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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Determinación de los factores de las variables del marketing mix que inciden significativamente en la intención y decisión de compra de mujeres de 18 a 25 años de los NSE A y B de la Zona 7 de Lima Metropolitana en la industria de la moda de prendas de vestir, con un enfoque especial en los influencers como parte de la P de promoción / Determination of the factors of marketing mix variables that significantly affect purchase intention and decision of women between 18 and 25 years old that belong to the A and B socioeconomic status from seventh zone of Metropolitan Lima in the fashion and clothing industry, with an special focus on influencers as part of promotion P.

Burmester Cornejo, María del Pilar Graciela, Queirolo Lagos, Dante Nicolás 07 March 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar los factores de las variables del marketing mix que inciden significativamente en la intención y decisión de compra de mujeres de 18 a 25 años de edad de los NSE A y B de la Zona 7 de Lima Metropolitana (Miraflores, San Isidro, San Borja, Surco, La Molina) en la industria de la moda de prendas de vestir, con un enfoque especial en los influencers como parte de la P de promoción. Para ello, se realizó un estudio con enfoque mixto, ya que fue tanto cualitativo como cuantitativo. Por un lado, se utilizó el análisis factorial para medir la influencia en la intención de compra; y por el otro, el análisis discriminante para medir la influencia en la decisión de compra. Utilizamos esta metodología para medir el impacto de cada uno de los factores de las variables del marketing mix (producto, precio, plaza y promoción) y especialmente para validar si los influencers generan un impacto significativo sobre la intención y decisión de compra como parte de la P de promoción. Se realizó una entrevista a profundidad a un experto del rubro de la moda para validar nuestros objetivos e hipótesis. Asimismo, se realizó un Focus Group para obtener información relevante del segmento. Finalmente, se aplicó una encuesta a una muestra de 415 personas con la que se obtuvo la información necesaria para realizar el análisis estadístico. / The main objective of this research is to determine the factors of marketing mix variables that significantly affect purchase intention and decision of women between 18 and 25 years old that belong to the A and B socioeconomic status from seventh zone of Metropolitan Lima (Miraflores, San Isidro, San Borja, Surco, La Molina) in the fashion and clothing industry, with an special focus on influencers as part of promotion P. For this, we make a mixed approach study, since it was both qualitative and quantitative. On one hand, factor analysis was used to measure the influence on purchase intention; and on the other, the discriminant analysis to measure the influence on purchase decision. We use this methodology to measure the impact of each one of the factors of the marketing mix variables (product, price, place and promotion) and especially to validate if influencers generate a significant impact on purchase intention and decision as part of promotion. An in-depth interview was conducted with an expert from the fashion industry to validate our objectives and hypotheses. In addition, a Focus Group was carried out to obtain relevant segment information. Finally, a survey was applied to a sample of 415 people with whom the necessary information was obtained to perform the statistical analysis. / Tesis

Attitudes & Incentives of Green Marketing in the Clothes and Accessory Industry - Companies Perspectives

Hammarsten, Anna, Ohlsson, Emma January 2019 (has links)
This is a comparative, qualitative study conducted through comparing three different companies that are in some extent using Green marketing in their marketing communication. The issue that this study addresses is the problematics connected to the use of green marketing. To address this problem, the purpose of this study will be to investigate how companies relates to the phenomena and how the attitudes differ between these. The thesis will target companies within the clothing and accessory industry and will furthermore investigate why the concerned companies choose to use green marketing. The empirical data collection consists out of interviews with key-persons that have a deep understanding of their respective company. Three beginning interviewees was performed and later on supplemented with a in-depth interview with representatives from each company’s market department. The selected interviewees are all representative for the respective companies attitudes in this thesis. The three companies compared in this thesis are Sandgrens Clogs, Houdini and Tenson. After conducting the interviews, the interviews were transcribed and analyzed, thereafter the empirical data collection could be compared to each other. Through the interviews we could distinguish three themes: Green marketing, Greenwashing and sustainability.The result from the thesis will provide an understanding of why companies choose to use green marketing. To get a deeper understanding, the thesis will also cover the different attitudes towards the phenomena green marketing and sustainability. Furthermore it will give an understanding of why and how Sandgrens Clogs, Houdini and Tenson uses green marketing in their market communication. Companies as well as consumers could gain from the awareness of the usage of green marketing that this thesis are contributing with.

Traditional marketing vs. Internet marketing. A comparison

Varfan, Mona, Shima, Alfa January 2008 (has links)
<p>Title: Traditional marketing vs. Internet marketing: A comparison</p><p>Problem: Marketing is an important strategy for businesses and it contains numerous effective tools. Traditional marketing has been in use for many years and nowadays Internet has brought new ways of doing business for companies and that has affected marketing. What are the main differences between Internet marketing and traditional marketing? Which one of the two approaches contains the most used and effective marketing tools according to chosen companies in this thesis?</p><p>Purpose: The aim of this study is to compare traditional marketing and Internet marketing and show the differences of characteristics between them. And to find out what marketing tools are effective for some chosen companies in the fashion industry.</p><p>Method: The information gathered in this study was obtained through qualitative research from textbooks, websites, articles and interviews. Some quantitative data such as statistics were also gathered. The authors conducted interviews with few companies operating in the fashion industry to collect information needed for the analysis in this study.</p><p>Conclusion: By analysing different aspects of theory, comparison and interview answers, the authors came to a conclusion. Using the advantages of both Internet marketing and traditional marketing according to the goals of the company, is considered to be the most effective way of marketing. Comparing the two approaches, Internet seemed to be a complementary tool to traditional marketing.</p>

A Study of Marketing Strategy in Chinese Software Marketi : A Case Study of UFIDA Softeare Co., Ltd

Zeng, Xiongyu, Du, Yang January 2008 (has links)
<p>Date: 2008-06-08</p><p>Program: International Marketing</p><p>Course: Master thesis in International Marketing (EF0705)</p><p>Author: Xiongyu Zeng (780925) Yang Du (820830)</p><p>Tutor: Jan Löwstedt</p><p>Title: A Study of Marketing Strategy in Chinese Software Market – A Case Study of UFIDA Software Co., Ltd</p><p>Strategic Question : What should be an Effective Marketing Strategy for UFIDA in order to Increase its Market Shares and Support its Market Leadership Position?</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the current Chinese financial management software market conditions as well as competitors and to utilize the knowledge from the investigation to consider a better application of marketing mix for UFIDA.</p><p>Theory and Method: Two theories, five forces and marketing mix, were applied in this thesis. The authors collected primary data by interview and questionnaire to learn company’s marketing operation and feedback of customers on the marketing mix. The authors also collected reliable secondary data with the guideline of five forces framework to learn the marketing situation. The analysis was conducted according to the selected theories and the collected data. Based on the analysis, the authors presented a relevant conclusion.</p><p>Target Audience: The target audience is the market managers of UFIDA. The researchers wish the result of the paper could bring some benefits for them in the market performance. UFIDA can make use of the research result to design an effective strategy. The authors believe that the research could provide a general guidance and bring benefit to marketers in similar fields and help them to learn competitive situation.</p><p>Conclusion: From the result of analysis, the authors think the market situation is good for UFIDA. UFIDA has competitive advantages to defend itself against the forces and influence them in its favor. As a consequence, in order to increase market share as well as support its leading position, UFIDA should maintain the existing competitive advantages and improve the disadvantages of marketing operation about marketing mix found from the feedbacks of customer. Through the analysis and recommendation, the authors wish that the investigation result could benefit to UFIDA and bring them some cues for designing an effective marketing strategy.</p>

The challenge of marketing water filters in Uganda

Bektesevic, Alisa, Oloya, Grace January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Title:</strong> The challenge of marketing water filters in Uganda</p><p> </p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this research is to assess why sales of the water filter (CrystalPur) is stagnant. The authors will investigate the viability of the approach used to market CrystalPur with help of the marketing mix after which necessary adjustments best fitted for the Ugandan market will be suggested.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Method:</strong> This research takes a qualitative approach. Data collection method used was both interviews and documentation. Telephone interviews were conducted with the management of ATU, schools and health centers that have received the filter as a donation. The secondary data used were articles, related studies and books. Since it is a research based on a qualitative approach, the theories and the findings is synthesized to make implication regarding the study.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Conclusions: </strong>The investigation has shown that the target customers are not buying the filter because they doubt its functionality of providing safe water which has thus hindered its acceptance rate. Boiling water is the accepted method which thus makes filtering disadvantaged. Also the filters performance does not meet the expectation of the respondents due its fragility and slow flow rate. The price of the filter was shown to be very expensive and unaffordable by the target group. The channels used to create awareness are not effective due to the low literacy rate affecting the level of understanding. Lastly, the underdeveloped distribution channels have not enabled easy accessibility of the product.</p>

Skapandet av lojalitet : - en utvärdering av marknadsföringsstrategier

Hautanen, Emma, Rowe, Eve-Marie January 2007 (has links)
<p>Titel: Skapandet av lojalitet - en utvärdering av marknadsföringsstrategier.</p><p>Författare: Emma Hautanen & Eve-Marie Rowe</p><p>Handledare: Lars Vigerland</p><p>Ämne: Marknadsföring</p><p>Dokumenttyp: Kandidatuppsats 10p.</p><p>Publiceringsår: VT-2007</p><p>Nyckelord: Lojalitet, Word-of-mouth, Involvement theory, Marketing mix, Medicinteknisk</p><p>verksamhet, Medicintekniska avdelningen analys på Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset.</p><p>Syfte: Syftet är att utvärdera om MTA-analys marknadsföringsstrategier skapar lojala</p><p>kunder?</p><p>Metod: I studien har författarna genomfört både en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ</p><p>undersökning. Författarna har använt sig av abduktion i studien. Den kvantitativa</p><p>undersökningen bestod av prestrukturerade svarsalternativ som utarbetas utifrån redan</p><p>befintliga teorier för att på så sätt kunna koppla samman empirin och teorin kring studien.</p><p>Således har studien gjorts enligt en abduktiv ansats. Undersökningen utfördes genom att</p><p>enkäter skickades ut till MTA-A’s kunder, både avdelningar på sjukhuset och utomstående</p><p>kunder. Den kvalitativa undersökningen bestod av intervjuer, författarna intervjuade</p><p>sektionschefen och tre anställda på Medicintekniska avdelningen analys på Karolinska</p><p>Universitetssjukhuset. Författarna intervjuade chef och anställda för att få en bild av hur väl</p><p>den interna kommunikationen på MTA-As verksamhet fungerar.</p><p>Teori: För att kunna ge en bakgrund till uppsatsens teoretiska referensram har fem befintliga</p><p>teorier legat som grund för studien; Interaktiv kommunikation, Involvement theory, Service</p><p>Value Chain, Grönroos-Gummesons kvalitetsmodell samt Marketing Mix. Genom dessa</p><p>teorier kan man få en bild av hur graden av involvering påverkar konsumenternas</p><p>köpbeteende, effekterna av word-of-mouth, hur man genom en väl fungerande intern</p><p>marknadsföring ska få nöjda och återkommande kunder, vilka faktorer som bidrar till den</p><p>3</p><p>kundupplevd kvaliteten, samt om de olika faktorerna i marketing mix har någon betydelse för</p><p>kunderna.</p><p>Empiri: För att utvärdera om MTA-A marknadsföringsstrategier skapar lojala kunder</p><p>genomfördes en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ undersökning för att se om svaren stämmer</p><p>överens med varandra eller om det finns gap mellan ledning, personal och kunder. Genom</p><p>detta kunde förståelse erhållas om kundernas uppfattning om hur de resonerar kring valet av</p><p>MTA-A’s verksamhet och hur ledningen samt personalen ser på verksamheten.</p><p>Resultat: Uppsatsens syfte besvaras med hjälp av gap-modellen, för att se om det finns brister</p><p>i MTA-A´s marknadsföringsstrategier. Gapen mellan ledning, personal och kund är ett fåtal</p><p>och det finns andra positiva aspekter i MTA-A´s verksamhet som överväger bristerna, såsom</p><p>kompetent personal och bra service. Detta styrkes av enkätundersökningen där 30 stycken</p><p>kunder svarade att de är eller kommer att vara återkommande kunder. Med underlag av</p><p>enkätundersökningen konstaterar vi att MTA-A´s marknadsföringsstrategier skapar lojala</p><p>kunder.</p><p>Slutsats: De faktorer inom marknadsföringsstrategierna som är viktiga för att skapa</p><p>kundlojalitet är utbudet av tjänster, kompetent och trevlig personal, bra internkommunikation,</p><p>bra service, tillgänglighet och geografisk närbelägenhet.</p>

Katt och hund ska bli vår kund! : En studie om Cura apotekets ambition att bli husdjursägarnas favoritapotek / We aim higher with your pet as our buyer! : A study about the Cura pharmacy’s ambition to be pet owners’ favourite pharmacy.

Flintull, Kristina, Severin, Malin January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Datum:</strong> 2010-03-22</p><p><strong>Nivå: </strong>Kandidatuppsats i företagsekonomi, 15 hp</p><p><strong>Författare:</strong> Kristina Flintull, Malin Severin</p><p><strong>Handledare:</strong> Nazeem Seyed-Mohamed</p><p><strong>Titel:</strong> Katt och hund ska bli vår kund! En studie om Cura apotekets ambition att bli husdjursägarnas favoritapotek.</p><p><strong>Syfte:</strong> Med Cura apoteket som uppdragsgivare syftar studien till att undersöka vilka kvaliteter företaget bör framhäva i sin marknadsföring för att bearbeta och bli ICA Maxi:s kundsegment husdjursägares favoritapotek. Studien utreder även huruvida åsikterna om kvaliteter skiljer sig inom segmentet; mellan katt- och hundägare samt mellan män och kvinnor.</p><p><strong>Metod:</strong> Utifrån en kvalitativ intervju med Cura apotekets chef för inköp och sortiment presenteras teorier kring <em>The Services Marketing Mix</em> samt kundlojalitet. Med denna bakgrund genomfördes en kvantitativ enkätundersökning med 208 ICA Maxikunder med hund- eller katt. Telefonintervjuer med åtta deltagare från enkätundersökningen utfördes för att erhålla ett ytterligare kvalitativt perspektiv.</p><p><strong>Slutsats:</strong> Inga betydande skillnader mellan män och kvinnors åsikter inom segmentet husdjursägare kan utläsas. Olika åsikter förekommer däremot mellan hund- och kattägare inom kundsegmentet, där hundägare är mest positiva till de kvaliteter Cura apoteket kommer att kunna erbjuda. Cura apoteket bör därför rikta sin marknadsföring främst mot ICA Maxi:s hundägare och framhäva personalens kunskap, ett brett produktsortiment, lönsamma kunderbjudanden samt utökad tillgänglighet genom lojalitetsskapande aktiviteter.</p> / <p><strong>Date:</strong> 2010-03-22<strong> </strong></p><p><strong>Level:</strong> Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, 15 credits</p><p><strong>Authors:</strong> Kristina Flintull, Malin Severin</p><p><strong>Advisor:</strong> Nazeem Seyed-Mohamed</p><p><strong>Title: </strong>We aim higher with your pet as our buyer! A study about the Cura pharmacy’s ambition to be pet owners’ favourite pharmacy.</p><p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The aim of this thesis is to study what qualities the Cura pharmacy should focus on in its marketing to become ICA Maxi’s segment pet owners’ favourite pharmacy. The study analyses differences in opinions about qualities within the segment; between cat- and dog owners as well as men and women.</p><p><strong>Methodology: </strong>Based on a qualitative interview with the Cura pharmacy’s head of purchase and assortment, the theories of The Services Marketing Mix and Customer Loyalty are presented. A quantitative survey was conducted with 208 cat or dog owners who do their shopping at ICA Maxi. Phone interviews were then made with eight participants from the survey to obtain further qualitative perspectives.</p><p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>No differences regarding opinions between men and women can be observed. Cat and dog owners have different views though, where dog owners are more positive to the qualities the Cura pharmacy will be able to offer. Therefore, the Cura pharmacy should focus their marketing mostly on ICA Maxi’s dog owners. The company should bring forward the knowledge of their pharmacists, their wide range of products, beneficial customer offers and extended availability, all through loyalty creating activities.</p>

The significance of participation as a marketing tool

Ohrelius, Josephine, Tytarenko, Olga January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze the process of creating of the marketing mix model as well as to investigate whether the participation can be a possible new concept for this model. The empirical material is based on eight interviews conducted on Gotland with the companies that have contributed with their views on the issue. The respondents were selected due to their background in the professional marketing field. The method is qualitative and is based on semi-structured interviews. The conclusions of the research demonstrate that the concept participation could be ranked as the most important concept in comparison to the four concepts of the marketing mix model. The authors consider the most interesting suggestion for the future studies to be the investigating whether the concept Participation can be considered to be the fifth P in the traditional marketing mix model.</p>

När tid är pengar : En marknadsundersökning om hur data-, IT- och telekommunikationsföretag ser på ekonomiska tjänster

Norell, Erik, Friberg, Carl January 2010 (has links)
Datum 3 juni, 2010 Kurs Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi, FÖA 400, 15HP Författare Carl Friberg &amp; Erik Norell Handledare Finn Wiedersheim-Paul Nyckelord Revisorsplikten, SIVA, Marketing Mix, tjänsteerbjudande, ekonomiska tjänster, administrativa tjänster. Titel När tid är pengar - En marknadsundersökning om hur data-, IT- och telekommunikationsföretag ser på ekonomiska tjänster Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att förse Per Silvin KB med information som kan ligga till grund när företaget expanderar sitt tjänsteerbjudande. Frågeställning Vad bör Per Silvin KB ha i åtanke när man formar sitt tjänsteerbjudande för att bäst tillgodose målgruppens behov? Vilka administrativa tjänster efterfrågas av Per Silvin KBs tilltänkta målgrupp? Metod Undersökningen är av kvalitativ karaktär. Data samlades in via personliga intervjuer och mejlintervjuer. Urvalet baserades på Per Silvin KBs tilltänka målgrupp. Slutsats Studien visar att främst bokförings- och skattehjälp efterfrågas av målgruppen. Per Silvin KB kan konkurrera med revisorerna genom att på ett engagerat sätt erbjuda hög kompetens till ett lägre pris.

A Study of Marketing Strategy in Chinese Software Marketi : A Case Study of UFIDA Softeare Co., Ltd

Zeng, Xiongyu, Du, Yang January 2008 (has links)
Date: 2008-06-08 Program: International Marketing Course: Master thesis in International Marketing (EF0705) Author: Xiongyu Zeng (780925) Yang Du (820830) Tutor: Jan Löwstedt Title: A Study of Marketing Strategy in Chinese Software Market – A Case Study of UFIDA Software Co., Ltd Strategic Question : What should be an Effective Marketing Strategy for UFIDA in order to Increase its Market Shares and Support its Market Leadership Position? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the current Chinese financial management software market conditions as well as competitors and to utilize the knowledge from the investigation to consider a better application of marketing mix for UFIDA. Theory and Method: Two theories, five forces and marketing mix, were applied in this thesis. The authors collected primary data by interview and questionnaire to learn company’s marketing operation and feedback of customers on the marketing mix. The authors also collected reliable secondary data with the guideline of five forces framework to learn the marketing situation. The analysis was conducted according to the selected theories and the collected data. Based on the analysis, the authors presented a relevant conclusion. Target Audience: The target audience is the market managers of UFIDA. The researchers wish the result of the paper could bring some benefits for them in the market performance. UFIDA can make use of the research result to design an effective strategy. The authors believe that the research could provide a general guidance and bring benefit to marketers in similar fields and help them to learn competitive situation. Conclusion: From the result of analysis, the authors think the market situation is good for UFIDA. UFIDA has competitive advantages to defend itself against the forces and influence them in its favor. As a consequence, in order to increase market share as well as support its leading position, UFIDA should maintain the existing competitive advantages and improve the disadvantages of marketing operation about marketing mix found from the feedbacks of customer. Through the analysis and recommendation, the authors wish that the investigation result could benefit to UFIDA and bring them some cues for designing an effective marketing strategy.

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