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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integrace vietnamské komunity ve městech / Integration of Vietamese community in the cities

Břízová, Martina January 2008 (has links)
This graduation thesis deal with the problem of imigration and consequent integration of the foreigners living in the Czech Republic. It is mainly focused on one of the most numbers comunities -- the Vietnamese. The aim of the thesis is the survey of the coo-living of the vietnamese minority and the czech society, especially at Prague 4, where one the biggest center at the Czech Republic is situated. Practicaly pait of the thesis evaluates the results of the research mainly conserned the problem of the vietnamese comunity. The author's research was made among the citizens of Prague 4- Libuš and its results are verbally and also graphically interpreted.

Environmentální uprchlíci na počátku 21. století / Environemental Refugees at the Beginning of the 21st Century

Muselíková, Hana January 2009 (has links)
Práce se zabývá vazbou mezi životním prostředím, migrací a konfliktem Specifická pozornost je také věnována tzv. "environmentálním uprchlíkům" jako novému a hojně diskutovanému fenoménu v rámci této problematiky. Tato problematika je v České republice poměrně málo známým a málo diskutovaným tématem, a v češtině je k němu k dispozici jen velmi omezená literatura. Dalším cílem práce je tedy snaha zmapovat dosavadní výzkum k tomuto tématu na základě dostupné zahraniční literatury. Práce hledá odpověď na tyto hlavní otázky: Mohou enviromentální změny způsobit migraci? A pokud ano, je tato vazba kauzálně přímá, nebo zde hrají roli i další faktory? Může migrace vyvolaná enviromentálními změnami způsobit konflikt ohrožující světovou bezpečnost? Je vazba mezi enviromentálními změnami a konfliktem kauzálně přímá nebo ji ovlivňují i další faktory? Je volání po řešení otázky "environmentálních uprchlíků", jako opomíjené skupiny bez dostatečné mezinárodní ochrany a pomoci, oprávněné? Je správné a žádoucí samotné užití pojmu "environmentální uprchlík"?

Stárnutí obyvatelstva a náhradová migrace v podmínkách ČR / Population ageing and replacement migration in the Czech republic

Pavlov, Vratislav January 2008 (has links)
Population ageing is one of the most important current problems in developed countries. The goal of my work is the analysis of economic and social problems occasioned by population ageing, population prognosis and the possibility of compensation a population loss and changes in age structure through replacement migration. This is all in the Czech Republic. For my work I will use readily available information databases, mainly the database provided by Czech Statistical Office and the databases of relevant ministries in the Czech Republic. At first I will make demographic predictions using a component method without migration and then I will use replacement migration to compensate a population loss and changes in selected demoeconomic characteristics. The contribution of my work is in the concretization of methodology for calculating the replacement migration and in the results obtained from this study, which will show feasibility of this concept in practice. Last but not least I will look for solutions to the adverse economic impact of population ageing. In my study at first I will explain the concept of an ageing population and analyze past demographic trends in the Czech Republic. The entire chapter I will attend to migration and migration policy. Then I will focus on demographic forecast and especially replacement migration. At the end of my work I will analyze the economic impacts of an ageing population and the possibilities for their solution.

Analýza determinant pracovní migrace občanů ČR / Analysis of labour migration determinants of Czech citizens

Horová, Lucie January 2009 (has links)
This diploma work deals with free movement of workers within European Union. The first theoretic chapter define labour migration and its main segmentation. The second chapter discribes four significant theoretical approaches to labour migration depending on wages differentials, human capital supply, family and created migration nets. Every approach explains the causes and effects of labour migration by different way. The third chapter is devoted to the migration policy of EU. Within fourth chapter migration policy of the selected countries (Germany, Austria, Ireland, Great Britain) is studied. The core of the work draws on a questinnaire-based survey of the migration attitudes of high-skilled workers and students. In this fiftht chapter, which is the key one, The influence of migration determinants on labour migration of the Czech citizens towards EU members states is analyzed. In conclusions the knowledge acquired in writing diploma work is interpreted.

Australská imigrační politika a její vliv na ekonomiku země / Australian immigration policy and its economic impacts

Karlová, Markéta January 2010 (has links)
This paper describes trends in Australian immigration policy and analyses impacts of immigrants and immigration on the Australian economy. The first part defines the term of international migration and its categories. The second section is devoted to the description and explanation of particular migration theories, which are used during the study of international migration. Assumptions, causes and effects of migration are investigated in detail. Impacts of migration on the economy are further explored in the third part of the thesis. The influence of immigrants on the labor market, wages and unemployment, economic growth and international trade are continued to be examined. Fiscal effects of immigration and a problem of population aging are also described. The next part talks about Australian immigration policy, its evolution and current situation. It analyses different waves of immigration to Australia from 1788 to present. The beginnings of the White Australia Policy are portrayed as well as the change to multiculturalism. The last chapter analyses the composition of Australian immigration population and covers the impacts of the Australian immigration policy on the Australian economy, growth and international trade.

Cizinci na trhu práce v České republice / Foreigners in the labour market in the Czech Republic

Svoboda, Martin January 2010 (has links)
This thesis analyses the situation of foreigners in the labour market in the Czech Republic. It does not focus only on the current condition, but the overall development in the period after 1989. It answers questions regarding the number of foreigners, their citizenship, the character of performed work or the type of work permit or residence permit. It compares the situation in the Czech Republic with selected European Union countries. Besides this the thesis is focused on the main projects of the active immigration policy of the Czech Republic.

Vývoj pracovní migrace do České republiky v letech 2003 – 2013 / DEVELOPMENT OF LABOUR MIGRATION INTO THE CZECH REPUBLIC IN THE YEARS 2003 - 2013

Huňová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of labor migration into the Czech Republic in the years 2003 -- 2013 and verifies the hypothesis that the amount of the labor immigrants into the Czech Republic is increasing. The theoretical part defines the basic concepts related to migration, and since labor migration has the biggest impact on the labor market, it must also deals with the theory of the labor market For a deeper understanding of immigration there are explained economic theories, which deal with this issue. The legislative measures of the host country is an important factor for immigration, and therefore this topic devoted an entire chapter. The biggest added value of this work brings the fifth chapter, which deals with foreigners on the Czech labor market. The hypothesis was confirmed only partly because the number of immigrants was growing only until 2008. After that began the economic recession and many foreigners left the country, which was also caused by changes in legislation. However, economic growth is again expected influx of immigrants, and also due to the fact that the Czech government supports by its projects legal employment of foreigners in our country.

Hodnocení stavu rurálního podnikání a motivační faktory pro jeho vznik v mikroregionu Sedlčansko / Evaluation of a state of rural business and motivational factors for its formation in the microregion Sedlčansko

Jarolímek, Pavel January 2015 (has links)
This Master thesis is based on empirical research of entrepreneurial subjects located in microregion Sedlčany which searches and evaluates the impacts of rural entrepreneurship in this region. Rural entrepreneurship has gone through changes. In comparison to its past, these changes have reflected the growing importance of non-agricultural subjects in countryside. Theoretical part presents a view into general way-outs to define a countryside and rural business. In addition, practical part pays attention to analysis of specific impacts of companies in this limited region. For instance, it brings us critical knowledge about cooperative networking, targeted markets, positive and negative factors which may influence local businesses. A component of this analysis is also an attempt to find and define motivating factors for migration in this monitored area.

Pracovní migrace Čechů do Velké Británie / Labour migration of Czechs in the United Kingdom

Mužíková, Adéla January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on Czech migrants living in United Kingdom. I placed particular emphasis on the economic aspects of migration and integration in the labour market. The core of the thesis is to describe the situation on the labour market in United Kingdom, statistical data are complemented by issues of the local labour law. The integrity contributes my own research focused mainly on the position of migrants on the British labour market.

Preference lidí k bydlení - příklad satelitních obcí / Preferences of people for housing in suburbs

Trávníčková, Iveta January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines people's preferences for housing, specifically for housing in suburbs. Suburbs have negative economic, environmental and social consequences and most cities in developed countries is facing the growth of suburbs. The aim of the thesis was to examine the reasons why people move to satellite villages and how they change their preferences. People's preferences were tested by questionnaire survey conducted in Jesenice u Prahy. Residents are moving to this locality because they want to live in a house with a garden, in a quiet and clean environment. The opinion that people are moving to suburbs due to social status and prestige was not confirmed.

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