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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Scintilační detektor sekundárních elektronů pro ESEM / Scintillation Secondary Electrons Detector for ESEM

Čudek, Pavel January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the scintillation secondary electron detector for environmental scanning electron microscope, its design and construction. The starting point was numerical simulation of electrostatic fields and electron trajectories in the electrode system of the detector and simulation of pressure distribution and flow of gases in different parts of the detector. On the basis of modeling and simulation, construction changes of the detector were gradually implemented. Detection efficiency of each version of the detector was determined by the method described in the work. This method enables to evaluate signal level from the captured images of the specimen, quality of images was stated from signal to noise ratio. The thesis describes the whole process of the detector improvement from initial state, when the detector operated with lower efficiency in the pressure range from 300 to 900 Pa, to final version that enables usage of the detector in the range from vacuum up to 1000 Pa of water vapors in the specimen chamber of the microscope.

Stav dorsoabdominálních pachových žláz u imag ploštic taxonu Pentatomomorpha (Heteroptera) / Condition of dorsoabdominal scent glands in adults of the true bugs from the taxon Pentatomomorpha (Heteroptera)

Křížková, Petra January 2014 (has links)
Existence of larval dorsoabdominal scent glands (DAGs) together with occurence of adult metathoracic scent glands is one of the important autapomorphic characters of taxon Heteroptera within taxon Insecta. DAGs can persist until adults in some species of this taxon. The persistence of DAGs were proved also in members of infraorder Pentatomomorpha. Targets of this thesis are: collect the knowledge about persistent adult DAGs in selected representative members of important families of taxon Pentatomomorpha; study and compare the condition of the DAGs in the oldest larval instars and adults; clarify the significance of existence the openings of conducting ductules of proper glandular units in reservoir intima of DAGs in study of the persistence of these glands. For study were used stereomicroscope, light and scanning electron microscope. Key words: Pentatomomorpha, Heteroptera, dorsoabdominal scent glands, openings of conducting ductules of glandular units, larvae of 5th instar, persistence in adults, persistence patterns, light microscope, scanning electron microscope

Reološka svojstva endodontskih silera / Rheological properties of endodontic sealers

Premović Milica 09 December 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod: Sistem kanala korena je složena celina koja pored glavnog korenskog kanala sadrži brojne lateralne, sekundarne, akcesorne kanale, apikalne istmuse i delte, kao i razgranatu mrežu dentinskih tubula. Kako korensko kanalni sistem ne može biti u potpunosti oči&scaron;ćen i dezinfikovan postojećim tehnikama instrumentacije, irigacije i intrakanalne medikacije, uloga kanalnog punjenja se ogleda u postizanju trodimenzionalne opturacije kanalnog prostora, &rdquo;pečaćenju&rdquo; preostalih bakterija i onemogućavanju njihovog prodora u periradikularna tkiva. Ispitivanjem reolo&scaron;kih svojstava mogu se bliže odrediti karakteristike tečenja i viskoelastična svojstva endodontskih materijala. Definisanje i razumevanje reolo&scaron;kih svojstava endodontskih silera u različitim uslovima doprinosi pravilnom rukovanju materijalom shodno primenjenoj tehnici opturacije. Cilj istraživanja: ispitivanje viskoelastičnih svojstava tri različita endodontska silera, uključujući i tečenje / prodor silera u dentinske tubule u kombinaciji sa različitim tehnikama opturacije. Materijal i metode: Ukupan uzorak činilo je 132 meziobukalna i meziolingvalna kanala korena prvih donjih molara. Nakon preparacije kanala krunično-apeksnom tehnikom i ProTaper endodontskim instrumentima, uzorak je podeljen u tri grupe u zavisnosti od ispitivanog silera (AH Plus, Sealapex i EndoREZ) i dodatno u četiri podgrupe shodno primenjenoj tehnici opturacije (hladna lateralna kompakcija, monokona tehnika, opturacija sa čvrstim nosačem gutaperke i topla vertikalna kompakcija), &scaron;to je činilo ukupno 12 grupa po 11 kanala. Nakon opturacije, uzorci su poprečno presečeni na rastojanju 3, 5 i 8mm od anatomskog foramena, kako bi se dobili preseci koji odgovaraju apikalnoj, srednjoj i koronarnoj trećini kanala. Koronarne povr&scaron;ine preseka su analizirane skening elektronskim mikroskopom (SEM). Mesto najdubljeg tubularnog prodora silera je izmereno i izraženo u mikrometrima i procentualno u odnosu na ukupno rastojanje dentinski zid kanala - spolja&scaron;nja povr&scaron;ina korena. Viskoelastična svojstva endodontskih silera su ispitana na dinamičkom oscilatornom reometru, frequency sweep testom, na četiri različite temperature: 25&deg;C, 35&deg;C, 40&deg;C i 65&deg;C. Rezultati: Tehnike opturacije silerom AH Plus koje primenjuju toplotu i pritisak daju značajno vi&scaron;u dubinu prodora silera u dentinske tubule u odnosu na tehnike koje ne primenjuju. Primena toplote i pritiska tokom opturacije silerom Sealapex nema značajnu ulogu u dubini prodora silera u dentinske tubule. Tehnike opturacije silerom EndoREZ koje ne primenjuju toplotu i pritisak daju značajno vi&scaron;u dubinu prodora silera u dentinske tubule u odnosu na tehnike koje primenjuju. Dubina prodora sva tri ispitivana endodontska silera u dentinske tubule je najvi&scaron;a u koronarnoj trećini, zatim srednjoj i značajno je niža u apikalnoj trećini kanala korena. AH Plus, Sealapex i EndoREZ ispoljavaju viskoelastični karakter sa dominantnim vrednostima elastičnog modula u odnosu na vrednosti viskoznog modula, na svim zadatim temperaturama, u opsegu primenjenih frekvencija i napona smicanja. Kompleksni viskozitet svih ispitivanih silera opada sa porastom frekvencije, na svim zadatim temperaturama. Sa porastom temperature kompleksni viskozitet silera AH Plus opada, dok za silere Sealapex i EndoREZ raste. Korelacionom analizom ustanovljena je jaka negativna korelacija između kompleksnog viskoziteta ispitivanih silera i dubine prodora u dentinske tubule: opadanjem kompleksnog viskoziteta dubina prodora silera u dentinske tubule raste. Zaključak: Odabir endodontskog silera treba da je zasnovan na tehnici opturacije koja se primenjuje.</p> / <p>Introduction: The root canal system has a complex anatomy with main root canal and many lateral, secondary, accessory canals, apical isthmuses and deltas, as well as numerous branched dentinal tubules. Due to its complexity, the root canal system cannot be completely cleaned, shaped and disinfected using available techniques of instrumentation, irrigation and intracanal medication. The aim of root canal filling is to achieve a three-dimensional obturation of the root canal space, entomb residual bacteria and prevent their penetration into the periradicular tissue. Defining and understanding the rheological properties of endodontic sealers in different conditions contributes to the proper handling of the material according to the obturation technique applied. The aim: testing the viscoelastic properties of three different endodontic sealers, including the flow / sealer penetration into dentinal tubules in combination with different obturation techniques. Materials and Methods: The total sample consisted of 132 mesiobuccal and mesiolingual root canals of first mandibular molars. After root canal preparation using ProTaper endodontic instruments, in crown-down manner, the sample is divided into three groups depending on the tested sealers (AH Plus, Sealapex and EndoREZ) and additionally into four subgroups according to the obturation technique applied (cold lateral compaction, single-cone technique, carrier &ndash; based obturation and warm vertical compaction), making a total of 12 groups of 11 canals. After root canal obturation, the samples were sectioned horizontally at 3, 5 and 8mm from the anatomical foramen, in order to get the sections that correspond to the apical, middle and coronary third of the canal. The coronal surfaces of the sections were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The maximum depth of sealer penetration was measured and expressed in micrometers and as a percent of the total distance: canal dentinal wall - the outer surface of the root. The viscoelastic properties of endodontic sealers were measured using frequency sweep test on dynamic oscillatory rheometer, at four different temperatures: 25&deg;C, 35&deg;C, 40&deg;C and 65&deg;C. Results: Obturation techniques with AH Plus that applied heat and pressure produced a significantly higher depth of sealer penetration into dentinal tubules as compared to techniques that did not apply. The application of heat and pressure during obturation with Sealapex had no a significant role in the depth of sealer penetration into dentinal tubules. Obturation techniques with EndoREZ that did not apply heat and pressure produced a significantly higher depth of sealer penetration into dentinal tubules as compared to techniques that applied. The depth of penetration of all three endodontic sealers into dentinal tubules was the highest in the coronary third, followed by the second and was significantly lower in the apical third of the root canal. AH Plus, Sealapex and EndoREZ exhibited viscoelastic character with dominant values of elastic over viscous modulus, at all specified temperatures, in the range of applied frequencies and shear stresses. Complex viscosity of all sealers decreased as the frequency increased at all temperatures. AH Plus showed decreased viscosity as the temperature increased, while Sealapex and EndoREZ demonstrated opposite behavior. Correlation analysis has established a strong negative correlation between the complex viscosity of the tested sealers and the depth of penetration into dentinal tubules: the decrease of complex viscosity increase the depth of sealer penetration into dentinal tubules. Conclusion: The choice of endodontic sealer should be based on the obturation technique applied.</p>

Herstellung von Optiken für weiche Röntgenstrahlung und deren Charakterisierung an Labor- und Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen / Fabrication of Soft X-ray Optics and their Characterisation with Labratory and Synchrotron Sources

Reese, Michael 08 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.

STED nanoscopy of the living brain / STED-Mikroskopie des intakten Gehirns

Berning, Sebastian 13 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Electron microscopy and spectroscopy study of nanostructured thin film catalysts for micro-fuel cell application / Étude par microscopie électronique et spectroscopie de films minces catalytiques pour micro piles à combustibles

Lavková, Jaroslava 27 May 2016 (has links)
Les piles à membrane polymère à échange de protons (PEMFC) sont une des techniques les plus prometteuses pour une production d'électricité propre et efficace à partir d'hydrogène. Les applications de cette nouvelle génération de piles à combustibles concernent aussi bien des applications portables et nomades telles que smartphones, ordinateurs portables, électronique embarquée que des applications domestiques ou dans les transports. A ce jour, le platine utilisé comme catalyseur est considéré comme le seul choix possible pour un rendement élevé et stable. En conséquence, suite à des ressources limitées en platine, la fabrication des piles à combustible reste coûteuse et la production industrielle généralisée impossible. Pour cette raison, une diminution substantielle de la quantité de Pt incorporée et donc la recherche de nouveaux matériaux d'anode à faible coût avec une activité élevée sont nécessaires. Des systèmes à base d’oxyde de cérium dopés au platine avaient été présentés comme étant des catalyseurs actifs pour l'oxydation du CO, la production d'hydrogène, l'oxydation de l'éthanol et la décomposition de méthanol. Au cours de ce travail, de nouveaux concepts pour la fabrication des piles à combustible ont été développés : la quantité de platine incorporée a été fortement diminuée conduisant à la production de nouveaux matériaux d'anode. Enfin, des catalyseurs à base de platine ont été déposés non pas sous la forme usuelle de nanopoudres mais sous forme de films minces fortement poreux sur substrat silicium.Au cours de cette thèse, le système Pt-CeOx a été étudié. Des échantillons non dopés puis dopés avec une faible quantité de platine ont été élaborés puis caractérisés en vue d'une application comme catalyseurs pour piles à combustibles. L'obtention de ces matériaux avec des propriétés sur mesure implique la maîtrise totale de leurs conditions de croissance. Afin d’étudier ces nouveaux composés de taille nanométrique, la microscopie électronique en transmission (MET) a été un outil précieux, qui a permis d'apporter des informations très précises sur la morphologie des films minces, la composition chimique et la structure à l'échelle atomique. Le cérium possède un double degré d'oxydation (+III/+IV), ce qui explique ses très bonnes propriétés catalytiques. Des analyses par spectrométrie dephotoélectrons X (XPS) ainsi que par spectroscopie de pertes d'énergie des électrons (EELS) ont été effectuées afin de déterminer son degré d'oxydation. / Present doctoral thesis is focused on investigation of novel metal-oxide anode catalyst for fuel cell application by electron microscopy and associated spectroscopies. Catalysts based on Pt-doped cerium oxide in form of thin layers prepared by simultaneous magnetron sputtering deposition on intermediate carbonaceous films grown on silicon substrate have been studied. The influence of the catalyst support composition (a-C and CNx films), deposition time of CeOx layer and other deposition parameters, as deposition rate, composition of working atmosphere and Pt concentration on the morphology of Pt-CeOx layers has been investigated mainly by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The obtained results have shown that by combination of suitable preparation conditions we are able to tune the final morphology and composition of the catalysts. The composition of carbonaceous films and Pt-CeOx layers was examined by complementary spectroscopy techniques – Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDX), Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). Such prepared porous structures of Pt-CeOx are promising as anode catalytic material for real fuel cell application. / Předložená dizertační práce se zabývá studiem nových katalyzátorů na bázi kov-oxid vhodných pro použití v palivových článcích na straně anody. Platinou dopovaný oxid ceru připravený magnetronovým naprašováním ve formě tenkých vrstev na uhlíkových mezivrstvách nesených křemíkovým substrátem byl zkoumán prostřednictvím mikroskopických a spektroskopických metod. Vliv složení uhlíkového nosiče (a-C a CNx filmy), depozičního času CeOx vrstvy a dalších depozičních parametrů, např. depoziční rychlosti, složení pracovní atmosféry a Pt koncentrace na morfologii Pt-CeOx vrstev byl studován převážně pomocí transmisní elektronové mikroskopie (TEM). Získané výsledky ukazují, že vhodnou kombinací depozičních podmínek jsme schopni vyladit výslednou morfologii a kompozici katalyzátoru. Složení uhlíkových filmů a Pt-CeOx vrstev bylo studováno spektroskopickými technikami – energiově-disperzní spektroskopií (EDX), spektroskopií charakteristických ztrát elektronů (EELS) a rentgenovou fotoelektronovou spektroskopií (XPS). Takto připravené porézní struktury vrstev Pt-CeOx jsou slibným katalytickým materiálem na straně anody pro reálné aplikace v palivových článcích.

Diagnostika polovodičových materiálů metodou EBIC / Diagnostic of semiconductor materials by EBIC method

Davidová, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
Master´s thesis is focused on diagnostics of semiconductor materials by EBIC method (measuring of currents induced beam), determination of the lifetime of minority carriers, or their diffusion length. The theoretical part is aimed at the principle of scanning electron microscopy, the characteristic properties of the microscope and the signals generated by the interaction of the primary electron beam with the sample. The thesis describes a structure of semiconducting silicon, band models, types of lattice defects and doped of semiconductor structures. After that it is described the theory of calculation of the diffusion length of minority carriers in semiconductors of type N and P. The aim of the experiment part of the thesis is to measure the properties of the semiconductor structure by EBIC and determination of diffusion length and lifetime of minority charge carriers based on the measured data The aim of the experiment part of the thesis is to measure the properties of the semiconductor structure by EBIC and determination of diffusion length and lifetime of minority charge carriers on the basis of the measured data.

Automatické zjištování rozměrových změn betonových směsí při tuhnutí / Automatic determination of dimensional changes of concrete mixtures during solidification

Hortvík, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and implementation of a desktop application designed to determine the dimensional changes of concrete mixtures during solidification. The work includes implementation of the server portal for real-time data evaluation. The introductory part deals with the analysis of the measurement task and the original solution, as well as the specification of the new application and its deployment in real operation. The next part of the thesis describes current software technologies used in the development of desktop and server applications. The design and implementation of both parts of the solution is a major part of the work. In the last part, the real-time functionality test of the application is presented.

Optimalizace scintilačního detektoru pro detekci nízkoenegiových signálních elektronů v elektronové mikroskopii / Optimization of scintillation detector for detection of low energy signal electrons in electron microscopy

Tihlaříková, Eva January 2017 (has links)
The dissertation thesis deals with optimization of the scintillation detector for efficient detection of low energy signal electrons in a specimen chamber of a scanning electron microscope. The solution was based on the study of signal electron energy loss mechanisms during their interaction with a conductive layer and a scintillator that can be studied using simulations based on the stochastics Monte Carlo methods. Based on test simulations and their comparison with experimental data, the ideal Monte Carlo software was chosen and used for the study of signal electron energy losses during their transport through the conductive layer as well as following interaction with scintillator, in dependency on the signal electron energy. Simulation results allowed to define criteria for the optimization of the conductive layer. According to these parameters, the optimized layers were deposited on the surface of different scintillators and experimentally tested in the scintillation detector of the scanning electron microscope. Experimental measurements allowed to verify accomplished simulations and provide new information about impact of materials and thicknesses of conductive layers in combination with materials of scintillators and light guides. The increase of the detection efficiency of the scintillation detector equipped with optimised conductive layers and its capability to detect low energy signal electrons were experimentally proved.

Definice parametru pro dekonvoluci obrazu z elektronového mikroskopu / Definition of Parameters for Image Deconvolution from Electron Microscope

Typovský, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá modelováním bodové rozptylové funkce (point spread function, PSF) u skenovacího transmisního elektronového mikroskopu (STEM). Nejprve je provedena teoretická rešerše, kde jsou popsány všechny důležitě aspekty, potřebné k následnému modelování. Je tedy proveden základní popis konstrukce přístroje a určeny jeho klíčové komponenty, které mají hlavní vliv na tvar výsledné PSF. Následně jsou popsány hlavní zobrazovací vady, které ovlivňují výslednou PSF. Ty jsou popsány z hlediska vlnové optiky. Na základě toho je pak navržen a zrealizován poměrně přesný model PSF u mikroskopu STEM. Poté je vytvořeno GUI, které umožňuje plné využití daného vytvořeného modelu. Na závěr je získaný model otestován na modelových a reálných datech, pomocí metody Lucy-Richardson.

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