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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kan β-catenin användas som en prognostisk markör för utvecklingen av oral skivepitelcancer?

Zara, Pourakbar January 2015 (has links)
Cirka 300 000 individer drabbas årligen i världen av oral cancer och mer än nittio procent av alla orala cancerformer utgörs av skivepitelcancer. Den femåriga prognosen är generellt 50 % och den 5-åriga relativa överlevnaden har under en tioårsperiod förblivit densamma. Detta motiverar utvecklingen av bättre prognostiska markörer och diagnostiska metoder för att tidigt identifiera de patienter som har risk att utveckla oral skivepitelcancer för att förbättra prognosen och minska lidandet genom tidig insatt behandling. β-catenin är en adhesionsmolekyl som är viktig för bibehållandet av cellulär integration och avvikelser i celladhesionsmolekyler tros spela en central roll när tumörceller invaderar närliggande vävnad det vill säga metastaserar till andra organ.Syftet med studien är att med hjälp av immunohistokemi undersöka om β-catenin kan fungera som en prognostisk markör för utvecklingen av oral skivepitelcancer. Detta görs genom att jämföra förekomsten av β-catenin med hjälp av monoklonala antikroppar i normalt skivepitel, dysplasi och cancer från 18 patienter som har diagnostiserats med oral skivepitelcancer. Infärgningen av Beta catenin jämfördes i normalt oralt skivepitel med cancer och dysplasi för alla biopsier för att undersöka om det förekommer någon skillnad av infärgningen. Förutom detta skedde även en jämförelse av normalt skivepitel med dysplasi och cancer inom varje enskild biopsi.Resultaten visade att det finns en skillnad i uttrycket av β-catenin i normalt skivepitel jämfört med dysplasi och cancer i denna patientgrupp. I denna studie visade mer än 70 % av biopsierna en stark eller måttlig och stark infärgning av β-catenin i normalt skivepitel, mer än 60 % av biopsierna visade en måttlig eller måttlig och svag infärgning av dysplasi och 58,8 % av alla biopsier visade svag infärgning eller ingen och svag infärgning av skivepitelcancer. Då studien visar att mängden av β-catenin är starkast i normalt oralt skivepitel, måttligt i dysplasi och svagast i cancer tyder detta på att β-catenin skulle kunna vara en viktig faktor i utvecklingen av skivepitelcancer i munhålan vilket stämmer väl överens med resultat från andra studier. / Approximately 300,000 individuals are affected every year in the world of oral cancer and more than ninety percent of all oral cancers consists of squamous cell carcinoma. The five-year prognosis is generally 50 % and the 5-year relative survival has over ten years remained the same. This motivates the development of better prognostic markers and diagnostic methods for the early identification of patients at risk of developing oral squamous cell carcinoma to improve prognosis and reduce the suffering of these patients with early treatment.β-catenin is an adhesion molecule that is important for the maintenance of cellular integration and abnormalities of cell adhesion molecules is thought to play a central role in tumorigenesis. The abnormalites is though to enhance tumour cells to break loose from neighbouring cells and invade nearby tissues and organs, however the exact mechanisms are unknown. The purpose of the study is that using immunohistochemistry to examine whether β-catenin may serve as a prognostic marker for the development of oral squamous cell carcinoma. This is done by examining the presence of β-catenin with monoclonal antibodies in 18 biopsies with normal squamous epithelia, dysplasia and cancer from 18 patients diagnosed with oral squamous cell carcinoma from the department of Oral Pathology at Malmö Högskola, Malmö. The staining of beta catenin was compared in normal oral squamous cancer and dysplasia for all biopsies to see whether there is any difference of dyeing. Besides this, there was also a comparison of normal squamous epithelium with dysplasia and cancer in each biopsy.The results showed that there is a difference in the expression of β-catenin in normal squamous epithelium, dysplasia and cancer in this population. In this study, more than 70 % of the biopsies expressed a strong or moderate and strong staining of β -catenin in normal oral squamous epithelium, more than 60 % of the biopsies showed a moderate or moderate and weak staining of dysplasia and 58.8 % of all biopsies showed weak or no staining and weak staining of squamous cell carcinoma.As the study shows that the amount of β -catenin is strongest in normal oral squamous epithelium, moderate in dysplasia and weakest in cancer, this suggests that β -catenin could be an important factor in the development of squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity which is in line with results from other studies.

Etude de la réponse humorale neutralisante contre le Virus de l’Hépatite C / Study of the neutralizing antibody response against the hepatitis C virus

Ndongo Thiam, Ndiémé 11 February 2010 (has links)
Le virus de l’hépatite C (HCV) est l’agent responsable de l’hépatite C, maladie qui touche environ 3% de lapopulation mondiale. Une des caractéristiques de cette infection est son évolution dans 60 à 90% des casvers des formes chroniques avec des complications sévères telles que la cirrhose et le carcinomehépatocellulaire. Un des handicaps majeurs de la recherche sur le HCV est l’absence de systèmes decultures in vitro efficaces et de modèles animaux adaptés car le HCV n’infecte que l’homme et le chimpanzé.l’anticorps D32.10. Pour cela, nous avons développé un test de cellbindinget nous avons montré quel’interaction des particules virales sériques (HCVsp) radiomarquées à l’Iode 125 avec les celluleshépatocytaires (Huh‐7 et HepaRG) est spécifique et saturable impliquant des sites de haute et faible affinité.De plus, l’anticorps D32.10 est capable d’inhiber spécifiquement et efficacement les interactions de hauteaffinité entre les HCVsp et les cellules HepaRG avec une IC50 ≤ 0,5 μg/ml. Nous avons mis en évidence quel’inhibition est plus efficace lorsque nous utilisons sélectivement une population de particules HCVenveloppées exprimant fortement E1E2. Récemment, nous avons développé un système d’infection originaldes cellules HepaRG qui sont des cellules progénitrices du foie par les HCVsp et avons montré quel’infection, la réplication et la propagation dépendent de l’état de prolifération/différenciation de cescellules. Nous avons aussi démontré que les particules virales produites dans ce système contiennent del’ARN viral, expriment les protéines d’enveloppe E1E2 et sont infectieuses. Des études préliminairesmontrent que l’anticorps D32.10 inhibe fortement l’infection (95% à 80% aux jours 14 et 21 aprèsinfection) vraisemblablement au niveau des étapes précoces du cycle viral.Dans un second temps, nous avons recherché la prévalence des anticorps de même spécificité que le D32.10(anti‐E1E2A,B) dans différents groupes de patients HCV positifs afin de déterminer leur significationbiologique. Par un test ELISA utilisant les peptides biotinylés E1, E2A et E2B dans la phase de capture, nousavons démontré que la réponse anticorps anti‐E1E2A,B était présente dans 90% des cas chez les patientsqui guérissent spontanément avec des titres élevées (≥ 1/1000). Cette réponse humorale est absente ourare (< 10%) chez les patients porteurs chroniques non traités ou non répondeurs aux traitementsantiviraux. Une étude longitudinale a été réalisée chez des patients non répondeurs ou répondeursdéveloppant une réponse virologique soutenue à une bithérapie standard, interféron pégylé plus ribavirine.L’analyse statistique des résultats a montré que les anticorps anti‐E1E2A,B pouvaient être prédictifs de laréponse au traitement avec une spécificité et une valeur prédictive positive de 100%.La convergence des résultats in vitro et in vivo supporte un rôle neutralisant de l’anticorps monoclonalD32.10, permettant d’envisager son utilisation en immunothérapie. / Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is the major etiological agent of liver disease in the world with approximately180 million people who are seropositive. The majority (60‐90%) of infected individuals progressesto chronic hepatitis that increases their risk for developing cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma.One of the major limitations of HCV research is the lack of efficient in vitro culture systems andappropriateanimal models. vitro direct cell‐binding assay and an infection system of the human HepaRG cell line were developedby using HCVsp. The HepaRG cells possess potent ability to acquire a mature hepatocyte phenotype.The E1E2‐specific mAb D32.10 was shown to inhibit efficiently and specifically high affinityinteractionsthrough glycosaminoglycans and the CD81 tetraspanin between HCVsp and HepaRGcells with an IC50 = 0.5 μg/ml. This inhibition was more efficient when E1E2‐positive envelopedHCVsp were used selectively for binding studies (IC50 < 0.5 μg/ml). Establishment of infection,replication and propagation of HCVsp were shown to depend on the proliferation/differentiationstage of HepaRG cells. Persistent HCV infection in HepaRG cells could be obtained with production ofE1E2/RNA(+) infectious HCV particles. Preliminary data showed a complete early inhibitory effect ofthe D32.10 mAb on virion RNA production in HepaRG culture supernatants (95% at D14 and 80% atD21 post‐infection).Furthermore, the detection of the anti‐E1E2/D32.10‐binding peptide antibodies during natural HCVinfection demonstrated significant prevalence (90%) of these antibodies: (1) in patients whorecovered spontaneously from HCV infection with high titers compared to patients with chronichepatitis C, and (2) in patients who are complete responders compared to non responders toantivirals. Kinetic analyses revealed that the anti‐E1E2/D32.10‐like humoral response appeared veryearly with high titers (≥ 1/1000) and was associated with complete virus eradication. The positiveand negative predictive values (ROC curve analysis) for achieving or not a sustained viral response toantiviral therapy are 100% and 86%, respectively, reflecting diagnostic accuracy. The anti‐E1E2/D32.10‐binding peptide antibodies may thus predict the outcome of HCV infection andrepresent a new relevant pronostic marker in serum for the HCV diagnosis.Convergence of in vitro and in vivo data strongly support the neutralizing activity of the D32.10 mAb,and thus immunotherapeutic potential of this unique anti‐E1E2 D32.10 mAb.

Développement et évaluation d'un micro-biocapteur électrochimique pour l'immuno-détection en temps réel de Legionella pneumophila dans les échantillons environnementaux / Development and evaluation of an electrochemical micro-biosensor for the immuno-detection in reel time of Legionella pneumophila in environmental samples

Sboui, Dejla 21 October 2016 (has links)
Legionella pneumophila peut causer une pneumonie fatale chez l’Homme dite maladie des légionnaires. L. pneumophila peut résister aux stress environnementaux en entrant dans un état VBNC (Viable mais non cultivable). La détection de L. pneumophila dans les milieux environnementaux est basée sur l’utilisation de méthodes normalisées : la culture (AFNOR T90-431, ISO 11731) et la PCR (AFNOR T90-471, ISO 12869). Mais, la culture ne détecte pas les formes VBNC et la PCR ne peut pas différencier les formes viables des mortes de la bactérie. Le premier objectif de notre étude était l’élaboration d’un immunocapteur pour la détection de L. pneumophila dans les échantillons artificiels. Notre immunocapteur a été obtenu par l’immobilisation d’un anticorps monoclonal anti-L. pneumophila (MAb) sur une électrode d’indium-tin oxyde (ITO), par la méthode de monocouches auto-assemblées d’époxysilane. Dans le second objectif, l’orientation des Mabs a été étudiée pour réduire la concentration à utiliser sans affecter sa sensibilité. Les Mabs ont été immobilisés sur l’ITO à l’aide des SAMs d’aminosilane pour la détection des formes VBNC. Les deux immunocapteurs ont été caractérisés par la mouillabilité (mesure de l’angle de contact), microscopie à force atomique (AFM), microscopie confocale à balayage laser (CLSM) et spectroscopie d’impédance électrochimique (EIS). Une limite de détection de 10 bactéries a été déterminée dans les échantillons artificiels. La performance de l’immunocapteur ITO-APTES a été évaluée sur des échantillons réels. Les deux méthodes de l’électrochimie et la culture ont été comparées, et les résultats suggèrent une sensibilité plus élevée par la méthode électrochimique. / Legionella pneumophila, may cause a fatal pneumonia in humans named Legionnaires’ disease. The strategies of L. pneumophila to resist to stressful environmental conditions include the ability to enter into a VBNC (Viable But Not ulturable) state. Detection of L. pneumophila in environmental samples benefit from the use of standardized methods: culture (AFNOR T90-431, ISO 11731) and PCR (AFNOR T90-471, ISO 12869). Culture is hampered by its inability to detect VBNC forms. PCR cannot discriminate between live and dead bacteria. The first objective of our study was the elaboration of an immunosensor for the detection of L. pneumophila in artificial samples. Our immunosensor was obtained by immobilization of a onoclonal anti-L. pneumophila antibody (MAb), on an indium-tin oxide (ITO) electrode – by Self Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) method using an epoxysilane. In the second objective, orientation of antibodies was studied for redusing the concentration of MAb used without affecting its sensitivity. Anti-L. pneumophila antibodies were immobilized into an ITO electrode modified by SAMs of aminosilane for the detection of VBNC. Tow immunosensors elaborated were characterized by wettability (contact angle measurement), atomic force microscopy (AFM), confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). A detection limit of 10 bacteria was observed on artificial samples. The performance of the last immunosensor ITO-aminosilane electrode was evaluated in term of the bacteria detection in environmental samples. Electrochemical and culture methods were compared, and results suggest that the electochemical methods is more sensitive.

Production and Characterization of Pulchellin A chain conjugated to HIV mAbs, and study its selective cytotoxicity against cells expressing HIV envelope / Produção e Caracterização da cadeia de Pulchellin A conjugada com mAbs de HIV e estudo da citotoxicidade seletiva contra células que expressam o envelope de HIV

Sadraeian, Mohammad 29 August 2017 (has links)
Immunotoxins (ITs), which consist of antibodies conjugated to toxins, have been proposed as a treatment for cancer and chronic infections. To develop and improve the ITs, different toxins such as ricin, have been used, aiming for higher efficacy against target cells. The toxin pulchellin, isolated from the Abrus pulchellus plant, has similar structure and function as ricin. Here we have compared two plant toxins, recombinant A chains from ricin (RAC) and pulchellin (PAC) toxins, for their ability to kill HIV Env-expressing cells. Briefly, RAC and PAC were produced in E. coli, and chromatographically purified, then chemically conjugated to two different anti-HIV monoclonal antibodies (MAbs), anti-gp120 MAb 924 or anti-gp41 MAb 7B2. These conjugates were characterized biochemically by microcapillary electrophoresis and BCA assay and immunologically by a variety of ELISA tests. We performed a side-by-side comparison of their ability to bind, enter and kill HIV infected cells (H9/NL4-3) or Env-transfected 293T cells, as well as their non-specific toxicity on uninfected or non-transfected parental cells. Cell binding and internalization were studied by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. Results showed that PAC can function within an effective IT. The ITs demonstrated specific binding against native antigens on persistently HIV-infected cells and recombinant antigens on Env-transfected cells. An irrelevant antibody conjugated to either RAC or PAC had no effect. PAC cytotoxicity appears somewhat less than RAC, the standard for comparison. This is the first report that PAC may have utility for the design and construction of therapeutic ITs, highlighting the potential role for specific cell targeting not only for AIDS also for cancer therapy. / As toxinas imunológicas (TIs), que consistem em anticorpos conjugados com toxinas, foram propostas como tratamento para câncer e infecções crônicas. Para desenvolver e melhorar as TI, diferentes toxinas, como a ricina, foram usadas, visando uma maior eficácia contra células alvo. A toxina pulchellina, isolada da planta de Abrus Pulchellus, tem estrutura e função semelhantes à da ricina. Aqui, comparamos duas toxinas de plantas, cadeias A recombinantes de toxinas de ricina (RAC) e pulchellina (PAC), por sua capacidade de matar células que expressam HIV. Resumidamente, RAC e PAC foram produzidos em E. coli e purificados por cromatografia, depois conjugados quimicamente com dois anticorpos monoclonais anti corpo-HIV diferentes (MAcs), MAc 924 anti-gp120 ou MAc 7B2 anti-gp41. Estes conjugados foram caracterizados bioquimicamente por eletroforese microcapilar e teste BCA e imunologicamente por uma variedade de testes ELISA. Realizamos uma comparação lado-a-lado de sua capacidade de ligar, entrar e matar células infectadas pelo HIV (H9 / NL4-3) ou células 293T transfectadas com Env, bem como a sua toxicidade não específica em parentes não infectados ou não transfectados Células. A ligação celular e a internalização foram estudadas por citometria de fluxo e microscopia confocal. Os resultados mostraram que PAC pode funcionar dentro de uma TI efetiva. As TI demonstraram ligação específica contra antígenos nativos em células persistentemente infectadas pelo HIV e antígenos recombinantes em células transfectadas com Env. Um anticorpo irrelevante conjugado com RAC ou PAC não teve efeito. A citotoxicidade de PAC aparece um pouco menor que o RAC, o padrão de comparação. Este é o primeiro relatório que o PAC pode ter utilidade para o projeto e a construção de TI terapêuticas, destacando o papel potencial para o direcionamento celular específico, não apenas para a AIDS, também para a terapia do câncer.

Aplicação diagnóstica e terapêutica de um novo anticorpo anti-FGF2 em processos de angiogênese em melanoma experimental / Diagnostic and therapeutic application of a new anti-FGF2 antibody in angiogenesis process in experimental melanoma

Aguiar, Rodrigo Barbosa de 18 July 2014 (has links)
Evidências sugerem que o fator de crescimento de fibroblasto 2 (FGF2), produzido por melanomas, possui importante papel no crescimento tumoral, angiogênese e metástase. Assim, o uso de anticorpo monoclonal (mAb) que reconhece e bloqueia a atividade de FGF2 é uma abordagem a ser considerada em oncologia. O propósito desse estudo foi avaliar a aplicação diagnóstica e terapêutica de um novo anticorpo anti-FGF2, 3F12E7 IgG1, em melanoma experimental B16-F10. Para isso, camundongos C57Bl/6 foram implantados subcutaneamente (ou intravenosamente, para ensaios de metástase) com células de melanoma murino B16-F10 (5x105 células/animal). Quando tumores alcançaram 3-4 mm de diâmetro (ou 24 h pós-inóculo de células B16-F10, no caso de ensaios de metástase), camundongos foram tratados com anti-FGF2 3F12E7 IgG. Animais controle receberam igual volume do veículo ou quantidade de anticorpo controle de isotipo. Grupos: animais tratados com (1) anti-FGF2 3F12E7 IgG1; (2) ligante de CEA IgG1 (controle de isotipo); e (3) veículo. O tratamento dos camundongos portadores de tumor com anti-FGF2 IgG resultou, comparado com os controles salina e de isotipo, em uma redução no número de focos metastáticos nos pulmões (ANOVA, p < 0,05), em ensaios de metástase experimental, bem como em uma menor taxa de crescimento de tumores subcutâneos (n=7/grupo). Esse resultado é acompanhado por uma redução na densidade vascular do tumor, conforme determinado por imunomarcação para CD34 ou CD31. A captação tumoral de anti-FGF2 3F12E7 IgG foi avaliada por métodos de medicina nuclear, usando esse anticorpo radiomarcado com tecnécio-99m. Estudos SPECT/CT in vivo e de biodistribuição ex vivo revelaram que 99mTc-anti-FGF2 3F12E7 IgG pode atingir eficientemente tumores subcutâneos e metastáticos de B16-F10. Assim, esses dados sugerem que anti-FGF2 3F12E7 IgG pode ser uma estratégia antitumoral promissora para melanoma, bem como uma potencial ferramenta de imagem a ser explorada, atuando como um possível traçador para rastrear tumores FGF2-positivos e mapear esse estímulo angiogênico no microambiente tumoral. Aprovado pelo comitê de ética (CAPPesq): número 0942/09 / Compelling evidence suggests that fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2), produced by melanomas, plays important role in tumor growth, angiogenesis and metastasis. Therefore, the use of a monoclonal antibody (mAb) that recognizes and blocks FGF2 activity is seen as an approach to be considered in oncology. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diagnostic and therapeutic application of a new anti-FGF2 antibody, 3F12E7 IgG1, in experimental melanoma B16-F10. For this, C57Bl/6 mice were subcutaneously (or intravenously, for experimental metastasis assay) implanted with murine melanoma B16-F10 cells (5x105 cells/animal). When tumors reached 3-4 mm in diameter (or 24 h after B16-F10 cells injection, in the case of metastasis assay), mice started receiving anti-FGF2 3F12E7 IgG. Control mice received equal volume of vehicle or isotype control IgG amount. Groups: (1) anti-FGF2 3F12E7 IgG1-treated, (2) CEA-binding IgG1-treated (isotype control) and (3) vehicle-treated mice. The treatment of tumor-bearing mice with anti-FGF2 IgG, compared with saline and isotype controls, led to a reduction in the number of metastatic foci in the lungs (ANOVA test, p < 0.05), in experimental metastasis assays, as well as to a lower subcutaneous tumor growth rate (n=7 per group). This result is accompanied by a reduction in the tumor vascular density, as determined by CD34 or CD31 staining. The anti-FGF2 3F12E7 IgG tumor uptake was evaluated by nuclear medicine approaches, using this antibody radiolabeled with technetium-99m. In vivo SPECT/CT and ex vivo biodistribution studies reveled that 99mTc-anti-FGF2 IgG could efficiently achieved B16-F10 subcutaneous and metastatic tumors. Thus, these data suggest that the anti-FGF2 3F12E7 IgG may be a promising antitumor strategy for melanoma, as well as a potential imaging tool to be explored, working as a possible tracer to identify FGF2-positive tumors and map this angiogenic stimulus in the tumor microenvironment. Ethics committee (CAPPesq) approval number 0942/09

Construção e expressão de anticorpo humanizado a partirdo anticorpo monoclonal contra proteína de 70 kDa de Sporotrix schenckii (P6E7) / Construction and expression of humanized antibody from the monoclonal antibody against the protein of 70 kDa Sporotrix schenckii (P6E7)

Santiago, Karla Letícia 06 September 2013 (has links)
Sporothrix shenckii é o agente etiológico da esporotricose, micose de carater crônico e de ampla distribuição mundial. No Brasil, vem crescendo o número de casos da doença, bem como a incidência de formas clínicas graves ou atípicas. Nosso grupo de pesquisa desenvolveu um anticorpo monoclonal contra o componente antigênico proteíco de 70 kDa, secretado pelas células leveduriformes de S. schenckii, denominado anticorpo monoclonal (AcMo) P6E7. Este AcMo apresentou atividade profilática e terapêutica na esporotricose experimental, no entanto, este anticorpo possui origem murina, o que pode gerar uma resposta imunogênica quando administrado em humanos, impossibilitando sua utilização por tempo prolongado. Visando sua possível utilização no tratamento da esporotricose humana, a nossa proposta foi a humanização do AcMo P6E7 na forma de FvFc (Fv-linker- Fc) através de engenharia genética. Inicialmente construimos duas versões uma humanizada e outra quimérica do AcMo contra a fração de 70 kDa do antigeno de S. schenckii. Os anticorpos foram expressos em vetores de expressão dicistrônicos e produzidos com eficiência e estabilidade estrutural em células de mamíferos da linhagem CHO. Posteriormente, esses anticorpos foram purificados por cromatografia de afinidade e analisados quanto a sua capacidade de ligação ao fungo e função efetora. Verificamos que os FvFcs construídos foram capazes de se ligar a porção de 70 kDa do antígeno de S. schenckii. Através de ensaios de fagocitose, constatamos que os fragmentos FvFc do P6E7 humanizado e quimérico foram capazes de opsonizar as leveduras de S. schenckii aumentando, assim, o índice fagocítico em macrófagos humanos. Esses dados em conjunto, sugerem a possível utilização do anticorpo construído no tratamento da esporotricose humana. / Sporothrix shenckii is the etiological agent of sporotrichosis, a chronical fungal infection that shows a worldwide distribution. In Brazil, there is a growing number of cases of sporotrichosis, as well as the incidence of severe or atypical clinical forms. Our research group developed a monoclonal antibody (mAb) against the fungal antigenic component a protein of 70 kDa, secreted by S. schenckii yeasts called P6E7. This mAb showed prophylactic and therapeutic activity in experimental sporotrichosis, however, this antibody has murine origin, which can generate an immune response when administered to humans, precluding their use for prolonged time. For its possible use in the treatment of human sporotrichosis, our proposal is the humanization of mAb P6E7 through genetic engineering. Initially, we built two versions of the original antibody: an humanized version and a chimeric antibody both against the 70 kDa fraction from S. schenckii antigen. The antibodies were expressed in dicistronic expression vectors and were efficiently produced in mammalian cells CHO strain, showing good structural stability. Subsequently, these antibodies were purified by affinity chromatography and assayed for their binding ability to the fungus and effector function. We found that the built os FvFcs (Fv-linker- Fc) fragments were capable of binding to the 70 kDa portion of S.schenckii antigen. Through phagocytosis assays, we found that the FvFc fragments from the humanized and chimeric P6E7 were able to opsonize S. schenckii yeasts, thus increasing the phagocytic index in human macrophages. Together, These data suggest the potential use of the antibodies constructed in the treatment of human sporotrichosis.

Produção, caracterização e aplicação analítica de anticorpos monoclonais anti-&#946;2-glicoproteína I / Production, characterization and analytical aplication of monoclonal antibodies anti-beta2-glycoprotein I.

Stella, Carolina Nigro 26 March 2010 (has links)
Anticorpos monoclonais (AcMo) anti-&#946;2GPI foram obtidos de hibridomas produzidos pela fusão de linfócitos de camundongos com células SP2-O, de mieloma murino. A imunização foi realizada com proteína purificada de plasma humano, por cromatografia de afinidade em resina Sepharose-Heparina 6 Fast Flow (GE Healthcare). Os AcMo produzidos pelos hibridomas K257, K2II-3, K233, K22, K237 e K2124 foram estudados quanto à sua capacidade de reconhecer o antígeno adsorvido em suporte sólido (dot-blot, imunoblot, ELISA direto) e em solução (ELISA indireto). Todos os clones foram cultivados e expandidos in vivo (ascite) e in vitro (cultura convencional). Pretende-se a substituição da expansão in vivo pela produção em biorreator. Os AcMo produzidos reconheceram a &#946;2GPI em imunoblot com sensibilidade e especificidade variáveis. O desempenho dos AcMo K22 e K2124 no reconhecimento da proteína adsorvida em placas de ELISA (Maxisorp, NUNC), mostrou-se promissor para o desenvolvimento de um teste ELISA direto (sanduíche), em substituição ao ELISA indireto (competição) atualmente utilizado. O AcMo K22 mostrou reatividade semelhante à do anticorpo comercial 5F7 (ICN) em todos os testes realizados. Tanto o anticorpo produzido pelo clone K22 quanto seus fragmentos Fab, obtidos através de digestão enzimática, foram utilizados para identificação e quantificação da proteína em plasma e tecidos de ratos submetidos a um modelo de sepse e translocação bacteriana. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a modulação das concentrações plasmáticas de &#946;2GPI e sua distribuição hepática dependem da intensidade e da via de infecção, e sugerem a presença de imunocomplexos da proteína in vivo. / &#946;2-glycoprotein I (&#946;2GPI) detection is important for the accurate diagnostic of autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disease. This project was designed in order to obtain specific monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) that could replace or add to the commercially available 5F7. It is intended to achieve a convenient in vitro production, in the near future. The &#946;2GPI antigen was purified from human plasma through Heparin-Sepharose 6 FF (GE Healthcare) affinity chromatography. Six different hybridomas were generated after the fusion of immunized mouse lymphocytes with SP2-O murine myeloma cells. The anti-&#946;2 GPI MoAb K257, K2II-3, K233, K22, K237, and K2124 were purified after clone expansion from ascites (in vivo) and conventional cellular culture (in vitro). MoAb reactivity was evaluated towards the &#946;2GPI antigen either adsorbed to solid phase support (Dot-Blot, imunoblot, direct ELISA), or in solution (indirect ELISA). All clones were positive in immunoblot. MoAb K237, K257 e K2124 recognized cleaved forms of the protein. The K22, K2124 and K257 MoAb were promising for the development of direct ELISA. Best sensibility was obtained with K22 AcMo in comparison to commercial reference 5F7 (ICN) in all tests. Both AcMo K22 and its digestion product K22Fab, could be applied in assays for &#946;2GPI on plasma and tissues of rats with good performance.

In vivo- und in vitro-Komplementaktivierung durch den monoklonalen CD20-Antikörper Rituximab bei der Behandlung von Non-Hodgkin-Lymphomen

Gerecke, Christian 07 July 2006 (has links)
Rituximab (IDEC C2B8) ist ein chimärer monoklonaler Antikörper, der gegen das CD20-Antigen auf B-Lymphozyten gerichtet ist. In klinischen Studien konnten Ansprechraten von 50 Prozent bei Patienten mit niedrigmalignen NHL erzielt werden [61, 62]. Bei den hochmalignen NHL waren die Ansprechraten geringer, doch auch hier konnte eine therapeutische Wirksamkeit von Rituximab nachgewiesen werden [108]. Der genaue Wirkungsmechanismus, durch welchen Rituximab seinen therapeutischen Effekt erzielt, ist weiterhin nicht vollständig geklärt. Hauptsächlich werden dabei Apoptose, Komplement-vermittelte zelluläre Zytotoxizität (CDC) und die Antikörper-vermittelte Zytotoxizität (ADCC) diskutiert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde in vitro die Proliferationsinhibition und die Komplement-vermittelte zelluläre Zytotoxizität durch Rituximab an verschiedenen humanen B-Zellinien geprüft. Anschließend wurde die in vivo-Komplementaktivierung während einer Rituximab-Infusion untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Rituximab in vitro eine unterschiedliche Wirksamkeit bei verschiedenen Lymphomzellinien aufweist. Durch Zugabe von humanem Komplement konnte bei zwei Zellinien eine Rituximab-induzierte CDC beobachtet werden. Bei sechs von zehn Patienten mit unterschiedlichen NHL wurde in vivo ein Anstieg der C3a-desArg-Konzentration im Plasma beobachtet. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass das Komplementsystem ein wichtiger Mechanismus für die Wirkung von Rituximab zu sein scheint. Die klinischen Erfolge sind viel versprechend, zeigen jedoch auch, dass der therapeutische Nutzen von Rituximab als Monotherapie begrenzt ist. Derzeit laufende prospektive Studien untersuchen die Wirksamkeit von Rituximab in Kombination mit verschiedenen Chemotherapeutika [106, 107]. Erste Ergebnisse sind viel versprechend, doch es bleibt abzuwarten, ob sich diese Ergebnisse auch langfristig in einer Verbesserung der Überlebensrate widerspiegeln. / The chimeric anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody rituximab is a new therapeutic tool for treatment of relapsed B-cell lymphomas. Because rituximab mediates complement-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (CDCC) and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) in the lymphoblastoid cell line SB, it is suggested, that these two mechanisms are responsible for the in vivo antilymphoma effect. We tested the antiproliferative effect of rituximab in 6 CD20 positive human B cell lymphoma cell lines. In the follicular lymphoma cell line, DOHH-2, 1 µg/ml rituximab induces an inhibition of proliferation of 75.5 % (n=5), and in the diffuse large cell lymphoma cell line, Daudi, an inhibition of proliferation of 27.3 % (n=5). No effect was seen in the prelymphocytic leukemia cell line, JVM-2, the hairy cell leukemia cell line, Bonna-12, or the two high-grade lymphoma cell lines, Granta-519 and Raji. To test, whether complement increases the effect of rituximab, we studied the combination of rituximab plus complement. Guinea pig complement (dilution 1:10) increases the inhibitory effect of rituximab on the proliferation of Daudi cells. The degradation product C3a(desArg) is produced during complement cascade activation and could be used as a sensitive and specific marker of complement activation in vivo. So, we measured plasma C3a(desArg) concentration in two CLL patients receiving rituximab monotherapy. In one patient, no increase of plasma C3a(desArg) concentration could be measured during infusion of rituximab. In the other patient, in two treatment cycles C3a(desArg) increases drastically after 2 h of rituximab infusion. We conclude differential in vitro and in vivo effects of rituximab on CD20 positive lymphoma cells. Rituximab inhibits in vitro the proliferation of follicular and diffuse large cell lymphoma cells, which could be amplified by complement in Daudi cells. Furthermore, rituximab mediates in vivo complement cascade activation, highly suggestive of in vivo CDCC.

Desenvolvimento de técnicas de imunoensaio para detecção de microcistina em amostras ambientais / Development of immunoassay techniques to detect microcystin in environmental samples

Anjos, Fabyana Maria dos 15 December 2009 (has links)
A contaminação da água para consumo humano por toxinas produzidas por cianobactérias é um problema de saúde pública e das autoridades em todo o mundo. Microcistina-LR (MCLR) é uma cianotoxina heptapeptídica cíclica que inibe as proteínas fosfatases PP1 E PP2A nos hepatócitos. Microcistinas são produzidas por diversos gêneros de cianobactérias e mais de 70 variações estruturais têm sido caracterizadas em florações naturais. Por serem haptenos, as microcistinas são incapazes de induzir uma resposta imune em animais. Conseqüentemente, foi necessário aplicar métodos de conjugação envolvendo a adição de uma proteína carreadora, mcKLH (cationized Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin). Portanto, o objetivo inicial desta tese foi o de obter anticorpos monoclonal (em camundongos) e policlonal (em coelho) anti- MCLR. Com relação ao anticorpo monoclonal foram obtidos 9 hibridomas (k29, k210, k317, k248, k284, k290, k2161, k2226, k2232), sendo que apenas 5 se mostraram estáveis (k29, k317, k248, k284, k2232). Estes foram selecionados para serem isotipados, expandidos em líquido ascítico, purificados em coluna cromatográfica de proteína-A e titulados. Dentre estes cinco hibridomas secretores de anticorpos, o clone k317 foi o que melhor reconheceu (mais específico) a toxina MCLR. Os anticorpos do sobrenadante de meio de cultura do hibridoma e o fluido ascítico purificado foram identificados pelo ensaio ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) previamente padronizado. Mesmo sensibilizando a placa de ELISA com diferentes antígenos, tais como MCLR-cBSA, MCLR, MCLR, MCRR, MCYR e MCLA, o clone 17 foi o que apresentou melhor linearidade frente às variantes de microcistina. Portanto, o clone 17 (isótipo IgG1) obtido é muito promissor e será usado para detecção de MCLR na água para consumo humano através do desenvolvimento de um kit de ELISA competição. Com relação ao anticorpo policlonal, o antígeno de imunização foi MCLR-mcKLH, enquanto que o antígeno de sensibilização foi MCLR-cBSA para o ensaio de titulação de anticorpos de classe IgG por ELISA indireto. Na seqüencia, foi padronizado um ensaio ELISA competição utilizando somente a toxina MCLR como antígeno de sensibilização. Este método Caseína foi padronizado, validado e comparado com o kit comercial Abraxis®. O kit ELISA competição que utiliza anticorpo policlonal, nomeado como método Caseína, foi avaliado quanto Limite Inferior de Quantificação, Especificidade, Seletividade, influência do metanol no ensaio, Recuperação, Linearidade, Precisão, Exatidão e Robustez. Este método de triagem apresentou excelente resultado quando comparado ao kit comercial Abraxis®, pois foi capaz de detectar tanto variantes de microcistinas como nodularinas no ambiente aquático. O ensaio ELISA competição utilizando anticorpo policlonal anti-MCLR foi submetido à patente pela Agência USP de Inovação (I.N.P.I. 018090046230). / The contamination of drinking water by cyanobacterial toxins is a public health issue and a concern for water authorities throughout the world. Microcystin-LR (MCLR) is a hazardous cyclic heptapeptide cyanotoxin, which inhibits protein phosphatase PP1 and PP2A in hepatocytes. Microcystins are produced by several genera of cyanobacteria and presents more than 70 structural variations characterized in natural blooms. As haptens, microcystins are unable to invoke an immune response in animals. Consequently, the application of conjugation methods with an additional carrier protein, the KLH (Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin) was necessary. The main objective of this study was to obtain monoclonal (in mice) and polyclonal (in rabbits) antibodies for reacting against MCLR. In what refers to monoclonal antibodies, 9 hybridomas (k29, k210, k317, k248, k284, k290, k2161, k2226, k2232) were obtained; however only 5 were stables (k29, k317, k248, k284, k2232). These were selected to be isotyped, expanded in ascitic fluid, purified by protein-A column chromatography and then, they were titrated. Out of these five antibody-secretor hybridomas, clone k317 was the best to recognize (more specific) the MCLR toxins. Antibodies in hybridoma cell culture supernatant and purified ascites fluid were identified by ELISA assay (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) as prior standardized. Even when sensitizing ELISA plate with different antigens, as MCLR-cBSA, MCLR, MCLR, MCRR, MCYR and MCLA, clone 17 presented the best linearity against microcystin variants. Therefore, the obtained clone 17 (isotype IgG1) is a promising clone and shall be used for detecting MCLR in drinking water through the development of a competitive ELISA immunoassay kit. In what refers to the polyclonal antibody, MCLR-mcKLH was used as immunization antigen, while MCLR-cBSA was used as sensitizing antigen for the IgG titration assay by indirect ELISA. In the sequence, a competition ELISA assay was standardized using the MCLR toxin as sensitizing antigen. This Casein method was standardized, validated and compared to the commercial kit Abraxis®. The competition ELISA kit using polyclonal antibody, known as Casein method, was analyzed concerning its Quantification Inferior Limit, Specificity, Selectivity, methanol influence of the assay, Recuperation, Linearity, Precision, Accuracy and Robustness. This screening method reached excellent results if compared to the commercial kit Abraxis®, for being able to detect both the microcystins variants and the nodularins in aquatic environmental. The competition ELISA assay using anti-MCLR polyclonal antibody was submitted to the grant of a patent by USP Innovation Agency (INPI 018090046230).

Estudo de conjugação do anticorpo anti-CD20 para marcação com radionuclídeos metálicos ou lantanídeos / The study of conjugation of anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody for labeling with metalic or lanthanides radionuclides

Akanji, Akinkunmi Ganiyu 25 April 2013 (has links)
Linfomas são cânceres que se iniciam a partir da transformação maligna de um linfócito no sistema linfático. Os linfomas são divididos em duas categorias principais: os linfomas de Hodgkin e todos os outros linfomas, denominados linfomas não-Hodgkin (LNH). Os pacientes com LNH são comumente tratados com radioterapia apenas ou combinada com quimioterapia utilizando-se de anticorpo monoclonal anti-CD20, principalmente o rituximab (MabThera&reg). O uso de anticorpos monoclonais (Acm) conjugados à quelantes bifuncionais radiomarcados com radionuclídeos metálicos ou lantanídeos é uma realidade de tratamento para portadores de LNH pelo princípio de radioimunoterapia (RIT). Este estudo concentrou-se nas condições de conjugação do anticorpo monoclonal rituximab (MabThera&reg) com grupamentos quelantes bifuncionais DOTA e DTPA. Na marcação dos Acm conjugados com lutécio-177, foram estudadas as condições de pré-purificação do Acm, condições de conjugação, determinação de número de quelantes acoplados à molécula do anticorpo, purificação do anticorpo conjugado, radiomarcação do anticorpo conjugado, com lutécio-177, purificação do anticorpo marcado, a ligação específica in vitro dos compostos marcados às células Raji, e distribuição biológica em camundongos BALB/c sadios. As três metodologias empregadas na pré-purificação do anticorpo (diálise, cromatografia de exclusão molecular com coluna Sephadex G-50 e ultrafiltração) demonstram-se eficientes e proporcionaram recuperação da amostra superior a 90%. A metodologia de ultrafiltração foi considerada a mais simples e prática, podendo ser aplicada a procedimentos rotineiros de produção de radiofármacos. Além disso, proporcionou a recuperação final de amostra de 97% em microlitros. Nas conjugações do anticorpo com os quelantes DOTA e DTPA em razões molares diferentes do Acm:quelante, observou-se número de grupamentos quelantes acoplados à molécula do Acm proporcional à razão molar estudada. Quando foi avaliada a influência de condições diferentes de conjugação no número de quelantes acoplados à molécula do Acm, não foram observadas diferenças significativas, com resultados de pureza radioquímica (PR) inferior a 80% em todas as condições estudadas. Na comparação de métodos de purificação do Acm conjugado, a abordagem inédita apresentada neste estudo, na qual a cromatografia de exclusão molecular foi combinada com a ultrafiltração resultou em maior eficiência na purificação e preservação da estrutura do anticorpo. Nos estudos de radiomarcação do anticorpo conjugado com DOTA e DTPA, os imunoconjugados de DTPA apresentaram, de forma geral, maior eficiência de marcação com resultados reprodutíveis quando comparados com os imunoconjugados de DOTA, considerando-se as diferentes razões molares utilizadas. As metodologias cromatográficas empregadas no controle de pureza radioquímica do composto radiomarcado proporcionaram a discriminação das diferentes espécies radioquímicas no meio de marcação. A metodologia de purificação do composto conjugado e radiomarcado utilizada proporcionou a obtenção de compostos com alta pureza radioquímica, 97,4&plusmn;1,3% (DOTA 1:50) e 98,7&plusmn;0,2% (DTPA 1:50). Nos estudos de ligação específica às células tumorais Raji, o anticorpo conjugado com quelante DTPA nas razões molares de 1:50 e 1:20 apresentaram perfil semelhante de ligação, com aumento da porcentagem de ligação específica proporcional à concentração celular, enquanto que o imunoconjugado na razão molar de 1:10 apresentou alta porcentagem de ligação não específica. Os resultados obtidos nos estudos de biodistribuição in vivo do anticorpo conjugado e radiomarcado nem sempre se mostraram compatíveis com a biodistribuição de anticorpos radiomarcados íntegros. No caso do quelante DOTA, o imunoconjugado obtido a partir da razão molar 1:20, apresentou melhores características de biodistribuição. No caso do quelante DTPA, a razão molar utilizada pareceu refletir diretamente no clareamento sanguíneo do anticorpo e todas as razões molares utilizadas apresentaram instabilidade in vivo. / Lymphomas are malignancies or cancers that start from the malign transformation of a lymphocyte in the lymphatic system. Lymphomas are divided in two major categories: Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). Patient with NHL are generally treated with radiotherapy alone or combined with immunotherapy using monoclonal antibody rituximab (MabThera&reg). Currently, monoclonal antibodies (Mab) conjugated with bifunctional chelate agents and radiolabeled with metallic or lanthanides radionuclides are a treatment reality for patients with NHL by the principle of radioimmunotherapy (RIT). This study focused on the conditions of conjugation of Acm rituximab (MabThera&reg) with bifunctional chelating agents DOTA and DTPA and labeling with 177-luthetium. Various parameters were studied: method of Acm purification, conditions of Acm conjugation and the determination of the number of chelate coupled to the Acm, the purification of the conjugated Mab, labeling conditions with lutetium-177, purification of the radiolabeled immunoconjugate, radiochemical purity (RP), in vitro specific binding determination to Raji cells (Human Burkitt) and biological distribution performed in normal BALB/c mouse. The three methodologies employed in pre-purification of Acm (dialysis, size exclusion chromatograph and ultrafiltration) demonstrated to be efficient; they provided sample recovery exceeding 90%. However, the methodology of ultrafiltration resulted in greater sample recovery and in microliters. The number of chelate attached to the Mab molecule was proportional to the molar ratio studied. When the influence of different conditions of conjugation in the number of chelate bounded to the Mab was studied, no notable differences were observed. The RP < 80% was observed in all the methods applied. Purification of the conjugated antibody by different methods showed that the innovative combination of Sephadex and ultrafiltration methods resulted in higher efficiency of purification. The optimized conditions for purification of the conjugated antibody preserved the protein integrity. Radiolabelling studies of DOTA and DTPA immunoconjugated showed that DTPA derivatives presented, in general, radiochemical yield superior than DOTA conjugated Mab, considering the different molar ratios studied. The chromatographic methods employed in the RP determination were efficient to separate the different radiochemical species presented in the reaction medium. The methodology used in the purification of the labeled Mab resulted in labeled compounds with high radiochemical purity, 97.4&plusmn;1.3% (DOTA 1:50) and 98.7&plusmn;0.2% (DTPA 1:50). Considering specific cell binding assays (Raji cells), the Mab conjugated to DTPA at 1:50 and 1:20 molar ratios presented similar results, and the percent of cell binding were proportional to the cell concentration, whereas the cell binding for 1:10 molar ratio showed high percent of nonspecific cell binding. The results of in vivo biodistribution studies of labeled Mab not always were compatible with the biodistribution of intact radiolabelled antibody. The DOTA immunoconjugated produced at 1:20 molar ratio, showed better performance in biodistribution studies. In the case of DTPA immunoconjugated, the blood clearance seems to be influenced by the molar ratio applied and the immunoconjugated produced with DTPA chelate at different molar ratio resulted in high in vivo instability compounds.

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