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Proposta de modelo gerencial de custo: um estudo de caso na Faculdade de Tecnologia da Universidade Federal do AmazonasVale, Charles Antonio Amorim 30 March 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-30 / This paper aims to present and implement a cost management model as a tool to support the Faculty of Technology, Federal University of Amazonas (FT/UFAM). The research objective
was to show the cost per student enrolled in methods of teaching undergraduate and graduate in 2010 through a case study, based on the method of "absorption costing" showing the values
of direct and indirect costs of period which will enable information organized, identified with their respective origins, application and disposal costs by type of education. From this, we
proceeded to calculate the costs of the Academic Unit and subsequently the calculation of the cost of the education service, with the main parameters the direct and indirect costs and the
number of students enrolled in the period. Among the 1862 students that they conducted registration were 89.85% and 10.15% in graduation in graduate school and the total cost per
student enrolled for the period which corresponded respectively an average of R and R$ 5,234.71 to R$ 5,324.49 year and month respectively on average R$ 436.22 and R$ 436.20.
The study also found that the calculated total costs accounted for 79.71% in direct labor, material consumption 0.52%, 4.19% electric power, telephone 0.24%, 0.47% acquisition of
books, 7.35% indirect labor, depreciation 6.94% and 1.11% in overall maintenance of the building. The costing methodology developed can contribute to the efficient use of resources
by the Academic Unit, and it was possible to see some points that justify the complexity in determining costs in universities. / Este trabalho propõe apresentar e aplicar um modelo gerencial de custos como ferramenta de apoio para Faculdade de Tecnologia da Universidade Federal do Amazonas (FT/UFAM). A pesquisa teve como intuito evidenciar o custo por aluno matriculado nas modalidades de ensino graduação e pós-graduação no ano de 2010 por meio de um estudo de caso, baseado no método de custeio por absorção evidenciando os valores dos custos diretos e indiretos do período onde possibilitará obter informações organizadas, identificadas com suas respectivas origens, aplicações e destinação final dos custos por modalidades de ensino. A partir disso, procedeu-se à apuração dos custos da Unidade Acadêmica e, posteriormente, à apuração do custo do serviço de ensino, tendo como os principais parâmetros os custos diretos e indiretos e o número de acadêmicos matriculados no período. Dentre os 1.862 alunos que efetivaram matrícula 89,85% foram na graduação e 10,15% na pós-graduação sendo o custo total por aluno matriculado para o período onde correspondeu respectivamente em média R$ 5.234,71 e R$ 5.324,49 ao ano, e ao mês respectivamente em média R$ 436,22 e R$ 436,20. O estudo revelou ainda, que dos custos totais apurados representaram 79,71% em mão de obra direta, 0,52% material de consumo, 4,19% energia elétrica, 0,24% telefonia, 0,47% aquisição de livros, 7,35% mão de obra indireta, 6,94% depreciação e 1,11% em manutenção geral do prédio. A metodologia do cálculo de custos desenvolvida pode contribuir para a eficiência no uso dos recursos pela Unidade Acadêmica; e foi possível constatar alguns pontos que justificam a complexidade em se apurar custos em Universidades.
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Traceability and model management with executable and dynamic hierarchical megamodelsSeibel, Andreas January 2012 (has links)
Nowadays, model-driven engineering (MDE) promises to ease software development by decreasing the inherent complexity of classical software development. In order to deliver on this promise, MDE increases the level of abstraction and automation, through a consideration of domain-specific models (DSMs) and model operations (e.g. model transformations or code generations). DSMs conform to domain-specific modeling languages (DSMLs), which increase the level of abstraction, and model operations are first-class entities of software development because they increase the level of automation. Nevertheless, MDE has to deal with at least two new dimensions of complexity, which are basically caused by the increased linguistic and technological heterogeneity. The first dimension of complexity is setting up an MDE environment, an activity comprised of the implementation or selection of DSMLs and model operations. Setting up an MDE environment is both time-consuming and error-prone because of the implementation or adaptation of model operations. The second dimension of complexity is concerned with applying MDE for actual software development. Applying MDE is challenging because a collection of DSMs, which conform to potentially heterogeneous DSMLs, are required to completely specify a complex software system. A single DSML can only be used to describe a specific aspect of a software system at a certain level of abstraction and from a certain perspective. Additionally, DSMs are usually not independent but instead have inherent interdependencies, reflecting (partial) similar aspects of a software system at different levels of abstraction or from different perspectives. A subset of these dependencies are applications of various model operations, which are necessary to keep the degree of automation high. This becomes even worse when addressing the first dimension of complexity. Due to continuous changes, all kinds of dependencies, including the applications of model operations, must also be managed continuously. This comprises maintaining the existence of these dependencies and the appropriate (re-)application of model operations. The contribution of this thesis is an approach that combines traceability and model management to address the aforementioned challenges of configuring and applying MDE for software development. The approach is considered as a traceability approach because it supports capturing and automatically maintaining dependencies between DSMs. The approach is considered as a model management approach because it supports managing the automated (re-)application of heterogeneous model operations. In addition, the approach is considered as a comprehensive model management. Since the decomposition of model operations is encouraged to alleviate the first dimension of complexity, the subsequent composition of model operations is required to counteract their fragmentation. A significant portion of this thesis concerns itself with providing a method for the specification of decoupled yet still highly cohesive complex compositions of heterogeneous model operations. The approach supports two different kinds of compositions - data-flow compositions and context compositions. Data-flow composition is used to define a network of heterogeneous model operations coupled by sharing input and output DSMs alone. Context composition is related to a concept used in declarative model transformation approaches to compose individual model transformation rules (units) at any level of detail. In this thesis, context composition provides the ability to use a collection of dependencies as context for the composition of other dependencies, including model operations. In addition, the actual implementation of model operations, which are going to be composed, do not need to implement any composition concerns. The approach is realized by means of a formalism called an executable and dynamic hierarchical megamodel, based on the original idea of megamodels. This formalism supports specifying compositions of dependencies (traceability and model operations). On top of this formalism, traceability is realized by means of a localization concept, and model management by means of an execution concept. / Die modellgetriebene Softwareentwicklung (MDE) verspricht heutzutage, durch das Verringern der inhärenten Komplexität der klassischen Softwareentwicklung, das Entwickeln von Software zu vereinfachen. Um dies zu erreichen, erhöht MDE das Abstraktions- und Automationsniveau durch die Einbindung domänenspezifischer Modelle (DSMs) und Modelloperationen (z.B. Modelltransformationen oder Codegenerierungen). DSMs sind konform zu domänenspezifischen Modellierungssprachen (DSMLs), die dazu dienen das Abstraktionsniveau der Softwareentwicklung zu erhöhen. Modelloperationen sind essentiell für die Softwareentwicklung da diese den Grad der Automatisierung erhöhen. Dennoch muss MDE mit Komplexitätsdimensionen umgehen die sich grundsätzlich aus der erhöhten sprachlichen und technologischen Heterogenität ergeben. Die erste Komplexitätsdimension ist das Konfigurieren einer Umgebung für MDE. Diese Aktivität setzt sich aus der Implementierung und Selektion von DSMLs sowie Modelloperationen zusammen. Eine solche Aktivität ist gerade durch die Implementierung und Anpassung von Modelloperationen zeitintensiv sowie fehleranfällig. Die zweite Komplexitätsdimension hängt mit der Anwendung von MDE für die eigentliche Softwareentwicklung zusammen. Das Anwenden von MDE ist eine Herausforderung weil eine Menge von heterogenen DSMs, die unterschiedlichen DSMLs unterliegen, erforderlich sind um ein komplexes Softwaresystem zu spezifizieren. Individuelle DSMLs werden verwendet um spezifische Aspekte eines Softwaresystems auf bestimmten Abstraktionsniveaus und aus bestimmten Perspektiven zu beschreiben. Hinzu kommt, dass DSMs sowie DSMLs grundsätzlich nicht unabhängig sind, sondern inhärente Abhängigkeiten besitzen. Diese Abhängigkeiten reflektieren äquivalente Aspekte eines Softwaresystems. Eine Teilmenge dieser Abhängigkeiten reflektieren Anwendungen diverser Modelloperationen, die notwendig sind um den Grad der Automatisierung hoch zu halten. Dies wird erschwert wenn man die erste Komplexitätsdimension hinzuzieht. Aufgrund kontinuierlicher Änderungen der DSMs, müssen alle Arten von Abhängigkeiten, inklusive die Anwendung von Modelloperationen, kontinuierlich verwaltet werden. Dies beinhaltet die Wartung dieser Abhängigkeiten und das sachgerechte (wiederholte) Anwenden von Modelloperationen. Der Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist ein Ansatz, der die Bereiche Traceability und Model Management vereint. Das Erfassen und die automatische Verwaltung von Abhängigkeiten zwischen DSMs unterstützt Traceability, während das (automatische) wiederholte Anwenden von heterogenen Modelloperationen Model Management ermöglicht. Dadurch werden die zuvor erwähnten Herausforderungen der Konfiguration und Anwendung von MDE überwunden. Die negativen Auswirkungen der ersten Komplexitätsdimension können gelindert werden indem Modelloperationen in atomare Einheiten zerlegt werden. Um der implizierten Fragmentierung entgegenzuwirken, erfordert dies allerdings eine nachfolgende Komposition der Modelloperationen. Der Ansatz wird als erweitertes Model Management betrachtet, da ein signifikanter Anteil dieser Arbeit die Kompositionen von heterogenen Modelloperationen behandelt. Unterstützt werden zwei unterschiedliche Arten von Kompositionen. Datenfluss-Kompositionen werden verwendet, um Netzwerke von heterogenen Modelloperationen zu beschreiben, die nur durch das Teilen von Ein- und Ausgabe DSMs komponiert werden. Kontext-Kompositionen bedienen sich eines Konzepts, das von deklarativen Modelltransformationen bekannt ist. Dies ermöglicht die Komposition von unabhängigen Transformationsregeln auf unterschiedlichsten Detailebenen. Die in dieser Arbeit eingeführten Kontext-Kompositionen bieten die Möglichkeit eine Menge von unterschiedlichsten Abhängigkeiten als Kontext für eine Komposition zu verwenden -- unabhängig davon ob diese Abhängigkeit eine Modelloperation repräsentiert. Zusätzlich müssen die Modelloperationen, die komponiert werden, selber keine Kompositionsaspekte implementieren, was deren Wiederverwendbarkeit erhöht. Realisiert wird dieser Ansatz durch einen Formalismus der Executable and Dynamic Hierarchical Megamodel genannt wird und auf der originalen Idee der Megamodelle basiert. Auf Basis dieses Formalismus' sind die Konzepte Traceability (hier Localization) und Model Management (hier Execution) umgesetzt.
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Model Selection for Real-Time Decision Support SystemsLee, Ching-Chang 29 July 2002 (has links)
In order to cope with the turbulent environments in digital age, an enterprise should response to the changes quickly. Therefore, an enterprise must improve her ability of real-time decision-making. One way to increase the competence of real-time decision-making is to use Real-Time Decision Support Systems (RTDSS). A key feature for a Decision Support Systems (DSS) to successfully support real-time decision-making is to help decision-makers selecting the best models within deadline. This study focuses on developing methods to support the mechanism of model selection in DSS.
There are five results in this study. Firstly, we have developed a time-based framework to evaluate models. This framework can help decision-makers to evaluate the quality and cost of model solutions. Secondly, based on the framework of models evaluation, we also developed three models selection strategies. These strategies can help decision-makers to select the best model within deadline. Thirdly, according the definitions of parameter value precision and model solution precision in this study, we conduct a simulation analysis to understand the impacts of the precision of parameter values to the precision of a model solution. Fourthly, in order to understand the interaction among the model selection variables, we also simulate the application of model selection strategies. The results of simulation indicate our study can support models selection well. Finally, we developed a structure-based model retrieval method to help decision-makers find alternative models from model base efficiently and effectively.
In conclusion, the results of this research have drawn a basic skeleton for the development of models selection. This research also reveals much insight into the development of real-time decision support systems.
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Intraempreendedorismo em uma organizaÃÃo financeira de grande porte: um estudo diagnÃstico. / Intrapreneurship in a large financial organization: a study diagnosis.Geny de Pontes Lima 26 August 2009 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o nÃvel de consolidaÃÃo das prÃticas intraempreendedoras
em uma organizaÃÃo financeira brasileira de grande porte, na perspectiva dos seus empregados.
Para isto se fez necessÃrio elaborar um instrumento diagnÃstico adaptado ao contexto
organizacional em questÃo, por meio da identificaÃÃo de fatores intraempreendedores,
segmentados em dimensÃes e perspectivas analÃticas sustentadas por itens de verificaÃÃo que
reproduzem âo estado da arteâ da literatura pertinente. Para qualificar os resultados do estudo
submetido à anÃlise fatorial, empreenderam-se recortes transversais em nÃvel de (1) tipologias das
unidades de negÃcios de varejo da organizaÃÃo estudada; (2) das funÃÃes ocupacionais das
pessoas que desenvolvem atividades nessas unidades de negÃcios; e (3) do tempo de serviÃo
desses empregados. O referencial teÃrico foi construÃdo a partir das contribuiÃÃes da literatura
sobre empreendedorismo, intraempreendedorismo, gestÃo estratÃgica e gestÃo de pessoas. Em
termos metodolÃgicos trata-se de pesquisa descritiva, metodolÃgica e de campo, em abordagem
quantitativa na modalidade survey. Para isto, estabeleceu-se como espaÃo amostral 53 unidades
de negÃcios do Banco Alfa na regiÃo metropolitana de Fortaleza, com 961 empregados, com 491
respondentes de um questionÃrio fechado estruturado segundo a escala likert. Desse modo,
obteve-se uma amostra estatisticamente significativa, em termos de confianÃa e margem de erro.
O modelo diagnÃstico desenvolvido foi validado por anÃlise fatorial, tendo sido utilizada a
estatÃstica descritiva e a anÃlise de variÃncia ANOVA na apresentaÃÃo e qualificaÃÃo dos dados.
Os resultados obtidos evidenciam estar um grupo de unidades de negÃcios do Banco Alfa em
nÃvel mediano de desenvolvimento de prÃticas intraempreendedoras, sugerindo um longo
caminho para a consolidaÃÃo de prÃticas que apÃiem a atuaÃÃo organizacional em um ambiente
competitivo como o mercado financeiro nacional de varejo. A anÃlise mais qualificada dos dados
nÃo sugere diferenÃas significativas nas prÃticas intraempreendedoras entre as diferentes classes
de unidades de negÃcios, em forte homogeneidade. Registra, entretanto, diferenciais
significativos nas prÃticas empreendedoras em um recorte das funÃÃes exercidas, distinguindo de
maneira clara as posiÃÃes gerenciais em relaÃÃo Ãs funÃÃes operacionais e administrativas.
Registra, finalmente, variaÃÃes significativas no nÃvel das prÃticas intraempreendedoras entre os
contingentes com maior tempo de serviÃo, sugerindo traÃos de um modelo que tende mais para o
tradicional em comparaÃÃo com um modelo de gestÃo intraempreendedor. / This study aimed to evaluate the level of consolidation practices Intrapreneurship in an
organization large Brazilian Financial and in view of their employees. It was necessary to
develop a diagnostic instrument adapted to the organizational context in question, by identifying
factors of intrapreneurs, segmented into dimensions and analytical perspectives underpinned by
check items that reproduce the "state of the art of literatureâ. To qualify the results of the study
submitted to factor analysis, were undertaken at the level of cross-cuts (1) types of retail business
units of the organization studied, (2) of the occupational roles of people who are engaged in these
business units, and (3) years of service of these employees.The theorical framework was built up
from contributions from the literature on entrepreneurship, corporate entrepreneurship, strategic
management and people management. In methodological terms this is a descriptive research
methodology and field, in a quantitative approach in survey mode. For this, established itself as
the sample space 53 business units of Alfa Bank in metropolitan Fortaleza, with 961 employees,
with 491 respondents from a closed questionnaire structured according to the Likert scale. Thus,
we obtained a statistically significant sample, in terms of confidence and margin of error. The
diagnostic model was validated by factor analysis, having been used descriptive statistics and
ANOVA in the presentation and classification of data. The results show to be a group of business
units of the Alfa Bank in median level of development of intrapreneurial practice, suggesting a
long way to consolidate practices that support organizational performance in a competitive
environment as the national financial market retail. The more qualified analysis of the data
suggests no significant differences in the intrapreneurial practices between different classes of
business units, in striking homogeneity. Records, however, significant differences in
entrepreneurial practice in a cutout of the functions performed by distinguishing clearly the
managerial positions in relation to operational and administrative functions. Registers, finally,
significant variations in the level of intrapreneurial practices among contingent with a larger
service traits suggesting a model that tends toward the traditional in comparison with a model of
intrapreneurial management.
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Meta-IM: Meta-Model Evolution for Transforming and Adapting Instance ModelsArora, Kabir 07 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Řízení ECM v rámci modelu řízení podnikové informatiky MBI / Management of ECM within ICT management model MBIMalý, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on ECM and its representation in the reference model of IT management MBI. The main objective is to extend the aforementioned model with objects associated with the ECM - factors describing the structure of solutions, tasks defining the procedure for its implementation and the links between them and existing objects. The thesis analyzes in detail the benefits, but also the risks and problems associated with solution implementation. The methodology provides a set of best practices for the implementation of ECM.
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Změna systému řízení podniku / Change of Company Management SystemČastulíková, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on change management by Lewin’s model, which split the change process into three phases: unfreeze, realization and refreeze. In the monitored company Regionální poradenská agentura, s.r.o. will be proposed change of management system, which will be solved by the project. This project will be aimed at making basic management process more efficient: planning, organization, leading and control. During the drafting will be emphasized importance human resource management.
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Middleware pro framework Testos / Middleware for Testos FrameworkČervinka, Radim January 2021 (has links)
Cílem této práce je vytvořit komunikační sběrnici pro platformu Testos, což umožní nástrojům platformy spolu komunikovat a využívat navzájem svoje služby. V textu jsou prozkoum8na současná řešení a protokoly založené na modelu Publish-Subscribe. Dále také práce specifikuje požadavky na komunikační sběrnici vyhovující potřebám platformy Testos a také navrhuje řešení pro splnění daných požadavků. V rámci výzkumu byly prozkoumány tři řešení - MQTT, DDS a AMQP. Průzkum každého řešení byl zaměřen na způsob komunikace a hlavní funkční prvky. Jako startovací bod implementace sběrnice byl vybrán protokol MQTT. Tato práce také specifikuje jak tento protokol rozšířit, aby byly splněny požadavky na sběrnici. Mezi stěžejní rozšíření navrhnuté v rámci této práce patří management životního cyklu požadavků rozšiřující způsob doručování zpráv a mechanismus zasílání požadavků standardu MQTT. Protokol byl také rozšířen o možnost shlukování zpráv do BULK paketu za účelem snížení množství potřebných síťových zdrojů. Výsledkem je Testos Bus, který je postavený na upraveném a rozšířeném protokolu MQTT, který zahrunuje implementaci brokeru a klientských knihoven pro Python a C++. Testos Bus naplňuje všechny povinné požadavky platformy, což ověřují automatické testy.
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Machine Learning - Managerial Perspective : A Study to define concepts and highlight challenges in a product-based IT OrganizationBangabash, Subhasish, Panda, Srimanta January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to understand the main managerial challenges that arise in the context of Machine Learning. This research aims to explore the core concepts of Machine Learning and provide the same conceptual foundation to managers to overcome possible obstacles while implementing Machine Learning. Therefore, the main research question is: What are the phases and the main challenges while managing Machine Learning project in a product based IT organization? The focus is on the main concepts of Machine Learning and identifying challenges during each phase through literature review and qualitative data collected from interviews conducted with professionals. The research aims to position itself in the field of research which looks for inputs from consultants and management professionals either associated with Machine Learning or they are planning to start such initiatives. In this research paper we introduce ACDDT (Agile-Customer-Data-Domain-Technology) model framework for managers. This framework is centered on the main challenges in Machine Learning project phases while dealing with customer, data, domain and technology. In addition, the frame work also provides key inputs to managers for managing those challenges and possibly overcome them.
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Um modelo de escritório unificado de projetos e processos como agente de execução da estratégia organizacionalINTYRE, Caio Franco Mc 26 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rafael Santana (rafael.silvasantana@ufpe.br) on 2017-08-30T18:08:16Z
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Dissertação_UM MODELO DE ESCRITÓRIO UNIFICADO DE PROJETOS E PROCESSOS_Caio_McIntyre.pdf: 6348725 bytes, checksum: fdf9ecef0d296e1cd7a6050411db2fdf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-30T18:08:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Previous issue date: 2016-08-26 / FACEPE / O crescimento das iniciativas de gestão de projetos e de processos de negócio
nas organizações tem deixado cada vez mais evidente o importante papel que essas
disciplinas exercem no auxílio da condução das estratégias organizacionais. Tanto os
escritórios de gestão de projetos (do inglês, Project Management Office ou PMO)
quanto os escritórios de gestão de processos de negócio (Business Process Management
Office ou BPMO) deixaram de ser somente guardiões dessas competências e se
tornaram verdadeiros agentes de execução da estratégia, norteando a organização rumo
aos seus objetivos estratégicos. Neste cenário, em que os dois escritórios deveriam
trabalhar de forma coesa em prol da estratégia, é frequente que tenham discordâncias,
duplicações de funções e prioridades conflitantes.
Com o objetivo de criar uma maior sinergia entre a gestão de duas
competências que são consideradas veículos da execução da estratégia organizacional,
este trabalho propõe um modelo de implantação e atuação para escritórios unificados de
projetos e processos.
Para formular este modelo foram feitas revisões de literatura, proposto seis
elementos para análise de escritórios e em seguida foram feitas análises comparativas de
modelos de escritórios de projetos, modelos de escritórios de processos e das sinergias
conhecidas entre os dois escritórios. Os seis elementos de análise foram passos
necessários para estruturação, objetivos do escritório, posicionamento estratégico, local
de inserção na estrutura organizacional, atividades desempenhadas e papéis e
O modelo unificado foi então proposto com diretrizes baseadas nos seis
elementos e com uma estratégia de implementação do modelo que detalha os doze
passos necessários divididos em quatro fases. Trata-se de um modelo adaptável, cuja
aplicação deve ser feita de acordo com a realidade de cada organização. O modelo foi
posteriormente submetido a um survey de validação com especialistas. Além de mostrar
alguns pontos de melhoria, o resultado da validação serviu para ratificar a aderência do
modelo de escritórios unificados de projetos e processos aos conceitos das duas
disciplinas, sob os aspectos de utilidade e aplicabilidade do modelo.
Palavras-chave: Escritório de Gestão de Projetos e Processos. Escritório de Projetos.
Escritório de Processos de negócio. Modelo unificado de escritório. Diretrizes de
escritório de gestão. / The growth of project management and business process management initiatives in the
organizations has been making it more evident that these two disciplines play crucial
roles in the roll-out of organizational strategies. The PMOs (Project Management
Offices) and BPMOs (Business Process Management Office) are no longer only playing
the roles of guardians of these competencies but have become true agents of strategic
execution leading the organizations towards their strategic goals. In this scenario in
which both offices should work in a cohesive manner to benefit the strategy, it is
frequent to see struggles because of disagreements, duplicated functions and conflicting
With the objective of increasing synergy between the management of these two
disciplines that are considered vehicles for the execution of the organizational strategy,
this work proposes a model for a unified project and process management office.
To formulate this proposal, literature reviews were conducted, six management
office analysis elements proposed and comparative analysis of project management
office models, business process management office models and known synergies
between both offices made. The six management office analysis elements were steps to
implement a management office, office objectives, strategic positioning, insertion site in
the organizational structure, activities and roles and responsibilities.
The unified model was then proposed with its guidelines based on the six
elements and an implementation strategy that outlines the twelve necessary steps
divided in four phases. This model is an adaptable one and its implementation should be
adapted according to the reality of each organization. The model was then submitted to
a validation survey answered by specialists. The validation served its purpose by
showing possible points of improvement and by ratifying its adherence to the concepts
of both disciplines, its utility and its applicability.
Keywords: Project and Process Management Office. Project Management Office.
Business Process Management Office. Integrated Office Model. Management Office
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