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Stimulus-responsive Microgels: Design, Properties and ApplicationsDas, Mallika 31 July 2008 (has links)
Materials science today is a multidisciplinary effort comprising an accelerated convergence of diverse fields spanning the physical, applied, and engineering sciences. This diversity promises to deliver the next generation of advanced functional materials for a wide range of specific applications. In particular, the past decade has seen a growing interest in the development of nanoscale materials for sophisticated technologies. Aqueous colloidal microgels have emerged as a promising class of soft materials for multiple biotechnology applications. The amalgamation of physical, chemical and mechanical properties of microgels with optical properties of nanostructures in hybrid composite particles further enhances the capabilities of these materials. This work covers the general areas of responsive polymer microgels and their composites, and encompasses methods of fabricating microgel-based drug delivery systems for controlled and targeted therapeutic applications.
The first part of this thesis is devoted to acquainting the reader with the fundamental aspects of the synthesis, functionalization and characteristic properties of stimulus-responsive microgels constructed from poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (poly(NIPAm)) and other functional comonomers. In particular, the role of electrostatics on the swelling-deswelling transitions of polyampholyte microgels upon exposure to a range of environmental stimuli including pH, temperature, and salt concentration are discussed. The templated synthesis of bimetallic gold and silver nanoparticles in zwitterionic microgels is also described.
The latter part of this thesis focuses on the rational development of microgel-based drug delivery systems for controlled and targeted drug release. Specifically, the development of a biofunctionalized, pH-responsive drug delivery system (DDS) is illustrated, and shown to effectively suppress cancer cells when loaded with an anticancer agent. In another chapter, the design of tailored hybrid particles that combine the thermal response of microgels with the light-sensitive properties of gold nanorods to create a DDS for photothermally-induced drug release is discussed. The photothermally-triggered volume transitions of hybrid microgels under physiological conditions are reported, and their suitability for the said application evaluated. In another component of this work, it is explicitly shown that electrostatic interactions were not needed to deposit gold nanorods on poly(NIPAm)-derived particles, thereby eliminating the need for incorporation of charged functional groups in the microgels that are otherwise responsible for large, undesirable shifts and broadening of the phase transition.
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Development of pH- and temperature-sensitive microgel particles: synthesis monitoring, characterisation and application as potential oral carriers. / Desenvolvimento de partículas de microgéis sensíveis ao pH e à temperatura: monitoramento da síntese, caracterização e aplicação como potencial carreador oral de fármacos.Souza, Esmar Faben 12 April 2019 (has links)
Multi-sensitive microgel particles are covalently crosslinked polymeric chains with a colloidal dimension that can rapidly change their volume through various external stimuli such as pH, ionic strength, temperature, and magnetic and electric field. Due to these characteristics, increasing attention has been focus on the development of multi-sensitive microgels, mainly for application as drug delivery carriers. This study aimed to synthesise pH- and temperature-sensitive microgel particles, based on precipitation polymerisation of N-isopropylacrylamide and acrylic acid, with a defined size, narrow size distribution, spherical morphology and colloidal stability to be used as an oral drug carrier. In order to provide better biocompatibility and biodegradability in the synthesised material, some assays were performed, adding the chitosan biopolymer during the polymerisation of the monomers previously mentioned. This thesis also intended to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between the microgel synthesis and their properties using spectroscopic techniques to monitor the microgel formation. A new approach was proposed to monitoring the process variables, monomer conversion and average particle size of the microgel particles, during precipitation polymerisation using NIR and UV-VIS-NIR high-resolution spectrophotometers coupled with a probe. Besides, the influence of reaction conditions in the physicochemical characteristics of microgel particles was extensively investigated as well as their potential as an oral drug carrier for insulin. The monitoring results pointed out the enormous potential of these spectroscopy techniques to monitor the precipitation polymerisation process, allowing control over the polymerisation reaction with quickly and directly acquisition of data in real-time. In general, pH- and temperature-sensitive microgels were successfully synthesised, and many formulations showed to be suitable for application as oral drug carriers. However, the preliminary in vitro release results were not satisfactory, and a more in-depth study between the interaction of the drug with the particles as well as the method of release is recommended. In conclusion, with a proper understanding of the influence of the process conditions (e.g., reagent concentrations) on the physicochemical properties of the microgels, it is possible to tailor the multi-sensitive microgels for the desired application. / Microgéis multisensíveis são partículas poliméricas covalentemente reticuladas, com uma dimensão coloidal, e com capacidade para mudar o seu volume através de vários estímulos externos, como por exemplo, pH, força iônica, temperatura e campos magnéticos ou elétricos. Devido a essas características, estas partículas têm recebido grande atenção, principalmente na aplicação como carreadores de fármacos. O objetivo deste estudo foi sintetizar partículas de microgéis sensíveis ao pH e à temperatura através da polimerização por precipitação dos monômeros N-isoproprilacrilamida e ácido acrílico, que tivessem tamanho definido, distribuição de tamanho estreita, morfologia esférica e estabilidade coloidal, para serem utilizadas como carreadores oral de fármacos. Com o intuito de proporcionar melhor biocompatibilidade e biodegradabilidade no material sintetizado, foram realizados alguns ensaios acrescentando o biopolímero quitosana durante a polimerização dos monômeros citados anteriormente. O presente trabalho também teve como objetivo contribuir para uma melhor compreensão da relação entre a síntese de microgéis e suas propriedades utilizando técnicas espectroscópicas para monitorar a formação dos microgéis. Uma nova abordagem foi proposta para monitorar as variáveis de processo, conversão de monômero e tamanho médio das partículas de microgel, durante a polimerização por precipitação através de espectrofotômetros NIR e UV-VIS-NIR acoplados a uma sonda. Além disso, a influência das condições da reação nas características físico-químicas das partículas de microgel foi extensivamente investigada, bem como o seu potencial como carreador oral de insulina. Os resultados do monitoramento indicaram o enorme potencial das técnicas espectroscópicas utilizadas, permitindo o controle da polimerização com aquisição rápida e direta dos dados em tempo real. Em geral, os microgéis sensíveis ao pH e à temperatura foram sintetizados com sucesso, e algumas formulações mostraram-se adequadas para aplicação como veículos de fármaco através da via oral. No entanto, os resultados preliminares da liberação in vitro não foram satisfatórios, e um estudo mais aprofundado entre a interação do fármaco com as partículas e o método de liberação é recomendado. Em conclusão, com uma compreensão adequada da influência das condições do processo (nesse caso, da concentração dos reagentes) nas propriedades físico-químicas dos microgéis, é possível ajustá-las para obtenção de microgéis multissensíveis com características adequadas para a aplicação desejada.
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Produção de hidrogéis micro e nanoestruturados / Production of micro and nanostructured hydrogelsBueno, Vânia Aparecida Blasques 01 July 2010 (has links)
Hidrogéis (redes poliméricas tridimensionais capazes de absorver grandes quantidades de água) micro e nanoestruturados têm grande potencial como biomateriais em aplicações tais como dispositivos de liberação de fármacos e agentes embólicos. Neste trabalho foram estudadas técnicas de produção desses hidrogéis micro e nanoestruturados à base de poli(N-vinil-2-pirrolidona) (PVP), a partir da reticulação do polímero através de reações de Fenton, foto-Fenton e fotólise direta. Microgéis de PVP foram obtidos a partir da reticulação de esferas obtidas por eletropulverização ou de gotículas de solução aquosa do polímero em emulsão a/o. No primeiro caso, obtiveram-se partículas que, quando reticuladas com a reação de Fenton durante o processo de eletropulverização, apresentaram formato indefinido. No segundo caso, foram obtidas microesferas de PVP, tanto pela reticulação com a reação de Fenton, obtendo-se partículas menores da - ordem de 1 µm - como com a reação de foto-Fenton, que gerou partículas maiores de - 34 µm. Hidrogéis sub-micrométricos foram obtidos a partir da formatação em vesículas de lecitina e reticulados por meio da reação de foto-Fenton. Essas vesículas foram capazes de encapsular grande quantidade de polímero, mesmo sendo este de alta massa molar média. Os hidrogéis sintetizados apresentam estreita distribuição de diâmetro, porém sem forma definida e com baixo índice de intumescimento. Por fim, nanogéis (nanopartículas de hidrogéis) foram obtidos da reticulação de PVP com a reação de Fenton (Fe2+ na presença de H2O2), utilizando como sistema formatador o interior aquoso de micelas reversas de CTAB. Os nanogéis assim formados são esféricos e apresentam propriedades interessantes, como fator de intumescimento de até 6000, inédito na literatura, que os colocam na categoria de hidrogéis superabsorventes. Além disso, o intumescimento é passível de controle tanto pela remoção dos íons Fe3+ complexados, como pela acidez e composição iônica do meio. Durante o desenvolvimento da síntese dos nanogéis foi possível estudar a influência do Fe3+ na estruturação da solução polimérica e do hidrogel. Além disso, a cinética da reticulação do polímero dentro das micelas e uma comparação entre dois sistemas micelares diferentes na formatação do nanogel foram analisados. A análise do produto também permitiu constatar a baixa toxicidade do material obtido com testes in vitro utilizando macrófagos e fibroblastos. / Micro and nanostructured hydrogels (three-dimensional polymeric networks capable of absorbing large amounts of water) have great potential as biomaterials in applications such as drug delivery devices and embolic agents. In this work techniques to produce micro and nanostructured hydrogels from poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVP) were studied from various crosslinking reactions like Fenton, photo-Fenton and direct photolysis. PVP microgels were obtained from crosslinking of polymer spheres obtained by electrospraying a polymer solution or from droplets of aqueous polymer solution in w/o emulsion. In the first case, particles were obtained that, when crosslinked with the Fenton reaction, showed undefined morphology. In the second case, spherical PVP hydrogel microparticles were obtained, which were formed by crosslinking with Fenton reaction, resulting in smaller particles - about 1µm - while with photo-Fenton reaction it generated larger particles - about 34 µm. Sub-micrometric hydrogels were obtained from lecithin vesicles as formatting system through crosslinking with photo-Fenton reaction. These vesicles were able to encapsulate large amounts of polymer, in spite of its high average molecular weight. Hydrogels synthesized by this method are formless, with narrow diameter distribution and low swelling properties. Finally, nanogels (hydrogel nanoparticles) were obtained from crosslinking of PVP by the Fenton reaction (Fe2+ in presence of H2O2), using aqueous pool of CTAB reverse micelles as formatting system. The thus formed nanogels are spherical and present interesting properties such as swelling ratio of 6000, a level unreported in literature, which classifies them as superabsorbent hydrogels. Moreover, the swelling is susceptible to control either by the removal of complexed Fe3+ ions or by acidity and ionic composition of the medium. During the nanogels synthesis development, the influence of Fe3+ in the arrangement of the polymer solution and of the hydrogel was studied. Morever, the polymer crosslinking kinetics inside the micelles and a comparison between two different micellar systems in formatting of nanogel were analyzed. The product analysis also revealed low toxicity of the obtained material by in vitro experiments using macrophages and fibroblasts.
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Marine biogenic polysaccharides as a potential source of aerosol in the high Arctic : Towards a link between marine biology and cloud formationGao, Qiuju January 2012 (has links)
Primary marine aerosol particles containing biogenic polymer microgels play a potential role for cloud formation in the pristine high Arctic summer. One of the major sources of the polymer gels in Arctic aerosol was suggested to be the surface water and more specifically, the surface microlayer (SML) of the open leads within the perennial sea ice as a result of bubble bursting at the air-sea interface. Phytoplankton and/or ice algae are believed to be the main origins of the polymer gels. In this thesis, we examine the chemical composition of biogenic polymers, with focus on polysaccharides, in seawater and airborne aerosol particles collected during the Arctic Summer Cloud Ocean Study (ASCOS) in the summer of 2008. The main results and findings include: A novel method using liquid chromatography coupling with tandem mass spectrometry was developed and applied for identification and quantification of polysaccharides. The enrichment of polysaccharides in the SML was shown to be a common feature of the Arctic open leads. Rising bubbles and surface coagulation of polymers are the likely mechanism for the accumulation of polysaccharides at the SML. The size dependencies of airborne polysaccharides on the travel-time since the last contact with the open sea are indicative of a submicron microgel source within the pack ice. The similarity of polysaccharides composition observed between the ambient aerosol particles and those generated by in situ bubbling experiments confines the microgel source to the open leads. The demonstrated occurrence of polysaccharides in surface sea waters and in air, with surface-active and hygroscopic properties, has shown their potential to serve as cloud condensation nuclei and subsequently promote cloud-drop activation in the pristine high Arctic. Presumably this possibility may renew interest in the complex but fascinating interactions between marine biology, aerosol, clouds and climate. / At the time of doctoral defence, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript
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Interaction Between Microgels and Oppositely Charged PeptidesBysell, Helena January 2009 (has links)
Lightly cross-linked polyelectrolyte microgels are materials with interesting properties for a range of applications. For instance, the volume of these particles can be drastically changed in response to pH, ionic strength, temperature, or the concentration of specific ions and metabolites. In addition, microgel particles can bind substantial amounts of oppositely charged substances, such as proteins and peptides, and release them upon changes in the external environment. Consequently, microgels have potential in catalysis, photonics, biomaterials, and not at least, as protective and stimuli-sensitive carriers for protein and peptide drugs. In this thesis, the interaction between anionic microgels and cationic peptides was investigated by monitoring microgel deswelling and reswelling in response to peptide binding and release using micromanipulator-assisted light microscopy. In addition, peptide distribution in microgels was analyzed with confocal laser scanning microscopy and peptide uptake determined with solution depletion measurements. The aim of the thesis was to clarify how parameters such as peptide size, charge density, pH, ionic strength and hydrophobicity influences the peptide binding to, distribution in and release from, polyelectrolyte microgels. Results obtained in this thesis show that electrostatic attraction is a prerequisite for interaction to occur although non-electrostatic contributions are responsible the finer details of the interactions. The size and charge density of the interacting peptides play a major role, as large and highly charged peptides are restricted to enter and interact with the microgel core, thus displaying a surface-confined distribution. The peptide-microgel interaction strength is highly reflected in the probability of peptides to be detached from the gel network. For instance, reducing the electrostatic interactions by adding salt induces significant peptide release of sufficiently small and moderately charged peptides, whereas longer and more highly charged peptides is retained in the microgel network due to the strong interaction, insufficient salt screening, and gel network pore size restriction. Decreasing the charge density of microgel network and/or peptides increases the probability for peptide detachment tremendously. To summarize, interactions occurring in oppositely charged microgel-peptide systems can be tuned by varying parameters such as charge density and peptide size and through this, the peptide uptake, distribution and release can be controlled to alter the performance of microgels in peptide drug delivery.
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Modulating fibrin matrix properties via fibrin knob peptide functionalized microgelsSathananthan, Saranya 10 July 2012 (has links)
Fibrin is the body's natural provisional matrix activated in response to vascular injury in which noncovalent knob:hole interactions between fibrin monomers lead to the assembly of fibrin for clot formation. In this study we aimed to exploit fibrin knob:hole affinity interactions with swelling, space filling microgels for the development of a potential bio-synthetic hybrid polymer system with hemostatic properties. Previous work has explored the inherent binding interactions of various fibrin knobs and their complementary polymerization holes, which have led to the development of fibrin knob peptide mimic (GPRPFPAC) with enhanced binding affinity for fibrin(ogen) holes. By coupling this enhanced fibrinogen binding peptide with a pNIPAm microgel system capable of being dynamically tuned and self-assembled, we hypothesized the specific and rapidly triggered formation of a bulk hydrogel in a wound environment (i.e. in the presence of fibrinogen). We found that at the peptide ligand density and concentrations of microgels used, that a rapid formation of a gel did not occur in the presence of fibrinogen alone. However with fibrinogen and thrombin, we found that fibrin network polymerization, structure, and viscoelastic properties were greatly altered in the presence of knob peptide-conjugated microgels.
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Stimulus-responsive Microgels: Design, Properties and ApplicationsDas, Mallika 31 July 2008 (has links)
Materials science today is a multidisciplinary effort comprising an accelerated convergence of diverse fields spanning the physical, applied, and engineering sciences. This diversity promises to deliver the next generation of advanced functional materials for a wide range of specific applications. In particular, the past decade has seen a growing interest in the development of nanoscale materials for sophisticated technologies. Aqueous colloidal microgels have emerged as a promising class of soft materials for multiple biotechnology applications. The amalgamation of physical, chemical and mechanical properties of microgels with optical properties of nanostructures in hybrid composite particles further enhances the capabilities of these materials. This work covers the general areas of responsive polymer microgels and their composites, and encompasses methods of fabricating microgel-based drug delivery systems for controlled and targeted therapeutic applications.
The first part of this thesis is devoted to acquainting the reader with the fundamental aspects of the synthesis, functionalization and characteristic properties of stimulus-responsive microgels constructed from poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (poly(NIPAm)) and other functional comonomers. In particular, the role of electrostatics on the swelling-deswelling transitions of polyampholyte microgels upon exposure to a range of environmental stimuli including pH, temperature, and salt concentration are discussed. The templated synthesis of bimetallic gold and silver nanoparticles in zwitterionic microgels is also described.
The latter part of this thesis focuses on the rational development of microgel-based drug delivery systems for controlled and targeted drug release. Specifically, the development of a biofunctionalized, pH-responsive drug delivery system (DDS) is illustrated, and shown to effectively suppress cancer cells when loaded with an anticancer agent. In another chapter, the design of tailored hybrid particles that combine the thermal response of microgels with the light-sensitive properties of gold nanorods to create a DDS for photothermally-induced drug release is discussed. The photothermally-triggered volume transitions of hybrid microgels under physiological conditions are reported, and their suitability for the said application evaluated. In another component of this work, it is explicitly shown that electrostatic interactions were not needed to deposit gold nanorods on poly(NIPAm)-derived particles, thereby eliminating the need for incorporation of charged functional groups in the microgels that are otherwise responsible for large, undesirable shifts and broadening of the phase transition.
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Produção de hidrogéis micro e nanoestruturados / Production of micro and nanostructured hydrogelsVânia Aparecida Blasques Bueno 01 July 2010 (has links)
Hidrogéis (redes poliméricas tridimensionais capazes de absorver grandes quantidades de água) micro e nanoestruturados têm grande potencial como biomateriais em aplicações tais como dispositivos de liberação de fármacos e agentes embólicos. Neste trabalho foram estudadas técnicas de produção desses hidrogéis micro e nanoestruturados à base de poli(N-vinil-2-pirrolidona) (PVP), a partir da reticulação do polímero através de reações de Fenton, foto-Fenton e fotólise direta. Microgéis de PVP foram obtidos a partir da reticulação de esferas obtidas por eletropulverização ou de gotículas de solução aquosa do polímero em emulsão a/o. No primeiro caso, obtiveram-se partículas que, quando reticuladas com a reação de Fenton durante o processo de eletropulverização, apresentaram formato indefinido. No segundo caso, foram obtidas microesferas de PVP, tanto pela reticulação com a reação de Fenton, obtendo-se partículas menores da - ordem de 1 µm - como com a reação de foto-Fenton, que gerou partículas maiores de - 34 µm. Hidrogéis sub-micrométricos foram obtidos a partir da formatação em vesículas de lecitina e reticulados por meio da reação de foto-Fenton. Essas vesículas foram capazes de encapsular grande quantidade de polímero, mesmo sendo este de alta massa molar média. Os hidrogéis sintetizados apresentam estreita distribuição de diâmetro, porém sem forma definida e com baixo índice de intumescimento. Por fim, nanogéis (nanopartículas de hidrogéis) foram obtidos da reticulação de PVP com a reação de Fenton (Fe2+ na presença de H2O2), utilizando como sistema formatador o interior aquoso de micelas reversas de CTAB. Os nanogéis assim formados são esféricos e apresentam propriedades interessantes, como fator de intumescimento de até 6000, inédito na literatura, que os colocam na categoria de hidrogéis superabsorventes. Além disso, o intumescimento é passível de controle tanto pela remoção dos íons Fe3+ complexados, como pela acidez e composição iônica do meio. Durante o desenvolvimento da síntese dos nanogéis foi possível estudar a influência do Fe3+ na estruturação da solução polimérica e do hidrogel. Além disso, a cinética da reticulação do polímero dentro das micelas e uma comparação entre dois sistemas micelares diferentes na formatação do nanogel foram analisados. A análise do produto também permitiu constatar a baixa toxicidade do material obtido com testes in vitro utilizando macrófagos e fibroblastos. / Micro and nanostructured hydrogels (three-dimensional polymeric networks capable of absorbing large amounts of water) have great potential as biomaterials in applications such as drug delivery devices and embolic agents. In this work techniques to produce micro and nanostructured hydrogels from poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVP) were studied from various crosslinking reactions like Fenton, photo-Fenton and direct photolysis. PVP microgels were obtained from crosslinking of polymer spheres obtained by electrospraying a polymer solution or from droplets of aqueous polymer solution in w/o emulsion. In the first case, particles were obtained that, when crosslinked with the Fenton reaction, showed undefined morphology. In the second case, spherical PVP hydrogel microparticles were obtained, which were formed by crosslinking with Fenton reaction, resulting in smaller particles - about 1µm - while with photo-Fenton reaction it generated larger particles - about 34 µm. Sub-micrometric hydrogels were obtained from lecithin vesicles as formatting system through crosslinking with photo-Fenton reaction. These vesicles were able to encapsulate large amounts of polymer, in spite of its high average molecular weight. Hydrogels synthesized by this method are formless, with narrow diameter distribution and low swelling properties. Finally, nanogels (hydrogel nanoparticles) were obtained from crosslinking of PVP by the Fenton reaction (Fe2+ in presence of H2O2), using aqueous pool of CTAB reverse micelles as formatting system. The thus formed nanogels are spherical and present interesting properties such as swelling ratio of 6000, a level unreported in literature, which classifies them as superabsorbent hydrogels. Moreover, the swelling is susceptible to control either by the removal of complexed Fe3+ ions or by acidity and ionic composition of the medium. During the nanogels synthesis development, the influence of Fe3+ in the arrangement of the polymer solution and of the hydrogel was studied. Morever, the polymer crosslinking kinetics inside the micelles and a comparison between two different micellar systems in formatting of nanogel were analyzed. The product analysis also revealed low toxicity of the obtained material by in vitro experiments using macrophages and fibroblasts.
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New water/water emulsions stabilized by Pickering effect / Nouvelles émulsions eau/eau stabilisées par effet PickeringGonzález Jordán, Alberto 26 January 2018 (has links)
Les émulsions eau/eau (W/W) ont suscité un grand intérêt en raison de leur potentiel d'application dans différentes industries telles que l'agroalimentaire, les produits pharmaceutiques, les cosmétiques et les soins personnels. Le caractère particulier des émulsions W/W est leur stabilisation par ajout de particules. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est de comprendre cet aspect en étudiant une émulsion modèle W/W à base de dextran et du poly(oxyde d'éthylène) stabilisée par des particules à base de protéines du lactosérum. Dans un premier temps, nous avons étudié l'effet de la morphologie des particules protéiques et leur partitionnement sur la stabilité des émulsions W/W. En particulier, la stabilité s’est révélée dépendre de la structure des particules quand ses derniers étaient sous forme de microgels, d’agrégats fractals ou de fibrilles. Il a été montré que la stabilité s'améliorait lorsque les particules se localiser préférentiellement dans la phase continue. Deuxièmement, nous avons étudié la gélification, des microgels et des agrégats fractals, induite en réduisant le pH entre 6,5 et 3,5 ou en ajoutant 0,3 M NaCl à pH 7,0 aussi bien quand l’excès des particules se situe dans la phase continue ou dispersée. Dans le premier cas, un réseau se formé dans la phase continue de dextran, permettant d’inhiber le crémage des gouttelettes de PEO, les agrégats fractals étant plus efficaces que les microgels. Dans le second cas, des particules protéiques denses pourraient être formées par gélification des gouttelettes de dextran dispersées. Finalement, nous avons exploré l'adsorption des protéines natives sur les particules de latex et leur capacité à stabiliser les émulsions. / Water/water (W/W) emulsions have attracted great interest recently due to their high potential for applications in different industries such as food and beverages, pharmaceutical, cosmetics and personal care. An important issue is the stabilization of W/W emulsions by adding particles. The aim of the research for this thesis was to shed light on this issue by studying a model W/W emulsion formed by mixing dextran and poly(ethylene oxide) with particles based on whey proteins. Firstly, we studied the effect of the morphology of protein particles and their partitioning on the stability of W/W emulsions. The stability was different when microgels, fractal aggregates or fibrils were added. We showed that stability improved when the particles partitioned to the continuous phase. Secondly, we investigated gelation of the fractal aggregates and microgels induced by reducing the pH between 6.5 and 3.5 or by adding 0.3M NaCl at pH 7.0 with excess particles either in the continuous or he dispersed phase. In the first case, a network was formed in the continuous dextran phase, making it possible to arrest creaming of PEO droplets, fractal aggregates being more effective than microgels. In the second case, dense protein particles could be formed by gelation of the dispersed dextran droplets. Thirdly, we explored the effect of adsorbing native proteins unto latex particles on their capacity to stabilize W/W emulsions.
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Ionically Crosslinked Chitosan NanocarriersCai, Yuhang January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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