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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Reflection on Street-Level Bureaucrats of Local District Administration¡¦s Enforcements from Social Assistance Program: a Case Study as Chijin District in Kaohsiung City.

Chen, Jui-Yung 24 August 2010 (has links)
Following the principle as caring PID (People In Need) actively, respecting the needs of PID and assisting PID who are elders, orphans and low income households with self-sufficiency, Social Assistance Program aims to ensure that their living standards are above the poverty line. However, officers (Li-clerks) and undertakers of social assistance section are indispensable to applications for social assistance because, in most cases, these public servants must be active to assist PID. The purpose of this study is to analyze how officers and undertakers of social assistance program perceive the Public Assistance Act and related social assistance laws and how they use discretionary behaviors on social assistance when facing applicants for low income households and encountering the problems which arise from the process of enforcements of social assistance policy. This study also intends to analyze how applicants for social assistance perceive the qualification check and whether or not the social assistance programs function effectively under the regulations of social assistance qualification system. Besides, this study chooses Chijin District in Kaohsiung city, where people receive relatively scarcer resources, to be the object of study and does in-depth interviews with officers, undertakers of social assistance programs and applicants for the qualification of low income households. Findings and suggestions come last. The main findings of this study are as follows, 1.The functional roles that officers and undertakers of social assistance section are supposed to do should be established. 2.Due to the qualification check under paper review, the assistance programs are unpractical. 3.The structure of administrative bureaucracy limits the access to social assistance services. 4.The regulations cannot regulate a changing society; the resilient discretional behavior can complement the ineffectiveness of regulations instead. 5.The social assistance resources from civil society could instantly assist PID, which could relieve the ineffectiveness of the qualification review system. 6.Assistances with subsidy in cash ignore the needs of each case. The following is the suggestions of this study, 1.Creating incentives as many as possible for PID being independent will help PID away from poverty. 2.The integration of governmental resources for social assistance and civil social assistance is important. 3.The regulation of social assistance should leave some spaces for appropriate discretion behaviors.


劉明興 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究透過多元方法(mutimethod)之研究設計,第一階段整理運用官方統計性資料,分析民國76年至85年台北市低收入戶人口特質,並作為第二階段質性研究之基礎;第二階段運用立意取樣,進行深度訪談及參與觀察,分析台北市低收入戶日常生活文化內涵。   在低收入戶人口特質部份,本研究歸納出下列重要發現與趨勢:1.「個人性因素」的低收入戶歸因;2.低收入戶人口涵蓋度穩定且流動率低;3.「低收入戶女性化」的現象不顯著;4.低收入戶集居化、都市邊陲化之趨勢;5.低收入戶高齡化的趨勢;6.較高等的教育程度已無法保證能夠脫離低收入戶;7.「家庭解組」因素可預測低收入戶之發生;8.低收入戶健康狀況呈兩極化發展;9.低收入戶之基本家庭設備已逐年普及化;10.低收入戶自有住宅比例逐年降低;11.低收入戶戶量減少之趨勢;12.「工作中貧窮」的趨勢。   在低收入戶文化分析部份,本研究運用參與觀察法分析台北市低收入戶文化內涵,俾供後續研究檢證與修正;另以深度訪談歸納分析台北市低收入戶的五大類型:1.原來貧窮;2.低度就業或失業;3.殘障或久病不癒;4.家庭解組或負擔家計者死亡;5.年老而獨居,並分別針對不同之低收入戶類型提出政策因應策略之建議。

The challenge of marketing water filters in Uganda

Bektesevic, Alisa, Oloya, Grace January 2010 (has links)
<p><strong>Title:</strong> The challenge of marketing water filters in Uganda</p><p> </p><p><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this research is to assess why sales of the water filter (CrystalPur) is stagnant. The authors will investigate the viability of the approach used to market CrystalPur with help of the marketing mix after which necessary adjustments best fitted for the Ugandan market will be suggested.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Method:</strong> This research takes a qualitative approach. Data collection method used was both interviews and documentation. Telephone interviews were conducted with the management of ATU, schools and health centers that have received the filter as a donation. The secondary data used were articles, related studies and books. Since it is a research based on a qualitative approach, the theories and the findings is synthesized to make implication regarding the study.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Conclusions: </strong>The investigation has shown that the target customers are not buying the filter because they doubt its functionality of providing safe water which has thus hindered its acceptance rate. Boiling water is the accepted method which thus makes filtering disadvantaged. Also the filters performance does not meet the expectation of the respondents due its fragility and slow flow rate. The price of the filter was shown to be very expensive and unaffordable by the target group. The channels used to create awareness are not effective due to the low literacy rate affecting the level of understanding. Lastly, the underdeveloped distribution channels have not enabled easy accessibility of the product.</p>

The challenge of marketing water filters in Uganda

Bektesevic, Alisa, Oloya, Grace January 2010 (has links)
Title: The challenge of marketing water filters in Uganda   Purpose: The purpose of this research is to assess why sales of the water filter (CrystalPur) is stagnant. The authors will investigate the viability of the approach used to market CrystalPur with help of the marketing mix after which necessary adjustments best fitted for the Ugandan market will be suggested.   Method: This research takes a qualitative approach. Data collection method used was both interviews and documentation. Telephone interviews were conducted with the management of ATU, schools and health centers that have received the filter as a donation. The secondary data used were articles, related studies and books. Since it is a research based on a qualitative approach, the theories and the findings is synthesized to make implication regarding the study.   Conclusions: The investigation has shown that the target customers are not buying the filter because they doubt its functionality of providing safe water which has thus hindered its acceptance rate. Boiling water is the accepted method which thus makes filtering disadvantaged. Also the filters performance does not meet the expectation of the respondents due its fragility and slow flow rate. The price of the filter was shown to be very expensive and unaffordable by the target group. The channels used to create awareness are not effective due to the low literacy rate affecting the level of understanding. Lastly, the underdeveloped distribution channels have not enabled easy accessibility of the product.

老親經濟安全保障-以私扶養與公扶助之關係為中心 / Economic Security for the Elderly: A Comparison between Private Maintenance and Public Assistance

江佩玲, Chiang, Pei-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
在老年階段中,經濟安全已然為僅次於醫療健康之重要需求之一,亦是影響最基本生活水準之維持,關係著老年社會角色之扮演與參與,進而增進身心健康、確保精神自主之主要因素。當我們對老年階段發展與需求有更清楚的認識,對於可預期之「老化」當可降低恐懼,亦可事先作好經濟安全之預備。 本研究嘗試從最傳統之扶養機制,與社會安全之最後一道防線切入,透過是類途徑之法規範探究,瞭解我國老親經濟安全如何獲得保障,並瞭解政府責任與家庭責任之間如何協調出一個適切之分工關係。 私扶養與公扶助之意涵,反映了政府如何看待家庭所應扮演的角色,以及福利制度如何回應家庭變遷,如果單純復以道德倫理或社會成本衡量一個制度的良窳或續行價值,並不足以趕上新世代親子關係轉變所帶來之需要與互動,亦不足以因應老親因延年益壽所引發的新經濟安全需求。因此與其說是為卑親卸責或是解套,毋寧說是無奈於社會變遷、經濟發展及親子觀念更迭,為提高老親經濟安全保障實效之務實作法與建議。誠然福利制度的完善不必然取代私扶養之價值,惟私扶養規範之框架已違背了自治之精神,參雜過多之司法干預,忽視扶養起於親情間反哺知恩之本質,將扶養定位在經濟能力之衡量,更與論語所追求之養口體、色養、養志等全方位之奉養、承歡膝下,乃至克紹箕裘有所距離。政府如一味蔑視社會觀念的改變、親子關係表達方式之變化,固守不合時宜的扶養規範,並緊守公扶助之窄門,以此婉拒真正有需要之老親者申請公扶助,卻又而無法同時強化家庭功能、給予必要的協助,將導致老親徒具法的權利,卻又無法享有尊嚴的晚年,受害最深者仍是老親本身。而在家庭內部所生之不健全年金市場,如無法真正保障老親之經濟安全,只是讓貧窮之世代一再複製與循環代間之愛恨情仇,最後損失的將不僅是親子關係,更是社會之經濟發展與社會安全品質。 經研究發現,私扶養與公扶助均無法單獨建構一個完整的老親經濟安全網絡,僅憑藉兩者之合作亦無法建構出一個完整而妥善之經濟安全網。惟私扶養與公扶助所扮演著「殘補式」的功能及角色,各自在老親經濟安全保障上仍存有一定之價值及必要性,思及整體經濟安全保障體系之建構與整合時,一個更有尊嚴、不需資產調查、無社會烙印之預防性保障措施,更是社會各界對於社會保險及年金制度殷切期盼且寄予厚望之原因所在。生、老、病、死是人生必經過程,禮記禮運篇:「…..故人不獨親其親,不獨子其子,使老有所終,壯有所用,幼有所長,鰥寡孤獨廢疾者皆有所養……」之理想境界,不僅是過去的理想,亦是當代老親的衷願。

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