 2015. I also participated in forest inventories and species identification from the seedling to the adult stages. I visually analysed the set of images for allowing the discrimination of planted mangroves from natural ones. I examined the influence of acquisition geometry parameters on the variability of mangrove spectral signatures. Thanks to supervised maximum likelihood classifications, I succeeded in evaluating the expansion area of mangrove with an accurracy of few square meters and I proceeded in assessing the robustness of fine scale mapping of mangrove zonations.Results obtained in the analysis of the Perancak estuary highlighted that mangrove area is expanding since 2001. The plantation practices were however presented as disrespectful of any sustainable management plan. Indeed, our simple field data indicated strong differences between mangrove plantations and natural forests. Plantations were shown to be cultures of only Rhizophora species with high planting density whereas natural forest stands are composed of Sonneratia and Avicennia mangrove trees. In addition, we highlighted that the regeneration capacity in planted areas remains very lower than the ones clearly observed in natural areas. Moreover, the only regenetive process in plantations seems to be with native species and not with the planted ones. From the analysis of the VHSR images, we identified aquaculture ponds that were planted and their planting year. Consequently, we suceeded in monitoring the mangrove expansion inside every planted pond. Important variability of expansion rate was pointed out, this suggesting contrasting environments in each pond and the inadequacy of cultures of Rhizophora everywhere. The observation of natural colonization in many areas of the estuary, pond floors included, was an interesting point to mention.Besides, results obtained in the study of the protected mangrove region of Nusa Lembongan assessed the potential of multispectral VHSR satellite images for mapping mangrove zonations. Four mangrove zonations mainly dominated by different species exhibit signatures that can be differentiated over years. Different image acquisition parameters may, however, generate confusion in classification. This is particularyly true when forest stands with open canopies are observed with sun frontward or with a near vertical viewing angle because of sun light interaction with the clear waters. We probably obtained the first detailed maps of mangrove zonations in the region. They showed a complex spatial organization of mangrove zonations.The whole of my work advocated for further remote sensing works aiming at the physical interpretation of spectral and textural signatures of mangroves. It provided recommendations such as a moratorium onf Rhizophora plantation and simple methods that will be, we hope, starting points for closing the knowledge gap that hampers monitoring of future coastal zone management plans.

Distribuição de Metais Pesados em Moluscos e Sedimentos nos Manguezais de Coroa Grande e da Enseada das Garças, Baía de Sepetiba, RJ

Andréa Gracio Coimbra 02 October 2003 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / As concentrações de mercúrio (Hg), cobre (Cu), zinco (Zn), cromo (Cr), níquel (Ni), ferro (Fe) e manganês (Mn) foram determinadas em sedimentos superficiais e em moluscos bivalves das espécies Anomalocardia brasiliana e Mytella guyanensis em dois ecossistemas de manguezal da Baía de Sepetiba, em Coroa Grande e na Enseada das Garças, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. As concentrações de metais fracamente ligados (extraídos em HCl 1 M) e a as concentrações de metais pseudo-totais (soma das frações fracamente ligadas e fortemente ligadas, extraída em água régia 50%) nos sedimentos foram comparadas com as concentrações de metais pesados encontrados em cada uma das espécies de moluscos, nas localidades estudadas. As concentrações de metais pesados nos moluscos foram comparadas com o tamanho do organismo para avaliar possíveis diferenças nas concentrações de metais relacionadas ao tamanho do organismo. Além disso, foi discutido o uso desses organismos como monitores biológicos em programas de monitoramento ambiental. Os resultados mostram que as concentrações de metais pesados, tanto na fração fracamente ligada quanto as concentrações de metais pseudo-totais, foram mais altas nos sedimentos de Coroa Grande, provavelmente pela proximidade com as principais fontes de contaminação. Além disso, a circulação das águas da Baía de Sepetiba mostra que a região de Coroa Grande acumula mais rapidamente as partículas em suspensão transportadas por essas águas quando comparadas com a região da Enseada das Garças. As concentrações de metais pesados não apresentaram correlação significativa com o tamanho para a espécie Anomalocardia brasiliana enquanto que, para a espécie Mytella guyanensis, foram observadas correlações negativas com o tamanho dos indivíduos. Os resultados mostram diferenças significativas nas concentrações de metais pesados nas espécies estudadas entre as duas áreas. Comparando as concentrações de metais pesados encontrados nos sedimentos com as dos organismos, observa-se que essas espécies podem ser usadas em programas de monitoramento ambiental. Entretanto, fatores como diferenças na assimilação para cada tipo de metal pesado em diferentes espécies, tamanho do organismo e as características do sedimento devem ser levados em consideração. / The concentrations of mercury (Hg), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn) were determined in superficial sediments and in the bivalve mollusks Anomalocardia brasiliana and Mytella guyanensis in two mangroves ecosystems in Sepetiba Bay, in Coroa Grande and in Enseada das Garças, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The concentrations of metals weakly-bound to the sediment (extractable in 1M HCl) and the pseudo-totals concentrations (sum of weakly-bound and strongly-bound,50% aqua regia-extractable fractions) in sediments were compared with the concentrations of heavy metals found in each species of mollusks in the studied sites. Metal concentrations in mollusks were compared with the size of the organism to evaluate possible differences in the concentrations of metals related to the size of the organism. The use of these organisms as biological monitors in environmental monitoring programs was discussed. Results show that the concentrations of heavy metals in both the weakly-bound and pseudo-totals concentrations were higher in the sediments of Coroa Grande, probably because the proximity with the main sources of contamination. Moreover, the circulation of Sepetiba Bay waters shows that the Coroa Grande area accumulates the particulate matter transported by bay waters more quickly than Enseada das Garças area. The concentrations of heavy metals did not present significant orrelation with the size of Anomalocardia brasiliana, while there were negative correlations between metals and Mytella guyanensis size. Significant differences in the metal concentrations in the species studied occurred among the two sites. Comparing the concentrations of heavy metals found in the sediments and in the organisms, it is observed that these species can be used in environmental monitoring programs. However, factors as differences in the assimilation for each type of heavy metal in different species, size of the organism and characteristics of the sediment should be taken into account.

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