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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Matters of Troy and Thebes and Their Role in a Critique of Courtly Life in Chaucer and the Gawain-Poet

Jones, Oliver M. 05 1900 (has links)
Both Chaucer and the Gawain-poet use the Matters of Troy and Thebes as material for a critique of courtly life, applying these literary matters to the events and actions in and around Ricardian England. They use these classical matters to express concerns about the effectiveness of the court of Richard II. Chaucer uses his earlier works as a testing ground to develop his views about the value of duty over courtly pursuits, ideas discussed more completely in Troilus and Criseyde. The Gawain-poet uses the Matter of Troy coupled with the court of King Arthur to engage in a critique of courtly concerns. The critiques presented by both poets show a tendency toward duty over courtly concerns.

Europeizace trestního práva / Europeanisation of Criminal Law

Oravcová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
Europeanisation of Criminal Law Summary Throught the use of common adaptation of the basic principles of criminal law in the european dimension there is a possibility to remove an opacity and inefficiency of individual national and international instruments of criminal law so far. This effort can be the best observed in the procedures of the European Community or European Union. It should all happen by harmonizing laws and strengthening cooperation between the European Union member states. Integration of criminal law is pointed to be done in three main directions. First, it affects substantive criminal law by harmonizing particular merits of criminal offences. Second, it already affected criminal procedure by achieving mutual recognition of judicial decisions. The third way of integration is the institutional framework for judicial cooperation in criminal matters, followed-up by institutions of criminal cooperation. Criminal law as a public law is closely related to the state sovereignty. This fact, even today, suspends the opportunity to create sort of unified system of transnational criminal law within the European Union. Moreover, the very concept of criminal law is not clearly established in European law as it is in Czech law. For example, it includes even different illegal dealings than regular...

Role občanských sdružení v ochraně životního prostředí / The role of civil associations in environmental protection

Skochová, Jitka January 2012 (has links)
Role of civil associations in environmental protection ABSTARCT (Zusammenfassung) Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Rolle eingetragenen Vereinen im Umweltschutz zu definieren. Eingetragene Vereine sind sog. Non-Profit-Organisationen, die das öffentliche Interesse am Schutz der Umwelt durchsetzen. Um diese Schlüsselfunktion zu erfüllen, müssen die Vereine als gleichberechtigter Partner der Staatsverwaltung betrachten werden. Ihre Hauptaufgaben umfassen vor allem praktische Naturschutz, Bildung und Aufklärung der Öffentlichkeit, Teilnahme an der Gesetzgebung des Umweltrechts als auch die Beteiligung an Entscheidungsverfahren in Umweltangelegenheiten. Alle oben genannten Aufgaben eingetragenen Vereinen im Umweltschutz gehören zum wichtigen Teil der Entwicklung offenen, und demokratischen Gesellschaft. Diese Arbeit besteht aus vier Hauptteilen, die weiter in Kapitel und Unterabschnitte unterteilt sind. Der erste Teil stellt die Einleitung des Themas dar, konzentriert sich auf die allgemeine konzeptionelle Grundlage und enthält drei Kapiteln. Das erste Kapitel widmet sich der Definition einer Non-Profit-Organisation und ihrer Bedeutung im Rechtstaat. Weiter konzentriere mich auf die Rechtsform eingetragenen Vereinen unter Berücksichtigung der Veränderungen des neuen Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches, das das Konzept des...

L'accès au juge en matière administrative au Vietnam / Access to justice for administrative matters in Vietnam

Vu Thi, Thuy Van 25 October 2013 (has links)
Il est fondamental, dans chaque système juridique, de pouvoir contester une décision prise par l'administration notamment dans un pays où celle-ci est omniprésente dans tous les domaines de la société. Dans la plupart des pays, cette contestation prend la forme d'un recours gracieux ou d'un recours juridictionnel. Jusqu'en 1996 au Vietnam, il existe seulement le recours gracieux devant l'Administration mais ce recours s'est révélé inefficace. Dès lors, l’ordonnance de 1996, suivi de deux amendements ont instauré pour la première fois le recours juridictionnel. Néanmoins, la compétence de la juridiction administrative demeure très restreinte, l’Administration conserve la compétence générale dans le règlement des conflits avec les administrés. Ainsi, le droit d'accès au juge n'est pas assuré car la plupart des requêtes introductives d’instance est rejetée faute de compétence du juge. Une récente loi en 2010 est de nouveau intervenu pour élargir la compétence de la juridiction administrative. Malgré la volonté du législateur, les nouvelles dispositions ne répondent pas encore à l'exigence de plus en plus forte de la société vietnamienne pour examiner des recours contre l’Administration devant un organe indépendant. Il est urgent de trouver un mécanisme qui permet d’assurer le droit d'accès au juge. Cette thèse aborde les problématiques relatives à l'introduction d'instance de premier ressort devant la juridiction administrative vietnamienne ; et à la lumière du droit français, elle apporte des propositions d’amélioration de la législation vietnamienne en la matière. / Contesting an administrative act is a fundamental right in every legal system. In Vietnam, it is possible to make an appeal for reconsideration but this process is not effective. Thus, in 1996, the Vietnamese legislator established, for the first time, a jurisdictional appeal. However, this appeal was very limited thereby rendering ineffective the right of access to administrative justice. The amendments of contentious rules in 1998 and 2006, and more recently the law on administrative procedures in 2010 (taken into effect as of 1st of July 2011) were issued with the aim of expanding the competence of administrative jurisdiction. Indeed, in the absence of the satisfaction of rules regarding competence and admissibility, the petition instituting proceedings can be rejected by the administrative judge. The right of access to justice is additionally prevented par gaps in the law on administrative procedures or the strict interpretations of the judge. Furthermore, the overlapping of rules may influence the rights of citizens. Although there are many administrative disputes, the new dispositions don’t meet the needs of Vietnamese society. This thesis addresses the issues regarding the registration of administrative lawsuits of Vietnam to give a vision to improve the law on administrative procedure in the light of the achievements of the French law.

”Den berörde mig för att den berättade en historia om hur det är att vara mänsklig.” : En kvantitativ studie med kvalitativ analys om hur tv-serier kan användas som ett meningsskapande medel / "It moved me because it told a story of what it is to be human." : A quantitative study with a qualitative analysis on how television series can be used as a resource for personal meaning-making

Åhl, Rebecka January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how television series can function as a resource for existential reflection in peoples’ lives and thus, be a tool in the creation of a personal view on life. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate how television series can answer existential matters such as life, death, conflicts and finding peace.   The study was based on a survey which was answered by 82 informants and contained 42 questions in which 38 out of these concerned television series explicitly. 25 questions were closed multiple choice questions and 13 were open ended qualitative questions in which the informants were given the opportunity to give examples of different television series and reflect on these. Furthermore, the analysis was based on the reception theory which states that we as viewers are not apathetic to what we see, but reflect on it, both consciously and subconsciously. The results were analyzed from a theoretical framework which categorized the answers into seven different ways a viewer can relate to television series. The dimensions were the following: the contemplative dimension, the problem-solving dimension, the utopian dimension, the senso-motoric dimension, the ethical dimension, the philosophical-existential dimension and the self-reflexive dimension.   The results show that television series do function as a resource for existential reflection in the informants’ lives and can also be a resource for the construction of the informants’ personal view on life. Additionally, the results show that television series, although not always as explicitly, illustrate and provide answers for existential matters.

Terra e poder: as disputas entre agronegócio e a resistência camponesa no sudoeste paulista: uma abordagem sobre o uso de terras públicas / Land and power: disputes between agribusiness and peasant resistance in southwest São Paulo: an approach about the use of public lands

Venturelli, Ricardo Manffrenatti 16 September 2013 (has links)
A luta pela terra é um processo inegável na historia do Brasil. Desde o saque gerado pelos portugueses às terras indígenas, e em sua trajetória também, a um sem número de camponeses, sempre foi marcada pela extrema violência e pelas forças díspares empregadas. Procurando entender os determinantes de um episódio ocorrido em 2009, conhecido como Caso Cutrale, quando integrantes do MST ocuparam uma unidade desta empresa, localizada entre os municípios de Iaras e Borebi, demonstrando o litigio sobre as terras legitimadas pelos movimentos sociais como passiveis de reforma agrária, uma vez que há evidências que se tratam de terras públicas, ficou clara a necessidade de investigar os condicionantes de tal manifestação, que repercutiu perante a sociedade através de um posicionamento parcial da mídia nacional, e com atuação questionável do judiciário. A terra é sinônimo de poder às elites brasileiras, e assim, é importante desdobra-se sobre o papel da terra na configuração das relações de poder e lutas de classes, principalmente após a sua transformação em mercadoria após 1850. Para tal, investigar os processos de ocupação da localidade, desde os levantamentos sobre a existência de terras devolutas, bem como a aquisição de terras através de dividas pelo Governo Federal no inicio do século XX, que lhe dá o caráter de terra publica é a chave inicial de reflexão. E como uma praxe nefasta presenciada em todo Brasil, essas terras não ficaram alheias às ações de grilagens. Logo, entender os processos que transformaram essas terras em palco de lutas e disputas, bem como a esperança de muitas famílias em ter seu pedaço de chão para plantar é que determinam as diretrizes dessa pesquisa, procurando entender as discrepâncias encontradas entre os que lutam pela terra armados pela força de vontade contra aqueles que se armam de ações judiciais, da mídia e do capital. Assim, chegaremos às conclusões sobre os desdobramentos dessas disputas, em que a luta camponesa é obrigada a se deparar, em um típico processo de tentativas de destruição do campesinato. / The struggle for land is an undeniable process in the history of Brazil. Since the loot generated by the Portuguese indigenous lands, and also in its trajectory, the countless peasants, has been marked by extreme violence and the disparate forces employed. Trying to understand the determinants of an episode occurred in 2009, known as \"Cutrale Case\" when members of the MST occupied a unit of this company, located between the towns of Iaras and Boreham, demonstrating the dispute over land legitimized by social movements as liable to agrarian reform, since there is evidence that these are public lands, there was a clear need to investigate the determinants of such expressions, that resonated in society by positioning part of the national media, and questionable actions of the judiciary. The land is synonymous with power to the Brazilian elites, and so it is important unfolds on the role of land in the configuration of power relations and class struggles, especially after its transformation into goods after 1850. To reach this aim, to investigate the processes of occupation of the town, from the surveys of the existence of vacant land as well as land acquisition through debt by the Federal Government in the early twentieth century, which gives the character of public land is the key initial reflection. And as a nefarious practice witnessed throughout Brazil, these lands were not the actions of others grilagens. Therefore, to understand the processes that transformed this land into a stage for fights and disputes, as well as the hope of many families to have their piece of land to plant that determine the guidelines of this research, trying to understand the discrepancies found between those who struggle for land by armed force of will against those who arm themselves from lawsuits, media and capital. Thus, we will conclude what are the consequences of these disputes, in which the peasant struggle is bound to come across in a typical process attempts to destroy the peasantry.

Cooperação jurídica internacional em matéria penal: eficácia da prova produzida no exterior / International legal assistance in criminal matters: effectiveness of evidence obtained ebrood

Bechara, Fábio Ramazzini 04 May 2010 (has links)
O objetivo desta tese é demonstrar que a maior eficácia da prova produzida no exterior e a maior eficiência da cooperação jurídica internacional estão associadas ao padrão normativo universal dos direitos humanos, que possibilita a superação do principal entrave que é a diversidade entre os sistemas jurídicos nacionais. A Declaração Universal de 1948 constitui o grande referencial histórico na construção do padrão normativo universal dos direitos humanos. O movimento de difusão e consolidação do padrão normativo universal dos direitos humanos deu-se através dos processos de internacionalização e constitucionalização, traduzido num esforço de harmonização, em que se buscou estabelecer uma relação de equivalência e semelhança entre os sistemas, respeitada a diversidade que particulariza cada um destes. A aceitação do modelo normativo universal dos direitos humanos repercute no processo penal, seja na atividade probatória como no instrumento processual da assistência jurídica internacional. Na atividade probatória, o padrão dos direitos humanos manifesta-se pelo modelo de processo justo, que representa o marco comum entre os sistemas jurídicos nacionais que o incorporaram, inclusive o brasileiro, sendo suficiente a sua observância para que a eficácia da prova seja idoneamente alcançada. Na cooperação jurídica internacional, o padrão dos direitos humanos qualifica-se como o pressuposto para a maior confiança entre os Estados que o adotam, possibilitando a revisão do modelo tradicional e a adoção de formas mais ágeis e diretas de assistência. Nesse contexto, o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro impõe um novo tratamento normativo do instituto da cooperação jurídica internacional para a produção de prova, levando-se em consideração a tendência internacionalista assumida a partir da Constituição Federal de 1988, seja por reconhecer a ordem internacional como um dos fundamentos do Estado Democrático brasileiro, seja por eleger os direitos humanos e a cooperação entre os povos para o progresso da humanidade como princípios a reger as suas relações internacionais. / The aim of the thesis is demonstrate that the effectiveness of the evidence obtained abroad and the efficiency of the international legal assistance are related to the universal legal standard of human rights, which allows a response for the diversity between national legal systems. The Universal Charter of 1948 is the main marc in the process of building the universal legal standard of human rights. The movement of diffusion and consolidation of the universal legal standard of human rights is related to the process of internationalization, either in the constitutional level, which work was an effort of harmonization, in a way of introducing the same values, not the same rules, in the national legal systems, considering the diversity of each one. The acceptance of the universal legal model of human rights affects the procedural criminal law, even the evidence and the international legal assistance. Regarding the evidence the universal legal standard of human rights means the fair trial model, a connection between the national legal systems that introduced this model, either the Brazilian legal order, which is enough to guarantee the effectiveness of the evidence. Regarding the international legal assistance the universal legal standard of human rights means the basis for more confidence between the states that adopt this one, and which allows a revision of the traditional model and the use of different ways of cooperation, faster and direct. In this sense, the Brazilian legal system obeys a new legal model of international assistance to obtain evidence abroad, considering the international tendency affirmed by Federal Constitution of 1988, which recognizes the international order in the basis of the Brazilian Democratic State, and the human rights and the cooperation for the progress of humanity as principles to guide its international relationship.

L'obligation de prendre des mesures de police initiale dans le contentieux administratif de l'environnement : essai d'étude comparée : France, Chili et Espagne / The authority 's obligation to take initial measures in environmental adminitrative litigation : a comparative essay : France, Chill, Spain

Harris Moya, Pedro 19 December 2018 (has links)
L'obligation de prendre des mesures de police administrative initiales se révèle particulièrement importante dans certains ordres publics. Cette recherche a pour finalité d'analyser le rôle du juge administratif dans son contrôle en matière environnementale. À cet effet, les ordres juridiques français, chilien et espagnol sont envisagés. L'étude montre que les causes de l'asymétrie de ce contrôle dans les contentieux objectif et subjectif sont partagées par ces différents systèmes juridictionnels. Cette asymétrie -déjà constatée devant certains troubles à l'ordre public s'explique par les caractéristiques spécifiques des missions de police en matière environnementale. Le contrôle du juge administratif impose la prise en compte de ces aspects, afin de donner cohérence à ces différentes procédures contentieuses. / The duty to take an initial administrative action is particularly important in some domains of public order. This research analyzes the judge's role in the control of this administrative action in environmental matters. For this purpose, the French, Chilean and Spanish legal systems are envisaged. The study shows that the causes of asymmetric control in subjective and in objective lawsuits are shared among the said jurisdictional systems. Such asymmetry -already observed in some disorders to public order-responds to the administrative authorities' specific features in environmental matters. Judicial review of administrative action requires taking these features into account, in order to give coherence to these various contentious procedures.

Regionale Unterschiede im generativen Verhalten großstädtischer Frauen in Abhängigkeit von sozialstrukturellen Verteilungen

Müller, Ulrich 20 December 2002 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit geht der Frage nach, inwiefern Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen der Frauen zu Familienplanung und Geburtenregelung auch zwischen den Wohnbezirken einer Stadt unterschiedlich sind, welche Ursachen dafür vorliegen und ob infolgedessen eine regionale Differenzierung bei der medizinischen Betreuung und der sozialen Beratung und Unterstützung erforderlich ist. Mit 3000 zufällig ausgewählten Probandinnen wurden rund 1 % der Ostberliner Frauen im Alter von 15 bis unter 45 Jahren in die Untersuchung einbezogen. Bei der Prüfung der Abhängigkeit der Familienplanung und des Kinderwunsches von der vorliegenden sozioökonomischen Situation der Frauen beziehungsweise der Paare wurde eine jeweilige Regionalanalyse erstellt. Um die soziale Situation der Frau darzustellen, wurden Indikatoren wie Alter der Frau, Anzahl der geborenen Kinder, Familienstand, Bildungsgrad und Erwerbstätigkeit der Frau einbezogen. Entsprechend der regionalen Gliederung Ostberlins in 11 (Stadt-) Bezirke wurde untersucht, ob und in welcher Weise sich die Auffassungen, Meinungen und Verhaltensweisen der dort lebenden Frauen hinsichtlich der von ihnen gewünschten Kinderzahl, der Argumente für einen fehlenden (aktuellen) Kinderwunsch, der Kenntnis, Einstellung und praktizierten Kontrazeption, vorangegangener Schwangerschaftsabbrüche und der Meinung zum Abbruch sowie zum Beginn und der Häufigkeit sexueller Kontakte unterscheiden. Auffallend ist der hohe Anteil junger Frauen mit einer hohen Frequenz sexueller Kontakte, allerdings ohne eine Schwangerschaft anzustreben. Der größte Teil der Verhütung wird durch die Frauen abgedeckt. Dies gilt ebenfalls für den Umgang mit nicht gewollten Schwangerschaften bis hin zur Durchführung einer Abruptio. In der vorliegenden Studie gab knapp ein Drittel der Frauen bereits durchgeführte Schwangerschaftsabbrüche an. Dieses Abbruchverhalten korreliert mit einer oft sehr späten Information über kontrazeptive Möglichkeiten sowie deren Anwendung und muss Grund genug sein, das Wissen um eine gezielte Geburtenregulierung zu intensivieren und je nach regionalen Bedürfnissen umzusetzen. Bei fast allen diesen inhaltlichen Bereichen sind Unterschiede nach dem Wohnsitz der Frau zu erkennen, die mit einem Signifikanzniveau von 5 % Irrtumswahrscheinlichkeit statistisch gesichert werden konnten. Damit konnte die Grundhypothese, dass auch innerhalb einer großstädtischen Population regionale Unterschiede im generativen Verhalten bei Frauen und Paaren bestehen, bestätigt werden. Die regionalen Unterschiede im generativen Verhalten sind vorrangig auf die in den einzelnen Bezirken vorhandenen Sozialstrukturen der Frauen im gebährfähigen Alter zurück-zuführen. / The present paper describes the differences that exist in behaviours and attitudes towards family planning and birth control of women from different districts of a big city, the causes of such differences and the resulting need for regional differentiation in health care and social services. The test persons were selected at random. They included 3000 women of age 15 to under 45, ie about 1 % of East Berlin s women of this age bracket. The investigation into the relationship between family planning and wish for children on the one hand and the socio-economic situation of the women (or couples) on the other included a regional analysis. The indicators to describe the social situation of a woman included such data as the age of the woman, the number of children born, her marital status and her gainful employment. An analysis was made on how the women s views, opinions and behaviours regarding desired number of children, the points for not wanting a child at the current time, their knowledge of, attitude toward and practice of contraceptive means, the incidence of previous interruptions of pregnancy and the opinions on abortion as well as on the beginning and frequency of sexual intercourse varied between the 11 municipal districts. The striking thing was that a great proportion of the young women had a high frequency of sexual contacts, but no desire to become pregnant. In most cases the contraceptive measures were covered by the women. This applied also to the handling of unwanted pregnancies, including abortions. Nearly one third of the test persons stated that they had had induced abortions. There was a correlation between abortion behaviour and the age at which information on contraceptive options and their application had been obtained. This should be a good point for intensifying the education on birth control, taking regional requirements and particularities into account. The results of nearly all subjects analysed varied from district to district. With an error probability of only 5 %, these differences can be considered as statistically significant. This confirms one basic hypothesis, namely that the population of a big city shows regional differences in the generative behaviour of women and couples. These regional differences are mainly due to the fact that the social structures that exist for the women capable of childbearing are different in the various districts of the city.


Brito, Maria Aparecida Candine de 10 August 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:45:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARIA APARECIDA CANDINE DE BRITO.pdf: 1530470 bytes, checksum: 151403b5373cfcfcfa9d0b6b5e546191 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-08-10 / This study aimed to analyze the process of pedagogical mediation in semipresencial subject matters taken in virtual learning environments (VLE) in Pedagogy courses. It had two primary goals: characterizing the pedagogical mediation in semipresencial subject matters taken in VLE in Pedagogy courses; identifying the didactic mediation practices employed by the teachers teachers in VLE, and relating them to the basis of Cultural Historical Theory. As for the concept of mediation, this study was based on Vygotsky and other scholars Cultural Historical Theory. For pedagogical mediation through the use of digital technologies in education our references were: Toschi, Freitas, Durán and Peixoto. We aimed to clarify the following issues: How does the pedagogical-didactic mediation take place in semipresencial subject matters taken in VLE? What teaching practices characterize pedagogical mediation practices in semipresencial subject matters taken via VLE offered by the Pedagogy course? What relationships can be identified between the mediation concept based on the Cultural Historical Theory and the mediation practices employed by the teachers in the VLE pedagogical process? This qualitative study was carried out in two higher education institutions in Goiânia assessing five teachers conducting semipresencial subject matters in the Pedagogy courses. Data was gathered through questionnaires, interviews, VLE peerwatching, as well as the analysis of both pedagogical process and lesson plans. We compared both field research data and review of literature on pedagogical mediation in distance education and in VLE in light of the Cultural Historical theory. Data analysis pointed towards three types of mediation practices which we labeled as: practices related to the course dynamics and the use of VLE tools; communication and pedagogical-didactic practices. These were not isolated practices. Rather, they related back to specific aspects of each mediation process developed. We concluded that the teacher must be aware of how and when to make the pedagogical interventions with the aid of technology. This depends on how such mediation is planned, organized and carried out in the students knowledge acquisition process so as to meet the pedagogical agenda. It is crucial that the teachers practices are grounded in an educational theory that allows for the mediation of the students knowledge acquisition process. To do so, it is necessary to implement technology-based teacher training projects so that they can reassess their practice, and improve it in light of learning theories which guide the pedagogical mediation of semipresencial VLE- taught subject matters. / A pesquisa teve como objetivo principal analisar o processo de mediação pedagógica em disciplinas semipresenciais nos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem (AVA) dos cursos de Pedagogia. Apresentou os seguintes objetivos: Caracterizar mediação pedagógica nos AVA em disciplinas semipresenciais dos cursos de Pedagogia; identificar as ações de mediação didática dos professores dos professores nos AVA e relacioná-las com os fundamentos da Teoria Histórico-Cultural. Quanto ao conceito de mediação a pesquisa fundamentou-se na Teoria Histórico-Cultural, de Vygotsky e alguns teóricos. Quanto à mediação pedagógica com uso das tecnologias digitais na educação as referencias foram: Toschi, Freitas, Durán, Peixoto Buscou-se esclarecer as seguintes questões: Como ocorre a mediação didático-pedagógica nos AVA das disciplinas semipresenciais? Que ações docentes caracterizam as práticas de mediação pedagógica nos AVA das disciplinas semipresenciais oferecidas pelo curso de Pedagogia? Que relações podem ser identificadas entre o conceito de mediação fundamentado na Teoria Histórico-Cultural e as ações de mediação dos professores no processo pedagógico nos AVA? A pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, foi realizada em duas instituições de educação superior de Goiânia, tendo como sujeitos cinco docentes que atuam em disciplinas semipresenciais nos cursos de Pedagogia. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionários, entrevistas, observação das aulas nos AVA, análise de projeto pedagógico do curso e dos planos de ensino. Foi realizado o cotejamento entre os dados da pesquisa de campo e a revisão de literatura sobre mediação pedagógica na EaD e nos AVA, com base no referencial da Teoria Histórico-Cultural. A análise dos dados apontou para três tipos de ações de mediação que denominamos: ações quanto ao funcionamento do curso e uso-operação das ferramentas do AVA; ações de comunicação e ações pedagógico-didáticas. Essas ações não ocorreram isoladas, mas relacionadas aos aspectos específicos de cada processo de mediação desenvolvido. Concluímos que o docente precisa saber como e quando fazer as intervenções pedagógicas com uso das tecnologias, o que depende da maneira como ele planeja, organiza e conduz a mediação do processo de conhecimento pelo aluno para que cumpra com a sua finalidade pedagógica. É necessário que o professor seja orientado por uma teoria de ensino que o instrumentalize em sua prática pedagógica de modo a que ele possa mediar o processo de construção do conhecimento do aluno. Para tanto, é necessário implementar projetos de formação de professores com tecnologia para que eles possam rever a prática, entendê-la e aprimorá-la à luz de teorias de aprendizagem que venham nortear a mediação pedagógica nos AVA das disciplinas semipresenciais.

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