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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Courbes intégrales : transcendance et géométrie / Integral curves : transcendence and geometry

Jardim da Fonseca, Tiago 12 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de quelques questions soulévées par le théorème de Nesterenko sur l'indépendance algébrique de valeurs des séries d'Eisentein E₂, E₄, E₆. Elle est divisée en deux parties.Dans la première partie, constituée des deux premiers chapitres, on généralise les équations différentielles algébriques satisfaites par les séries d'Eisenstein qui se trouvent dans le coeur de la méthode de Nesterenko, les équations de Ramanujan. Ces généralisations, appélées 'équations de Ramanujan supérieures', sont obtenues géométriquement à partir de champs de vecteurs définis, de manière naturelle, sur certains espaces de modules de variétés abéliennes. Afin de justifier l'intérêt des équations de Ramanujan supérieures en théorie de transcendance, on montre aussi que les valeurs d'une solution particulière remarquable de ces équations sont liées aux 'périodes' de variétés abéliennes.Dans la deuxième partie (troisième chapitre), on étudie la méthode de Nesterenko per se. On établit un énoncé géométrique, contenant le théorème de Nesterenko, sur la transcendance de valeurs d'applications holomorphes d'un disque vers une variété quasi-projective sur $overline{mathbf{Q}}$ définies comme des courbes intégrales d'un champ de vecteurs. Ces applications doivent aussi satisfaire une propriété d'intégralité, ainsi qu'une condition de croissance et une forme renforcée de la densité de Zariski, conditions qui sont naturelles pour des courbes intégrales de champs de vecteurs. / This thesis is devoted to the study of some questions motivated by Nesterenko's theorem on the algebraic independence of values of Eisenstein series E₂, E₄, E₆. It is divided in two parts.In the first part, comprising the first two chapiters, we generalize the algebraic differential equations satisfied by Eisenstein series that lie in the heart of Nesterenko's method, the Ramanujan equations. These generalizations, called 'higher Ramanujan equations', are obtained geometrically from vector fields naturally defined on certain moduli spaces of abelian varieties. In order to justify the interest of the higher Ramanujan equations in Transcendence Theory, we also show that values of a remarkable particular solution of these equations are related to 'periods' of abelian varieties.In the second part (third chapter), we study Nesterenko's method per se. We establish a geometric statement, containing the theorem of Nesterenko, on the transcendence of values of holomorphic maps from a disk to a quasi-projective variety over $overline{mathbf{Q}}$ defined as integral curves of some vector field. These maps are required to satisfy some integrality property, besides a growth condition and a strong form of Zariski-density that are natural for integral curves of algebraic vector fields.

Platforma pro ladění spínaných zdrojů / Switched power supply testbench

Zatloukal, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
The following work deals with a design of power supply testbench with design of their replaceable modules and circuits for their measurement. The final product should be used for faster design and tuning of switching power supplies. In this essay, there is detailed description of switching power supplies, analysis of support circuits and calculations for design. Based on theoretical background and selected parameters, a connection concept will be created. This concept will be validated by a device that will consist of main board, changeable modules and measurement circuits.

Thermo-Mechanical Selective Laser Assisted Die Transfer

Miller, Ross Alan January 2011 (has links)
Laser Induced Forward Transfer (LIFT) techniques show promise as a disruptive technology which will enable the placement of components smaller than what conventional pick-and-place techniques are capable of today. Limitations of current die-attach techniques are presented and discussed and present the opportunity for a new placement method. This study introduces the Thermo-Mechanical Selective Laser Assisted Die Transfer (tmSLADT) process and is an application of the unique blistering behavior of a dynamic releasing layer when irradiated by low energy focused UV laser pulses. The potential of tmSLADT as the next generation LIFT technique is demonstrated by the "touchless" transfer of 65 μm thick silicon tiles between two substrates spaced 195 μm apart. Additionally, the advantages of an enclosed blister-actuator mechanism over previously studied ablative and thermal releasing techniques are discussed. Finally, experimental results studying transfer precision indicate this non optimized die transfer process compares with, and may exceed, the placement precision of current assembly techniques. / Defense Microelectronics Activity (DMEA) under agreement number H94003-09-2-0905

Návrh a tvorba ukázkových panelů se systémovou instalací Ego-n / Design and production of sample panels with system installation Ego-n

Vašíček, Martin January 2010 (has links)
The thesis deals with the development of systems for intelligent building, focused on wiring system, division of them and comparison of their differences. The advantages of these systems like comfort, energy reduction, etc. are also mentioned. Nowadays several standards of systems for intelligent building exist as KNX/EIB or LON, therefore thesis concerns to trade-off these standards too. Main part of the thesis is focused on system Egon made by company ABB where the system concept as well as bus modules are described that allow different functions, mutual connection of modules and their programming. Tutorial panel with ABB Ego-n wiring system, which will be used for study purpose, is designed in the practical part of the work. It includes scheme of the panel, electric linkage of components and photographs of constructed panel as documentation. In the final part of the work two examples of laboratory exercise for installation and setting are listed, including programming description.

Analýza rizik v procesu posuzování shody výrobků / Risk analysis in compatibility evaluation

Suchý, Marek January 2011 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals with the new approach and global policies and their consequences on the process of conformity assessment. Furthermore, the modules those are used for this assessment and risk analysis, which is essential in this process. The practical part is focused on an analysis of risks to the submersible pump sets series U with electric motor TU-85.

Návrh zařízení pro testování atmosférických rezistorů / Design of stand for atmospheric resistors testing

Kerek, Milan January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the design and manufacture of device for testing and verification of functionality of atmospheric resistors produced by IMI CCI Czech Republic. An atmospheric resistor, also called disk stack, is a stack of disks through which the medium flows and the system of labyrinths in disk stack causing a pressure reduction of medium. This thesis describe design of the mechanical parts of stand for atmospheric resistors, choice pneumatic circuit’s components, data acquisition hardware for measuring flow, inlet and outlet pressure, and temperature. The software was created in LabVIEW programming environment. In the end of this paper was done measurement in order to test functionality of test stand and software.

Systém pro on-line analýzu podobnosti webových stránek / On-Line Web Page Similarity Analysis System

Wollný, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
The work deals with the design of a system foron-line analysis of web page similarity. The system consists of two main parts: A server part, which is based on Java EE and a client part, which works as an extension of a web browser. The master's thesis also solves the communication between these two components and their implementation. There are described two main approaches to the comparison that focus on visual features of the web page. The first approach is based on an analysis of the rendered image of the web page and the second one is based on the source code analysis.

Systém pro správu a monitoring PC / Management and Monitoring System for Computer Lab

Kudláček, Marek January 2017 (has links)
This master's thesis deals with a system for PC mass management and monitoring. There is a brief description of Puppet, Chef and Ansible, which are tools enabling this functionality. The overall system issues are solved by Ansible. This thesis also includes a script created for a classroom’s remote management according to a beforehand fixed assignment. The system enables remote installation and configuration of applications, creation of users, editing the files, update of the system and many more. A web application was created for this system. Through this application, the system can be controlled via web browser, both from local and public network. Practical examples of the issue dealt with is also part of the thesis.

Ein Lasersystem für Experimente mit Quantengasen unter Schwerelosigkeit

Schiemangk, Max 29 March 2019 (has links)
Bereits Galilei untersuchte, ob verschiedene frei fallende Körper im Schwerefeld der Erde gleich stark beschleunigt werden, die sogenannte Universalität des freien Falls. Die Genauigkeit der experimentellen Überprüfungen konnte seitdem beständig gesteigert werden. Einen neuen Ansatz, die Messgenauigkeit noch weiter zu verbessern, bilden quantenmechanische Messmethoden, die auf Materiewelleninterferometrie beruhen. Die dabei genutzten Apparaturen verwenden Laserstrahlung zur Kühlung, Manipulation und Detektion der Atome. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Entwicklung des Lasersystems für ein neues Experiment, das erstmals Zwei-Spezies-Atominterferometrie (mit Rb & K) in Mikrogravitation demonstrieren soll. Ein Lasersystem, das sowohl die funktionalen Anforderungen als auch die aus dem Einsatz auf dem Katapult des Fallturms resultierenden Anforderung (Volumen < 44 l, Masse < 35 kg und voll funktionsfähig sofort nach einem Katapultstart mit Beschleunigungen von 30 g) erfüllt, wurde funktional konzipiert und mechanisch designt. Zur Demonstration wurde der Rubidium-Teil des Lasersystems funktional sowie mechanisch qualifiziert. Inzwischen wird er routinemäßig für Experimente am Fallturm eingesetzt. Für das Lasersystem wurden kompakte und robuste schmalbandigen Lasermodule entwickelt. Diese liefern bei einer Grundfläche der optischen Bank von nur 10 mm x 50 mm Ausgangsleistungen von bis zu 3,7 W. Am Arbeitspunkt (1 W Ausgangsleistung) besitzen die Strahlquellen Linienbreiten im Bereich von 100 kHz (Lorentz) bzw. 1 MHz (-3 dB, 10 µs). Zum Nachweis der spektralen Stabilität der Lasermodule wurde ein Messverfahrens zur Charakterisierung des Frequenzrauschens freilaufender Laser entwickelt. Dieses basiert auf einer Schwebungsmessung mit anschließender Analyse der Quadraturkomponenten des Signals im Zeitbereich. Durch den Einsatz geeigneter Filter erlaubt es die Unterdrückung der für Diodenlaser typischen Frequenzdrifts. / Galileo, already, investigated whether different free falling bodies in the gravitational field of the Earth are accelerated at the same rate, the so-called universality of the free fall. The accuracy of the experimental tests has been steadily increased ever since. A new approach to further increase the measurement accuracy is provided by quantum mechanical measurements based on matter wave interferometry. The apparatuses used for this purpose employ laser radiation for cooling, manipulation, and detection of the atoms. The aim of this thesis’ work was the development of the laser system for a new experiment intended to demonstrate two-species atom interferometry (utilizing Rb & K) in microgravity for the first time. A laser system, which fulfills the functional requirements as well as the requirements resulting from the deployment on the catapult of the drop tower (volume < 44 l, mass < 35 kg, and fully functional immediately after a catapult launch with accelerations of 30 g), has been functionally conceived and mechanically designed. For demonstration, the rubidium part of the laser system was functionally and mechanically qualified. By now, it is routinely used for experiments at the drop tower. For the laser system, compact and robust spectrally narrow laser modules have been developed. These provide an output power up to 3.7 W at a footprint of the optical bench of only 10 mm × 50 mm. At the operating point (1 W output power), the radiation sources exhibit linewidths in the range of 100 kHz (Lorentzian) and 1 MHz (−3 dB, 10 μs). To validate the spectral stability of the laser modules a measuring method for the characterization of the frequency noise of free-running lasers has been developed. This method is based on a beat note measurement with subsequent analysis of the quadrature components of the signal in the time domain. By utilizing appropriate filters, it allows for the suppression of the frequency drifts that are typical for diode lasers.

Våningspåbyggnad av miljonprogrammets flerbostadshus : Förutsättningar och kontroller för genomförandet av våningspåbyggnader / Storey extension of the ‘Million Programme’ apartment buildings : Prerequisites and controls for implementation of storey extensions

Lindgren, Aron, Larsson, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
Under de så kallade rekordåren mellan 1961-1975 byggdes det totalt 920,000 lägenheter i flerbostadshus i Sverige, och idag finns omkring 850,000 av dessa kvar. Den vanligaste byggnadstekniken under perioden var med byggande av förtillverkade våningshöga fasadelement tillsammans med en platsbyggd bokhyllestomme med tvärgående bärande innerväggar och gavlar. Syftet med arbetet är att kontrollera om en våningspåbyggnad på ett referenshus från miljonprogrammet med bokhyllestomme är möjlig för att skapa nya lägenheter som medför ökade hyresintäkter för fastighetsägaren, och kan medverka till ökad variation i området arkitektonisk och öka lägenhetsutbudet. Arbetet ger information om vad som behöver kontrolleras och utredas vid uppstarten av ett påbyggnadsprojekt. Arbetet jämför och beskriver tre olika stomförslag på en våningspåbyggnad. Alternativen som tas upp är massivträstomme med bärande flerskiktskiva, prefabricerad betong – och stålstomme bestående av HD/F-plattor och VKR-pelare, och ett alternativ bestående av volymelement. Inventering av konstruktionen och bärförmågan hos den befintliga stommen visar att det finns bärförmåga kvar att utnyttja. Utförda kontroller undersöker bl.a. bärförmågan hos väggar, grundsulor, samt det befintliga vindsbjälklaget. Kontroller utförs även med hänsyn till stabilitet då byggnaden betraktas som en stel enhet med en fiktiv påbyggnad. Slutsatsen av detta arbete är att en våningspåbyggnad är fullt möjlig på referenshuset. Alternativet med massivträ klarar en fiktiv påbyggnad om tre våningar som valts som exempel i arbetet. Alternativet med en prefabricerad betong och-stålstomme kan maximalt byggas på med två extra våningar, sedan blir grundtrycket dimensionerande och begränsar antalet våningar för påbyggnaden till två. / During the so called ‘record years’ between 1961-1975 a total of 920,000 apartments were built in apartment buildings in Sweden. Today about 850.000 of these are still in use. The most common method of building during this period was by using prefabricated one-storey high façade units together with load-bearing interior cross walls and gable walls which were built on site. The purpose of this degree project is to find out if a storey extension on a reference-building from the so called ‘Million Programme’ with load-bearing interior cross walls is possible in order to create new apartments. If this is possible it would give an increase of income of rents to the owner of the apartment building and it could also contribute to an increase of variation in the area as regards both architecture and supply of apartments. This degree project gives information about what has to be checked and investigated before a storey extension project begins. This degree project compares and describes three different suggestions of structural construction systems for storey extensions. The alternatives dealt with are solid timber structural construction consisting of cross-laminated boards, a prefabricated concrete – and steel structural construction consisting of HD/F-elements and tube steel framing, and finally an alternative consisting of prefabricated building modules. The study of the structural construction and the load-bearing capacity of the existing building show that there is enough load-bearing capacity left to make use of. Performed checks investigate for example the load-bearing capacity of load-bearing walls, strip foundations as well as the existing loft floor. Checks are also performed with regard to the stability as the building is considered a stiff unit with a fictitious storey extension. The conclusion from this degree project is that a storey extension is fully possible on the reference-building. The alternative with a solid timber structural construction allows a fictitious storey extension with three additional storeys, which has been chosen as an example in this degree project. The alternative with the prefabricated concrete – and steel structural construction allows a fictitious storey extension of maximum two additional storeys, and then the ground pressure was dimensioning and limited the amount of additional storeys for the storey extension.

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