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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Geologic mapping of exhumed, mid-Cretaceous paleochannel complexes near Castle Dale, Emery County, Utah: On the correlative relationship between the Dakota Sandstone and the Mussentuchit Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation

Sorensen, Amanda Elizabeth MacKay 21 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Numerous well-preserved, exhumed paleochannels in the Morrison, Cedar Mountain and Dakota Sandstone formations are exposed east of Castle Dale, Utah. These channels consist primarily of point bar complexes and scattered, low sinuosity channels. To determine the vertical and lateral relationships of these channels within the Cedar Mountain and Dakota Sandstone formations, a 1:24,000 scale geologic map covering ~140 km2 was created showing the fluvial sandstones. In the study area the Cedar Mountain Formation consists, from bottom to top, of 2.5-10 m of Buckhorn Conglomerate Member equivalent units, ~80 m of the Ruby Ranch Member, and ~30 m of the Mussentuchit Member. The Dakota Sandstone consists of conglomeratic to sandy, meandering channel fills within the Mussentuchit Member. The Ruby Ranch-Mussentuchit member contact is diagnosed as the top of a laterally extensive, ~10 meter thick, maroon paleosol with calcrete horizons and root traces. When deeply weathered the contact is discernable as a shift from maroon mudstone to a pale green-white, silty mudstone. Like the balance of the Mussentuchit Member overbank deposits, the white-green mudstone is rich in smectitic clays. In the southern one-third of the mapped area, Ruby Ranch Member sandstones are thin, discontinuous channel segments surrounded by floodplain deposits. In the middle to northern area, point bar complexes dominate, some of which are laterally amalgamated. Flow direction data from four meander complexes and a low sinuosity channel indicate an average northeast flow. Dakota Sandstone channels all of which are within the Mussentuchit Member also flowed to the northeast but point bar complexes are both more numerous and more laterally continuous than in the Ruby Ranch Member, indicating deposition in an area with less accommodation space than during Ruby Ranch Member time. The data indicate the Dakota Sandstone consists exclusively of fluvial sandstones encased within the Mussentuchit Member of the Cedar Mountain Formation. Therefore, these units are coeval and simply different facies of the same depositional system. Consequently the Mussentuchit Member is considered a member facies of the Dakota Formation.

Att skapa motivation inför organisationsförändringar : Ledar- och medarbetarperspektiv på förändring inom tvåföretag / To create motivation for organizationalchanges : Leader- and employee perspective on change within twocompanies

Pettersson, Malin January 2023 (has links)
Motivation är ett komplext fenomen där det är olika faktorer som spelar roll från individ till individ. Förändringar är en stor del i människor vardag och storleken på den organisatoriska förändringen påverkar hur lätt eller svårt det är att motivera till dem. Då människor reagerar olika behöver en förändringsledning anpassa sig utifrån individer då motivationen är en viktig faktor för ett lyckatförändringsarbete. Denna studie avser att undersöka faktorer som bidrar till en ökad motivation utifrån både ett ledar- och medarbetar- perspektiv. Sex kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts inom två företag med uppdelningen av två ledare från ena företaget samt två ledare och två medarbetare från det andra företaget. Resultatet påvisar transparens, tydlighet och delaktighet är viktiga aspekter för att skapa motivation inför större förändringsarbeten. Relationen mellan ledning och medarbetare står sedan i fokus inom diskussionen som grundar sig i ledarskapsteorin Leader-Member Exchange Theory. / <p>PE207G. Examinationsdatum: 2023-08-17.</p>

A Comparative Study Of Aisc-360 And Eurocode 3 Strength Limit States

Sahin, Serkan 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Nowadays / design, fabrication and erection of steel structures can be taken place at different locations as a result of rapid globalization / owners may require the use of widely accepted steel design codes. Therefore, engineers are faced with the challenge of being competent with several design specifications for a particular material type. AISC-360 and EC3 are widely accepted steel structure design specifications that utilize limit state principles with some similarities and differences in application. Hereby a study has been undertaken to put together the nominal strength expressions presented in both AISC-360 and EC3 codes in a single document, to identify the similarities and the differences in calculated strengths and to facilitate rapid learning of either of the specifications with prior knowledge of the other. Because of the wide scope of specifications, only fundamental failure modes are considered in this thesis. Resistance equations are directly compared with each other wherever possible. For cases where the treatment of specifications is entirely different, representative members were considered for comparison purposes.

The impact of the economic partnership agreement for regional integration in the Southern African custom union member states / Leonard Nkotsoe

Nkotsoe, Leonard January 2011 (has links)
The Cotonou Agreement introduces never fundamental principles with respect to trade between the European Union and African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries relative to the Lome Convention: in particular non-reciprocal preferential market access for ACP economies will only last until 1 January 2008. After that date, it will be replaced by a string of Economic Partnership Agreements (E PA) meant to progressively liberalise trade in a reciprocal way. The progressive removal of barriers to trade is expected to result in the establishment of Free Trade Agreements between the EU and ACP regional groups in accordance with the relevant WTO rules and help further existing regional integration efforts among the ACP. Most discussions or economic development in Africa focus on regional integration as an important element. From the first post-colonial meetings. African leaders emphasised regional integration as a key element of their strategies. In the most recent African plan for economic development, the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), regional and sub regional approaches to development arc again a key element. The plan sees the small size of countries, low incomes, and consequently limited markets as a limit to economies of scale, thus denying attractive returns to investors and in o doing constraining the diversification of production and exports. This is the key reason for pooling resources in order to enhance regional economic integration. The decision by Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland to sign the interim EPA came in the result of SACU's failure to negotiate as a bloc with a view to sign the EPA. In this research, the following statistical techniques were applied: t-test, f-test, regression analysis and its forecasts model for seven Southern African Development Community Economic Partnership Agreement (SADC EPA) group trading with the European Union, is used to simulate the opportunities and benefits of EPAs for countries or the SADC region. Simulation results show that EPAs with the EU are welfare-enhancing for SADC overall. leading also to substantive increases in real GOP. For most countries further gains may arise from intra-SADC liberalization. / Thesis (M.Com.(Economics) North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, 2011

A community-based HIV stigma reduction and wellness enhancement intervention for people living with HIV and a close family member / Johanna Beatrix (Bea) Pretorius

Pretorius, Johanna Beatrix January 2012 (has links)
The diagnosis of HIV is a life-changing event that requires people to deal with the disease, as well as cope with HIV stigma. Both people living with HIV or AIDS (PLHA) and their close family members (CFM) are stigmatized, but CFM also stigmatizes PLHA. This interaction affects the relationship between PLHA and their CFM. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a comprehensive community-based HIV stigma reduction intervention on PLHA and their CFM as well as to explore and describe their experiences during and after the intervention. A holistic multiple case study design as well as a qualitative description approach was used. The study was conducted in both an urban and a rural setting. Purposive sampling was used for the PLHA and snowball sampling for the CFM. The case record for the case study consisted of several sources. In-depth-interviews were used to explore their experiences. The data was analysed using open coding and text document analysis. Both groups gained a richer understanding of HIV stigma and coping with it. The relationships enriched by PLHA feeling more supported and CFM realizing how they stigmatized and that they should be more supportive. Leadership was activated through the project. Bringing PLHA and CFM together during an intervention, proved to be affective, Recommendations focus on the inclusion of HIV-related stigma reduction awareness interventions in the curriculum of student nurses and the implementation thereof in the community, through community based nursing. It would be of benefit if the programme could also be offered as a workshop to traditional healers in the community. Nurses in clinics working with PLHA should invite PLHA and CFM to participate in groups to support each other in reducing HIV-related stigma and share problem-solving coping strategies. The researcher believes that the results of the current study have important implications for further research in HIV-related stigma reduction interventions in other countries and demographic groups. It has the potential to be used for long-term monitoring studies of HIV stigma reduction interventions and the change over time. / Thesis (MCur)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

A global perspective: investigating human rights education in higher education institutes

Lynch, Chrystal 07 February 2017 (has links)
The United Nations (UN), and its respective agencies, have developed global initiatives with the overall aim of bringing attention to the importance of educating about, through and for human rights in various professional sectors. However, UN member states have varied in their commitments to develop, implement, and report on national policies and initiatives that endorse the promotion of human rights education (HRE), explicitly in the areas of primary, secondary and higher education institutes (HEIs). At present, there is limited literature concerning HRE and its diffusion throughout HEIs. This qualitative enquiry was undertaken to gain a deeper understanding of the dissemination of HRE within HEIs. Furthermore, the research sought to provide a representation of experiences and perspectives shared by human rights scholars and practitioners regarding the placement of HRE in academia. The data from this study was gathered through individual, semi-structured interviews with ten participants from seven different countries. The findings provide affirmation of the ongoing commitment that is required by not only member states, but a diversity of actors at the local, national and global levels. It is hoped that the recommendations will provide incentive for further research, including informed action plans that will advance HRE at the tertiary levels. There is still a significant amount of work that needs to be done to make HRE commonplace within universities. Consideration ought to be given to HRE and its capacity to complement academic fields that extend beyond its assumed presence in traditional disciplines. / February 2017

Perspective getting: the antecedents of follower political knowledge

Granger, Steven 15 September 2016 (has links)
There are some subordinates that have a deep understanding of their supervisor’s world. More than others, they understand their supervisor’s work relationships, preferences, demands, and resources. The goal of this thesis was to predict and test how this collection of strategic and sensitive information, or follower political knowledge, develops. Using the active perspective-taking framework, I focused on a subordinate’s motivation, capacity, and opportunity to acquire follower political knowledge. In particular, I hypothesized that key individual, relational, and contextual factors would predict follower political knowledge. Two studies were conducted to test these predictions: a cross-sectional survey of 467 employees and a cross-sectional survey of 174 supervisor-subordinate dyads. Across studies, political skill, leader-member exchange, and supervisors’ trust were the strongest predictors of follower political knowledge. The implications of these findings present a case to be made for the role of follower political knowledge in effective followership. / October 2016

The role of leader-member-exchange in mediating the relationship between work locus of control and job satisfaction.

Ntsebeza, Castro 19 May 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between work locus of control, the quality of exchanges between subordinates and leaders (leader-member exchange) and job satisfaction. The research design of this study was a non-experimental, cross-sectional mediator design. A biographical questionnaire was used to ascertain the demographic information for the participants. Work locus of control was assessed using Spector’s (1988) work locus of control measure. Leader Member exchange was measured utilizing the member form of the leader member exchange scale LMX7. Job satisfaction of the employees was measured using The Warr 15-item Job Satisfaction Scale (JSS). The sample consisted of 115 employees from all levels of the organisation with the exception of members in top management. The sampling strategy that was utilised was non-probability sampling in which participants were recruited on the basis of their willingness to participate in the study. The study used correlations and regression analyses to analyse the data. The results of this study indicated that work locus of control had an inverse relationship with job satisfaction and leader member exchange. Mediation regression analysis indicated that leader member exchange partially mediated the relationship between work locus of control and job satisfaction. In view of the findings of this study, it is suggested that researchers on industrial relations could focus on ways in which South African organisations could improve employee-manager relations through the management of employee work locus of control, leader-member exchanges and workplace factors that contribute to employee job satisfaction

Le député français / The member of the french national assembly

Esteve, Alexandre 27 September 2018 (has links)
En l’espace de soixante ans, la Constitution du 4 octobre 1958 a subi de nombreux changements à la fois juridiques et politiques. Une chose a cependant perduré : le parlementarisme rationalisé. Prenant en compte les changements intervenus depuis 1958 et les aspirations des Français à la modernisation et au rééquilibrage des institutions de la Ve République, le Constituant de 2008 a opéré une revalorisation du Parlement et proposé de rendre la fonction parlementaire plus valorisante. Mais à l’aune de dix années d’expérience, force est de constater que les améliorations attendues n’ont pas véritablement eu lieu. Dans le même temps, les exigences démocratiques des Français ont évolué. De ce fait, ce qui était acceptable hier, à défaut d'être accepté, ne l'est plus aujourd'hui. Il en est ainsi des avantages, des pratiques, des comportements individuels ou collectifs de responsables politiques.On peut dès lors s’interroger sur ce que devrait être le député de la Ve République tant au niveau de son statut que de son rôle. Il ressort de cette étude que l’actuel statut du député est appelé à se renforcer, notamment, s’agissant des moyens alloués au député, ainsi que des droits et garanties afin de permettre une plus grande mobilité entre le mandat et l’activité professionnelle de l’élu, et d’améliorer la représentativité du député par l’ouverture de l’Assemblée à un nouveau public. Le cadre institutionnel dans lequel s’exerce le travail parlementaire doit également être assoupli pour rétablir le député dans ses fonctions de collaborateur du Gouvernement pour la confection des lois et de contrôleur de l’action gouvernementale. Enfin, le travail en circonscription ne doit pas être négligé car il permet à l’élu de mieux exercer ses missions législatives et de contrôle. / In the space of sixty years, the Constitution of 4th October 1958 has undergone many legal and political changes. However, one thing has remained: streamlined parliamentarianism. Considering the changes since 1958 and the aspirations of the French people for the modernisation and the rebalancing of the institutions of the Fifth Republic, in 2008 the constituent power worked on upgrading the role of the Parliament and proposed to improve the attractiveness of the parliamentarian function. After ten years of experience, it is clear that the potential improvements have not taken place. At the same time, the democratic requirements of the French have evolved. Hence, what was acceptable yesterday may not be today. This is true for the advantages, traditional practices, individual or collective behaviours of policy makers. Consequently, it may be asked what an MP of the Fifth Republic should be, in both status and function.This study shows that the status of the MP should be strengthened, notably with regard to the resources allocated to the MP, as well as rights and guarantees to allow greater mobility between the mandate and the professional activity of the elected representative, and to improve the representativeness of the MP through the opening up of the Assembly to a new audience. Also, the institutional system within which parliamentary work is performed must be more flexible to return the MP to his/her role as a legislator and overseer of government action. Finally, constituency work must not be neglected because it allows the MP to better carry out his/her legislative and overseeing missions.

Vem är jag som anhörig när min familjemedlem blir akut sjuk : En litteraturbaserad studie / When a family member becomes acutely ill, who am I as a relative

Janus, Gabriella, Karlsson, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
Background: In the year 2016 there were over 2 million acute ill adults who visited the emergency department and of those 2 million, 1,3 million were being remitted. The definition of being acute ill is a person who needed emergency care. The nurses' role in the emergency care was to evaluate and prioritize the acute ill medical need. In the acute situation the relatives were often put aside and that would cause a negative wellbeing experience. Aim: The purpose of the study was to investigate the relatives' experiences of having family members who became acute ill. Method: A literature study based on an analysis of eleven qualitative scientific articles was conducted. Results: The analysis resulted in two themes; Mixed feelings and experiences when a family member has become acutely ill and Experience in the meeting with a health professional. The results showed the importance of clear and understandable information from nurses. How the relatives were treated also had a significant impact on how they reacted to the acute situation. Conclusion: When a family member becomes acutely ill the relatives experienced the situation as difficult and were concerned over the family member's health. Despite that they were grateful for the opportunity to be present because they experienced that they were comforted and calmed. To have access to professional support and company helps the relatives to control and react to the situation. / I Sverige anländer ett stort antal personer till sjukhus som är i behov av akut omhändertagande och det är vanligt att dessa personer har med sig anhöriga. Sjuksköterskans ansvar är att bemöta och stötta både den sjuke familjemedlemmen och anhöriga i det akuta omhändertagandet. När anhöriga är närvarande upplever de blandade känslor. De känslor som dominerar är rädsla och oro. Anhöriga kan mötas av ett bristfälligt bemötande av sjuksköterskan samt uppleva att informationen som ges är oklar och svårförståelig. Det kan leda till att anhöriga känner att de blir åsidosatta vilket skapar känslor som övergivenhet, ångest och osäkerhet. Att bemöta anhöriga på rätt sätt kan göras genom att utgå från familjefokuserad omvårdnad, där sjuksköterskan ska se varje familj som en helhet. Vid rätt bemötande och information upplever anhöriga tacksamhet över att få möjlighet att vara nära sin sjuke familjemedlem. Detta skapar förtroende för vården och känslan av att få verktyg att hantera situationen. Vid en akut situation används anhörigstödjare som en resurs där deras uppgift är att förklara vad som händer/pågår och stödja anhöriga. När en familjemedlem blir akut sjuk kan anhöriga uppleva en förlust av kontroll över situationen och på detta sätt förändras deras livsvärld. Ett sätt att få tillbaka kontrollen är att få tillgång till rätt förmedlad information. Författarna väljer att göra ett litteraturbaserat examensarbete där 11 kvalitativa artiklar granskas. I examensarbetet framkommer det 2 teman och 4 underteman. Resultatet visar att anhöriga upplever blandade känslor när deras familjemedlem blir akut sjuk. Anhöriga upplever det viktigt att få möjlighet att ge stöd till sin sjuke familjemedlem. Dessutom minskar anhörigas stress om de får stöd från övrig familj och vänner. I mötet med vårdpersonalen har många anhöriga positiva känslor medan vissa anhöriga uppger negativa känslor såsom övergivenhet, osäkerhet, frustration och en känsla av att skapa obehag hos vårdpersonalen. Examensarbetets resultat ger sjuksköterskan en förståelse om vikten av ett bra bemötande och förmedlandet av förståelig information i mötet med anhöriga.

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