Spelling suggestions: "subject:"manybody"" "subject:"anybody""
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Calculs ab initio de structures électroniques et de leur dépendance en température avec la méthode GWAntonius, Gabriel 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le calcul de structures électroniques dans les solides. À l'aide de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de densité, puis de la théorie des perturbations à N-corps, on cherche à calculer la structure de bandes des matériaux de façon aussi précise et efficace que possible.
Dans un premier temps, les développements théoriques ayant mené à la théorie de la fonctionnelle de densité (DFT), puis aux équations de Hedin sont présentés. On montre que l'approximation GW constitue une méthode pratique pour calculer la self-énergie, dont les résultats améliorent l'accord de la structure de bandes avec l'expérience par rapport aux calculs DFT. On analyse ensuite la performance des calculs GW dans différents oxydes transparents, soit le ZnO, le SnO2 et le SiO2. Une attention particulière est portée aux modèles de pôle de plasmon, qui permettent d'accélérer grandement les calculs GW en modélisant la matrice diélectrique inverse. Parmi les différents modèles de pôle de plasmon existants, celui de Godby et Needs s'avère être celui qui reproduit le plus fidèlement le calcul complet de la matrice diélectrique inverse dans les matériaux étudiés.
La seconde partie de la thèse se concentre sur l'interaction entre les vibrations des atomes du réseau cristallin et les états électroniques. Il est d'abord montré comment le couplage électron-phonon affecte la structure de bandes à température finie et à température nulle, ce qu'on nomme la renormalisation du point zéro (ZPR). On applique ensuite la méthode GW au calcul du couplage électron-phonon dans le diamant. Le ZPR s'avère être fortement amplifié par rapport aux calculs DFT lorsque les corrections GW sont appliquées, améliorant l'accord avec les observations expérimentales. / This thesis deals with electronic structure calculations in solids. Using density functional theory and many-body perturbation theory, we seek to compute the band structure of materials in the most precise and efficient way.
First, the theoretical developments leading to density functional theory (DFT) and to Hedin's equations are presented. It is shown how the GW approximation allows for a practical scheme to compute the self-energy, whose results enhance the agreement of the band structure with experiments, compared to DFT. We then analyse the performance of GW calculations in various transparent oxides, namely ZnO, SnO2 and SiO2. A special attention is devoted to the plasmon-pole model, which allows to accelerate significantly the calculations by modelling the inverse dielectric matrix. Among the different plasmon-pole models, the one of Godby and Needs turns out to be the most accurate in the studied materials.
The second part of the thesis concentrates on the interaction between vibrations of the crystal lattice with electronic states. It is first shown how the electron-phonon coupling affects the band structure at finite temperature and at zero temperature, which is called the zero-point renormalization (ZPR). Then, we use the GW method to compute the electron-phonon coupling in diamond. The ZPR turns out to be strongly amplified with respect to DFT upon the application of GW corrections, enhancing the agreement with experimental observations.
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Non-Orthogonality and Electron Correlations in Nanotransport : Spin- and Time-Dependent CurrentsFransson, Jonas January 2002 (has links)
<p>The concept of the transfer Hamiltonian formalism has been reconsidered and generalized to include the non-orthogonality between the electron states in an interacting region, e.g. quantum dot (QD), and the states in the conduction bands in the attached contacts. The electron correlations in the QD are described by means of a diagram technique for Hubbard operator Green functions for non-equilibrium states. </p><p>It is shown that the non-orthogonality between the electrons states in the contacts and the QD is reflected in the anti-commutation relations for the field operators of the subsystems. The derived forumla for the current contains corrections from the overlap of the same order as the widely used conventional tunneling coefficients. </p><p>It is also shown that kinematic interactions between the QD states and the electrons in the contacts, renormalizes the QD energies in a spin-dependent fashion. The structure of the renormalization provides an opportunity to include a spin splitting of the QD levels by polarizing the conduction bands in the contacts and/or imposing different hybridizations between the states in the contacts and the QD for the two spin channels. This leads to a substantial amplification of the spin polarization in the current, suggesting applications in magnetic sensors and spin-filters.</p>
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Non-Orthogonality and Electron Correlations in Nanotransport : Spin- and Time-Dependent CurrentsFransson, Jonas January 2002 (has links)
The concept of the transfer Hamiltonian formalism has been reconsidered and generalized to include the non-orthogonality between the electron states in an interacting region, e.g. quantum dot (QD), and the states in the conduction bands in the attached contacts. The electron correlations in the QD are described by means of a diagram technique for Hubbard operator Green functions for non-equilibrium states. It is shown that the non-orthogonality between the electrons states in the contacts and the QD is reflected in the anti-commutation relations for the field operators of the subsystems. The derived forumla for the current contains corrections from the overlap of the same order as the widely used conventional tunneling coefficients. It is also shown that kinematic interactions between the QD states and the electrons in the contacts, renormalizes the QD energies in a spin-dependent fashion. The structure of the renormalization provides an opportunity to include a spin splitting of the QD levels by polarizing the conduction bands in the contacts and/or imposing different hybridizations between the states in the contacts and the QD for the two spin channels. This leads to a substantial amplification of the spin polarization in the current, suggesting applications in magnetic sensors and spin-filters.
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Vers une nouvelle méthode de calcul pour la fonction de Green à un corpsLani, Giovanna 14 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Dans ce travail, une nouvelle voie pour le calcul de la fonction de Green (GF) à une particule a été développée. L' objectif est de remédier aux défauts de nombreuses autres approches à plusieurs corps, par exemple l'approximation GW (GWA), dans le traitement des forts effets de corrélation dans les solides. L'idée consiste à résoudre un ensemble d'équations différentielles fonctionnelles et non-linéaires, qui sont centrales à la théorie des perturbations à plusieurs corps. Dans un premier temps, ce qu'on appelle le modèle à un 1-point est employé (une seule valeur pour chaque variable d'espace, temps, spin est retenue) et l'ensemble des équations se réduit alorsà une seule équation algébrique, pour laquelle une solution exacte et explicite est obtenue. La solution est utilisée comme outil de référence pour analyser les performances des autres méthodes bien établies (par exemple, des versions différentes de GW). Par ailleurs, des approximations alternatives sont conçues et pour les plus prometteuses la généralisation à la forme fonctionnelle (complète) est discutée. La dernière partie de cetravail aborde la généralisation de l'approche au-delà du cadre à1-point. Tout d'abord la dépendance en fréquence de la GF est restaurée (tout en conservant le modèle à un 1-point pour les variables d'espace et despin) et l'ensemble des équations est résolu. Il est montré que dans un tel cadre, il est possible de retrouver ce que l'on appelle "l'expansion en cumulants" pour GF- une approximation qui va au-delà de GW et fournit des fonctions spectrales en bon accord avec les expériences de photo-émission . Enfin, à l'aide d'un ansatz, une famille de solutions pour les equations dans leur forme fonctionnelle est obtenue et des moyens sont proposés, allant bien au delà de l'état de l'art, afin d'obtenir des approximations pour celles ayant une signification physique.
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Condensation phenomena in interacting Fermi and Bose gasesMännel, Michael 02 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Dissertation werden das Anregungsspektrum und das Phasendiagramm wechselwirkender Fermi- und Bosegase untersucht. Zu diesem Zweck wird eine neuartige renormierte Kadanoff-Martin-Näherung vorgestellt, die Selbstwechselwirkung von Teilchen vermeidet und somit eine einheitliche Beschreibung sowohl der normalen als auch der kondensierten Phase ermöglicht. Für Fermionen findet man den BCS-Zustand, benannt nach Bardeen, Cooper und Schrieffer, welcher entscheidend ist für das Phänomen der Supraleitung. Charakteristisch für diesen Zustand ist eine Energielücke im Anregungsspektrum an der Fermi-Energie. Weiterhin tritt für Bosonen eine Bose-Einstein-Kondensation (BEC) auf, bei der das Anregungsspektrum für kleine Impulse linear ist. Letzteres führt zum Phänomen der Suprafluidität. Über die bereits bekannten Phänomene hinaus findet man eine dem BCS-Zustand ähnliche Kondensation von Zweiteilchenbindungszuständen, sowohl für Fermionen als auch für Bosonen. Für Fermionen tritt ein Übergang zwischen der Kondensation von Bindungszuständen und dem BCS-Zustand auf, der sogenannte BEC-BCS-Übergang. Die Untersuchung der Zustandsgleichung zeigt, dass im Gegensatz zu Fermi-Gasen und Bose-Gasen mit abstoßender Wechselwirkung Bose-Gase mit anziehender Wechselwirkung zu einer Flüssigkeit kondensieren oder sich verfestigen, bevor es zur Kondensation von Bindungszuständen oder zur Bose-Einstein-Kondensation kommt. Daher können diese Phänomene voraussichtlich nicht in der Gasphase beobachtet werden. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass das vorgestellte Näherungsverfahren sehr gut geeignet ist, die erwähnten Phänomene im Zusammenhang mit der Bose-Einstein-Kondensation zu beschreiben.
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Studies Of Electronic, Magnetic And Entanglement Properties Of Correlated Models In Low-Dimensional SystemsSahoo, Shaon 09 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis consists of six chapters. The first chapter gives an introduction to the field of low-dimensional magnetic and electronic systems and relevant numerical techniques. The recent developments in molecular magnets are highlighted. The numerical techniques are reviewed along with their advantages and disadvantages from the present perspective. Study of entanglement of a system can give a great insight into the system. At the last part of this chapter a general overview is given regarding entanglement, its measures and its significance in studying many-body systems.
Chapter 2 deals with the technique that has been developed by us for the full symmetry adaptation of non-relativistic Hamiltonians. It is advantageous both computationally and physically/chemically to exploit both spin and spatial symmetries of a system. It has been a long-standing problem to target a state which has definite total spin and also belongs to a definite irreducible representation of a point group, particularly for non-Abelian point groups. A very general technique is discussed in this chapter which is a hybrid method based on valence-bond basis and the basis of the z-component of the total spin. This technique is not only applicable to a system with arbitrary site spins and belonging to any point group symmetry, it is also quite easy to implement computationally. To demonstrate the power of the method, it is applied to the molecular magnetic system, Cu6Fe8, with cubic symmetry.
In chapter 3, the extension of the previous hybrid technique to electronic systems is discussed. The power of the method is illustrated by applying it to a model icosahedral half-filled electronic system. This model spans a huge Hilbert space (dimension 1,778,966) and is in the largest non-Abelian point group. All the eigenstates of the model are obtained using our technique.
Chapter 4 deals with the thermodynamic properties of an important class of single-chain magnets (SCMs). This class of SCMs has alternate isotropic spin-1/2 units and anisotropic high spin units with the anisotropy axes being non-collinear. Here anisotropy is assumed to be large and negative, as a result, anisotropic units behave like canted spins at low temperatures; but even then simple Ising-type model does not capture the essential physics of the system due to quantum mechanical nature of the isotropic units. A transfer matrix (TM) method is developed to study statistical behavior of this class of SCMs. For the first time, it is also discussed in detail that how weak inter-chain interactions can be treated by a TM method. The finite size effect is also discussed which becomes important for low temperature dynamics. This technique is applied to a real helical chain magnet, which has been studied experimentally.
In the fifth chapter a bipartite entanglement entropy of finite systems is studied using exact diagonalization techniques to examine how the entanglement changes in the presence of long-range interactions. The PariserParrPople model with long-range interactions is used for this purpose and corresponding results are com-pared with those for the Hubbard and Heisenberg models with short-range interactions. This study helps understand why the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) technique is so successful even in the presence of long-range interactions in the PPP model. It is also investigated if the symmetry properties of a state vector have any significance in relation to its entanglement. Finally, an interesting observation is made on the entanglement profiles of different states, across the full energy spectrum, in comparison with the corresponding profile of the density of states.
The entanglement can be localized between two noncomplementary parts of a many-body system by performing local measurements on the rest of the system. This localized entanglement (LE) depends on the chosen basis set of measurement (BSM). In this chapter six, an optimality condition for the LE is derived, which would be helpful in finding optimal values of the LE, besides, can also be of use in studying mixed states of a general bipartite system. A canonical way of localizing entanglement is further discussed, where the BSM is not chosen arbitrarily, rather, is fully determined by the properties of a system. The LE obtained in this way, called the localized entanglement by canonical measurement (LECM), is not only easy to calculate practically, it provides a nice way to define the entanglement length. For spin-1/2 systems, the LECM is shown to be optimal in some important cases. At the end of this chapter, some numerical results are presented for j1 −j2 spin model to demonstrate how the LECM behaves.
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Description de la dynamique de la fission dans le formalisme de la méthode de la coordonnée génératrice dépendante du temps / Description of the fission process with the time dependent generator coordinate methodVerrière, Marc 16 May 2017 (has links)
La fission induite par neutron, découverte il y a plus de 70 ans, a de nombreuses applications, par exemple industrielles pour la production d'énergie, et intervient dans la nucléosynthèse. Cependant, sa description microscopique reste un problème ouvert. En effet, les degrés de liberté qui interviennent dans ce processus dynamique sont complexes. De plus, les noyaux fissiles ont un nombre élevé de nucléons en interaction (>200). Il s'agit donc d'un problème à N-corps quantique. Or, une résolution directe de ce dernier n'est pas possible à l'heure actuelle. Dans ce contexte, la description microscopique de la fission considérée ici est la suivante : la première étape consiste à déterminer un ensemble de configurations de champ moyen qui représentent différentes déformations du noyau, incluant ainsi explicitement les degrés de liberté collectifs qui leur sont associés. Dans la seconde étape, la dynamique est décrite dans cet espace de configurations en utilisant la méthode de la coordonnée génératrice dépendante du temps (TDGCM). L'approximation des recouvrements gaussiens (GOA) est alors utilisée. Cependant, elle introduit une erreur de modèle et limite les extensions comme par exemple la prise en compte explicite de degrés de liberté intrinsèques. Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif de décrire le processus de fission avec la TDGCM sans recourir à la GOA. Cela implique de résoudre l'équation de la dynamique en TDGCM appelée équation de Hill-Wheeler dépendante du temps (TD-HW). Les méthodes d'évaluations des matrices des recouvrements et du hamiltonien collectif sont présentées dans le cas d'une interaction de Gogny. La matrice des recouvrements représente la métrique de l'espace des configurations, et la matrice du hamiltonien collectif contient les couplages énergétiques entre les configurations. Les configurations sont exprimées dans des bases de particules deux à deux distinctes, introduisant des instabilités numériques dans les méthodes d'évaluation standard. Un formalisme adapté à ces bases est proposé permettant d'éliminer ces instabilités. Deux méthodes de résolution de TD-HW sont présentées. La première consiste à calculer l'opérateur d'évolution associé à l'équation de Hill-Wheeler dépendante du temps. Elle est adaptée à un faible nombre de configurations. La seconde utilise un schéma de discrétisation en temps permettant l'inclusion d'un plus grand nombre de configurations dans le modèle. Ce formalisme est ensuite appliqué à la description de la réaction de fission induite par neutron sur le plutonium 239, et une comparaison avec la TDGCM+GOA est effectuée. / Nuclear fission, where an atomic nucleus separates into two fragments while emitting a large amount of energy, is at the core of many applications in society (energy production) and national security (deterrence, non-proliferation). It is also a key ingredient of the mechanisms of formation of elements in the universe. Yet, nearly 80 years after its experimental discovery its theoretical description in terms of the basic constituents of the nucleus (protons and neutrons) and their interaction remains a challenge. In this thesis, we describe the fission process as follows. In a first step, we use large supercomputers to compute the deformation properties of the nucleus based on our knowledge of nuclear forces. In a second step, we simulate the time evolution of the system from its ground state up to the fragments separation with a fully quantum-mechanical approach called the time-dependent generator coordinate method (TDGCM). While results are in good qualitative agreement with experimental data, the implementation of the TDGCM so far had been greatly simplified using what is known as the Gaussian overlap approximation (GOA). We also developed the formalism and a numerical implementation of the exact TDGCM - without the GOA. This will allow the first systematic validation of that approximation and an assessment of the resulting theoretical uncertainties. The second chapter presents the description of the neutron induced fission process using the TDGCM+GOA. The third one introduces the developments carried out in this thesis allowing the description of the fission process with the TDGCM without the GOA. The last chapter shows the first results obtained with this approach.
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Condensation phenomena in interacting Fermi and Bose gasesMännel, Michael 14 October 2011 (has links)
In dieser Dissertation werden das Anregungsspektrum und das Phasendiagramm wechselwirkender Fermi- und Bosegase untersucht. Zu diesem Zweck wird eine neuartige renormierte Kadanoff-Martin-Näherung vorgestellt, die Selbstwechselwirkung von Teilchen vermeidet und somit eine einheitliche Beschreibung sowohl der normalen als auch der kondensierten Phase ermöglicht. Für Fermionen findet man den BCS-Zustand, benannt nach Bardeen, Cooper und Schrieffer, welcher entscheidend ist für das Phänomen der Supraleitung. Charakteristisch für diesen Zustand ist eine Energielücke im Anregungsspektrum an der Fermi-Energie. Weiterhin tritt für Bosonen eine Bose-Einstein-Kondensation (BEC) auf, bei der das Anregungsspektrum für kleine Impulse linear ist. Letzteres führt zum Phänomen der Suprafluidität. Über die bereits bekannten Phänomene hinaus findet man eine dem BCS-Zustand ähnliche Kondensation von Zweiteilchenbindungszuständen, sowohl für Fermionen als auch für Bosonen. Für Fermionen tritt ein Übergang zwischen der Kondensation von Bindungszuständen und dem BCS-Zustand auf, der sogenannte BEC-BCS-Übergang. Die Untersuchung der Zustandsgleichung zeigt, dass im Gegensatz zu Fermi-Gasen und Bose-Gasen mit abstoßender Wechselwirkung Bose-Gase mit anziehender Wechselwirkung zu einer Flüssigkeit kondensieren oder sich verfestigen, bevor es zur Kondensation von Bindungszuständen oder zur Bose-Einstein-Kondensation kommt. Daher können diese Phänomene voraussichtlich nicht in der Gasphase beobachtet werden. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass das vorgestellte Näherungsverfahren sehr gut geeignet ist, die erwähnten Phänomene im Zusammenhang mit der Bose-Einstein-Kondensation zu beschreiben.
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Interplay of magnetic, orthorhombic, and superconducting phase transitions in iron-based superconductorsSchmiedt, Jacob 07 October 2014 (has links)
The physics of iron pnictides has been the subject of intense research for half a decade since the discovery of superconductivity in doped LaFeAsO in 2008. By now there exists a large number of different materials that are summarized under the term "pnictides'' with significant differences in their crystal structure, electronic properties, and their phase diagrams. This thesis is concerned with the investigation of the various phase transitions that are observed in the underdoped compounds of the pnictide subgroups RFeAsO, where R is a rare-earth element, and AFe_2As_2, where A is an alkaline-earth element. These compounds display two closely bound transitions from a tetragonal to an orthorhombic phase and from a paramagnetic to an antiferromagnetic metal. Both symmetry-broken phases are suppressed by doping or pressure and close to their disappearance superconductivity sets in. The superconducting state is stabilized until some optimal doping or pressure is reached and gets suppressed thereafter. The central goal of this thesis is to improve our understanding of the interplay between these three phases and to describe the various phase transitions. We start from an itinerant picture that explains the magnetism as a result of an excitonic instability and show how the other phases can be included into this picture. This approach is based on the the observation that the compounds we are interested in have a Fermi surface with multiple nested electron and hole pockets and that they have small to intermediate interaction strengths.
The thesis starts with a study of the doping dependence of the antiferromagnetic phase transition in four different five-orbital models. We use the random-phase approximation to determine the transition temperature, the dominant ordering vector, and the contribution of the different orbitals to the ordering. This allows us to identify the more realistic models, which give results that are in good agreement with experimental observations. In addition to the frequently made assumption of orbital-independent interaction potentials we study the effect of a reduction of the interaction strengths that involve the d_{xy} orbital. We find that this tunes the system between two different nesting instabilities. A reduction of the interactions that involve the d_{xy} orbital also enhances the tendency towards incommensurate (IC) order. For a weak reduction this tendency is compensated by the presence of the orthorhombic phase. However, for a reduction of 30%, as it is suggested by constrained random-phase-approximation calculations, we always find large doping ranges, where a state with IC order has the highest transition temperature.
We continue the investigation of the magnetic phase transition by studying the competition of different possible types of antiferromagnetic order that arises from the presence of two degenerate nesting instabilities with the ordering vectors (pi,0) and (0,pi). We derive a Ginzburg-Landau free energy from a microscopic two-band model and find that the presence of the experimentally observed stripe phase strongly depends on the number and size of the hole pockets in the system and on the doping. We show that within the picture of a purely magnetically driven nematic phase transition, which breaks the C_4 symmetry and induces the orthorhombic distortion, the nematic phase displays exactly the same dependence on the model parameters as the magnetic stripe phase. We propose that in addition to the purely magnetically driven nematic instability there is a ferro-orbital instability in the system that stabilizes the nematic transition and, thus, explains the experimentally observed robustness of the orthorhombic transition. We argue that including a ferro-orbital instability into the picture may also be necessary to reproduce the transition from simultaneous first-order transitions into an orthorhombic antiferromagnetic state to two separate second-order transitions, which is observed as a function of doping.
Finally, a study of the superconducting phase transition inside the antiferromagnetic phase that is observed in some pnictide compounds is presented. We present an approach to calculate the fluctuation-mediated pairing interaction in the spin-density-wave phase of a multiband system, which is based on the random-phase approximation. This approach is applied to a minimal two-band model for the pnictides to study the effect of the various symmetry-allowed bare on-site interactions on the gap symmetry and structure. We find a competition between various even- and odd-parity states and over a limited parameter range a p_x-wave state is the dominant instability. The largest part of the parameter space is dominated by even parity states but the gap structure sensitively depends on the bare interactions. We propose that the experimentally observed transition from a nodeless to a nodal gap can be due to changes in the on-site interaction potentials.
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Ab-initio Study of Semi-conductor and Metallic Systems: from Density Functional Theory to Many Body Perturbation TheoryYi, Zhijun 11 February 2010 (has links)
Substitutional dopants in III-V semi-conductors, such as Si atoms in GaAs, are of great interest for the applications in transistors, Schottky diodes, and doping super-lattices which have been widely employed to control the electrical properties of semi-conductors. Although Si doped GaAs systems have been intensively investigated theoretically and experimentally in the last
several decades, some properties are still debated. In order to give a further explanation of Si
doped GaAs systems, we systematically studied DX center in bulk GaAs and in GaAs(110), as
well as the relative stabilities of different charged systems for Si atom replacing Ga atom at the substitutional site near GaAs(110) surface from first principles ground state
method. We show that DX centre is a metastable state in bulk GaAs and completely unstable in
the top few layers of GaAs(110). When Si atom replaces Ga atom at the surface, Charge states have an important influence on the stability of the system, and the additional charge is mainly concentrated on the Si atom for charged system. In addition, we studied the STM images of clean GaAs(110) and
charged Si:GaAs(110) by employing Tersoff-Hamann approximation. The calculated STM
images are in good agreement with experimental results. We show that at the positive bias
voltage the positively charged Si atom presents a bright feature while the negatively charged Si
atom shows a dark feature. In a semi-conductor, all bands are either completely full or completely empty. It is well known that DFT underestimates the band gaps of semi-conductors, a simple rigid shift can be used to
correct the band energies of semi-conductors. Unlike semi-conductor, the fermi energies of
metals lie in some bands. Furthermore, it turned out that some noble metals such as Cu and Ag
depend on the considered band and k point , therefore, the so-called scissors operator can not be
used for the metallic systems. The most successful approach within theoretical method for these
metals is the many body perturbation theory. On the other hand, an interesting study for metals is quasi-particle excitations, which play an important role in a rich variety of physical and
chemical phenomena such as energy transfer in photochemical reaction, desorption and
oxidation of molecules at surfaces, spin transport within bulk metals, across interfaces, and at
surfaces. One of the crucial properties of quasi-particle excitation is their lifetimes which
determine the duration of these excitations. We carried out the calculations of quasi-particle
band-structures and lifetimes for noble metals Cu and Ag within the GW approximation. For
Cu, both the calculated positions of the d bands and the width of the d bands is within 0.1 eV
compared to the experimental results. For Ag, partial core correction should be included in the
pseudo-potential to get reliable positions of the d bands. The calculated lifetime agree with the
experiment in the energy region away from the Fermi level, but deviates from the experimental
results near the Fermi level where short range interactions which GW approach fails to describe
play an important role. For a better description of the lifetime near the Fermi level, higher terms
beyond the GW approximation in the many body perturbation theory need to be considered. In
addition, the image potential state lifetimes in Cu(100) have been calculated using GW
approximation based on the localized Gaussian basis set, and the calculated n=1, 2 imagepotential
state lifetimes are in good agreement with experimental results.
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