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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Talens Vila, Clara 21 January 2016 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [EN] Sustainability is nowadays an investment for the future of any economic activity. The current situation of crisis has had an adverse impact in most industries, including the agri-food sector. However, this industry has been relatively the least affected when compared with other industrial sectors. This is mainly attributed to the fact that food products continue to be basic for consumers despite the economic downturn. Therefore, the agri-food sector is a key element in the European economy and can play a crucial role in the achievement of the objectives set in the EU's strategy for 2020: ensuring a sustainable framework of growth of a more competitive economy. The European agri-food industry has focused on energy efficiency and on reducing greenhouse gases emissions, along with better management of their resources as a way to improve its industrial competitiveness. In this sense, the search for solutions to transform the by-products generated in high value-added ingredients, is a priority. In this context, the juice industry, as fundamental sub-sector within the food sector, and large waste generator, must exploit the opportunity to transform their by-products into useful and profitable products for society. This transformation presents some difficulties which impede the profitability of the process. These difficulties are associated with the by-product, such as its compositional variability and its seasonality, and current techniques of transformation as the high energy cost in dehydration processes. This thesis represents an innovative and sustainable solution for overcoming the disadvantages associated with the high costs of stabilization, turning this by-products into high value-added ingredients, from both, nutritional and technological, points of view. The aim is to develop a microwave coupled with hot air drying technique allowing maximizing profits by using the following strategy: reducing time and operational costs, producing a new ingredient rich in dietary fiber, with interesting technological properties for the development of healthy foods, studying the proposed comprehensive process and analyzing the new generated by-products. The methodological approach of the thesis been focused, on the one hand, on studying phenomena that govern the internal transport of water and energy through the orange peel during its dehydration applying thermodynamics. On the other hand, the energy consumption of the drying process, the technological and sensory properties of the fiber obtained and its potential use as a fat substitute have been compared with the conventional hot air drying method. Finally, the integrated process, including both the combined drying technique and the pretreatments needed for colour and bitter compounds extraction, is proposed as a new route of valorization, in which the new by-products obtained, polyphenols and carotenoid rich extracts, are analysed. This study has analyzed the microwave coupled with hot air process, developing tools that allow the adequate upscaling of the drying operation by adapting it to the best standards of quality of the final product. A monitoring system that ensures these standards has been designed. The quality and the energy consumption of the dietary fiber production process has been improved. The properties associated with its inclusion in food matrices have been optimized. An innovative and sustainable process for the stabilization of industrial by-products and for their further conversion into dietary fiber and other bioactive compounds, applying microwave coupled with hot air drying, has been developed. / [ES] La sostenibilidad es una de las apuestas de futuro en cualquier actividad económica. La situación de crisis ha tenido un impacto adverso en la mayoría de las industrias, incluyendo las de ámbito agroalimentario. Sin embargo, ésta ha sido relativamente la menos afectada cuando se compara con otros sectores industriales. Esto se atribuye al hecho de que los productos alimenticios continúan siendo básicos para los consumidores a pesar de la desaceleración económica. Por lo tanto, esta industria es un pilar fundamental en la economía europea y puede jugar un papel crucial en la consecución de los objetivos marcados en la Estrategia de la UE para 2020: asegurar un marco sostenible de crecimiento de una economía más competitiva. La industria agroalimentaria europea ha apostado por la eficiencia energética y la reducción de emisiones de gases invernadero, junto con una mejor gestión de sus recursos como vía para la mejora de su competitividad industrial. La búsqueda de soluciones para transformar los subproductos generados en ingredientes de alto valor añadido, es una de las prioridades. En este contexto, la industria productora de zumos, como subsector fundamental dentro del sector alimentario, y gran generador de residuos, tiene la oportunidad de transformar sus subproductos en productos útiles y rentables para la sociedad. Esta transformación presenta algunas dificultades que impiden la rentabilidad del proceso. Estas dificultades están asociadas al subproducto, como su variabilidad composicional o su estacionalidad, y a las técnicas actuales de transformación como el elevado coste energético en procesos de deshidratación. Esta tesis se plantea como una solución innovadora y sostenible para, más allá de superar los inconvenientes asociados a los altos costes de estabilización, transformar este subproducto en un ingrediente de alto valor añadido, tanto nutricional como tecnológico. Para ello se propone desarrollar una técnica de secado combinado por aire caliente y microondas que permita maximizar beneficios mediante la siguiente estrategia: reducir el tiempo y el coste energético de la operación, produciendo un nuevo ingrediente rico en fibra dietética con propiedades tecnológicas de interés para el desarrollo de alimentos más saludables, estudiando el proceso integral propuesto y analizando los nuevos subproductos generados. El enfoque metodológico de la tesis ha estado dirigido, por una parte, a estudiar los fenómenos que gobiernan el transporte interno de agua y energía a través de la piel de naranja durante su deshidratación, aplicando termodinámica. Por otra parte, el consumo energético del proceso de secado, las propiedades tecnológicas y sensoriales de la fibra obtenida y su potencial uso como ingrediente sustituto de grasa, se han comparado con el método de secado convencional por aire caliente. Finalmente, el proceso integrado, incluyendo tanto el secado combinado como las etapas previas de extracción de color y compuestos amargos, se propone como una nueva ruta de valorización, en la que se analizan posibles subproductos de interés tales como extractos ricos en polifenoles y carotenoides. En este estudio se ha analizado el proceso combinado de secado con aire caliente y microondas, desarrollando herramientas que permiten dimensionar adecuadamente la operación de secado adaptándola a los estándares óptimos de calidad del producto final. Se ha diseñado un sistema de monitorización que asegure dichos estándares. Se ha mejorado el proceso de obtención de fibra alimentaria respecto a su calidad y a su gasto energético. Se han optimizado las propiedades asociadas a su inclusión en matrices alimentarias. Se ha desarrollado un proceso innovador y sostenible para la estabilización de subproductos vegetales de origen industrial y para su posterior conversión en fibra dietética y otros compuestos bioactivos, aplicando la tecnología de secado por aire caliente y / [CA] La sostenibilitat és una de les apostes de futur en qualsevol activitat econòmica. L'actual situació de crisi ha tingut un impacte advers en la majoria de les indústries, incloent les d'àmbit agroalimentari. No obstant això, la indústria agroalimentària ha sigut relativament la menys afectada quan es compara amb altres sectors industrials. Açò s'atribuïx principalment al fet de que els productes alimentaris continuen sent bàsics per als consumidors a pesar de la desacceleració econòmica. Per tant, esta indústria és un pilar fonamental en l'economia europea i pot jugar un paper crucial en la consecució dels objectius marcats en l'Estratègia de la UE per a 2020: assegurar un marc sostenible de creixement d'una economia més competitiva. La indústria agroalimentària europea ha apostat per l'eficiència energètica i la reducció d'emissions de gasos d'efecte hivernacle, junt amb una millor gestió dels seus recursos com a via per a la millora del seu vaig competirtu En este sentit, la busca de solucions per a transformar els subproductes generats en ingredients d'alt valor afegit, és una de les prioritats. En este context, la indústria productora de sucs, com subsector fonamental dins del sector alimentari, i gran generador de residus, té el deure i l'oportunitat de transformar els seus subproductes en productes útils i rendibles per a la societat. Esta transformació presenta algunes dificultats que impedixen la rendibilitat del procés. Estes dificultats estan associades al subproducte, com la seua variabilitat composicional o la seua estacionalitat, i a les tècniques actuals de transformació com l'elevat cost energètic en processos de deshidratació. Esta tesi es planteja com una solució innovadora i sostenible per a, més enllà de superar els inconvenients associats als alts costos d'estabilització, transformar este subproducte en un ingredient d'alt valor afegit, tant nutricional com tecnològic. Per a això es proposa desenvolupar una tècnica de'assecat combinat per aire calent i microones que permeta maximitzar beneficis per mitjà de l'estratègia següent: reduir el temps i el cost energètic de l'operació, produint un nou ingredient ric en fibra dietètica amb propietats tecnològiques d'interés per al desenvolupament d'aliments més saludables, estudiant el procés integral proposat i analitzant els nous subproductes generats. L'enfocament metodològic de la tesi ha estat dirigit, d'una banda, a estudiar els fenòmens que governen el transport intern d'aigua i energia a través de la pell de taronja durant la seua deshidratació, aplicant termodinàmica. D'altra banda, el consum energètic del procés de d'assecat, les propietats tecnològiques i sensorials de la fibra obtinguda i el seu potencial ús com a ingredient substitut de greix, s'han comparat amb el mètode d'assecat convencional per aire calent. Finalment, el procés integrat, incloent tant l'assecat combinat com les etapes prèvies d'extracció de color i compostos amargs, es proposa com una nova ruta de valoració, en la que s'analitzen possibles subproductes d'interés com ara extractes rics en polifenoles i carotenoides. En este estudi s'ha analitzat el procés combinat d'assecat amb aire calent i microones, desenvolupant ferramentes que permeten dimensionar adequadament l'operació d'assecat adaptant-la als estàndards òptims de qualitat del producte final. S'ha dissenyat un sistema de monitorització que assegure els dits estàndards. S'ha millorat el procés d'obtenció de fibra alimentaria respecte a la seua qualitat i al seu consum energètic. S'han optimitzat les propietats associades a la seua inclusió en matrius alimentàries. S'ha desenvolupat un procés innovador i sostenible per a l'estabilització de subproductes vegetals d'origen industrial i per a la seua posterior conversió en fibra dietètica i altres compostos bioactius, aplicant la tecnologia d'assecat por aire calent i microones. / Talens Vila, C. (2015). DESARROLLO DE TÉCNICAS COMBINADAS DE SECADO CON AIRE CALIENTE Y MICROONDAS EN LA PRODUCCIÓN DE FIBRA ALIMENTARIA A PARTIR DE SUBPRODUCTOS CÍTRICOS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/54114 / Compendio

Characterization of flax fibres and the effect of different drying methods for making biocomposites

Tripathy, Ananda Chandra 20 April 2009
As the environmental concern grows, researchers try to find material which can be environmental friendly and biodegradable to some extent. At present, flax fibre cannot fully replace glass fibre. Some attempts have been made to replace the glass fibre.<p> Studies show the physical and mechanical properties of natural fibres are comparable with glass fibre, so it can replace glass fibre in the process of making biocomposites. <p> The properties of biocomposites depend on the fibre used. Research shows that to get a better biocomposite, the fibre has to be chemically treated to improve adhesion between fibre and polymer matrix. After the chemical treatment, the fibre has to be dried to minimum moisture content so the drying of flax fibre is essential in the process of making biocomposites. <p> In this research, oilseed flax fibre is dried and drying characteristics were investigated. After drying, the physical properties of the fibre were tested and analysed.<p> The fibre was dried using three different drying methods, namely, microwave, microwave-convection, and microwave-vacuum environments. Curve fitting with four empirical methods has been carried out to determine the drying constant, coefficient of determination and standard error values. The results showed that microwave-vacuum drying method is more efficient (in terms of final moisture content) than microwave and microwave-convection drying. Although microwave-vacuum drying took the most time and did not result in promising colour values, the maximum moisture removal is achieved because fibres can be dried for a longer period of time with a comparatively low temperature.<p> The results of physical properties were analysed for untreated and treated and dried flax fibre. The tensile strength and elastic modulus of untreated and treated fibre did not show any significant change. Because the diameter of flax fibre cannot be consistent, a range of values can be obtained. The diameter range of fibre bundle 30-300 µm was examined for these tests. The tensile strength obtained from these fibre bundles ranged between 16 to 667 MPa and elastic modulus values were 2 GPa up to 63 GPa.<p> The scanning electron micrograph (SEM) was also analysed for untreated and treated-dried fibre. The fibre which was dried with high power or longer period of time showed black spots, probably due to local heating. The fibre dried with microwave-vacuum developed some black spots which were clearly seen in the SEM.<p> Differential scanning calorimetric data showed a shift in temperature of degradation. In this research, degradation temperature of cellulose was found 350(+/-10)°C for the treated and dried flax fibre.<p> In conclusion, the flax fibre has a potential to be used in biocomposite production. The microwave-vacuum works best for drying where the fibre can be dried up to a less than 1% of moisture content.

Characterization of flax fibres and the effect of different drying methods for making biocomposites

Tripathy, Ananda Chandra 20 April 2009 (has links)
As the environmental concern grows, researchers try to find material which can be environmental friendly and biodegradable to some extent. At present, flax fibre cannot fully replace glass fibre. Some attempts have been made to replace the glass fibre.<p> Studies show the physical and mechanical properties of natural fibres are comparable with glass fibre, so it can replace glass fibre in the process of making biocomposites. <p> The properties of biocomposites depend on the fibre used. Research shows that to get a better biocomposite, the fibre has to be chemically treated to improve adhesion between fibre and polymer matrix. After the chemical treatment, the fibre has to be dried to minimum moisture content so the drying of flax fibre is essential in the process of making biocomposites. <p> In this research, oilseed flax fibre is dried and drying characteristics were investigated. After drying, the physical properties of the fibre were tested and analysed.<p> The fibre was dried using three different drying methods, namely, microwave, microwave-convection, and microwave-vacuum environments. Curve fitting with four empirical methods has been carried out to determine the drying constant, coefficient of determination and standard error values. The results showed that microwave-vacuum drying method is more efficient (in terms of final moisture content) than microwave and microwave-convection drying. Although microwave-vacuum drying took the most time and did not result in promising colour values, the maximum moisture removal is achieved because fibres can be dried for a longer period of time with a comparatively low temperature.<p> The results of physical properties were analysed for untreated and treated and dried flax fibre. The tensile strength and elastic modulus of untreated and treated fibre did not show any significant change. Because the diameter of flax fibre cannot be consistent, a range of values can be obtained. The diameter range of fibre bundle 30-300 µm was examined for these tests. The tensile strength obtained from these fibre bundles ranged between 16 to 667 MPa and elastic modulus values were 2 GPa up to 63 GPa.<p> The scanning electron micrograph (SEM) was also analysed for untreated and treated-dried fibre. The fibre which was dried with high power or longer period of time showed black spots, probably due to local heating. The fibre dried with microwave-vacuum developed some black spots which were clearly seen in the SEM.<p> Differential scanning calorimetric data showed a shift in temperature of degradation. In this research, degradation temperature of cellulose was found 350(+/-10)°C for the treated and dried flax fibre.<p> In conclusion, the flax fibre has a potential to be used in biocomposite production. The microwave-vacuum works best for drying where the fibre can be dried up to a less than 1% of moisture content.

Qualidade de folha de Curcuma Longa L. desidratada obtida com diferentes métodos de secagem / Quality of Curcuma Longa L. leaves dehydrated obtained with diferent drying methods

Braga, Monick Cristina 26 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by JÚLIO HEBER SILVA (julioheber@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-11-23T15:47:14Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Monick Cristina Braga - 2016.pdf: 3023233 bytes, checksum: 1cca73525c76930a1072da12ee837400 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-11-30T15:45:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Monick Cristina Braga - 2016.pdf: 3023233 bytes, checksum: 1cca73525c76930a1072da12ee837400 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-30T15:45:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Monick Cristina Braga - 2016.pdf: 3023233 bytes, checksum: 1cca73525c76930a1072da12ee837400 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-26 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical and chemical quality Curcuma Longa L. leaf submitted to three drying methods: hot air drying, freezedrying and microwave drying, as well as the study of kinetic drying methods by convection and microwave. For the kinetic study the leaves were dried by hot air (60 °C) and microwave drying (900W power). Mathematical modeling using various models was performed, as follows: Lewis, Page, Henderson and Pabis, Wang and Singh, and logarithmic models were used to adjust experimental kinetic data. The results showed that the drying time of microwave was 60 times lower than hot air drying. Page model was the best adjusted the drying kinetics data by both methods. The phenol content was higher in the dry leaf (185.42mg/100g-1±0,65) by microwave (p <0.05) than in the hot air dried leaf (183,76 mg/100g-1±0,60), showing phenolic content greater than three times the fresh leaf (54,88mg/100g-1±0,76). It was observed that the drying process does not influence the color variation (ΔE) of the dried leaf. To study the physical and chemical characterization of Curcuma longa L. leaves by studying the chemical composition of the fresh leaf, mineral composition, antinutritional factors and evaluation of the color change of fresh and dry leaf, they were dehydrated by methods microwave, hot air drying and freezedrying. The chemical composition showed appreciable amounts of protein (39,5g (100g) -1 ± 0.91), carbohydrates (44,74g (100g) -1 ± 1.04), total fiber (34,47g (100g) -1 ± 0.98), and soluble fiber (22,65g (100g) -1 ± 0.65), insoluble fiber (11,81g (100g) -1 ± 0.34), ash (13,81g (100g) - 1 ± 1.05), and low in lipids (2,47g (100g) -1 ± 0.12). The mineral composition showed higher amounts of Na, Mg, K, Ca, P, and Mn. Other minerals are Fe and Zn. It was observed low levels of nitrate 0.05 mg / g ± 0.00 (fresh leaf) and 0,46-0,47mg / g (dry leaves) and showed no cyanogenic compounds in its composition. It was observed that the drying process influence on color variation of the dry leaves, increasing the brightness, diminindo the intensity of green color and causing the change in the shade of green to yellowish green. To study the effect of different methods of preservation (hot air drying, in a microwave and freezedrying) the content of bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity of turmeric leaves, they were dehydrated by drying in an oven (60 ° C) in microwaves (900 W) and lyophilizing (vacuum of 300 mmHg) until equilibrium moisture content (0.030 kgágua.kgsolido dry- 1 ). The content of total phenolics, tannins hydrolysates and condensates and antioxidant activity (DPPH scavenging, reducing and iron chelation) of dried and fresh Curcuma longa leaves were evaluated. The drying methods led to reduction of all the characteristics assessed on a dry basis (2.77 to 73.86%) and antioxidant capacity compared to fresh leaf (67 to 98%). The microwave drying was preservation method studied which produced the best dry leaves, based on the content of bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity (top being 0.9 to 612% compared to other methods). / O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a qualidade físico-química e caracterizar os compostos bioativos e capacidade antioxidante da folha da Cúrcuma Longa L. submetida a três métodos de secagem: estufa, liofilização e micro-ondas, assim como o estudo cinético pelos métodos de secagem por convecção e micro-ondas. Para o estudo cinético as folhas foram secas por convecção (temperatura de 60°C) e micro-ondas (potência de 900 W). Foi realizada a modelagem matemática utilizando vários modelos, sendo eles: Lewis, Page, Henderson e Pabis, Wang & Singh e logarítmico, ajustando os modelos aos dados experimentais cinéticos. Os resultados obtidos revelaram que o tempo de secagem por micro-ondas foi 60 vezes inferior ao de secagem convectiva. O modelo de Page foi o que melhor ajustou os dados de cinética de secagem pelos dois métodos. O conteúdo de fenólicos foi superior na folha seca (185,42mg/100g-1±0,65) pelo método micro-ondas (p<0,05) que na folha seca por convecção (183,76 mg/100g-1±0,60), apresentando conteúdo de fenólicos maior que três vezes o da folha in natura (54,88mg/100g-1±0,76). Observou-se que o processo de secagem não influenciou na variação de cor (ΔE) da folha seca. Para o estudo da caracterização física e química de folhas de Curcuma longa L. através do estudo da composição centesimal da folha fresca, composição de minerais, presença de fatores antinutricionais e avaliação da variação de cor da folha fresca e seca, estas foram desidratadas pelos métodos de micro-ondas, estufa e liofilização. A composição centesimal apresentou quantidades apreciáveis de proteínas (39,5g (100g)-1 ±0,91), carboidratos (44,74g (100g)-1±1,04), fibras totais (34,47g (100g)-1±0,98), sendo fibra solúvel (22,65g (100g)-1±0,65), fibra insolúvel (11,81g (100g)-1±0,34) , cinzas (13,81g (100g)-1±1,05), e baixo teor de lipídeos (2,47g (100g)-1±0,12). A composição mineral mostrou maiores valores de Na, Mg, Ca, K, P e Mn. Outros minerais foram Fe e Zn. Observou- se baixos teores de nitrato 0,05 mg/g±0,00 (folha fresca) e 0,46-0,47mg/g (folhas secas) e não apresentou compostos cianogênicos em sua composição. Observou-se que o processo de secagem influenciou na variação de cor das folhas secas, aumentando a luminosidade, diminindo a intensidade da cor verde e provocando a mudança da tonalidade verde para verde amarelada. Para o estudo do efeito de diferentes métodos de conservação (secagem em estufa, em micro-ondas e liofilização) no conteúdo de compostos bioativos e na capacidade antioxidante de folhas de cúrcuma, estas foram desidratadas por secagem em estufa (60ºC), em micro-ondas (900 W) e liofilização (vácuo de 300 mmHg) até umidade de equilíbrio (0,030 kgágua.kgsólido seco -1 ). O conteúdo de fenólicos totais, taninos hidrolisados e condensados e atividade antioxidante (sequestradora de DPPH, redução e quelação de ferro) de folhas cúrcuma secas e fresca foram avaliados. Os métodos de secagem provocaram redução de todas as características avaliadas, em base seca (2,77 a 73,86%) e capacidade antioxidante em relação à folha fresca (67 a 98%). A secagem por micro-ondas foi o método de conservação estudado que produziu as melhores folhas secas, com base no conteúdo de compostos bioativos e capacidade antioxidante (sendo superior de 0,9 a 612% em relação aos outros métodos utilizados).

Beitrag zur Mikrowellentrocknung von Einzelkörpern im Grobvakuum am Beispiel der Schnittholztrocknung

Leiker, Matthias 07 August 2007 (has links)
Die Vakuum-Mikrowellentrocknung in Multimodekammern stellt eine Möglichkeit zur schnellen und fehlerfreien Trocknung von porösen Körpern dar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden der Einfluss von spezifischer absorbierter Leistung, Kammerdruck, Probenlänge, Probendicke und Anfangsfeuchte auf die Trocknung von Schnittholz untersucht. In Abhängigkeit von Holzart und Anordnung konnten Trocknungsgeschwindigkeiten von bis zu 7 %/min erzielt werden. Die daraus resultierenden Trocknungszeiten ermöglichen die Nutzung einer kontinuierlichen Prozessführung, die die Beobachtung von einzelnen Brettern erlaubt. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit erlauben eine Bewertung der Entwicklung von Feuchte- und Temperaturverteilung im Material bei Variation der genannten Parameter. Es werden Ansätze zur Steuerung eines kontinuierlichen Mikrowellentrocknungsprozesses und zur Gestaltung geeigneter Applikatoren vorgestellt. / One possibility to dry porous materials at high rates and without structural damage is vacuum microwave drying, a combination of low pressure and microwave application. The influence of specific absorbed power, pressure level, length and thickness of the sample and initial moisture content on drying was investigated by the example of wood. Drying rates of up to 7 %/min were reached depending on the wood species and the configuration. The resulting drying times are suitable to design a continuous process, which allows single board processing. The results of this work give the possibility to evaluate the development of moisture and temperature fields within the material during variation of the mentioned parameters. Basic approaches are discussed for the control of a continuous microwave drying process and for the qualified design of applicators.

Likvidace biotických škůdců prostřednictvím EMW záření / Disposal of Biotic Pests by EMW Radiation

Sobotka, Jindřich January 2015 (has links)
The possibility of using high-frequency electromagnetic radiation in the construction sector is a common knowledge. Various experiments have been carried out to dry construction materials, or even to destroy biotic pests. However, the majority of these experiments have been executed in laboratory conditions. It means they have been carried out under exact limiting conditions, often very far off those conditions in real building practice. Therefore, this dissertation aims at exploring the possibility of utilizing microwave technology in drying and heating of construction materials, in disposing of biotic pests and sterilizing building materials under real conditions in building practice. The thesis will explain that microwaves are a term given to a part of electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation is based on the principle that the radiated energy is absorbed by water molecules present in moist building material. In the mass of the irradiated material, the radiated energy is transformed into thermal energy, where a so-called “motion” of water molecules occurs with the energy then being transformed into kinetic energy. The microwave technology itself offers a very wide range of use, which can be easily achieved, thus making the technology available to use in the future. Part of the experiments and the necessary measurements, too, has been carried out on selected types of building materials in the premises of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of Brno University of Technology. They have been executed under conditions which most closely correspond to the conditions in real buildings. Part of the experiments and the necessary measurements were carried out on particular constructions, by the so-called in situ method. As stated in the conclusion of the dissertation, laboratory measurements and the in situ measurements differ considerably in some cases.

Estudo da reidrata??o do feij?o verde (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) desidratado por micro-ondas com e sem pr?-tratamento osm?tico

Queiroga, Priscila Vanini Dantas de Medeiros 19 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:01:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PriscilaVDMQ_TESE.pdf: 3706825 bytes, checksum: a3b44c4a57772c9356ce81d22bdb9174 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-19 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / The green bean has organoleptic and nutritional characteristics that make it an important food source in tropical regions such as the Northeast of Brazil. It is a cheap source of protein and important for nutrition of rural population contributing significantly in subsistence farming of the families from Brazil s northeast. It is consumed in entire region and together with the dry meat and other products composes the menu of typical restaurants, being characterized as an important product for economy of Northeast. The green bean is consumed freshly harvested and has short cycle, being characterized as a very perishable food, which hampers your market. The drying method is an alternative to increase the lifetime and provide a reduction volume of this product making easier your transportation and storage. However is necessary to search ways of drying which keep the product quality not only from the nutritional standpoint but also organoleptic. Some characteristics may change with the drying process such as the coloring, the rehydration capacity and the grains cooking time. The decrease of drying time or of exposure of the grains to high temperature minimizes the effects related with the product quality loss. Among the techniques used to reduce the drying time and improve some characteristics of the product, stands out the osmotic dehydration, widely used in combined processes such as the pretreatment in drying food. Currently the use of the microwaves has been considered an alternative for drying food. The microwave energy generates heat inside of materials processed and the heating is practically instantaneous, resulting in shorter processing times and product quality higher to that obtained by conventional methods. Considering the importance of the green beans for the Northeast region, the wastefulness of production due to seasonality of the crop and your high perishability, the proposal of this thesis is the study of drying grain by microwaves with and without osmotic pretreatment, focusing on the search of conditions of processes which favor the rehydration of the product preserving your organoleptic characteristics. Based on the analysis of the results of osmotic dehydration and dielectric properties was defined the operating condition to be used in pretreatment of the green bean, with osmotic concentration in saline solution containing 12,5% of sodium chloride, at 40?C for 20 minutes. The drying of green bean by microwave was performed with and without osmotic pretreatment on the optimized condition. The osmotic predehydration favored the additional drying, reducing the process time. The rehydration of dehydrated green bean with and without osmotic pretreatment was accomplished in different temperature conditions and immersion time according to a factorial design 22, with 3 repetitions at the central point. According to results the better condition was obtained with the osmotically pretreated bean and rehydrated at a temperature of 60?C for 90 minutes. Sensory analysis was performed comparing the sample of the green bean in natura and rehydrated in optimized conditions, with and without osmotic pretreatment. All samples showed a good acceptance rate regarding the analyzed attributes (appearance, texture, color, odor and taste), with all values above 70%. Is possible conclude that the drying of green bean by microwave with osmotic pretreatment is feasible both in respect to technical aspects and rehydration rates and sensory quality of the product / O feij?o verde apresenta caracter?sticas organol?pticas e nutricionais que fazem dele uma importante fonte aliment?cia em regi?es de clima tropical como o Nordeste do Brasil. ? uma fonte de prote?na barata e importante para a nutri??o da popula??o rural contribuindo significativamente na agricultura de subsist?ncia das fam?lias nordestinas. ? consumido em toda a regi?o e comp?e junto com a carne de sol e outros produtos o card?pio dos restaurantes t?picos, caracterizando-se assim como um produto importante para a economia da Nordeste. O feij?o verde ? consumido rec?m-colhido e apresenta ciclo curto, sendo caracterizado como um alimento de alta perecibilidade, o que dificulta a sua comercializa??o. A secagem desse produto se caracteriza como uma alternativa para o aumento da vida ?til deste alimento, al?m de proporcionar uma redu??o de volume facilitando seu manuseio no transporte e armazenagem. Todavia necess?rio se faz buscar formas de secagem que preservem a qualidade do produto n?o s? sobre o ponto de vista nutricional como organol?ptico. Dentre as caracter?sticas que se alteram com o processo de secagem, destacam-se a colora??o, a capacidade de reidrata??o e o tempo de cozimento dos gr?os. A diminui??o do tempo de secagem, ou de exposi??o dos gr?os a elevadas temperaturas minimizam os efeitos relacionados com a perda de qualidade do produto. .Dentre as t?cnicas empregadas para minimizar o tempo de secagem e melhorar algumas caracter?sticas do produto, destaca-se a desidrata??o osm?tica, muito utilizada em processos combinados como pr?-tratamento na secagem dos alimentos. Atualmente a utiliza??o do micro-ondas tem sido apontada como uma alternativa para a secagem de alimentos. A energia de micro-ondas gera calor no interior dos materiais processados e o aquecimento ? praticamente instant?neo, o que resulta em tempos de processamento mais curtos e qualidade do produto superior ? obtida pelos m?todos convencionais. Considerando a import?ncia do feij?o verde para a regi?o Nordeste, o desperd?cio da produ??o devido a sazonalidade da safra e sua alta perecibilidade, foi proposto nesta tese o estudo da secagem dos gr?os em micro-ondas com e sem pr?-tratamento osm?tico, tendo como foco principal a busca das condi??es de processo que favore?am a reidrata??o do produto, com preserva??o de suas caracter?sticas organol?pticas. A partir da an?lise dos resultados da desidrata??o osm?tica e propriedades diel?tricas foi definida a condi??o operacional a ser utilizada no pr?-tratamento do feij?o verde, com concentra??o osm?tica em solu??o salina contendo 12,5% de cloreto de s?dio, a 400C por 20 minutos. A secagem do feij?o verde por micro-ondas foi realizada sem e com pr?-tratamento osm?tico na condi??o otimizada. A pr?-desidrata??o osm?tica favoreceu a secagem complementar, reduzindo o tempo de processo. A reidrata??o do feij?o verde desidratado com e sem pr?-tratamento osm?tico foi realizada em diferentes condi??es de temperatura e tempo de imers?o de acordo com um planejamento fatorial 22, com 3 repeti??es no ponto central . De acordo com os resultados a melhor condi??o, foi obtida com o feij?o pr?-tratado osmoticamente e reidratado a uma temperatura de 600C por 90 minutos. Realizou-se a an?lise sensorial comparando-se as amostra de feij?o verde in natura e reidratado nas condi??es otimizadas, com e sem pr?-tratamento osm?tico. Todas as amostras apresentaram um bom ?ndice de aceita??o referente aos atributos analisados (apar?ncia, textura, cor, odor e sabor), estando todos os valores acima de 70%. Conclui-se que a secagem do feij?o verde por micro-ondas com pr?-tratamento osm?tico ? vi?vel, tanto em rela??o aos aspectos t?cnicos como aos ?ndices de reidrata??o e a qualidade sensorial do produto

The effect of oven and microwave drying methods on the drying kinetics and physical properties of two banana vatieties in Limpopo Province, South Africa

Omolola, Adewale Olesegun 02 February 2016 (has links)
PhD (Agric) / Department of Food Science

Fotónica aplicada a la monitorización de procesos y al desarrollo de sensores en la industria agroalimentaria

Tomás Egea, Juan Ángel 29 April 2022 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El objetivo de la presente tesis es el de desarrollar y utilizar técnicas basadas en la fotónica de baja frecuencia, como la radiofrecuencia, las microondas y los infrarrojos, para monitorizar de forma no destructiva procesos utilizados en la industria agroalimentaria, desde el punto de vista de la termodinámica irreversible. Estudiar los distintos fenómenos que ocurren durante la operación de deshidratación de patata mediante el secado con aire caliente combinado con microondas, utilizando la termografía infrarroja para monitorizar los perfiles de temperatura superficial que presenta la muestra, la espectrofotometría en el rango de las microondas y la termodinámica irreversible para modelizar el proceso. Desarrollar un sistema de monitorización de la congelación de la carne de pollo, que permita obtener datos del proceso a tiempo real y de forma no invasiva mediante la espectrofotometría en el rango de la radiofrecuencia y la termografía infrarroja. A su vez, con esos datos se modelizará el comportamiento del producto a lo largo del proceso de congelación, utilizando los principios de la termodinámica irreversible para estimar los distintos fenómenos que ocurren. Desarrollar una herramienta de predicción de los distintos estados del agua y la sacarosa durante el proceso de caramelizado de manzanas, basada en las propiedades dieléctricas obtenidas mediante la espectrofotometría en el rango de las microondas. Diseñar y desarrollar un sensor basado en las propiedades dieléctricas en el rango de la radiofrecuencia, capaz de monitorizar en tiempo real y de forma no invasiva con el medio las cinéticas de liberación de compuestos encapsulados en matrices de alginato en un medio líquido. Utilizando este nuevo sensor se pueden modelizar y estudiar las cinéticas de liberación y utilizarse para diseñar la encapsulación de compuestos. / [CA] L'objectiu de la present tesi és el de desenvolupar i utilitzar tècniques basades en la fotònica de baixa freqüència, com ara la radiofreqüència, les microones i els infrarojos, per monitoritzar de forma no destructiva processos utilitzats a la indústria agroalimentària, des del punt de vista de la termodinàmica irreversible. Estudiar els diferents fenòmens que ocorren durant l'operació de deshidratació de patata mitjançant l'assecat amb aire calent combinat amb microones, utilitzant la termografia infraroja per monitoritzar els perfils de temperatura superficial que presenta la mostra, l'espectrofotometria al rang de les microones i la termodinàmica irreversible per modelitzar el procés. Desenvolupar un sistema de monitorització de la congelació de la carn de pollastre, que permeti obtenir dades del procés a temps real i de manera no invasiva mitjançant l'espectrofotometria al rang de la radiofreqüència i la termografia infraroja. Alhora, amb aquestes dades es modelitzarà el comportament del producte al llarg del procés de congelació, utilitzant els principis de la termodinàmica irreversible per estimar els diferents fenòmens que ocorren. Desenvolupar una eina de predicció dels diferents estats de l'aigua i la sacarosa durant el procés de caramel·litzat de pomes, basada en les propietats dielèctrics obtingudes mitjançant l'espectrofotometria al rang de les microones. Dissenyar i desenvolupar un sensor basat en les propietats dielèctrics al rang de la radiofreqüència, capaç de monitoritzar en temps real i de forma no invasiva amb el medi les cinètiques d'alliberament de compostos encapsulats en matrius d'alginat en un medi líquid. Utilitzant aquest sensor nou es poden modelitzar i estudiar les cinètiques d'alliberament i utilitzar-se per dissenyar l'encapsulació de compostos. / [EN] The objective of this thesis is to develop and use techniques based on low-frequency photonics, such as radiofrequency, microwaves and infrared, to non-destructively monitor processes used in the agri-food industry, from the point of view of irreversible thermodynamics. To study the different phenomena that occur during the potato dehydration operation by drying with hot air combined with microwaves, using infrared thermography to monitor the surface temperature profiles of the sample, spectrophotometry in the microwave range and thermodynamics. irreversible to model the process. Develop a monitoring system for the freezing of chicken meat, which allows data to be obtained from the process in real time and non-invasively through spectrophotometry in the radiofrequency range and infrared thermography. In turn, with these data, the behavior of the product will be modeled throughout the freezing process, using the principles of irreversible thermodynamics to estimate the different phenomena that occur. To develop a prediction tool for the different states of water and sucrose during the candying process of apples, based on the dielectric properties obtained by spectrophotometry in the microwave range. Design and develop a sensor based on dielectric properties in the radiofrequency range, capable of monitoring in real time and non-invasively with the medium the release kinetics of compounds encapsulated in alginate matrices in a liquid medium. Using this new sensor, release kinetics can be modeled and studied and used to design the encapsulation of compounds. / The authors acknowledge the financial support from THE SPANISH MINISTERIO DE ECONOMÍA, INDUSTRIA Y COMPETITIVIDAD, Programa Estatal de I+D+i orientada a los Retos de la Sociedad AGL2016- 80643-R, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). Juan Ángel Tomás-Egea wants to thank the FPI Predoctoral Program of the Universitat Politècnica de València for its support. This paper is part of the I+D+i PID2020-116816RB-I00 project, funded by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033. / Tomás Egea, JÁ. (2022). Fotónica aplicada a la monitorización de procesos y al desarrollo de sensores en la industria agroalimentaria [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/182292 / Compendio

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