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Case and Activity Identification for Mining Process Models from MiddlewareBala, Saimir, Mendling, Jan, Schimak, Martin, Queteschiner, Peter 12 October 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Process monitoring aims to provide transparency over operational aspects of a business process. In practice, it is a challenge that traces of business process executions span across a number of diverse systems. It is cumbersome manual engineering work to identify which attributes in unstructured event data can serve as case and activity identifiers for extracting and monitoring the business process. Approaches from literature assume that these identifiers are known a priori and data is readily available in formats like eXtensible Event Stream (XES). However, in practice this is hardly the case, specifically when event data from different sources are pooled together in event stores. In this paper, we address this research gap by inferring potential case and activity identifiers in a provenance agnostic way. More specifically, we propose a semi-automatic technique for discovering event relations that are semantically relevant for business process monitoring. The results are evaluated in an industry case study with an international telecommunication provider.
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Monitoring of biodiesel transesterification process using impedance measurementTri, Rachmanto January 2014 (has links)
Alternative diesel fuels have been the subject of extensive investigation. Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) based Biodiesel manufactured from vegetable oils or animal fats is an excellent candidate to replace common diesel fuel being renewable, non-toxic and often giving rise to reduced exhaust gas emissions. The transesterification process has been commonly and widely used to produce biodiesel from vegetable oil or animal fat. Vegetable oils or animal fats generally have viscosities higher than standard diesel oil. This means that it is necessary to reduce the viscosity by means of reacting vegetable oil with alcohol in the presence of a suitable catalyst. The target product for this reaction is methyl ester, with glycerol and potentially soap produced as by products with the process of transesterification. Methylester (Biodiesel) is produced by converting triglycerides to alkylesters. A batch transesterification process has two significant mechanisms, and exhibits a mass transfer controlled region that precedes a second order kinetically controlled region. In order to control the conversion process it is useful to employ process monitoring. In particular monitoring of the mass transfer processes that limits the initial reaction rates could prove to be beneficial in allowing for process optimization and control. This thesis proposes the use of a new method of biodiesel process monitoring using low frequency (15kHz) impedance sensing which is able to provide information regarding the progress of mass transfer and chemical reaction during biodiesel production. An interdigitated (ID) sensor has been used to monitoring the biodiesel process The ID sensor is of simple construction and consists of two sets of interleaved electrodes (fingers). The two sets of electrodes are separated by a gap and when an AC excitation voltage is applied across the interleaved electrodes an oscillating electric field is developed. The response of the fluid surrounding the sensor to the applied excitation was then used to determine progress of the chemical reaction by evaluating the real and complex impedance. A significant and unambiguous change in the components of impedance has been shown to occur during mixing (mass transfer) and transesterification. The impedance measurements gained during transesterification were then used for the development of a system model. A systematic approach was used to select mathematical models and system identification techniques were evaluated. The system identification investigation used real process measurement data in conjunction with the Matlab system identification toolbox.
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Mise en œuvre, instrumentation, validation et modélisation d’un système d’injection RTM pour la fabrication de structures composites de hautes performances / Implementation, instrumentation, validation and modeling of RTM injection system for the manufacturing of structural high performances compositesWaris, Marc 24 December 2012 (has links)
Les matériaux composites ont connu ces dernières années une forte croissance, croissance aujourd'hui renforcée par les nouvelles normes européenne visant à diminuer les émissions CO2 d'ici 2020. La réalisation de pièces complexes peut poser de nombreuses problématiques de fabrication comme la formation de zones sèches, ou la création de distorsions géométriques. Les origines de ces problématiques sont souvent liées à un manque de connaissance et de maîtrise des phases d'imprégnation des renforts et de cuisson du matériau. L'amélioration de la robustesse des procédés nécessite d'avoir une connaissance fine des phénomènes physiques qui ont lieu lors de l'élaboration. Dans cette perspective, les procédés d'élaboration de matériaux composites ont été étudiés à travers la mise en place d'un démonstrateur de laboratoire dans le cadre du projet LCM Smart. Ce pilote d'injection a permis de valider des solutions d'instrumentation, à partir de capteurs innovants (OFS) développés en partenariat avec le laboratoire d'optique Hubert Curien.L'application de cette instrumentation dans le cadre du suivi du procédé RTM a démontré les capacités des OFS pour le suivi des caractéristiques physiques de la pièce (le front d'écoulement, la température, les déformations résiduelles et le degré de cuisson). La comparaison des caractéristiques mesurées avec des simulations numériques effectuées en collaboration avec ESI, a montré une bonne corrélation.Enfin, l'instrumentation a permis de mettre en évidence l’intérêt d’un outillage composite en HexTool pour la réduction des contraintes résiduelles liées à l'interaction outil/pièce. / A significant growth in production and consumption of composite materials can be seen recently; growth reinforced by the new European standards, aimed at reducing CO2 emissions by the year 2020.The producing of complex parts can cause many difficulties for manufacturing because of their geometries and / or their constituents (using of various materials). For example, dry zones or geometric distortion formation. The origins of these difficulties are often related to a lack of knowledge and control of the reinforcement's impregnation phases and material curing.Improving the robustness of the processes demands a detailed knowledge of physical phenomena that occur during the producing. For this, we studied the composite materials production through the implementation of a laboratory demonstrator in the project LCM Smart. This pilot injection was used to validate instrumentation solutions, from innovative sensors (OFS) developed in partnership with the optical laboratory Hubert Curien. The application of this instrumentation in the context of RTM process monitoring in the development of simple parts has demonstrated the capabilities of OFS to control physical characteristics of the part (the flow front, temperature, residual strain and curing degree). The comparison of the measured characteristics with numerical simulations carried out in collaboration with ESI showed a good correlation.Finally, instrumentation has demonstrated the capacity of composite tool made by HexTool to minimize the residual stresses due to the tool/part interaction.
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Mejora del proceso de monitoreo de accesos y comportamiento de usuarios en entorno cloud / Improvement of the monitoring process of access and user behavior in cloud environmentRoca Chunga, Guiuliana Krystal, Tristán Echevarría, Irving Godofredo 22 February 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo mejorar el proceso de Monitoreo de Accesos y Comportamiento de Usuarios en Entorno Cloud de la gerencia de Seguridad Tecnológica, este proceso es uno de los principales controles en el programa de seguridad de la información y ciberseguridad de Mibanco por contribuir en la detección oportuna de eventos de seguridad, evitar incidentes que pudieran afectar a la organización y por el cumplimiento de estándares de seguridad que debe cumplir toda entidad financiera.
El trabajo de investigación se desarrolló en seis capítulos donde en primer lugar, se detalla el Marco Teórico utilizado; luego en el capítulo de Desarrollo de Proyecto, se realiza el análisis de la arquitectura empresarial y la identificación de los problemas objetivos que se deben trabajar para la mejora del proceso. Asimismo, en los demás capítulos se desarrolló la arquitectura de software de solución y la gestión del proyecto. / The objective of this research work is to improve the process of Monitoring Accesses and User Behavior in the Cloud Environment of the Technological Security management, this process is one of the main controls in the information security and cybersecurity program of Mibanco by contribute to the timely detection of security events, avoid incidents that could affect the organization and for the fulfillment of security standards that every financial entity must comply with.
The research work was developed in six chapters where, first, the Theoretical Framework used is detailed; Then, in the Project Development chapter, the analysis of the business architecture and the identification of the objective problems that must be worked on to improve the process is carried out. Likewise, in the other chapters the solution software architecture and project management were developed. / Tesis
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Untersuchung bildgebender Ultraschallmesstechnik für instationäre Strömungsvorgänge in der MagnetohydrodynamikNauber, Richard 16 April 2019 (has links)
Bei einer Reihe bedeutsamer industrieller Prozesse, wie dem Stahl-Strangguss oder der Kristallzucht für die Photovoltaik, ist die Strömung flüssiger Metalle oder Halbleiter entscheidend für den Energieaufwand bei der Herstellung und die Qualität des Endproduktes. Eine gezielte, berührungslose Einwirkung von Lorentzkräften auf die heißen Schmelzen kann dabei die Ressourceneffizienz eines Prozesses signifikant steigern. Die komplexe Interaktion von elektrisch leitfähigen Fluiden und magnetischen Wechselfeldern wird dazu in der Magnetohydrodynamik (MHD) durch Experimente im Labormaßstab an niedrigschmelzenden Metallen untersucht. Die dabei auftretenden instationären, dreidimensionalen Strömungsfelder erfordern eine nicht-invasive, bildgebende Strömungsmesstechnik für opake Fluide mit hoher Orts- und Zeitauflösung,
welche derzeitig nicht für die MHD zur Verfügung steht.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit soll mit den Mitteln der Elektrotechnik eine für MHD-Modellexperimente geeignete Messtechnik basierend auf dem Ultraschall-Doppler-Prinzip geschaffen werden. Dabei wird der Ansatz verfolgt, die Komplexität eines Messsystems vom mechanischen Aufbau hin zur Rechentechnik zu verlagern, um durch die dort in jüngster Zeit verfügbaren Ressourcen neuartige Signalverarbeitungsmethoden und eine höhere Flexibilität zu ermöglichen. Mit dem Ultrasound Array Doppler Velocimeter (UADV) wurde ein flexibles Messsystem für MHD-Modellexperimente geschaffen, welches eine mehrkomponentige Mehrebenenmessung durch Sensordatenfusion von bis zu neun linearen Wandlerarrays im kombinierten Zeit- und Ortsmultiplex erreicht.
Die Signalverarbeitung ist durch eine auf einem Field Programmable Gate Array implementierte Datenkompression onlinefähig. Sie reicht trotz geringer rechentechnischer Komplexität bis auf Faktor 3 an die fundamentale Grenze der Messunsicherheit, die Cramér-Rao-Schranke, heran. Das UADV wurde über ein Kalibrierexperiment mit interferometrischer Referenzmessung auf die SI-Einheiten zurückgeführt.
Das UADV wurde an einer magnetfeldgetriebenen Strömung in einem kubischen Gefäß angewandt. Numerische Simulationen sagen dort nicht-deterministisch einsetzende Instabilitäten im Übergangsbereich des laminaren zum turbulenten Strömungsregimes vorher. Durch eine simultane Zweiebenenmessung mit hoher örtlicher (3 ... 5 mm) und zeitlicher Auflösung (Bildrate 11,2 Hz) bei gleichzeitig langer Aufnahmedauer (> 1000 s) konnten die Instabilitäten erstmals experimentell charakterisiert werden. Eine Hauptkomponentenanalyse identifizierte ein gekoppeltes Paar von Strömungsmoden, welche eine spontan anfachende harmonische Oszillation mit der Frequenz f = 0,072 Hz
beschreiben und durch komplexe Wirbel gekennzeichnet sind. Die Analyse der Messunsicherheit für das gegebene Experiment ergab, dass diese mit σ v,rel = 13,9 % hauptsächlich durch das räumliche Auflösungsvermögen bestimmt wird.
Das Schallfeld ist bei ultraschallbasierten Messverfahren ausschlaggebend für die Eigenschaften der Bildgebung. Mit dem Phased Array Doppler Velocimeter (PAUDV) wurde ein modulares Messsystem mit adaptiven Schallfeld aufgebaut, wobei durch digitale Strahlformung die örtliche und zeitliche Auflösung signifikant erhöht werden kann. Eine aktive Kontrolle des Schallfeldes ermöglicht zudem die Messung durch Objekte mit komplexen, unbekannten Ausbreitungseigenschaften. Mit dem Time Reversal Virtual Array (TRVA) wird dabei eine effiziente Methode zur Bildgebung vorgestellt und auf die Strömungsmessung durch einen Multimode-Wellenleiter angewandt. Damit kann die Beschränkung bildgebender Ultraschallmesstechnik hinsichtlich der Betriebstemperatur der Wandler umgangen und heiße Schmelzen industrieller und technischer Prozesse für nichtinvasive In-Prozess-Bildgebung zugänglich gemacht werden. / In many important industrial processes, such as continuous steel casting or crystal
growth for photovoltaic silicon, the flow of liquid metals or semiconductors determines the energy consumption of the process and the quality of the product. Influencing the hot melts contactlessly through Lorentz forces for a targeted flow control can significantly improve the resource-efficiency of a process. The complex interaction of electrically conductive fluids and alternating magnetic fields is investigated in the field of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) through laboratory-scale experiments in low melting metals. The emerging instationary, three-dimensional flows require a temporally and spatially high-resolved non-invasive flow imaging system, which currently is not available for MHD research.
In this work, a flow instrumentation for MHD experiments based on the ultrasound Doppler principle is created through means of electrical engineering. The general
approach is to shift the complexity of a system from mechanics over electronics to an algorithmic implementation in order to exploit the recent computational advances, enabling novel signal processing methods and increasing the flexibility.
The ultrasound array Doppler velocimeter (UADV) has been created as a flexible instrumentation system for MHD experiments. It supports multicomponent, multiplane velocity measurements through sensor fusion of up to nine linear transducer arrays with spatiotemporal multiplexing. An online signal processing is realized through data compression on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA). It achieves an uncertainty as low as a factor 3 of the Cramér-Rao lower bound despite a low computational complexity of the algorithm.
The UADV has been applied to a magnetically-driven flow in a cubic vessel. Numerical simulations predicted a non-deterministic instability in the transitory region between laminar and turbulent flow regimes. A simultaneous two-dimensional two-component flow measurement with high spatial (3 ... 5 mm) and temporal resolution (frame rate 11,2 Hz) over long durations (> 1000 s) allowed to characterize those instabilities experimentally for the first time. A principal component analysis identified a pair of coupled modes with a complex vortex structure that performs a spontaneously onsetting oscillation at f = 0,072 Hz. The measurement uncertainty for the experiment has been evaluated to be σ v,rel = 13,9 % and is primarily caused by the spatial resolution of the system.
The properties of ultrasound-based imaging are primarily determined by the sound field. The phased array Doppler velocimeter (PAUDV) has been developed as a modular flow instrumentation system with an adaptive sound field, which allows to increase the spatial and temporal resolution. Furthermore, an active control of the sound field enables measurements despite a complex, unknown sound propagation. A method to image through strong aberrations efficiently has been proposed with the time reversal virtual array (TRVA). It has been applied to flow imaging through a multimode waveguide, thus allowing to circumvent the limitation of common ultrasound imaging systems regarding their maximum operating temperature. This paves the way for in-process flow imaging of hot, opaque liquids in technical and industrial processes.
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Online-Überwachung der Blechbearbeitung von BipolarplattenMüller, Jan, Praedicow, Michael 25 November 2019 (has links)
Brennstoffzellen werden durch Stapelung präziser Bipolarplatten mit komplexer Struktur von Fließkanälen für Flüssigkeiten und Leitungen für den Transfer von Gasen hergestellt. Die für derartige Platten notwendigen Bleche werden durch Stanzen und Umformen erzeugt. Dabei haben neben der Einrichtung von Presse und Werkzeug (z. B. Hubzahl, Stößelverstellung) auch deren Zustand Einfluss auf die Qualität der Platten (Ebenheit, Materialspannungen/Rissbildungen, Gratbildung). Obwohl moderne Pressen heute im Wesentlichen auf servoelektrischen Antrieben basieren, erfolgt die Kraftübertragung auf den Stößel vornehmlich über mehrere Antriebsdruckpunkte. Spezifische Schneide- und Umformwerkzeuge erzeugen auf einer entsprechenden Presse bei definierten Presseneinstellungen und Materialparametern spezifische Kraft-, Moment- und Kippungsverläufe. Die am IWU entwickelte Überwachungslösung ist in der Lage, die genannten Größen hubabhängig zu erfassen. Mittels eines im IO-Zustand von Presse und Werkzeug generierten „Fingerprints“ werden im laufenden Prozess gemessene Abweichungen erkannt und in Echtzeit analysiert. Dies ist insbesondere beim Einsatz dünnster Bleche von enormer Bedeutung, da hier bereits kleinste anlagenbedingte Änderungen zu kostenintensiven Ausfällen an Werkzeug und Produkt führen können.
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Optimisation of methane production from anaerobically digested cow slurry using mixing regime and hydraulic retention timeHughes, Kevin Lewis William January 2015 (has links)
AD is regarded as a sustainable technology that could assist the UK Government meet internationally agreed GHG emission targets by 2050. However, the mature status of the technology is based on expensive systems that rely on high energy feedstock to be profitable. Meanwhile, the natural biodegradation of cow slurry is a recognised contributor to climate change despite having a relatively low CH4 potential because of the large volumes produced. Economic mixing is essential to the cost-effectiveness of farm AD but techniques applied are not always appropriate as slurry is a shear thinning thixotropic Herschel-Bulkley fluid and therefore challenging to mix. The apparent viscosity of slurry and the shear stress induced was most influenced by solids content (exponential change) followed by temperature (linear). Most shear thinning occurred before a rising shear rate of 20s-1 was achieved with the fluid acting near-Newtonian above. Thixotropic recovery occurred within 1 hour of resting. Rheological values were also much higher than previously reported. Highest CH4 production occurred in the first 10 days of the batch process using a range of mixing regimes with different shear rates and rest periods. During fed-batch operations, changing shear rate had a minimal effect on CH4 production using a 30-day HRT whereas shorter rest periods increased production. Specific CH4 production rate was highest when feeding and mixing coincided. However, when HRT was reduced (OLR increased) the CH4 produced by all mixed regimes significantly increased with highest values being achieved using high intensity mixing rested for short periods. Lower HRTs also requires smaller digesters. Parasitic mixing energy invariably had the most influence on net energy production. Signs of instability were evident after 20 days using the low HRT. Significant microbial adaptation was also observed as the experiments progressed. The research outcomes demonstrate that mixing regime and HRT can be managed to maximise net energy production whilst reducing capital expenditure.
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AUTOMATED OPTIMAL FORECASTING OF UNIVARIATE MONITORING PROCESSES : Employing a novel optimal forecast methodology to define four classes of forecast approaches and testing them on real-life monitoring processesRazroev, Stanislav January 2019 (has links)
This work aims to explore practical one-step-ahead forecasting of structurally changing data, an unstable behaviour, that real-life data connected to human activity often exhibit. This setting can be characterized as monitoring process. Various forecast models, methods and approaches can range from being simple and computationally "cheap" to very sophisticated and computationally "expensive". Moreover, different forecast methods handle different data-patterns and structural changes differently: for some particular data types or data intervals some particular forecast methods are better than the others, something that is usually not known beforehand. This raises a question: "Can one design a forecast procedure, that effectively and optimally switches between various forecast methods, adapting the forecast methods usage to the changes in the incoming data flow?" The thesis answers this question by introducing optimality concept, that allows optimal switching between simultaneously executed forecast methods, thus "tailoring" forecast methods to the changes in the data. It is also shown, how another forecast approach: combinational forecasting, where forecast methods are combined using weighted average, can be utilized by optimality principle and can therefore benefit from it. Thus, four classes of forecast results can be considered and compared: basic forecast methods, basic optimality, combinational forecasting, and combinational optimality. The thesis shows, that the usage of optimality gives results, where most of the time optimality is no worse or better than the best of forecast methods, that optimality is based on. Optimality reduces also scattering from multitude of various forecast suggestions to a single number or only a few numbers (in a controllable fashion). Optimality gives additionally lower bound for optimal forecasting: the hypothetically best achievable forecast result. The main conclusion is that optimality approach makes more or less obsolete other traditional ways of treating the monitoring processes: trying to find the single best forecast method for some structurally changing data. This search still can be sought, of course, but it is best done within optimality approach as its innate component. All this makes the proposed optimality approach for forecasting purposes a valid "representative" of a more broad ensemble approach (which likewise motivated development of now popular Ensemble Learning concept as a valid part of Machine Learning framework). / Denna avhandling syftar till undersöka en praktisk ett-steg-i-taget prediktering av strukturmässigt skiftande data, ett icke-stabilt beteende som verkliga data kopplade till människoaktiviteter ofta demonstrerar. Denna uppsättning kan alltså karakteriseras som övervakningsprocess eller monitoringsprocess. Olika prediktionsmodeller, metoder och tillvägagångssätt kan variera från att vara enkla och "beräkningsbilliga" till sofistikerade och "beräkningsdyra". Olika prediktionsmetoder hanterar dessutom olika mönster eller strukturförändringar i data på olika sätt: för vissa typer av data eller vissa dataintervall är vissa prediktionsmetoder bättre än andra, vilket inte brukar vara känt i förväg. Detta väcker en fråga: "Kan man skapa en predictionsprocedur, som effektivt och på ett optimalt sätt skulle byta mellan olika prediktionsmetoder och för att adaptera dess användning till ändringar i inkommande dataflöde?" Avhandlingen svarar på frågan genom att introducera optimalitetskoncept eller optimalitet, något som tillåter ett optimalbyte mellan parallellt utförda prediktionsmetoder, för att på så sätt skräddarsy prediktionsmetoder till förändringar i data. Det visas också, hur ett annat prediktionstillvägagångssätt: kombinationsprediktering, där olika prediktionsmetoder kombineras med hjälp av viktat medelvärde, kan utnyttjas av optimalitetsprincipen och därmed få nytta av den. Alltså, fyra klasser av prediktionsresultat kan betraktas och jämföras: basprediktionsmetoder, basoptimalitet, kombinationsprediktering och kombinationsoptimalitet. Denna avhandling visar, att användning av optimalitet ger resultat, där optimaliteten för det mesta inte är sämre eller bättre än den bästa av enskilda prediktionsmetoder, som själva optimaliteten är baserad på. Optimalitet reducerar också spridningen från mängden av olika prediktionsförslag till ett tal eller bara några enstaka tal (på ett kontrollerat sätt). Optimalitet producerar ytterligare en nedre gräns för optimalprediktion: det hypotetiskt bästa uppnåeliga prediktionsresultatet. Huvudslutsatsen är följande: optimalitetstillvägagångssätt gör att andra traditionella sätt att ta hand om övervakningsprocesser blir mer eller mindre föråldrade: att leta bara efter den enda bästa enskilda prediktionsmetoden för data med strukturskift. Sådan sökning kan fortfarande göras, men det är bäst att göra den inom optimalitetstillvägagångssättet, där den ingår som en naturlig komponent. Allt detta gör det föreslagna optimalitetstillvägagångssättetet för prediktionsändamål till en giltig "representant" för det mer allmäna ensembletillvägagångssättet (något som också motiverade utvecklingen av numera populär Ensembleinlärning som en giltig del av Maskininlärning).
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Las nuevas tecnologías en la administración de justicia. La validez y eficacia del documento electrónico en sede procesalJaume Bennasar, Andrés 09 October 2009 (has links)
La tesis se encarga de analizar, por un lado, la integración y el desarrollo de las nuevas tecnologías en la Administración de Justicia; y, por otro, los parámetros que constituyen la validez y eficacia del documento electrónico. La primera cuestión se centra en la configuración de los Sistemas de Información de la Oficina Judicial y del Ministerio Fiscal, así como de la informatización de los Registros Civiles, donde el art. 230 LOPJ es la pieza clave. Se estudian sus programas, aplicaciones, la videoconferencia, los ficheros judiciales y las redes de telecomunicaciones que poseen la cobertura de la firma electrónica reconocida, donde cobran gran relevancia los convenios de colaboración tecnológica. La digitalización de las vistas quizá sea una de las cuestiones con más trascendencia, teniendo en cuenta que el juicio es el acto que culmina el proceso. Aunque no todos los proyectos adoptados en el ámbito de la e.justicia se han desarrollado de forma integral, ni han llegado a la totalidad de los órganos judiciales. El objetivo final es lograr una Justicia más ágil y de calidad, a lo cual aspira el Plan Estratégico de Modernización de la Justicia 2009-2012 aprobado recientemente.En referencia a la segunda perspectiva, no cabe duda que el Ordenamiento jurídico y los tribunales, en el ámbito de la justicia material, otorgan plena validez y eficacia al documento electrónico. Nuestra línea de investigación se justifica porque cada vez son más los procesos que incorporan soportes electrónicos de todo tipo, ya sea al plantearse la acción o posteriormente como medio de prueba (art. 299.2 LEC). Entre otros temas examinamos el documento informático, la problemática que rodea al fax, los sistemas de videograbación y el contrato electrónico. / La tesi s'encarrega d'analitzar, per una part, la integració i el desenvolupament de les noves tecnologies dins l´Administració de Justícia; i, per l'altra, els paràmetres que constitueixen la validesa i l'eficàcia del document electrònic. La primera qüestió es centra en la configuració dels Sistemes d´Informació de l´Oficina Judicial i del Ministeri Fiscal, així com de la informatització dels Registres Civils, on l'art. 230 LOPJ es la peça clau. S'estudien els seus programes, aplicacions, la videoconferència, el fitxers judicials i les xarxes de telecomunicacions que tenen la cobertura de la firma electrònica reconeguda, on cobren gran rellevància els convenis de col·laboració tecnològica. La digitalització de les vistes tal vegada sigui una de les qüestions amb més transcendència, tenint amb compte que el judici es l'acte que culmina el procés. Però no tots el projectes adoptats en l'àmbit de la e.justicia s'han desenvolupat d'una manera integral ni han arribat a la totalitat dels òrgans judicials. L'objectiu final es assolir una Justícia més àgil i de qualitat, al que aspira el Pla Estratègic de Modernització de la Justícia 2009-2012 aprovat recentment. En referència a la segona perspectiva, no hi ha dubte que l´Ordenament jurídic i els tribunals, en l'àmbit de la justícia material, donen plena validesa i eficàcia al document electrònic. La nostra línia d'investigació es justifica perquè cada vegada son més el processos que incorporen suports electrònics de tot tipus, ja sigui quant es planteja l'acció o posteriorment como a medi de prova (art. 299.2 LEC). Entre altres temes examinem el document informàtic, la problemàtica que envolta al fax, els sistemes de videogravació i el contracte electrònic. / The thesis seeks to analyse, on the one hand, the integration and development of the new technologies in the Administration of Justice; and, on the other, the parameters which constitute the validity and efficiency of the electronic document.The first question centres on the configuration of the Information Systems of the Judicial Office and the Public Prosecutor, as well as the computerisation of the Civil Registers, where the art. 230 LOPJ it's the part key. Their programmes, applications, the Video Conferencing, the judicial registers and the telecommunication networks which are covered by the recognised electronic signatures, are studied, where the agreements on technological collaboration gain great relevance. The digitalisation of evidence might perhaps be one of the questions with most consequence, bearing in mind that the judgment is the act by which the process is culminated. Although not all the projects adopted within the compass of e.justice have developed completely nor have reached all the judicial organs. The final objective is to achieve an agile, quality Justice, to which the recently approved Strategic Plan for the Modernisation of Justice aspires.With reference to the second perspective, there is no doubt that the juridical Ordinance and the tribunals within the compass of material justice grant full validity and efficacy to the electronic document. Our line of investigation is justified because there are more and more processes which are sustained by electronic supports of all kinds, whether it be at the establishment of the action or later, as a proof of it (art. 299.2 LEC). Amongst other things, we examine the computerised document, the problems which surround the fax, the systems for video recording and the electronic contract.
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