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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dopad devizových intervencí ČNB na zahraniční obchod ČR / Impact of Czech National Bank´s foreign exchange intervention on the trade balance of the Czech Republic

Blumtritt, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The main objective of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate the effect of the Czech National Bank´s foreign exchange intervention on the trade balance of the Czech Republic. For this purpose a hypothesis was set, that in the short-term the devaluation of the Czech currency causes deterioration of the trade balance and only after some time has passed the trade balance starts to grow. In theory this effect is known as the J-curve hypothesis. The first chapter summarizes theoretical knowledge about monetary policy and exchange rate theory. The second chapter analyzes the development of commodity and territorial structure of the Czech trade balance from 2000 to 2013. The third chapter focuses on the foreign exchange intervention itself and provides arguments for and against this measure taken by the Czech National Bank. The fourth chapter is the most important one for acceptance or rejection of the hypothesis set. It uses the Vector Error Correction Model to estimate the impact of devaluation on the trade balance of Czech Republic with Germany. Subsequently outcomes of this model are compared to the real statistical data of Czech trade.

Propuesta de mejora de la carpeta asfáltica por medio de fibras de basalto y lignina, para el control de deformaciones permanentes en carreteras sometidas a carga vehicular pesada y altas temperaturas / Proposal to improve the asphalt layer by means of basalt and lignin fibers, for the control of permanent deformations on roads subjected to heavy vehicular load and high temperatures

Farfan Gonzales, Fabrizio Jesus, Huaquía Díaz, José Luis 30 August 2021 (has links)
La deformación permanente es una de las principales responsables del deterioro temprano de la capa asfáltica de carreteras. Este tipo de fenómeno, se ve impulsado en el país debido a la carga vehicular pesada y la variedad climática, en particular, las altas temperaturas. Se sabe que el comportamiento de la mezcla asfáltica, depende directamente de los materiales que la constituyen. Y ante condiciones desafiantes, estos materiales son insuficientes. En ese sentido, la presente investigación busca mejorar las propiedades de una mezcla asfáltica convencional mediante la adición de fibras de basalto y lignina, de tal manera que sea menos propensa a sufrir deformaciones permanentes. Para la parte experimental, se contó con agregados procedentes de la cantera Conchán, en Lima. Mediante la metodología de Marshall, se diseñaron dos mezclas asfálticas. La primera mezcla fue elaborada sin aditivos y en base a expedientes técnicos de la zona. La segunda mezcla se elaboró con los mismos componentes y con adición de 0.3% fibras de basalto y 0.3% de fibras de lignina. Las muestras fueron sometidas a ensayos de estabilidad y flujo, índice de rigidez, vacíos de agregado mineral y resistencia a la compresión. Los resultados de la investigación mostraron que al incorporar fibras de basalto y fibras de lignina se aumentan la estabilidad de la mezcla en 7%, el índice de rigidez de Marshall en 6%, el porcentaje de vacíos de agregado mineral en 2% y la resistencia a compresión en 4%. De lo anterior de infiere que la mezcla asfáltica propuesta tiene una mayor capacidad para distribuir la carga, mayor resistencia a la deformación por fluencia, mayor capacidad de expansión para contrarrestar las altas temperatura y, en consecuencia, mayor resistencia a las deformaciones permanentes. / Permanent deformation is one of the main causes of the early deterioration of the asphalt layer of roads. This type of phenomenon is driven in the country due to the heavy vehicle load and the climatic variety, in particular, the high temperatures. It is known that the behavior of the asphalt mixture depends directly on the materials that make it up. And in challenging conditions, these materials are insufficient. In this sense, the present research seeks to improve the properties of a conventional asphalt mixture by adding basalt and lignin fibers, in such a way that it is less prone to permanent deformation. For the experimental part, it was used aggregates from the Conchán quarry, in Lima. Using Marshall's methodology, two asphalt mixes were designed. The first mixture was made without additives and based on technical files in the area. The second mixture was made with the same components and with the addition of 0.3% basalt fibers and 0.3% lignin fibers. The samples were subjected to stability and flow tests, stiffness index, mineral aggregate voids and compressive strength. The results of the investigation showed that when incorporating basalt fibers and lignin fibers the stability of the mixture is obtained in 7%, the Marshall stiffness index in 6%, the percentage of voids of mineral aggregate in 2% and the resistance a compression in 4%. From the foregoing, it can be inferred that the proposed asphalt mix has a greater capacity to distribute the load, greater resistance to creep deformation, greater expansion capacity to counteract high temperatures and, consequently, greater resistance to permanent deformations. / Tesis

Propuesta Teórica de Diseño de Mezcla Asfáltica en Caliente producida a Temperatura Ambiente Menor a Seis Grados Centígrados en Perú / Theoretical proposal of design of hot asphalt mix produced at a room temperature below six degrees centigrade in peru

Chavez Cervantes, Holmer Pitter, Pezo Irazabal, Anders 23 August 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación hace mención al análisis en laboratorio con respecto a la colocación de asfalto a una temperatura menor a seis grados centígrados, teniendo en consideración que el Perú cuenta con diferentes tipos de climas a lo largo y ancho de su territorio, esto hace que la producción de asfalto y su colocación sea una dificultad para cualquier tipo de proyecto de carreteras, la cual nos dirige a una realidad en la producción de asfalto en caliente, ya que sabiendo las normas y manuales con las que actualmente contamos hace que la colocación sea imposible a una temperatura menor a seis grados centígrados. La investigación se focaliza en un análisis cualitativo – cuantitativo la cual debe cumplir con los parámetros de calidad (Ensayos), manual de carreteras (EG - 2013) y proceso constructivo (método Marshall) la realización de la propuesta de mezcla asfáltica va a variar en el porcentaje de diferentes tipos de filler que hemos considerado para la investigación (cal, cemento portland tipo I y sílice). Para los ensayos se realizaron probetas sin ningún tipo de aditivos, las probetas una vez preparadas a 140ºC se sometieron a congelamiento dando como resultado, de los tres tipos de filler, que la mezcla asfáltica en caliente con incorporación de cemento portland tipo I a un 5,90% de cemento asfáltico es el óptimo cumpliendo con los parámetros y especificaciones técnicas del manual de carreteras. / The present investigation mentions the laboratory analysis regarding the placement of asphalt at a temperature below six degrees centigrade, taking into account that Peru has different types of climates throughout its territory, this makes the asphalt production and its placement is a difficulty for any type of road project, which leads us to a reality in the production of hot asphalt, since knowing the standards we currently have, that makes placement impossible to a temperature below six degrees centigrade. The research is focused on a qualitative - quantitative analysis which must comply with the quality parameters (Tests), road manual (EG - 2013) and constructive process (Marshall method) the realization of the asphalt mix proposal will vary in the percentage of different types of filler that we have considered for the research (lime, portland cement type I and silica). For the tests, test tubes were carried out without any type of additives, once the test tubes were prepared at 140ºC, they were subjected to freezing, resulting, of the three types of filler, that the hot asphalt mix with incorporation of portland cement type I at a 5,90% asphalt cement is the optimal one complying with the parameters and technical specifications of the road manual. / Tesis


BEATRIZ RODRIGUES BESSA MATTOS 06 August 2020 (has links)
[pt] A presente tese visa analisar como questões relacionadas ao meio ambiente - em especial, às mudanças climáticas - interagem com os entendimentos locais acerca da segurança, em comunidades que se mostram profundamente afetadas por esses problemas e que, ao mesmo tempo, encontram-se profundamente excluídas dos debates teóricos de segurança. Em meio aos Estudos de Segurança Internacional (ESI), a crise climática persiste em ser analisada a partir de uma dinâmica estadocêntrica, militarizada e de nós x outros. Quando não é esse o caso, os desafios ambientais são enquadrados a partir de uma lógica de segurança humana, animada por um entendimento moderno e liberal acerca do que a segurança deveria ser e, portanto, desconsiderando entendimentos e necessidades locais. (Shani, 2017). Ao focar em narrativas não-científicas sobre segurança, esta tese visa expor as contingências dos discursos hegemônicos verificados em meios aos ESI que, longe de se mostrarem racionais e fundamentados em uma descrição autêntica da realidade, contribuem para agravar os desafios enfrentados por alguns indivíduos, como os Marshalleses. Animados pelos discursos racionais promovidos por pensadores realistas e dos estudos estratégicos, durante a Guerra Fria, as Ilhas Marshall se tornaram palco de testes de 67 armas termonucleares. Tais armas – consideradas pelos teóricos e pelos policy-makers como fonte de poder e como meio legítimo de se obter segurança – vaporizaram ilhas, forçaram a evacuação permanente de comunidades, romperam com a organização social matriarcal e baseada na posse de terras característica das Ilhas Marshall e com os laços ancestrais entre indivíduos e seus atóis. Mais recentemente, o arquipélago e seus habitantes se mostram novamente em risco, dessa vez, não pelas práticas de segurança das superpotências, mas por uma ameaça não intencional e despersonalizada. As mudanças climáticas se caracterizam como a mais recente forma de intervenção, sendo precedidas por uma longa lista de práticas coloniais e violentas direcionadas ao arquipélago. Como uma nação constituída por atóis, é muito provável que, como resultado dos efeitos climáticos, as Ilhas Marshall se tornem inabitáveis ainda ao longo deste século. Para os Marshalleses, tal cenário significaria uma perda incomensurável em termos territoriais, espirituais e culturais. Ao analisar casos como o das Ilhas Marshall, a tese busca explorar quais novos significados e racionalidades de segurança podem emergir, ou se tornar mais proeminentes, face aos desafios trazidos pela mudança do clima. Desta forma, a teoria da segurança ontológica é apresentada como um marco teórico fértil para analisar casos em que o que parece em risco não é apenas a segurança física de estados nacionais, indivíduos e ecossistemas, mas também a preservação de espaços sociais e materiais e de um senso de continuidade biográfica. (Giddens, 1990) A partir deste movimento crítico, busca-se enfatizar outros modos de se refletir e de se vivenciar a (in)segurança, de modo a lançar luzes sobre como o significado deste conceito mostra-se indissociável dos contextos políticos, culturais e emocionais em meio aos quais os discursos de segurança emergem. / [en] This thesis seeks to analyze the ways through which issues related to the environment, especially climate change, interact with local conceptualizations of security in communities which are severely threatened by these problems and, at the same time, profoundly excluded from security studies debates. Within International Security Studies (ISS), the climate crisis persists in being analyzed through state-centered, militarized and us x others dynamics. When this is not the case, environmental challenges are placed within a human security logics, animated by a modern and liberal understanding of what is supposed to be secure and thus, disregarding the role of local understandings and needs. (Shani, 2017) By focusing on non-scientific security narratives, I expect to unveil the contingencies of the hegemonic discourses within ISS that, rather than being rational and based on an authentic description of reality, contribute to aggravating the security challenges faced by some individuals, such as the Marshallese. Animated by rational security discourses promoted by realist and strategist thinkers, during the Cold War, the Marshall Islands was turned into a testing ground for 67 thermonuclear weapons. The bombs - considered by security theorists and policy-makers both as a source of power and as a legitimate way to obtain security – vaporized islands, forced the permanent evacuation of entire communities, disrupted the Marshallese land-based matrilineal organization and their ancestral ties to their atolls. Nowadays, the Marshallese archipelago and its inhabitants are once again being challenged: not by the military security goals of superpowers, but by an unintended and depersonalized threat. Climate change is the latest form of intervention, being preceded by a long list of other colonial and violent practices. As a low-lying atoll nation, it is very likely that the Marshall Islands will become inhospitable until the middle of the century as a result of the deteriorating climate effects. For the islanders, it will represent an immeasurable loss of territorial, spiritual and cultural references. In relying on cases such as the Marshallese, I aim to explore what new meanings and rationalities of security can emerge, or become more prominent, in the face of the challenges brought on by climate change. With this aim, the ontological security theory is presented as an insightful framework for the analysis of these cases where, what seams at risk is not only a physical survival of states, individuals and ecosystems, but also the preservation of a stable social and material environment of action and a sense of biographical continuity. (Giddens, 1990) With this critical move, I seek to emphasize other ways of thinking and experiencing (in)security; thus, enlightening how the meaning of this concept is undissociated from the political, cultural and emotional contexts from which security discourses emerge.

A glacio-fluvial terrace in Marshall and Washington counties, Kansas

Lill, Gordon Grigsby. January 1946 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1946 L5 / Master of Science


詹裕安, ZAN, YU-AN Unknown Date (has links)
某種經濟行為的結果,影響了不相干的第三者,就產生了外部效果 (EXTERNALITY) ,外部效果雖有正有負,但環境污染是屬負的外部效果,本文即以負的外部效果為探 討範圍。 一九六○年代,經濟學家目睹當時環境日趨惡化,以及公害問題的不斷發生,而在此 環境危機下卻沒有適當的「價格」誘因使污染減少,因此,當時的經濟學家除仍致力 於環境污染發生問題之研究外,而對解決環境問題之公共政策亦逐漸重視而一併討論 著,而外部效果解決之途徑正與公共政策息息相關。 早在一九六○年前MARSHALL和PIGOU 即曾提出以租稅方式來解決外部效果問題,此即 為著名的皮古稅(PIGOVIAN TAX),然近年來,皮古稅無論在理論上或政策實施上均 遭受甚多的質疑,因此,取而代之如:直接控制(DIRECT CONTROL),補貼(SUBSID Y) ,出售污染權(MARKETABLE EMISSION PERMIT),等解決外部效果之途徑正逐漸 的被重視而熱絡的討論著。 近期,公害問題日趨嚴重,環境問題亦愈受重視,本文即是從外部效果之定義及其發 生之原因為探討之開始,進而對外部效果解決途徑逐一介紹,最後再將各外部效果解 決途徑予以詳加比較,本文之目的,即是在各種解決途徑之比較中,若能理出一些脈 絡,當能成為今日環境政策粗淺之參考。

Facing climate change in the Marshall Islands : a study in the cultural cognition of risk

Rudiak-Gould, Peter January 2011 (has links)
The Marshall Islands may be rendered uninhabitable by sea level rise and other consequences of global climate change within 50 years, a threat with which locals are increasingly familiar via educational events, firsthand environmental observation, and Biblical exegesis. This thesis explores Marshallese attitudes towards this spectre, in particular explaining why ‘ordinary’ Marshall Islanders (if not their government) have strongly favoured a response strategy based on self-blame and local mitigation, rather than other-blame and protest of industrial nations. I argue that this strategy does not stem from ignorance or disempowered pragmatism, but from a moral reading of climate change consonant with Marshallese values. Bringing together literature on traditionalism, entropy, and the cultural cognition of risk, I demonstrate that Marshallese reactions to climate change are intelligible in light of a vigorous pre-existing narrative of self-inflicted cultural decline. Climate change becomes framed as both a cause and a consequence of weakening custom, the over-reliance on foreign things, transforming global warming into a locally resonant, and indeed ideologically appealing, risk. Based upon this case study, I sketch a ‘trajectorial theory of risk perception’ and accompanying research agenda.

IAIN BAXTER& and N.E. THING CO.: A Study in Pop-Inflected Conceptual Art

Durham, Dennis 04 April 2011 (has links)
The Canadian artist IAIN BAXTER&, known before 2005 as Iain Baxter, created an innovative Conceptual Art practice in the mid-60s that continues to make important contributions even today. He has maintained a strong collaborative element in his art, as witnessed by his role in the short-lived group IT (1965) and N.E. THING CO. (1966-1978)--an actual incorporated company consisting of BAXTER& and his first wife, Ingrid Baxter as chief officers--and by the addition of an ampersand to his legal name in 2005 to signify the open-ended quality of his work that relies on viewers‘ contributions to help determine its meaning. This dissertation introduces the term "Pop-inflected Conceptual Art" to describe how BAXTER& merges his use of information technologies, modern and ubiquitous materials, and pedestrian activities with a desire to question the received role and purpose of art through an epistemological approach. By presenting BAXTER&‘s key influences—Zen Buddhism, as described by D.T. Suzuki and Alan Watts, and the communications theory of Marshall McLuhan—this study describes five underlying principles that inform BAXTER&‘s work individually and in unison. These principles are: his preference for foregrounding the banal; creation of the "infoscape" that merges the natural world and the constant stream of information within North American culture; proclivity for experimenting with such unlikely media as plastics and telecommunication media; understanding of art‘s kinship with language; and usage of pseudonyms. This study describes the core terms of McLuhan‘s theory in order to analyze this thinker‘s significance for BAXTER&‘s work; moreover, it presents how the above five principles are evident throughout the three main divisions in BAXTER&‘s artistic career: before, during, and after his tenure with N.E. THING CO. Through an analysis of key examples of many of this artist‘s works, this study also determines affinities to both established Pop artists and his Conceptual Art peers, while distinguishing how his Zen and McLuhanesque hybrid approach, which includes a consistent reliance on humor to communicate definitively his ideas, sets him apart from these groups of artists and foregrounds his role as the precursor to such younger Vancouver photoconceptual artists as Ian Wallace, Jeff Wall, Rodney Graham, and Stan Douglas.

The Impact of Devaluation through Price and Non-Price Competitiveness on Trade Balance

Celac, Mariana January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines the relationship between the real exchange rate and trade balance in eight countries with different level of development for the period 1991- 2012. Using merely exchange rate to improve the trade balance refers to price- competitiveness and relies on the satisfaction of Marshall-Lerner condition. Additionally, we articulate the influence of other underlying factors, defined as "non- price competitiveness", proxied with capital stock variable. A Vector Error Correction Model, based on Johansen's Methodology was implemented in our two econometric specifications. The key findings of the classical trade model indicate that M-L condition is met in five countries and devaluation of domestic currency would improve their trade balance in long run. VECM results from second model, which extended the traditional imperfect substitutes framework to include non-price competitiveness factor, shows pronounced influence of product quality on trade balance, capital stock variable being significant in most of the cases. The results show that trade balance reacts to both changes in relative prices and product differentiation, thus non-price competitiveness factors must not be neglected by policy makers. Our findings also indicate the existence of J-curve pattern, as reflected by short-run...

Mýtus v americké reklamě po roce 1945 / Myth in American Advertising after 1945

Linhart, Marek January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is designed as a comprehensive analysis of the advertising discourse within some pre-set constrains. Specifically, the main area of interest is the realm of American print advertising after 1945. Within these limits, advertising is understood as a mode of language, the chief semantic unit of which is a form of Barthesian myth, a superstructure divorced from reality that supersedes de Saussure's semiotics of the sign. The bulk of this thesis is then a diachronic analysis of the development of these myths and their role as both mirrors and catalysts of a whole range of stereotypes, value hierarchies or fixed ideas firmly embedded within American collective consciousness. The primary materials for this analysis are then various specimen of the advertisements themselves, carefully selected because of their representativeness, influence or significance within the advertising realm. The main theoretical framework rests on Marx's understanding of the commodity as a certain type of fetish, Barthes's description of the structure and social function of the myth, Baudrillard's and Debord's theories on such notions as the society of spectacle, the reign of simulacra and hyperreality, Benjamin's understanding of the uniqueness of representation and its aura and finally McLuhan's detailed accounts of...

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