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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Komparativ fallstudie om svenska hushålls internationella fastighetsinvesteringar i Kroatien och Montenegro

Kadric, Emir, Zecevic, Robin January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen strävar efter att jämföra svenska hushålls fastighetsinvesteringar i ett EU land(Kroatien) och ett land utanför EU (Montenegro). Uppsatsen analyserar empiriska resultatetför att hitta både det positiva och det negativa som en investering i länderna medför. Kroatienoch Montenegro valdes på grund av författarnas etnicitet och deras kontaktnät medprivatpersoner som investerat i länderna samt likheterna i klimat och kultur för att minskapåverkande faktorer. Författarna strävar för att utöka den vetenskapliga kunskapen omtransaktionskostnader från privathushålls perspektiv I både utvecklade och underutveckladeländer med potential. Det finns massor med vetenskapligt baserad information omtransaktionskostnader tillgängligt men nästan enbart från ett kommersiellt perspektiv.Frånvaron av forskning kring transaktionskostnader för privatpersoner är oroväckande ochjust därför är denna uppsats nödvändig. För att göra detta konstruerades två enkäter för attsamla information om processerna vid dessa typer av internationella investeringar.Information som samlades in analyserades med hjälp av tidigare forskning omtransaktionskostnader och transparens samt teorin om The New Institutional Economics.Sedan diskuterades resultatet och både skillnaderna mellan de utvecklade ochunderutvecklade länderna samt hushållens och kommersiella perspektivet var förvånansvärt. / The study seeks to compare Swedish household property investment in a EU country(Croatia) and a country outside of EU (Montenegro). The study analyzes the empirical resultsto find both the positive and negative that derives from an investment in the countries. Croatiaand Montenegro were chosen because of the origins of the authors and their connections toprivate investors in these countries. The authors seek to broaden the current scientificknowledge about private household property investments in the area of transaction cost andinvestments in both developed countries and underdeveloped countries with potential.Scientifically researched information about transactional cost is a widely available but acommon consensus in these papers is that the subject matter is commercial. The absent ofresearch of transactional cost for private household investors is alarming and to fill this gap,this study is essential. To do this, two surveys were constructed to obtain information on theprocess of investments in these countries. The information obtained from the surveys wasexamined with the help of prior studies on transactional cost and transparency but also withthe theory on the New Institutional Economics theory. The results and findings were laterdiscussed and the difference of both the developed and underdeveloped perspective and thehousehold and commercial perspective were astonishing.

Zločin a genocida ve světle rosudku MSD / The crime of genocide in the light of a judgment of the ICJ

Rákociová, Silvia January 2011 (has links)
The crime of genocide in the light of a judgment of the ICJ This diploma thesis addresses the influence of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) decision1 on the crime of genocide. On 22nd March 1993 Bosnia and Herzegovina brought an action against the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRJ) before the ICJ. FRJ was charged with the breach of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Convention). After 14 years, the ICJ held decision on 26th February 2007. In the beginning, the Court had to solve procedural issue concerning the position of the Respondent in the dispute and after it positive answer, it could proceed to consider the merits of the case. The important part of the Decision is dedicated to the responsibility of a state for the genocide. Although the Convention did not explicitly anchor it, the Court deduced it by interpretation of the Article I. The prohibition on the genocide is then recognized not only under the customary law, but also in the Convention. Consequently "the Court observes that the obligations in question in this case (...) and the responsibilities of the States (...) are obligations and responsibilities under international law. They are not of a criminal nature."2 Therefore, the standard of proof is not as high as beyond reasonable doubts...

Nadnárodní a mezivládní postoj k přístupovému procesu Černé hory do Evropské unie / Supranational and intergovernmental approach to the accession process of Montenegro to the European Union

Kopanicky, Marek January 2019 (has links)
The volume deals with the analysis of the relationship of the two dominant theoretical approaches of European integration - supranational and intergovernmental - towards the EU enlargement policy on the example of the accession process of Montenegro. The research goes into depth by analysing not the complex accession process as such, but the relations and attention of various European institutions and the EU member states to the particular and deliberately selected negotiation chapters of the Acquis Communautaire. The main aim of the thesis is to find out to what extent and whether at all does the behaviour of the EU institutions and its member states by the accession process correspond with the internal structure of the EU policies and competences stipulated in the EU treaties. The thesis succeeded to show that there is no reason to believe that the activities of the supranational institutions of the EU - the Commission and the Parliament - are dominant by chapter which is closely connected to the exclusive competence of the EU or that they would pay any special attention to this chapter. Similarly, there is no explicit proof that the activities of the incumbent EU member states are dominant by chapter which is closely connected to the shared competence of the EU or that they would pay any...

Kosovo & Montenegro : Why Different Outcomes?

Ardolic, Mimoza January 2008 (has links)
Abstract University of Växjö, School of Social Sciences Course: PO 5363, Political Science Title: Kosovo & Montenegro – Why Different Outcomes? Author: Mimoza Ardolic Supervisor: Lennart Bergfeldt Date: 2008-01-15 The purpose of this study has been to assess why the pursuit for independence turned out to be a matter of such difficulty in the case of Kosovo and not in Montenegro, seeing as they are two apparent similar cases. The research questions are:  How can it be that two analogous situations where two regions (Kosovo and Montenegro), quite similar in several aspects, want independence from the same country (Serbia) result in so different outcomes?  Why has Kosovo’s attempt to achieve self-government been such a difficulty?  Why did Montenegro manage to achieve autonomy without (great) difficulties? The findings are that despite the similarity between these two cases, they have ample differing characteristics as well. The factors detected are that whilst the Kosovo conflict is characterized by: a troublesome history, no common ground, an existing deep hatred, Russian opposition and the nationalist Milošević; the Montenegrin case is set apart by: an intertwining, rather peaceful history, friendly relations, Russian cordiality and the nationalist Djukanović. The interpretation of these elements according to the nationalist theory is as follows: Milošević and Djukanović (and their ideology: nationalism) are the real causes. The other elements are mere means to their ambition for nation building. The difference between these two men and the elements (their means) explains the different outcomes in the two cases.

Negotiating tropes of madness : trauma and identity in post-Yugoslav cinemas

Levi, Dejan January 2014 (has links)
This thesis examines how madness has been used in post-Yugoslav cinemas to facilitate thinking about experiences of the break-up of the SFRY throughout the 1990s and 2000s, its consequences and implications for the future. The study conceptualises post-Yugoslav film cultures as public spheres in which artistic and industrial practices are often combined to create meaning around the core themes of trauma and identity in post-Yugoslav cultures. Working with seven feature-length titles from a range of post-Yugoslav successor states (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia and Kosovo) I illustrate how images of madness have been essential in the cultural processing of events of the 1990s. Whilst featuring individuals suffering mental instabilities and disturbances, and sometimes asylums or mental health institutions, I contend such films are not ultimately concerned – on a thematic level – with mental health, but instead focus on the use of such characters in a metaphoric capacity for engaging core themes of Yugoslav break-up, conflicts, and difficulties of subsequent transition. Using the semantic/syntactic approach to genre, I identify two common ways in which madness is used on a textual level to engage these core themes. The first of these, the ‘inside-out asylum trope of madness’, is concerned with the use of the asylum in films which assess critically the dominant political ideologies of the successor states in question at a time when political pluralism was not yet established by the transition process. Films discussed include Burlesque Tragedy (Marković, 1995), Marshall Tito’s Spirit (Brešan, 1999), and Kukumi (Qosja, 2005). The second trope is the ‘multiple realities trope of madness’ in which the presentation of diegetic reality on screen is adapted to reflect various conceptualisations of trauma and loss arising from Yugoslav break-up and transition. Here the films include Loving Glances (Karanović, 2003), Fuse (Žalica, 2003), Mirage (Ristovski, 2004) and Land of Truth, Love and Freedom (Petrović, 2000). Across the films selected, it is madness which ultimately provides a diverse pool of metaphors and images for an assessment of Yugoslavia’s traumatic demise and the ensuing process of picking through the debris of its ideology, cultural practices, values and ways of living for precisely what might be salvageable and what should be discarded.

Природне вредности као основа унапређења туристичке понуде северозападне Црне Горе / Prirodne vrednosti kao osnova unapređenja turističke ponude severozapadne Crne Gore / Natural values as the basis of tourism in north western Montenegro

Srdanović Mićo 15 October 2015 (has links)
<p>У овој дисертацији су студиозно сагледане могућности унапређења туристичке понуде северозападне&nbsp; Црне&nbsp; Горе(општине&nbsp; Жабљак,&nbsp; Пљевља,&nbsp; Плужине,&nbsp; Шавник)&nbsp; на&nbsp; бази недовољно&nbsp; искоришћених&nbsp; природних&nbsp; туристичких&nbsp; вредности.&nbsp; Управо&nbsp; разноврстан, хоризонтално&nbsp; и&nbsp; вертикално&nbsp; рашчлањен&nbsp; рељеф&nbsp; и&nbsp; веома&nbsp; сложен&nbsp; геолошки&nbsp; састав, специфичне климатске&nbsp; карактеристике, потом реке и бројна планинска језера, те богат биљни и животињски свет, представљају оне природне вредности које потенцијално чине&nbsp;основу унапређења туристичке понуде овог дела Црне Горе базираног и на заштићеним природним добрима (Национални парк&bdquo;Дурмитор&ldquo;, Регионални парк&bdquo;Пива&ldquo;). Посебан акценат је дат у сагледавању и оцени нивоа искоришћености природних туристичких вредности,&nbsp; као&nbsp; примарних&nbsp; туристичких&nbsp; мотива&nbsp; у&nbsp; границама&nbsp; истраживаног&nbsp; простора. Истовремено су уз процену и вредновање ових ресурса предложене поједине активности за&nbsp; њихово&nbsp; квалитетније&nbsp; уклапање&nbsp; у&nbsp; туристичку&nbsp; понуду&nbsp; северозападне&nbsp; Црне&nbsp; Горе.<br />Реализација таквих активности би требала утицати на унапређење туристичке понуде које се може постићи, генерално само развојем туризма који је у сагласности са еколошким нормама, нарочито ако се имају у виду постојећа заштићена природна добра на територији подручја. Такође је у разматрању наведене проблематике презентовано актуелно стање постојеће укупне туристичке понуде истраживаног подручја која укључује или би требала<br />укључивато поједине антропогене вредности. Оне практично нису укључене у понуду локалних&nbsp; туристичких&nbsp; агенција,&nbsp; с&nbsp; обзиром&nbsp; на&nbsp; то&nbsp; да&nbsp; су&nbsp; агенције&nbsp; готово&nbsp; искључиво&nbsp;&nbsp; усмерене на програме валоризације природних вредности (рафтинг, планинарење и др.). Ове вредности јесу основа унапређења туристичке понуде подручја, али су антропогене вредности&nbsp; њена&nbsp; потенцијално&nbsp; адекватна&nbsp; допуна&nbsp; која&nbsp; уз&nbsp; одговарајуће&nbsp; активности надлежних&nbsp; субјеката&nbsp; може&nbsp; утицати&nbsp; једним&nbsp; делом&nbsp; на&nbsp; садржајну&nbsp; диверзификацију туристичке понуде подручја. SWOT анализом се кроз њене саставне факторе указало на&nbsp;<br />значајне претпоставке у формирању туристичке понуде истраживаног подручја, као што се указало и на прагове ограничења, али и на могућности које могу послужити за умањење или&nbsp; превазилажење&nbsp; неких&nbsp; од&nbsp; њих.&nbsp; За&nbsp; реализацију&nbsp; тих&nbsp; могућности&nbsp; је&nbsp; потребна&nbsp; свест локалне заједнице о томе да се резултати појединих негативних процеса на делу подручја (изразити пример НП&bdquo;Дурмитор&ldquo;) који су мотивисани краткорочним потребама морају са аспекта квалитета природних вредности, одразити на исте кроз дугорочне импликације.<br />Осим&nbsp; овом&nbsp; анализом,&nbsp; значајна&nbsp; сазнања&nbsp; су&nbsp; добијена&nbsp; и&nbsp; из&nbsp; анкетног&nbsp; истраживања спроведеног&nbsp; на&nbsp; узорку&nbsp; од200 случајно&nbsp; изабраних&nbsp; туриста&nbsp; на&nbsp; више&nbsp; локација&nbsp; унутар подручја.&nbsp; Резултати&nbsp; овог&nbsp; истраживања&nbsp; су&nbsp; послужили&nbsp; као&nbsp; веома&nbsp; валидан&nbsp; индикатор предности&nbsp; и&nbsp; недостатака&nbsp; актуелне&nbsp; туристичке&nbsp; понуде,&nbsp; али&nbsp; и&nbsp; нивоа&nbsp; задовољства анкетираних туриста чиме је такође указано на смернице унапређења појединих сегмената туристичке понуде. Наглашеним апликативним карактером овај део истраживања пружа одговарајући&nbsp; информативни&nbsp; допринос&nbsp; надлежним&nbsp; туристичким&nbsp; субјектима&nbsp; којим&nbsp; се<br />указује&nbsp; на&nbsp; анкетним&nbsp; истраживањем&nbsp; утврђен&nbsp; степен&nbsp; афирмативности&nbsp; места,&nbsp; односно подручја&nbsp; у&nbsp; целини.&nbsp; Истовремено,&nbsp; резултати&nbsp; поменутог&nbsp; истраживања&nbsp; пружају,&nbsp; између осталог, и значајне информације које се односе на остварен квалитет, као и на израженије преферирање неких сегмената туристичке понуде при чему исто може послужити делом и као полазна основа у прилагођавању појединих сегмената понуде потребама туриста. Истраживањем&nbsp; у&nbsp; оквиру&nbsp; израде&nbsp; дисертације&nbsp; је&nbsp; констатоватована&nbsp; присутност&nbsp; одређене<br />дискоординације услед различитости у нивоима надлежности и неуједначености у погледу централизације/децентрализације управљања над појединим организационим субјектима. У вези са тим, а на основу резултата проистеклих из целокупно спроведеног истраживања кроз интердисциплинарни приступ дошло се до сагледавања потребе реализације више конкретних мера међу којима је једна од њих потреба формирања Регионалне туристичке организације&nbsp; што&nbsp; је&nbsp; једна&nbsp; од&nbsp; предиспозиција&nbsp; које&nbsp; су&nbsp; од&nbsp; значаја&nbsp; у&nbsp; просецу&nbsp; бољег позиционирања истраживаног подручја као туристичке дестинације.</p> / <p>U ovoj disertaciji su studiozno sagledane mogućnosti unapređenja turističke ponude severozapadne&nbsp; Crne&nbsp; Gore(opštine&nbsp; Žabljak,&nbsp; Pljevlja,&nbsp; Plužine,&nbsp; Šavnik)&nbsp; na&nbsp; bazi nedovoljno&nbsp; iskorišćenih&nbsp; prirodnih&nbsp; turističkih&nbsp; vrednosti.&nbsp; Upravo&nbsp; raznovrstan, horizontalno&nbsp; i&nbsp; vertikalno&nbsp; raščlanjen&nbsp; reljef&nbsp; i&nbsp; veoma&nbsp; složen&nbsp; geološki&nbsp; sastav, specifične klimatske&nbsp; karakteristike, potom reke i brojna planinska jezera, te bogat biljni i životinjski svet, predstavljaju one prirodne vrednosti koje potencijalno čine&nbsp;osnovu unapređenja turističke ponude ovog dela Crne Gore baziranog i na zaštićenim prirodnim dobrima (Nacionalni park&bdquo;Durmitor&ldquo;, Regionalni park&bdquo;Piva&ldquo;). Poseban akcenat je dat u sagledavanju i oceni nivoa iskorišćenosti prirodnih turističkih vrednosti,&nbsp; kao&nbsp; primarnih&nbsp; turističkih&nbsp; motiva&nbsp; u&nbsp; granicama&nbsp; istraživanog&nbsp; prostora. Istovremeno su uz procenu i vrednovanje ovih resursa predložene pojedine aktivnosti za&nbsp; njihovo&nbsp; kvalitetnije&nbsp; uklapanje&nbsp; u&nbsp; turističku&nbsp; ponudu&nbsp; severozapadne&nbsp; Crne&nbsp; Gore.<br />Realizacija takvih aktivnosti bi trebala uticati na unapređenje turističke ponude koje se može postići, generalno samo razvojem turizma koji je u saglasnosti sa ekološkim normama, naročito ako se imaju u vidu postojeća zaštićena prirodna dobra na teritoriji područja. Takođe je u razmatranju navedene problematike prezentovano aktuelno stanje postojeće ukupne turističke ponude istraživanog područja koja uključuje ili bi trebala<br />uključivato pojedine antropogene vrednosti. One praktično nisu uključene u ponudu lokalnih&nbsp; turističkih&nbsp; agencija,&nbsp; s&nbsp; obzirom&nbsp; na&nbsp; to&nbsp; da&nbsp; su&nbsp; agencije&nbsp; gotovo&nbsp; isključivo&nbsp;&nbsp; usmerene na programe valorizacije prirodnih vrednosti (rafting, planinarenje i dr.). Ove vrednosti jesu osnova unapređenja turističke ponude područja, ali su antropogene vrednosti&nbsp; njena&nbsp; potencijalno&nbsp; adekvatna&nbsp; dopuna&nbsp; koja&nbsp; uz&nbsp; odgovarajuće&nbsp; aktivnosti nadležnih&nbsp; subjekata&nbsp; može&nbsp; uticati&nbsp; jednim&nbsp; delom&nbsp; na&nbsp; sadržajnu&nbsp; diverzifikaciju turističke ponude područja. SWOT analizom se kroz njene sastavne faktore ukazalo na&nbsp;<br />značajne pretpostavke u formiranju turističke ponude istraživanog područja, kao što se ukazalo i na pragove ograničenja, ali i na mogućnosti koje mogu poslužiti za umanjenje ili&nbsp; prevazilaženje&nbsp; nekih&nbsp; od&nbsp; njih.&nbsp; Za&nbsp; realizaciju&nbsp; tih&nbsp; mogućnosti&nbsp; je&nbsp; potrebna&nbsp; svest lokalne zajednice o tome da se rezultati pojedinih negativnih procesa na delu područja (izraziti primer NP&bdquo;Durmitor&ldquo;) koji su motivisani kratkoročnim potrebama moraju sa aspekta kvaliteta prirodnih vrednosti, odraziti na iste kroz dugoročne implikacije.<br />Osim&nbsp; ovom&nbsp; analizom,&nbsp; značajna&nbsp; saznanja&nbsp; su&nbsp; dobijena&nbsp; i&nbsp; iz&nbsp; anketnog&nbsp; istraživanja sprovedenog&nbsp; na&nbsp; uzorku&nbsp; od200 slučajno&nbsp; izabranih&nbsp; turista&nbsp; na&nbsp; više&nbsp; lokacija&nbsp; unutar područja.&nbsp; Rezultati&nbsp; ovog&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; su&nbsp; poslužili&nbsp; kao&nbsp; veoma&nbsp; validan&nbsp; indikator prednosti&nbsp; i&nbsp; nedostataka&nbsp; aktuelne&nbsp; turističke&nbsp; ponude,&nbsp; ali&nbsp; i&nbsp; nivoa&nbsp; zadovoljstva anketiranih turista čime je takođe ukazano na smernice unapređenja pojedinih segmenata turističke ponude. Naglašenim aplikativnim karakterom ovaj deo istraživanja pruža odgovarajući&nbsp; informativni&nbsp; doprinos&nbsp; nadležnim&nbsp; turističkim&nbsp; subjektima&nbsp; kojim&nbsp; se<br />ukazuje&nbsp; na&nbsp; anketnim&nbsp; istraživanjem&nbsp; utvrđen&nbsp; stepen&nbsp; afirmativnosti&nbsp; mesta,&nbsp; odnosno područja&nbsp; u&nbsp; celini.&nbsp; Istovremeno,&nbsp; rezultati&nbsp; pomenutog&nbsp; istraživanja&nbsp; pružaju,&nbsp; između ostalog, i značajne informacije koje se odnose na ostvaren kvalitet, kao i na izraženije preferiranje nekih segmenata turističke ponude pri čemu isto može poslužiti delom i kao polazna osnova u prilagođavanju pojedinih segmenata ponude potrebama turista. Istraživanjem&nbsp; u&nbsp; okviru&nbsp; izrade&nbsp; disertacije&nbsp; je&nbsp; konstatovatovana&nbsp; prisutnost&nbsp; određene<br />diskoordinacije usled različitosti u nivoima nadležnosti i neujednačenosti u pogledu centralizacije/decentralizacije upravljanja nad pojedinim organizacionim subjektima. U vezi sa tim, a na osnovu rezultata proisteklih iz celokupno sprovedenog istraživanja kroz interdisciplinarni pristup došlo se do sagledavanja potrebe realizacije više konkretnih mera među kojima je jedna od njih potreba formiranja Regionalne turističke organizacije&nbsp; što&nbsp; je&nbsp; jedna&nbsp; od&nbsp; predispozicija&nbsp; koje&nbsp; su&nbsp; od&nbsp; značaja&nbsp; u&nbsp; prosecu&nbsp; boljeg pozicioniranja istraživanog područja kao turističke destinacije.</p> / null / <p>The dissertation deals with the advancement possibilities of tourist offer in north western part of Montenegro (municipalities of Žabljak, Pljevlja, Plužine, &Scaron;avnik) based &nbsp;on insufficiently utilised natural tourism values. Natural tourism values such as diverse, horizontally and vertically segmented relief, extremely complex geological formation, specific climate features, rivers and numerous mountain lakes, bio-diversity &nbsp;of flora and fauna form the prospective ground for tourism offer advancement in this part of Montenegro jointly with protected natural assets (National Park Durmitor and Regional Park Piva). There is special emphasis on comprehension and evaluation of utilization level of natural tourism assets, as primary tourist motives within the boundaries of the researched area. Simultaneous to estimation and evaluation of the resources, certain activities have been proposed for their qualitative integration into the tourist offer of north western part of Montenegro. Realisation of the activities should impact the&nbsp;tourist offer advancement that can be achieved only by means of tourism development that is in concordance with ecology principles, especially related &nbsp;to existing natural assets of this area. Moreover, the study of the issues describes the current condition of the total tourist offer which implies or should imply certain anthropogenic values of the researched area. In practice anthropogenic values were not included into the offer of the local travel agents. Instead, there was exclusive orientation towards the valorisation programmes of natural values (rafting, mountaineering, etc.). Natural values do create the basis for tourist offer advancement in the area, but anthropogenic values create prospective adequate complement to the &nbsp;tourist offer which together with appropriateactivities of the subjects in charge may in return partly impact the content diversification of the tourist offer in the area. SWOT analysis by means of its constituent factors specifies the presuppositions in tourist offer creation of the researched area, identifies&nbsp;restriction factors and also the possibilities that may help to alleviate or surpass some of them. Furthermore, the realisation of the possibilities demands higher awareness of the local community on the issue that the results of certain negative processes in the part of the researched area (prominent example National Park Durmitor) motivated by short-termed needs must have long-termed impact on natural values in terms of quality. Apart from this analysis, important findings have been obtained by the questionnaire conducted on the sample of 200 randomly&nbsp;selected tourists on several locations within the area. The &nbsp;results of the research serve as a valid indicator of strengths and weaknesses of the current tourist offer and the level of satisfaction of the respondents, which also indicates the directions for future improvement of certain segments within the tourist offer. This part of the research offers appropriate informative contribution to the tourism subjects by means of its highlighted applicative potential and defined level of affirmative features of the total area. At the same time the results of the research offer significant information on the achieved quality level and preferred segments of tourist &nbsp;offer that may partly&nbsp;serve as the basisfor adaptation of certain segments within the offer to tourist needs.&nbsp;The research conducted for doctoral thesis highlighted certain discoordination due to differences&nbsp; between the levels of responsibility and unevenly&nbsp; entralised/decentralised management of organisational subjects. Related to this and based on the results of the research based on interdisciplinary approach several measures have been highlighted, among which the need to form Regional tourist organisation as one of the predispositions for the process of better positioning of the researched area as a tourist destination.</p>

Infecção humana por Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi em área endêmica de leishmaniose visceral no estado do Pará, Brasil: uma abordagem epidemiológica, clínica e imunológica

ROSAS FILHO, Mário de Souza January 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Cássio da Cruz Nogueira (cassionogueirakk@gmail.com) on 2017-10-18T16:07:55Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_InfeccaoHumanaLeishmania.pdf: 1290203 bytes, checksum: 6da944f9d94deadb397ed06c6ab44357 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2017-12-01T14:02:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_InfeccaoHumanaLeishmania.pdf: 1290203 bytes, checksum: 6da944f9d94deadb397ed06c6ab44357 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-01T14:02:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_InfeccaoHumanaLeishmania.pdf: 1290203 bytes, checksum: 6da944f9d94deadb397ed06c6ab44357 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Foi realizado um estudo transeccional em um coorte de 946 indivíduos de ambos os sexos, acima de um ano de idade, residentes em área endêmica de leishmaniose visceral americana(LVA), no município de Barcarena, nordeste do Pará,Brasil.O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar indivíduos com a infecção sintomática e/ou assintomática causada pela Leishmania(L.) chagasi e estudar clinica e imunologicamente os dois tipos de infecção. Para o diagnóstico da infecção foi usado a reação de imunofluorescência indireta(RIFI) e a reação intradérmica de Montenegro(RIM), com amastigotas e antígenos de promastigotas de Leishmania(L.) chagasi , respectivamente. Os resultados foram marcados com + a ++++: Para a RIFI, os títulos sorológicos de 80-160 e de 320-640 foram dados de + a ++; em relação aos títulos de 1.280-2.560 e de 5.120-10.240 como +++ e ++++, respectivamente. Para a RIM, as reações exacerbadas (acima de 16mm) como ++++; as reações fortemente: positivas(13-15mm) como +++; moderadamente positivas (9-12mm) como ++, e fracamente positiva (5-8mm) como +. A análise da diferença entre os perfis clínico-imunológicos da infecção foi baseada no programa BioEstat 4.0 e os testes Quiquadrado e Binomial com confiança de 95%. Durante o estudo, 12 pessoas infectadas mostraram os títulos sorológicos elevados (1.280 a 10.240 IgG) com reações negativas de RIM: 5 crianças e 2 adultos desenvolveram LVA com títulos de RIFI do 2.560 (IgG) e RIM negativa. Foram detectadas 2 crianças e 3 adultos que desenvolveram infecções sub-clínicas com títulos de RIFI de 1.280 (IgG) e RIM negativa. Além disso, os dois testes permitiram a identificação de 5 perfis clínico-imunológicos diferentes entre os 231 casos da infecção diagnosticados, como se segue: 1. 77% com infecção assintomática(IA), com a RIM que varia de +/++++ e RIFI negativa; 2. 2% com infecção sintomática(IS = LVA) e 3. 1,3% com infecção sub-clínica oligossintomática (IOS), grupos com RIM negativa e RIFI que varia de +++/++++; 4. 9.9% com uma infecção sub-clínica resistente (ISR), mostrando RIM e RIFI com +/++, e 5. 9.8% com uma infecção inicial indeterminada (III), com RIM negativa e RIFI +/++. A respeito da evolução da infecção, a observação principal era que somente um único caso IS( =AVL) evoluiu do perfil III(infecção inicial indeterminada), de uma amostra de 23 casos, enquanto a maioria das infecções evoluíram aos perfis ISR(9 casos) ou ISO(5 casos), sendo que os últimos 8 casos permaneceram como perfil III. / A transeccional study was carried out in a cohort of 946 individuals of both sexes, from one year old and upwards, living in endemic area of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL), municipality of Barcarena, northeast Pará, Brazil. The major aim of this study was to identify individuals with the symptomatic and/or asymptomatic infection due to Leishmania (L.) chagasi, and to study the two types of infection, both clinically and immunologicall. For diagnosis of infection there were used the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and the leishmanin skin test (LST) with amastigotes and promastigotes antigens of Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi, respectively. Results were scored as + to ++++: for the IFAT, serological titres (IgG) of 80-160 and 320-640 were given + and ++, with those of 1.280-2.560 and 5.120- 10.240 as +++ and ++++ respectively. For the LST, exacerbated reactions (³16mm) were regarded as ++++, strongly positive (13-15mm) as +++, moderately positive (9- 12mm) as ++, and weakly positive (5-8mm) as +. Analysis of the difference among the clinical-immunological profiles of infection was based on the programme BioEstat 4.0 and the X2 and Binomial tests with confidence of 95%. During the study, 12 infected persons showed high serological titres (1.280 to 10.240 IgG) with negative LST reactions: 5 children and 2 adults developed of AVL with IFAT titres ³ 2.560 (IgG) and a negative LST, and 2 children and 3 adults developed subclinical infections with IFAT titre of 1.280 (IgG) and a negative LST. In addition, the two tests enabled the identification of 5 different clinical-immunological profiles within the total of 231 cases of infection diagnosed, as follows: 1. 77% with asymptomatic infection (AI), with LST ranging from +/++++ and a negative IFAT; 2. 2% with symptomatic infection (SI = AVL) and 3. 1.3% with subclinical oligosymptomatic infection (SOI), both groups with a negative LST and IFAT ranging from +++/++++; 4. 9.9% with a subclinical resistant infection (SRI), showing both LST and IFAT with +/++, and 5. 9.8% with an indeterminate initial infection (III), with a negative LST and IFAT +/++. Regarding evolution of infection, the major observation was that only a single case of SI (= AVL) evolved from the profile III (23 cases), from which most infections evolved to the profiles SRI (9 cases) or SOI (5 cases) while the lastly 8 cases remained as III.

Rupturas morfológicas em tecidos urbanos : alterações nos padrões relacionais em redes de ruas

Garateguy, Leonardo Müller January 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa debruçou o seu olhar sobre o problema da falta de continuidade em redes de ruas que, ao que parece, não tem recebido a devida atenção por parte das administrações públicas e equipes de planejamento urbano. Através de análises como integralidade, heterogeneidade das redes espaciais urbanas e análise de bloqueios viários a pesquisa buscou inverter o olhar para elementos (e condições) estruturais que potencialmente prejudicam o desempenho da morfologia urbana de cidades causando impactos de natureza sócio-econômica. Para tanto, lançou mão da construção de grafos e da aplicação de medidas de diferenciação espacial nas redes em estudo, a fim de avançar na compreensão de eventos que possivelmente provocam algum tipo de ruptura na morfologia de cidades, provocando problemas para suas populações. O resultado do estudo apontou para a possibilidade de criação de um conceito específico chamado de microruptura em redes de ruas. / The present research intended to look at/: the problem of lack of continuity in networks of streets that, it seems, has not received due attention by the government and urban planning teams. Through analysis as integrity, spatial heterogeneity of networks and analysis of urban road blockades research sought to reverse its look to elements (and conditions) that potentially affect the structural performance of the urban morphology of cities causing social economic impacts. To do so, it uses the construction of graphs and the application of measures of spatial differentiation in the networks under study in order to advance the understanding of events that possibly provoke some kind of rupture in morphology of cities, causing problems for their people. The result of the study pointed to the possibility of creating a specific concept called microruptures in street networks.

The Cold War and US-Guatemalan Relations During the 1960's

Tomlins, David Brennan 2011 August 1900 (has links)
During the 1960's Guatemalan stability began to falter due to a political and social breakdown; guerilla violence and government repression emerged from this decade as common occurrences. In response to the instability within Guatemala, the US focused on providing significant financial aid to bolster a weak economy, while simultaneously working with the Guatemalan police and military to create more efficient and modern internal security forces capable of combating Communist subversion. Despite US attempts to foster stability, in 1963 President Miguel Ydigoras Fuentes was removed from office by a military coup organized by his opponents within Guatemala. The Lyndon B. Johnson administration continued to support the Guatemalan government and continued to provide economic and military assistance. Despite US assistance, the internal social and political divisions in Guatemala continued to result in violence. In the midst of the escalating violence, elections were held in 1966 and the center left candidate Julio Cesar Mendez Montenegro was elected as the new president of Guatemala. The election of a politically left president further radicalized the Guatemalan right, which resulted in attempted coups and acts of terror. The violence from the leftist guerillas and the radical rightist elements forced Mendez Montenegro to allow the military to use harsh counter-terror strategies to bring the country under control. Despite negative developments, the US consistently tried to help build Guatemalan stability. Unfortunately, its policies ignored the socio-economic inequalities, and internal division which was the biggest problem facing the nation. The internal political division that created the violence and instability made it impossible for any US assistance to have a meaningful impact. During the 1960's these developments in Guatemala paved the way for the violence and genocide of the 1980's and solidified a policy of US involvement that was inadequate and ineffective.

Placing blame or finding peace: a qualitative analysis of the legal response to rape as a war crime in the former Yugoslavia

Whyte, Angela C. 06 January 2005 (has links)
This thesis is a qualitative analysis of the international legal response to rape as war crime in the former Yugoslavia. Through the examination of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the case law it has generated, this thesis addresses the question will the androcentric characteristics of law found in domestic rape cases be replicated at the international level? More specifically this thesis undertakes an examination which questions will international law be able to adequately amplify and listen to women voices, or will the women’s words be silenced by the rule of law? The following research is loosely informed by Carol Smart’s (1989) sociology of law theory combined with Liz Kelly’s (1988) notions of coping, resisting, and surviving. The purpose of using Kelly’s theory is to go beyond viewing women as inevitable victims of sexual assault. The methodological approach is both qualitative and inductive. It draws on data from the ICTY structure, Statute, Rules of Procedures and Evidence, case law and transcripts and women’s stories presented outside the legal realm. The analysis reveals that while written law (including the interpretation and application of the law) is somewhat aware of the experiences of women, it falls short of adequately responding to the needs of women. A detailed look at the women’s stories of war revealed diverse experiences not captured in the legal realm. The women’s stories spoke of concerns beyond sexual assault and other crimes identified by the ICTY Statute. This thesis also introduces alternatives or complimentary approaches to law when dealing with war crimes. These alternatives include women’s local groups and truth commissions. This thesis also identifies the criminological relevance of studying war crimes (as defined by international law) and crimes of war and marks an important step in understanding rape and war from a criminological perspective. / February 2005

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