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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Screening and Quantitation of Volatiles from Explosive Initiators and Plastic Bonded Explosives (PBX)

Alexis J Hecker (18405276) 03 June 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The detection of explosives and explosive devices based upon the volatile compounds they emit is a long-standing tool for law enforcement and physical security. Towards that end, solid-phase microextraction (SPME) combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) has become a crucial analytical tool for the identification of volatiles emitted by explosives. Previous SPME studies have identified many volatile compounds emitted by common explosive formulations that serve as the main charge in explosive devices. However, limited research has been conducted on initiators like fuses, detonating cords, and boosters. In this study, a variety of SPME fiber coatings (i.e., polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), polydimethylsiloxane/divinylbenzene (PDMS/DVB), divinylbenzene/carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (DVB/CAR/PDMS), carboxen/polydimethylsiloxane (CAR/PDMS), and polyacrylate (PA)) were employed for the extraction and analysis of volatiles from Composition C-4 (cyclohexanone, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol, and 2,3-dimethyl-2,3-dinitrobutane (DMNB)) and Red Dot double-base smokeless powder (nitroglycerine, phenylamine). The results revealed that a PDMS/DVB fiber was optimal. Then, an assortment of explosive items (i.e., detonation cord, safety fuse, slip-on booster, and shape charge) were analyzed with a PDMS/DVB fiber. A variety of volatile compounds were identified, including plasticizers (tributyl acetyl citrate, N-butylbenzenesulfonamide), taggants (DMNB), and degradation products (2-ethyl-1-hexanol). </p><p dir="ltr">Taggants, like DMNB, are one of the pivotal components added to explosives. These distinctive chemical markers, deliberately introduced during manufacturing to facilitate the identification of explosives, are commonly detected using SPME GC- MS, but their quantitation remains underexplored. To address this, we investigated total vaporization headspace (TV- HS) GC- MS for quantifying taggants in the headspace of Composition C4. Factors effecting the extraction of DMNB, such as shape and age of the sample, and surface depletion, were also examined. The results revealed that the shape of the sample did not affect the amount of DMNB in the headspace but the older the sample, the more DMNB was detected in the headspace. Surface depletion was also seen in samples that were exposed to air for more than one week. Then calibration curves with calibrants of DMNB in acetone were established for quantitation. The average concentration of DMNB in the headspace was determined to be 125 parts per million (ppm).</p><p><br></p>

Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GCxGC ) for drug analysis

Song, Shin Miin, shinmiin@singnet.com.sg January 2006 (has links)
Separation technologies have occupied a central role in the current practices of analytical methods used for drug analysis today. As the emphasis in contemporary drug analysis shifts towards ultra-trace concentrations, the contribution from unwanted matrix interferences takes on greater significance. In order to single out a trace substance with confidence from a rapidly expanding list of drug compounds (and their metabolites) in real complex specimens, analytical technologies must evolve to keep up with such trends. Today, the task of unambiguous identification in forensic toxicology still relies heavily upon chromatographic methods based on mass spectrometric detection, in particular GC-MS in electron ionisation (EI) mode. Although the combined informing power of (EI) GC-MS has served faithfully in a myriad of drug application studies to date, we may ask if (EI) GC-MS will remain competitive in meeting the impending needs of ultra-trace drug analysis in the fut ure? To what extent of reliability can sample clean-up strategies be used in ultra-trace analysis without risking the loss of important analytes of interest? The increasing use of tandem mass spectrometry with one-dimensional (1D) chromatographic techniques (e.g. GC-MS/MS) at its simplest, considers that single-column chromatographic analysis with mass spectrometry alone is not sufficient in providing unambiguous confirmation of the identity of any given peak, particularly when there are peak-overlap. Where the mass spectra of the individual overlapping peaks are highly similar, confounding interpretation of their identities may arise. By introducing an additional resolution element in the chromatographic domain of a 1D chromatographic system, the informing power of the analytical system can also be effectively raised by the boost in resolving power from two chromatographic elements. Thus this thesis sets out to address the analytical challenges of modern drug analysis through the application of high resolut ion comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC„eGC) to a series of representative drug studies of relevance to forensic sciences.

Untersuchungen zur selektiven Anreicherung organischer Schwefelverbindungen aus wäßrigen Proben

Beiner, Kerstin 25 February 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Die Aufgabenstellung der vorliegenden Arbeit ergab sich aus der Notwendigkeit organische Schwefelverbindungen in stark belasteten wäßrigen Proben zu identifizieren, um das toxische Potential dieser Wässer abschätzen zu können. Bei der chromatographischen Trennung und Identifizierung der einzelnen Komponenten traten insbesondere dann Probleme auf, wenn die einzelnen Komponenten in Konzentrationsbereichen auftraten die um Größenordnungen differierten. Da auch durch selektive Detektion unbekannte Komponenten nicht direkt identifiziert werden können, wurde angestrebt durch geeignete Probenvorbereitungsschritte einerseits die gesuchten Zielsubstanzen anzureichern und andererseits störende Matrixbestandteile abzutrennen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es effektive und möglichst selektive Verfahren zu entwickeln, um organische Schwefelverbindungen aus wäßrigen Proben anzureichern. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden zwei Möglichkeiten erarbeitet. Für die Anreicherung von leicht- bis mittelflüchtigen Substanzen erwies sich die Adsorption an Ag2S aus der Gasphase als geeignet. Zur Extraktion mittel- bis schwerflüchtiger Verbindungen wurde eine Festphasenextraktionstechnik an einem mit Blei(II)ionen modifizierten Kationenaustauschermaterial entwickelt. Ein Vergleich beider Techniken erfolgte mit dem Verfahren der Festphasenmikroextraktion (SPME). Die adsorptive Anreicherung an Ag2S wurde mit einem Membranextraktionsschritt (ME) , Thermodesorption (TD) und GC/MS gekoppelt. Wie die SPME kann sie für den Nachweis leicht- bis mittelflüchtiger Verbindungen aus flüssigen, festen und gasförmigen Proben eingesetzt werden. Gegenüber der Festphasenmikroextraktion ermöglicht sie den Einsatz größerer Probemengen, was in niedrigeren Nachweisgrenzen (oberer bis mittlerer ng/l-Bereich) resultiert. Nachteile der entwickelten Technik bilden der höhere experimentelle Aufwand und die längeren Analysenzeiten. Das Festphasenextraktionsverfahren an dem mit Pb(II)ionen beladenen Kationenaustauschermaterial erlaubt gegenüber der SPME ebenfalls die Anwendung größerer Probenmengen und höherer Konzentrationen. Beide Verfahren zeigen vergleichbare Nachweisgrenzen (unterer µg/l - bis oberer ng/l-Bereich) für die verwendeten Modellsubstanzen. Sowohl durch die adsorptive Anreicherung an Silbersulfid als auch durch die Festphasenextraktion an Pb(II)-modifizierten Ionenaustauschmaterialien wird die Identifizierung unbekannter organischer Schwefelverbindungen in stark belasteten Proben erheblich erleichtert. Beide Methoden bilden als einfache und leistungsfähige Techniken wirkungsvolle Ergänzungen zu bereits etablierten Anreicherungsverfahren. Neben der Identifizierung und Analyse können die Techniken ebenfalls zur Entfernung von schwefelhaltigen Substanzen aus verschiedenen Matrizes dienen. Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der entwickelten Methoden bestehen neben der Umweltanalytik auch in der Lebensmittelchemie.

Prieskoninių augalų, eterinių aliejų sudėties tyrimas, panaudojant skirtingus ekstrakcijos metodus / Essential oils composition analysis in herbal spices using different extraction methods

Sinkevičius, Robertas 20 June 2012 (has links)
Augant pasaulinei pramonei aplinkos tarša nepaliaujamai didėja, tad augalai augantys užterštoje aplinkoje, savo sudėtyje taip pat turi nemažai įvairių junginių, kurie gali įtakoti juos vartojančių žmonių sveikatą. Eterinių aliejų išgautų iš augalų tyrimas yra vienas iš būdų nustatant augalo kokybę, užtikrinant, kad taršalai nepateks tolesniam perdirbimui. Eteriniams aliejams išgauti yra daug būdų, kaip kad distiliacija vandens garais, šviežių aromatinių dalių išspaudimas, ekstrakcija tirpikliais, tačiau tokie išgavos būdai būdingesni išgaunant didelius kiekius, tad reikia ir daug žaliavos. Tyrimams naudojami greitesni, bei mažiau žaliavos reikalaujantys metodai, kaip, kad ekstrakcija superkritiniais skysčiais, kietafazė mikroekstrakcija bei ekstrakcija iš bandinio viršerdvės. Šio darbo tikslas - eterinių aliejų, išgautų superkritinių skysčių ekstrakcijos, kietafazės mikroekstrakcijos bei tiesioginės viršerdvės ekstrakcijos būdais, sudėties nustatymas dujų chromatografijos – masių spektroskopijos metodu. Panaudojant gautus duomenis nustatyti kuris ekstrakcijos būdas pasižymi didžiausiu efektyvumu. Duomenų tikslumo užtikrinimui bandiniai pakartotinai leisti po 3 kartus, identifikuoti junginiai tikrinti skaičiuojant kovačo retencijos indeksus ir juos lyginant su jau žinomais indeksais internetinėje bibliotekoje. Darbo metu remiantis gautais duomenimis nustatyta efektyviausias eterinių aliejų ekstrakcijos metodas, junginiai, esantys bandiniuose bei būdingųjų junginių kiekis. / As the word industry develops, the amount of wastes, that are being released in to our environment is always increasing, as a result vegetables that are growing in such a environment are also contaminated with compounds that can affect the health of people that are using them. Many methods can be used to obtain essential oils, such as distillation using water vapour, extruding from fresh fragrant, extraction using solvents, but these kind of methods are used for getting large amounts of essential oils, so staple is used. For chemical analysis faster and less staple demanding methods are used, such as, super critical fluid extraction, solid phase micro extraction or direct head space extraction. The goal of this work is to determine the composition of essential oils and to estimate witch, super critical fluid extraction, solid phase micro extraction or direct head space extraction is the best for obtaining essential oils from spice herbs. In order to secure the precision of data each sample was analyzed three times, for correct compound identification kovach retention indexes were calculated and compared with the known ones on the internet library. Using the obtained data the most effective method foe essential oils obtaining was determined, also compound composition in samples and the amount of specific compounds were analyzed.

Application of Relative Response Factors in Solid-Phase Micro Extraction GC/MS for the Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Water

Schebywolok, Tomi 13 July 2018 (has links)
Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) is routinely used to analyze polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in water. A common SPME-GC/MS approach quantifies target analytes using isotopically labeled standards (IISs); one IIS is needed for each target analyte. This approach is challenging, even prohibitive since IISs are often expensive; moreover, they are generally not available for each analyte of interest. This study developed a novel SPME-GC/MS approach for the quantification of PAHs in water. The new method, which employs only a small number of IISs, uses relative response factor (RRF) (i.e., analyte corresponding to IIS) to quantify PAHs in water. Possible matrix dependency of RRFs values was examined using water that was modified concerning different physical-chemical characteristics (i.e., ionic strength, pH, suspended solids, humic acid, and biological organic carbon represented by hemoglobin). The results revealed that RRFs are not noticeably affected by changing ionic strength and pH; the other three parameters did affect the RRFs. However, the results also showed that the effect is minimal when the solution is dilute (i.e., low concentrations of suspended solids, humic acid or hemoglobin). Relatively stable RRFs for dilute water solutions indicates that this approach can be used for routine quantification of water that does not contain prohibitive amounts of suspended solids, humic acid, and biological organic matter. The developed method was employed to quantify trace levels of PAHs in three different types of water, namely river water, well water, and bottled water. PAH levels in every kind of water were less than 100 ng/L level (i.e., 0.1 ppb). Analyses of spiked water samples containing 2 ng PAHs revealed correlations between calculated RRFs and the physical-chemical properties of the PAHs investigated (i.e., vapor pressure, boiling point, octanol/water partition coefficient, octanol/air partition coefficient, GC retention time). This implies that RRFs for PAHs not examined in this study can be predicted. Overall, the results presented herein constitute a meaningful contribution to the development of SPME-GC/MS methods for quantitative analysis of PAHs and other chemicals in dilute aqueous solutions. Moreover, the development of methods that alleviate the need for IISs corresponding to each target analyte.

Desenvolvimento de suportes vítreos e vitrocerâmicos baseados no sistema Li2O-BaO-SiO2 mofificados pelos óxidos Nb2O5, TiO2, V2O5 e ZrO2, para microextração em fase sólida (SPME-CG) / Development of new glass and glass-ceramics supports for solid phase microextraction (SPME-CG)

Percio, Maycon Fernando 28 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:08:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maycon Fernando Percio.pdf: 4386871 bytes, checksum: fd68bea53c4d4cbfe32a314a01715c6e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In the present work a vitreous composition based on combination of the oxides BaO-SiO2-Li2O modified by adding of oxides Nb2O5, TiO2, V2O5 and ZrO2 as nucleating agent was evaluated and used in the manufacture of glass and glass-ceramic fibers for use in SPME-CG. The stability of the resulting glasses was accompained by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). The stability parameters of Weinberg (KW), Hubrÿ (KH), Lu e Liu (KLL), Du and Huang (KDU) and Saad and Poulain (KSP) were obtained by DTA data. By KSP was observed that stability of glassy phases follows the descending order: Composition 5 (ZrO2) > Composition 2 (Nb2O5) > Composition 1 (without nucleant) > Composition 4 (V2O5) > Composition 3 (TiO2). Through these data it was possible to determine the apparent activation energies of the crystallization process by the crystallization peaks of the DTA curves, whereby the decreasing order was obtained: Composition 5 (ZrO2)> Composition 4 (V2O5) > Composition 2 (Nb2O5) > Composition 3 (TiO2) > Composition 1 (without nucleant). It was found, through the Avrami index, a surface crystallization mechanism of the compositions that leads to a correspondent transition to the glass ceramic. From DRX data obtained after thermal treatment at varying time, the TTT diagrams (Time, Temperature and Transformation) of the compositions were constructed, which delimited the conditions for preparation of glass ceramic fibers. The XRD analysis indicated that the main crystalline phases formed after heat treatments are rhombic Li2SiO3 Li2Si2O5. The fibers obtained were further tested in chromatographic analysis by HS-SPME-GC of the methanol in aqueous solution at concentrations of 10 and 100 mgL-1 with satisfactory results. / No presente trabalho, foram estudadas composições vítreas baseada na combinação dos óxidos Li2O-BaO-SiO2 modificadas pelos óxidos Nb2O5, TiO2, V2O5 e ZrO2, utilizados como nucleantes na fabricação de fibras de vidro e vitrocerâmicas para a utilização em SPME-CG. Determinou-se a estabilidade vítrea para cada composição através da difração de raio-X (DRX) e análise térmica diferencial (DTA) sendo observada a estabilidade das fases vítreas na ordem decrescente: Composição 5 (ZrO2) > Composição 2 (Nb2O5) > Composição 1 (sem nucleante) > Composição 4 (V2O5) > Composição 3 (TiO2). Através destes dados foi possível determinar as energias de ativação aparente das fases cristalinas através dos picos de cristalização das curvas de DTA, cuja ordem decrescente obtida foi: Composição 5 (ZrO2) > Composição 4 (V2O5) > Composição 2 (Nb2O5) > Composição 3 (TiO2) > Composição 1 (sem nucleante). Verificou-se através do índice de Avrami que as composições vítreas obtidas apresentaram mecanismo de nucleação de superfície para a formação do vitrocerâmico. Os dados de DTA possibilitaram a obtenção de diagramas de Tempo, Temperatura e Transformação (TTT), que delimitaram as condições de preparo das fibras vitrocerâmicas. Foram fabricados 5 tipos diferentes de fibras vítreas (Fibras A), que após tratamento térmico deram origem a fibras vitrocêramicas parcialmente cristalizadas (Fibras B) e fibras vitrocerâmicas totalmente cristalizadas (Fibras C), resultando um total de 15 espécies de fibras de composições e estruturas cristalinas diferentes. As análises por DRX indicaram que as principais fases cristalinas formadas depois dos tratamentos térmicos são Li2SiO3 e Li2Si2O5 ortorrômbicos. As fibras obtidas foram ainda testadas em análises cromatográficas por Cromatografia Gasosa na extração de metanol em solução aquosa nas concentrações de 10 e 100 mgL-1 com resultados satisfatórios.

Etude des interactions matière organique dissoute : contaminants organiques dans l'environnement aquatique

De Perre, Chloé 16 December 2009 (has links)
Suite à une anthropisation généralisée des ressources aquatiques et des écosystèmes associés, on retrouve de nombreux contaminants chimiques organiques à l’état de traces dans l’environnement aquatique. En parallèle de ces contaminants, dans les milieux aquatiques on retrouve également des molécules rassemblées sous la dénomination « matière organique dissoute (MOD) », qui sont des mélanges complexes de molécules et macromolécules, qui peuvent s’associer à ces contaminants et influencer leur comportement et leur distribution. Les interactions entre MOD et contaminants peuvent s’avérer difficiles à étudier étant donné qu’elles sont dépendantes de nombreux facteurs tels que la nature des contaminants et de la MOD, ainsi que des paramètres physico-chimiques du milieu. L’objectif de ces travaux était donc d’étudier ces interactions. Les contaminants organiques choisis ont été les Hydrocarbures Aromatiques Polycycliques (HAP) et les substances pharmaceutiques. D’autre part, plusieurs types de MOD d’origine naturelle ou commerciale ont été utilisés. Pour étudier les interactions, plusieurs techniques analytiques ont été développées dont la micro-extraction sur phase solide couplée à la chromatographie en phase gazeuse et à la spectrométrie de masse et l’extinction de fluorescence. / In relation with a widespread human impact on aquatic resources and ecosystems, many organic chemical contaminants are present at trace levels in aquatic environments. In parallel to these contaminants, dissolved organic matter (DOM), which is composed of complex mixtures of molecules and macromolecules, is also found and could be associated with these contaminants and influence their behavior and distribution. Interactions between DOM and contaminants can be very difficult to understand because they depend on many factors such as the nature of contaminants and DOM, as well as on environmental physico-chemical parameters. The aim of this work was thus to study these interactions. Organic contaminants studied were Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and pharmaceuticals. On the other hand, several types of natural and commercial DOM have been used. To study the interactions, several analytical techniques have been developed like solid phase microextraction coupled to gas chromatography and mass spectrometry and fluorescence quenching.

Untersuchungen zur selektiven Anreicherung organischer Schwefelverbindungen aus wäßrigen Proben

Beiner, Kerstin 04 July 2001 (has links)
Die Aufgabenstellung der vorliegenden Arbeit ergab sich aus der Notwendigkeit organische Schwefelverbindungen in stark belasteten wäßrigen Proben zu identifizieren, um das toxische Potential dieser Wässer abschätzen zu können. Bei der chromatographischen Trennung und Identifizierung der einzelnen Komponenten traten insbesondere dann Probleme auf, wenn die einzelnen Komponenten in Konzentrationsbereichen auftraten die um Größenordnungen differierten. Da auch durch selektive Detektion unbekannte Komponenten nicht direkt identifiziert werden können, wurde angestrebt durch geeignete Probenvorbereitungsschritte einerseits die gesuchten Zielsubstanzen anzureichern und andererseits störende Matrixbestandteile abzutrennen. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es effektive und möglichst selektive Verfahren zu entwickeln, um organische Schwefelverbindungen aus wäßrigen Proben anzureichern. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden zwei Möglichkeiten erarbeitet. Für die Anreicherung von leicht- bis mittelflüchtigen Substanzen erwies sich die Adsorption an Ag2S aus der Gasphase als geeignet. Zur Extraktion mittel- bis schwerflüchtiger Verbindungen wurde eine Festphasenextraktionstechnik an einem mit Blei(II)ionen modifizierten Kationenaustauschermaterial entwickelt. Ein Vergleich beider Techniken erfolgte mit dem Verfahren der Festphasenmikroextraktion (SPME). Die adsorptive Anreicherung an Ag2S wurde mit einem Membranextraktionsschritt (ME) , Thermodesorption (TD) und GC/MS gekoppelt. Wie die SPME kann sie für den Nachweis leicht- bis mittelflüchtiger Verbindungen aus flüssigen, festen und gasförmigen Proben eingesetzt werden. Gegenüber der Festphasenmikroextraktion ermöglicht sie den Einsatz größerer Probemengen, was in niedrigeren Nachweisgrenzen (oberer bis mittlerer ng/l-Bereich) resultiert. Nachteile der entwickelten Technik bilden der höhere experimentelle Aufwand und die längeren Analysenzeiten. Das Festphasenextraktionsverfahren an dem mit Pb(II)ionen beladenen Kationenaustauschermaterial erlaubt gegenüber der SPME ebenfalls die Anwendung größerer Probenmengen und höherer Konzentrationen. Beide Verfahren zeigen vergleichbare Nachweisgrenzen (unterer µg/l - bis oberer ng/l-Bereich) für die verwendeten Modellsubstanzen. Sowohl durch die adsorptive Anreicherung an Silbersulfid als auch durch die Festphasenextraktion an Pb(II)-modifizierten Ionenaustauschmaterialien wird die Identifizierung unbekannter organischer Schwefelverbindungen in stark belasteten Proben erheblich erleichtert. Beide Methoden bilden als einfache und leistungsfähige Techniken wirkungsvolle Ergänzungen zu bereits etablierten Anreicherungsverfahren. Neben der Identifizierung und Analyse können die Techniken ebenfalls zur Entfernung von schwefelhaltigen Substanzen aus verschiedenen Matrizes dienen. Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der entwickelten Methoden bestehen neben der Umweltanalytik auch in der Lebensmittelchemie.

Différenciation du sirop d'érable à défaut de saveur de type bourgeon (√R5) du sirop d'érable à saveur sans défaut (REG) à l'aide de SPME-GC/MS et UPLC-QTOF-MS/MS

Beniani, Issraa 01 1900 (has links)
L’industrie des produits de l’érable est particulièrement importante en Amérique du Nord. Elle est touchée par un phénomène naturel qui se produit en fin de saison de récolte. Il s’agit de l’altération du goût du sirop ; un goût fort désagréable se développe et se nomme goût de bourgeon vu qu’il coïncide au bourgeonnement des feuilles d’érable. Des coûts et du temps sont impliqués à sa récolte et sa production. Cependant, un sirop d’érable avec un goût de bourgeon est vendu à moindre prix. Il constitue donc une perte potentielle d'argent pour les producteurs. Au fil du temps, ils ont appris à se fier à des signes distincts de la nature pour déterminer le début du bourgeonnement. Néanmoins, il est important de le détecter hâtivement pour les producteurs et de mieux comprendre les changements moléculaires associés au défaut de saveur de type bourgeon. Plusieurs travaux sur les produits de l’érable ont été effectués durant le dernier siècle, mais ce n’est que récemment que des projets de recherche sont centrés sur le goût de bourgeon. La détection de celui-ci est certes importante, mais il y est aussi question de mieux connaître la variation de la composition du sirop ou de la sève d’érable, afin de mieux comprendre le phénomène. Tel que décrit dans l’introduction de ce mémoire, on connaît maintenant mieux la composition du sirop d’érable, même que quelques solutions ont été proposées à notre problème, mais beaucoup de questions restent sans réponse que ce mémoire tentera de résoudre. C'est dans ce contexte que cette étude se pose. En visant à identifier les molécules responsables du défaut de goût de type bourgeon que l’on peut retrouver dans le sirop d’érable, nous espérons aider à mieux cibler le problème et à mieux comprendre le métabolisme et, éventuellement, comprendre comment ce goût se développe. Dans un second temps, la découverte de molécules pas encore rapportées, au meilleur de notre connaissance, comme étant présentes dans le sirop d’érable est aussi visée, sans égard à la classification du sirop. Les travaux de ce mémoire contribueront, ultimement, à trouver une façon d’empêcher la formation de ce goût et surtout un moyen de l’éliminer. Pour ce, une première partie correspondant à l’analyse des composés volatils a été effectuée par SPME et GC-MS sur 78 échantillons de sirop d’érable. L’analyse statistique des résultats par PCA cible 42 composés et associe chacun d’entre eux au sirop d’érable avec le défaut de saveur ou alors au sirop sans défaut de saveur. Parmi elles, seules 36 ont pu être identifiées par leurs spectres de masse. La seconde partie correspond à l’analyse des composés non volatils par UPLC-QTOF et UPLCMS/MS. La méthode a été optimisée pour cibler les molécules relativement apolaires par rapport aux sucres et aux acides aminés présents dans le sirop d’érable. Au total, 20 échantillons de sirop ont été analysés, dont 10 à défaut de saveurs de type bourgeon et 10 sans défaut. Pour cette partie, l’analyse de composantes principales a encore une fois été utilisée pour classer les types de sirop à l’étude selon les composés détectés. Ainsi, le mémoire avance les connaissances moléculaires liées à l’émergence du défaut de bourgeon dans le sirop d’érable. / The maple products industry is particularly important in North America. It is affected by a natural phenomenon that occurs at the end of the harvest season. It’s the alteration of the taste of the syrup; a very unpleasant taste develops and is called buddy flavour since it coincides with the budding of maple leaves. Costs and time are involved in its harvest and production. When maple syrup is associated with the buddy taste, its commercial value is lower. Therefore, it contributes to a loss of money for producers. Over time, they have learned to rely on distinct signs from nature to determine the onset of budding. However, methods are needed to detect it and research is needed to better understand the molecular changes in maple syrups. Several research projects on maple products have been carried out during the last century, but it is only recently that research projects have focused on the buddy flavour. They focus on determining the variation in the composition of maple syrup or sap, but also on better understanding of the phenomenon. We now know more than ever about the composition of maple syrup, on top of that some solutions have been proposed to our problem, but many questions remain unanswered and it is obvious that there is still so much to discover. It is in this context that this study arises. By aiming to identify the molecules responsible for the buddy flavour defects that can be found in maple syrup, we hope to help on targeting the problem and better understanding the metabolism of maple trees and, eventually, how the buddy taste develops. Secondly, it is aimed at discovering molecules not yet reported, to the best of our knowledge, as being present in maple syrup regardless of the classification of the syrup. This will contribute, ultimately, in finding a way to prevent the formation of this taste and a way to eliminate it. Thus, the first part of this master’s thesis corresponds to the analysis of volatile compounds by SPME and GC-MS on 78 maple syrup samples. Statistical analysis of the results targets 42 compounds and associates them with either maple syrup with flavour defects or with maple syrup with regular flavour maple syrup. Among these, 36 molecules could be identified by mass spectrometry. To extract correlations from our data, the principal component analysis (PCA) ensued. The second part corresponds to the analysis of non-volatile compounds by UPLC QTOF and UPLC-MS/MS. The method has been optimized to target molecules that are relatively apolar compared to sugars and most of the amino acids present in maple syrup. A total of 20 syrup samples were analyzed, including 10 with bud-like flavour defects and 10 with no defects. For both parts, PCA was once again used to determine which types of syrup under study are the compounds associated with. Taken together, the results presented in this master’s thesis advances knowledge on the molecular origins of the buddy flavour defect in maple syrups.

Forensic Applications of Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, High Performance Liquid Chromatography--Mass Spectrometry and Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry with Chemometric Analysis

Sun, Xiaobo 18 April 2012 (has links)
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