Spelling suggestions: "subject:"manner""
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Les Rencontres d’Apollon et de Saturne. La mélancolie dans la poésie française du premier XVIIème siècle / Apollo consorts with Saturn. A survey of Melancholy in French Baroque PoetryLuccioni, Carine 12 March 2011 (has links)
De 1580 à 1640, la poésie française connaît un remarquable essor grâce au génie de la mélancolie. La confrontation de nombreux poèmes avec les textes savants éclaire les liens profonds qui unissent alors l’écriture poétique et les savoirs scientifiques et philosophiques. L’imaginaire de la mélancolie détermine les différentes figures auxquelles s’identifie le sujet lyrique – rêveur solitaire, amoureux transi, pécheur pénitent, poète inspiré et désargenté. Il informe une vision du monde, conditionnant la perception de la nature à travers l’invention du paysage maladif, la représentation de l’amour par l’analyse de ses causes, de ses effets et de ses remèdes, l’expression de l’inquiétude métaphysique par la description des affres de la culpabilité, ou encore l’image du poète et de sa condition précaire. Placé sous le signe de l’ambivalente mélancolie, le sujet lyrique est voué à des destins contradictoires – plaisir et douleur, damnation et rédemption, fulgurance et impuissance. A ces contrastes thématiques répond la binarité de l’écriture mélancolique, tour à tour tragique et élégiaque : le style de la langueur et celui de la fureur donnent lieu à deux types de discours qui recouvrent les poétiques baroque et maniériste. Soumettant le langage de la science à leur science du langage, nos poètes puisent dans le modèle traditionnel du mal noir une riche topique et un double registre qui leur permettent de traduire un sentiment pessimiste de l’existence. / Between 1580 and 1640, French Poetry soared impressively thanks to the Spirit of Melancholy. The comparison of poems with medical or moral texts sheds light on the tight connexion of poetic writing with scientific and philosophical knowledge. Melancholy’s imagination generates a variety of figures the lyrical subject may identify itself with – solitary dreamer, enthralled lover, penitent sinner, inspired and penniless poet. It presents a particular conception of the world thus influencing the perception of Nature through the invention of the morbid landscape, the representation of Love through the study of its causes, effects and cures, the expression of metaphysical agitation through the depiction of the spritual torture fathered by guilt and finally the image of the poets and their precarious situations. Under the influence of double-faced Melancholy the lyrical subject is bound to contradictory destinies – pleasure and pain, doom and redemption, power and weakness. Those contrasted themes echo the binary rhythm of melancholy writing which is alternately tragic and elegiac. The opposite styles of languor and fury produce two kinds of discourses consistent with the Baroque and Mannerism. When the poets use their science of language to fashion the language of science, they draw an elaborate theory and a double register from the traditonal theme of the Black Mood which allow them to express a pessimistic vision of existence.
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Fatores determinantes do retábulo e sua morfologia na Cidade do Salvador / Cconditioning factors in the morphology of the altarpieceGóis, Antonio José Sapucaia de Faria 24 August 2005 (has links)
A presente tese toma por base o contexto internacional em nível cognitivo, no qual se desenvolveu a História da Arte Brasileira nos primeiros séculos, com a intermediação lusitana. Procura identificar o processo interativo deslocado territorialmente, mas que, por isso mesmo, dadas as contingências locais, tornou possível novas interpretações e adaptações. A prática artística progressivamente se estabilizou no Brasil-Colônia a partir do século XVI, cumprindo o itinerário que encontra na mentalidade e no conhecimento do homem pós-renascentista a base que viria a orientar os séculos imediatamente subseqüentes. Portanto, a Reforma Católica refletiu a capacitação do sistema, conforme se tornara indispensável à organização social que, partindo do vínculo com a cultura preexistente do medievo ao Renascimento, instituísse os parâmetros que os renovados fatores requeriam. Estabeleceu-se um modelo de sociedade de conotação metafísicoteológica, e por conseqüência hierárquica, onde o culto religioso aglutinava os vários aspectos da sua estrutura. Distinguimos aí a íntima relação entre a \"ecclesia\" e a \"civitas\" pois a igreja e a cidade coordenavam de modo substancialmente unitário os diversos polos de interesse que por essa razão se tornam indissociáveis. A fundação da Cidade do Salvador, cabeça do Brasil, se configura como uma oportunidade única a serviço da compreensão de um contexto projetado e realizado como ponte interligando terras até então completamente desconhecidas entre si. Os primeiros capítulos buscam conseqüentemente traçar as diretrizes do vínculo existente entre a \"ecclesia\" e a \"civitas\" no qual se situa e se expressa o amadurecimento técnico VIII das formas de fazer, sempre no âmbito ao qual a pesquisa se direciona: o dos fatores determinantes do retábulo - produto de uma religiosidade já delineada no tempo. A Igreja, em direta conexão com o Estado português, assume ao lado deste a função de elemento dinamizador, concentrando em si, com maior relevo e as sucessivas construções realizadas, a concretização do esquema urbanístico previamente traçado. Torna-se, assim, principal incentivadora da formação profissionalizante com a importância especial que assume a construção e decoração dos templos. O pensamento teórico- prático e religioso formava um corpus unitário desde a capacitação advinda da metrópole. A execução do projeto de fundação da Cidade do Salvador evidencia na problemática construtiva a conexão com os vários aspectos do caráter rudimentar dos meios à disposição. A arquitetura, a concepção urbana e os retábulos das igrejas são constitutivos da atuação de conceitos transferidos e adaptados, porém, interligados pela necessidade de fixar no novo território d\'além mar a sede de um programa só realizável com o aperfeiçoamento técnico, quando não com a transferência do próprio material como a pedra lavrada a compor fachadas e portadas. Numerosos artesãos portugueses se transferiram para o Brasil. No ambiente franciscano instituiu-se uma verdadeira escola de realizadores, inclusive itinerante, para atender à demanda da Ordem particularmente no Nordeste. Entre os jesuítas, muitos dos artistas responsáveis pela igreja do Colégio, em Salvador, aprenderam o ofício na Companhia. Aprendizado este que teve porém como ponto de partida, necessariamente, a mão-de-obra importada e a contribuição fundamental de especialistas vindos do reino. No campo de atuação laica conclui-se que na Península Ibérica se reflete a valorização do artista pré-anunciada por Cennino Cennini e depois teorizada nos tratados de Leon Battista Alberti e Leonardo da Vinci, IX ganhando ulterior impulso na disputa sobre o \"Primado\" das artes. Mas, o artista fazendo parte de uma elite, nunca pôde prescindir dos \"oficiais mecânicos\" quando do \"conceito\" se passa à fase executiva. Permanece- lhes vinculado o universo da execução técnica. Os preceitos estabelecidos pela Contra-Reforma, tornam-se determinantes na mentalidade que orienta a criação artística; têm continuidade nos seus exegetas e encontram aplicação rigorosa nas \"Constituições Primeiras do Arcebispado da Bahia\". Enquanto que toda a formação da consciência construtiva tem por referência direta as concepções teóricas dos tratadistas cuja incidência revela-se determinante em todo o longo período analisado, justificando muitos dos aspectos da arquitetura e da talha barroca. A partir de indicações bibliográficas contidas na \"Literatura Artística\", obra de Julius von Schlosser Magnino, buscamos fornecer um quadro da repercussão a partir do século XVI das \"Medidas do Romano\" de Diego de Sagredo. O qual com uma série de normas não encontradas nos textos em geral e nem evidenciadas pelas ruínas, quer na Itália quer na Península Ibérica, organizou um tratado de grande difusão sobretudo entre os oficiais mecânicos. Publicada em sua primeira edição em Toledo, 1526, a obra que, conforme o seu título completo já o indica, pretende ser útil \"aos que querem acompanhar as formações das bases, colunas, capitéis e outras peças dos edifícios antigos\" - o tratado de Sagredo seria, conforme concluímos, produto da vontade de vir em socorro a um mundo artesanal perplexo, necessitando-se daquele vínculo com a arquitetura clássica que agora se articulava diversamente, inovando o vocabulário. Os altares do ambiente barroco, muitas vezes, são altares de transição, portanto, a explicação morfológica a eles referente não se enquadra em um esquema formal pré-determinado na sucessão dos estilos, conforme procuramos demonstrar. Escolhemos nos ocupar em primeiro lugar dos retábulos da atual Catedral da Sé, antiga igreja do Colégio dos Jesuítas, que documentam a evolução acontecida no referido contexto. Assim como os principais retábulos da igreja conventual de São Francisco nos indicam a contribuição franciscana e a Basílica da Conceição da Praia por ser uma igreja paroquial, representa o ambiente laico das irmandades religiosas. Destacando alguns tópicos da morfologia do retábulo em Salvador, podemos referir: - o conhecimento dos percursos evolutivos formais e dos trâmites de adesão a novo estilo; - os jesuítas e a evolução da arte da talha luso-brasileira; - os exemplares do maneirismo, ressaltando traços diferenciadores que assinalam a autonomia do retábulo; - o maneirismo de decoração geométrica e o de decoração naturalística; - o altar-mor de transição ao barroco e a passagem ao estilo nacional português nos altares laterais; - a estrutura arquitetônica contrareformista de espaço unitário e a inserção de altares barrocos; - o altar joanino e a influência do barroco italiano; - a \"igreja toda de ouro\" e a conciliação das diferentes fases do barroco; - a demonstração do estilo joanino e do retábulo joanino baiano. / This thesis is based on the international context at a cognitive level, in which the History of the Brazilian Art was developed in the first centuries, under the influence of the Portugueses. It tries to identify the displaced interactive territorial process, but, due to the local contingency arrangements, new interpretations and adaptations became feasible. Starting from the 16th century, the artistic practice became increasingly stable in Colonial-Brazil, following the itinerary that found in the mentality and in the post-Renaissance man\'s knowledge the basis that would guide the centuries immediately on. Therefore, the Catholic Reform reflected the system ability, as it had become essential to social organization that, beginning from the link with the preexistent culture from the medieval period to the Renaissance, instituted the parameters that the renewed factors asked for. A model of society of Metaphysical-theological connotation was established, because of its hierarchic consequence, where the religious cult combined several aspects of its structure. In that respect we characterize the close relation between the \"ecclesia\" and the \"civitas\" due to the fact that the church and the city coordinated in substantially unitary way the diverse opposed regions of interest that by this reason become inseparable. The foundation of the City of Salvador, head of Brazil, represents a unique opportunity towards the understanding of a planned, accomplished context as a bridge connecting lands entirely strange to each other at that time. Thus, the first chapters look at the guidelines of the existing links between the \"ecclesia\" and the \"civitas\", in which technical matureness situates and reveals its means of to make something, always considering XII the sphere that this research aims: the determining factors of the altarpiece - the product of a religiousness already outlined in the time. In connection with the Portuguese State, the Church takes over besides that one the function of driving force element, concentrating on itself, with great magnitude and successive accomplished constructions, the materialization of the urban outline already conceived. Thus, it set an incentive scheme for professionalizing formation with the outstanding importance that the construction and decoration of the temples assumes. The theoretical-practical and religious thought formed an unitary corpus from the capacity resulting from the metropolis. The execution of the foundation project of the City of Salvador substantiates in the constructive problem the connection with the several aspects of the rudimentary character of the available means. The architecture, the urban conception and the altarpieces of the churches are constitutive of absorbed and adapted ideas, but they are linked together by the necessity to establish in the new overseas territory the headquarters of a scheme only achievable with the help of technical improvement, or with the transference of materials, like the wrought stone that would compound facades and portals. Many Portuguese artisans were transferred to Brazil. In the Franciscan ambience a real achiever school was created, also itinerant, to assist to the demand of the Order, particularly in the Northeast. Among the Jesuits, many of the artists in charge of the church of the School, in Salvador, learned their skillfulness in the Company. However, this learning had as starting point the imported workmanship and the fundamental contribution of specialists coming from the kingdom. In the sphere of the secular performance, we conclude that in the Iberian Peninsula highlights the valuation of the artist, later theorized in treatises by Leon Battista Alberti and Leonardo da Vinci, acquiring further impetus in the subject concerning the \"pre-eminence\" of the arts. But, XIII the artist being part of an elite, could never to do their work without the \"operative officials\" when one goes from the \"concept\" to the executive phase. The universe of the technical execution remains the same. The commandments stated by the Counter-Reformation became crucial in the mentality that guides the artistic creation; they have been continued with the exegetists and find out strict application in the \"First Constitutions of the Archbishopric of Bahia\". While all the formation of the constructive conscience has for direct reference the theoretical conceptions of the authors whose incidence it is decisive in the whole long analyzed period, justifying many of the aspects of the architecture and of the Baroque carving. Starting from bibliographical entries contained in \"Artistic Literature\", by Julius von Schlosser Magnino, we have been trying to provide a picture of the repercussion, from the XVI century, of the \"Measures of the Roman\", by Diego de Sagredo. With a series of norms not found in general in the texts nor evidenced by the ruins, in Italy as well as in the Iberian Peninsula, he arranged an outstanding treatise particularly among the mechanical officials. First published in Toledo, 1526, the work, as its full title already indicates, intends to be useful \"to anyone who wants to follow the formations of the bases, columns, capitels and other pieces of the old buildings\" - the norms of Sagredo would be, as we deduced, a help to the perplexed handmade world, that needs a link with the classic architecture that now diversely was articulated, innovating the vocabulary. Frequently the altars of the Baroque ambience are transition altars, therefore the morphologic explanation for such thing can not be fitted in a formal, predetermined outline in the succession of styles, as we tried to demonstrate. First, we chose deal with the altarpieces of the current Cathedral of the Sé, the old church of the School of the Jesuits, that documents the XIV evolution happened in the referred context. Thus, as the main altarpieces of the conventual church of San Francisco indicates, the Franciscan contribution and the Conceição of the Beach Church, for being a parochial church, represent the secular atmosphere of the religious fraternities. Here are some topics of the morphology of the altarpiece in Salvador: o the knowledge of the formal evolutionary courses and the adhesion procedures to new style; o the Jesuits and the evolution of the Portuguese-Brazilian carving art; o the mannerism pieces, standing out differentiating lines that mark the autonomy of the altarpiece; o the mannerism of geometric decoration and the one of naturaristic decoration; o the high altar of transition to the Baroque and the passage to the Portuguese national style in the lateral altars; o the counter-reformist architectural structure of unitary space and the inset of Baroque altars; o the King John altar and the influence of the Italian Baroque; o the \"whole gold church \" and the conciliation of the different phases of the Baroque; o the demonstration of the King John style and the King John altarpiece of Bahia.
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Saving political face : the structures of power in Hans von Aachen’s Allegories on the long Turkish warFetté, Mirka Campbell 12 July 2011 (has links)
Hans von Aachen, court artist to the Habsburg Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II in Prague, created a series of small painting called the Allegories on the Long Turkish War. Von Aachen made the Allegories between 1604 and 1606 and Rudolf II kept them bound in a red book in his Kunstkammer. This series selects events and battles from the Long War against the Ottoman Empire, 1593-1606, to create a flattering propagandistic image of the emperor in order to strengthen his support. Rudolf’s brother, Archduke Matthias of Austria, began plotting against the emperor beginning in 1600. By 1606 he was actively usurping Rudolf’s political power. I examine von Aachen’s visual description of imperial power, the alternate history the Allegories present, and the ways they engage with Neo-Platonic theories to convey validity to viewers.
In my thesis, I outline the events of the Long War in order to compare them to von Aachen’s portrayals and to understand how he restructures chronological history to convey his message about Rudolf’s rulership. I briefly analyze each painting but I focus primarily on the eighth scene, the Conquest of Székesfehérvár. Sultan Mehmed III sits opposite Rudolf II in dignified defeat in this painting. I investigate the visual treatment of the sultan through the historical interactions between the Ottoman and Holy Roman Empires and propose the political function served by depicting him as a noble enemy. I finally discuss the way von Aachen uses symbols and allegory to convey a potent message and convince the viewer of its validity. Ultimately, these works should be seen as political propaganda used to combat Rudolf’s brother Archduke Matthias’ political takeover and not as Rudolf’s fantastical escapism from his losing battle against his brother. / text
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Fatores determinantes do retábulo e sua morfologia na Cidade do Salvador / Cconditioning factors in the morphology of the altarpieceAntonio José Sapucaia de Faria Góis 24 August 2005 (has links)
A presente tese toma por base o contexto internacional em nível cognitivo, no qual se desenvolveu a História da Arte Brasileira nos primeiros séculos, com a intermediação lusitana. Procura identificar o processo interativo deslocado territorialmente, mas que, por isso mesmo, dadas as contingências locais, tornou possível novas interpretações e adaptações. A prática artística progressivamente se estabilizou no Brasil-Colônia a partir do século XVI, cumprindo o itinerário que encontra na mentalidade e no conhecimento do homem pós-renascentista a base que viria a orientar os séculos imediatamente subseqüentes. Portanto, a Reforma Católica refletiu a capacitação do sistema, conforme se tornara indispensável à organização social que, partindo do vínculo com a cultura preexistente do medievo ao Renascimento, instituísse os parâmetros que os renovados fatores requeriam. Estabeleceu-se um modelo de sociedade de conotação metafísicoteológica, e por conseqüência hierárquica, onde o culto religioso aglutinava os vários aspectos da sua estrutura. Distinguimos aí a íntima relação entre a \"ecclesia\" e a \"civitas\" pois a igreja e a cidade coordenavam de modo substancialmente unitário os diversos polos de interesse que por essa razão se tornam indissociáveis. A fundação da Cidade do Salvador, cabeça do Brasil, se configura como uma oportunidade única a serviço da compreensão de um contexto projetado e realizado como ponte interligando terras até então completamente desconhecidas entre si. Os primeiros capítulos buscam conseqüentemente traçar as diretrizes do vínculo existente entre a \"ecclesia\" e a \"civitas\" no qual se situa e se expressa o amadurecimento técnico VIII das formas de fazer, sempre no âmbito ao qual a pesquisa se direciona: o dos fatores determinantes do retábulo - produto de uma religiosidade já delineada no tempo. A Igreja, em direta conexão com o Estado português, assume ao lado deste a função de elemento dinamizador, concentrando em si, com maior relevo e as sucessivas construções realizadas, a concretização do esquema urbanístico previamente traçado. Torna-se, assim, principal incentivadora da formação profissionalizante com a importância especial que assume a construção e decoração dos templos. O pensamento teórico- prático e religioso formava um corpus unitário desde a capacitação advinda da metrópole. A execução do projeto de fundação da Cidade do Salvador evidencia na problemática construtiva a conexão com os vários aspectos do caráter rudimentar dos meios à disposição. A arquitetura, a concepção urbana e os retábulos das igrejas são constitutivos da atuação de conceitos transferidos e adaptados, porém, interligados pela necessidade de fixar no novo território d\'além mar a sede de um programa só realizável com o aperfeiçoamento técnico, quando não com a transferência do próprio material como a pedra lavrada a compor fachadas e portadas. Numerosos artesãos portugueses se transferiram para o Brasil. No ambiente franciscano instituiu-se uma verdadeira escola de realizadores, inclusive itinerante, para atender à demanda da Ordem particularmente no Nordeste. Entre os jesuítas, muitos dos artistas responsáveis pela igreja do Colégio, em Salvador, aprenderam o ofício na Companhia. Aprendizado este que teve porém como ponto de partida, necessariamente, a mão-de-obra importada e a contribuição fundamental de especialistas vindos do reino. No campo de atuação laica conclui-se que na Península Ibérica se reflete a valorização do artista pré-anunciada por Cennino Cennini e depois teorizada nos tratados de Leon Battista Alberti e Leonardo da Vinci, IX ganhando ulterior impulso na disputa sobre o \"Primado\" das artes. Mas, o artista fazendo parte de uma elite, nunca pôde prescindir dos \"oficiais mecânicos\" quando do \"conceito\" se passa à fase executiva. Permanece- lhes vinculado o universo da execução técnica. Os preceitos estabelecidos pela Contra-Reforma, tornam-se determinantes na mentalidade que orienta a criação artística; têm continuidade nos seus exegetas e encontram aplicação rigorosa nas \"Constituições Primeiras do Arcebispado da Bahia\". Enquanto que toda a formação da consciência construtiva tem por referência direta as concepções teóricas dos tratadistas cuja incidência revela-se determinante em todo o longo período analisado, justificando muitos dos aspectos da arquitetura e da talha barroca. A partir de indicações bibliográficas contidas na \"Literatura Artística\", obra de Julius von Schlosser Magnino, buscamos fornecer um quadro da repercussão a partir do século XVI das \"Medidas do Romano\" de Diego de Sagredo. O qual com uma série de normas não encontradas nos textos em geral e nem evidenciadas pelas ruínas, quer na Itália quer na Península Ibérica, organizou um tratado de grande difusão sobretudo entre os oficiais mecânicos. Publicada em sua primeira edição em Toledo, 1526, a obra que, conforme o seu título completo já o indica, pretende ser útil \"aos que querem acompanhar as formações das bases, colunas, capitéis e outras peças dos edifícios antigos\" - o tratado de Sagredo seria, conforme concluímos, produto da vontade de vir em socorro a um mundo artesanal perplexo, necessitando-se daquele vínculo com a arquitetura clássica que agora se articulava diversamente, inovando o vocabulário. Os altares do ambiente barroco, muitas vezes, são altares de transição, portanto, a explicação morfológica a eles referente não se enquadra em um esquema formal pré-determinado na sucessão dos estilos, conforme procuramos demonstrar. Escolhemos nos ocupar em primeiro lugar dos retábulos da atual Catedral da Sé, antiga igreja do Colégio dos Jesuítas, que documentam a evolução acontecida no referido contexto. Assim como os principais retábulos da igreja conventual de São Francisco nos indicam a contribuição franciscana e a Basílica da Conceição da Praia por ser uma igreja paroquial, representa o ambiente laico das irmandades religiosas. Destacando alguns tópicos da morfologia do retábulo em Salvador, podemos referir: - o conhecimento dos percursos evolutivos formais e dos trâmites de adesão a novo estilo; - os jesuítas e a evolução da arte da talha luso-brasileira; - os exemplares do maneirismo, ressaltando traços diferenciadores que assinalam a autonomia do retábulo; - o maneirismo de decoração geométrica e o de decoração naturalística; - o altar-mor de transição ao barroco e a passagem ao estilo nacional português nos altares laterais; - a estrutura arquitetônica contrareformista de espaço unitário e a inserção de altares barrocos; - o altar joanino e a influência do barroco italiano; - a \"igreja toda de ouro\" e a conciliação das diferentes fases do barroco; - a demonstração do estilo joanino e do retábulo joanino baiano. / This thesis is based on the international context at a cognitive level, in which the History of the Brazilian Art was developed in the first centuries, under the influence of the Portugueses. It tries to identify the displaced interactive territorial process, but, due to the local contingency arrangements, new interpretations and adaptations became feasible. Starting from the 16th century, the artistic practice became increasingly stable in Colonial-Brazil, following the itinerary that found in the mentality and in the post-Renaissance man\'s knowledge the basis that would guide the centuries immediately on. Therefore, the Catholic Reform reflected the system ability, as it had become essential to social organization that, beginning from the link with the preexistent culture from the medieval period to the Renaissance, instituted the parameters that the renewed factors asked for. A model of society of Metaphysical-theological connotation was established, because of its hierarchic consequence, where the religious cult combined several aspects of its structure. In that respect we characterize the close relation between the \"ecclesia\" and the \"civitas\" due to the fact that the church and the city coordinated in substantially unitary way the diverse opposed regions of interest that by this reason become inseparable. The foundation of the City of Salvador, head of Brazil, represents a unique opportunity towards the understanding of a planned, accomplished context as a bridge connecting lands entirely strange to each other at that time. Thus, the first chapters look at the guidelines of the existing links between the \"ecclesia\" and the \"civitas\", in which technical matureness situates and reveals its means of to make something, always considering XII the sphere that this research aims: the determining factors of the altarpiece - the product of a religiousness already outlined in the time. In connection with the Portuguese State, the Church takes over besides that one the function of driving force element, concentrating on itself, with great magnitude and successive accomplished constructions, the materialization of the urban outline already conceived. Thus, it set an incentive scheme for professionalizing formation with the outstanding importance that the construction and decoration of the temples assumes. The theoretical-practical and religious thought formed an unitary corpus from the capacity resulting from the metropolis. The execution of the foundation project of the City of Salvador substantiates in the constructive problem the connection with the several aspects of the rudimentary character of the available means. The architecture, the urban conception and the altarpieces of the churches are constitutive of absorbed and adapted ideas, but they are linked together by the necessity to establish in the new overseas territory the headquarters of a scheme only achievable with the help of technical improvement, or with the transference of materials, like the wrought stone that would compound facades and portals. Many Portuguese artisans were transferred to Brazil. In the Franciscan ambience a real achiever school was created, also itinerant, to assist to the demand of the Order, particularly in the Northeast. Among the Jesuits, many of the artists in charge of the church of the School, in Salvador, learned their skillfulness in the Company. However, this learning had as starting point the imported workmanship and the fundamental contribution of specialists coming from the kingdom. In the sphere of the secular performance, we conclude that in the Iberian Peninsula highlights the valuation of the artist, later theorized in treatises by Leon Battista Alberti and Leonardo da Vinci, acquiring further impetus in the subject concerning the \"pre-eminence\" of the arts. But, XIII the artist being part of an elite, could never to do their work without the \"operative officials\" when one goes from the \"concept\" to the executive phase. The universe of the technical execution remains the same. The commandments stated by the Counter-Reformation became crucial in the mentality that guides the artistic creation; they have been continued with the exegetists and find out strict application in the \"First Constitutions of the Archbishopric of Bahia\". While all the formation of the constructive conscience has for direct reference the theoretical conceptions of the authors whose incidence it is decisive in the whole long analyzed period, justifying many of the aspects of the architecture and of the Baroque carving. Starting from bibliographical entries contained in \"Artistic Literature\", by Julius von Schlosser Magnino, we have been trying to provide a picture of the repercussion, from the XVI century, of the \"Measures of the Roman\", by Diego de Sagredo. With a series of norms not found in general in the texts nor evidenced by the ruins, in Italy as well as in the Iberian Peninsula, he arranged an outstanding treatise particularly among the mechanical officials. First published in Toledo, 1526, the work, as its full title already indicates, intends to be useful \"to anyone who wants to follow the formations of the bases, columns, capitels and other pieces of the old buildings\" - the norms of Sagredo would be, as we deduced, a help to the perplexed handmade world, that needs a link with the classic architecture that now diversely was articulated, innovating the vocabulary. Frequently the altars of the Baroque ambience are transition altars, therefore the morphologic explanation for such thing can not be fitted in a formal, predetermined outline in the succession of styles, as we tried to demonstrate. First, we chose deal with the altarpieces of the current Cathedral of the Sé, the old church of the School of the Jesuits, that documents the XIV evolution happened in the referred context. Thus, as the main altarpieces of the conventual church of San Francisco indicates, the Franciscan contribution and the Conceição of the Beach Church, for being a parochial church, represent the secular atmosphere of the religious fraternities. Here are some topics of the morphology of the altarpiece in Salvador: o the knowledge of the formal evolutionary courses and the adhesion procedures to new style; o the Jesuits and the evolution of the Portuguese-Brazilian carving art; o the mannerism pieces, standing out differentiating lines that mark the autonomy of the altarpiece; o the mannerism of geometric decoration and the one of naturaristic decoration; o the high altar of transition to the Baroque and the passage to the Portuguese national style in the lateral altars; o the counter-reformist architectural structure of unitary space and the inset of Baroque altars; o the King John altar and the influence of the Italian Baroque; o the \"whole gold church \" and the conciliation of the different phases of the Baroque; o the demonstration of the King John style and the King John altarpiece of Bahia.
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Řehole a múzy. Bratři kapucíni ve službách umění na prahu českého baroka / Monastic rules and muses. The Capuchin friars in the service of Art in early Baroque BohemiaBartůšková, Alice January 2019 (has links)
disertační práce v anglickém jazyce ALICE BARTŮŠKOVÁ MONASTIC RULES AND MUSES. THE CAPUCHIN FRIARS IN THE SERVICE OF THE ART IN EARLY BAROQUE BOHEMIA VEDOUCÍ PRÁCE: DOC. PHDR. MARTIN ZLATOHLÁVEK, PHD. Dissertation entitled Monastic rules and muses. The capuchin friars in the service of the art in early Baroque Bohemia set out for the purpose of research to the neglected theme of the Capuchin brothers - painters on the border between Mannerism and the Baroque era. This phenomenon in painting, which is not only characteristic for the order of the Capuchins, but also of other ecclesiastical orders, has never been more comprehensive. The Capuchin brother Paolo Piazza came to the Czech lands with first capuchin brothers; in his paintings he is inspired of the Venetian school of the 16th century. He was a versatile painter, he created not only painting on canvases, but also made wall paintings and his painting manuscript was not uniformly defined. Paolo Piazza worked in the capuchin monasteries in Prague and Brno during the reign of Rudolph II, for the emperor himself he created several artworks. Piazza's work has also been preserved in the engravings of the Sadeler family. Thanks to these engravings, several Piazza's compositions with a set iconographic type have spread to European fine arts. From the...
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Roelandt Savery: Ráj. Náboženské a myšlenkové pozadí rudolfinské Prahy a jeho odraz v tvorbě Roelandta Saveryho. / Roelandt Savery: Paradise. Religious and intellectual background of Rudolphine Prague and its reflection in the work of Roelandt Savery.Moučková, Jaroslava January 2016 (has links)
This is a short study on the iconographic theme of above mentioned painting. The thesis deals with a topic that has not yet been comprehensively processed. Here, the interest of the author given limited period only slightly extends into the next generation (after Savery) in order to show the iconographic context. Based on the new findings, identifies work as the ruler's order, and that puts the painting in new semantic relationships. In conclusion reflects on the circumstances of the work and the possible way of petting into Prague's collections.
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Manýristické tapiserie v České republice / Mannerist Tapestries in the Czech RepublicSulíková, Daniela January 2016 (has links)
The thesis Mannerist Tapestries in the Czech Republic is focusing on the topic of mannerist tapestries in the Czech Republic. So far this subject remains, in both czech and foreign professional literature, without any greater attention and if the topic is mentioned, the expressions "late renaissance", "mannerism" and "early baroque" are very often mixed. For this reason, it is necessary to define "mannerist tapestry", based on formal analysis, comparison and focusing on cultural-historical background. After this theoretical part, it will be possible to place certain tapestries to this very short art period or vice versa to exclude them. The main part is focused on mannerist tapestries from the castles, museums, ect. of the Czech Republic and their inclusion in the European context. Key words Mannerism, Tapestry, Decorative arts of the16th century, Art collections from the Czech Republic
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Luca Signorelli (vers 1445-1523) en son temps, " ingegno e spirito pelegrino“, la peinture de chevalet / Luca Signorelli (circa 1445-1523) in his time, « ingegno e spirito pelegrino » : the easel paintingPernac, Natacha 28 November 2009 (has links)
Répondant au caractère « pelegrino » attribué à Luca Signorelli par son contemporain Giovanni Santi, notreréflexion s’articule autour de la triple itinérance du peintre cortonais. La première, fondée sur une géographieartistique, met en jeu commanditaires et collaborateurs entre centres et périphéries et réévalue son imaged’artiste provincial. Il s’agit consécutivement d’établir l’incidence des dévotions locales sur le langage picturalsignorellien, notamment par le biais de la sacra rappresentazione (I). La seconde itinérance, de typeinterdisciplinaire, s’attache à son traitement de la figure humaine et du nu. L’élaboration de sa vision du corpsest confrontée à l’essor contemporain d’une anatomie scientifique et d’une approche expérimentale ou théorique,ainsi qu’à la question des convenances. La sensibilité tactile particulière de Signorelli, sa position dans le débatnaissant du Paragone et les modalités des transferts entre peinture et sculpture sont examinées, tout commel’éventualité d’un passage à l’acte sculptural (II). L’esprit vagabond de Luca, qui s’affirme enfin par uneitinérance temporelle, oscille entre intérêt pour le passé, goût archaïsant et aspiration au renouveau. Sont ainsiétudiés son rapport à l’art antique et sa place entre « seconda e terza età », en spécifiant ses liens avec l’ars novaet les ferments inédits semés. Au-delà des étiquettes de retardataire local ou de précurseur écrasé par un Michel-Ange, cette étude vise à restituer la curiosité, la sociabilité et les échanges d’un artiste de transition (III). / Giovanni Santi has depicted his contemporary Luca Signorelli as a « pelegrino » painter. From this startingpoint, our study deals with the cortonese master’s triple itinerary. The first one, relative to artistic geography,concerns patrons and collaborators between centers and peripheries and we intend to reappreciate his image of aprovincial artist. We investigate consequently the impact of local devotions and sacra rappresentazione on hispictorial language (I). The second itinerary, a interdisciplinary one, focuses on the treatment of the human figureand on the nude. His vision of the body is compared with the contemporary development of a scientific anatomyand with practical and theoretical approaches. Indeed it raises the question of the proprieties. The tactile qualitiesof signorellian art, his position in the emerging Paragone debate and the modalities of his volumetric translationare also studied ; we consider the possibility of a sculptural activity (II). Finally, Luca’s roaming imaginationarises from a temporal oscillation between interest for the past, archaic taste and an aspiration for renewal. Wethus examine his relationship with antique art and his position between « seconda e terza età », analyzing hisconnections with ars nova and the original seeds he sow. Beyond the reputation of a local latecomer or of aforerunner in the shade of Michelangelo, we aim to emphasize this way the curiosity, the sociability and theexchanges of a transitionary artist (III).
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Vozes insurrectas num mundo em crise: Camões e Jorge de Sena sob uma leitura maneiristaMachado, Rodrigo Corrêa Martins 08 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Fabiano Vassallo (fabianovassallo2127@gmail.com) on 2017-04-27T18:15:23Z
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TESE - Rodrigo.pdf: 1614212 bytes, checksum: a0b27d117ba36a355a17b5a5fb42e9e6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-08T15:14:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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TESE - Rodrigo.pdf: 1614212 bytes, checksum: a0b27d117ba36a355a17b5a5fb42e9e6 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ / Este trabalho se propõe a analisar comparativamente as obras de dois importantes poetas
portugueses: Luís de Camões e Jorge de Sena. Como eixo temático, me baseei,
sobretudo, nas possibilidades abertas pelo Maneirismo a toda a arte (com enfoque na
poesia) no que diz respeito à violação, profanação, ressignificação de si mesma dentro e
além da sua história. Essa leitura maneirista das obras camonianas e senianas se deu de
forma alegórica, não histórica, de forma a nos possibilitar, a princípio, investigar o
próprio lugar do poeta que Camões e Sena assinalam em seus escritos e, a posteriori,
buscar apresentar uma relação entre os conceitos de ―apetite em razão‖, do autor d‘Os
Lusíadas, e ―testemunho‖, do autor de Metamorfoses. Para ambos os autores, o poeta é
um ser em exílio, à margem, angustiado pelo mundo fragmentado em que vive, pelas
desrazões a que é submetido cotidianamente e que vê na palavra a possibilidade de
subverter a ordem, de profaná-la. Dessa forma, a poesia de Camões e Jorge de Sena
constitui-se palco para as manifestações das experiências interiores que possuem do
erotismo, da guerra, do exílio, fazendo com que, a partir do individual, a palavra poética
toque os universais da existência humana. Os dois poetas são paradoxais: escritores do
seu tempo e à frente dele que, ao falarem de si próprios, atingem a mais universal
humanidade / This study aims to comparatively analyze the works of two important Portuguese poets:
Luís de Camões and Jorge de Sena. As main theme we rely mainly on the possibilities
opened up by Mannerism to the artwork (with a focus on poetry) with regard to rape,
defilement, reframing itself within and beyond its history. This Mannerist reading of
Camoniana and Seniana‘s work took place in an allegorical way, not historical in order
to enable us, in principle, to investigate the actual place of the poet Camões and Sena
mark in his writings and in retrospect, seek to present a relationship between the
concepts of "transformar apetite em razão", the author of Os Lusíadas, and
"Testemunho", the author of Metamorfoses. For both authors, the poet is a being in exile
on the sidelines, distressed by the fragmented world in which he lives, by no-reasons
that undergoes daily and you see the word the possibility of subverting the order of
profane it. Thus, the poetry of Camões and Sena Jorge constitutes stage for the
manifestations of inner experiences that have eroticism, war, exile, making, from the
individual, the poetic word touch the universals of human existence . The two poets are
paradoxical: writers of his time and ahead of him, when speaking of themselves, reach
more universal humanity
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Michiel Coxcie / Studien zur flämischen Malerei im Zeitalter der Konfessionalisierung / Michiel Coxcie / Studies on Flemish painting in the age of confessionalizationTammen, Hanke E. 23 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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