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貓空纜車對貓空地區之觀光經濟影響分析朱沛婕 Unknown Date (has links)
因此,在傳統產業轉型觀光的歷程中,政府除需積極進行觀光投資建設之外,為求有效提升觀光經濟效益,本研究提出下列觀光發展的策略建議,以供政府未來經營觀光地區之參考:一、加強地方傳統產業之經濟鏈結,避免經濟遺漏,有效提高經濟效益;二、以地方特色為核心,發展多元觀光,刺激旅客在當地的旅遊消費;三、提升觀光供給系統之整體品質,延長旅客在觀光地區的停留時間,連帶提升旅客的旅遊滿意度;四、進行遊程規劃,有效串連景點,擴大經濟影響範圍,有效帶動周邊產業發展。經由相關配套措施的施行,加強觀光建設與地方觀光系統的連結,提供更優質的旅遊環境,輔助政府藉由觀光投資建設以提振地方產業經濟之目標的達成。 / Taipei Maokong Gondola, the city's first cable-car system, was inaugurated at July 4, 2007, and has attracted more than 5.12 million passengers on the first year of operation. As the Maokong Gondola was built to improve traffic conditions and to further boost the tourism in the tea-growing area around Maokong in the rural Wenshan District, the primary purpose of this study is to evaluate the economic impacts of Maokong Gondola. The study sampled 400 tourists to estimate the change in the number and types of tourists visiting the Maokong area, and futher applies the change in the expenditures of tourists to a regional input-output model to determine the economic impacts.
The study result indicats that the operation of Maokong Gondola contributed an increasing proportion of tourists from other cities to Maokong, making the area a national traveling spot. However, the expenditures of the tourists in the Maokong area did not raise at the same time. The economic impact analysis shows that the sales multiplier of cable car tour is only 1.007, indicating a limited economic benefit. Based on the result of the economic impact analysis, this thesis provides four suggestions for boosting the tourism in the tea-growing area around Maokong: (1) Strengthen the economy chain knot between the traditional industries and the service industries to avoid the economical leakages. (2) Take the local characteristics as the core while developing various activities. (3) Improve the quality of the whole tourism supplying system. (4) Connect the scenery spots around Maokong to expand the boundary of the economy influence.
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都市生態旅遊資源非市場價值之研究 – 以貓空地區為例 / The non-market value of urban ecotourism resources - a case study of MaoKong area劉匡英, Liu, Kuang Ying Unknown Date (has links)
都市型生態旅遊地區除了提供與一般遊憩區皆有的遊憩、休閒、教育等使用價值外,尚有生態環境保育效益的非使用價值存在,為評估都市生態旅遊地區所具有的完整環境價值,本研究運用條件評估法(Contingent Valuation Method, CVM),以支付卡法(payment card method)之詢價方式獲得遊客的願付價格(willing to pay, WTP),並採用負二元名義(negative binomial)模式建立迴歸模型,獲得主要結果為:存在價值每年約3,693,065,610元,遺贈價值約每年5,368,737,520元,非市場價值高達約每年9,061,803,130元。 / From 1960s, due to the rise of environment protecting concepts and sustainable use of tourist spots, there are more and more non-government organizations and scholars, who care about ecological conversation, propose the importance of ecotourism, which aim at both the conversation of natural and recreation development.
Taiwan is densely populated and has rapidly urban expansion, which has caused natural environmental resources gradually becoming a important part of city. Moreover, the awareness of leisure consciousness and increasing need for accessing to the natural have made it an indispensable relaxing and vacation location for Taipei people.
Maokong, located at the south of Wen-Shan district in Taipei, is a famous spot with burgeoning creation activities over the past twenty-five years. It is well-known for its convenience, characteristic tea industry and the sacred place-Zhinan Temple. Mostly parts of Maokong belong to agricultural reservation. The altitude is 700 meters below, although not as steep as others, it has a diversity of terrain features, abundant in rainfall, botanical life-form and organism resources. Those plentiful ecological resources above, the great location near the urban, old-line religious history and culture, plus perfect planning of mountain climbing trail. With all the inborn conditions make Maokong perfect for developing the international-popular leisure style - urban ecotourism.
Urban ecotourism place provides not only the use value of recreation, leisure and education, but also the non-use value of preservation benefits. In order to evaluate the total value, I used Contingent Valuation Method with Payment Card Method to get the Willing to Pay of tourists, and further I used the Negative Binomial to establish the model. The main result: the Existence Value is about $3,693,065,610(TWD) per year, the Bequest Value is about $5,368,737,520(TWD) per year, finally the Non-market value is about $9,061,803,130 (TWD).
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地方文化產業治理機制評估研究:以貓空茶文化產業為例 / A study of evaluation on the governance mechanism of local cultural industry: a case study of Maokong tea industry林亦杰, Lin, Yi Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究運用文獻分析法與深度訪談法,與貓空茶文化產業治理中三方行動者進行訪談,研究結果發現貓空當地茶農與茶產業經營者為發展的基礎,但隨著內外部不利因素的威脅,茶農與茶產業經營者面臨勞動力老化、氣候變遷、法令限制等問題;在地方與非營利組織方面,木柵區農會是治理機制運作中最重要的角色,主要任務是扮演水平與垂直溝通平台、提供茶農所需資源、辦理對產業發有所助益的優良鐵觀音茶比賽,另一方面貓空茶情社區發展協會是由地方自組而成的社區組織,目的在發展貓空社區與市政府方面的業務合作及協調,但在當地經營上也面臨些許問題;公部門方面,茶業改良場文山分場具茶葉專業知識,給予茶農在上游栽植方面許多幫助,而主管貓空發展的產業發展局則是退居二線進行產業輔導,工作內容為多元經營硬體與文化設施、定期撥列經費進行補助;在釐清各方行動者任務後,本研究整合茶產業與休閒觀光產業,建構出貓空茶文化產業治理的運作機制。在治理機制評估方面以「治理機制妥適性」、「參與者的輔導推廣能力」、「計畫目標達成度」三個指標進行評估,主要爭議點有四:(1)在於水土保持法令上一方面維持貓空茶區生態,一方面也限制了發展;(2)貓空纜車與當地茶產業發展關聯性不大;(3)產業發展局退居二線與當地茶農接觸較少,平行機關多且人員調動頻繁;(4)貓空茶文化產業面臨轉型困境。研究建議三點:(1)貓空茶文化產業的轉型與行銷;(2)茶比賽模式的推廣;(3)根留貓空當地人才。 / MaoKong cultural tea industry is a unique local industry of Taiwan. This study integrated Maokong cultural tea industry, local governance, and responsive evaluation theory, moreover the main purpose is to construct a governance framework of MaoKong cultural tea industry, and find out the task of those three operations in the framework: (1) governmental departments. (2) local and nonprofit organizations. (3) tea farmers and tea industry operators.
Additionally, literature analysis and depth interviews are the research methods of this study, through the interview with the actors of Maokong cultural tea industry , we found that: (1) local tea farmers and operators are the basis of tea industry, but they confront some inside and outside threats. (2) the most important role of the part of local and non-profit organization in Maokong tea industry governance, is the Muzha Farmers’ Association, which the main task is to establish a horizontal and vertical communication platform for the framework. The jobs of Muzha Community Development Association are to development this community, and collaboration and co-ordination with the Taipei city government, but also facing some issues with the local farmers. (3) In the public sector, first of all, Tea Research and Extension Station - Wenshan Substation with expertise provides lots of help in tea to the tea farmers. The Department of Economic Development, Taipei City Government in these days is to step aside for operating the hardware of cultural facilities, and providing subsidies to the tea industry operators.
As well as this study suggestions are: (1) integrating all the resources of governance actors and using marketing methods to development Maokong cultural tea industry. (2) the promotion of Maokong tea competition mode. (3) root and reward local tea industry talents.
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貓空纜車興建之政策形成過程研究:政策網絡觀點 / The study of policy formation process in construction of Maokong Gondola: A policy network approach黃柏榕, Huang, Po Jung Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,貓空纜車成案的關鍵並非專業評估使然,乃是為了實現馬英九市府的競選承諾。貓空纜車因為規劃過程中受到動物園的影響,導致纜車路線變更,鄰近棲霞山莊,並衍生後續噪音污染等爭議。貓空纜車在木柵觀光茶園社區發展協會及指南宮等民間團體的支持下,削弱了反對聲音;而主要的政策反對者棲霞山莊,則在當時問題意識不明確、預算順利通過等因素下,錯失反對時機。 / The first urban-type cable car in Taiwan “Maokong Gondola” had been inaugurated since 4th of July in 2007. It has successfully achieved 6.17 million hits in one year and three months. However, during September 2008, typhoon Sinlaku and Jangmi struck one after another and incurred serious mudslide erosion underneath pillar T16. The disaster had crippled the whole cable car system and had urged the public to re-examine the whole construction. This study utilizes policy network analysis to evaluate policy formation process regarding the construction of Maokong gondola in terms of four major factors: character of participants, actions’ strategies, power relationship and network integration. Demarcating the policy network while identifying the policy stakeholders and exploring issues arising from the construction process has been carried out in all three stages of the event: problem formation, policy formulation and policy legitimation.
This study shows that the key to the approval of Maokong gondola program was not due to professional evaluation, but instead, it was for the political motivation of Ma’s administration to attain victory in campaign. Being affected by the location of Taipei city zoo in the stage of program formulating, the cable car system has been rerouted closer to Chi-shia village, causing noise pollution and other harassment. By strong support from Muzha tea park community development association and Zhinan temple, the opponent’s opinions were gradually suppressed. Due to uncertainty of problem-knowing and easy approval of budget, the main opponent Chi-shia village had finally missed the opportunity in stopping the program.
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