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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Утицај глацијалног процеса на засипање Лукавичко-луковског краса (Црна Гора) / Uticaj glacijalnog procesa na zasipanje Lukavičko-lukovskog krasa (Crna Gora) / The Impact of glacial process on sedimentary filling of the Lukavičko-lukovski karst (Montenegro)

Đurović Mirela 12 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Лукавичко-луковски&nbsp; крас&nbsp; припада&nbsp; Динарском&nbsp; красу.&nbsp; Налази&nbsp; се&nbsp; у&nbsp; средишњем&nbsp; делу Црне&nbsp; Горе,&nbsp; у&nbsp; области&nbsp; површи&nbsp; и&nbsp; брда.&nbsp; Представља&nbsp; западни&nbsp; део&nbsp;&nbsp; Mорачких&nbsp; планина,&nbsp; у висинској зони од 820 до 2050&nbsp; m&nbsp; н.в. Ову област изграђују различите мезозојске карбонатне стене&nbsp; прекривене&nbsp; седиментима&nbsp; квартарне&nbsp; старости.&nbsp; На&nbsp; овом&nbsp; простору&nbsp; формирани&nbsp; су различити&nbsp; генетски&nbsp; типови&nbsp; рељефа&nbsp; са&nbsp; доминацијом&nbsp; крашког&nbsp; рељефа.&nbsp; Просторним&nbsp; и временским&nbsp; преклапањем&nbsp; крашког&nbsp; процеса&nbsp; са&nbsp; глацијалним&nbsp; процесом&nbsp; формиран&nbsp; је&nbsp; сложен глациокрашки&nbsp; рељеф.&nbsp; Плеистоценска&nbsp; глацијација&nbsp; оставила&nbsp; је&nbsp; значајне&nbsp; последице,&nbsp; а&nbsp; као најважнија је засипање краса моренским и претранспортованим моренским материјалом.Применом&nbsp; Schmidt&nbsp; Hammer&nbsp; теста&nbsp; утврђена&nbsp; је&nbsp; релативна&nbsp; хронологија&nbsp; различитих типова&nbsp; квартарних&nbsp; седимената.&nbsp; Реконструкцијом&nbsp; ерозивних&nbsp; и&nbsp; акумулативних&nbsp; облика глацијалног&nbsp; рељефа&nbsp; анализиран&nbsp; је&nbsp; интезитет,&nbsp; обим&nbsp; и&nbsp; број&nbsp; глацијалних&nbsp; фаза.&nbsp; Утврђено&nbsp; је постојање три старије глацијалне фазе и једне млађе, у временском распону од MIS 12 преко MIS&nbsp; 6&nbsp; и&nbsp; MIS&nbsp; 5d&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; 2&nbsp; до&nbsp; млађег&nbsp; дријаса.&nbsp; Засипање&nbsp; Лукавичко-луковског&nbsp; краса&nbsp; извршено&nbsp; је моренским&nbsp; материјалом&nbsp; и&nbsp; његовим&nbsp; претранспортовањем&nbsp; од&nbsp; стране&nbsp; флувијланог, денудационог и гравитационог процеса. Засипање је било делимично и потпуно. Делимично засипање извршено је субподинским моренама, док је потпуно засипање везано за просторе<br />чеоних&nbsp; и&nbsp; ивичних&nbsp; морена.&nbsp; Акумулација&nbsp; претранспортованог&nbsp; моренског&nbsp; материјала&nbsp; је највиши степен потпуног засипања краса када су поља, као највећи крашки облици рељефа, у потпуности засута.</p> / <p>Lukavičko-lukovski&nbsp; kras&nbsp; pripada&nbsp; Dinarskom&nbsp; krasu.&nbsp; Nalazi&nbsp; se&nbsp; u&nbsp; središnjem&nbsp; delu Crne&nbsp; Gore,&nbsp; u&nbsp; oblasti&nbsp; površi&nbsp; i&nbsp; brda.&nbsp; Predstavlja&nbsp; zapadni&nbsp; deo&nbsp;&nbsp; Moračkih&nbsp; planina,&nbsp; u visinskoj zoni od 820 do 2050&nbsp; m&nbsp; n.v. Ovu oblast izgrađuju različite mezozojske karbonatne stene&nbsp; prekrivene&nbsp; sedimentima&nbsp; kvartarne&nbsp; starosti.&nbsp; Na&nbsp; ovom&nbsp; prostoru&nbsp; formirani&nbsp; su različiti&nbsp; genetski&nbsp; tipovi&nbsp; reljefa&nbsp; sa&nbsp; dominacijom&nbsp; kraškog&nbsp; reljefa.&nbsp; Prostornim&nbsp; i vremenskim&nbsp; preklapanjem&nbsp; kraškog&nbsp; procesa&nbsp; sa&nbsp; glacijalnim&nbsp; procesom&nbsp; formiran&nbsp; je&nbsp; složen glaciokraški&nbsp; reljef.&nbsp; Pleistocenska&nbsp; glacijacija&nbsp; ostavila&nbsp; je&nbsp; značajne&nbsp; posledice,&nbsp; a&nbsp; kao najvažnija je zasipanje krasa morenskim i pretransportovanim morenskim materijalom.Primenom&nbsp; Schmidt&nbsp; Hammer&nbsp; testa&nbsp; utvrđena&nbsp; je&nbsp; relativna&nbsp; hronologija&nbsp; različitih tipova&nbsp; kvartarnih&nbsp; sedimenata.&nbsp; Rekonstrukcijom&nbsp; erozivnih&nbsp; i&nbsp; akumulativnih&nbsp; oblika glacijalnog&nbsp; reljefa&nbsp; analiziran&nbsp; je&nbsp; intezitet,&nbsp; obim&nbsp; i&nbsp; broj&nbsp; glacijalnih&nbsp; faza.&nbsp; Utvrđeno&nbsp; je postojanje tri starije glacijalne faze i jedne mlađe, u vremenskom rasponu od MIS 12 preko MIS&nbsp; 6&nbsp; i&nbsp; MIS&nbsp; 5d&nbsp; &ndash;&nbsp; 2&nbsp; do&nbsp; mlađeg&nbsp; drijasa.&nbsp; Zasipanje&nbsp; Lukavičko-lukovskog&nbsp; krasa&nbsp; izvršeno&nbsp; je morenskim&nbsp; materijalom&nbsp; i&nbsp; njegovim&nbsp; pretransportovanjem&nbsp; od&nbsp; strane&nbsp; fluvijlanog, denudacionog i gravitacionog procesa. Zasipanje je bilo delimično i potpuno. Delimično zasipanje izvršeno je subpodinskim morenama, dok je potpuno zasipanje vezano za prostore<br />čeonih&nbsp; i&nbsp; ivičnih&nbsp; morena.&nbsp; Akumulacija&nbsp; pretransportovanog&nbsp; morenskog&nbsp; materijala&nbsp; je najviši stepen potpunog zasipanja krasa kada su polja, kao najveći kraški oblici reljefa, u potpunosti zasuta.</p> / <p>The&nbsp; Lukavičko-lukovski&nbsp; karst&nbsp; belongs&nbsp; to the&nbsp; Dinaric&nbsp; karst.&nbsp; It occupies&nbsp; the&nbsp; central&nbsp; part&nbsp; of Montenegro&nbsp; within&nbsp; the&nbsp; area&nbsp; of&nbsp; plains&nbsp; and&nbsp; hills.&nbsp; Representing&nbsp; the&nbsp; western&nbsp; part&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; Morača Mountains&nbsp; it&nbsp; is&nbsp; placed&nbsp; between&nbsp; 820&nbsp; to&nbsp; 2050&nbsp; m&nbsp; a.s.l.&nbsp; The&nbsp; area&nbsp; is&nbsp; built&nbsp; by&nbsp; different&nbsp; Mesozoic carbonate rocks and the overlying Quaternary sediments. Among different genetic types of relief, the karst one&nbsp; is prevailing. The spatial and temporal overlap of karst and glacial processes&nbsp; led to complex&nbsp; glaciokarst&nbsp; relief.&nbsp; Pleistocene&nbsp; glaciation&nbsp; left&nbsp; behind&nbsp; considerable&nbsp; changes&nbsp; including&nbsp; the karst filled by moraine and re-transported moraine material as the most significant. Implementing&nbsp; the&nbsp; Schmidt&nbsp; Hammer&nbsp; test&nbsp; the&nbsp; relative&nbsp; chronology&nbsp; of&nbsp; different&nbsp; Quaternary sediments was determined.&nbsp; The intensity, extent, and a number of glacial phases were analyzed by reconstruction&nbsp; of&nbsp; erosive&nbsp; and&nbsp; accumulative&nbsp; forms&nbsp; in&nbsp; glacial&nbsp; relief.&nbsp; The&nbsp; existence&nbsp; of&nbsp; three&nbsp; older glacial phases and a younger once, within&nbsp; the temporal range from MIS 12 over MIS 6 and&nbsp; MIS 5d &ndash;&nbsp; 2 to the Younger Dryas has been resolved. Filling of the Lukavičko -lukovski karst by moraine and&nbsp; re- deposited&nbsp; moraine&nbsp; material&nbsp; under&nbsp; fluvial,&nbsp; denudation,&nbsp; and&nbsp; gravity&nbsp; processes&nbsp; was&nbsp; partial&nbsp; to complete. The former take place by piedmont moraines, while the later were caused by terminal and lateral moraines. Accumulation of re-deposited moraine material&nbsp; is the highest stage of karst filling when karst polje as the largest karst landform becomes completely inhumated.</p>

Proračun intenziteta erozije zemljišta u Polimlju (Crna Gora i Srbija) i Širindareh slivu (Iran) korišćenjem WIntErO modela / Calculation of soil erosion intensity in Polimlje (Montenegro and Serbia) and Širindareh basin (Iran) using the WIntErO model

Vujačić Duško 10 April 2019 (has links)
<p>Predmet&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; rada&nbsp; predstavlja&nbsp; geografski prostor&nbsp; sliva&nbsp; Lima&nbsp; od&nbsp; Plavskog&nbsp; jezera&nbsp; do&nbsp; brane&nbsp; HE &#39;&#39;Potpeć&#39;&#39;,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; jedne&nbsp; prostorno-funkcionalne&nbsp; cjeline,koji&nbsp; se&nbsp; prostire&nbsp; na&nbsp; teritorijama&nbsp; država&nbsp; Crne&nbsp; Gore (2334&nbsp; km <sup>2</sup>),&nbsp; Srbije&nbsp; (2407,7&nbsp; km <sup>2</sup> )&nbsp; i&nbsp; Albanije&nbsp; (115,5<br />km <sup>2 </sup>) i &Scaron;irindareh sliv na NE Irana.Kori&scaron;ćenjem&nbsp; računarsko-grafičkog&nbsp; metoda<br />programa&nbsp; &quot;WintErO&quot;,&nbsp; u&nbsp; proučavanju&nbsp; oticanja&nbsp; i intenziteta&nbsp; erozije,&nbsp; vrijednosti&nbsp; povr&scaron;ina&nbsp; (povr&scaron;ina slivova,&nbsp; povr&scaron;ina&nbsp; između&nbsp; izohipsi&nbsp; i&nbsp; sl.)&nbsp; i&nbsp; dužina,&nbsp; tj.rastojanja sa karte (dužina glavnog vodotoka, dužina linije vododjelnice i sl.) veoma precizno je obrađena,<br />&scaron;to&nbsp; nije&nbsp; uvijek&nbsp; bio&nbsp; slučaj&nbsp; kod&nbsp; primjene&nbsp; mehaničkih instrumenata,&nbsp; planimetara&nbsp; i&nbsp; kurvimetra.&nbsp; Obradom dobijenih&nbsp; fizičko-geografskih&nbsp; inputa,&nbsp; nakon&nbsp; unosa podataka,&nbsp; dobijeni&nbsp; su&nbsp; rezultati.&nbsp; Detaljan&nbsp; prikaz&nbsp; ove računarsko&nbsp; grafičke&nbsp; metode&nbsp; predstavljen&nbsp; je&nbsp; u rezultatima ove doktorske disertacije.<br />Dio istraživanja ovog doktorskog rada obavljen je na području sjeveroistoka Irana, u slivu &Scaron;irindareh. Oko 100 miliona hektara iranske teritorije je izloženo eroziji&nbsp; ili&nbsp; drugim&nbsp; hemijskih&nbsp; i&nbsp; fizičkih&nbsp; degradacija.Erozija&nbsp; vodom&nbsp; ugoržava&nbsp; velike&nbsp; povr&scaron;ine&nbsp; u&nbsp; Iranu,<br />uni&scaron;tavajući pri tom plodna poljoprivredna zemlji&scaron;ta. Skoro&nbsp; 35&nbsp; miliona&nbsp; hektara&nbsp; Irana&nbsp; je&nbsp; pod&nbsp; uticajem različitih&nbsp; vrsta&nbsp; erozije&nbsp; vodom.&nbsp; Ova&nbsp; činjenica&nbsp; je&nbsp; bila povod i izazov da se i ova istraživanja dijelom osvrnu na&nbsp; ovu&nbsp; problematiku&nbsp; u&nbsp; Iranu,&nbsp; testirajući&nbsp; pri&nbsp; tom<br />novopripemljeni&nbsp; model&nbsp; WIntErO&nbsp; na&nbsp; jednom&nbsp; od slivova u Iranu.</p> / <p>The subject of this paper is the&nbsp; geographical area of&nbsp; the Lim&nbsp; Basin&nbsp; from&nbsp; Plav&nbsp; Lake&nbsp; to&nbsp; the&nbsp; dam&nbsp; &quot;Potpeć&quot;,&nbsp; as&nbsp; a spatial-functional&nbsp; unit,&nbsp; spreading&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; territories&nbsp; of&nbsp; the countries&nbsp; of&nbsp; Montenegro&nbsp; (2,334&nbsp; km2),&nbsp; Serbia&nbsp; (2407,7 km2)&nbsp; and&nbsp; Albania&nbsp; 115.5&nbsp; km2).&nbsp; In&nbsp; mathematicalgeographical terms,&nbsp; the research area is between 42 &deg; 37 &#39;and 43 &deg; 30&#39; north latitude and 17 &deg; 10 &#39;and 17 &deg; 23&#39; east longitude.&nbsp; The&nbsp; research&nbsp; area&nbsp; is&nbsp; located&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; north&nbsp; of Albania,&nbsp; east&nbsp; and&nbsp; north-east&nbsp; of&nbsp; Montenegro,&nbsp; and&nbsp; in&nbsp; the southwest of Serbia. Using the computer-graphic&nbsp; method of the &quot;WintErO&quot; program, in the study of the erosion and intensity&nbsp; of&nbsp; erosion,&nbsp; the&nbsp; surface&nbsp; values&nbsp; (surface&nbsp; of&nbsp; the basins,&nbsp; the&nbsp; area&nbsp; between&nbsp; isohipins,&nbsp; etc.)&nbsp; and&nbsp; length,&nbsp; The distance&nbsp; from&nbsp; the&nbsp; map&nbsp; (the&nbsp; length&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; main watercourse, the length of the line of the water line, etc.) is&nbsp; very&nbsp; precisely&nbsp; processed,&nbsp; which&nbsp; was&nbsp; not&nbsp; always&nbsp; the case with the use of mechanical instruments, planimeters and&nbsp; curvimeters.&nbsp; By&nbsp; obtaining&nbsp; the&nbsp; obtained&nbsp; physicalgeographic&nbsp; inputs,&nbsp; after&nbsp; entering&nbsp; the&nbsp; data,&nbsp; results&nbsp; were obtained.&nbsp; A&nbsp; detailed&nbsp; view&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; computer&nbsp; graphic method&nbsp; is&nbsp; presented&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; results&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; doctoral dissertation.&nbsp; Part&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; research&nbsp; of&nbsp; this&nbsp; doctoral&nbsp; thesis was&nbsp; done&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; area&nbsp; of&nbsp; the&nbsp; northeast&nbsp; of&nbsp; Iran,&nbsp; in&nbsp; the Shirindareh basin. About 100 million hectares of Iranian territory are exposed to erosion or other types of chemical and&nbsp; physical&nbsp; degradation&nbsp; (Kheirodin,&nbsp; 2016).&nbsp; Erosion&nbsp; by water&nbsp; entangles&nbsp; large&nbsp; areas&nbsp; in&nbsp; Iran,&nbsp; destroying&nbsp; fertile agricultural&nbsp; land&nbsp; (Sadeghi,&nbsp; 2017).&nbsp; Almost&nbsp; 35&nbsp; million hectares of Iran&nbsp; are under the influence of various types of&nbsp; water&nbsp; erosion&nbsp; (Zakerinejad&nbsp; and&nbsp; Maerker,&nbsp; 2015).&nbsp; This fact&nbsp; was&nbsp; also&nbsp; a&nbsp; cause&nbsp; and&nbsp; challenge&nbsp; for&nbsp; the&nbsp; research&nbsp; to partly look at this issue in Iran, testing the new WIntErO model on one of the basins in Iran.</p>

Trajetórias de jovens em processo de inserção profissional do Curso Técnico em Eletrotécnica e Curso Técnico em Química na Escola Estadual Técnica São João Batista - Montenegro/RS, no período de 2001 a 2004

Piccinini, Teresinha Backes January 2006 (has links)
Esta Dissertação é o resultado de um abrangente estudo com o qual objetivo compreender a complexidade dos (des)caminhos nas trajetórias de jovens em processo de inserção profissional do Curso Técnico em Eletrotécnica e Curso Técnico em Química, na Escola Estadual Técnica São João Batista – Montenegro/RS, no período de 2001 a 2004. Desvelar estas complexas trajetórias de inserção profissional, sustentada nos autores com os quais neste texto dialogo, constitui o foco central do meu percurso investigatório, porque é um ponto de partida para a possibilidade de intervenção à mudança. A historicidade (tempo-espaço) perpassa a revisão teórica e a análise da realidade. Focalizo o homem, um sujeito circunscrito por ideologias/crenças engendradas por seu contexto sócio-econômico-cultural, o seu habitus, segundo Pierre Bourdieu. Essas referências sustentam a pesquisa empírica – qualitativa, quando um olhar aguçado nas trajetórias familiares e pessoais de escolaridade e ocupações profissionais resultam em Discursos de Sujeitos Coletivos (orientados por Lefèvre, F. e Lefèvre, A. M. C., 2003). A análise desses discursos viabilizam a demarcação de identidades, geradas em suas histórias de vida; bem como, demarcam preconceitos e obstáculos diversos provocadores de descontinuidades. Acolho as deduções de Guimarães (2004) ao identificar padrões de mobilidade da coorte de trabalhadores demitidos da indústria petroquímica, e defino três padrões de trajetórias de inserção. Concluo que as trajetórias de reconversão do Grupo Laranja e as trajetórias de exclusão do Grupo Azul estão na contramão da formação técnica, que é perseguida nas trajetórias de permanência pelo Grupo Verde. E a escola, ignorando o colorido em sua volta, lida com a pedagogia como se o mundo fosse monocromático, e tudo permanece como está. Embora a Constituição Federativa do Brasil legisle que não pode existir a divisão sexual do trabalho, constato no campo factual trajetórias de inserção profissional condicionadas por preconceito de gênero. Por fim, tomo de Peralva (1997) a conclusão de que as idades da vida não são fenômenos naturais, e sim, sociais e históricos, e são plurais. O que é escrito em determinada idade pelo sujeito, está condicionado pelo seu padrão identitário. A história não é estática, é movimento; por isso mesmo, não são imutáveis os habitus pelos quais transitam os sujeitos. As cores definem identidades e os sujeitos podem transitar entre elas. Esses resultados elucidam os (des)caminhos nas trajetórias dos jovens no seu processo de inserção profissional nos Cursos Técnicos do SJB, indicam a influência do contexto sócio-econômico-cultural e rompem com as promessas anunciadas pela Teoria do Capital Humano. As deduções suscitam novos questionamentos que marcam a incompletude do meu próprio percurso. Um convite à continuidade... / This dissertation is the result of a wide-ranging study that aims to understand the complexity of the (out)ways in the trajectories of the young in the process of professional insertion from the Technical Course in Eletrotecnic and Chemistry at SJB Technical State School – Montenegro/RS, from 2001 to 2004. To clarity these complex trajectories of profissional insertion, supported on the authors with whom I dialog on this text, constitutes the focus of my investigator way, because is the first step towards the intervention possibility of changing. The historicity (time-space) goes through the theoretical revision and the analysis of the reality. I focus the man, subject circumscribed by ideologies/beliefs engendered by their socio-economical-cultural context, and their habitus, according to Pierre Bourdieu. These references support the empiric-qualitative research, when a sharp look in the familiar and personal trajectories of school degree and professional occupation result in Speeches of Collective Subjects (guided by Lefévre, F. and Lefévre, A. M. C., 2003). The analysis of these speeches enables the demarcating of identities, generated in their life histories; as well as they demarcate prejudices and diversified obstacles that provoke discontinuities. I take Guimarães (2004) deductions, when he identifies patterns of mobility of the “coorte” of fired workers from the Petrochemical industry, and define three patterns of trajectories of insertion. I conclude that the trajectories of recon version from the orange group and the trajectories of exclusion from the blue group are on the opposite way from the technique formation, which is pursued on the trajectories of permanence by the green group. And the school, ignoring the colored around, deals with pedagogy as if the world was monochromatic, and everything remains the same. Although the Federative Constitution of Brazil says that there can’t be the work sexual division, I see that on the factual field trajectories of professional insertion conditioned to gender prejudice. Finally, I took from Peralva (1997) the conclusion that the ages of life are not natural phenomena, but social and historical, and they are plural. What is written in a definite age by the subject, it is not conditioned by their identification pattern. The history is not static, it is movement; that’s why the habitus through which the subjects go through are not unchangeable. And, still, the colors define identities, but, the subjects may transit among them. These results elucidate the (out) ways in the trajectories of the young in their process of professional insertion from the Technique Courses at SJB, indicate the influence of the socio-economical-cultural context and break with the promises announced by the Human Capital Theory. The deductions generate new questions that mark the sketchiness of my own way. An invitation to the continuity…

Trajetórias de jovens em processo de inserção profissional do Curso Técnico em Eletrotécnica e Curso Técnico em Química na Escola Estadual Técnica São João Batista - Montenegro/RS, no período de 2001 a 2004

Piccinini, Teresinha Backes January 2006 (has links)
Esta Dissertação é o resultado de um abrangente estudo com o qual objetivo compreender a complexidade dos (des)caminhos nas trajetórias de jovens em processo de inserção profissional do Curso Técnico em Eletrotécnica e Curso Técnico em Química, na Escola Estadual Técnica São João Batista – Montenegro/RS, no período de 2001 a 2004. Desvelar estas complexas trajetórias de inserção profissional, sustentada nos autores com os quais neste texto dialogo, constitui o foco central do meu percurso investigatório, porque é um ponto de partida para a possibilidade de intervenção à mudança. A historicidade (tempo-espaço) perpassa a revisão teórica e a análise da realidade. Focalizo o homem, um sujeito circunscrito por ideologias/crenças engendradas por seu contexto sócio-econômico-cultural, o seu habitus, segundo Pierre Bourdieu. Essas referências sustentam a pesquisa empírica – qualitativa, quando um olhar aguçado nas trajetórias familiares e pessoais de escolaridade e ocupações profissionais resultam em Discursos de Sujeitos Coletivos (orientados por Lefèvre, F. e Lefèvre, A. M. C., 2003). A análise desses discursos viabilizam a demarcação de identidades, geradas em suas histórias de vida; bem como, demarcam preconceitos e obstáculos diversos provocadores de descontinuidades. Acolho as deduções de Guimarães (2004) ao identificar padrões de mobilidade da coorte de trabalhadores demitidos da indústria petroquímica, e defino três padrões de trajetórias de inserção. Concluo que as trajetórias de reconversão do Grupo Laranja e as trajetórias de exclusão do Grupo Azul estão na contramão da formação técnica, que é perseguida nas trajetórias de permanência pelo Grupo Verde. E a escola, ignorando o colorido em sua volta, lida com a pedagogia como se o mundo fosse monocromático, e tudo permanece como está. Embora a Constituição Federativa do Brasil legisle que não pode existir a divisão sexual do trabalho, constato no campo factual trajetórias de inserção profissional condicionadas por preconceito de gênero. Por fim, tomo de Peralva (1997) a conclusão de que as idades da vida não são fenômenos naturais, e sim, sociais e históricos, e são plurais. O que é escrito em determinada idade pelo sujeito, está condicionado pelo seu padrão identitário. A história não é estática, é movimento; por isso mesmo, não são imutáveis os habitus pelos quais transitam os sujeitos. As cores definem identidades e os sujeitos podem transitar entre elas. Esses resultados elucidam os (des)caminhos nas trajetórias dos jovens no seu processo de inserção profissional nos Cursos Técnicos do SJB, indicam a influência do contexto sócio-econômico-cultural e rompem com as promessas anunciadas pela Teoria do Capital Humano. As deduções suscitam novos questionamentos que marcam a incompletude do meu próprio percurso. Um convite à continuidade... / This dissertation is the result of a wide-ranging study that aims to understand the complexity of the (out)ways in the trajectories of the young in the process of professional insertion from the Technical Course in Eletrotecnic and Chemistry at SJB Technical State School – Montenegro/RS, from 2001 to 2004. To clarity these complex trajectories of profissional insertion, supported on the authors with whom I dialog on this text, constitutes the focus of my investigator way, because is the first step towards the intervention possibility of changing. The historicity (time-space) goes through the theoretical revision and the analysis of the reality. I focus the man, subject circumscribed by ideologies/beliefs engendered by their socio-economical-cultural context, and their habitus, according to Pierre Bourdieu. These references support the empiric-qualitative research, when a sharp look in the familiar and personal trajectories of school degree and professional occupation result in Speeches of Collective Subjects (guided by Lefévre, F. and Lefévre, A. M. C., 2003). The analysis of these speeches enables the demarcating of identities, generated in their life histories; as well as they demarcate prejudices and diversified obstacles that provoke discontinuities. I take Guimarães (2004) deductions, when he identifies patterns of mobility of the “coorte” of fired workers from the Petrochemical industry, and define three patterns of trajectories of insertion. I conclude that the trajectories of recon version from the orange group and the trajectories of exclusion from the blue group are on the opposite way from the technique formation, which is pursued on the trajectories of permanence by the green group. And the school, ignoring the colored around, deals with pedagogy as if the world was monochromatic, and everything remains the same. Although the Federative Constitution of Brazil says that there can’t be the work sexual division, I see that on the factual field trajectories of professional insertion conditioned to gender prejudice. Finally, I took from Peralva (1997) the conclusion that the ages of life are not natural phenomena, but social and historical, and they are plural. What is written in a definite age by the subject, it is not conditioned by their identification pattern. The history is not static, it is movement; that’s why the habitus through which the subjects go through are not unchangeable. And, still, the colors define identities, but, the subjects may transit among them. These results elucidate the (out) ways in the trajectories of the young in their process of professional insertion from the Technique Courses at SJB, indicate the influence of the socio-economical-cultural context and break with the promises announced by the Human Capital Theory. The deductions generate new questions that mark the sketchiness of my own way. An invitation to the continuity…

Trajetórias de jovens em processo de inserção profissional do Curso Técnico em Eletrotécnica e Curso Técnico em Química na Escola Estadual Técnica São João Batista - Montenegro/RS, no período de 2001 a 2004

Piccinini, Teresinha Backes January 2006 (has links)
Esta Dissertação é o resultado de um abrangente estudo com o qual objetivo compreender a complexidade dos (des)caminhos nas trajetórias de jovens em processo de inserção profissional do Curso Técnico em Eletrotécnica e Curso Técnico em Química, na Escola Estadual Técnica São João Batista – Montenegro/RS, no período de 2001 a 2004. Desvelar estas complexas trajetórias de inserção profissional, sustentada nos autores com os quais neste texto dialogo, constitui o foco central do meu percurso investigatório, porque é um ponto de partida para a possibilidade de intervenção à mudança. A historicidade (tempo-espaço) perpassa a revisão teórica e a análise da realidade. Focalizo o homem, um sujeito circunscrito por ideologias/crenças engendradas por seu contexto sócio-econômico-cultural, o seu habitus, segundo Pierre Bourdieu. Essas referências sustentam a pesquisa empírica – qualitativa, quando um olhar aguçado nas trajetórias familiares e pessoais de escolaridade e ocupações profissionais resultam em Discursos de Sujeitos Coletivos (orientados por Lefèvre, F. e Lefèvre, A. M. C., 2003). A análise desses discursos viabilizam a demarcação de identidades, geradas em suas histórias de vida; bem como, demarcam preconceitos e obstáculos diversos provocadores de descontinuidades. Acolho as deduções de Guimarães (2004) ao identificar padrões de mobilidade da coorte de trabalhadores demitidos da indústria petroquímica, e defino três padrões de trajetórias de inserção. Concluo que as trajetórias de reconversão do Grupo Laranja e as trajetórias de exclusão do Grupo Azul estão na contramão da formação técnica, que é perseguida nas trajetórias de permanência pelo Grupo Verde. E a escola, ignorando o colorido em sua volta, lida com a pedagogia como se o mundo fosse monocromático, e tudo permanece como está. Embora a Constituição Federativa do Brasil legisle que não pode existir a divisão sexual do trabalho, constato no campo factual trajetórias de inserção profissional condicionadas por preconceito de gênero. Por fim, tomo de Peralva (1997) a conclusão de que as idades da vida não são fenômenos naturais, e sim, sociais e históricos, e são plurais. O que é escrito em determinada idade pelo sujeito, está condicionado pelo seu padrão identitário. A história não é estática, é movimento; por isso mesmo, não são imutáveis os habitus pelos quais transitam os sujeitos. As cores definem identidades e os sujeitos podem transitar entre elas. Esses resultados elucidam os (des)caminhos nas trajetórias dos jovens no seu processo de inserção profissional nos Cursos Técnicos do SJB, indicam a influência do contexto sócio-econômico-cultural e rompem com as promessas anunciadas pela Teoria do Capital Humano. As deduções suscitam novos questionamentos que marcam a incompletude do meu próprio percurso. Um convite à continuidade... / This dissertation is the result of a wide-ranging study that aims to understand the complexity of the (out)ways in the trajectories of the young in the process of professional insertion from the Technical Course in Eletrotecnic and Chemistry at SJB Technical State School – Montenegro/RS, from 2001 to 2004. To clarity these complex trajectories of profissional insertion, supported on the authors with whom I dialog on this text, constitutes the focus of my investigator way, because is the first step towards the intervention possibility of changing. The historicity (time-space) goes through the theoretical revision and the analysis of the reality. I focus the man, subject circumscribed by ideologies/beliefs engendered by their socio-economical-cultural context, and their habitus, according to Pierre Bourdieu. These references support the empiric-qualitative research, when a sharp look in the familiar and personal trajectories of school degree and professional occupation result in Speeches of Collective Subjects (guided by Lefévre, F. and Lefévre, A. M. C., 2003). The analysis of these speeches enables the demarcating of identities, generated in their life histories; as well as they demarcate prejudices and diversified obstacles that provoke discontinuities. I take Guimarães (2004) deductions, when he identifies patterns of mobility of the “coorte” of fired workers from the Petrochemical industry, and define three patterns of trajectories of insertion. I conclude that the trajectories of recon version from the orange group and the trajectories of exclusion from the blue group are on the opposite way from the technique formation, which is pursued on the trajectories of permanence by the green group. And the school, ignoring the colored around, deals with pedagogy as if the world was monochromatic, and everything remains the same. Although the Federative Constitution of Brazil says that there can’t be the work sexual division, I see that on the factual field trajectories of professional insertion conditioned to gender prejudice. Finally, I took from Peralva (1997) the conclusion that the ages of life are not natural phenomena, but social and historical, and they are plural. What is written in a definite age by the subject, it is not conditioned by their identification pattern. The history is not static, it is movement; that’s why the habitus through which the subjects go through are not unchangeable. And, still, the colors define identities, but, the subjects may transit among them. These results elucidate the (out) ways in the trajectories of the young in their process of professional insertion from the Technique Courses at SJB, indicate the influence of the socio-economical-cultural context and break with the promises announced by the Human Capital Theory. The deductions generate new questions that mark the sketchiness of my own way. An invitation to the continuity…

The Importance of Minority Rights for the European Union in the EU Accession Process of Kosovo.

Haumesser-Savio, Valentin January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Western Balkans and Austrian position on the EU integration of Western Balkans / Western Balkans and Austrian position on the EU integration of Western Balkans

Holopírková, Petra January 2008 (has links)
Rozbor oficiálních stanovisek EU k rozšíření EU o země Západního Balkánu (Chorvatsko, Makedonie, Černá Hora, Albánie, BiH, Srbsko, nově Kosovo) ukazuje na zdrženlivost EU k vlastnímu aktu přijetí. Přes všechna prohlášení o vůli přijmout tyto země, tato vyjádření zůstávají spíše proklamací, bez vyhlášení konkrétních dat přijetí těchto zemí do společenství. Na rozdíl od Rakouska, která jako jediná země EU deklaruje co nejrychlejší rozšíření EU o země Západního Balkánu přímo ve vládním programu jako prioritu své zahraniční politiky. Motivace Rakouska je založena na důkladné ekonomické analýze situace, kdy Rakouské investice do těchto zemí jsou nejvyšší ze všech zemí EU. Mezi Rakouskem a zeměmi Západního Balkánu a Rakouskem probíhá čilý obchod i pohyb osob, na který ostatní země EU nejsou ještě připraveny. Překážkou rychlého přijetí se tedy jeví důvody povahy nikoliv ekonomické, ale politické. Evropská unie se shoduje na roku 2008 jako na roku klíčovém v přístupových jednáních. V době publikace této práce ovšem EU nebyla s to jako celek schválit nezávislost Kosova. Minimálně tento bod zůstává otevřen k dořešení v roce 2008 spolu s dalšími body týkajícími se příštího rozšíření. EU má v této chvíli (duben 2008) jasno, že favorizovanými kandidáty pro přístup jsou Chorvatsko, Makedonie a Albánie, zatím bez konkrétního data přístupu.

Kandidátske krajiny EU: zhodnotenie prípravy na pristúpenie / EU candidate countries - evaluation of the preparation for Accession Process

Zajoncová, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
The thesis describes the process of enlargement of EU, with emphasis on circumstances, which influences the enlargement process, with current candidate countries (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey) and the new member state Croatia as example. The thesis is divided into three chapters; first chapter presents basic information about phases of the process. Second chapter deals with previous enlargements of European Community, or EU. Third chapter analyzes current candidate states, presents their political and economical characteristics and current stage of the process. A part of the third chapter predicts future development and possible date of the entry of each candidate state.

Les évolutions de la règle électorale dans les systèmes politiques transitionnels : les élections législatives en Europe du Sud-Est (1989-2009) / Changes in the electoral rule in transitional political systems : the parliamentary elections in South Eastern Europe (1989-2009)

Ogou, Dogba Blaise 04 February 2016 (has links)
Le sujet central de cette thèse concerne les évolutions de la règle électorale dans les régimespost-communistes et traite de la contribution de ces évolutions à la démocratisation dessystèmes politiques de l’Europe du Sud-Est, à partir d’un échantillon d’Etats (Albanie,Bulgarie, Macédoine, Roumanie et Serbie-Monténégro). La transition démocratique et lechangement de régime impliquent la construction d’une nouvelle légitimité politique. Cettelégitimité passe par les élections qui sont au coeur de la démocratie. Ce travail cherche àcomprendre comment sont choisies les règles régissant ces élections. Le choix du systèmeélectoral est, dans une grande mesure, la conséquence de plusieurs processus. L’accent mis surles facteurs déterminants de l’adoption et de la réforme électorale permet de comprendre lesmotivations et les objectifs des évolutions de la règle électorale en Europe post-communiste.L’étude de la législation réformée et l’analyse du comportement des acteurs électorauxpermettent de constater que les leaders politiques ont très souvent contourné le sensdémocratique de la norme électorale. Dans cet échantillon d’Etats, les évolutions de la règleélectorale ont eu des conséquences relatives sur le nombre des partis politiques représentés auParlement. Le changement de régime a favorisé l’alternance des majorités électorales etparlementaires. Cette alternance démontre que les principes démocratiques des électionscontribuent à la stabilisation démocratique, même si le contexte et les enjeux politiques propresà cette région favorisent une relative instabilité des majorités parlementaires etgouvernementales. / The central subject of this thesis concerns the developments of the electoral rule in postcommunistregimes and discusses the contribution of these changes to the democratization ofpolitical systems of Southeast Europe, from a sample of states (Albania, Bulgaria, Macedonia,Romania and Serbia-Montenegro). Democratic transition and regime change involves theconstruction of a new political legitimacy. This legitimacy is through elections that are at theheart of democracy. This work seeks to understand how the rules are chosen these elections.The choice of electoral system is, to a large extent, the result of several processes. The focus onthe determinants of adoption and electoral reform to understanding the motivations and goalsof the developments of the electoral rule in post-communist Europe. The study of the reformedlegislation and behavior analysis of electoral allow players to see that the political leaders haveoften bypassed the democratic sense of the electoral standard. In this sample of countries,changes in the electoral rule had consequences on the number of political parties represented inParliament. Regime change has favored the alternation of parliamentary and electoralmajorities. This alternation shows that the democratic principles of elections contribute to thedemocratic stabilization, even if the context and the political stakes in this region favor a relativeinstability of parliamentary and government majority.

Uvođenje novih upravljačkih mjera u zaštićenim područjima sa ciljem unapređenja modela zaštite prirode u Crnoj Gori / The introduction of new management measures in protected areas with the aim of enhancing improving models of nature protection of Montenegro

Luburić Veselin 27 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Potreba za organizovanom za&scaron;titom i upravljanjem za&scaron;tićenim područjima prirode javila se krajem XIX&nbsp; vijeka. To koindicira sa konstituisanjem prvog Nacionalnog parka na svijetu, Jelouston, Amerika. Formalno su za nacionalne parkove progla&scaron;ena područja Durmitora, Lovćena i Biogradske gore 1952. godine. Sljedeće za&scaron;tićeno područje, Skadarsko jezero, progla&scaron;eno je 1983. dok je najmlađi Nacionalni park Prokletije formiran 2009. godine. Najmlađe za&scaron;tićeno područje u Crnoj Gori je Regionalni park Piva. Činjenica da je Crna Gora prva deklarisana ekolo&scaron;ka država na svijetu, &scaron;to je Ustavom definisana kategorija, obavezuje sve subjekte na lokalnom, regionalnom i<br />državnom nivou da se aktivno uključe u proces organizovanog upravljanja i za&scaron;tite područja prirode i da na kompleksan način rade na unapređenju i održivom kori&scaron;ćenju njihovih resursa. Primarna funkcija u svim tim procesima mora biti za&scaron;tita prirodnih elemenata, stani&scaron;ta, vrsta i habitata.</p> / <p>The need for an organized protection&nbsp; and management of protected natural areas&nbsp; emerged in the late XIX century. it coincides with the establishment of the first national park in the world, Yellowstone, USA. Areas of Durmitor, Lovcen and Biogradska Gora were formally declared national parks in 1952.Skadar Lake became protected area in1983, while the youngest national park Prokletije was declared in 2009. The youngest protected area in Montenegro is the Regional Park Piva.The fact that according to theConstitution Montenegro was declared the world&#39;s first ecological state, obliges all parties at local, regional and state level to actively engage in a process of organized management and protection of natural areas, as well as to work on improvementand sustainable usage of their resources. Primary function in all those processes&nbsp; should be the protection of natural elements, species and habitats.</p>

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