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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh strategie vstupu českého malého a středního podniku na rakouský trh / Proposal of an entrance strategy of czech medium company to an austrian market

Zárybnická, Lucie January 2008 (has links)
Analysis of a position of a czech medium company on the czech market. Proposal of an entrance strategy of a medium company Prádelna a čistírna Jihlava, s.r.o. to an austrian market.

Формирование управленческих решений на предприятиях малого и среднего бизнеса : магистерская диссертация / The formation of management decisions at the small and medium business

Сташкин, Д. В., Stashkin, D. V. January 2021 (has links)
Принятие управленческого решения является главной задачей и повседневной обязанностью менеджера любого уровня. Задача принятия управленческого решения состоит в отыскании оптимального для данных условий варианта действий для достижения поставленной цели. Актуальность проблемы обусловлена постоянно меняющейся рыночной конъюнктурой, обострением конкурентной борьбы за рынок сбыта продукции и услуг. Это требует формирования у менеджеров навыков анализа и разработки управленческих решений. В работе выдвинута гипотеза о том, что в малом и среднем бизнесе для эффективности оценки принятия решения необходимо использовать минимум 2 метода, один из которых должен быть статистическим (то есть содержать расчеты (коэффициенты)). Практическая значимость проведенного исследования определяется возможностью использования полученных результатов при совершенствовании коммерческой деятельности организации, а также при планировании и разработке стратегии на предприятиях малого и среднего бизнеса. / Making a management decisions is the main task and daily responsibility of a manager at any level. The task of making a managerial decision is to find the optimal option for these conditions of action to achieve the goal. The urgency of the problem is due to the constantly changing market conditions, the intensification of competition for the market for the sale of products and services. This requires the formation of manager’s skills of analysis and development of management decisions. The paper hypothesizes that in small and medium-sized businesses, for the effectiveness of evaluating decision-making, it is necessary to use at least 2 methods, one of which must be statistical (that is, contain calculations (coefficients)). The practical significance of the study is determined by the possibility of using the results obtained in improving the commercial activities of the organization, as well as in planning and developing a strategy for small and medium-sized businesses.

Smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo vystymosi Švenčionių rajone problemų sprendimų kryptys / Directions of problems solution developing small and medium business in Shvenchionys region

Delgiado, Rima 24 February 2010 (has links)
Nagrinėjama tema yra itin aktuali Lietuvoje, kadangi tik smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo kūrimasis ir plėtra didele dalimi lemia kiekvieno visuomenės nario gyvenimo kokybės kilimą. Tyrimo objektas koncentruojamas ties smulkiomis ir vidutinėmis įmonėmis, kurios sudaro didžiausią vystomo verslo skaičiaus šalyje. Pagrindiniu tyrimo tikslu pasirenkamas šių įmonių problemų nustatymas. Nusistatytais tyrimo uždaviniais buvo siekiama kryptingai išanalizuoti problemas, trukdančias verslo plėtrai, jų svarbumo nustatymui, bei problemų sprendimo krypčių radimui. Tyrimo būdu buvo siekiama atmesti arba pagrįsti darbe iškeltai hipotezei, kuri teigė, kad pagrindinė problema stabdanti SVV regionuose plėtrą, ten veikiančių įmonių intelektinio kapitalo stoka ir nepakakami jo ugdymo tempai. Problemų nustatymui ir rinkos situacijos vertinimui, buvo naudojami antriniai informaciniai šaltiniai, tokie kaip moksliniai straipsniai, anksčiau atliktų tyrimų duomenys, bei pirminiai informacijos šaltiniai, gauti apklausus smulkaus ir vidutinio verslo atstovus Švenčionių rajone. Atlikus tyrimą, susisteminus ir išanalizavus duomenis, gauti tokie rezultatai, kad pagrindinė problema stabdanti smulkių ir vidutinių įmonių plėtrą yra aukštas mokesčių lygis šalyje. Darbe iškelta hipotezė buvo dalinai patvirtinta. / The subject of research is very important in Lithuania, because the rise of each society member’s life quality mostly depends on the formation and development of small and medium business. The research object concentrates on small and medium companies which are the biggest part of developing business in the country. The main target of the research is to determine problems of these companies. Tasks of the research helped to analyze problems slowing business development, to determine their importance and to find the directions of problems solutions. It was aimed to reject or to justify hypothesis raised in the research which affirmed that the main problem slowing the development of small and medium business in regions is the lack of intelligence capital and insufficient rates of its education in operating companies. Secondary informational sources such as scientific articles, information of previously made researches and primary informational sources received from the survey of small and medium business in Shvenchionys region representatives were used for problems determination and evaluation of market situation. After the research is done and its data is structured and analyzed the received result is that the main problem slowing the development of small and medium companies is the high level of taxes in the country. The hypothesis raised in the work was partly confirmed.

Virtualaus marketingo sistemos taikymas mokslinės produkcijos leidybos versle / Virtual Marketing System‘s Implementation in the Publishing Business of Scientific Output

Misiūnaitė, Vilma 25 February 2010 (has links)
Elektroninio verslo vadybos magistro baigiamojo darbo tema yra aktuali, nes iki šiol mokslo įstaigos neskyrė didelio dėmesio konkurentabilios savo pozicijos formavimui rinkoje ir papildomų lėšų generavimui, dėl ko aukštųjų valstybinių mokyklų leidybinių institucijų reikšmė buvo nepakankamai įvertinta. Šiuo metu valstybinių mokslinių įstaigų pertvarkos planas lemia besikeičiantį valstybinių aukštųjų mokyklų statusą ir jų komercinio pobūdžio veiklą, kurios pagrindiniai tikslai yra pritraukti investicijų ir formuoti prestižinį įvaizdį. Viena iš priemonių, padedančių realizuoti šiuos tikslus, yra mokslinės produkcijos leidyba, kurios kokybinį lygmenį apibrėžia Mokslinės informacijos institutas. Pastarųjų reikalavimus realizuoti įgalina marketingas virtualioje erdvėje. Darbe analizuojama virtualaus marketingo sistemos struktūrinė sudėtis ir jos reikšmė LR mokslinės produkcijos leidybos verslo verslumui. Pirmą kartą tiriamas virtualaus marketingo sistemos priemonių pritaikymas švietimo ir mokslo sektoriuje, kaip priemonė užtikrinti finansinį potencialą. Mokslinė problema. Valstybinės aukštosios mokyklos savo veikloje neskiria pakankamai dėmesio investicijų pritraukimui. Valstybinių aukštųjų mokyklų reorganizavimo iniciatyvos skatina keisti požiūrį į mokslinių įstaigų veiklą, kuri įgauna komercinį pobūdį ir yra organizuojama laisvos rinkos bei intensyvesnės konkurencijos sąlygomis. Tyrimo objektas – virtualaus marketingo sistemos priemonių veiksnys Lietuvos mokslinės produkcijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The issue of the electronic business management master's final work is important because educational institutions have not paid attention to its position in the market and the generation of additional funds until now. It is the reason why the importance of the publishing institutions of higher educational institutions has been underestimated. At the moment the reorganization plan of higher educational institutions leads to the changing status of higher education institutions and their commercial nature, whose main objectives are to attract investment and create a prestigious image. One of the measures to realize these objectives is the publishing of scientific output, whose qualitative level defines the Institute of Scientific Information. Marketing in virtual space enables to realize the latter requirements. The final paper analyzes the structure of the virtual marketing system and its impotance to the entrepreneurship of the publishing business of Lithuanian scientific output. The application of the virtual marketing system‘s means in the education and science sector as a means to ensure financial potential have been studied for the first time. Scientific problem. The higher educational institutions do not pay enough attention to pull investments in. The initiatives to reorganize the higher educational institutions induce to change the approach to the activities of scientific institutions as commercial matters, which are organized under conditions of a free market and... [to full text]

Podnikatelský záměr na rozvoj zvoleného podniku / The business plan for the development of the company

KROTKÁ, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
Thesis is focused on the development of the business plan of the company WOLF dětem, which sells children's and baby range. The work deals with the evaluation of the current situation of the company through analysis of internal and external conditions. On the basis of these analyses and the results of the questionnaire investigation, it was determined the proposal of amendments for the improvement of the business plan.

Strategies to Minimize Profit Loss From Small Business Enterprise Credit Rejections

Nwagbo, Alfred 01 January 2018 (has links)
Institutional policies or terms and conditions of credit allocation complicate the demand and supply of small business enterprise (SBE) credit, causing lost profits. Banks leaders losing 28% of profitable projects because of the high rejection rate of credit applications for SBE loans is a concern. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies Southeastern Nigerian state bank leaders use to minimize lost profit from SBE credit rejections. The conceptual framework that grounded this study was credit rationing focused on the lender-borrower relationship. Data collection involved reviews of company documents and face-to-face semistructured interviews of 6 participants from 3 banks in the Southeastern Nigerian state. Based on the Schorr's modified data analysis approach, 5 themes emerged (a) credit rationing depends on sufficient information (b) business accounts statements are a fall back for credit availability (c) character may be more important than collateral (d) government policies are challenges to the formal banking system (e) profits may be a hedge for high-interest rates. Findings may be used to enhance the profitability of banks in the Southeastern Nigerian state. Implications for positive social change may include the support of community projects for individuals living at or below the poverty level in the region.

Analýza současného stavu MSP ve Středočeském kraji a možnosti jeho dalšího rozvoje / Analysis of current situation of SMEs in the Central region and possibilities for future development

KENDEL, Fabien Gaidoum January 2012 (has links)
conditions of the current situation of small and medium business. There are suggestions given to measures that may be involved in the development of small medium enterprises in the Central Region.

我國中小企業市場導向之研究 / The Research on Market Orientation of Small and Medium Business in R.O.C.

魏聖忠, Wei, Sheng Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究參酌Kchli & Jaworski (1990)所發展的市場導向理論架構,並依據中國文化的特性、中美企業的差異以及我國中小企業的特性,對Kchli & Jaworski (1990)的市場導向理論架構進行修改,發展出適合應用於我國中小企業的市場導向理論架構。   實證結果發現,關於市場導向的原因條件與市場導向之間的關係,在高階管理者因素方面,高階管理者的進取心對情報的產生和擴散都有正面的影響效果,而高階管理者的教育程度對情報的產生、擴散和反應則都沒有顯著的影響。另外,高階管理者對創新的接受程度對企業整體市場導向的正面影響效果,則主要是來自於對反應情報活動的影響,而高階管理者威權領導的程度對企業整體的市場導向程度與情報的產生和擴散則具有負面的影響。此外,高階管理者對市場導向的重視程度、風險規避的程度、教育程度以及關係取向的程度對企業整體的市場導向程度、情報的產生、擴散和反應則都沒有顯著的影響。   在組織系統因素方面,基本上,組織系統因素的三個變數對企業整體的市場導向程度都沒有顯著的影響。只有市場基準的報償系統對情報的產生和反應具有正面的影響,顯示中小企業可以透過市場基準報償系統的建立,用以激勵員工進而落實市場情報的產生和反應活動。此外,政治行為的接受程度以及面子整飾的程度對情報的產生、擴散和反應則都沒有顯著的影響。   在企業特性因素方面,產業別的差異對市場導向活動中情報的反應有所影響,顯示不同的產業間因為有著不同的行業特性以及不同的產業環境等產業別的差異因素,使得廠商在施行市場導向的活動上,對情報反應活動的著重程度有所不同,因而造成不同的產業問有明顯的差異存在。而企業規模和經營型態對情報的產生、擴散和反應則都沒有顯著的影響。因此,在企業特性因素方面,只有產業別差異對企業整體的市場導向程度有所影響,企業規模和經營型態對企業整體的市場導向程度則都沒有顯著的影響。   綜而言之,對市場導向的施行程度具有顯著影響的原因條件有高階管理者的進取心、高階管理者對創新的接受程度、高階管理者威權領導的程度、組織內市場基準的報償系統以及產業別的差異等五個變數。   另外,關於市場導向與市場導向績效之間的關係方面,整體市場導向的程度對顧客滿意度、員工間的團隊精神都有正面的影響,但對企業的獲利力卻沒有顯著的影響。再者,市場導向的三階段行銷活動對顧客滿意度、團隊精神的影響程度則不一。就顧客滿意度而言,擴散情報和反應情報的活動對顧客滿意度都有正面的影響效果,而影響員工間團隊精神的市場導向活動則有產生情報和擴散情報等兩階段的行銷活動,另外,就企業的獲利力而言,市場導向的三階段行銷活動對產業平減後的企業獲利率則都沒有顯著的影響。   綜而言之,雖然企業的獲利率仍然受產業因素的影響較大,因而出現了市場導向的施行對公司獲利率的貢獻不如外在產業市場成長對公司獲利率的貢獻的現象,但是基本上,市場導向的施行程度對市場績效具有顯著且正面的影響效果,這個結論大致上是肯定的。

Perspektiva rozvoje klastrů v České republice / Cluster development perspektives in Czech republic

ČERVENÁ, Jitka January 2010 (has links)
The main object of this thesis is analyse conditions for formation clusters in the Czech republic and possibility their other development. The thesis contains characteristics of the last and present operational programme, which support clusters. The other part of the thesis is analyse of the present situacion of development clusters in particular regions of the Czech republic and their comparison with clusters of Austria. In the ending part of the thesis are summarized all information get from questionnaire and interwiev with manager of the cluster EKOGEN.

Podnikatelský plán / Business Plan

Bilek, Martin January 2014 (has links)
The subject of my master thesis is creating a business plan. The theoretical part deals with the characteristics of business plan in its individual chapters. In each of these chapters I summarize and evaluate the theoretical methods that can be applied on the given area. The practical part deals with preparation of a business plan focused on cloud computing for small and medium-sized enterprises.

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