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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Placing blame or finding peace: a qualitative analysis of the legal response to rape as a war crime in the former Yugoslavia

Whyte, Angela C. 06 January 2005 (has links)
This thesis is a qualitative analysis of the international legal response to rape as war crime in the former Yugoslavia. Through the examination of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the case law it has generated, this thesis addresses the question will the androcentric characteristics of law found in domestic rape cases be replicated at the international level? More specifically this thesis undertakes an examination which questions will international law be able to adequately amplify and listen to women voices, or will the women’s words be silenced by the rule of law? The following research is loosely informed by Carol Smart’s (1989) sociology of law theory combined with Liz Kelly’s (1988) notions of coping, resisting, and surviving. The purpose of using Kelly’s theory is to go beyond viewing women as inevitable victims of sexual assault. The methodological approach is both qualitative and inductive. It draws on data from the ICTY structure, Statute, Rules of Procedures and Evidence, case law and transcripts and women’s stories presented outside the legal realm. The analysis reveals that while written law (including the interpretation and application of the law) is somewhat aware of the experiences of women, it falls short of adequately responding to the needs of women. A detailed look at the women’s stories of war revealed diverse experiences not captured in the legal realm. The women’s stories spoke of concerns beyond sexual assault and other crimes identified by the ICTY Statute. This thesis also introduces alternatives or complimentary approaches to law when dealing with war crimes. These alternatives include women’s local groups and truth commissions. This thesis also identifies the criminological relevance of studying war crimes (as defined by international law) and crimes of war and marks an important step in understanding rape and war from a criminological perspective. / February 2005

Placing blame or finding peace: a qualitative analysis of the legal response to rape as a war crime in the former Yugoslavia

Whyte, Angela C. 06 January 2005 (has links)
This thesis is a qualitative analysis of the international legal response to rape as war crime in the former Yugoslavia. Through the examination of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the case law it has generated, this thesis addresses the question will the androcentric characteristics of law found in domestic rape cases be replicated at the international level? More specifically this thesis undertakes an examination which questions will international law be able to adequately amplify and listen to women voices, or will the women’s words be silenced by the rule of law? The following research is loosely informed by Carol Smart’s (1989) sociology of law theory combined with Liz Kelly’s (1988) notions of coping, resisting, and surviving. The purpose of using Kelly’s theory is to go beyond viewing women as inevitable victims of sexual assault. The methodological approach is both qualitative and inductive. It draws on data from the ICTY structure, Statute, Rules of Procedures and Evidence, case law and transcripts and women’s stories presented outside the legal realm. The analysis reveals that while written law (including the interpretation and application of the law) is somewhat aware of the experiences of women, it falls short of adequately responding to the needs of women. A detailed look at the women’s stories of war revealed diverse experiences not captured in the legal realm. The women’s stories spoke of concerns beyond sexual assault and other crimes identified by the ICTY Statute. This thesis also introduces alternatives or complimentary approaches to law when dealing with war crimes. These alternatives include women’s local groups and truth commissions. This thesis also identifies the criminological relevance of studying war crimes (as defined by international law) and crimes of war and marks an important step in understanding rape and war from a criminological perspective.

Placing blame or finding peace: a qualitative analysis of the legal response to rape as a war crime in the former Yugoslavia

Whyte, Angela C. 06 January 2005 (has links)
This thesis is a qualitative analysis of the international legal response to rape as war crime in the former Yugoslavia. Through the examination of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the case law it has generated, this thesis addresses the question will the androcentric characteristics of law found in domestic rape cases be replicated at the international level? More specifically this thesis undertakes an examination which questions will international law be able to adequately amplify and listen to women voices, or will the women’s words be silenced by the rule of law? The following research is loosely informed by Carol Smart’s (1989) sociology of law theory combined with Liz Kelly’s (1988) notions of coping, resisting, and surviving. The purpose of using Kelly’s theory is to go beyond viewing women as inevitable victims of sexual assault. The methodological approach is both qualitative and inductive. It draws on data from the ICTY structure, Statute, Rules of Procedures and Evidence, case law and transcripts and women’s stories presented outside the legal realm. The analysis reveals that while written law (including the interpretation and application of the law) is somewhat aware of the experiences of women, it falls short of adequately responding to the needs of women. A detailed look at the women’s stories of war revealed diverse experiences not captured in the legal realm. The women’s stories spoke of concerns beyond sexual assault and other crimes identified by the ICTY Statute. This thesis also introduces alternatives or complimentary approaches to law when dealing with war crimes. These alternatives include women’s local groups and truth commissions. This thesis also identifies the criminological relevance of studying war crimes (as defined by international law) and crimes of war and marks an important step in understanding rape and war from a criminological perspective.

Rupturas morfológicas em tecidos urbanos : alterações nos padrões relacionais em redes de ruas

Garateguy, Leonardo Müller January 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa debruçou o seu olhar sobre o problema da falta de continuidade em redes de ruas que, ao que parece, não tem recebido a devida atenção por parte das administrações públicas e equipes de planejamento urbano. Através de análises como integralidade, heterogeneidade das redes espaciais urbanas e análise de bloqueios viários a pesquisa buscou inverter o olhar para elementos (e condições) estruturais que potencialmente prejudicam o desempenho da morfologia urbana de cidades causando impactos de natureza sócio-econômica. Para tanto, lançou mão da construção de grafos e da aplicação de medidas de diferenciação espacial nas redes em estudo, a fim de avançar na compreensão de eventos que possivelmente provocam algum tipo de ruptura na morfologia de cidades, provocando problemas para suas populações. O resultado do estudo apontou para a possibilidade de criação de um conceito específico chamado de microruptura em redes de ruas. / The present research intended to look at/: the problem of lack of continuity in networks of streets that, it seems, has not received due attention by the government and urban planning teams. Through analysis as integrity, spatial heterogeneity of networks and analysis of urban road blockades research sought to reverse its look to elements (and conditions) that potentially affect the structural performance of the urban morphology of cities causing social economic impacts. To do so, it uses the construction of graphs and the application of measures of spatial differentiation in the networks under study in order to advance the understanding of events that possibly provoke some kind of rupture in morphology of cities, causing problems for their people. The result of the study pointed to the possibility of creating a specific concept called microruptures in street networks.

Didelphimorphia, chiroptera e rodentia (mammalia) do holoceno do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil : aspectos taxonômicos, paleoambientais e paleoclimáticos

Rodrigues, Patrícia Hadler January 2008 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas os estudos sobre mamíferos fósseis do Brasil aumentaram significativamente, mas ainda assim pouco se conhece sobre o registro daqueles de pequeno porte (Didelphimorphia, Chiroptera e Rodentia, Hystricognathi). Apesar destes serem registrados para onze estados brasileiros, as ocorrências são muito pontuais e fragmentárias, exceto pela fauna de Lagoa Santa, Estado de Minas Gerais. Estudou-se os mamíferos de pequeno porte de dois sítios arqueológicos com datações que abrangem desde o Holoceno inicial (± 9.400 anos AP) até o Holoceno final (± 3.700 anos AP). Os sítios localizam-se na porção nordeste do estado, nos Municípios de Montenegro e Santo Antônio da Patrulha, no limite entre duas sub-regiões biogeográficas neotropicais, a Chaquenha e a Paranaense. Além da taxonomia, também estudou-se aspectos paleoclimáticos e paleoambientais para as duas áreas. Registrou-se 24 táxons de mamíferos de pequeno porte, sendo eles: Gracilinanus agilis, G. microtarsus, Monodelphis americana, Thylamys velutinus, Thylamys cf. T. velutinus, Didelphis sp., Philander opossum (Didelphidae), Chrotopterus auritus, Pygoderma bilabiatum (Phyllostomidae), Eptesicus brasiliensis, Eptesicus fuscus, Myotis cf. Myotis ruber, Vespertilionidae aff. Lasiurus (Vespertilionidae); Tadarida brasiliensis, Molossus molossus (Molossidae), Cavia sp., C. aperea, C. magna (Caviidae), Ctenomys sp. (Ctenomyidae), Myocastor coypus (Myocastoridae), Phyllomys sp., Euryzygomatomys mordax, Dicolpomys fossor e uma nova espécie, Clyomys sp. nov. (Echimyidae). A composição da fauna de pequenos mamíferos em ambos os sítios, especialmente em relação aos Echimyidae, evidencia uma similaridade taxonômica com a fauna de Lagoa Santa. Entre os táxons registrados, pelo menos três deles estão extintos (D. fossor, E. mordax e Clyomys sp. nov), o que poderia indicar uma maior diversidade dos Echimyidae durante o Holoceno, assim corroborando a hipótese de extinções mais tardias da fauna de roedores na região mais ao norte da América do Sul do que no extemo sul deste continente. Em relação ao paleoclima, a fauna de marsupiais e roedores caviomorfos manteve-se quase a mesma ao longo do tempo em ambas as áreas, o que pode ter-se devido a mudanças climáticas mais lentas e graduais. A ocorrência de marsupiais e roedores caviomorfos de ambientes campestres e áreas florestadas nos mesmos níveis poderia dever-se a um ambiente em mosaico, mas com predomínio dos campos. A diferença temporal no início da expansão das florestas entre as duas áreas, a qual é hipotetizada pelos dados palinológicos, não pôde ser corroborada pelo registro dos mamíferos de pequeno porte, já que desde o Holoceno inicial (± 8.000 anos AP) estavam presentes em ambos os sítios animais típicos de áreas florestadas. Os Chiroptera não contribuiram para com as análises paleoambientais e paleoclimáticas devido à sua distribuição estratigráfica irregular e o pequeno número de espécimes. As inferências paleoclimáticas e paleoambientais embora preliminares, são as primeiras com vistas ao melhor entendimento do Holoceno do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. / During the last decades, there was an increase in the studies about the fossil mammals from Brazil, although very little is known about the record concerning those of small size (Didelphimorphia, Chiroptera e Rodentia, Hystricognathi). Although these animals are recorded for eleven Brazilian states, most occurrences are isolated and fragmentary, except from Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais State. Small mammals from two archaeological sites were studied, dating from the Early Holocene (± 9,400 years BP) until the Late Holocene (± 3,700 years BP). The sites are in the Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul State, at Montenegro and Santo Antônio da Patrulha Counties, situated at the boundary of two neotropical biogeographic subregions, Chaco and Parana. Besides from taxonomy, there were also studied paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental aspects of both areas. There were recorded 24 taxa of small mammal: Gracilinanus agilis, G. microtarsus, Monodelphis americana, Thylamys velutinus, Thylamys cf. T. velutinus, Didelphis sp., Philander opossum (Didelphidae), Chrotopterus auritus, Pygoderma bilabiatum (Phyllostomidae), Eptesicus brasiliensis, Eptesicus fuscus, Myotis cf. Myotis ruber, Vespertilionidae aff. Lasiurus (Vespertilionidae); Tadarida brasiliensis, Molossus molossus (Molossidae), Cavia sp., C. aperea, C. magna (Caviidae), Ctenomys sp. (Ctenomyidae), Myocastor coypus (Myocastoridae), Phyllomys sp., Euryzygomatomys mordax, Dicolpomys fossor and a new species, Clyomys sp. nov. (Echimyidae). The small mammal fauna composition from the two sites, mainly that of Echimyidae, made evident a taxonomic similarity with the fauna from Lagoa Santa. Among the taxa recorded, at least three of them are extinct (D. fossor, E. mordax and Clyomys sp. nov), what might indicate a greater diversity of Echimyidae during Holocene, in this way corroborating the hypothesis of rodent extinctions occurring much later northern than in southern South America. Concerning paleoclimatic aspects, the composition of the marsupials and caviomorphs was quite the same over time in both areas, indicating that climatic changes during the Holocene were possibly slow and gradual. The occurrence of marsupials and caviomorphs of grasslands and other ones of forested areas at the same levels incates a mosaic environment, but with grasslands predominance. The temporal difference in the beggining of forest expansion in both areas, which is hypothetized by the palynological data, could not be corroborated on the basis of the small mammals, because since Early Holocene (± 8,000 years BP) forest animals were present at both sites. Data on the Chiroptera did not contribute to the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental analyses, because of their irregular stratigraphic distribution and small number of specimens. The paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental inferences although preliminary, are the first contribution to a better understanding of Holocene of Rio Grande do Sul State.

Didelphimorphia, chiroptera e rodentia (mammalia) do holoceno do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil : aspectos taxonômicos, paleoambientais e paleoclimáticos

Rodrigues, Patrícia Hadler January 2008 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas os estudos sobre mamíferos fósseis do Brasil aumentaram significativamente, mas ainda assim pouco se conhece sobre o registro daqueles de pequeno porte (Didelphimorphia, Chiroptera e Rodentia, Hystricognathi). Apesar destes serem registrados para onze estados brasileiros, as ocorrências são muito pontuais e fragmentárias, exceto pela fauna de Lagoa Santa, Estado de Minas Gerais. Estudou-se os mamíferos de pequeno porte de dois sítios arqueológicos com datações que abrangem desde o Holoceno inicial (± 9.400 anos AP) até o Holoceno final (± 3.700 anos AP). Os sítios localizam-se na porção nordeste do estado, nos Municípios de Montenegro e Santo Antônio da Patrulha, no limite entre duas sub-regiões biogeográficas neotropicais, a Chaquenha e a Paranaense. Além da taxonomia, também estudou-se aspectos paleoclimáticos e paleoambientais para as duas áreas. Registrou-se 24 táxons de mamíferos de pequeno porte, sendo eles: Gracilinanus agilis, G. microtarsus, Monodelphis americana, Thylamys velutinus, Thylamys cf. T. velutinus, Didelphis sp., Philander opossum (Didelphidae), Chrotopterus auritus, Pygoderma bilabiatum (Phyllostomidae), Eptesicus brasiliensis, Eptesicus fuscus, Myotis cf. Myotis ruber, Vespertilionidae aff. Lasiurus (Vespertilionidae); Tadarida brasiliensis, Molossus molossus (Molossidae), Cavia sp., C. aperea, C. magna (Caviidae), Ctenomys sp. (Ctenomyidae), Myocastor coypus (Myocastoridae), Phyllomys sp., Euryzygomatomys mordax, Dicolpomys fossor e uma nova espécie, Clyomys sp. nov. (Echimyidae). A composição da fauna de pequenos mamíferos em ambos os sítios, especialmente em relação aos Echimyidae, evidencia uma similaridade taxonômica com a fauna de Lagoa Santa. Entre os táxons registrados, pelo menos três deles estão extintos (D. fossor, E. mordax e Clyomys sp. nov), o que poderia indicar uma maior diversidade dos Echimyidae durante o Holoceno, assim corroborando a hipótese de extinções mais tardias da fauna de roedores na região mais ao norte da América do Sul do que no extemo sul deste continente. Em relação ao paleoclima, a fauna de marsupiais e roedores caviomorfos manteve-se quase a mesma ao longo do tempo em ambas as áreas, o que pode ter-se devido a mudanças climáticas mais lentas e graduais. A ocorrência de marsupiais e roedores caviomorfos de ambientes campestres e áreas florestadas nos mesmos níveis poderia dever-se a um ambiente em mosaico, mas com predomínio dos campos. A diferença temporal no início da expansão das florestas entre as duas áreas, a qual é hipotetizada pelos dados palinológicos, não pôde ser corroborada pelo registro dos mamíferos de pequeno porte, já que desde o Holoceno inicial (± 8.000 anos AP) estavam presentes em ambos os sítios animais típicos de áreas florestadas. Os Chiroptera não contribuiram para com as análises paleoambientais e paleoclimáticas devido à sua distribuição estratigráfica irregular e o pequeno número de espécimes. As inferências paleoclimáticas e paleoambientais embora preliminares, são as primeiras com vistas ao melhor entendimento do Holoceno do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. / During the last decades, there was an increase in the studies about the fossil mammals from Brazil, although very little is known about the record concerning those of small size (Didelphimorphia, Chiroptera e Rodentia, Hystricognathi). Although these animals are recorded for eleven Brazilian states, most occurrences are isolated and fragmentary, except from Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais State. Small mammals from two archaeological sites were studied, dating from the Early Holocene (± 9,400 years BP) until the Late Holocene (± 3,700 years BP). The sites are in the Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul State, at Montenegro and Santo Antônio da Patrulha Counties, situated at the boundary of two neotropical biogeographic subregions, Chaco and Parana. Besides from taxonomy, there were also studied paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental aspects of both areas. There were recorded 24 taxa of small mammal: Gracilinanus agilis, G. microtarsus, Monodelphis americana, Thylamys velutinus, Thylamys cf. T. velutinus, Didelphis sp., Philander opossum (Didelphidae), Chrotopterus auritus, Pygoderma bilabiatum (Phyllostomidae), Eptesicus brasiliensis, Eptesicus fuscus, Myotis cf. Myotis ruber, Vespertilionidae aff. Lasiurus (Vespertilionidae); Tadarida brasiliensis, Molossus molossus (Molossidae), Cavia sp., C. aperea, C. magna (Caviidae), Ctenomys sp. (Ctenomyidae), Myocastor coypus (Myocastoridae), Phyllomys sp., Euryzygomatomys mordax, Dicolpomys fossor and a new species, Clyomys sp. nov. (Echimyidae). The small mammal fauna composition from the two sites, mainly that of Echimyidae, made evident a taxonomic similarity with the fauna from Lagoa Santa. Among the taxa recorded, at least three of them are extinct (D. fossor, E. mordax and Clyomys sp. nov), what might indicate a greater diversity of Echimyidae during Holocene, in this way corroborating the hypothesis of rodent extinctions occurring much later northern than in southern South America. Concerning paleoclimatic aspects, the composition of the marsupials and caviomorphs was quite the same over time in both areas, indicating that climatic changes during the Holocene were possibly slow and gradual. The occurrence of marsupials and caviomorphs of grasslands and other ones of forested areas at the same levels incates a mosaic environment, but with grasslands predominance. The temporal difference in the beggining of forest expansion in both areas, which is hypothetized by the palynological data, could not be corroborated on the basis of the small mammals, because since Early Holocene (± 8,000 years BP) forest animals were present at both sites. Data on the Chiroptera did not contribute to the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental analyses, because of their irregular stratigraphic distribution and small number of specimens. The paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental inferences although preliminary, are the first contribution to a better understanding of Holocene of Rio Grande do Sul State.

Rupturas morfológicas em tecidos urbanos : alterações nos padrões relacionais em redes de ruas

Garateguy, Leonardo Müller January 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa debruçou o seu olhar sobre o problema da falta de continuidade em redes de ruas que, ao que parece, não tem recebido a devida atenção por parte das administrações públicas e equipes de planejamento urbano. Através de análises como integralidade, heterogeneidade das redes espaciais urbanas e análise de bloqueios viários a pesquisa buscou inverter o olhar para elementos (e condições) estruturais que potencialmente prejudicam o desempenho da morfologia urbana de cidades causando impactos de natureza sócio-econômica. Para tanto, lançou mão da construção de grafos e da aplicação de medidas de diferenciação espacial nas redes em estudo, a fim de avançar na compreensão de eventos que possivelmente provocam algum tipo de ruptura na morfologia de cidades, provocando problemas para suas populações. O resultado do estudo apontou para a possibilidade de criação de um conceito específico chamado de microruptura em redes de ruas. / The present research intended to look at/: the problem of lack of continuity in networks of streets that, it seems, has not received due attention by the government and urban planning teams. Through analysis as integrity, spatial heterogeneity of networks and analysis of urban road blockades research sought to reverse its look to elements (and conditions) that potentially affect the structural performance of the urban morphology of cities causing social economic impacts. To do so, it uses the construction of graphs and the application of measures of spatial differentiation in the networks under study in order to advance the understanding of events that possibly provoke some kind of rupture in morphology of cities, causing problems for their people. The result of the study pointed to the possibility of creating a specific concept called microruptures in street networks.

Didelphimorphia, chiroptera e rodentia (mammalia) do holoceno do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil : aspectos taxonômicos, paleoambientais e paleoclimáticos

Rodrigues, Patrícia Hadler January 2008 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas os estudos sobre mamíferos fósseis do Brasil aumentaram significativamente, mas ainda assim pouco se conhece sobre o registro daqueles de pequeno porte (Didelphimorphia, Chiroptera e Rodentia, Hystricognathi). Apesar destes serem registrados para onze estados brasileiros, as ocorrências são muito pontuais e fragmentárias, exceto pela fauna de Lagoa Santa, Estado de Minas Gerais. Estudou-se os mamíferos de pequeno porte de dois sítios arqueológicos com datações que abrangem desde o Holoceno inicial (± 9.400 anos AP) até o Holoceno final (± 3.700 anos AP). Os sítios localizam-se na porção nordeste do estado, nos Municípios de Montenegro e Santo Antônio da Patrulha, no limite entre duas sub-regiões biogeográficas neotropicais, a Chaquenha e a Paranaense. Além da taxonomia, também estudou-se aspectos paleoclimáticos e paleoambientais para as duas áreas. Registrou-se 24 táxons de mamíferos de pequeno porte, sendo eles: Gracilinanus agilis, G. microtarsus, Monodelphis americana, Thylamys velutinus, Thylamys cf. T. velutinus, Didelphis sp., Philander opossum (Didelphidae), Chrotopterus auritus, Pygoderma bilabiatum (Phyllostomidae), Eptesicus brasiliensis, Eptesicus fuscus, Myotis cf. Myotis ruber, Vespertilionidae aff. Lasiurus (Vespertilionidae); Tadarida brasiliensis, Molossus molossus (Molossidae), Cavia sp., C. aperea, C. magna (Caviidae), Ctenomys sp. (Ctenomyidae), Myocastor coypus (Myocastoridae), Phyllomys sp., Euryzygomatomys mordax, Dicolpomys fossor e uma nova espécie, Clyomys sp. nov. (Echimyidae). A composição da fauna de pequenos mamíferos em ambos os sítios, especialmente em relação aos Echimyidae, evidencia uma similaridade taxonômica com a fauna de Lagoa Santa. Entre os táxons registrados, pelo menos três deles estão extintos (D. fossor, E. mordax e Clyomys sp. nov), o que poderia indicar uma maior diversidade dos Echimyidae durante o Holoceno, assim corroborando a hipótese de extinções mais tardias da fauna de roedores na região mais ao norte da América do Sul do que no extemo sul deste continente. Em relação ao paleoclima, a fauna de marsupiais e roedores caviomorfos manteve-se quase a mesma ao longo do tempo em ambas as áreas, o que pode ter-se devido a mudanças climáticas mais lentas e graduais. A ocorrência de marsupiais e roedores caviomorfos de ambientes campestres e áreas florestadas nos mesmos níveis poderia dever-se a um ambiente em mosaico, mas com predomínio dos campos. A diferença temporal no início da expansão das florestas entre as duas áreas, a qual é hipotetizada pelos dados palinológicos, não pôde ser corroborada pelo registro dos mamíferos de pequeno porte, já que desde o Holoceno inicial (± 8.000 anos AP) estavam presentes em ambos os sítios animais típicos de áreas florestadas. Os Chiroptera não contribuiram para com as análises paleoambientais e paleoclimáticas devido à sua distribuição estratigráfica irregular e o pequeno número de espécimes. As inferências paleoclimáticas e paleoambientais embora preliminares, são as primeiras com vistas ao melhor entendimento do Holoceno do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. / During the last decades, there was an increase in the studies about the fossil mammals from Brazil, although very little is known about the record concerning those of small size (Didelphimorphia, Chiroptera e Rodentia, Hystricognathi). Although these animals are recorded for eleven Brazilian states, most occurrences are isolated and fragmentary, except from Lagoa Santa, Minas Gerais State. Small mammals from two archaeological sites were studied, dating from the Early Holocene (± 9,400 years BP) until the Late Holocene (± 3,700 years BP). The sites are in the Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul State, at Montenegro and Santo Antônio da Patrulha Counties, situated at the boundary of two neotropical biogeographic subregions, Chaco and Parana. Besides from taxonomy, there were also studied paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental aspects of both areas. There were recorded 24 taxa of small mammal: Gracilinanus agilis, G. microtarsus, Monodelphis americana, Thylamys velutinus, Thylamys cf. T. velutinus, Didelphis sp., Philander opossum (Didelphidae), Chrotopterus auritus, Pygoderma bilabiatum (Phyllostomidae), Eptesicus brasiliensis, Eptesicus fuscus, Myotis cf. Myotis ruber, Vespertilionidae aff. Lasiurus (Vespertilionidae); Tadarida brasiliensis, Molossus molossus (Molossidae), Cavia sp., C. aperea, C. magna (Caviidae), Ctenomys sp. (Ctenomyidae), Myocastor coypus (Myocastoridae), Phyllomys sp., Euryzygomatomys mordax, Dicolpomys fossor and a new species, Clyomys sp. nov. (Echimyidae). The small mammal fauna composition from the two sites, mainly that of Echimyidae, made evident a taxonomic similarity with the fauna from Lagoa Santa. Among the taxa recorded, at least three of them are extinct (D. fossor, E. mordax and Clyomys sp. nov), what might indicate a greater diversity of Echimyidae during Holocene, in this way corroborating the hypothesis of rodent extinctions occurring much later northern than in southern South America. Concerning paleoclimatic aspects, the composition of the marsupials and caviomorphs was quite the same over time in both areas, indicating that climatic changes during the Holocene were possibly slow and gradual. The occurrence of marsupials and caviomorphs of grasslands and other ones of forested areas at the same levels incates a mosaic environment, but with grasslands predominance. The temporal difference in the beggining of forest expansion in both areas, which is hypothetized by the palynological data, could not be corroborated on the basis of the small mammals, because since Early Holocene (± 8,000 years BP) forest animals were present at both sites. Data on the Chiroptera did not contribute to the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental analyses, because of their irregular stratigraphic distribution and small number of specimens. The paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental inferences although preliminary, are the first contribution to a better understanding of Holocene of Rio Grande do Sul State.

The Legitimacy of Secession and the Case of Montenegro

Asplund, Malin January 2007 (has links)
Rätten till självbestämmande har traditionellt sett inneburit att staters suveränitet respekterats. Konceptet har dock kommit att applicerats på andra plan i större utsträckning, då man har argumenterat för rätten till nationellt självbestämmande. En gemensam kultur, eller liknande, har på så vis fungerat som underlag för secessionsrörelser. Secession kan ha allvarliga konsekvenser för de involverade politiska enheterna. Det kan även vara ett koncept svårt att implementera i verkligheten då det berör territoriella aspekter såväl som ifrågasätter vilka som hör till den utbrytande rörelsen. En teoretisk ram användbar för utvärdering av secession har därför sammanställts i denna uppsats, baserad på tre typer av secessionsteorier som applicerats på och jämförts med fallet Montenegro. Ramen bygger på en teoretisk diskussion rörande definitioner av nationalism, nationer och identitet. Dessa definitioner grundas på en civil och medborgerlig förståelse av nationalism, där identitet beskrivs som en dynamisk företeelse. Secessionsramen har därefter applicerats på fallet Montenegro som nyligen blivit en självständig stat. En utvärdering av fallet har sedan bedrivits, baserad på en historisk översikt av landet. För att understryka komplexiteten med secession presenteras sedan argument mot secession som inte bör betraktas som en lösning på etniska konflikter. Alternativa lösningar på sådana presenteras därefter vilket ger en insikt i multiculturalism. Sådana lösningar innebär alla en risk för att etniska gränser etsas fast istället för löses upp. Montenegros secession kan dock betraktas som legitim då relativts stabila demokratiska och liberala institutioner gått att finna även innan secessionen. Folkomröstningen var även den legitim och influerad av medborgarskap snarare än etnicitet. / The principle of self-determination traditionally refers to respect for state sovereignty. It has been increasingly employed to lower level communities as they have argued their right to national self-determination. National groups have, based on a common culture or likewise, made claims to secession. Secession can have severe consequences for either one of the two political units. It can also be extremely difficult to implement as it involves territorial aspects and the fundamental question of who belongs to the national group wishing to secede. A framework for evaluating the legitimacy of secession is developed in this thesis, based on three general types of secession theories applied and compared to the case of Montenegro. The framework builds upon a theoretical background defining what is meant by nationalism, nations and identity. The language used in this essay is therefore that of constructivism, rooted in the civic idea of nationalism. The belief that human identities are dynamic and subject to change is a crucial assumption. With the aid of an historical presentation of Montenegro, an evaluation of the region’s independence is made. To underline why secession should be implemented with care, arguments against secession are then presented. Secession should not be confused with a solution to ethnical tensions. Alternatives to secession are thus demonstrated, showing the complexity of the multiculturalist field in general. Multicultural policies risk fixing ethnical lines rather than dissolving them. The secession of Montenegro is legitimate as relatively stable democratic and liberal tradition existed prior to independence. The referendum in Montenegro was, more over, determined by a well organised referendum where civil elements dominated over

Politika rozšiřování Evropské unie: Černá Hora, Makedonie, Srbsko / The Politics of European Union Enlargement: Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia

Hach, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
Tomáš Hach - The Politics of EU Enlargement: Montenegro, Macedonia, Serbia Abstract The diploma thesis deals with the topic of the politics of EU enlargement and perspectives of future developments in this area. Its main objectives are to define the politics in theory, to introduce it in the context of the Western Balkans and apply it to the three selected cases - Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia. The work considers the historical development since 1990's as an important factor with a huge influence on current negotiation, and therefore the thesis pays high attention to that. Besides the historical excursion, the thesis deals with topics of political development, introduces the status of current negotiations and the relationship between the European Union and certain countries since the establishment of the first official contact. Through the comparative case study, despite differing positions of states within the framework of negotiations, it is highlighted that all countries share common problems. The method of compliance and non-compliance generates common problems as well as underlines the particular specifics. An important contribution is also the comparison of individual countries based on fulfilment of the Copenhagen criteria in the context of current affairs.

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