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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reologické chování roztoků polymeru vhodných pro elektrostatické zvlákňování / The Rheological Behavior of Polymer Solutions Suitable for Electrospinning

Divínová, Nikol January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with preparation and characterization of aqueous solutions of polyvinyl alcohol suitable for electrospinning. In the theoretical part method of electrospinning is described, including parameters which influence this process. Literary research also includes a chapter about rheology, which deals with the rheological properties of polymers, specifically PVA. The experimental part describes the preparation and rheological study of of aqueous solutions of polyvinyl alcohol, which were then spun. The morphology of prepared nanofibers was studied by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The effect of molecular weight, the solvent, concentration of solution, rheological properties, electrical conductivity and surface tension on the spinability, diameter and morphology of nanofibers is discussed.

Utvärdering av reformen om mark- och miljödomstolar – Jämförelse av fastighetsmål före och efter reforme / Evaluation of the reform of land and environment court – Comparison of property formation cases before and after the reform

Jama, Zeinab January 2015 (has links)
Reformen om att inrätta mark- och miljödomstolar började gälla den 2 maj 2011. Den innebar bland annat en sammanslagning av fastighetsdomstolar, miljödomstolar och ärenden enligt plan- och bygglagen som tidigare prövades i förvaltningsrätten. Regeringens syfte med reformen om att inrätta mark- och miljödomstolar var att förenkla, samordna och effektivisera handläggning och domstolsprövning. Genom att fastighetsdomstolarna ersattes av mark- och miljödomstolarna ansvarar de numera för överklagade beslut i lantmäteriförrättning enligt bland annat fastighetsbildningslagen, anläggningslagen och ledningsrättslagen. Beslut i lantmäteriförrättningar fattas av en lantmäterimyndighet. Uppsatsens syfte är att genom hypoteser utvärdera hur framgångsrik reformen om att inrätta mark- och miljödomstolar har varit genom att jämföra fastighetsmål som prövats i sak i andra instans före och efter reformen. För jämförelsen används uppgifter om antalet prövningstillstånd, antalet överklaganden som avslagits, antalet återförvisade fastighetsmål och handläggningstiden för fastighetsmålen. Jämförelsen sker av beslut/utslag/domar mellan perioden 2009-01-01 till 2010-12-31 och perioden 2012-01-01 till 2014-12-31 i hovrätterna/Mark- och miljööverdomstolen. En av slutsatsen är att handläggningstiden i domstolen har minskat genom inrättande av mark- och miljödomstolen. Uppsatsen har kunnat konstatera att överklagandeförbud med ventil har inneburit minskat antal prövningstillstånd i Högsta domstol samt att trenden verkar vara att det är oförändrat antal beviljade prövningstillstånd till Högsta domstolen. / The reform to establish land and environment courts went into effect on the 2 May, 2011. Amongst other things, it meant a consolidation of the property-, environmental courts and cases according to the planning and building law that was previously litigated under the administrative law. The Government’s aim with the reform to establish the land and environment courts was to simplify, coordinate and to make the handling and judicial proceedings more effective. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate how successful the reform on the establishment of land and environment courts has been, through hypotheses comparing property cases that have been litigated in other instances, before and after the reform. For comparison, information on the number of review permits, the number of appeals rejected, the number of deferred property cases and the processing time for property cases will be used. Verdicts made during period 2009-01-01 to 2010-12-31 and the period 2012-01-01 to 2014-12-31 in the court of appeals/Land and Environmental Court of Appeal will be compared. One conclusions made is that the processing time in court was reduced through the establishment of the land and environment appeals court. The thesis argues that the prohibition of appeal has meant a reduction in the number of review permits at the Supreme Court. Furthermore, the trend seems to be that there is an unchanged number of approved review permits to the Supreme Court.

Translation from Braille Music Mark-up Language to DAISYXML

Jessel, Nadine Baptiste, Cubero, Javier Asensio January 2010 (has links)
As result of the Contrapunctus European project the design of the Braille Music Mark-up as an XML representation of a music scores in Braille has been carried out. We propose a design of a prototype system for translating these kinds of files into spoken music encoded in DAISYXML. In this way any blind musician may be able to memorize any Braille score using a DAISY reader. Therefore the dependency of reading BMML files in front of a computer would be eliminated. This is a first work on feasibility which will be improved and managed by a working group.

Orality, Literacy, and Heroism in Huckleberry Finn

Barrow, William David, 1955- 08 1900 (has links)
This work re-assesses the heroic character of Huckleberry Finn in light of the inherent problems of discourse. Walter Ong's insights into the differences between oral and literate consciousnesses, and Stanley Fish's concept of "interpretive communities" are applied to Huck's interactions with the other characters, revealing the underlying dynamic of his character, the need for a viable discourse community. Further established, by enlisting the ideas of Ernest Becker, is that this need for community finds its source in the most fundamental human problem, the consciousness of death. The study concludes that the problematic ending of Twain's novel is consistent with the theme of community and is neither the artistic failure, nor the cynical pronouncement on the human race that so many critics have seen it to be.

An Analysis of Mark-Recapture Data from Coded Wire Tagging of Hatchery Raised Salmon Using Log-Linear Models and Graphics / An Analysis of Mark-Recapture Data

Green, Philip 09 1900 (has links)
In this report mark-recapture data are analyzed with the use of weighted log-linear models, mosaics, and computer drawings of fish. The data are from salmon hatcheries, subsequent returns to the hatcheries and commercial catches of salmon. The log-linear models were used to study the effects of several variables on catches and returns. It is shown that these variables may have opposite effects depending on the brood year of the fish, that hatchery returns and commercial catches do not respond in the same way to the variables, and that more research is needed to determine the causes of the brood year differences. The mosaics and fish drawings were used to study the migration of the salmon in the ocean. The results confirm that chinook salmon decrease their food intake during the return trip to the hatchery, and they are consistent with theories of ocean migration of other species of salmon. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)

Estimating abundance, density, and occupancy of lion, leopard and serval in the Niokolo Koba National Park in Senegal

Kane, Mamadou Daha 17 July 2014 (has links)
Carnivore are undoubtedly among the most threatened of the mammal species in Africa because of the low density at which they occur and their large home range requirements that do not match with human propensity to develop and alter wildlife habitat. However, the degree of threat is unevenly distributed within the continent, with western and central African carnivores being the most threatened and the least studied. I estimated population size, density, and proportion of area occupied in relation to environmental factors of one medium-size (serval – Leptailurus serval) and two large carnivores (lion – Panthera leo and leopard – P. pardus) in the Niokolo Koba National Park, Senegal, West Africa, using remote camera surveys and both traditional (CR), spatially explicit capture-recapture (SECR) techniques for servals and leopards, and non-spatial (MR) and spatial mark resight (SMR) methods for lions. Lions selected optimal sites with both high tree density and prey activity; leopards occupied areas with high tree density but with less prey activity; and servals selected habitats with more dense canopy cover where leopards were absent. The presence of lions was favorable to serval presence, as we presume leopards avoid lions, although we did not have strong evidence to support it. Moreover, the half mean maximum distance moved (½ MMDM) method under CR methods appeared to overestimate leopard and serval density while full MMDM estimates were close to SECR methods density estimates. For lions, both ½ MMDM and full MMDM methods in MR framework overestimated density whereas the SMR method resulted in more reasonable estimates, especially in light of previous assessments of lion densities in West Africa.. These results are of high importance for conservation and management purposes of the imperiled Niokolo Koba carnivore community. / Master of Science

Drivers and Hinders for Circular Land Use in the Swedish Built Environment / Drivkrafter och hinder för cirkulär markanvändning i svensk bebyggd miljö

Wohlers, Veronika January 2024 (has links)
Land qualifies as a finite, non-renewable resource. Converting natural or semi-natural land into built-up and artificial areas is understood as land take. Despite the EU’s ‘no net land take by 2050’ goal, the rate of land take is expected to continue unsustainably, particularly due to urban sprawl. The negative consequences of land take, namely landscape fragmentation, habitat loss and biodiversity decline, are, therefore, directly linked to the activities of the built environment sector. Land recycling, i.e. brownfield redevelopment, is key to reducing land take and enhancing circularity in land use. Although land use planning is recognised as a tool to both implement circular economy practices and reduce land take, land as a resource remains understudied in literature on circular economy in the built environment.This study focuses on circular land use in the form of green land recycling, grey land recycling, and densification and what drives and hinders circular land use for real estate developers and municipalities as key actors in land development in the Swedish built environment sector. It draws upon the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) perspective by employing a resource interaction approach (RIA) to, firstly, map the resource interfaces of the focal resource land and secondly, explore the drivers and hinders for adapting to circular land use in these interfaces from the perspectives of real estate developers and municipalities.This cross-sectional interview study employed a mono-method qualitative methodology using semi-structured interviews to collect data. The interviews were conducted both with employees of Swedish municipalities and real estate developers based and active in Sweden. Thematic analysis was utilised to analyse data and structure the presentation of the findings.The findings allowed to identify specific resource combinations needed for land to become valuable for developers and municipalities. Valuable land for developers is determined by economic value, whereas for the municipalities social values are similarly important. In identifying key drivers and hinders the findings affirm the role of neighbours as hindering and future users and collaborations between the two actors as driving circular land use. Furthermore, the findings reveal the positive effects of land take restricting guidelines, emphasising the significance as well as the susceptibility of land use planning instruments in reducing land take. The study substantiates the understanding of circular land use and provides insights into drivers and hinders specifically for the context of land use in Sweden. Moreover, the application of the RIA in this context broadens the IMP perspective. / Mark är en ändlig, icke-förnybar resurs. Omvandling av naturlig eller halvnaturlig mark till bebyggda och konstgjorda områden kallas för ianspråktagande av mark. Trots EU:s mål om "no net land take by 2050" förväntas mark fortsättningsvis användas på ett ohållbart sätt, särskilt på grund av stadsutbredning. De negativa konsekvenserna av ianspråktagandet av mark, såsom landskapsfragmentering, förlust av livsmiljöer och minskad biologisk mångfald, är därför direkt kopplade till den byggda miljöns verksamhet. Återvinning av mark, dvs. ombyggnad av tidigare exploaterade områden, är en viktig faktor för att minska markanvändningen och öka cirkuläriteten i markanvändningen. Även om fysisk planering är ett erkänt verktyg för att både implementera cirkulär ekonomi och minska markanvändningen, finns det få studier som kopplar samman cirkularitet i den byggda miljön med markanvändning. Denna studie fokuserar på cirkulär markanvändning i form av så kallad grön och grå återvinning av mark och förtätning samt vad som driver och hindrar cirkulär markanvändning för fastighetsägare och kommuner som nyckelaktörer inom markutveckling i den svenska samhällsbyggnadssektorn. Studien utgår ifrån ett interaktivt perspektiv på resurser (RIA - Resource Interaction Approach) baserat på industriell nätverksteori (IMP - Industrial Marketing and Purchasing). RIA har använts för att kartlägga vilka andra viktiga resurser som krävs för att mark ska bli en värdefull resurs. Därigenom kunde centrala drivkrafter och hinder för cirkulär markanvändning identifieras, ur både privata fastighetsägares och kommuners perspektiv.Denna intervjustudie använde en kvalitativ metodik med semistrukturerade intervjuer för att samla in data. Intervjuerna genomfördes med anställda på svenska kommuner och fastighetsägare som är baserade och verksamma i Sverige. Tematisk analys användes för att analysera data och strukturera presentationen av resultaten.Resultaten visar på specifika resurskombinationer som gör att mark blir värdefull för privata fastighetsägare och för kommuner. Värdefull mark för fastighetsägare bestäms av det ekonomiska värdet, medan sociala värden är lika viktiga för kommunerna. De identifierade drivkrafterna och hindren bekräftar grannars roll i att hindra, och framtida användares samt samarbeten mellan dessa två aktörer i att driva på på cirkulär markanvändning. Vidare visar resultaten på de positiva effekterna av riktlinjer som begränsar markanvändningen, och betonar betydelsen av och mottaglighet hos planeringsinstrument för markanvändning för att minska ianspråktagande av mark. Studien ger större förståelse för cirkulär markanvändning ur ett interaktivt resursperspektiv och ger insikter om drivkrafter och hinder specifikt för markanvändningen i Sverige. Studien representerar också ett nytt empiriskt område för att tillämpa RIA och industriell nätverksteori.

Développement de l'intrigue dans l'Évangile de Marc : Rhoads et Michie (1982) et Kingsbury (1989) revisités

Pesant, Monique 31 March 2021 (has links)
À la suite de Rhoads et Michie (1982), et de Kingsbury (1989), l’évangile de Marc est étudié comme récit. Le développement de l’intrigue est analysé en fonction des divers types de conflits qui surviennent entre Jésus et les forces d’opposition à l’avènement du Règne de Dieu. Le Mémoire comporte trois parties. Première partie: préalables à l'étude — problématique (p. 6-20); précision des termes (p. 21-48). Deuxième partie: aspects méthodologiques — théorie du récit (p. 50-90); procédure d'analyse des données et de présentation des résultats (p. 91-99). Troisième partie: développement de l'intrigue — vue d’ensemble de l’évangile (p. 101-135); conflits entre Jésus et les forces d'opposition à l'avènement du Règne de Dieu (p. 136-365). Le Mémoire comporte 105 tableaux présentés en appendices.

Technologies for teaching mathematics via the World Wide Web

Junquiera, K.E. January 2009 (has links)
Published Article / This paper tries to find answers to the question concerning the availability of suitable technologies to accommodate the teaching and learning of mathematics by means of the World Wide Web. It addresses three standards for the presentation of content mark-up and touches on the importance of adequate browser applicability with respect to MathML as one of the standards. Various tools for rendering MathML on the web, as well as plug-ins and extensions, and other combinations of technologies, are discussed. The paper concludes with the introduction of a dynamic mathematics object model (DMOM) by Robert Miner from Design Science Inc. Requirements for a DMOM are formulated and its implementation is discussed. An alternative to the use of MathML is provided at the end in the form of the Blackboard Learning System.

Restytor och dess dolda möjligheter : Inventering och gestaltning i Kalmar stad

Marklund, Agnes, Bäcklund, Emma January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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