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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Développements d'instrumentations lasers (QCL, DFG) dédiés à la métrologie d'espèces d'intérêt atmosphérique (CH₄, HONO) / Developments of laser-based instrumentation (QCL, DFG) dedicated to optical monitoring of atmospheric species (CH₄, HONO)

Maamary, Rabih 15 December 2014 (has links)
Nous reportons dans ces travaux de thèse le développement de deux spectromètres à lasers fonctionnant dans la région spectrale du moyen infrarouge (2,78 µm et 8 µm) correspondant aux deux fenêtres atmosphériques pour la détection de traces de gaz. Le premier spectromètre, basé sur la génération de différence de fréquences (DFG) vers 2,78 µm, est couplé à un spectromètre utilisant un laser à cascade quantique (QCL) vers 8 µm dans une cellule multipassages. Ce montage croisé nous a permis de déterminer pour la première fois expérimentalement les intensités de 31 raies d’absorption les plus intenses de la branche Q de la bande fondamentale ν₁ de l’isomère trans de l’acide nitreux (trans-HONO), considéré comme espèce clé pour la capacité d'oxydation atmosphérique. Nous avons exploité le spectromètre à QCL lors d’une campagne de mesures ciblée sur la surveillance continue du méthane (CH₄) pendant le mois de janvier 2013 à Dunkerque. Les observations de la variation de la concentration du CH₄ ont été analysées à l'aide des paramètres météorologiques simultanément enregistrées. Face au besoin d’identification de ses sources d’émission, nous avons développé la technique IRLS (Isotope Ratio Laser Spectrometry) pour la mesure du taux isotopique de ¹³CH₄/¹²CH₄. Les résultats préliminaires sont présentés. / I report in this PhD thesis on the development of two mid-infrared laser spectrometers, based on difference-frequency generation (DFG) and quantum cascade laser (QCL), for application to trace gas monitoring. The DFG spectrometer (2.78 µm) was coupled with the QCL spectrometer (8 µm) to simultaneously measure nitrous acid (HONO) absorption spectra of the v₁ and v₃ bands respectively. Such crossing measurements allow us to determine experimentally, for the first time, the line strengths of 31 absorption lines of the ν1 band of trans isomer of nitrous acid that significantly impacts the air quality and climate change because of its crucial role in the atmospheric oxidation capacity. The QCL spectrometer is also deployed for continuous monitoring of methane (CH₄) during January 2013 in Dunkirk. Methane concentration variation is analyzed with the help of the simultaneously recorded meteorological parameters. In order to identify the sources of CH₄ emission, I developed an Isotope Ratio Laser Spectrometry (IRLS) technique to measure the isotopic ratio of ¹³CH₄/¹²CH₄. Preliminary results are presented.

Combinaison cohérente de lasers à cascade quantique / Coherent combining of quantum cascade lasers

Bloom, Guillaume 14 February 2012 (has links)
Des applications comme les contre-mesures optiques nécessitent des sources puissantes et avec une bonne qualité de faisceau dans le moyen infrarouge. Le laser à cascade quantique (LCQ) est une solution prometteuse mais la puissance fournie par ces lasers n’est pas suffisante. La combinaison cohérente de plusieurs de ces sources devrait permettre de sommer leurs puissances tout en conservant la qualité de faisceau d’un émetteur unique et constitue donc une solution intéressante pour contourner l’actuelle limitation en puissance des LCQ.Nous présentons une étude théorique et expérimentale de la combinaison de faisceaux cohérente de LCQ dans une cavité externe commune utilisant un coupleur de faisceaux. La mise en phase est ici totalement passive puisque fondée sur la minimisation des pertes dans la cavité globale : on parle d’auto-organisation. Un modèle général permettant de quantifier l’efficacité de combinaison et la stabilité de telles cavités est développé. Dans un premier temps, on montre expérimentalement que la combinaison cohérente de deux LCQ dans une cavité Michelson est une solution efficace et stable. Pour combiner plus d’émetteurs il est nécessaire de concevoir des coupleurs de faisceaux dans le moyen infrarouge efficaces. Pour cela, nous avons étudié deux types de réseaux : les réseaux de phase binaire (réseaux de Dammann) et des structures à gradient d’indice composées de motifs sub-longueur d’onde. Le dessin et l’optimisation de telles structures fait appel à la théorie des milieux artificiels et nécessite l’utilisation d’un code de résolution rigoureuse des équations de Maxwell (RCWA). Enfin, la combinaison cohérente de cinq LCQ en cavité externe avec un coupleur de faisceaux est démontrée expérimentalement et la combinaison d’un plus grand nombre de LCQ est discutée. En conclusion, nous présentons une solution originale pour réaliser la combinaison cohérente passive de LCQ et ainsi apporter une solution à l’augmentation de puissance dans le moyen infrarouge. / Powerful sources in the mid-infrared with a good beam quality are highly needed for applications such as optical countermeasures. The quantum cascade laser (QCL) is a promising solution but the maximum power achievable is not sufficient. The coherent beam combining of several QCL could lead to higher output power in the same beam and thus is an interesting solution to circumvent the current power limitation of these sources.We present a theoretical and experimental study of the coherent beam combining of QCL in a common external cavity with a beam combiner. The phase locking is totally passive since it is only based on loss minimization in the external cavity: it is a self-organization process. A general model is developed to quantify the combining efficiency and the stability that can be obtained from this method. Experimentally, the coherent combining of two QCL in a Michelson cavity is studied first and demonstrated to be efficient and stable. In order to combine more emitters, an efficient beam combiner must be designed in the mid-infrared. For that purpose, two type of gratings, a classical binary phase grating (or Dammann grating) and a more complex gradient-index structure made of local sub-wavelength patterns are designed and compared. The calculation and optimization of this sub-wavelength structure is based on the artificial media theory and is achieved with rigorous coupled wave analysis (RCWA). Finally, the coherent combining of five QCL in an external cavity with a binary phase grating is demonstrated and the scalability to the combining of more emitters is discussed. In conclusion, we present an original solution to combine coherently several QCL and thus address the power scaling issue in the mid-infrared.

Projeto e construção de um amplificador paramétrico óptico operando no infravermelho médio / Design and construction of an optical parametric amplifier operating in the mid-infrared

Mendonça, Marcela de Freitas 24 May 2010 (has links)
Um Amplificador Paramétrico Óptico (optical parametric amplifier - OPA) é uma fonte de luz coerente, de alta qualidade e sintonizável, baseada em processos ópticos não-lineares de segunda ordem. Alguns modelos possuem largura de banda estreita e um amplo intervalo de sintonia, podendo alcançar regiões que vão desde o ultravioleta até o infravermelho médio. A nossa motivação para construir este amplificador paramétrico óptico é sua utilização em experimentos de espectroscopia vibracional de superfícies através do processo óptico não-linear de segunda ordem, geração de soma de frequências (sum-frequency generation - SFG), que é uma técnica que exige fontes sintonizáveis no infravermelho médio e com altas intensidades de pico e largura de banda estreita. O objetivo desse trabalho foi projetar, montar e testar um amplificador paramétrico óptico capaz de produzir pulsos sintonizáveis de alta energia no infravermelho médio (λ ~ 2,5 a 10 μm) a partir de um laser de bombeio que fornece pulsos de 25 ps, com alta energia em λ = 1064 nm. Para obter-se uma geração de infravermelho bastante eficiente, foi proposto um projeto inovador para amplificadores paramétricos de picossegundos, utilizando-se a geração de supercontínuo de luz branca como feixe sinal do estágio de amplificação paramétrica. O pulso de bombeio (λ = 1064 nm) é dividido em duas partes: a primeira, de menor energia, é utilizada para gerar um pulso de alta largura espectral no infravermelho próximo (supercontínuo de luz branca de picossegundos). Uma fração espectral desse pulso é selecionada através de um monocromador e utilizada como semente do estágio de amplificação paramétrica. O cristal amplificador paramétrico (sulfeto de prata e gálio, AgGaS2) é então bombeado pelo restante do pulso de bombeio e simultaneamente amplifica a semente sintonizável no infravermelho próximo e gera um novo pulso de frequência complementar no infravermelho médio. Foram testados vários meios para geração de supercontínuo, mas os melhores resultados foram obtidos em uma cubeta de 10 cm de comprimento com uma mistura de água e água deuterada (3 % em volume de H2O em D2O) e em uma fibra fotônica não-linear com 2 m de comprimento. Usando o supercontínuo como feixe semente, observou-se amplificação paramétrica no caso do feixe gerado na fibra fotônica com um ganho de 260 vezes, mas não com o feixe gerado na mistura de água/água deuterada, presumivelmente pela maior instabilidade desse supercontínuo. / An Optical Parametric Amplifier (OPA) is a tunable light source of high quality, coherent radiation, based on second-order nonlinear optical processes. Some models have a narrow spectral bandwidth and a tuning range from the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared. The motivation for building this optical parametric amplifier is its use in vibrational spectroscopy of surfaces by a second-order nonlinear optical process, sum-frequency generation (SFG), which is a technique that requires tunable sources in the mid-infrared with narrow bandwidth and high peak intensities. The purpose of this work is to design, implement and test an OPA to generate tunable high energy pulses tuneable in the mid-infrared (λ ~ 2.5 to 10 μm) from a pumping laser that provides 25 ps pulses with high energy at λ = 1064 nm. For an efficient mid-infrared generation, we propose an innovative design for picosecond parametric amplifiers, using the near infrared portion of a white-light supercontinuum pulse as the seed beam for the parametric amplifier. The pump pulse (λ = 1064 nm) is divided into two parts: the first one, with lower energy, generates a high spectral width pulse in the near infrared (white-light supercontinuum picosecond pulse). A spectral fraction of this pulse is selected through a monochromator and is used as seed for the parametric amplification stage. The second part of the laser beam pumps the parametric amplifier crystal (silver gallium sulfide, AgGaS2) which simultaneously amplifies the tunable seed beam in the near infrared and generates a new pulse with complementary frequency in the mid-infrared. Several media were tested for supercontinuum generation, but the best results were obtained with a 10 cm long cuvette with a mixture of water and deuterated water (3 % volume of H2O in D2O) and with a 2 m long nonlinear photonic crystal fiber. Using the supercontinuum as a seed beam, we have obtained parametric amplification of the seed generated by the photonic fiber with a gain of 260 times, but not of the beam generated by the water mixture, presumably because of its significantly higher instability.

Spectroscopie adaptative à deux peignes de fréquences / Adaptive dual-comb spectroscopy

Poisson, Antonin 05 July 2013 (has links)
La spectroscopie par transformation de Fourier par peignes de fréquences femtosecondes tire parti d’un interféromètre sans partie mobile. Il mesure les interférences entre deux peignes de fréquences, sources lasers à large bande spectrale constituée de raies fines et équidistantes. Il améliore significativement le temps de mesure et la limite de résolution spectrale des spectromètres de Fourier. Néanmoins, les conditions sur la stabilité à court terme des peignes ne peuvent pas être remplies par les techniques d’asservissement classique. Jusqu’à présent, aucun spectre de qualité n’a pu être mesuré avec un très faible temps d’acquisition. Cette thèse présente le développement d’une méthode de correction en temps réel capable de compenser les fluctuations résiduelles des peignes et de restituer des spectres sans artefacts. La méthode, analogique, ne nécessite aucun asservissement ou traitement informatique a posteriori. Ses performances sont démontrées dans le proche infrarouge (1,5 µm) et le visible (520 nm), à l’aide d’oscillateurs femtosecondes fibrés. Des spectres moléculaires couvrant 12 THz sont mesurés en 500 µs à limite de résolution Doppler. Ils sont en excellent accord avec les données de la littérature. Pour la première fois, le plein potentiel de la spectroscopie de Fourier par peignes de fréquences est démontré. Le domaine de l’infrarouge moyen est la région de prédilection de la spectroscopie moléculaire car la plupart des molécules y présentent des absorptions fortes et caractéristiques. Étendre la spectroscopie par peignes de fréquences à cette région est donc l’objectif suivant à atteindre. Dans cette optique, un peigne émettant autour de 3 µm est caractérisé. Il est basé sur la conversion non-linéaire par différence de fréquences d’un oscillateur à erbium élargi spectralement par une fibre fortement non-linéaire. / Dual-comb Fourier-transform spectroscopy takes advantage of an interferometer without moving parts. Interferences pattern between two femtosecond frequency combs, broadband laser sources whose spectra consist of evenly-spaced narrow lines, is measured. The measurement time and the spectral resolution are significantly improved compared to traditional Fourier spectrometers. However, the required short-term stability of the combs cannot be achieved by classic locking methods. Until now, no high-quality spectra could be recorded within a very short acquisition time. This thesis reports on the development of a real-time correction method able to compensate for the combs’ residual fluctuations and to restore non-distorted spectra. This analog technique does not require any locking system or a posteriori calculation. Its performance is demonstrated in the near-infrared (1.5 µm) and in the visible (520 nm) with fiber-based femtosecond lasers. Doppler-limited molecular spectra spanning 12 THz are measured within 500 µs. They are in excellent agreement with databases. For the first time, the full potential of dual-comb spectroscopy is demonstrated. The mid-infrared region is an attractive spectral range for molecular spectroscopy due to the molecules’ strong and characteristic absorptions. Therefore, extending dual-comb spectroscopy to this region is the next goal to achieve. Toward this goal, a comb emitting around 3 µm is characterized. It is based on the non-linear difference frequency generation from an erbium oscillator spectrally broadened with a highly non-linear fiber.

Generation and amplification of surface plasmon polaritons at telecom wavelength with compact semiconductor-based devices / Génération et amplification de plasmon polaritons de surface aux longueurs d'onde télécom au moyen de dispositifs compacts à semi-conducteur

Costantini, Daniele 07 March 2013 (has links)
La plasmonique est un domaine de la nano-photonique qui étudie le comportement de la lumière à des échelles sub-longueurs d'ondes en présence de métaux. Les plasmons polaritons de surface (SPPs) sont des modes électromagnétiques qui se propagent à l'interface entre un diélectrique et un métal. Les SPPs trouvent des applications dans plusieurs domaines comme la communication et le traitement tout-optique du signal, la spectroscopie, la détection en biologie et en chimie. De nombreux composants plasmoniques (modulateurs, coupleurs, détecteurs ...) ont été démontrés ces dernières années. Cependant, leur l'intégration reste conditionnée par l'absence d'un générateur compact (pompage électrique, dimensions réduites) et par les grandes pertes ohmiques. Les techniques standards de génération de SPs nécessitent l'alignement d'un laser externe sur un prisme ou un réseau de diffraction afin d'adapter le vecteur d'onde incident avec celui du plasmon. L'approche que nous avons choisie est basée sur l'utilisation de lasers à semiconducteur ayant une polarisation transverse magnétique (TM) comme source d'excitation et de gain. Notre approche, permet d'obtenir des dispositifs compacts et facilement intégrables sur puce. Pendant ma thèse j'ai étudié expérimentalement et numériquement les performances d'un laser en fonction rapprochement du contact métallique à sa région active. La proximité du gain optique au métal est nécessaire pour la réalisation de dispositifs plasmoniques actifs. J'ai démontré la génération et l'amplification des plasmons de surface dans la bande télécom (λ=1.3µm), avec des dispositifs compacts, à base de semiconducteurs, fonctionnant par injection électrique et à température ambiante. Notamment, j'ai réalisé une architecture élégante, avec coupleur intégré, pour la génération de SPPs accessibles sur le sommet du dispositif. Un dispositif avec gaine superficielle ultrafine a permis de démontrer un mode hybride plasmonique avec une fraction consistante de champ électrique à l'interface métal/semiconducteur. Finalement, j'ai montrée que la structuration nanométrique du contact métallique réduit les pertes du mode laser. Les résultats sont renforcés par une nouvelle technique de imagerie de champ proche (SNOM) qui a permis de mesurer les SPPs à l'interface métal/or et à l'interface métal/ semiconducteur. Grâce aux mesures SNOM, il a aussi été possible de démontrer sans aucune ambiguïté l'effet de la structuration du métal sur le mode optique. / The field of plasmonics is experiencing a rapid development, due to the interest in studying the behavior of light at the nanometer scale. Key ingredients of plasmonics are the surface plasmons (SPs), electromagnetic modes localized at the interface between a metal and a dielectric. SPs rely on the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and conduction electrons at metallic interfaces or in "small" metallic nanostructures. The recent intense activity on plasmonics has been also enabled by state-of-the-art nano fabrication techniques and by high-sensitivity optical characterization techniques. These tools pave the way to promising applications (integration in electronics, chemical and biological detection...), which exploit the SP peculiarity of confining optical fields over sub-wavelength mode volumes. The number of publications concerning plasmonics has been continuously increasing over the last twenty years giving rise to a dynamic research context. Several plasmonic devices have been demonstrated during the last years (modulators, couplers, detectors ...). However their integration is limited by the absence of a compact generator (electrical pumping, small dimensions) and by the huge ohmic losses. Standard techniques for surface plasmon polariton (SPP) generation need an external alignment with a laser source on a prism or on a grating. Our approach is based on semiconductor lasers sources with a transverse magnetic (TM) polarization. Therefore, it is possible to obtain compact semiconductor devices suitable for the on chip integration. During my thesis I studied experimentally and numerically the performance of a diode laser as a function of the metal distance from its active region. The proximity of the gain to the metal is necessary to realize active plasmonic devices. I demonstrated the generation and the amplification of SPP in the telecom range (λ=1.3µm) with compact semiconductor based devices, operating at room temperature and by electrical injection. I realized an elegant architecture with an integrated coupler grating for the SPP generation. The SPPs are directly accessible at the device surface. An ultra-thin cladding device allowed the demonstration of a hybrid plasmonic laser with a consistent fraction of electric field at the metal/semiconductor interface. Finally I demonstrated that the metal patterning allows a loss reduction, decreasing the laser threshold. The results are strengthened by a new near-field technique (NSOM) which permitted to measure the SPPs at the metal/air interface and at the metal/semiconductor interface. Thanks to the NSOM we showed unambiguously the effect of the metal patterning on the optical mode.

Developments in Femtosecond Nanoelectronics / Ultrafast Emission and Control of Electrons in Optical Near-Fields

Herink, Georg 16 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Projeto e construção de um amplificador paramétrico óptico operando no infravermelho médio / Design and construction of an optical parametric amplifier operating in the mid-infrared

Marcela de Freitas Mendonça 24 May 2010 (has links)
Um Amplificador Paramétrico Óptico (optical parametric amplifier - OPA) é uma fonte de luz coerente, de alta qualidade e sintonizável, baseada em processos ópticos não-lineares de segunda ordem. Alguns modelos possuem largura de banda estreita e um amplo intervalo de sintonia, podendo alcançar regiões que vão desde o ultravioleta até o infravermelho médio. A nossa motivação para construir este amplificador paramétrico óptico é sua utilização em experimentos de espectroscopia vibracional de superfícies através do processo óptico não-linear de segunda ordem, geração de soma de frequências (sum-frequency generation - SFG), que é uma técnica que exige fontes sintonizáveis no infravermelho médio e com altas intensidades de pico e largura de banda estreita. O objetivo desse trabalho foi projetar, montar e testar um amplificador paramétrico óptico capaz de produzir pulsos sintonizáveis de alta energia no infravermelho médio (λ ~ 2,5 a 10 μm) a partir de um laser de bombeio que fornece pulsos de 25 ps, com alta energia em λ = 1064 nm. Para obter-se uma geração de infravermelho bastante eficiente, foi proposto um projeto inovador para amplificadores paramétricos de picossegundos, utilizando-se a geração de supercontínuo de luz branca como feixe sinal do estágio de amplificação paramétrica. O pulso de bombeio (λ = 1064 nm) é dividido em duas partes: a primeira, de menor energia, é utilizada para gerar um pulso de alta largura espectral no infravermelho próximo (supercontínuo de luz branca de picossegundos). Uma fração espectral desse pulso é selecionada através de um monocromador e utilizada como semente do estágio de amplificação paramétrica. O cristal amplificador paramétrico (sulfeto de prata e gálio, AgGaS2) é então bombeado pelo restante do pulso de bombeio e simultaneamente amplifica a semente sintonizável no infravermelho próximo e gera um novo pulso de frequência complementar no infravermelho médio. Foram testados vários meios para geração de supercontínuo, mas os melhores resultados foram obtidos em uma cubeta de 10 cm de comprimento com uma mistura de água e água deuterada (3 % em volume de H2O em D2O) e em uma fibra fotônica não-linear com 2 m de comprimento. Usando o supercontínuo como feixe semente, observou-se amplificação paramétrica no caso do feixe gerado na fibra fotônica com um ganho de 260 vezes, mas não com o feixe gerado na mistura de água/água deuterada, presumivelmente pela maior instabilidade desse supercontínuo. / An Optical Parametric Amplifier (OPA) is a tunable light source of high quality, coherent radiation, based on second-order nonlinear optical processes. Some models have a narrow spectral bandwidth and a tuning range from the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared. The motivation for building this optical parametric amplifier is its use in vibrational spectroscopy of surfaces by a second-order nonlinear optical process, sum-frequency generation (SFG), which is a technique that requires tunable sources in the mid-infrared with narrow bandwidth and high peak intensities. The purpose of this work is to design, implement and test an OPA to generate tunable high energy pulses tuneable in the mid-infrared (λ ~ 2.5 to 10 μm) from a pumping laser that provides 25 ps pulses with high energy at λ = 1064 nm. For an efficient mid-infrared generation, we propose an innovative design for picosecond parametric amplifiers, using the near infrared portion of a white-light supercontinuum pulse as the seed beam for the parametric amplifier. The pump pulse (λ = 1064 nm) is divided into two parts: the first one, with lower energy, generates a high spectral width pulse in the near infrared (white-light supercontinuum picosecond pulse). A spectral fraction of this pulse is selected through a monochromator and is used as seed for the parametric amplification stage. The second part of the laser beam pumps the parametric amplifier crystal (silver gallium sulfide, AgGaS2) which simultaneously amplifies the tunable seed beam in the near infrared and generates a new pulse with complementary frequency in the mid-infrared. Several media were tested for supercontinuum generation, but the best results were obtained with a 10 cm long cuvette with a mixture of water and deuterated water (3 % volume of H2O in D2O) and with a 2 m long nonlinear photonic crystal fiber. Using the supercontinuum as a seed beam, we have obtained parametric amplification of the seed generated by the photonic fiber with a gain of 260 times, but not of the beam generated by the water mixture, presumably because of its significantly higher instability.

Vibrational Microspectroscopic Studies of Biomedical Conditions Using Model Systems

Gautam, Rekha January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Over the last century, despite enormous advancements in biomedical research and the development of sophisticated analytical instruments many diseases continue to be a burden on humankind particularly on the aged. This is because of a lack of complete understanding of the pathogenesis and specific therapies. Due to the complexity involved, we need to explore all facets of diagnosis and therapies. Therefore, there is a requirement for different strategies to combat these diseases. A quick diagnosis is the primary step towards improving treatment and increasing the chance of survival. To realize this goal we entail to monitor multiple biomarkers which will also help us to understand the progression of disease. Mid-Infrared (MIR) and Raman spectroscopic techniques are well established analytical methods to understand the molecular structure and chemical composition of heterogeneous systems. These techniques are rapid, non-destructive and offer multiple component analysis (global/multiplex) in a single measurement without any labels. Importantly, biological materials like proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids etc. have unique structures and therefore we can obtain unique spectral fingerprints of these molecules in different physiological and pathological conditions. This will provide a potential route to obtain diagnostic markers for diseases. Also, to improve the ability to diagnose and treat human diseases much more efficiently, understanding the mechanisms involved in the progression of disease is necessary. It would be time consuming and often unethical to perform these studies directly on humans. Therefore, there is a need for model organisms to explore the complexity of various diseases. A model organism is an animal, plant or microbe that is being studied to understand a range of biological phenomena. They should meet certain criteria such as short life cycles, easy to breed and maintain in large numbers under laboratory conditions, and the data generated through use of the model should be applicable to other higher organisms like humans. The microbial system, mouse, rat, Drosophila (fruitfly), C Elegans (nematode worm) and zebrafish are being used extensively for this purpose. The most adaptable organisms to study diseases in humans are the mice as they share almost 99% of their genes with humans. Mice are similar to humans in most physiological and pathological features such as nervous, cardiovascular, immune, liver etc. In addition to mice, Drosophila melanogaster (fruitfly) has been used for years as an attractive model organism to understand the mechanisms of underlying human diseases. This is because 75% of human disease genes have counterparts in Drosophila and it meets the above mentioned criteria to be a model organism. It also plays an important role for studying genetics and development biology. The average life span of Drosophila is 60-80 days; therefore it is a suitable model to study age related diseases. In the present thesis, the ability to probe low-micrometer domains using Raman and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy was utilized to monitor the chemical changes during various biomedical conditions using model systems. Chapter 1 of the thesis discusses about the origin of Raman and FTIR microspectroscopy along with instrumentation and applications. Various data analysis methods (both univariate & multivariate) and the validation criterion are described in chapter 2. Depending on the objective of the study and based on the technique (Raman or FTIR) used, one (or more) of these methods can be applied for effective interpretation of the data. Further, the thesis includes four different investigations; a) the FTIR spectroscopic study of hepatotoxicity due to acetaminophen using mice as model, b) the Raman spectroscopic studies of muscle-related disorders using Drosophila as a model, c) Vibrational spectroscopic study of septic shock using mice as model, d) Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) study of serum components using Lab-on-a-chip (LOC). The first part comprises mainly the FTIR microspectroscopy study of hepatotoxicity in mice post oral dosing of acetaminophen (paracetamol), which is extensively used worldwide as an analgesic and antipyretic drug (chapter 3). The infrared spectra of acetaminophen treated livers in BALB/c mice show a decrease in glycogen and an increase in amounts of cholesteryl esters and DNA. Importantly, analysis of sera identified the lowering of glycogen and increase in DNA and chlolesteryl esters earlier than the increase in alanine aminotransferase, which is routinely used to diagnose liver damage. Similar changes are also observed in C57BL/6 and Nos2−/− mice. Revert experiments using an antidote (L-methionine) demonstrate that depletion in glycogen and increase in DNA are abrogated with pre-treatment, but not post-treatment, with L-methionine. In the second study Raman spectroscopy is applied to discriminate between various muscle defects in Drosophila, since it can provide a unique molecular fingerprint of tissues on the basis of their biochemical composition (chapter 4). Raman spectra were collected from Indirect Flight Muscles (IFM) of mutants upheld1 (up1), heldup2 (hdp2), Myosin heavy chain7 (Mhc7), Actin88FKM88 (Act88FKM88), upheld101 (up101) and Canton-S (CS) for both 2 and 12-days old flies. The difference spectra (mutant minus CS) of all mutants have shown an increase in nucleic acids (DNA/RNA) content along with an increase in β-sheet and/or random coil content at the expense of α-helix. Interestingly, 12th day sample of up1 & Act88FKM88 exhibit significantly higher levels of glycogen and carotenoids than CS. A Principal Components based Linear Discriminant Analysis (PC-LDA) classification model was developed, which classifies the mutants according to their pathophysiology and yielded overall accuracy (OA) of 97% and 93% for 2 and 12-days old flies respectively. up1 & Act88FKM88 (nemaline myopathy phenotypes) form a group which is clearly separated in a Linear Discriminant (LD) Plane from up101 & hdp2 (cardiomyopathy phenotypes). In the third part we investigated septic shock, a life threatening condition associated with multiple organ dysfunctions, in mice (chapter 5). Salmonella typhimurium were given to BALB/c and 129/SvJ mice via the intraperitoneal route to induce infection. Liver, spleen and sera samples were studied using FTIR microspectroscopy. The infrared spectra of liver, spleen and serum samples in BALB/c (Nramp1-deficient) mice show significant spectral changes as early as 1 hour post infection but spleen shows changes only after 6 hour. Interestingly, 129/SvJ (Nramp1-sufficient) mice were resistant to sepsis and show significant spectral changes only at 12 hour post infection. This study demonstrates that suppression of Nramp-1, a renowned gene known to control susceptibility to infections by intracellular bacteria can be an effective cure for sepsis. The final study presented in this thesis demonstrates the use and benefits of lab-on-a-chip (LOC) devices in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) which is used to enhance the weak Raman signals (chapter 6). Most of the diseases have related proteins or analytes present in serum although in early stages their concentration in blood are low. The idea is to detect at low concentration using SERS the serum components which are related to progression of disease. Here, we have compared the effect of different aggregating agents on silver colloids and the resulting enhancement in Raman signals for tryptophan and Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA). Reproducibility issues, the key concern of static phase SERS, can be overcome by performing SERS spectroscopic measurements in automated flow cells. Further, pyridine and tryptophan were used to demonstrate SERS in a segmented flow system. The spectra from different drops were compared and demonstrate the high reproducibility in comparision to static SERS. Lastly, chapter 7 summarizes the entire work of the present thesis with future prospects of Raman and FTIR microspectroscopy to study the progression mechanism of various diseases like neurodegenerative diseases which is easy to follow in drosophila due to their short life span. Also, technological developments in the field of nanotechnology and micro-fluidics will enable the detection of early biochemical changes in bodily fluids such as urine, cerebral spinal fluid, tears etc. Building on the results demonstrated in this thesis, hopefully label-free vibrational (Raman and FTIR) microspectroscopic studies using model organisms would help in understanding the underlying mechanisms of progression of various other diseases which in turn would facilitate the development of effective therapies.

Accuracy and Reproducibility of Laboratory Diffuse Reflectance Measurements with Portable VNIR and MIR Spectrometers for Predictive Soil Organic Carbon Modeling

Semella, Sebastian, Hutengs, Christopher, Seidel, Michael, Ulrich, Mathias, Schneider, Birgit, Ortner, Malte, Thiele-Bruhn, Sören, Ludwig, Bernard, Vohland, Michael 09 June 2023 (has links)
Soil spectroscopy in the visible-to-near infrared (VNIR) and mid-infrared (MIR) is a cost-effective method to determine the soil organic carbon content (SOC) based on predictive spectral models calibrated to analytical-determined SOC reference data. The degree to which uncertainty in reference data and spectral measurements contributes to the estimated accuracy of VNIR and MIR predictions, however, is rarely addressed and remains unclear, in particular for current handheld MIR spectrometers. We thus evaluated the reproducibility of both the spectral reflectance measurements with portable VNIR and MIR spectrometers and the analytical dry combustion SOC reference method, with the aim to assess how varying spectral inputs and reference values impact the calibration and validation of predictive VNIR and MIR models. Soil reflectance spectra and SOC were measured in triplicate, the latter by different laboratories, for a set of 75 finely ground soil samples covering a wide range of parent materials and SOC contents. Predictive partial least-squares regression (PLSR) models were evaluated in a repeated, nested cross-validation approach with systematically varied spectral inputs and reference data, respectively. We found that SOC predictions from both VNIR and MIR spectra were equally highly reproducible on average and similar to the dry combustion method, but MIR spectra were more robust to calibration sample variation. The contributions of spectral variation (ΔRMSE < 0.4 g·kg−1) and reference SOC uncertainty (ΔRMSE < 0.3 g·kg−1) to spectral modeling errors were small compared to the difference between the VNIR and MIR spectral ranges (ΔRMSE ~1.4 g·kg−1 in favor of MIR). For reference SOC, uncertainty was limited to the case of biased reference data appearing in either the calibration or validation. Given better predictive accuracy, comparable spectral reproducibility and greater robustness against calibration sample selection, the portable MIR spectrometer was considered overall superior to the VNIR instrument for SOC analysis. Our results further indicate that random errors in SOC reference values are effectively compensated for during model calibration, while biased SOC calibration data propagates errors into model predictions. Reference data uncertainty is thus more likely to negatively impact the estimated validation accuracy in soil spectroscopy studies where archived data, e.g., from soil spectral libraries, are used for model building, but it should be negligible otherwise.

Conception de miroirs à réseau sub-longueur d'onde pour application VCSEL dans le moyen infrarouge. / Design of high contrast grating mirrors for a mid infrared VCSEL application

Chevallier, Christ-Yves 15 November 2013 (has links)
Les lasers à cavité verticale émettant par la surface (VCSEL) à base d'antimoniures dans le moyen infrarouge permettent le développement et l'amélioration d'applications telles que la détection de gaz polluants. De nouveaux miroirs à réseaux à haut contraste d'indice (HCG) ont montré un pouvoir réflecteur comparable voire supérieur aux miroirs de Bragg conventionnels avec un gain d'épaisseur d'un facteur 10 tout en offrant un effet polarisant. L'insertion de ce nouveau type de miroir au sein d'une structure VCSEL présente ainsi des avantages prometteurs pour améliorer les propriétés de ces composants pour une émission dans le moyen infrarouge. Le travail présenté dans ce manuscrit de thèse concerne la conception de miroirs HCG qui répondent aux exigences d'une intégration VCSEL en prenant en compte les contraintes technologiques et la tolérance aux erreurs de fabrication. Pour cela, dans un premier temps, un algorithme d'optimisation global a été combiné à une méthode de simulation numérique de réseaux (RCWA) afin d'automatiser la conception de miroirs. L'étude précise des tolérances des paramètres géométriques du réseau a été menée pour pouvoir ensuite développer un algorithme d'optimisation robuste. Cet algorithme permet ainsi d'obtenir non seulement un miroir répondant aux exigences de réflectivités définies par l'utilisateur mais également de conserver ces performances pour de larges gammes de tolérances. Enfin, dans une dernière partie, l'intégration du miroir à réseau dans un VCSEL a été simulée par une méthode aux différences finies (FDTD) pour étudier le fonctionnement d'un composant complet. / In the mid infrared wavelength range, Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Lasers (VCSEL) based on the antimony alloy is a promising solution to develop and enhance numerous applications such as polluting gas sensing. A new type of mirror based on High Contrast Grating (HCG) structures has shown similar reflectivities than the Bragg mirrors which are usually used in VCSELs. However, with a polarization selectivity and a reduction in thickness of a factor of 10, HCG mirrors can advantageously replace Bragg reflectors to enhance the properties of mid infrared VCSEL structures. The work presented in this manuscript is devoted to the design of high contrast grating mirrors for a VCSEL application and takes precisely into account the technological constraints and tolerance of fabrication. In a first part, a global optimization algorithm has been combined to a numerical analysis of grating structures (RCWA) to automatically design HCG mirrors for a VCSEL application. In a second part of this work, the tolerances of the grating dimensions have been precisely studied which has lead to the development of a robust optimization algorithm. This algorithm allows to design high contrast gratings which exhibit not only a high efficiency but also large tolerance values required by the manufacturing process. Finally, in a last part, a VCSEL structure using a high contrast grating as top mirror has been designed and simulated by FDTD to validate the use of HCG presented previously in a VCSEL structure.

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