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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantitative Models of Location, Inventory and Transportation Decisions for Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Becerra Muñoz, Pablo Andrés 26 July 2024 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La gestión sostenible de las cadenas de suministro se ha transformado en un tema de alto interés entre profesionales e investigadores en el ámbito de la ingeniería industrial. El impacto que generan las actividades económicas en el medioambiente y en las comunidades donde éstas se ubican ha generado un incremento en el desarrollo de herramientas que permitan incorporar dichos impactos en las decisiones tomadas en el nivel estratégico de las empresas e industrias. Es así como surgen nuevos paradigmas respecto al modelo de producción, como por ejemplo la economía circular, donde se busca transitar desde una economía de producción lineal, hacia una circular reduciendo al mínimo la generación de desperdicios, ya sea material y/o energético. En este contexto, esta tesis doctoral, sustentada en una revisión de la literatura y en un análisis de modelos de optimización matemática de referencia, propone un marco conceptual como herramienta de soporte para seguir desarrollando modelos cuantitativos para dar soporte a los problemas de localización, inventario y transporte (LIT) en cadenas de suministro sostenibles, así como, un modelo de optimización multiobjetivo no lineal entero mixto (MOMINLP) para diseñar una cadena de suministro sostenible de bucle cerrado considerando las decisiones LIT, donde los aspectos de sostenibilidad: económico, medioambiental y social son incorporados en cada una de las decisiones anteriores. El modelo propuesto, denominado 3S-LIT, considera cuatro funciones objetivo que pretenden: (1) minimizar el coste total de la cadena de suministro; (2) minimizar los costes asociados a la emisión de CO2 equivalente; (3) minimizar el coste social relacionado con los accidentes laborales; y (4) maximizar el impacto social, medido como el incremento en cuanto a la generación de empleos directos e indirectos y la reducción en la cantidad de personas afectas por los riesgos del transporte dentro de la cadena de suministro. El modelo 3S-LIT ha sido validado en una empresa del sector minero del cobre obteniendo un mejor desempeño en los valores de las funciones objetivo respecto a los obtenidos en la situación actual. Además, el modelo 3S-LIT se ha comparado con un enfoque existente en la literatura científica obteniéndose unos resultados satisfactorios tanto en términos de funcionalidades como de resultados. Finalmente, el modelo propuesto de optimización matemática, 3S-LIT, es replicado en un modelo de simulación con el cual se estudiaron posibles escenarios de disrupción de la cadena de suministro con el objetivo de analizar su capacidad resiliente. / [CA] La gestió sostenible de les cadenes de subministrament s'ha transformat en un tema d'alt interès entre professionals i investigadors en l'àmbit de l'enginyeria industrial. L'impacte que generen les activitats econòmiques en el medi ambient i en les comunitats on aquestes se situen ha generat un increment en el desenvolupament d'eines que permeten incorporar aquests impactes en les decisions preses en el nivell estratègic de les empreses i indústries. És així com sorgeixen nous paradigmes respecte al model de producció, com per exemple l'economia circular, on se cerca transitar des d'una economia de producció lineal, cap a una circular reduint al mínim la generació de desaprofitaments, ja siga material i/o energètic. En aquest context, aquesta tesi doctoral, sustentada en una revisió de la literatura i en una anàlisi de models d'optimització matemàtica de referència, proposa un marc conceptual com a eina de suport per a continuar desenvolupant models quantitatius per a donar suport als problemes de localització, inventari i transport (LIT) en cadenes de subministrament sostenibles, així com, un model d'optimització multi-objectiu no lineal enter mixt (MOMINLP) per a dissenyar una cadena de subministrament sostenible de bucle tancat considerant les decisions LIT, on els aspectes de sostenibilitat: econòmic, mediambiental i social són incorporats en cadascuna de les decisions anteriors. El model proposat, denominat 3S-LIT, considera quatre funcions objectiu que pretenen: (1) minimitzar el cost total de la cadena de subministrament; (2) minimitzar els costos associats a l'emissió de CO2 equivalent; (3) minimitzar el cost social relacionat amb els accidents laborals; i (4) maximitzar l'impacte social, mesurat com l'increment quant a la generació d'ocupacions directes i indirectes i la reducció en la quantitat de persones afectes pels riscos del transport dins de la cadena de subministrament. El model 3S-LIT ha sigut validat en una empresa del sector miner del coure obtenint un millor acompliment en els valors de les funcions objectiu respecte als obtinguts en la situació actual. A més, el model 3S-LIT s'ha comparat amb un enfocament existent en la literatura científica obtenint-se uns resultats satisfactoris tant en termes de funcionalitats com de resultats. Finalment, el model proposat d'optimització matemàtica, 3S-LIT, és replicat en un model de simulació amb el qual es van estudiar possibles escenaris de disrupció de la cadena de subministrament amb l'objectiu d'analitzar la seua capacitat resilient. / [EN] Sustainable supply chain management has become a topic of great interest among practitioners and researchers in the field of industrial engineering. The impact generated by economic activities on the environment and the communities where they are located has generated an increase in the development of tools that allow the incorporation of these impacts in the decisions taken at the strategic level of companies and industries. This is how new paradigms emerge regarding the production model, such as the Circular Economy, which seeks to move from a linear production economy to a circular one by minimising the generation of waste, both material and energetic. In this context, this PhD thesis, supported by a state-of-the-art study and the analysis of benchmark mathematical optimisation models, presents a conceptual framework to provide the key elements that act as a valuable tool to further develop quantitative models of location, inventory and transport (LIT) problems in sustainable supply chains, and a novel mixed integer non-linear multi-objective mixed integer multi-objective optimisation model (MOMINLP) for designing a closed-loop sustainable supply chain considering location, inventory and transportation decisions, where economic, environmental and social sustainability aspects are incorporated in each of the above mentioned decisions. The proposed model, called 3S-LIT, considers four objective functions that aim to: (1) minimise the total cost of the supply chain, (2) minimise the costs associated with CO2 equivalent emissions, (3) minimise the social cost related to occupational accidents, and (4) maximise the social impact, measured as a higher generation of direct and indirect jobs and a lower number of people affected by transport risks within the chain. The 3S-LIT model has been applied in a company in the copper mining sector, confirming a better performance in the values of the objective functions compared to those obtained in the current situation. In addition, the mathematical optimisation model is replicated in a simulation model with which possible supply chain disruption scenarios were studied to analyse the resilience of the supply chain. / This thesis has been developed within the Research Centre on Production Management and Engineering (CIGIP) of the Universitat Politècnica de València, within the framework of the projects: "Industrial Production and Logistics Optimization in Industry 4.0" (i4OPT) (Ref. PROMETEO/2021/065) granted by the Valencian Regional Government and received funding from Grant RTI2018-101344-B-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”; “Validation of transferable results of optimisation of zero-defect enabling production technologies for supply chain 4.0” (CADS4.0-II) from the grant PDC2022-133957-I00; and by European Union Next GenerationEU/PRTR, and from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101070076 "Optimizing Production and Logistic Resources in the Time-critical Bio Production Industries in Europe" (CLARUS). It was also funded by the National Agency for Research and Development (ANID)/Scholarship Program/Doctorado Becas en el Extranjero/2020 – 72210174 and sponsored by the Universidad de Atacama as part of an academic improvement plan. / Becerra Muñoz, PA. (2023). Quantitative Models of Location, Inventory and Transportation Decisions for Sustainable Supply Chain Management [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196651 / Compendio

Développement d'une approche radar pour l'étude des réflexions sur les bâtiments et l'analyse des irrégularités de façade / Radar approach method for the modelling of building scattering, and analysis of facade irregularities

Ouattara, Yélakan 10 December 2010 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans la lignée des travaux sur la prédiction du champ électromagnétique réfléchi par les bâtiments en milieu urbain. Nous avons développé une méthode de prédiction basée sur la Surface Équivalente Radar (SER) pour le traitement spécifique des bâtiments situés en zone lointaine. Contrairement aux méthodes classiques de lancer et le tracé de rayons où les réflexions sont traitées rayons par rayons, notre approche utilise la SER global d'un ensemble de bâtiments pour décrire la réflectivité des scènes. Le champ électrique est ensuite reconstruit au point de réception à partir de cette SER. La méthode de calcul est analytique et essentiellement basée sur la combinaison de l'optique géométrique (OG) et du calcul de l'intégrale de Kirchhoff-Huygens. Les interactions multiples de l'onde entre les bâtiments sont également prises en compte dans le modèle proposé. Les résultats obtenus en termes de précision de prédiction dans les directions spéculaires et non-spéculaires sont très satisfaisants. Les temps de calcul n'excédent pas 5 secondes pour les scénarios les plus complexes simulés ; ils permettent ainsi de réduire les temps de calcul et de surmonter les contraintes en place mémoire lors de l'étude d'une scène urbaine. Dans une seconde étude, l'influence des irrégularités des façades sur le champ électromagnétique diffracté a été évaluée. Nous utilisons la méthode des moments (MoM) bidimensionnelles (2D) pour résoudre de façon rigoureuse le problème de diffraction lié à trois types de façades : façade plane, façade corruguée et façade avec des balcons. A partir de la distribution du champ diffracté en zone proche et des diagrammes de rayonnement des façades en zone lointaine, nous décrivons les différents mécanismes de diffraction qui s'y produisent et les directions de réflexion prépondérantes sont données pour chacune des façades. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse s'inscrivent dans le cadre du projet ANR OP2H (Outil de Prédiction par navigation Hiérarchique et Homogénéisation de matériaux) / The motivation of this dissertation is to propose an efficient approach for the prediction of the electromagnetic field scattered from a set of buildings in urban area. Unlike the ray tracing and ray lanching methods where the reflection mechanics are treated building by building, the proposed approach uses the radar cross section (RCS) as a global quantity to describe the reflection by a set of buildings and to predict the scattered field at the receiver position. An analytical expression is obtained to model building scattering using the vector form of Kirchhoff-Huygens integral and the geometrical optics (GO) method, and the multiple reflections between building facades are taken into account. The model is applied on various buildings configurations and accurate results are obtained in the predominant scattering directions with simulation times inferior to five seconds for the most complex scenarios. Since our approach is compatible to the classical methods based on ray techniques or the radiation of surface currents, it can be useful to accelerate the existing softwares. The second part of this thesis is devoted to the study of the influence of building facade irregularities such as balconies. As the complexity of these facades is incompatible with the use of asymptotic methods, the rigorous method of moments (MoM) has been chosen to determine the scattered field from these façades. The field distribution in the near zone of the facades as well as the radiation patterns in the far zone have been considered. It appears that single and second order reflections are the main scattering mechanisms for these facades. We also show that from a certain distance from the facade, the corrugated facade can be used as a simplified equivalent model for the facade with balconies. This thesis is supported by the French ANR project OP2H

Multinational Corporation and Its Sustainable Engagement with Local Small Businesses : A Case Study of Unilever Thailand

Gaiga, Roméo, Thorngmun, Siriwimon January 2017 (has links)
Once the boundary in global investment does no longer exist, a substantial number of multinational corporations (MNCs) seek for the lower-cost countries such as developing countries or emerging countries to be their production bases. It is undeniable to say that these recipient countries will benefit abundantly in several aspects namely: capital and technical knowledge, employment boost and economic development stimulation. However, the disadvantages that occur may not be worth the trade-off in a long run whether it is economic inflation, impact to the environment and disappearance of small-scale business. Hence, sustainable business approaches concerning every involved stakeholder is vital, some firms might view that adjusting entire activities in the value chain does increase the costs, but some realizes that aligning their practices with along Sustainable Development Goals is the only way to gain profit, and save people and the planet simultaneously.Nevertheless, there are billions of poor people at the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) who are consumers and entrepreneurs especially in the developing countries. Part of the theorizers believes that producing products and service that respond to the grassroots turns out to be new opportunities for MNCs to develop new types of businesses; bring prosperity to the firms; enhance the poor by offering them knowledge and alternative solutions, shaping their aspirations and improving the accessibility of the products. On the other hand, the other part of the theorizers argued that this method does not only harm the poor since these people are vulnerable consumers, it also has less emphasis on legal, regulatory and social mechanisms. In a nutshell, nothing can guarantee that this approach will enventually take us closer to sustainability.In our study, we have seen that there are some MNCs looking at the BoP market with different perspectives. For instance, the arrival of MNCs in term of modern trade business in Thailand caused a severe effect to traditional retail stores or ‘Mom & Pop1 stores’ in the country. Unilever is one of the MNCs that have a major engagement with local small businesses through their new business model which does not only alleviate Mom & Pop store owners to retrieve their businesses, but it also creates a win-win situation between Unilever and these owners concurrently, allowing them to be self-reliance and operate their businesses sustainability in the days to come.The purpose of this master’s thesis is to understand and assess sustainable development theory, particularly in corporate social responsibility thinking in the BoP perspective based on sufficiency economy. Qualitative research and case study of Unilever Thailand were chosen as appropriate research methods to conduct this thesis.

A mãe-preta na literatura brasileira: a ambigüidade como construção social (1880-1950) / The \"Black-mom\" in the Brazilian literature: the ambiguity as social construction (1880-1950)

Deiab, Rafaela de Andrade 15 September 2006 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar a memória coletiva que se consolida em torno da figura da mãe-preta. Para a realização dessa empreitada, tomei como objeto de estudo as representações literárias da mãe-preta no período de 1880 a 1950. É nesse intervalo de tempo que se estabiliza uma interpretação mais alentada sobre a escravidão. Nessa medida, as representações da mãe-preta são tomadas como vias de acesso a interpretações paradoxais sobre a escravidão brasileira e seu legado. Tenho como hipótese que, se essa instituição violenta e arbitrária não podia ser esquecida; ela, ao menos, poderia ser lembrada em sua faceta mais íntima, afetiva e \"produtora de uma cultura mestiça\". Contudo, ainda assim, afeto e intimidade parecem não conseguir romper com a diferença e a hierarquia social: é justamente nessa tensão que se constroem representações ambíguas da mãe-preta na literatura brasileira. / The main purpose of this research is to study the collective memory formed around the figure of \"mãe-preta\" (Black-Mom). For this purpose, I have taken as object of study the literary representations of \"mãe-preta\" (black-mom) between 1880 and 1950. This is the main period in which an interpretation of slavery was established. Therefore, the representations of \"mãe-preta\" (black-mom) are a way of having access to the paradoxical interpretations of Brazilian slavery and its legacy. My hypothesis is that, although this violent and arbitrary institution could not be forgotten, it could at least be remembered in its more intimate and affective ways or as a \"producer of a mixed culture\". Nevertheless, it seems that intimacy and affection are not capable of breaking up with social difference and hierarchy. Ambiguous representations of \"mãe-preta\"? (black-mom) in Brazilian literature are built exactly on this tension.

Desenvolvimento de um algoritmo computacional MoM 3D aplicado em nanoplasmônica

SOUZA, Nadson Welkson Pereira de 13 December 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2013-04-24T22:21:51Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_DesenvolvimentoAlgoritmoComputacional.pdf: 1177006 bytes, checksum: 819ac77a9d88b4c93e2ba222d3cee8d6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva(arosa@ufpa.br) on 2013-04-29T15:25:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_DesenvolvimentoAlgoritmoComputacional.pdf: 1177006 bytes, checksum: 819ac77a9d88b4c93e2ba222d3cee8d6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-04-29T15:25:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23898 bytes, checksum: e363e809996cf46ada20da1accfcd9c7 (MD5) Dissertacao_DesenvolvimentoAlgoritmoComputacional.pdf: 1177006 bytes, checksum: 819ac77a9d88b4c93e2ba222d3cee8d6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo computacional para análise do espalhamento eletromagnético de nanoestruturas plasmônicas isoladas. O Método dos Momentos tridimensional (MoM-3D) foi utilizado para resolver numericamente a equação integral do campo elétrico, e o modelo de Lorentz-Drude foi usado para representar a permissividade complexa das nanoestruturas metálicas. Baseado nesta modelagem matemática, um algoritmo computacional escrito em linguagem C foi desenvolvido. Como exemplo de aplicação e validação do código, dois problemas clássicos de espalhamento eletromagnético de nanopartículas metálicas foram analisados: nanoesfera e nanobarra, onde foram calculadas a resposta espectral e a distribuição do campo próximo. Os resultados obtidos foram comparados com resultados calculados por outros modelos e observou-se uma boa concordância e convergência entre eles. / This work presents the development of a computational algorithm for electromagnetic scattering analysis of isolated plasmonic nanostructures. The tridimensional Method of Moments (MoM-3D) was used to solve the electric field integral equation, and the Lorentz-Drude model was used to represent the complex permittivity of the metallic nanostructures. Based in this model, a computational algorithm written in C language was developed. As example of application and validation of the code, two classical electromagnetic scattering problems of metallic nanoparticles are analyzed: nanosphere and rectangular nanorod, where the spectral response and near-field distributions were calculated. The obtained results were compared with other models and a good agreement and convergence was observed.

Numerically Efficient Analysis And Design Of Conformal Printed Structures In Cylindrically Layered Media

Acar, R. Cuneyt 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The complete set of Green&rsquo / s functions for cylindrically layered media is presented. The formulations reported in the previously published work by Tokg&ouml / z (M.S.Thesis, 1997) are recalculated, the missing components are added and a solution to the problem when (rho equals rhop) is proposed. A hybrid method to calculate mutual coupling of electric or magnetic current elements on a cylindrically layered structure using MoM is proposed. For the calculation of MoM matrix entries, when (rho equals rhop) and fi is not close to fip, the closed-form Green&rsquo / s functions are employed. When fi is close to fip, since the spectral-domain Green&rsquo / s functions do not converge, MoM matrix elements are calculated in the spectral domain. The technique is applied to both printed dipoles and slots placed on a layered cylindrical structure. The computational efficiency of the anaysis of mutual coupling of printed elements on a cylindrically layered structure is increased with the use of proposed hybrid method due to use of closed-form Green&rsquo / s functions.

A mãe-preta na literatura brasileira: a ambigüidade como construção social (1880-1950) / The \"Black-mom\" in the Brazilian literature: the ambiguity as social construction (1880-1950)

Rafaela de Andrade Deiab 15 September 2006 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar a memória coletiva que se consolida em torno da figura da mãe-preta. Para a realização dessa empreitada, tomei como objeto de estudo as representações literárias da mãe-preta no período de 1880 a 1950. É nesse intervalo de tempo que se estabiliza uma interpretação mais alentada sobre a escravidão. Nessa medida, as representações da mãe-preta são tomadas como vias de acesso a interpretações paradoxais sobre a escravidão brasileira e seu legado. Tenho como hipótese que, se essa instituição violenta e arbitrária não podia ser esquecida; ela, ao menos, poderia ser lembrada em sua faceta mais íntima, afetiva e \"produtora de uma cultura mestiça\". Contudo, ainda assim, afeto e intimidade parecem não conseguir romper com a diferença e a hierarquia social: é justamente nessa tensão que se constroem representações ambíguas da mãe-preta na literatura brasileira. / The main purpose of this research is to study the collective memory formed around the figure of \"mãe-preta\" (Black-Mom). For this purpose, I have taken as object of study the literary representations of \"mãe-preta\" (black-mom) between 1880 and 1950. This is the main period in which an interpretation of slavery was established. Therefore, the representations of \"mãe-preta\" (black-mom) are a way of having access to the paradoxical interpretations of Brazilian slavery and its legacy. My hypothesis is that, although this violent and arbitrary institution could not be forgotten, it could at least be remembered in its more intimate and affective ways or as a \"producer of a mixed culture\". Nevertheless, it seems that intimacy and affection are not capable of breaking up with social difference and hierarchy. Ambiguous representations of \"mãe-preta\"? (black-mom) in Brazilian literature are built exactly on this tension.


Lindsay M Butcher (12422926) 20 April 2022 (has links)
<p>This study explores how working moms show resiliency in the age of social media; consumed by the pressures to excel in their careers and in raising their families. Fifteen self-identified working moms are interviewed about their reason(s) for working, their purpose behind their social media usage, the challenges and rewards of being a working mom, their definition and their assumption of society’s definition of what a working mom is, and how they overcome tough days.  The following themes emerge: moms assessing situations, moms adjusting their daily lives, self-scrutiny, money, expectations, the influence on the children, and the gleaning of humor not hate from social media platforms. These themes are supported by participant voices and existing literature to add to research surrounding this important topic. Limitations and future directions are also discussed. </p>

Predictors of NICU Admitted Newborns Receiving Mother's Own Milk as the First Feeding, during the NICU Stay, and at Discharge

Corley, Megan E. January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Modelling and analysis of complex electromagnetic problems using FDTD subgridding in hybrid computational methods : development of hybridised Method of Moments, Finite-Difference Time-Domain method and subgridded Finite-Difference Time-Domain method for precise computation of electromagnetic interaction with arbitrarily complex geometries

Ramli, Khairun Nidzam January 2011 (has links)
The main objective of this research is to model and analyse complex electromagnetic problems by means of a new hybridised computational technique combining the frequency domain Method of Moments (MoM), Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method and a subgridded Finite-Difference Time-Domain (SGFDTD) method. This facilitates a significant advance in the ability to predict electromagnetic absorption in inhomogeneous, anisotropic and lossy dielectric materials irradiated by geometrically intricate sources. The Method of Moments modelling employed a two-dimensional electric surface patch integral formulation solved by independent linear basis function methods in the circumferential and axial directions of the antenna wires. A similar orthogonal basis function is used on the end surface and appropriate attachments with the wire surface are employed to satisfy the requirements of current continuity. The surface current distributions on structures which may include closely spaced parallel wires, such as dipoles, loops and helical antennas are computed. The results are found to be stable and showed good agreement with less comprehensive earlier work by others. The work also investigated the interaction between overhead high voltage transmission lines and underground utility pipelines using the FDTD technique for the whole structure, combined with a subgridding method at points of interest, particularly the pipeline. The induced fields above the pipeline are investigated and analysed. FDTD is based on the solution of Maxwell's equations in differential form. It is very useful for modelling complex, inhomogeneous structures. Problems arise when open-region geometries are modelled. However, the Perfectly Matched Layer (PML) concept has been employed to circumvent this difficulty. The establishment of edge elements has greatly improved the performance of this method and the computational burden due to huge numbers of time steps, in the order of tens of millions, has been eased to tens of thousands by employing quasi-static methods. This thesis also illustrates the principle of the equivalent surface boundary employed close to the antenna for MoM-FDTD-SGFDTD hybridisation. It depicts the advantage of using hybrid techniques due to their ability to analyse a system of multiple discrete regions by employing the principle of equivalent sources to excite the coupling surfaces. The method has been applied for modelling human body interaction with a short range RFID antenna to investigate and analyse the near field and far field radiation pattern for which the cumulative distribution function of antenna radiation efficiency is presented. The field distributions of the simulated structures show reasonable and stable results at 900 MHz. This method facilitates deeper investigation of the phenomena in the interaction between electromagnetic fields and human tissues.

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