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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Miljöanpassade lösningar - en studie inom fastighetsbranschen

Hultin, Åsa, Thulin, Isabelle January 2008 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Title: Environmental demand solutions - a study within real-estate business.</p><p>Problem statement:</p><p>Today, the society stands before a permanent accelerated environmental threat. Companies</p><p>become increasingly over the environmental problems and more companies look over their</p><p>activity and how it influences the environment. Historical the environmental issue has been forgotten and it is first during the end of 1990 the environmental issue intensive has been noticed. Earlier the environmental work’s high costs was the cause, but now the companies realized the weight and the importance of imposing focus on environment commitments and sees it, as an investment. In order to few one surely functioned premises that meets the environmental requirements, is it important that both tenant and real-estate owners know each others needs. On the basis of the prevailing situation environmental equirement, it is interesting to study how tenant and real-estate owners collaborates with each other in order to find sustainable and operational development, and how important environment standards on premises is, for tenants respective real-estate owners?</p><p>Approach: The essay aims to describe from an economic perspective, how a selection big</p><p>company, organizes environmental adaptations of premises, and to explain and analyze,</p><p>possible differences average real-estate owners and tenant.</p><p>Method: The authors have chosen a describing design of the essay, and primary - and</p><p>secondary information constitute the bas. The consistently have a qualitative run-up been chosen and the reality has been studied through applying interviews. During the process's time it has been checked that the essay holds a high validity.</p><p>Conclusions: Environmental work has become increasingly integrated, and today the</p><p>company’s sees environment investments, as competitive advantage on the market. The</p><p>majority of big Swedish companies own their buildings, and they see it as a good capital</p><p>investment, and mean lower costs for the company. Facility management has today been</p><p>increased with the aid of added values, so as good service and customer care. The real-estate owners take an active interest in the tenant’s activity and works with getups replies, adapted to environmental demand solutions. The most common request to environmental demand solution is refuse collection and energy efficiency improvement. The tenants consider that</p><p>noises are the factor that is most important to deal with. The tenants' requirements are in front that premises will be tailored after the company activity. The real-estate owners believe that it ahead, will become a bigger request on environmental demand solutions and the companies are preparing for future needs. Today, there is also a</p><p>bigger willing to pay for environmental solutions of premises.</p>

Miljöanpassade lösningar - en studie inom fastighetsbranschen

Hultin, Åsa, Thulin, Isabelle January 2008 (has links)
Abstract Title: Environmental demand solutions - a study within real-estate business. Problem statement: Today, the society stands before a permanent accelerated environmental threat. Companies become increasingly over the environmental problems and more companies look over their activity and how it influences the environment. Historical the environmental issue has been forgotten and it is first during the end of 1990 the environmental issue intensive has been noticed. Earlier the environmental work’s high costs was the cause, but now the companies realized the weight and the importance of imposing focus on environment commitments and sees it, as an investment. In order to few one surely functioned premises that meets the environmental requirements, is it important that both tenant and real-estate owners know each others needs. On the basis of the prevailing situation environmental equirement, it is interesting to study how tenant and real-estate owners collaborates with each other in order to find sustainable and operational development, and how important environment standards on premises is, for tenants respective real-estate owners? Approach: The essay aims to describe from an economic perspective, how a selection big company, organizes environmental adaptations of premises, and to explain and analyze, possible differences average real-estate owners and tenant. Method: The authors have chosen a describing design of the essay, and primary - and secondary information constitute the bas. The consistently have a qualitative run-up been chosen and the reality has been studied through applying interviews. During the process's time it has been checked that the essay holds a high validity. Conclusions: Environmental work has become increasingly integrated, and today the company’s sees environment investments, as competitive advantage on the market. The majority of big Swedish companies own their buildings, and they see it as a good capital investment, and mean lower costs for the company. Facility management has today been increased with the aid of added values, so as good service and customer care. The real-estate owners take an active interest in the tenant’s activity and works with getups replies, adapted to environmental demand solutions. The most common request to environmental demand solution is refuse collection and energy efficiency improvement. The tenants consider that noises are the factor that is most important to deal with. The tenants' requirements are in front that premises will be tailored after the company activity. The real-estate owners believe that it ahead, will become a bigger request on environmental demand solutions and the companies are preparing for future needs. Today, there is also a bigger willing to pay for environmental solutions of premises.

Assessment of environmental flow requirements in Buzi River basin, Mozambique / Utvärdering av miljöanpassade flöden i Buzi avrinningsområde, Moçambique

Lagerblad, Lovisa January 2010 (has links)
Rivers belong to the world’s most complex ecosystems but increasing demands for water are degrading rivers worldwide. The increase in human populations and activities has resulted in an intense and difficult conflict between the development of rivers as a natural resource and their function as living ecosystems. It is now widely recognized that a naturally variable flow regime is required to sustain freshwater ecosystems. Many countries that experience river degradation have started to implement environmental flows, i.e. the unallocated flow purposely preserved in a river. The objectives of this thesis are twofold. The first aim is to briefly describe the concept and science of environmental flows and the different methodologies for calculating environmental flows. This was done based on a literature review of the subject. The second aim is to present a case study calculating the environmental flow requirements. The case study was conducted through a field study in the Buzi River basin in Mozambique and the subsequent modeling of the environmental flow requirements. The literature study showed that not only the quantity of water is important; the timing and frequency of floods, droughts, low flows and high flows are very important as well. The literature study also showed that the advances in environmental flow science have been remarkable while the water policy and management has not been equally successful in implementing environmental flow standards. The calculation of environmental flow requirements was done with the Desktop Reserve Model developed in South Africa. The results indicated that to maintain the ecological status in the Buzi River at a largely natural condition (ecological category A) an average allocation of 57 % of mean annual runoff (MAR) is required. The present ecological status was determined in Revue River, which is one of the three major tributaries to Buzi River. To maintain the Revue River at its present ecological state requires an environmental flow between 23-37 % of MAR. The major environmental threats in Revue River are erosion and flow modification. The erosion is a consequence from artisanal gold mining, inadequate farming practices and deforestation. The flow alterations are caused by the large Chicamba Dam constructed for the generation of hydropower. One of the questions this thesis aimed to answer was if it was possible to set the present ecological state with a limited amount of data. This study showed that it could be possible but that the confidence level will be low. The relationships between ecological metrics and flow alterations must be investigated in detail for this region before environmental flow requirements can be successfully calculated and implemented. / Floder hör till jordens mest komplexa och känsliga ekosystem, men ett ökat tryck på våra vattenresurser har försämrat situationen för många av världens floder. Befolkningsökningen och den globala utvecklingen har resulterat i en intensiv och komplicerad konflikt mellan utnyttjandet av floder som en naturresurs och bevarandet av deras funktion som unika ekosystem. Det är nu allmänt accepterat att den naturliga flödesvariabiliteten behövs för att bevara våra sötvattenekosystem. Flera länder där försämringen av floder är ett faktum har börjat införa miljöanpassade flöden, det vill säga vatten som medvetet tilldelas flodens ekosystem. Det finns två syften med det här examensarbetet. Det första är att genom en litteraturstudie beskriva miljöanpassade flöden och de modeller som används för att beräkna detta flöde. Det andra målet är att göra en fallstudie och beräkna det miljöanpassade flödet och bestämma den ekologiska statusen för Buzi floden i Moçambique. Litteraturstudien visade att det inte bara är kvantiteten av vatten som är viktigt; tidpunkt och återkomsten av översvämning, torka, lågflöden och högflöden är mycket viktiga om man vill efterlikna det naturliga flödet. Litteraturstudien visade även att framstegen i kunskapen om miljöanpassade flöden har varit stora medan vattenlagstiftningens anpassning och införandet av miljöanpassade flöden har varit svag i flera avseenden. Modellerandet gjordes med den sydafrikanska Desktop Reserve Model. Resultaten från modellen visade att för att bibehålla den ekologiska statusen för Buzi floden i ett nära naturligt stadium (ekologisk klass A) krävs en tilldelning på 57% av medelårsavrinningen. Den nuvarande ekologiska statusen bestämdes i Revue floden, som är en av tre huvudfloder i Buzi avrinningsområdet. För att behålla Revue floden i sitt nuvarande tillstånd skulle kräva ett miljöanpassat flöde på mellan 23-37% av medelårsavrinningen. De största ekologiska hoten i Revue floden visade studien var erosion och flödesförändringar. Erosionen är en konsekvens av guldutgrävning, jordbruk med fel teknik, och skogs­­avverkning. Flödesförändringarna härrör från den stora vattenkraftsstationen Chicamba Dam. En av frågorna den här studien syftade till att besvara var om det är möjligt att bestämma den nuvarande ekologiska statusen med en begränsad tillgång till data. Studien visade att det är möjligt men att osäkerhetsnivån i resultatet kommer att vara stort. Studien visade även att modellen Desktop Reserve Model kan användas för snabba beräkningar av det miljöanpassade flödet, men att mer utförliga studier som till exempel Building Block Methodology måste genomföras innan resultatet med säkerhet kan verifieras. Relationen mellan ekologiska förändringar och flödesvariationer måste utredas i detalj för studieområdet innan de miljö­anpassade flödesbehoven kan bli implementerade med framgång.

Svanens kriterium Gröna Grepp : En kartläggning av poänggivande åtgärder

Engelfeldt, Julia, Borin, Emilia January 2021 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate what measures the Nordic building company JM AB are using or plan to use to get points in the criterion, of the nordic eco-labeling company Svanen, that they call “Gröna Grepp”. The criterion “Gröna Grepp” aims to implement measures that benefit ecosystems, social sustainability, and energy efficiency. Methods: Three methods were used to complete the study. A literature study was used for searching facts about the subject and support why these measures are important. An interview study was made with the project managers at JM to investigate which points in the criterion they had taken or was planning to take. A survey was also performed with the general public to investigate their views of the measures in the criterion. Results: The study resulted in that 41 % of the investigated projects at JM are using their basic license which consists of solutions such as that 10% of the parking spaces must be adapted to be able to charge an electric car and at least 50% of the bicycle spaces are placed under a roof. The survey indicated that people in society were most interested in being able to charge electric cars and in being able to measure their energy consumption. But other aspects were also discovered from the survey and presented in the results. Conclusions: The conclusion is that the criterion Gröna grepp contributes in a positive way to several aspects. And that one should therefore invest more in Gröna grepp in the future. Taken together, one should invest more in implementing ecosystems and greenery in cities through well-planned gardens or growing boxes.

När mat blir sopor, och när den inte blir det : En studie om matsvinn ur ett miljö –och individperspektiv

Almqvist, Frida January 2010 (has links)
Svinnet av mat har i Sverige uppskattats till cirka 1 miljon ton per år och sannolikt är det på hushållsnivå som de största mängderna matsvinn uppstår . En färsk undersökning visar att det årligen slängs uppemot 100 kilo mat per person i Sverige, vilket innebär stora och onödiga belastningar på miljö och klimat. Genom att minska svinnet av mat minskar också belastningen på miljön. Syftet med studien har varit att studera attityder till matsvinn i svenska hushåll samt identifiera hinder och förutsättningar för ett minskat svinn. Resultatet bygger på sju enskilda intervjuer med konsumenter och resultatet visar att dessa respondenter ogillar att slänga mat och slänger relativt lite. Svinnets miljöpåverkan tycks inte vara huvudsakligt skäl till att inte vilja slänga mat. Istället är respekt för maten, respekt för de fattiga samt den privata ekonomin mer framträdande aspekter vad gäller orsaker till att inte vilja slänga mat. Dessa känslor har följt med respondenterna från deras egen uppväxt vilket i kombination med kunskaper i matlagning tycks vara förutsättningar som leder till mindre matsvinn.

Kan inrikessjöfarten vara en del i att nå Sveriges klimatmål? : -En fallstudie i olika transportsätts miljöpåverkan / Domestic sea transport a part in reaching Sweden’s climate goals? : -A case study in the environmental impact of different modes of transport.

Furehed, Gustav, Lanfelt, Patrik January 2020 (has links)
Arbetet med att minska människans utsläpp av växthusgaser är en fråga som är högaktuell idag. Transportsektorn är den sektor som har näst störst klimatpåverkan inom EU-området. För att minska transportsektorns klimatpåverkan anser EU-kommissionen att en del av det gods som idag går på väg behöver flyttas till tåg eller sjö för att nå EU:s miljömål. Syftet med arbetet var att undersöka skillnaden av växthusgasutsläpp för transport av containrar beroende på transportsätt på sträckan Göteborg till Stockholm. De undersökta transportsätten var lastbil, godståg och containerfartyg. Studien använde en empirisk fallstudie där växthusgasutsläpp beräknades utifrån empiriska bränsleförbruknings data. Fallstudien kompletterades med en intervju från en person med stor erfarenhet av godstransporter på sträckan. Resultatet av undersökningen är att järnvägens miljöverkan är minst, men för tidskänsligt gods är fortfarande vägtransport det effektivaste transportslaget. För att sjöfart ska vara ett miljömässigt alternativ måste anpassningar av fartyg och/eller drift göras. / The work to reduce greenhouse emissions created by humans is a question that is highly relevant today. The transport sector is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the European Union. To reduce the greenhouse emissions from the transport sector the EU commission has said that some of the freight that currently is being transported by road must move to rail or sea transport in order to reach EU environmental targets. The scope of this study is to compare the greenhouse emissions based on fuel consumption from domestic container transport between Gothenburg and Stockholm. The different modes of transports studied were trucks, freight train and container ship. The study was conducted using an empirical case study to calculate the greenhouse gas emissions using empirical fuel consumption data. The case study was supplemented by an interview with a person with great insight in the transport business. The result from the study shows that from an environmental perspective container transport by rail should be used. Transport by road is still the best means of transport for time sensitive cargo. If transport by sea is to be an environmental option, there has to be adjustments on either ships or management or both.

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