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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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GÃnese dos nÃveis coquinÃides do membro romualdo, formaÃÃo santana, na porÃÃo central e leste da bacia do Araripe / Genesis of coquinoid levels from Romualdo Member, Santana Formation, in central and eastern portion of the Araripe Basin

Rafael Celestino Soares 14 December 2012 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O objetivo fundamental deste trabalho à fornecer subsÃdios que possam contribuir na determinaÃÃo da gÃnese dos nÃveis coquinÃides identificados no Membro Romualdo, FormaÃÃo Santana, da Bacia do Araripe. Para tanto, foram desenvolvidas atividades de coleta de amostras em pontos distintos das porÃÃes central e leste da bacia, a fim de se produzir dados petrogrÃficos e sedimentolÃgicos a partir dos quais se pudessem estabelecer inferÃncias e deduÃÃes sobre os constituintes, feiÃÃes e estruturas identificadas nas rochas. TambÃm se levou em consideraÃÃo os principais estudos jà desenvolvidos no tema objetivando a associaÃÃo com dados prÃ-existentes para efeitos de interpretaÃÃo. Identificando as caracterÃsticas das concentraÃÃes de macrofÃsseis para cada amostra, e comparando-as, foi possÃvel se propor uma origem para a formaÃÃo destes materiais a partir da ocorrÃncia de eventos episÃdicos de tempestades, estando os produtos diferenciados de acordo com a maior/menor influÃncia energÃtica do vetor de transporte e interferÃncia de fatores paleogeogrÃficos especÃficos. AtravÃs da anÃlise micropetrogrÃfica se determinou os litotipos, que variam entre packstones a wackstones bioclÃsticos com porÃÃes fortemente desmicritizadas que originam grainstones. De modo geral, podem ser interpretados tambÃm como biomicritos. Os parÃmetros tafonÃmicos analisados, juntamente ao conteÃdo siliciclÃstico, sugerem aproximaÃÃo com um paleoambiente transicional de dinÃmicas deposicionais complexas e variadas, associadas à ocorrÃncia de eventos de rÃpida sedimentaÃÃo e constantes retrabalhamentos influenciados por episÃdios de tempestades, que contribuÃram no aumento da energia do transporte. Para a interferÃncia marinha neste paleoambiente, considerou-se a influÃncia das Ãguas tetianas durante a transgressÃo iniciada no Aptiano, desempenhando um importante papel na dinÃmica de transporte e deposiÃÃo. Os nÃveis coquinÃides tambÃm sÃo encontrados em outras porÃÃes da Bacia do Araripe (nÃo tÃo somente na porÃÃo Cearense). Assim, uma anÃlise mais detalhada para a origem dessas concentraÃÃes à algo mais complexo a se tratar, ainda mais levando-se em conta um domÃnio paleobiogeogrÃfico ampliado. / The fundamental aim of this research is to provide subsidies that contribute to determinate the genesis of the coquinoid levels identified in the Romualdo Member, Santana Formation, Araripe Basin. Therefore, activities were developed for sampling at different points of the center and eastern border of the basin, to produce petrographic and sedimentological data that could establish inferences and deductions about constituents, features and structures identified on the rocks. It was considered the main related researches already developed, aiming the association with pre-existing data for the interpretations. Identifying the characteristics of macrofossils concentrations for each sample, and comparing them, it was possible to suggest an origin for the formation of these materials from the episodic occurrence of storms, with products characterized according to the major/minor influence of the transport vector and interference from specific paleogeographical factors. The petrographic analysis determined the lithotypes, ranging from bioclastics packstones to bioclastics wackstones, with highly demicritized portions originating grainstones. Overall, may also be interpreted as biomicrites. The taphonomical parameters analyzed, together with the siliciclastic content, suggest a transitional paleoenvironment system and a complex deposition dynamic, associated with the occurrence of rapid sedimentation events and constant reworking espisodes influenced by storms, which contributed to increase the transport energy. It was considered the Tethyan waters influence for the marine interference in this paleoenvironment during the Aptian transgression, playing an important role in the transport and depositional dynamics. The coquinoid levels are also found in others portions of the Araripe Basin (not so only in Cearense portion). Thus, a more detailed analysis for the origin of these concentrations is something more complex to treat, even more considering a magnified paleobiogeografic domain.

A statistical analysis of the origins and impacts of twenty-six years of regulatory regime changes in the Australian occupational superannuation industry

Taylor, Suzanne Mary January 2008 (has links)
Until 1980 in Australia, occupational superannuation had played only a peripheral role in securing retirement savings for the workforce at large with less than 40% of all employees at this time receiving superannuation benefits. By the time the twenty-first century began, however, 91% of all Australian employees and 81% of all workers were covered by superannuation, and, by 2007, total superannuation assets had reached $1.2 trillion with superannuation fund balances the largest financial asset held by households. This substantial growth in superannuation coverage did not occur as a result of free market forces operating between producers and consumers in the superannuation industry. Rather, this increase was found to be directly related to the level of intervention in the industry by both the Labor and Coalition Governments throughout the last three decades. / The rationale provided by these Governments highlighted the public interest necessity of ensuring that there was an adequate coverage, level and rate of growth of retirement savings. Criticisms of this rationale have, however, continued to grow unabated. These concerns focus on the failure of the regulatory regime changes introduced to actually achieve their public-interest rationales in terms of improving Australia’s national savings rates or to produce effective governance mechanisms to protect the security of the worker-owned trillion-dollar asset pool now under investment. / The primary objective of this thesis was to investigate these opposing claims (within the framework of the public interest and private interest theories of regulation), via the combination of a detailed literature review and a statistical analysis which utilised factor analysis, and logistic and multiple regression modelling techniques. / This combined analysis suggested three primary conclusions: / (1) the origins of the regulatory regime change process needed to be considered as a political game with the simultaneously experienced detriments of key interest groups resulting in a groundswell of pro-regulatory reform activity which sought to obtain relief from “suffering”. The private interest prediction that governments/politicians in electoral democracies were concerned about finding a support coalition to promote their re-election chances was, therefore, confirmed; / (2) in comparison, there was less than convincing evidence to support the public interest claims of bothgovernments in relation to the origins of the regime change process; and / (3) as opposed to these origins-related findings, the regulatory impact story analysis of the review period confirmed that the primary “winner” of the regulatory regime changes was the fund manager group in general and the large, incumbent, life office entities in particular with statistically significant improvements in fund manager “detriments” (e.g. in terms of the total superannuation assets held within the statutory funds of life offices variable). While the government/politicians group was also a “winner” given the significant increases in the “bureaucratic empire building” variable, it was a significant “loser” in terms of the downturn in the public interest variables of household savings rates, net personal savings rates and voluntary superannuation contributions. The ACTU, the employers and workers in general were also all “losers” in that: union membership rates were characterised by downturns; employers do not appear to have been able to “offset” increased occupational superannuation benefits with reductions in wages and/or employment levels; and there was no significant improvement in either of the fund member indicators (i.e. in terms of the fund member welfare index or their real rate of returns). Thus, the private interest prediction that, in terms of regulatory impacts/outcomes, there would be significant wealth transfers away from fund members primarily to the fund managers was confirmed. / These findings raise implications for the ongoing development of regulation in this area which will need further consideration. For example, is it likely that future, private interest-based regulatory changes will be imposed on the occupational superannuation industry which will lead to further detriments to fund members and increasing wealth transfers to the fund managers? Alternatively, is it likely that, at some point, a regulatory backlash will occur which could lead to more public interest outcomes? Or, is it possible that the interest groups studied might “mutate” or change to adapt to future circumstances which could then, in some future period, change the “winning” and “losing” profiles highlighted in this research? Also of interest is whether these findings, which were performed within a relatively unique set of political circumstances, are robust to alternative settings or time periods? These issues are ideal topics for future research projects.

Sufficiently Serious : How clear must a Member State´s breach of Community law be to make it liable?

Olsson, Fredrik, Köröndi, David January 2008 (has links)
<p>In the autumn of 2007, the Swedish Chancellor of Justice rejected a claim for damages by an individual against the Swedish state on the grounds that the breach was not to be regarded as sufficiently serious. The claim for damages was based on the Swedish custom authority’s confiscation of alcoholic beverages imported to Sweden by individuals, an act that the ECJ had found contrary to Community law.</p><p>This study is evaluating the compatibility of the Chancellor of Justice´s decision with Community law. An analysis of the guidelines given by the ECJ concerning state liability in general, and the sufficiently serious criterion in particular, are also presented in order to make this evaluation. This analysis illustrates that there are some conditions which are crucial when a national court is to make the assessment whether a breach is considered sufficiently serious to warrant restitution to an individual. Most importantly, the clarity of the infringed Community provision and the margin of discretion awarded to the Member State when committing the breach are factors that, according to the ECJ, are decisive when making this assessment.</p><p>The Swedish Chancellor of Justice´s decision to deny the claim for damages is, when comparing it to the guidelines given by the ECJ, definitely questionable.</p>

Sufficiently Serious : How clear must a Member State´s breach of Community law be to make it liable?

Olsson, Fredrik, Köröndi, David January 2008 (has links)
In the autumn of 2007, the Swedish Chancellor of Justice rejected a claim for damages by an individual against the Swedish state on the grounds that the breach was not to be regarded as sufficiently serious. The claim for damages was based on the Swedish custom authority’s confiscation of alcoholic beverages imported to Sweden by individuals, an act that the ECJ had found contrary to Community law. This study is evaluating the compatibility of the Chancellor of Justice´s decision with Community law. An analysis of the guidelines given by the ECJ concerning state liability in general, and the sufficiently serious criterion in particular, are also presented in order to make this evaluation. This analysis illustrates that there are some conditions which are crucial when a national court is to make the assessment whether a breach is considered sufficiently serious to warrant restitution to an individual. Most importantly, the clarity of the infringed Community provision and the margin of discretion awarded to the Member State when committing the breach are factors that, according to the ECJ, are decisive when making this assessment. The Swedish Chancellor of Justice´s decision to deny the claim for damages is, when comparing it to the guidelines given by the ECJ, definitely questionable.

Att vara anhörig till en demenssjuk familjemedlem

Lindbom, Mimmi, Elvhage, Elin January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet personer som insjuknar i demenssjukdom ökar världen över. Behovet efter utbildad personal och sjuksköterskans ansvar att kunna ge stöd och hjälp till demenssjukas anhöriga ökar därför också då en demenssjukdom påverkar hela familjen. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva anhörigas upplevelser av att ha en nära familjemedlem med demenssjukdom. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie enligt Evans (2002) analysmetod har använts för att analysera 12 stycken kvalitativa artiklar. Nyckelfynd sammanfördes och bildade tre teman och sex stycken subteman. Resultat: Resultatet påvisar att anhöriga upplever blandade känslor av att en nära familjemedlem fått diagnosen demenssjukdom. Dessa upplevelser delades in i livet efter diagnosen, förluster och förändrad delaktighet till vården av den demenssjuke. Viljan att vårda sin familjemedlem, en förändrad vardag, förlust av kontroll, förlust av social samvaro och egen identitet, lämna över ansvaret och vara delaktig i vården på boendet var de subteman som uppkom. Slutsats: I arbetet klargjordes en rad upplevelser anhöriga hade utifrån att ha en nära familjemedlem med demenssjukdom. Dessa upplevelser bör sjuksköterskan ta del av inför det stöd och den handledning som erbjuds anhöriga. Mer forskning bör göras angående den hjälp som ges till anhöriga till demenssjuka. / Background: The number of people diagnosed with dementia is increasing worldwide. The need for trained personnel and the nurse's responsibility to provide support and assistance to families of people with dementia therefore increases since dementia affects the whole family. Aim: The purpose is to describe the relatives' experiences of having a close family member with dementia. Method: A systematic literature review of Evans (2002) analysis was used to analyze the 12 pieces of qualitative articles. Key findings were merged and formed three themes and six subthemes. Results: The results indicate that families are experiencing mixed feelings of a close family member diagnosed with dementia. These experiences were divided into life after diagnosis, losses and changes in participation to the care of people suffering from dementia. The desire to care for their family member, a change in living, loss of control, loss of social interaction and self-identity, hand over responsibility and be involved in the care of the accommodation was the subthemes that arose. Conclusion: This essay was made clear a number of relatives had experiences from having a close family member with dementia. These experiences should the nurse take note of for the support and guidance offered to relatives. More research should be done about the help given to families of people with dementia.

The relationhsihp of confliction of attributions between leader and employee and employees pressure.

Wang, Hui-wen 01 July 2004 (has links)
Research motive and aims: The leadership theories usually focu on efficiency of leaders, and a little of related theory discuss the issues of organization behavior, work satisfaction, commitment of organization, equity perceptions, especially attribution of leadership. Researcher will search for several problems form the view of confliction of attributions in this report. First, what do leaders use when they attributed? And what will influence the outcome of leaders¡¦ attribution. Finally, does confliction of attributions influence pressure of employee. And do they have any related relationship? Conclusion: The most of null hypothesis are rejected in this report. Finally, this research did provide evidence to prove that conflict of attributions and employee pressure have related relationship.

The Pay Member¡¦s Consumer Behavior in Taiwan¡¦s Performing Arts and the Suggestions of Membership System

Hsueh, Yu-Lung 31 January 2005 (has links)
The premise of this research is to view the decision process that the audience chooses to be the pay member of performing arts as a consuming behavior, and this research takes this consumer behavior for the studying topic. The researcher interviews the audience who is or was the pay member of performing arts, and analyzes the interviewing data by the Grounded Theory¡¦s process from Open Coding, Axial Coding, to Selective Coding for building a pay member¡¦s consumer behavior in Taiwan¡¦s performing arts. Besides, according to the pay member¡¦s consumer behavior, the researcher proposes suggestions to performing arts organizations and discusses the practical feasibility of these suggestions by interviewing the performing arts organizations. In order to study the decision process that the audience chooses to be the pay member of performing arts, the researcher interviews 20 audiences who are pay members from different performing arts organizations. The research analyzes the interviewing data by Grounded Theory: firstly it gets 76 concepts in the process of Open Coding, and then integrates the concepts into 16 categories in the process of Axial Coding, finally refines the categories into 5 central categories which are respectively ¡§the cultivation of interests and motivation¡¨, ¡§the media of awareness and contact¡¨, ¡§the combination of decision factors¡¨, ¡§personality¡¨, and ¡§the feedback reaction¡¨. According to the relationship of these categories the research builds up a pay member¡¦s consumer behavior in Taiwan¡¦s performing arts. In addition, the researcher also interviews three performing arts organizations which respectively are ¡§Cloud Gate¡¨, ¡§Godot Theatre¡¨, and ¡§Performance Workshop¡¨. During the interview, the researcher discusses the pay member¡¦s consumer behavior with these three organizations and they also assess the feasibility of the suggestions which this research proposed. By this method, this research hopes can develop the more practicable suggestions of the membership system. in Taiwan¡¦s performing arts. In the conclusion of this research, the researcher proposes not only the advantage and disadvantage of the performing arts¡¦ membership system, and also the suggestions of direction to improve the membership system in Taiwan¡¦s performing arts.

Member¡¦s makes an inspection tour the team performance mutual attention -Owned Stadium:A Case Study of the Sanmin Distric Office Kaohsiung City bailiwick makes an inspection tour the teams

Yan, Wen-Bin 11 September 2008 (has links)
Increased cooperation among in people leads to social growth and security and encourage public interaction and cooperation. The government has established the mutual attention makes an inspection tour the team to provide more care and services to the public, encouraging cooperation among the local people and the government, in order to improve the every day life of the public. The basis of the idea of empowering the public comes from the fact that the government has limited resources and abilities. Therefore, when it comes to building a better society, it is both practical and beneficial to involve the community. However, what resources has the government offered to the community in order to allow them to better contribute to the public goal? On the other hand, what does the community and the mutual attention makes an inspection tour the team feel about the government¡¦ s support? The work environment, requirements, and moral are critical to their performance. This paper analyses and studies the relationships among these elements in order to review the mutual attention makes an inspection tour the team¡¦s activities and strategic plans. The study looks at things such as how is a team¡¦s performance is affected by whether or not the individual members are satisfied. Using a variety of survey and analysis technicques, this study seeks to understand how to improve the efficiency of mutual attention makes an inspection tour the team. The study focuses on studying the aforementioned issues of the Sanmin Distric Office Kaohsiung City and hopes to discover more empirical data to further support future development and strategic planning for increasing public cooperation through mutual attention makes an inspection tour the teams.

The Strategies of Campaign Literature in Single-Member Districts¡X¡X The Case Study of the 7th Legislator Election in Kaohsiung City

Tsai, Ching-hsuan 04 February 2010 (has links)
In this paper we discuss the electoral behavior of the 7th Legislator Election in single-member districts. The system impacted the election essentially. According to Median Voter Theorem by Anthony Downs, the candidates become imperious to look for support from the median voters rather than the partisans. And the candidates manipulate the elections with moderate campaign strategies. Base on Downs¡¦ theory, in this paper we extended the analysis by considering conditions such as the properties of electoral districts and candidates¡¦ status to clarify the electoral behavior in the election.


ITOH, Yoshito, GOTO, Atsushi, HOSOMI, Naofumi, KAINUMA, Shigenobu, 伊藤, 義人, 後藤, 淳, 細見, 直史, 貝沼, 重信 20 May 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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